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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”Ska de driva företag allihop? Nej, det är ju inte det som är entreprenörskap för våra elever” : En kvalitativ studie, om hur några lärare beskriver entreprenörskap i utbildning, utifrån kontexten gymnasiesärskola. / “Are they all going to run businesses? No, that’s not entrepreneurship for our students”

Grenander, Lina January 2018 (has links)
Abstract Globalization and transition from an industrial society to an information society have contributed to change the labour market. This means that other skills are required from employees and citizens, more than ever before, which explains the challenge that upper secondary school teachers are facing, trying to define what skills and abilities students with intellectual disability will need in the future. Entrepreneurship in education has been displayed by several participants in the education system, in response to how students can be prepared to match the demands of globalization and a changeable environment. However, it seems complicated to get a consensus about the concept and even the teaching methods, as entrepreneurship in education can be interpreted in different ways. The overall aim of the study is to explore the meanings of the concepts of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial competences, based on some teachers' perspectives, in upper secondary education for pupils with intellectual disability.  A further aim is to illustrate what opportunities and challenges that upper secondary school teachers describe, that work with entrepreneurship in education for pupils with intellectual disability, can imply. The study is qualitative, with didactics and entrepreneurship as theoretical starting points. Data has been collected through semi structured interviews and analyzed using content analysis. The result shows that the teachers mainly work on the basis of a broad definition of entrepreneurship, and confirm that there seems to be a confusion, about what entrepreneurship in education can mean. Entrepreneurship in education for pupils with intellectual disability appears as a relatively unexplored phenomenon, which highlights a need, as entrepreneurship is one of five perspectives that education in upper secondary school will be penetrated by.  My study increases the knowledge, of how some teachers, perceive entrepreneurship in upper secondary education for pupils with intellectual disability and can be seen as a contribution of knowledge, to participants in the same area of context.   Keywords Entrepreneurship, Broad perspective, upper secondary education for pupils with intellectual disability, interview study / Sammanfattning Globalisering och övergången från ett industrisamhälle till ett informationssamhälle, har bidragit till att arbetsmarknaden har förändras. Detta innebär att det krävs andra kompetenser, av arbetstagare och samhällsmedborgare nu, än det gjorde förr. Föregående aktualiserar den utmaning, som speciallärare/lärare på gymnasiesärskolan, ställs inför med hänsyn till att definiera vilka kunskaper och förmågor elever kommer att behöva i framtiden. Entreprenörskap i utbildning lyfts fram, av flera aktörer inom utbildningsväsendet, som svaret på hur elever kan förberedas för att matcha de krav som globalisering och en ombytlig miljö innebär. Dock, så verkar det komplicerat att få en samsyn kring begreppet och tillika då undervisningsmetoder, eftersom entreprenörskap i utbildning går att tolka på olika sätt. Det övergripande syftet med studien är att utforska innebörder av begreppen entreprenörskap och entreprenöriella kompetenser utifrån några lärares perspektiv på gymnasiesärskolans nationella program. Ytterligare ett syfte är att åskådliggöra de möjligheter och utmaningar, som gymnasiesärskolelärarna beskriver att arbete med entreprenörskap i utbildning kan innebära.  Studien är kvalitativ, med didaktik och entreprenörskap som teoretiska utgångspunkter. Data har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer och analyserats med hjälp av innehållsanalys. Resultatet visar, att lärarna främst arbetar utifrån en bred definition av entreprenörskap, samt bekräftar att det verkar råda en begreppsförvirring kring vad entreprenörskap i utbildning kan innebära. Entreprenörskap i utbildning, utifrån kontexten gymnasiesärskola, framstår som ett relativt obeforskat fenomen, vilket aktualiserar ett behov, eftersom entreprenörskap är ett av fem perspektiv som utbildningen i gymnasiesärskolan ska genomsyras av. Studien bidrar med kunskap, utifrån hur några lärare i gymnasiesärskolan, uppfattar entreprenörskap i utbildning, vilket kan ses som ett kunskapsbidrag till aktörer inom kontexten gymnasiesärskola.   Nyckelord Entreprenörskap, Bred definition, gymnasiesärskola, intervjustudie

Undervisning om hållbar utveckling i skolans tidigare år. : En kvantitativ studie om lärares undervisning om hållbar utveckling.

