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Integrating scholarship and continuing professional development (CPD) in the natural sciences at a South African universityFrick, Beatrice Liezel 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Curriculum Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / The worldwide emphasis on lifelong learning, the continuous and fast pace of change and the competitive nature of practice forces professionals in all sectors to remain abreast of the latest knowledge, skills and/or innovations. This has contributed to the evolution of the term continuing professional development (CPD). The university lecturer in the natural sciences functions within a unique area of professional practice, as the practice requires scholarship – which contains elements of both subject-specific and educational expertise. It remains unclear how CPD within this professional arena is defined in terms of need, purpose and provision. The current quality of learning and evaluation of learning also warrants investigation. This study aimed to investigate how CPD could play a role in scholarly development from the perspective of lecturers in the Faculty of Science at Stellenbosch University (South Africa). A qualitative approach was followed. Semi-structured interviews with a purposive sample, followed by an open-ended questionnaire with a stratified random sample, were used.
The results are reported in seven chapters, of which the first provides an orientation to the conducted study. The second chapter focuses on placing CPD in the context of scholarly practice in the natural sciences at Stellenbosch University. The third chapter investigates the provision of CPD in the natural sciences that could enhance integrated scholarship. The fourth chapter investigates the quality of learning within CPD as a measure of scholarly development. The fifth chapter reports on the evaluation of scholars’ learning in CPD in the natural sciences at Stellenbosch University, while the sixth chapter focuses on current issues and future trends in CPD for natural science lecturers at Stellenbosch University that will motivate an integrated and holistic approach to scholarly development – based on their own insights into their professional practice. The final chapter concludes the study with recommendations for the future practice of CPD within this sphere.
The main findings indicate a difficulty in defining CPD, as these lecturers see themselves as a diverse group not easily confined to the traditional boundaries of a professional sphere. This difficulty in defining CPD has a direct influence on the lecturers’ need for CPD and the purpose of CPD within this sector of higher education. The provision of CPD for lecturers in the natural sciences does not conform to an integrated and coherent system of provision between the different stakeholders. Many initiatives are informal and are initiated according to individual needs. There is evidence of collaborative efforts within the different disciplines, although they are limited in terms of transdisciplinarity and true integration of scholarly roles. As a result of the complexities of academic practice, the quality of learning within the existing CPD initiatives is not easily determined. The progression from novice to expert is a continuous process, which is mostly self-directed and reflective in nature. Formalised government interventions, Total Quality Management systems, leadership development, mentorship and situated learning are presented as possible means of enhancing the quality of learning in CPD. The present study indicates the lack of appropriate evaluation of learning in CPD as the main shortcoming in the total process of CPD conceptualisation, provision, quality assurance and evaluation within the study population. Accountability for the monetary investment and energy spent on any CPD initiative is therefore limited. Portfolios, peer review, open-ended problems and simulations, auditing and observation of practice are presented as viable options for effective evaluation of learning in CPD that could enhance integrated scholarship. The future trends in CPD are discussed in terms of the future context of practice; the role of and need for experts; how experts will be educated and how they will maintain their competence. This provides a holistic view of scholarly development through CPD within the context of lecturers in the natural sciences in the Stellenbosch University.
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The occurrence and extent of collapse settlement in residual granite in the Stellenbosch areaGildenhuys, Nanine 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Civil Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Large areas of the earth’s surface are covered by soils that are susceptible to large
decreases in bulk volume when they become saturated. These soils are termed
collapsing soils and are very common in parts of the USA, Asia, South America and
Southern Africa. This study is concerned with the occurrence of these collapsible soils
in the residual granites of the Stellenbosch area. The study was undertaken as
relatively little is known about the collapse phenomenon in the problematic weathered
granites of the Western Cape. The majority of research thus far has been carried out
on the deep residual soils formed on basement-granite in the Transvaal areas, whereas
little attention has been paid to the Cape granites.
