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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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林果顯, Lin, Guo-Shian Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的目的,在於透過五○、六○年代臺灣的內外情勢,以及文復會工作的分析,解釋文復運動出現的原因,以及該會所扮演的角色。文復運動之所以展開,是中華民國政府在反攻戰事日益拖延的情勢下,為了解決動員戡亂與民主憲政的扞挌衝突,所必須塑造的一套正當性基礎。文復會的角色,則從原先主動塑造政府正當性的地位,在經歷七○年代的國際變局後,轉變為被動配合政府追求現代化的輔助機構。 自1950年以來,中華民國政府即面臨必須號召反攻,卻又不能反攻的情勢。隨著時間的流逝,反攻無望等疑問逐漸上升,以及動員戡亂長久維持所產生的弊病,皆嚴重威脅中華民國政府正當性的基礎。在此情況下,藉由中共文化大革命的發生,遂以文化復興運動塑造政府正當性。其方式是建構臺灣為中華文化唯一寶庫,為保衛傳統文化而需繼續與中共奮鬥,並以蔣中正作為道統傳人,將全民團結於領袖之下,換言之,「道統-國父-蔣公」、「三民主義=文化復興=反攻大陸」成為文復運動的主要內涵。總統兼文復會會長,意味著國家最高的領袖同時肩負文化復興的重責大任,對蔣中正而言,這種身份是繼承國父與道統而來,別人所無法取代。能領導文復會的,是道統傳人,是總統,是蔣中正,而這三者在當時構成了領袖一辭的實質內涵。該運動的工作不一定全是創新,但其鞏固中華民國政府統治正當性的作用,具有領導性與積極性。 文復運動繼承五○年代以來國民黨推動文化運動的手法,黨政機關隱藏在後,動員各式團體響應,使運動蔚為風潮,並宣稱此運動為民間自發的運動。由此,當回頭思考文化霸權的理論時,便發現葛蘭西的分析並不適用於文復運動。葛蘭西強調的是一個自主的市民社會,統治階級必須在此爭取認同,說服市民社會承認其在哲學、道德與知識上的領導權。然而,從背景的回顧來看,臺灣當時根本缺乏所謂自主性的市民社會,反對中華民國政府、需要被說服的勢力早已被剷除,這一點也是先行研究者所共同承認的。用文化霸權解釋文復運動,等於假定了一個不存在的市民社會。而所謂民間團體的積極響應,一種看似社會被統治者說服的景象,實際上也是黨政機構運作下的結果。因此,以文化霸權的概念分析,容易造成理論與事實的誤差。在這個運動中,我們必須注意領袖擁有崇高地位的這項特性,這將在文復會的實際工作中展露無遺。 在實際工作中可以發現,文復會所復興的「中華文化」,是經過篩選,而且利於中華民國政府統治。透過加強民族精神教育,傳達三民主義、愛國意識與擁戴領袖的信念;以推行國語運動等方式,壓抑地方文化,塑造官方同意的國有標準文化;從儒家經典的率先註譯中,又可了解道統學說才是文復會的重心所在。換言之,該運動所復興的「中華文化」,不僅強化三民主義與道統的重要性與普及性,同時亦意欲成為全中國均應學習與維護的唯一文化,成為判別正統中國與「偽政權」的標準文化。 另一方面,文復會制訂「國民生活須知」與「國民禮儀範例」,期望從日常生活當中體現文化復興的精神。貫穿須知與範例的最重要精神,在於嚴格克己與長幼尊卑的要求,將生活上的具體情境化為一條條的行為準則,建立起社會的秩序氣息。文復會採取由上而下的推行方式,期望黨政軍各級首長以身作則,達成上行下效的效果。這種依恃道德表率的思考,以人而言就是向尊長學習,以物而言就是向標語學習,以全國而言就是向政府學習,以運動整體而言就是向領袖學習。而在海外方面,運動的推行對象以華僑為主,這意味著文復會希望全球華人皆能體認正確的「中華文化」,藉由宣傳保衛民族遺產而支持中華民國政府,目的在彰顯世界華人對蔣總統復興文化的全力支持。從文復會海內外的工作來看,文復運動的重心,最終在於促進人民對領袖的擁戴。 然而,到了一九七○年代,外交上的挫折對中華民國政府的正當性基礎產生實質傷害,在穩定政權為首要考量下,蔣中正於1972年繼續連任總統,並提名其子蔣經國任行政院長。蔣經國透過多項社會與政治風氣的改革措施,宣示政府革新的企圖與決心,並以建立現代化國家為號召,推動九項建設等重要基礎工程。文復會在變局下,工作內容亦轉而強調現代化的面向,「國民生活須知」的實踐,出現大量維護清潔衛生與交通秩序的工作,透過政府機關的配合,修改法令加強取締髒亂與交通違規的情事。更具象徵意義的是,文復會的工作報告中,出現大量與蔣(經國)院長相關的活動,這對只配合蔣中正言論和政策的文復會而言,顯示在工作上已將蔣經國納入擁戴領袖的對象。整體而言,文復運動從原本具有領導性質的精神動員,在變局之後轉為依附政府對現代化的追求。 文復運動原是為了在不改變既有秩序的情況下,解決民主憲政與動員戡亂的衝突難題,然而變局後中華民國政府的諸多改變,則使文復會的重要性降低。第一任會長去逝之日,正式代表一個以文化命脈與領袖功業相結合時代的過去。文復會見證了此項轉變,但不變的是對領袖與中華民國政府的忠誠擁戴。