Svensson, Moa January 2018 (has links)
Det här är en kvantitativ studie som undersöker hur lärare i skolans tidigare år arbetar med hållbar utveckling i sin undervisning. För att besvara studiens syfte har fyra stycken frågeställningar utformats, dessa undersöker undervisningens innehåll, arbetsmetoder, svårigheter samt om hållbar utveckling genomsyrar elevernas skolgång. Studien baseras på en internetenkät, publicerad i medlemsgrupper på Facebook.com som är riktad mot lärare och arbetande inom skolan. Totalt har 66 personer besvarat enkäten, vidare har tre stycken av dessa besvarat sex stycken följdfrågor om vilka svårigheter de upplever med undervisning om hållbar utveckling.Studiens resultat visar att det ekologiska perspektivet av hållbar utveckling är det som deltagarna anser att de har mest kunskaper om. Detta visas både genom deltagarnas egen utvärdering av sina kunskaper men också utifrån vad deras undervisning om hållbar utveckling innehåller. Arbetsmetoderna varierar mellan både praktiskt och teoretiskt arbete där undervisningen främst sker inomhus, men vid vissa tillfällen även utomhus. Till viss del genomsyrar hållbar utveckling elevernas skolgång, främst handlar det om återvinning av material samt källsortering. Av de 66 respondenterna upplever 66.2 % stora svårigheter, att det är svårt eller några svårigheter med att undervisa om hållbar utveckling. Det deltagarna anser gör undervisningen om hållbar utveckling svår är deras egen kunskap i området, att veta vad eleverna ska lära sig samt att få eleverna att förstå ett sådant komplext innehåll.Studiens kommer fram till att deltagarnas undervisning om hållbar utveckling främst riktas mot det ekologiska perspektivet genom att använda både praktiska och teoretiska arbetsmetoder och växelvis inomhus och utomhus. Hållbar utveckling ses till viss del som ett ständigt arbete som sker i skolan, där främst källsortering och återvinning av material är dagliga inslag. Att respondenterna upplever undervisningen om hållbar utveckling som svårt beror främst på bristande kunskap, vilket även gör det svårt för lärarna att utforma undervisningen innehåll. Studiens slutsats är att hållbar utveckling är ett komplext och invecklat undervisningsområde och många av de som deltagit i studien anser att de skulle behöva mer kunskaper om området för att inte uppleva den som svår.

Um perfil formativo, técnico-acadêmico e profissional dos egressos do Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência/FC UNESP [1997-2014] / A formative, technical-academic and professional profile of the graduates of the Graduate Program in Education for Science/FC UNESP [1997-2014]

Audi, Amanda Godoi 20 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Amanda Godoi Audi (amanda.audi@unesp.br) on 2018-08-03T12:39:42Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação_Amanda Godoi Audi.pdf: 3420716 bytes, checksum: 44ab586bd9cb3ec7ce72ab46e49a570e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Minervina Teixeira Lopes null (vina_lopes@bauru.unesp.br) on 2018-08-03T16:29:27Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 audi_ag_me_bauru.pdf: 3236153 bytes, checksum: 4267c7ab6f8dcc05f3d98ba9359dcac6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-03T16:29:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 audi_ag_me_bauru.pdf: 3236153 bytes, checksum: 4267c7ab6f8dcc05f3d98ba9359dcac6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-20 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Esta pesquisa tem como objeto de estudo o Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência da Unesp/Bauru. A questão a ser respondida é _Qual é o perfil formativo, técnico-acadêmico e profissional dos egressos do programa de Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência da Unesp/Bauru?. O objetivo geral é traçar um perfil formativo, técnico-acadêmico e profissional de pesquisadores da Área de Ensino de Ciências, utilizando como foco de pesquisa o PPGEC, tendo como amostra os mestres formados no período de 1997 a 2014 e os doutores, formados de 2003 a 2013, sendo um total de 494 egressos. Os dados foram levantados em relatórios disponibilizados pela Seção de Pós-graduação; em artigos científicos publicados; em legislações; e, aqueles relativos aos sujeitos, foram obtidos a partir das informações contidas no currículo Lattes. Trata-se de uma pesquisa quantitativa, com as bases cienciométricas; e para analisar estes dados que foram utilizados princípios da estatística descritiva. O que se pode constatar, de modo geral, é que o perfil dos egressos é majoritariamente feminino, com maiores índices no mestrado que no doutorado. Os egressos que mais buscaram o programa eram graduados em 37,2% Ciências Biológicas; 21,4% Física; 14,1% Matemática; 9,3% Química; e 4,2% Pedagogia, desde 1997 até 2014 e que a maior parte destes atuam em Universidades e Faculdades públicas após a conclusão do curso. / This research has as object of study the Graduate Program in Education for Science of Unesp / Bauru. The question to be answered is _ What is the educational, technical-academic and professional profile of the graduates of the Graduate Program in Education for Science of Unesp / Bauru ?. The general objective is to draw a technical, academic and professional profile of researchers from the Science Teaching Area, using as a research focus the PPGEC, having as a sample the masters trained in the period from 1997 to 2014 and the doctors graduated in 2003 to 2013, with a total of 494 graduates. The data were collected in reports made available by the Postgraduate Section; published scientific articles; in legislation; and those related to subjects were obtained from the information contained in the Lattes curriculum. It is a quantitative research, with the scientometric bases; and to analyze these data we used principles of descriptive statistics. What can be seen, in general, is that the profile of graduates is mostly female, with higher rates in the masters than in the doctorate. The graduates who more sought the program were graduated in 37.2% Biological Sciences; 21.4% Physics; 14,1% Mathematics; 9.3% Chemistry; and 4.2% Pedagogy, from 1997 to 2014 and that most of them work in public universities and colleges after the conclusion of the course.

