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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Komparace přístupů členských zemí EU s ohledem na jejich připravovaný vstup do EMU (se zaměřením na ČR)

Böhmová, Zuzana January 2006 (has links)
Proces evropské měnové integrace v podobě eurozóny je dlouhodobý proces a přístup jednotlivých členských zemí je značně odlišný. Cílem této diplomové práce je porovnat dnešní situaci v jednotlivých 10 nových členských zemí EU (České republice, Estonsku, Kypru, Litvě, Lotyšsku, Maďarsku, Maltě, Polsku, Slovensku a Slovinsku) týkající se budoucího přijetí eura, tzn. jak plní maastrichtská kritéria a v jaké fázi praktických příprav na jednotnou evropskou měnu se nacházejí. Práce je nejvíce zaměřena na aspekty přistoupení ČR k eurozóně.

Vývoj Schengenského informačního systému / Development of Schengen Information System

Hamouzová, Helena January 2006 (has links)
Schengenský informační systém působí jako kompenzační nástroj Schengenu. Jedná se o databázi s obrovským množstvím informací, které využívají kompetentní orgány v každodenním provozu. Dnešní SIS funguje s malými úpravami podle pravidel Schengenu z roku 1990, ale protože se postupem času objevují nové hrozby, je také potřeba, aby se SIS novým změnám přizpůsobil. Bylo rozhodnuto o revizi stávajícího SIS a vytvoření nového Schengenského informačního systému druhé generace. Postupně byly předkládány funkce systému, časové plány na implementaci a finanční rozpočty, až nakonec v roce 2005 Evropská komise předložila právní návrhy na spuštění SIS II. Návrhy nebyly orgány EU, ani členskými zeměmi přijaty bez připomínek, a proto se v roce 2006 objevily nové návrhy. Do data odevzdání této diplomové práce se nepodařilo přijmout finální právní texty definující SIS II.

Integrace finančních trhů nových členských zemí EU / Integration of the Financial Markets of the New Member States of the EU

Chaloupka, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
The subject of the thesis is the integration of financial markets of the new member states of the European Union (hereinafter referred to as the NMS). According to the standard economic theory, the process of financial integration should be associated with several positive effects, among others a) the enforcement of the law of one price in the form of the interest rate parity, b) the smoothening and the synchronisation of the consumption growth among countries, c) the increased diversification of investors portfolios, and d) the decreased dependence of domestic investments on national savings. These envisaged effects serve in the thesis as the indicators of the integration of NMS financial markets with the global financial market. These indicators show that the degree of the financial integration differs among the NMS, despite the fact that they all went through the process of integration with the EU. However, the order of the NMS based on the degree of their financial markets integration could not have been determined as each test indicated a different order. However, most tests indicated that there is a trend towards more integration of the NMS financial markets as the dependence of the domestic consumption growth on the global consumption growth has been increasing and the dependence of domestic investments on national savings has been decreasing. Surprisingly, the indicators did not prove the hypothesis that NMS financial markets are more integrated with the financial market of the EU, despite the fact that these countries had to open their markets to investors from the EU and had to harmonize their legislative requirements. Contrary to the results of previous articles, indicators used in the thesis show that majority of the analysed puzzles in international economics disappeared for large developed markets like the USA. On the other hand, these puzzles persisted for the NMS. Given that majority of the NMS adopted euro during the period under investigation, results presented above indicate that the financial markets of the NMS were not fully integrated with the financial market of the EU and therefore one of the conditions for the existence of the optimum currency area has not been met. Such result also contradicts the hypothesis of the endogeneity of the optimum currency area as the adoption of the common currency did not improve the degree of financial market integration.

Vybrané nové členské země Evropské unie: ekonomický vývoj a integrace v rámci EU / Selected new member countries of the European Union: economic development and integration

Lantová, Veronika January 2009 (has links)
The diploma thesis analyses macroeconomic development of five selected new member countries of the European Union, concretely the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Cyprus, Latvia and Bulgaria. The paper is divided into two periods of development - the period of pre-accession preparation ending in 2004 and the period since accession till the present, when the statistics have already been influenced by the global economic crisis. The comparison has been based upon the fundamental macroeconomic indicators such as GDP growth, rate of inflation, rate of unemployment or state of public finances. At the end of each chapter, a brief final summary of development of the examined countries in particular period is stated. The last chapter treats the involvement of new member states in the integration process, namely the country presidency of European Council. Till the present, only the Czech Republic and Slovenia presided the European Council. Other new member countries are yet to fulfil this duty. The integration process is being gradually joined by other, nowadays candidate countries, whose economic situation is also briefly described in chapter three. The aim of the paper is thus to evaluate the economic development of new member states of the EU, comparing the period before and after accession.