The aim of the study was achieved through the experimental work which included
double oedometer testing, indicator analyses and shear strength testing. Double
oedometer tests were performed to quantify the potential collapse settlement of the
soils from the demarcated study area. To provide a better understanding of the
collapse behaviour of the soils, indicator analysis, which included Atterberg limits
and particle size distributions, were performed. Direct shear tests were further carried
out on saturated and natural moisture content specimens to establish the effect of
collapsibility on shear strength and whether substantial additional settlement of the
saturated soils would occur during shear.
It was found that collapsible soils are prevalent in the demarcated study area as the
majority of soils showed a potential collapse settlement of 1% or more. Collapse
exceeding 5% were calculated in a few instances proving some soils to be highly
collapsible. The double oedometer and indicator analysis results were used in an
attempt to obtain a relationship between collapse settlement and a combination of
easily determined properties such as dry density (void ratio), moisture content and
grading, but no meaningful conclusions have emerged. The shear strength tests
indicated that a clear correlation does not exist between collapsibility and shear
strength. It was further established that a relationship between collapse settlement
determined during the double oedometer testing and the volume change during shear strength testing cannot be assumed. It can thus be concluded that soils can be very
unpredictable and further research on the collapse phenomenon is indicated. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Groot dele van die aarde se oppervlakte is bedek deur grondtipes wat geneig is tot ‘n
afname in volume as dit deurweek word. Hierdie gronde word swigversakkende
gronde genoem en dit word algemeen teëgekom in dele van die VSA, Asië, Suid-Amerika en
Suider-Afrika. In hierdie studie word die voorkoms van swigversakkende
gronde in die residuele graniet in die Stellenbosch area ondersoek. Die studie is
onderneem aangesien relatief min i.v.m. die swigversakking-verskynsel in die
problematiese verweerde graniet van die Weskaap bekend is. Die meeste van die
navorsing sover is onderneem op die diep residuele gronde wat gevorm is op die
Argaïese graniet in die Transvaal gebied, en betreklik min aandag is geskenk aan die
Kaapse graniet.
Tydens die studie is eksperimente wat dubbele oedometer toetse, indikator analises,
en skuifsterkte toetse insluit, uitgevoer. Dubbele oedometer toetse is uitgevoer om die
potensiële swigversakking van die grond in die afgebakende studiegebied te
kwantifiseer. In ‘n poging om die swigversakking-verskynsel van die grond beter te
verstaan, is indikator analises wat Atterberg grense en partikel grootte verspreiding
insluit, uitgevoer. Direkte skuiftoetse is ook uitgevoer op deurweekte grondmonsters
en op monsters wat natuurlike vog bevat, om sodoende die effek van swigversakking
op skuifsterkte vas te stel en om uit te vind of aansienlike addisionele sakking van die
deurweekte gronde tydens skuif plaasvind.
Daar is gevind dat swigversakkende gronde die oorheersende grondtipe in die
afgebakende studiegebied is waar meeste van die gronde ‘n potensiële swigversakking
van meer as 1% toon. ‘n Swigversakking van meer as 5% is in ‘n paar gevalle
bereken, wat bewys dat sommige grondtipes hoogs versakkend is. Die resultate van
die dubbele oedometer en indikator analises is gebruik in ‘n poging om te bewys dat
daar ‘n verhouding bestaan tussen swigversakking en ‘n kombinasie van kenmerke
wat maklik vasgestel kan word soos droë digdheid (ruimte verhouding), voginhoud en
gradering, maar daar kon nie tot ‘n sinvolle slotsom gekom word nie. Die skuifsterkte
toetse toon dat daar nie ‘n duidelike korrelasie bestaan tussen swigversakking en
skuifsterkte nie. Daar is verder vasgestel dat dit nie moontlik is om te aanvaar dat daar ‘n verhouding bestaan tussen swigversakking soos vasgestel tydens die dubbele
oedometer toetsing, en die verandering in volume tydens skuifsterkte toetsing nie.