A multilevel analysis of learner and school contextual factors associated with educational quality

Winnaar, Lolita January 2013 (has links)
Magister Philosophiae - MPhil / The South African schools act, (number 5, 1996), asserts that all learners have a right to access both basic and quality education without discrimination of any sort. Since the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals there has been a drive by the Department of Education to ensure that all learners have access to basic education by 2015. However what remains a challenge after almost 20 years of democracy is the poor quality of education and this is clear from the results of international assessment studies. Results from studies like the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study and Southern and East Africa Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality, show that South African children perform well below international averages. In this study learner Mathematics achievement scores taken from the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study 2011 cycle will serve as a proxy for educational quality. Using multilevel analysis the current study aims to use a 2-level Hierarchical Linear Model to firstly; determine the learner and family background factors associated with education quality. Secondly; factors at the school level will be identified and proven to be associated with education quality. Variables selected for the study was based on Creamer’s theory of school effectiveness which looked at school, classroom level inputs as well as learner background variables to explain student level achievement. The results show that at the learner’s level the most significant factors were the age of the leaner, in the sense that grade age appropriate learners obtained higher scores than overage learners. Learner’s perception of mathematics is extremely important and has a positive effect on mathematics performance. In the current study mathematics perception refers to learners valuing and liking mathematics as well learner confidence in learning mathematics. Learners who said they were bullied as school generally scored lower than learners who were not bullied. At the school level the most significant factors were teacher working conditions, teachers’ specialisation in mathematics, school socio-economic status, and general infrastructure. Interesting to note at the school level is when socioeconomic status was included in the model as a single variable the score difference between low socio-economic status and high socio-economic status schools was almost 46 points. However when the factors mentioned above were added to the model the difference in scores dropped by almost half.

Une sexualité cérébralement handicapée ? : représentations sociales de la sexualité des adultes handicapés cérébraux vivant en institution, pour une éducation pour la santé / A mentally-handicapped sexuality? : social representations about sexuality of mentally-handicapped adults living in institution, for an education for health

