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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dar voz al alumnado en la construcción de escuelas inclusivas: dos estudios de caso sobre proyectos locales de mejora

Haya Salmón, Ignacio 19 November 2011 (has links)
El proyecto de tesis doctoral presenta dos estudios de caso, en dos centros públicos de Educación Infantil y Primaria de la Comunidad Autónoma de Cantabria, en los que se documenta el proceso que se pone en marcha cuando se desarrollan iniciativas o planes de mejora local incorporando la voz del alumnado. La aproximación al campo de estudio se nutre de diferentes planteamientos teóricos, destacamos, entre otros: la apuesta por reconocer la mejora escolar como acciones de cambio locales, vinculadas a contextos únicos e irrepetibles y la necesidad de incorporar en los procesos de mejora la voz del alumnado, particularmente la de aquéllos alumnos y alumnas que tradicionalmente han ocupado un sitio en los márgenes del sistema escolar. El proyecto, desde el punto de vista metodológico, se enmarca dentro de los modelos de investigación cualitativa-colaborativa, con predominio de métodos etnográficos. El diseño de investigación, flexible y emergente, se ha estructurado en cinco fases que van desde el acceso al centro, pasando por la detección de necesidades en los mismos, la consulta al alumnado sobre las posibilidades de mejora, el diseño e implementación de un plan concreto, hasta poder evaluar el trabajo desarrollado en cada uno de los dos centros. / This thesis presents two case studies in two public primary schools in Cantabria (Spain). It deals with the development of improvement projects that incorporate student voice. The study draws on different theoretical approaches, we highlight: the commitment to recognize school improvement as local change actions and the need to recognize student voice, particularly of those students who have traditionally occupied a place in the margins of the school system. The project, from the methodological point of view, is part of qualitative and collaborative research models, dominated by ethnographic methods. The research design, flexible and emergent, is structured in five phases: 1) access to the center, 2) detection of the their needs, 3) students´ consultation 4) design and development of an improvement project, and 5) Evaluating the work done in each of the two centers.

Configuración cognitivo-emocional en alumnos de altas habilidades.

Sánchez López, Cristina 06 October 2006 (has links)
El objetivo del estudio es analizar la configuración cognitivo-emocional de los alumnos superdotados; y ofrecer pautas de respuesta educativa según el perfil cognitivo. Los participantes han sido 187 alumnos (edades 5 a 12 años). Los instrumentos utilizados han sido: escala de de nominación profesores; Test Aptitudes Generales y Diferenciales (Yuste y otros, 2001); Test de Pensamiento Creativo (Torrance, 1974); el Early School Personality Questionnaire y el Children's Personality Questionnaire (Porter y Cattell 1990); Test Autoevaluativo Multifactorial de Adaptación Infantil (Hernández y Hernández, 2002); y la Batería de Socialización (Silva y Martorell, 1989). Los resultados indican que son 162 quienes manifiestan alta habilidad según la tipología propuesta por Castelló y Batlle (1998).Los datos indican, por un lado, que los superdotados tienen un perfil de personalidad configurado con puntuaciones promedio; por otro, no manifiestan problemas de adaptación y tanto los padres como los profesores perciben una óptima socialización de estos alumnos. / guidelines for a suitable educational response according to the pupil's cognitive profile. 187 pupils from 5 to 12 years of age took part on this study.The used instruments were: a teacher's nomination scale, an IQ test (Batería de Aptitudes Generales y Diferenciales, BADyG, Yuste et. al 2001), Torrance Test of Creative Thinking (Torrance, 1974), Early School Personality Questionnaire y el Children's Personality Questionnaire (Porter y Cattell 1990); self reported Multifactor Adaptation Test (Hernández y Hernández, 2002); and Socialization Battery (Silva y Martorell, 1989). The results show that according to the Battle and Castelló model (1998), 182 participants of 162 were identified as gifted or talented pupils. The data show, on one hand, that gifted students present personality factors scores within the average and, on the other hand, they do not show maladjustment problems as both parents and teachers perceive they (gifted pupils) have optimal levels of socialization.