The importance of dress in Christian worship: some missiological implications

Kizito, Joseph 30 June 2002 (has links)
Dress plays an important role in Christian worship. The aim of this study is to describe the importance of dress in the South African Christian context. particularly within the Black Christian society. Two main ideas are covered: firstly. the emphasis on the use of unifonn as a factor influencing worship attendance and secondly, how a uniform affects the quality of worship. Personal investigations into various church groups in the Eastern Cape, particularly the St Anna Sodality, have indicated that specific uniforms are an essential sign of belonging to a particular church. Dress or uniforms also serve as a reminder of people's commitment to their faith. For some groups, a uniform develops a sense of identity, security and fellowship which may have been lost through past political policies. Most importantly the relationship between worship and dress can bring a transformative assertion of the self before God and fellow human beings / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)

African spirituality set in a context of Batswana Christians

Segami, Tom Mogorogi 11 1900 (has links)
In transmitting the Gospel, Western missionaries passed on their portrayal of Christ as a European. Conversion to Christianity was aimed more at promoting Western cultural, moral and spiritual issues. Western culture has thus been an obstacle or hindrance to effective cross-cultural communication of the Christian message. Batswana believers are challenged to peel the Western cultural layers off Christianity, in order to reclaim Christ. Batswana Christians will have to dress Christianity in the Tswana cultural heritage if it is to be of any lasting significance to them. Christian spirituality is centred on Jesus Christ, in the worldview of all Christians. Jesus joins faith and culture together. If Christianity is truly universal, then every culture should surrender to Jesus Christ and not to any other culture. Jesus’ question “who do you say that I am?” (Mk 8: 29), challenges Batswana Christians to write their own fifth Gospel. / Christian Spirituality Church History and Missiology / Thesis (M. Th. (Christian Spirituality))

The Covenant under threat of the Baal fertility cult: a historical-theological study

Mweemba, Gift 12 1900 (has links)
The Old Testament is the story of Yahweh and His Covenant relationship with His people Israel. Many other Ancient Near Eastern (ANE) peoples are mentioned in the context of their relationship to Israel. This Covenant relationship which began with Abraham had a core component, the gift of land (Gen 12:7), the Promised Land. The Covenant was ratified at Mount Sinai where the terms, the Ten Commandments were given to Israel. Core to the terms was the obligation that Israel would serve no other god but Yahweh and without any representative image. Israel must be a monotheistic people. Only then would they retain the Promised Land. The Promised Land was occupied by the Canaanites. The Canaanites though difficult to identify with precision, were a people whose religious cult was the direct opposite of Yahwism. They worshipped Baal the fertility god. The fertility cult was a belief that there is no absolute being but a universal realm with a womb of fertility. This womb is the source of fertility and the gods are the agents. In the land of Canaan, Baal was the agent of fertility. The wealth and fertility of the land, crops, livestock, and humans was attributed to Baal. Baal was worshiped through the fertility cult which had cult personnel like prophets, and temple prostitutes. The fertility cult had festivals in which sympathetic magic was performed to induce the gods into action. This magic involved cultic sex and wine consumption in honor of Baal. The Canaanites were driven out of the land lest they influence Israel to copy their ways. This would violate the Covenant and Israel would be ejected out of the land because the occupation was based on keeping the Covenant. There were no strict conditions of obedience in Baal worship like in the Covenant. Baal offered them release from „Covenant Obedience‟ to indulge in sensuality while enjoying the blessings. In the end, the Baal fertility cult had such a negative impact on the Covenant that Israel was ejected out of the Promised Land and deported into the Babylonian Exile as seen in the book of Jeremiah / Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern Studies / D. Th. (Old Testament)