Ossola, Laurence 24 November 2017 (has links)
L’adulte handicapé cérébral, comme tout être humain, développe des sentiments d’amour, et à ce titre, a droit à une vie affective, intime et sexuelle. En institution (lieu de vie), les adultes cérébrolésés sont souvent dépendants des représentations sociales qui les ont construit, de celles des soignants qui les prennent en soins ou encore de celles des aidants-aimants-accompagnants et familles qui les accompagnent. Cette recherche a tenté de cibler les noyaux centraux et les éléments périphériques de toutes ces représentations sociales, au moyen de « l’association libre » et de « cartes émotionnelles », afin d’évaluer pour tous les acteurs, les progrès possibles en matière d’acceptation et par conséquent d’accompagnement de l’intimité et de la sexualité des personnes handicapées cérébrales institutionnalisées. Les personnes victimes de traumatismes crâniens sévères (handicap acquis) et les personnes porteuses d’infirmités motrices d’origine cérébrale (handicap congénital) ont été les principaux protagonistes de cette recherche. Les résultats montrent que selon le type de handicap (acquis ou congénital), la posture des soignants est quasiment la même ; celle des résidants eux-mêmes diffèrent légèrement ; quant à celle des aidants-aimants-accompagnants et familles, elle est radicalement différente : le handicap congénital ne laisse pas de place à un imaginaire intime et/ou sexuelle de leur part, envers leurs protégés. Quelles perspectives pour la mise en œuvre d’une éducation pour la santé sexuelle pour ces personnes handicapées cérébrales ? Quel accompagnement à la vie intime et sexuelle en structure d’hébergement ? / Mentally-handicapped adults, like any other human beings, develop amorous sentiments and therefore, are entitled to an emotional, intimate and sexual life.In institution (living space), brain-damaged adults are often dependent on social representations which built them, of those of caregivers who cared them, or still of those of caregivers-loving-accompanying and families which accompanying them.This research tried to target the central cores and peripheral elements of all these social representations, by means of the “free association” and the “emotional cards”, to estimate for all actors, the possible progress regarding acceptance, and consequently accompaniment of intimacy and sexuality about institutionalized mentally-handicapped adults.Brain-damaged adults (acquired handicap) and people with mental disabilities (congenital handicap) were the main protagonists of this research.The results show that according to the type of handicap (acquired or congenital), the caregivers’ posture is almost the same; that of the resident differ themselves slightly; as for that some caregivers-loving-accompanying and families are radically different: people with congenital disabilities do not create an intimate imagination and/or sexual from them, to their mentally-handicapped adult.What perspectives for the implementation of an education for the sexual health for these cerebral disabled people? What sort of companying for privacy and sexual life in institution?

Education pour tous : l'aléa des Etats fragiles / Education for all : the hazard within fragile states

Poirier, Thomas 27 November 2012 (has links)
Plus du tiers des enfants non scolarisés dans le monde vit actuellement dans des pays considérés comme fragiles. Principalement localisés en Afrique subsaharienne, ces pays, pour la plupart, ne seront pas en mesure de réaliser les objectifs de l’Éducation Pour Tous d’ici 2015. Se situant à la croisée de l’éducation comparée, des sciences politiques et de la sociologie des organisations, cette thèse explore empiriquement les conditions d’achèvement de l’EPT dans les contextes de fragilités.Malgré les ambigüités qui l’entourent, la notion d’État fragile a été adoptée en 2005 en tant que concept opérationnel par la plupart des organismes d’aide. Si les définitions de l’État fragile convergent sur un ensemble de critères spécifiques (institutions dysfonctionnelles, instabilité sociopolitique chronique, accès limité aux services sociaux), la fragilité revêt des dimensions variées et connexes dont la sévérité rend la réalisation de la scolarisation primaire universelle singulièrement aléatoire. Dès lors, l’injonction faite aux États de fournir une édu-cation de base homogène aux populations, notamment aux plus pauvres, peut rencontrer des difficultés d’adaptation dans les contextes particuliers des États fragiles (chapitre 1). Les conflits armés constituent certainement la plus évidente origine de la fragilité des États et des pays. Les effets de ces conflits mettent à mal le développement éducatif et anéantissent toute perspective d’éducation pour une proportion d’enfants difficilement mesurable, parti-culièrement ceux issus de milieux pauvres et isolés. Les périodes d’instabilité signalent égale-ment l’impact des politiques des finances publiques ainsi que l’échec d’un gouvernement à investir dans des domaines sociaux tels que l’éducation, élément contribuant à l’émergence des valeurs d’un système politique à tendances démocratiques (chapitre 2). Dans la mesure où l’investissement éducatif est perçu comme une condition nécessaire, sinon suffisante, de sortie de la pauvreté, l’option d’impulser et d’accélérer le développement éducatif s’impose comme un critère d’opportunité pour la communauté internationale, quitte à exercer des formes d’ingérence. Les conclusions de notre analyse empirique montrent, dans la problématique des États fragiles, l’émergence d’une contradiction actuelle entre le caractère inclusif des objectifs de l’EPT et la nature excluante des paradigmes sur lesquels se fondent l’aide extérieure (efficacité et résultats). Cette situation conduit alors à s’interroger sur une approche de l’aide liée à une analyse morale écartelée entre les conséquences des actions individuelles ou communes et dont les critères et instruments financiers ne sont visiblement pas adaptés aux situations de fragilité (chapitre 3). / Currently, over a third of children not in school live in countries considered being as fragile. These countries, which are mainly located in sub-Saharan Africa, will not reach the objectives of Education For All for 2015. This thesis covers approaches across comparative education, political science and sociology of organizations. It explores empirically the condi¬tions of achievement of EFA within the contexts of fragility. Despite its ambiguities, the notion of fragile states was adopted in 2005 as an operational concept by most of aid agencies. Definitions of fragile state converge on a set of specific criteria (dysfunctional institutions, chronic socio-political instability, limited access to social services). Nevertheless, the former also cover various and related dimensions, whose severity makes universal primary education achievement particularly hazardous. Therefore, the in¬junction made to states to provide homogenous basic education for their population, espe¬cially in the poorest ones, may indeed encounter difficulties in the particular contexts of fragile states (chapter 1). Armed conflicts are certainly the most obvious cause of the fragility of states and countries. The effects of these conflicts undermine the educational system and destroy any prospect of education for a difficulty measurable proportion of children, especially those in poor and isolated environments. Periods of instability can also be seen in the impact of public finances policies and the failure of governments to invest in social areas such as education. The latter being an element that contributes to the emergence of values of a democratic political system (chapter 2). Insofar as investment in education is perceived as a necessary, if not sufficient, to vanquish poverty, the option to stimulate and accelerate the development of education constitutes an opportunity for the international community. Even if it means that the latter also has to ex¬ercise some forms of interference. The findings of our empirical analysis show, that within fragile states, the emergence of a current contradiction between the inclusive nature of the EFA goals and the exclusionary nature of the paradigms on which foreign aid is based (effec¬tiveness and results). This situation leads us to question the approach of aid which is torn morally between the consequences of individual actions or common actions where the finan¬cial criteria and instruments are clearly not adapted to situations of fragility (chapter 3).