Ecological interactions between an invasive fish (Gambusia holbrooki) and native cyprinodonts: the role of salinity

Alcaraz Cazorla, Carles 02 October 2006 (has links)
Actualment una de les principals amenaces a la biodiversitat és la introducció d'espècies. Revisant 26 variables de les 69 espècies de peixos continental de la Península Ibèrica concloem que la filogènia, variabilitat i els usos de l'home són necessaris per entendre millor les diferències entres les espècies natives i invasores.Entre les especies més afectades per la introducció de peixos es troben els ciprinodontiformes endèmics del Mediterrani. Aportem les primers dades sobre l'ús d'hàbitats ocasionalment inundats i la selecció de preses del fartet (Aphanius iberus), observant un canvi ontogenètic, clarament relacionat amb el microhàbitat.També demostrem que la salinitat influeix en l'èxit invasor de la gamúsia, afectant la seva densitat i biologia reproductiva. Per altra banda, demostrem experimentalment que amb l'increment de salinitat la gambúsia disminueix la seva agressivitat i captura menys preses, reduint la seva eficàcia competitiva respecte dels ciprinodonts natius. / One of the main current threats to biodiversity is the introduction of invasive species. By reviewing 26 life-history and ecological variables of the 69 inland fish species of the Iberian Peninsula we conclude that phylogeny, variability and human use are needed to a better understanding of the differences between native and invasive species.Among the most threatened species by invasive fish are the Mediterranean endemic cyprinodontiform fish. We report the first data on the use of occasionally-inundated habitats ad prey electivity by the Spanish toothcarp (Aphanius iberus). We observed an ontogenetic diet shift clearly linked to a microhabitat change.We also demonstrate that salinity limits the invasive success of mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki), affecting density and life history traits. ON the ohter hand, we experimentally demonstrate that mosquitofish decreases its aggresive behavior and capture less prey, reducing its competitive efficiency with salinity increases regarding to native ciprinodonts.

Estudi dels marcadors de conques altament reductores

Cabrera Ortega, Miquel 21 August 1999 (has links)
El treball descrit en aquesta tesi té com a objectiu l'estudi de la matèria orgànica soluble de conques geològiques reductores amb un elevat contingut en sofre. Els estudis previs de geoquímica orgànica endegats en conques reductores posen de manifest que els biomarcadors sofrats són de gran importància per a la descripció dels paleoambients, donat que reflecteixen els biocompostos funcionalitzats, que, d'altra forma s'haurien alterat. Per aquest estudi s'han seleccionat quatre conques sedimentàries que destaquen de forma significativa per la seva anoxicitat, així com, per haver experimentat una important sulfato- reducció. Les conques escollides són: Orce, Ribesalbes, Mequinensa i Organyà.La conca d'Orce és d'origen lacustre i de tipus endorreica, data del Plio-Plistocè (1-5 milions d'anys) i es localitza al nord de la província de Granada. El seu interès rau en el descobriment d'importants jaciments paleontològics amb restes antropogèniques.La conca de Ribesalbes també és lacustre i endorreica, pertany al Miocè mitjà (Serraval·là, de 12 a 13 milions d'anys) i es situa a l'oest de la província de Castelló. A principis d'aquest segle s'hi van explotar les pissarres bituminoses mitjançant tècniques de piròlisi.La conca de Mequinensa igualment és d'origen lacustre i de caràcter endorreica, pertany a l'Oligocè superior (Catià, al voltant dels 30 milions d'anys) i es localitza al sud del Sistema dels Monegros, a la província de Lleida. La importància d'aquesta conca es deu a l'explotació de lignits molt rics en sofre.La conca d'Organyà és d'origen marí i data del Cretaci inferior (més de 100 milions d'anys). Es situa a la província de Lleida, a la comarca de l'Alt Urgell. Els materials que formen aquesta conca constitueixen una roca mare de petroli.Els objectius d'aquest treball són:1. L'anàlisi dels biomarcadors per a la determinació de l'origen de les aportacions de la matèria orgànica que reberen les conques estudiades, caracteritzant-ne les contribucions més significatives.2. La descripció de les condicions paleoambientals que donaren lloc a aquests dipòsits sedimentaris.3. L'avaluació de la maduresa de la matèria orgànica.La tesi comença amb una introducció on es descriu la singularitat de cada conca, es continua amb les descripcions geològiques i petrogràfiques, tot localitzant les mostres estudiades a la columna estratigràfica. Després, es mostra l'anàlisi elemental de la matèria orgànica, per prosseguir amb la descripció dels biomarcadors apolars i polars: en primer lloc es descriuen els compostos acíclics, lineals i ramificats, tot començant pels compostos hidrocarbonats, després els oxigenats i finalment els sofrats; en segon lloc, els biomarcadors cíclics, començant pels diterpenoides i continuant amb els triterpenoides, amb especial rellevància dels esteroides i els hopanoides, i finalment, els oleanoides, ursanoides i lupanoides. Cal destacar la identificació de més d'una vintena de nous biomarcadors identificats per primera vegada en aquesta tesi. La descripció de les conques finalitza amb les conclusions sobre els aports de la matèria orgànica, l'ambient deposicional i la maduresa. / The aim of this thesis is the study and characterization of the soluble organic matter in sulphur rich geological basins. The previous studies carried out on reducing sedimentary basins show the significant presence of organic geochemical biomarkers with sulphur, which are very relevant for the description of the paleo-environment conditions of the sedimentation, since they reflect the presence of biological compounds very well preserved.For this study four sedimentary basins of Spain have been selected due to their anoxicity and also for having suffered an important sulphate-reduction process. The selected basins are: Orce, Ribesalbes, Mequinensa and Organyà.The basin of Orce is of lacustrine origin, it belongs to the Plio-Pleistocene period (1 to 5 million years) and it is located to the north of the province of Granada. Its interest comes from the fact that there are important palaeontology deposits with anthropogenic rests.The basin of Ribesalbes also is also of type lacustrine and belongs to the Miocene period (Serravalià, 12 to 13 million years). It is located to the west of the province of Castellon. At the beginning of XX century the bituminises shales were extracted in order to obtain oil with techniques of pyrolisis.The basin of Mequinensa is also of lacustrine origin and belongs to the upper Oligocene period (Catià from around 30 million years) and is located to the south System of the Monegros, in the province of Lleida. The importance of this basin is due to the high sulphur content of the lignite that is formed in this place.The basin of Organyà is of marine origin and dates from the lower Cretaceous (more than 100 million years). It is located in the province of Lleida, in the region of the Alt Urgell. The materials that form this basin constitute a oil source rock.The items of this work are:1. The analysis of biomarkers for the determination of the origin of the contribution of the matter organic.2. The description of the paleoenvironmetal conditions that gave rise to these sedimentations deposits.3. The evaluation of the maturity of the organic matter.The thesis is divided into nine chapters: The study begins with a general geological description to go on with the analysis of the paleoconditions of the environmental deposition that favour the preservation of the organic matter. Subsequently, after that, there is an accurate geochemical description of each basin. The results of this work show that the Orce basin is characterized by type I querogen and, the Ribesalbes basin is of type I-S kerogen, the Organyà basin is of type II-S and the Mequinensa basin is of type III-S querogen. The study ends with the conclusions on the contributions of the organic matter, the depositional environment and the maturity. In the case of the Organyà basin only non polar fractions have been studied, due to the little presence of polar compounds, attributed to the high maturity of the organic matter. Finally, there is also a compilation of biomarkers identified for the first time in this thesis, indicating in its case if their biological precursors.