Daar is dus tot die slotsom gekom dat grond baie onvoorspelbaar kan wees en dat
verdere navorsing na die swigversakking-verskynsel nodig is.
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An analysis of the tourism curriculum at Boland College : what the tourism industry in Stellenbosch requires from entry level college employeesSwart, Claudia 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Students graduate from Boland College after obtaining the National Certificates N4 – N6 in Tourism. I have been working at Boland College Stellenbosch Campus as a tourism lecturer for 12 years and over the past few years I have found that students have been struggling to find employment in the tourism industry on completion of their studies.
The national tourism curriculum offered at FET colleges was implemented in 1995 with the last renewal in 2001 for selected subjects. The tourism industry, however, is a vibrant, ever-changing industry which stands in direct contrast with a static, needs-insensitive and unchanging curriculum.
The aim of this study was to establish in which respects the current national tourism curriculum corresponds, or does not correspond, with what the tourism industry in Stellenbosch requires from entry-level employees in terms of expected skills, knowledge and attitudes.
Qualitative methods were used to generate data from employers representing the tourism industry in Stellenbosch, graduates and lecturers from Boland College. Research participants were interviewed using semi-structured interviews. The data was analysed by doing verbatim transcriptions of the interviews, using coding and an Excel spread sheet analysis.
The results revealed specific areas where the current national tourism curriculum does not correspond with the expectations and needs that the tourism industry in Stellenbosch has from entry-level employees in terms of expected skills, knowledge and attitudes. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Studente ontvang ‘n kwalifikasie in Toerisme nadat hulle die Nasionale Sertifikate N4 – N6 in Toerisme voltooi het. Ek werk die afgelope 12 jaar as toerismedosent by Boland Kollege Stellenbosch Kampus. Gedurende die afgelope paar jaar het ek gevind dat studente sukkel om werk te kry in die toerismebedryf nadat hulle hul studies voltooi het.
Die nasionale toerisme-kurrikulum wat by VOO Kolleges aangebied word, is in 1995 geïmplementeer en die laaste keer in 2001 hernu en boonop slegs in sekere vakke. Die toerismebedryf is egter ‘n lewendige, vinnig-veranderende industrie in direkte teenstelling met die statiese, onveranderde kurrikulum wat oënskynlik nie sensitief genoeg is vir die behoeftes van die toerismebedryf nie.
Die doel van hierdie studie was om vas te stel in watter mate die huidige nasionale toerisme-kurrikulum ooreenstem, of nie ooreenstem nie, met wat die toerismebedryf in Stellenbosch verwag van intreevlak-werknemers in terme van verwagte vaardighede, kennis en houdings.
Kwalitatiewe metodes is gebruik om data te genereer en onderhoude is gevoer met werkgewers wat die toerismebedryf in Stellenbosch verteenwoordig asook gegradueerdes en dosente van Boland Kollege. Daar is hoofsaaklik gebruik gemaak van semi-gestruktueerde onderhoude. Die data-analise het bestaan uit verbatim getranskribeerde onderhoude, die kodering daarvan asook ‘n genoteerde Excel-ontledingstaat.
Die resultate van die studie dui op spesifieke aspekte van die nasionale toerisme kurrikulum wat nie ooreenstem met die verwagtinge en behoeftes wat die toerisme-industrie in Stellenbosch het van intreevlak werknemers in terme van vaardighede, kennis en houdings nie.
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’n Ondersoek na toegepaste teater as medium vir gemeenskapsontwikkeling in die Stellenbosch-omgewingEsterhuysen, Jana Maria 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this research paper an investigation into applied theatre as medium for community
development in the Stellenbosch area is conducted. An initial investigation was launched to
determine whether there are currently organizations in the Stellenbosch area that uses applied
theatre for the purpose of community development. This investigation concluded that there are
organizations currently in the Stellenbosch area that make use of community theatre, but not
necessarily for the purpose of community development. After further research, it was found that
there are organizations in the greater South Africa who make use of other forms of applied theatre
as a medium for community development such as theatre for development and theatre-ineducation.