Desafios e possibilidades para a formação continuada de professores de crianças de 4 e 5 anos para a literacia científica no Município de Amajari, Roraima / Challenges and possibilities for the continued training of teachers of children of 4 and 5 years to scientific literacy in Amajari Municipality, Roraima / Desafíos y posibilidades para la formación continuada de profesores de niños de 4 y 5 años para la literacia científica en el Municipio de Amajari, Roraima

Fioretti, Elena Campo 31 July 2018 (has links)
Submitted by ELENA CAMPO FIORETTI (lefioretti@hotmail.com) on 2018-10-08T06:16:57Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ELENA FIORETTI TESE UNESP PPB VERSAO FINAL.pdf: 7192647 bytes, checksum: b9820b127ca5d2a35726335b2ead83ff (MD5) / Rejected by ALESSANDRA KUBA OSHIRO ASSUNÇÃO (alessandra@fct.unesp.br), reason: Solicitamos que realize correções na submissão seguindo as orientações abaixo: - Substituir a ficha catalográfica pela ficha gerada através do link: https://www.biblioteca.unesp.br/ficha/ - Informar as palavras-chave individualmente Agradecemos a compreensão. on 2018-10-08T12:16:48Z (GMT) / Submitted by ELENA CAMPO FIORETTI (lefioretti@hotmail.com) on 2018-10-08T17:29:56Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ELENA FIORETTI TESE UNESP PPB VERSAO FINAL 1.pdf: 7029292 bytes, checksum: 96475f1a9e36c7bc073ac71315509514 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by ALESSANDRA KUBA OSHIRO ASSUNÇÃO (alessandra@fct.unesp.br) on 2018-10-08T18:25:08Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 fioretti_ec_dr_prud.pdf: 7029292 bytes, checksum: 96475f1a9e36c7bc073ac71315509514 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-08T18:25:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 fioretti_ec_dr_prud.pdf: 7029292 bytes, checksum: 96475f1a9e36c7bc073ac71315509514 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-07-31 / Esta tese, vinculada à linha de pesquisa “Processos Formativos, Infância e Juventude” do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da FCT/UNESP, campus de Presidente Prudente, se originou da concepção de literacia científica. O argumento é o de que a criança pré-escolar compreende e intervém com criticidade, no mundo contemporâneo, se os seus professores oferecem educação científica, o que demanda formação continuada que os promova à literacia científica. Com o problema investigativo: quais desafios deverão ser enfrentados pelo Sistema Municipal de Educação de Amajari, Roraima, para promover formação continuada dos professores de crianças de 4e 5 anos para a literacia científica?, o objeto de estudo foi a formação continuada iluminada pelo conceito da literacia científica para professores das crianças de 4 e 5 anos de idade. O objetivo geral: analisar os desafios e identificar as possibilidades a serem enfrentados pelo Sistema Municipal de Educação de Amajari, Roraima, para possibilitar formação continuada dos professores de crianças de 4 e 5 anos com os fundamentos da educação científica, de modo a conduzi-los à literacia científica. Foram objetivos específicos: examinar a estrutura do Sistema Educacional desse Município; investigar a situação funcional dos profissionais desse sistema educacional; pesquisar a concepção dos profissionais desse sistema educacional sobre formação continuada com educação científica, na Educação Infantil; refletir sobre desafios e possibilidades resultantes da análise dos dados, visando à formação continuada amparada na educação científica, que leve professores de crianças de 4 e 5 anos à literacia científica. Ideias da Teoria Histórico-Cultural tangenciaram conceitos de formação continuada com os fundamentos da educação científica, como pressuposto para a ação docente, reconhecendo que o conhecimento científico é base que favorece a literacia científica, na forma de capacidade de usar conhecimentos, reconhecer questões científicas e apoiar a tomada de decisões no mundo atual, com as mudanças ocorridas pela atividade humana. De abordagem qualitativa, a investigação contou com participantes coordenadores educacionais, gestores da Educação Infantil e professoras que atuam com crianças de 4 e 5 anos de idade. A metodologia de caráter exploratório e descritivo permitiu compreender essa realidade pouco conhecida e promoveu o levantamento bibliográfico de dissertações e teses referentes ao tema, em bases digitais de instituições afins e bibliotecas virtuais de Universidades brasileiras e portuguesas. Os dados empíricos foram obtidos através de documentos oficiais dessa Secretaria de Educação; de entrevistas coletivas e de questionários envolvendo coordenadores educacionais, gestores e professores da educação pré-escolar desse município. A análise de dados ocorreu por meio da técnica da análise de conteúdo. Os