Effect Of Stabilizer On The Catalytic Activity Of Cobalt(0) Nanoclusters Catalyst In The Hydrolysis Of Sodium Borohydride

Kocak, Ebru 01 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The development of new storage materials will facilitate the use of hydrogen as a major energy carrier in near future. Among the chemical hydrides used as hydrogen storage materials for supplying hydrogen at ambient temperature, sodium borohydride seems to be an ideal one because it is stable under ordinary conditions and liberates hydrogen gas in a safe and controllable way in aqueous solutions. However, self hydrolysis of sodium borohydride is so slow that requires a suitable catalyst. This work aims the use of water dispersible cobalt(0) nanoclusters having large portion of atoms on the surface as catalyst for the hydrolysis of sodium borohydride. In-situ formation of cobalt(0) nanoclusters and catalytic hydrolysis of sodium borohydride were performed starting with a cobalt(II) chloride as precursor and sodium borohydride as reducing agent and substrate in the presence of a water soluble stabilizer. As stabilizer, water soluble polyacrylic acid as well as hydrogen phosphate ion were tested. Cobalt(0) nanoclusters were characterized by using all the available analytical methods including FT-IR, TEM, XPS, UV-visible electronic absorption spectroscopy. The kinetics of cobalt(0) nanoclusters catalyzed hydrolysis of sodium borohydride were studied depending on the catalyst concentration, substrate concentration, stabilizing agent concentration and temperature.