An enquiry into Advent and Lenten Cycles of the Anglican and Roman Catholic Eucharistic Collects

Savage, Allan Maurice 06 1900 (has links)
There is dissatisfaction with the Collects when scholastically (classically) understood. An alternative phenomenological understanding is an engaging and artistic philosophical enquiry. Phenomenological philosophical enquiry engages the individual in meaningful interpretation and construction of the life-world founded on a non-dichotomous ontology. Phenomenological enquiry (existential philosophy) interprets the present and relates to the future such as is not possible in scholastic (classical) philosophy. The early twentieth century philosophers, Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger, conceived a phenomenological method of interpretation which innovatively placed the subject and object in a dialectical union. Understanding the Collects phenomenologically presents new insights susceptible to consensus within a community. At present, the Collects are structured on the principles of classical (dichotomous) ontology. The Collects reflect the collective religious meaning of the life-world and provide a vision upon which a community may build. In phenomenological interpretation an individual and a community, in the presence of that which is divine, participate as co-creators of the life-world. Thus, in contemporary western society phenomenological methodology ~ay be more helpful and therefore more desirable than scholastic methodology for theological interpretation. The hypothesis that phenomenological philosophy is more helpful, thus more desirable, than scholastic philosopl1y began as a hunch on my part. From a theological perspective, I examined data obtained from a particular focus group. Intelligent reflection, phenomenologically not classically understood, is a working principle in this thesis. / Taking into account phenomenological methodology and conceptualising the problem as originally and scientifically as circumstances permit, I offer a resolution to the dissatisfaction with the Collects. I suggest replacing scholastic ontological understanding with the more helpful phenomenological ontological understanding in liturgical interpretation. This replacement-solution hypothesis is evidenced in this study minimally, but sufficiently, to conclude that such replacement is occurring in theological understanding. There are clear existential intimations of a shift from classical understanding to phenomenological understanding. The results of the survey show traditional understanding to be favoured, however. In the concluding remarks, I evaluate my findings and suggest what direction future studies may take. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Practical Theology)

The sacrifice of the mass and the concept of sacrifice among the Xhosa : towards an inculturated understanding of the eucharist

Sipuka, Sithembele 11 1900 (has links)
The last Supper Jesus had with his disciples on the night before he died on the cross is the foundation of a major liturgical celebration in the Catholic Church called 'the Eucharist'. One of the major designations of the Eucharist is that it is a sacrifice. The starting point of this work is that the sacrificial character of the Eucharist is not as meaningful and relevant for Xhosa people as it should be. The way forward is to study the Eucharistic and Xhosa sacrifices, compare them and suggest ways of rendering the Eucharistic sacrifice meaningful and relevant to Xhosa the people. Although not conclusive, the New Testament gives a strong foundation for the sacrificial understanding of the Eucharist. The Eucharist, as interpreted through the Last Supper accounts, covers all the conventional intentions of sacrifice, i.e. propitiation, communion, thanksgiving and mutual responsibility. The Fathers of the Church affirm the sacrificial character of the Eucharist with varying emphases, but taken together, their understanding shows development of thought and complementarity of themes. In the Middle Ages the most pronounced intention of the . Eucharistic sacrifice is propitiation and post Tridentine theological reflection is informed by this mentality. According to modem and contemporary thought, Christ's death on the cross, which is sacrarnentally represented in the Eucharist, is not an act performed on our behalf to appease an angry God but God's act of love towards us. The emphasis is on self-offering to God as exemplified by Christ. The Xhosa people still have regard for sacrificial rituals, but modernity has modified and sometimes changed their understanding and practice of sacrifice. The principle of God's universal salvific will and the doctrine of incarnation provide theological grounds for inculturating the Eucharist. Thus the inclusion of ancestors and use of cultural symbols in the celebration of the Eucharist may render it meaningful to Xhosa people. Relating the Eucharist to Xhosa culture will revitalise the communion element in Eucharistic sacrifice, which element has been lost sight of through the centuries. Eucharistic sacrifice in its turn will help Xhosa Catholics to have a deepened understanding of sacrifice that extends beyond performance of rituals to include self-giving. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D.Th.(Systematic Theology)