resultados indicam, como desafios: os documentos das ações de políticas públicas desse sistema educacional são desarticulados e não definem diretrizes de formação continuada dos professores da pré-escola; esse sistema de educação é frágil, por não possuir quadro de profissionais permanente e plano de carreira. Os professores, sem formação na educação científica, possuem baixo nível de literacia científica, o que dificulta o ensino das ciências e a promoção de literacia científica nas crianças pré-escolares. Os resultados apontam as seguintes possibilidades: execução de planejamento e implantação de programa de formação continuada fundamentada na educação científica; organização de atividades do ensino das ciências para a literacia científica das crianças da pré-escola; adequação, criação e uso de espaços não formais como ambiente de aprendizagem científica; produção de materiais e equipamentos alternativos para o ensino de ciências na pré-escola. / This thesis, linked to the research line "Formative Processes, Childhood and Youth" of the Postgraduate Program in Education of FCT / UNESP, Presidente Prudente campus, originated from the concept of scientific literacy. The argument is that preschoolers understand and intervene critically in the contemporary world if their teachers offer them science based approach education, which requires continued education to promote them to scientific literacy. With the investigative problem: what challenges should be faced by the Municipal Education System of Amajari, Roraima, to promote continuing education of teachers of children between the ages of 4 and 5 years for scientific literacy? The object of study is continued education illuminated by the concept of scientific literacy for teachers of children between the ages of 4 and 5 years. The general objective is to analyze the challenges and identify the possibilities to be faced by the Municipal Education System of Amajari, Roraima, to enable continuing education of preschool teachers with the foundations of scientific education in order to lead them to scientific literacy. Specific objectives were: to examine the structure of the Educational System of this Municipality; to investigate the functional situation of the professionals of this educational system; to research the conception of the professionals of this educational system on continuing education with scientific education in Child Education; to reflect on the challenges and possibilities resulting from data analysis, aiming at the continued education supported by scientific education, which will bring teachers of children between the age of 4 and 5 years to scientific literacy. Ideas of the Historical-Cultural Theory goes on tangent with concepts of continuous education with the foundations of scientific education, as a presupposition for teaching practice, recognizing that scientific knowledge is the basis that favors scientific literacy, in the form of capacity to use knowledge, to recognize scientific matters and support decision-making in the natural world regarding changes in human activity. From a qualitative approach, the research counted on educational coordinators, children's education managers and teachers who work with children between the age of 4 and 5 years. The exploratory and descriptive methodology permits the understanding of this little known reality and promoted the bibliographical survey of dissertations and theses related to the subject, in digital data bases of related institutions and virtual libraries of Brazilian and Portuguese universities. The empirical data were obtained through official documents from the Education Department; of collective interviews and questionnaires involving educational coordinators, managers and teachers of the pre-school education of this municipality. Data analysis took place through the content analysis methodology. The results indicate, as challenges: the documents of the public policy actions this educational system are disjointed and do not define guidelines for the continuing education of pre-school teachers; this system of education is fragile, as it does not have a permanent professional staff and a career plan. Teachers, with no education in science education, have a low level of scientific literacy, which makes it difficult to teach science and promote scientific literacy in preschool children. The results indicate the following possibilities: planning and implementation of a continuing education program based on scientific education; organization of science education activities for the scientific literacy of pre-school children; adaptation, creation and use of non-formal spaces as a scientific learning environment; production of alternative materials and equipment for pre-school science education.