La jurisprudence en accès libre à l'ère du contenu généré par les usagers

Charbonneau, Olivier 12 1900 (has links)
La collaboration et le contenu généré par les usagers, aussi appelé « Web 2. 0 », sont des phénomènes nouveaux, qui bâtissent sur l'ouverture et le foisonnement d'Internet. Les environnements numériques qui emploient ces moyens mettent à contribution la communauté qui gravite autour d'une présence virtuelle afin d'en enrichir l’expérience. Suivant une approche constructiviste, nous explorons commnent la collaboration peut servir les usagers d'une banque de donnée de jugements en accès libre par Internet, comme le site de l'Institut canadien d'information juridique (www.CanLIT.org). La collaboration s'articule grâce à un gabarit d'analyse que nous nommons «Cadre de diffusion de la collaboration». Il comporte deux classes d'objets, les usagers et les documents, qui interagissent selon quatre relations : les liens documentaires, les échanges entre usagers, l'écriture (de l'usager vers le document) et la consommation (du document vers l'usager). Le Cadre de diffusion de la collaboration met en lumière les modalités de la collaboration comme mécanisme de création de contenu dans un contexte numérique, au profit d'une classe de documents. Suite à une analyse les modalités de la jurisprudence comme système documentaire et d'un exposé illustratif des besoins des usagers de la société civile, le Cadre de diffusion de la collaboration est employé pour explorer les mécanismes à retenir pour enrichir le contenu d'un système diffusant des jugements par Internet. / User generated content and collaboration, also called « Web 2.0 », offer new possibilities in the context of a thriving and open Internet. Digital environments that employ these production mecanisms allow user communities to enrich a virtual space. Using a constructivist approach, we explore how collaboration can serve the users of an open access database of court rulings, namely the Canadian Legal Information Institute's website (www.CanLU.org). Collaboration is set within a framework that we name the « Collaboration Framework ». There are two classes of objects, users and documents, that interact following four relationships: links between documents, exchanges between users, writing (from users to documents) and consumption (from documents to users). In turn, we can better understand how collaboration functions, given a specific class of documents. Following an analysis of court rulings as a system of documents and an illustration of user needs in civil society, the Collaboration Framework is applied to an open access database of court rulings in order to determine how users can enrich the system's content.

Optimisation quadratique en variables binaires : quelques résultats et techniques

Mbuntcha Wuntcha, Calvin January 2009 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

The dynamics of sustained reentry in a loop model with discrete gap junction resistance

Chen, Wei January 2007 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Transcription of the Bleek and Lloyd Collection using the Bossa Volunteer Thinking Framework

Munyaradzi, Ngoni 01 November 2013 (has links)
The digital Bleek and Lloyd Collection is a rare collection that contains artwork, notebooks and dictionaries of the earliest habitants of Southern Africa. Previous attempts have been made to recognize the complex text in the notebooks using machine learning techniques, but due to the complexity of the manuscripts the recognition accuracy was low. In this research, a crowdsourcing based method is proposed to transcribe the historical handwritten manuscripts, where volunteers transcribe the notebooks online. An online crowdsourcing transcription tool was developed and deployed. Experiments were conducted to determine the quality of transcriptions and accuracy of the volunteers compared with a gold standard. The results show that volunteers are able to produce reliable transcriptions of high quality. The inter-transcriber agreement is 80% for |Xam text and 95% for English text. When the |Xam text transcriptions produced by the volunteers are compared with the gold standard, the volunteers achieve an average accuracy of 69.69%. Findings show that there exists a positive linear correlation between the inter-transcriber agreement and the accuracy of transcriptions. The user survey revealed that volunteers found the transcription process enjoyable, though it was difficult. Results indicate that volunteer thinking can be used to crowdsource intellectually-intensive tasks in digital libraries like transcription of handwritten manuscripts. Volunteer thinking outperforms machine learning techniques at the task of transcribing notebooks from the Bleek and Lloyd Collection.

Synthesis And Characterization Of Ruthenium(0) Metal Nanoparticles As Catalyst In The Hydrolysis Of Sodium Borohydride

Zahmakiran, Mehmet 01 April 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Sodium borohydride is stable in alkaline solution, however, it hydrolyses and generates hydrogen gas in the presence of suitable catalyst. By this way hydrogen can be generated safely for the fuel cells. All of the catalyst having been used in the hydrolysis of sodium borohydride, with one exception, are heterogeneous. The limited surface area of the heterogeneous and therefore, have limited activity because of the surface area. Thus, the use of metal nanoclusters as catalyst with large surface area is expected to provide a potential route to increase the catalytic activity. In this dissertation we report for the first time the use of ruthenium(0) nanoparticles as catalyst in the hydrolysis of sodium borohydride. The water dispersible ruthenium(0) nanoparticles were prepared by the reduction of RuCl3.xH2O with sodium borohydride and were stabilized by three different ligands dodecanethiol, ethylenediamine and acetate. Among these three colloidal materials the acetate stabilized ruthenium(0) nanoparticles were found to have the highest catalytic activity in catalyzing the hydrolysis of sodium borohydride. The acetate stabilized ruthenium(0) nanoparticles were characterized by tranmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and FT-IR spectroscopy. The particle size of the acetate stabilized ruthenium(0) nanoparticles was determined to be 2.62&plusmn / 1.18 nm from the TEM analysis. The kinetic of the ruthenium(0) nanoparticles catalyzed hydrolysis of sodium borohydride was studied depending on the catalyst concentration, substrate concentration and temperature. The activation parameters of this reaction were also determined from the evaluation of the kinetic data. This catalyst provides the lowest activation energy ever found for the hydrolysis of sodium borohydride.

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