Liturgievorming in 'n veranderende konteks

Bester, Hendrik Gideon 06 1900 (has links)
The forming of liturgy in the Dutch Reformed Church is in a crisis. The current context demands new liturgies in order to facilitate meaningful communication between God and His children. The problem is that no healthy practice of liturgy forming exists and more decay than change takes place. Therefore, the need exists for a workable theory for liturgy forming which can be used in the forming of a justified liturgy. In this study a theory and liturgies are worked out which takes the liturgy forming through the centuries into account. The theory, which is known as the three resources theory, is a dynamic theory in which the energy resources are placed in interaction with one another in order to form new liturgies. The three energy resources are the Bible, the tradition and the context. These three resources are focused on an eschatological focus point in the future. The Bible as energy resource especially has authority since it contains the worship style and example of Jesus Christ. The tradition exists of the narrative off liturgy forming through the centuries. The tradition offers a treasure of examples, which can be used for liturgy forming in the current context. The current context forms an integral part of the liturgy forming process. The post-modernism, the remains of the modernism, globalisation, the transformation process in South Africa and the modem developments in the human sciences are all forces which influence the liturgy forming process indirectly. These energy circles are placed in interaction with one another, new justified liturgies are formed which makes meaningful communication between God and His children possible. The investigation on liturgy forming in 13 various congregations in England and South Africa indicated that, where one or more of the energy resources is neglected, responsible energy forming does not take place. The current context requires that modem liturgy should emphasize symbols, emotion and dialogue. More love should also be shown during services. / Die liturgievorming van die Ned Geref Kerk is in 'n krisis. Die huidige konteks stel nuwe eise aan die liturgie wat vra vir nuwe liturgiee om die kommunikasie tussen God en Sy kinders sinvol en betekenisvol te fasiliteer. Die probleem is dat daar nie 'n gesonde praktyk van liturgievorming bestaan nie en dat meer verval as verandering plaasvind. Daar is dus 'n behoefte aan 'n werkbare teorie vir liturgievorming wat gebruik kan word in die vorming van verantwoorde liturgie. In hierdie studie word 'n teorie en liturgiee uitgewerk wat die werkende energiebronne in liturgievorming deur die eeue in ag neem. Die teorie, wat bekendstaan as die driebronneteorie, is 'n dinamiese teorie waarin die energiebronne in wisselwerking met mekaar geplaas word vir die vorming van nuwe liturgiee. Die drie energiebronne is die Skrif, die tradisie en die konteks. Hierdie drie bronne word gefokus op 'n eskatologiese fokuspunt in die toekoms. Die Skrif as energiebron is veral gesagdraend omdat dit die aanbiddingstyl en voorbeeld van Jesus Christus bevat. Die tradisie bestaan uit die verhaal van die liturgievorming deur die eeue waar die drie energiebronne telkens in wisselwerking met mekaar was. Die tradisie bied 'n skatkis van voorbeelde waaruit geleen kan word vir liturgievorming in die huidige konteks. Die huidige konteks is 'n integrale deel van die liturgievormingsproses. Die Postmodemisme, die reste van die Modemisme, globalisering, die oorgangsituasie in Suid-Afrika en hedendaagse ontwikkelinge in die menswetenskappe is almal kragte wat indirek inwerk op die liturgievormingsproses. Slegs wanneer die energiesirkels in wisselwerking met mekaar geplaas word, word verantwoordelik nuwe liturgiee gevorm wat sinvolle kommunikasie tussen God en sy kinders bewerkstellig. Die ondersoek na die liturgievorming in 12 verskillende gemeentes in Engeland en Suid-Afrika het aan die lig gebring dat waar een of meer van die energiebronne verwaarloos word, verantwoordelike vorming nie plaasvind nie. Die huidige konteks vra dat byderwetse liturgie meer klem op simbole, emosie en dialogiese kommunikasie sal plaas. Liturgie sal ook moeite moet doen om meer liefde oor te dra in die eredienste. Ter wille van die fasilitering van 'n dieper spiritualiteit kan die liturgie van die Ned Geref Kerk spesifieke liturgiese elemente en -houdings gaan leen by antler spiritualiteite en so sy eie liturgie verbreed. Dit bly 'n haalbare uitdaging om voortdurend verantwoordelik liturgie te vorm indien die Skrif, die tradisie en die konteks as energiebronne in wisselwerking met mekaar geraadpleeg word en gefokus word op die eskatologiese. / D.Th. (Practical Theology)