Výchova demokratického občana na 2. stupni ZŠ / Education for democratic citizenship at secondary school

VÝLETOVÁ, Veronika January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with one of the cross-cutting issues in RVP ZV. It is devoted to the education which results in active citizenship in a democracy. A theoretical part is related to the following topics: education for citizenship, curriculum reform, core competencies, education for democratic citizenship and civics textbooks. A practical part contains a unique survey about the education for democratic citizenship at secondary school and worksheet drafts, which lead to anticipated results in such education.

Formação continuada do professor da educação superior promovida por ações institucionais

Maraschin, Maria Lucia Marocco January 2012 (has links)
Nesta tese analisam-se programas e políticas de formação continuada (FC) para professores da educação superior, promovidos por duas universidades comunitárias do estado de Santa Catarina: Unochapecó e UNESC. O objetivo foi o de identificar e analisar as práticas e políticas de formação continuada concebidas e promovidas por essas Instituições, com destaque para as concepções e significados atribuídos pelos professores às ações promovidas institucionalmente. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de campo de cunho qualitativo, que também assume caráter exploratório. Os dados foram obtidos mediante análise documental e entrevistas com gestores e docentes das universidades pesquisadas. Nessa travessia, buscouse a origem da demanda pela formação continuada e a forma como essas instituições responderam a ela. Foram identificadas as ações de maior impacto nas práticas e políticas de formação continuada para a docência na educação superior. Os dados indicam que os esforços institucionais para promover ações de formação continuada se fortalecem a partir dos indicadores de resultados que emergem da avaliação institucional. Os compromissos institucionais presentes na missão das universidades transversalizam as diferentes ações tanto no ensino e na pesquisa quanto na extensão. Os programas de formação continuada procuram atender às demandas gerais e específicas dos docentes. São esforços institucionais, que buscam produzir “mudanças possíveis” em âmbito coletivo e individual, traduzidos em ações que decorrem de inquietações vividas pelos discentes, docentes e gestores e se caracterizam por momentos de trocas, de inquietações e de contradições. Em síntese, as instituições pesquisadas, ao reconhecer a pluralidade e a heterogeneidade dos conhecimentos implicados na docência, assumem politicamente a formação continuada de seus docentes, concebendo-a e promovendo-a a partir de uma perspectiva plural. / In this thesis, policies and programs of continuing education (CE) for higher education teachers’, supported by two community universities in the state of Santa Catarina, Unochapecó and UNESC, were analyzed. The objective was to identify and analyze policies and practices of continuing education designed and promoted by these institutions, especially the concepts and meanings attributed by the teachers to the actions taken institutionally. This is a field research of qualitative and exploratory character. Data were collected through document analysis and interviews with administrators, teachers and professors of both universities. In this passage, we sought the origin of the demand for continuing education as well as how these institutions have answered to it. The actions of greater impact were identified. The data indicates that institutional efforts in continuing education are strengthened by the performance indicators that emerged from the institutional evaluation. The institutional commitments presented in the mission of these universities crosscutting different actions in attention to what is proposed in education, research and extension. The continuing education program seek to meet the general and specific demands of the teachers. They are institutional efforts which produce "possible changes" in the collective and individual scope, translated into actions that stem from concerns experienced by undergraduate students, professors and administrators. In summary, these two institutions recognize the plurality and heterogeneity of knowledge involved in teaching, and assumes politically the continuing education of their professors as well as, conceives and promotes it from a plural perspective.