Determinanty sociálních výdajů v zemích EU / Determinants of Social Expenditure Levels in the EU

Roženský, Vojtěch January 2008 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to identify the determiants of social expenditure levels in EU member states and estimate the sensitivities. The analysis is based on the fixed effects model with robust standard errors. Seven out of the 24 variables, that have been tested, are statistically significant. Social expenditure levels are positively dependent on population ageing, unemployment rate and economic level, and negatively on economic growth. The openness of economy and public debt ratio are also robust. The presence of a christian party in government is also statistically significant, however, the coefficient is not theoretically consistent. The sensitivity of social expenditure level to the share of population aged 65 years and over on the total population, is about 0,30. It means, that on average, the rise in the share of the old by 1 percentage point, is followed by the rise of social expenditure level by 0,3% of the GDP. In case of unemployment rate, economic growth and the openness of economy, the sensitivity estimates are 0,3, -0,1 and -0,03. The sensitivities to the other three robust variables cannot be quantified due to a strong dependence on the exact model specification or a bias, caused by extreme values. The expenditure on pensions are relatively more dependent on population ageing, whereas other social expenditure are more sensitive to current position in economic cycle. The determinants in the old and the new EU member states are similar, with only one exception, as the expenditure levels in the new member states are less dependent on demographic structure. The model explains international differences and the changes during the period between 1990 and 2010.

Postoje členských států k rozšiřování o země Západního Balkánu / Member State's positions towards Western Balkans Enlargement

Války, Oliver January 2020 (has links)
This thesis studies the positions EU member states take towards the Western Balkan Enlargement. We examine what forms these positions. We examine what influence does the net contribution to the European budget have, net contributors are less likely to support further Enlargement. The levels of migration and the feeling that migration is a concerning issue do not have relevant influence on the popularity of the Enlargement. We found no relevant correlation between the feeling of European citizenship and the support for the EU membership for the Balkan countries. We can, however, see that the New Member States are much more likely to support the EU enlargement than are those who became EU members before 2004. We have chosen four cases for case studies. In the case study of France, we can observe the influence of the French president on the Enlargement process and the resulting reform of its method. In the German case, the position of the political elites is a strong support of the Enlargement, even if the public are not that enthusiastic and have a lot of influence, since the German parliament has to also approve beginning of any accession talks. In the case of Greece, we can see how Greece was able to use its position as an EU member and gain leverage in their dispute with Macedonia over the name of...

Zahraniční politika EU a pozice evropských států k ukrajinské krizi

Poledna, Pavel January 2017 (has links)
The thesis EU foreign policy and position of European states towards Ukraine crisis deals with foreign policy of the EU in relation to Ukraine. It examines the development of their contractual relations and analyzes them. The work also includes a description of the development of the Ukrainian conflict. The main part of the work is the attitudes analysis of selected member states of the European Union towards the Ukranian crisis and Russia. Based on the research question, states are then divided into categories reflecting their attitude to Russia.

Monitoring podmínek pro lední hokej mládeže ve vybraných hokejových klubech v menších sídlech / Monitoring circumstances for youth ice hockey in selected hockey clubs in smaller towns

Kobzová, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
Title: Monitoring circumstances for yourth ice hockey in selected hockey clubs in smaller towns Purpose: Main aim of diploma tesis is to decribe situation in selected ice hockey clubs in Czech republic. Visited clubs were choosen by small numbers of members in youth categories of ice hockey players. Huge effort of the diploma tesis is detect causes unsatisfactory situation in clubs and suggest the best solutions to expansion and development youth membership. Methods: Survey is based on depth and sturctured interviews with the expert guidance of the clubs and the mayors of the cities. Next method used in diploma tesis is utilized content data analysis. Thanks to using these two methods was formed qualitative research, which was summarized and described in 18 case studies. Results: Both methods are qualitatively processed in case studies. There are carefully and accuratelly reasons of decreasing youth membership in ice hockey clubs. There is also decribed way of solution. Collected data include envely research and results could be aplicated to the whole territory of Czech republic. Keywords: ice ring, sports facilities service, funding clubs, membership development

Konvergence nových členských zemí EU / Convergence of new member states of the EU

Nevoralová, Lenka January 2010 (has links)
This thesis concentrates on the new member states of the European Union and their convergent processes. It is particularly focused on five Central European countries -- the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia, which became the members of the European Union on 1st May 2004. The first chapter deals with the countries during their preparation process for the membership in the EU, the meeting the Copenhagen Criteria and their economic development. The second chapter is focused on the development of Central European countries in the EU. There is featured the development in the first years of their membership and during the economic crisis and the recovery. The third chapter concentrates on the processes of the real and nominal convergence in the Central Europe. Besides monitoring various stages of convergence over time there is documented the course of the convergence by the calculation of beta convergence in the European Union. At the end of the thesis there is outlined the relationship between the degree of nominal and real convergence in the concerned countries.

Hodnocení vybraných zemí EU za podpory metod multikriteriálního hodnocení variant / Evaluation of the selected EU countries with multi-criteria decision making methods

ŽEMLIČKOVÁ, Jitka January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is focused on multi-criteria decision making. There were chosen new EU countries for the evaluation. Then there were found suitable criteria and set scales for them. The multi-criteria analysis was made with five methods and then there was defined the compromise order. The results were compared in 2007 - 2010 period, when all countries became members of the EU and there was impact of the economical crisis in these years.

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