Poetická imaginace presbyteriánské spirituality v kancionálu Trinity Hymnal / The Poetic Imagination of Presbyterian Spirituality in the Trinity Hymnal

WINSTED, Margareta January 2018 (has links)
In modern day American Protestant churches, both conservative and liberal ministers, pastors, theologians and lay leadership struggle over how to arrange and conduct worship services (liturgy) and how to integrate contemporary or traditional hymns. Many characterize this struggle as ?Worship Wars?. This dissertation concerns the poetic imagination of the Trinity Hymnal (1990), the hymnal of conservative Presbyterian churches that was originally published as a reaction to the liberal stream of Presbyterianism. Thus, the dissertation presents the Anglo-American debate in poetic theology, focusing on the poetic imagination of Presbyterian spirituality and its development to the Czech environment. The first section concerns the concept of Poetic theology focusing on the Protestant poetic theology as defined by W. A. Dyrness. The Presbyterian spirituality is then characterized by McGrath typology. His Theological foundations for spiritualiy are first determined by the teaching of Presbyterianism (especially Calvinism and the Westminster Confession of Faith), and then examined in the poetic imagination of hymns found in the Trinity Hymnal. The poetic imagination of the hymns, which is based primarily on the poetic imagination of Scripture and the Anglican Book of Common Prayer, demonstrates the intermingling of the Christian traditions of the songs and suggests the theological value of poetic language. This dissertation presents and analyzes the issue of Presbyterian search for adequate expression of hymns in worship. The method applied here offers a new basis for further exploration of current trends in the American worship tradition of Presbyterianism. In this respect it concerns a unique exploration of the interconnection of the poetic language of Presbyterian hymns with the Anglican liturgy. It also presents the research of poetic imagination of spiritual hymns and linking of the traditions as a topic to enrich ecumenical discussion.

A prática da Santa Ceia na Igreja Evangélica Luterana do Brasil (IELB) na tensão entre a "teologia oficial" e a "teologia popular" : comparação, interpretação e conseqüências à luz das origens do culto cristão