O movimento circular uniforme para alunos da EJA que trabalham no processo de produção do couro

Krummenauer, Wilson Leandro January 2009 (has links)
A proposta aqui apresentada foi aplicada a uma turma de 40 alunos do Ensino Médio da modalidade Educação de Jovens e Adultos em uma escola privada situada na cidade de Estância Velha, RS. Os alunos desta modalidade caracterizam-se por serem alunos trabalhadores do setor coureiro e calçadista na cidade. O foco do trabalho é o ensino de Física na EJA, mais especificamente o ensino da cinemática e dinâmica do movimento circular uniforme. A escolha por este tema aconteceu a partir dos conhecimentos prévios do grupo de alunos relativos ao seu contexto profissional, formulando um tema gerador construído a partir dos conhecimentos prévios deste contexto, com o intuito de propiciar maior eficiência do processo ensino-aprendizagem. A partir de características profissionais em comum entre os alunos o tema gerador convergiu para o processo de produção do couro. Com isso, pretendemos tornar a Física significativa e relevante para o educando, uma Física viva e inserida no seu cotidiano, permitindo com que o aluno realizasse relações e analogias de situações presenciadas no seu trabalho com os conteúdos trabalhados. Tendo como fundamentação teórica as teorias de aprendizagem de David Ausubel e Joseph Novak e de Paulo Freire, buscamos desenvolver uma aprendizagem significativa de conteúdos de Física a partir de subsunçores existentes na estrutura cognitiva dos alunos, tornando o estudo do movimento circular uniforme relevante para os alunos partindo de conhecimentos prévios dos mesmos. Todo material didático trabalhado com a turma foi relacionado com o processo de produção do couro, visando tornar o material potencialmente significativo. Os mapas conceituais também foram utilizados como instrumentos de avaliação, visando analisar as relações conceituais estabelecidas na estrutura cognitiva dos alunos. Aplicamos um teste inicial objetivando averiguar os conhecimentos prévios dos alunos e constatar eventuais lacunas. Ao final da proposta aplicamos o teste final que objetivou verificar se todos os conceitos trabalhados durante a aplicação do projeto haviam sido aprendidos pelos educandos. A média geral da turma no teste final foi de 87,5% de ocorrência de respostas coerentes. Desta maneira, percebemos que o material apresentado e as relações do conteúdo com situações cotidianas foram fundamentais para o excelente desempenho dos alunos no projeto. / The proposal presented here has been applied to a class of 40 students from high school to form the Youth and Adult Education in a private school located in the town of Estância Velha, RS. Students of this type are characterized by students and workers in the leather footwear sector in the city. The focus of the work is the teaching of physics in EJA, specifically the teaching of kinematics and dynamics of uniform circular motion. The choice of this theme happened from the previous knowledge of the group of students on their professional context, making a theme generator built from previous knowledge of the context in order to provide greater efficiency of the teaching-learning process. From professional characteristics in common between students converged for the theme for the production process of leather. With this, we intend to make significant and physics relevant to the student, a physics and inserted into living their daily lives, allowing the student to make links and similarities of situations presence in his work with the content worked. With the theoretical foundation for learning the theories of David Ausubel and Joseph Novak and Paulo Freire, we develop a meaningful learning of content in Physics from subsumers in the cognitive structure of students, making the study of uniform circular motion relevant for students from previous knowledge of them. All material worked with the class was related to the production process of leather, to make the material potentially significant. The conceptual maps were also used as instruments of assessment, aimed at examining the relations established in the conceptual structure of the students learning. Apply an objective test initial check prior knowledge of the students and see any gaps. At the end of the final proposal put to the test aimed to check whether all the concepts worked for the implementation of the project are aware of learners. The overall average in the final test group was 87.5% of the occurrence of coherent answers. Thus, we see that the material presented and the relations of the content presented with everyday situations were key to the excellent performance of students in the project.

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