Consequently, brief overviews of the different forms of applied theatre are given, explained and
discussed under the following three categories: applied theatre in education, applied theatre in the
community and applied theatre in the workplace. From this description it was determined that
community theatre and theatre in education is the most appropriate forms of applied theatre for
community development.
An empirical study was launched to investigate existing and/or completed applied theatre projects
in the Stellenbosch area as well as the greater South Africa to determine which projects have been
undertaken, which forms of applied theatre has been used and what the focus and outcomes of the
projects was. Interviews were conducted with specific organizations to determine how applied
theatre is being applied as medium for community development.
Following the existing projects and the identified forms of applied theatre that could be used for
community development, it was decided to conduct and launch a theatre for development project
in the Stellenbosch area. There is currently no similar theatre for development projects and the
feasibility of such a project has been questioned in a practical manner in a case study. The case
study was launched at a school in the Stellenbosch area where a project that deals with the
importance of school attendance were undertaken with a group of Grade 7 students. After completion of the research study it has been determined that applied theatre can be used as
a medium for community development in the Stellenbosch area. Although there are several
challenges to face such as finance and planning associated with the execution of an applied
theatre project, it is possible for such a project to be potentially successful. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie navorsingstudie word daar ondersoek ingestel na toegepaste teater as medium vir
gemeenskapsontwikkeling in die Stellenbosch-omgewing. Hierdie navorsing rus op drie bene,
naamlik ’n literatuurstudie, ’n empiriese ondersoek in die vorm van onderhoude en ’n
gevallestudie in die vorm van ’n teater vir ontwikkeling-projek.
Eerstens word ’n bondige oorsig van die verskillende vorme van toegepaste teater gegee. Die
verskillende vorme word uiteengesit en bespreek onder die volgende drie kategorieë, naamlik:
toegepaste teater op onderwysgebied, toegepaste teater in die gemeenskap en toegepaste teater in
die werkplek. Uit hierdie omskrywings is bepaal dat teater vir ontwikkeling, gemeenskapsteater
en teater-in-die-onderwys oënskynlik die mees gepaste vorme vir gemeenskapsontwikkeling is,
alhoewel die begrip toegepaste teater oor die algemeen verandering van een of ander aard ten
doel stel.
’n Empiriese ondersoek is geloods na bestaande en/of afgehandelde toegepaste teaterprojekte in
die Stellenbosch-omgewing, sowel as die groter Suid-Afrika om te bepaal watter projekte is reeds
aangepak, watter vorme van toegepaste teater gebruik word en wat die fokus en uitkomste van die
projekte is. Daar is gevind dat organisasies in die Stellenbosch-omgewing wat wel teater as
medium vir ontwikkeling gebruik, meestal fokus op gemeenskapsteater. Organisasies in die
groter Suid-Afrika maak egter ook gebruik van ander vorme van toegepaste teater vir
gemeenskapsontwikkeling, soos byvoorbeeld teater vir ontwikkeling en teater-in-die-onderwys.
Na aanleiding van die bestaande projekte en die geïdentifiseerde vorme van toegepaste teater vir
gemeenskapsontwikkeling is daar besluit om ’n teater vir ontwikkelings-projek in die
Stellenbosch-omgewing te loods. Daar is tans geen soortgelyke teater vir ontwikkeling-projekte
nie en die lewensvatbaarheid van so ’n projek is op praktiese wyse ondersoek in ’n gevallestudie.