Paulo Gerhard Pietzsch 08 April 2008 (has links)
A presente pesquisa faz um levantamento das principais concep-ções sobre a Santa Ceia na "teologia oficial" e na "teologia popular" no âmbito da Igreja Evangélica Luterana do Brasil (IELB) e depois de comparar e interpretar os dados levantados tira as conseqüências para a prática litúrgica à luz das origens do culto cristão. No capítulo um faz-se uma explanação sobre a Santa Ceia na "teologia oficial" da IELB, definindo-a como um sacramento, identificando seus benefícios, enumerando suas conseqüências, falando do preparo para a participação e de quem participa dela. No capítulo dois faz-se a explanação do resultado de uma pesquisa social para identificar os principais elementos da "teologia popular" concernente à Santa Ceia no âmbito da IELB. Neste capítulo destacam-se os principais enunciados da "teologia popular": os participantes da Ceia são os que se preparam para participar, os que andam no caminho certo, os que são batizados e confirmados, que são da igreja ou crêem no que a igreja ensina. Faz-se referência a um grupo de entrevistados que não impõe qualquer condição, mas que diz que todos podem participar. Entre os benefícios da participação da Santa Ceia, na "teologia popular" destacam-se: traz perdão dos pecados, recebe-se o corpo e o sangue de Cristo, traz salvação, traz alívio e paz ao coração, fortalece e renova a fé. As conseqüências da participação da Santa Ceia, segundo a "teologia popular", são as que seguem: ajuda na mudança de atitudes, oportuniza a comunhão com Deus e com os irmãos, torna o local da celebração um lugar de bem-estar . Outros aspectos relevantes da pesquisa foram destacados na "teologia popular": é importante consagrar os elementos, lembra-se dos hinos e da liturgia, lembra-se da instrução e da primeira comunhão, lembra-se de pessoas queridas. No capítulo três se faz uma justaposição, comparação e interpretação dos enunciados da "teologia oficial" e da "teologia popular". Neste capítulo colocam-se lado a lado os enunciados da "teologia oficial" e da "teologia popular", buscando identificar semelhanças e diferenças entre ambas e procurando identificar possíveis causas para essas semelhanças e diferenças. No último capítulo, fazendo-se um retorno ao passado, apresentam-se as conseqüências das descobertas da pesquisa para a prática da Santa Ceia à luz das origens do culto cristão. Neste capítulo, ao se tratar da Eucaristia nas origens do culto cristão, fala-se das influências judaicas, apreciam-se aspectos relevantes da última Ceia de Cristo, discorre-se a respeito do "partir do pão" na era apostólica e, por fim, do testemunho da Igreja Antiga acerca da Eucaristia. A partir desses referenciais das origens do culto cristão, procura-se listar possíveis conseqüências para a prática da Santa Ceia no âmbito da IELB. / This research makes a survey about the main conceptions relating to the Holy Supper from the point of view of the "official theology" and from the perspective of "popular theology" in the context of The Igreja Evangélica Luterana do Brasil (IELB). After comparing and interpreting the results, conclusions are made for the liturgical practice in the light of the origins of the Christian worship. In the first chapter there is an explanation about the Holy Supper in the "official theology" of IELB defining it as a sacrament, identifying its benefits, establishing its consequences, discussing the preparation for participation of those involved in it. In chapter two, there is the explanation of the results of a social survey in order to identify the main elements of the "popular theology" concerning Holy Supper in the congregations of IELB. In this chapter the focus is on the main enunciations of the "popular theology": the participants of the Holy Supper are those who prepare themselves for Communion, those who walk in the right path, those who are baptized and confirmed, and those who belong to the church or believe in the churchs teaching. There is reference to a group that was interviewed that does not put any condition and says that any person can participate. Among the benefits of those who participate in the Holy Supper, in the "popular theology", the following can be emphasized: it brings forgiveness of sins, the body and blood of Christ are received, it brings salvation, it brings relieve and peace to the heart, it strengthens and renews the faith. The consequences of the participation in the Holy Supper, according to the "popular theology", are the following: help in the change of behavior, it bestows communion with God and with fellow brothers and sisters, it turns the place of celebration into a pleasant place. Other aspects: it is important to consecrate the elements, the person remembers the hymns and liturgy, the Confirmation instruction and the first Communion, and remembers beloved people. In chapter three, there is a juxtaposition, comparison, and interpretation of the data taken from the "official theology" and of the "popular theology". In this chapter this research parallels the enunciations of the "official theology" and of the "popular theology" where it identifies the similarities and the differences between them trying to identify possible causes for these similarities and differences. In the last chapter, there is a return to the past. This chapter presents the results of the research for the practice of the Holy Supper in the light of the origins of Christian worship. This chapter, when analysing the Eucharist in the origins of the Christian worship, deals with the Jewish influences, important aspects of Christs Last Supper are valued; it discusses the "breaking of the bread" in the Apostolic era and, finally, the chapter discusses the witness of the Ancient Church about the Eucharist. Beginning with these references of the origins of the Christian worship, this research lists possible consequences for the practice of the Holy Supper at IELBs sphere of action.