Die gevallestudie is geloods by ’n skool in die Stellenbosch-omgewing waar daar met Graad 7-
leerders ’n projek aangepak is wat handel oor die belangrikheid van skoolbywoning. Na afloop van die navorsingstudie is daar bepaal dat toegepaste teater wel suksesvol as medium
vir gemeenskapsontwikkeling in die Stellenbosch-omgewing gebruik kan word en in sommige
gevalle reeds gebruik word. Daar is wel verskeie uitdagings, onder andere met betrekking tot
finansies en beplanning, wat gepaard gaan met die uitvoering van ’n toegepaste teaterprojek. Alle
aanduidings is egter dat sulke projekte ’n beduidende impak op ’n gemeenskap kan hê.
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Experiences of social vulnerability in indigent households related to water service delivery in kayamandi, StellenboschHarris, Winston J. January 2013 (has links)
The extent of a community experiencing social vulnerability depends on the community’s ability to access resources that may contribute to coping mechanisms (either within the household or provided externally by a responsible authority) that decrease the impacts and effects of a disaster. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to identify the existence of social and institutional mechanisms that aim to reduce experiences of water inaccessibility and the causes of social vulnerability, and increase coping mechanisms within Kayamandi. Kayamandi is a low income residential community on the north-westerly periphery of the greater Stellenbosch town in the Western Cape. The research attained responses through questionnaires and surveys from residents, community organisations and responsible personnel. These surveys allowed the researcher to produce raw attribute data for each household that assisted in spatially representing vulnerable households and informing the five priority areas of the Hyogo Framework for Action. Contributing to this method of attaining information, secondary geographic data collection was obtained through the Stellenbosch Local Municipality, the National Geospatial Information Directorate and the National Demarcation Board.
The findings of this thesis established that household and public water infrastructure
contribute to the risk of experiencing social vulnerability that affects economic standings and quality of health within the community. Contributing to this and due to Kayamandi’s politically sensitive and historically fractioned community, social cohesion has also been noted as an area of vulnerability. Although these vulnerabilities are experienced, residents are able to implement technical, social and municipal reliant coping mechanisms. However, although efforts from Stellenbosch Local Municipality do respond to most of the key indicators within the Hyogo Framework for Action, the study found no concrete efforts within the Stellenbosch Local Municipality that illustrate integrated mechanisms to reduce
the impacts of disasters and compound effects. / Magister Artium - MA
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Analyzing university language policies in South Africa: Critical discourse and policy analysis frameworksVan der Merwe, Chanel January 2016 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / At the dawn of democracy, Higher Education in South Africa was in dire need of change. One of the essential initiatives in response to transformation in Higher Education was the mandate from the Ministry of Education for each university to develop a language policy. Along with other initiatives, the language policies were intended to address issues of access and success in Higher Education, especially given the unequal opportunities people of colour had been given to access Higher Education in the country’s apartheid past. Although there is widespread acknowledgement of the barrier which language poses to epistemological access, and concern that in Higher Education the linguistic dimensions of transformation are yet to be institutionalised, the explanation commonly offered hinges on the non-implementation of university language policies. The relevant discourse presupposes that existing language policy instruments are otherwise adequate to transform language practices in the country’s universities. As a consequence, there has been relatively little research problematizing the texts of university language policies from the standpoint of policy design and those interests which conceivably make language transformation difficult. Against this backdrop, this thesis draws on work in policy analysis and critical discourse analysis to analyse the language policies of Stellenbosch University and of the University of the Western Cape. The detailed textual analysis to which both language policy documents are subjected draws on experiential analysis, demodalisation, activation, the use/non-use of conditional clauses and modality. The analysis reveals that even though the policies express unequivocal commitment to the country’s multilingual heritage and to the promotion of Afrikaans, English and isiXhosa, they betray a pattern of differential commitment to English versus Afrikaans and isiXhosa. Together with the key informant interviews, the analysis suggests that many of the concerns regularly expressed around a transformation of language practices are issues of policy design which have their origin in both the discourses around the language policy texts, and the policy texts themselves.