Religiosidade e devoção: as festas do Divino e do Rosário em Monte do Carmo e em Natividade - TO / Piety and devotion: the festivals of the Divine and the Rosary on Monte do Carmo and Nativity - TO

MESSIAS, Noeci Carvalho 10 December 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T15:14:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Noeci C Messias.pdf: 1667595 bytes, checksum: 3e93545242f70d0aab538d57a7c80144 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-12-10 / With the purpose of scrutinizing the specifics of some of the religious parties, elected as the locus of this research, two festivals: the Holy Spirit and Our Lady of the Rosary on Monte do Carmo and Natividade; towns from the gold cycle, in the eighteenth century and belonging to former northern Goias, current state of Tocantins. Studies on religious parties and has been increasingly developed in the historiography. Thus, this research aims to highlight the everyday experiences of popular religious devotion held annually in both cities. Such events are expressed through a diverse set of rituals pertaining to the cycle of the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary and Holy Ghost. Also intends to show that such demonstrations represent and reinforce the ritualistic social systems and hierarchical, and a joint incorporation of both elements of modernity and traditional. The research encourages the reader to reflect as parties transplanted from Europe and Afrique to colonial Brazil can be perpetuated until the present time, becoming an important event in local communities, allowing the strengthening of family ties and contributing to the construction and reconstruction of identities local and regional. To support the construction and reconstruction of scientific study enrolled to documentary sources of public and private archives, documents, manuscripts of brotherhood, official letters, journals, oral testimony. As a source of bibliographic support, we use texts from various scholars dealing with the issue in Brazil, Goiás and Tocantins. By doing a comparative analysis it was observed that although the historical origin of the festivities of the Holy Spirit is the same, the paths taken by two different cities experiencing the ritualistic practices, although similar. Many of the existing elements in the celebrations of the Holy Spirit of Monte do Carmo not exist in the Natividade and vice versa. However, it is interesting how an "invented tradition" by a white elite in the colonial period, aiming to provide, among other things, the conversion of the Negroes to Catholicism, can be reinterpreted and reformulated later by a community, going to represent the identity of community. / Com o objetivo de perscrutar as especificidades de algumas das festas religiosas do Estado do Tocantins, elegi como locus desta pesquisa, duas festividades: Divino Espírito Santo e Nossa Senhora do Rosário em Monte do Carmo e em Natividade; cidades originárias do ciclo do ouro, no século XVIII e pertencentes ao antigo Norte de Goiás, atual Estado do Tocantins. Estudos sobre festas e religiosidade tem sido cada vez mais elaborados no campo historiográfico. Assim, esta pesquisa visa destacar as experiências cotidianas de devoção da religiosidade popular realizadas anualmente em ambas as cidades. Tais manifestações se expressam através de um diversificado conjunto de rituais pertencentes ao ciclo da Festa de Nossa Senhora do Rosário e do Divino Espírito Santo. Pretende-se mostrar também que tais manifestações ritualísticas representam e reforçam os sistemas sociais e hierárquicos, em uma articulação e incorporação tanto de elementos da modernidade quanto tradicionais. A pesquisa instiga o leitor a refletir como festas transplantadas da Europa e da África para o Brasil colonial conseguem se perpetuar até o momento atual, configurando-se em um importante evento das comunidades locais, possibilitando o fortalecimento de vínculos familiares e contribuindo para a construção e reconstrução das identidades locais e regionais. Para respaldar a construção e reconstrução deste estudo científico arrolaram-se fontes documentais de arquivos públicos e privados, documentos manuscritos de irmandade, correspondências oficiais, periódicos e depoimentos orais. Como fonte de apoio bibliográfico, utilizei textos de diversos estudiosos que tratam da temática no Brasil, em Goiás e Tocantins. Ao fazer uma análise comparativa foi possível observar que embora a origem histórica das festividades do Divino Espírito Santo seja a mesma, os caminhos percorridos pelas duas cidades revelam práticas ritualísticas diversas, embora semelhantes. Muitos dos elementos existentes nos festejos do Divino Espírito Santo de Monte do Carmo não existem em Natividade e vice-versa. No entanto, é interessante observar como uma tradição inventada por uma elite branca, no período colonial, visando proporcionar, entre outras coisas, a conversão dos negros ao catolicismo, pode ser reformulada e reinterpretada posteriormente por uma comunidade, passando a representar a identidade desta comunidade.

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