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Performance optimization of engineering systems with particular reference to dry-cooled power plants /Conradie, Antonie Eduard. January 1995 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 1995. / Bibliography. Also available via the Internet.
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Low earth orbit satellite constellation control using atmospheric drag /Du Toit, Daniel N. J. January 1997 (has links)
Dissertation (Ph. D.)--University of Stellenbosch, 1997. / Bibliography. Also available via the Internet
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Current manifestation of trauma experienced during forced removals under apartheid: interviews with a former "Vlakte" inhabitantHector- Kannemeyer , Renee Allison January 2010 (has links)
<p>Much has been researched in South Africa about the trauma of losing one&rsquo / s home, one&rsquo / s community and rebuilding one&rsquo / s life in a new environment. Several books have been published tracking the lives of the forcibly removed and their responses to leaving District Six. My research focuses on a different group namely those who had been forcibly removed from the centre of Stellenbosch, called &ldquo / Die Vlakte&rdquo / during that time. Living and working with and among people who have experienced this removal, I was keen to research whether the impact of the trauma is currently  / manifesting in this specific community and if so, what the symptoms would be. This qualitative inquiry focuses on one particular individual, Mr. Hilton Biscombe. I selected him because he, who experienced the removal as a teenager, spent most of his later life determinedly collecting stories and documents relating to this incident. Mr. Biscombe is also the only person of whom I am aware who responded personally through compiling a book, making a DVD, writing poetry as well as an autobiography relating to this event. My inquiry into the ways trauma manifests in a narrative, will be based on two interviews: one conducted by a white man from the University of Stellenbosch thirty years after the event / and another interview, six years later, conducted by myself.Our understanding of trauma is usually associated with a death or injury or the possibility thereof, but it could also include the victim&rsquo / s response to extreme fear, serious harm or threat to  / family members. According to van der Merwe and Vienings, people also become traumatized when witnessing harm, physical violence or death or the sudden loss or destruction of a victim&rsquo / s home (van der Merwe & / Vienings, 2001). So the issue of trauma is not in question, nor the fact that forced removals cause trauma. I am exploring testimony in the form of interviews for possible current manifestations of this trauma thirty-six years down the line.</p>
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Experiences of social vulnerability in indigent households related to water service delivery in Kayamandi, StellenboschHarris, Winston J. January 2012 (has links)
<p>The extent of a community experiencing social vulnerability depends on the community&rsquo / s ability to access resources that may contribute to coping mechanisms (either within the household or provided externally by a responsible authority) that decrease the impacts and effects of a disaster. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to identify the existence of social and institutional mechanisms that aim to reduce experiences of water inaccessibility and the causes of social vulnerability, and increase coping mechanisms within Kayamandi. Kayamandi is a low income residential community on the north-westerly periphery of the greater Stellenbosch town in the Western Cape. The research attained  / responses through questionnaires and surveys from residents, community organisations and responsible personnel. These surveys allowed the researcher to produce raw attribute data for each household that assisted in spatially representing vulnerable households and informing the five priority areas of the Hyogo Framework for Action. Contributing to this method of attaining information, secondary geographic data collection was obtained through the Stellenbosch Local Municipality, the National Geospatial Information Directorate and the National Demarcation Board. The findings of this thesis established that household and public water infrastructure contribute to the risk of experiencing social vulnerability that affects economic standings and quality of health within the community. Contributing to this and due to Kayamandi&rsquo / s politically sensitive and historically fractioned community, social cohesion has also been noted as an area of vulnerability. Although these vulnerabilities are experienced, residents are able to implement technical, social and municipal reliant coping mechanisms. However, although efforts from Stellenbosch Local Municipality do respond to most of the key indicators within the Hyogo Framework for Action, the study found no concrete efforts within the Stellenbosch Local Municipality that illustrate integrated mechanisms to reduce the impacts of disasters and compound effects.</p>
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