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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Extending Human Compassion by Implementing Legal Rights for Animals

Childers, Lindsey 01 May 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to critically examine the current legal status of animals in the United States and offer possible alternatives to the current legal rights for animals. This essay examines the failures of the legal system in protecting animals that have abilities very similar to our own. With an examination of these types of animals, this essay will explain why some animals merit the status of legal personhood to protect them from being carelessly used by others. Ultimately, this essay is an attempt to open the field of legal protection for many animals starting with a few through legal personhood.

Ritual e pessoa entre os Waimiri-Atroari / Ritual and personhood among the Waimiri-Atroari

Matarezio Filho, Edson Tosta 02 July 2010 (has links)
Esta dissertação faz uma reflexão sobre a noção de pessoa dos índios Waimiri-Atroari, povo caribe-guianense, com um foco no ritual de iniciação masculina. Para tanto, abordo o ritual como um momento de aquecimento das trocas simbólicas deste grupo, em que o neófito encorpora diversas perspectivas ou pessoas em diversas escalas. A análise relaciona, portanto, as performances dos cantos que evocam animais, plantas, humanos e não humanos com algumas qualidades e hábitos destes seres evocados. O tema da troca aparece ainda em uma consideração sobre o casamento e as narrativas míticas. / This dissertation presents a reflection about the concept of personhood for the Waimiri-Atroari Indigenous, a Caribbean-Guianean people, focusing on the male initiation ritual. In this sense, the ritual is approached as warming stage of the symbolic exchange within the group, a moment in which the neophyte embodies several perspectives or persons in several scales. The analysis relates, thus, the chant performances - which evoke animals, plants, human and non-humans to determined qualities and behavior of the evoked beings. The exchange theme also arises in a consideration on the marriage and the mythic narratives.

No seio do rio: linhas que casam, que curam e que dançam Parentesco e corporalidade entre os Mura do Igapó-Açu / On the breast of river: lines that marry, heal and dance Kinship and corporality in the Mura of Igapó-Açu

Fileno, Fernando Augusto 04 November 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho reflete sobre a organização social mura, a partir do estudo de uma das aldeias que compõem o Terra Indígena Cunhã-Sapucaia, localizada no município de Borba (AM). O tema da construção e manutenção da comunidade desdobra-se para o quadro mais amplo das relações multilocais que congregam o universo das demais aldeias dentro do território, organizadas em torno do eixo do rio Igapó-Açu, através de linhas que traçam o espaço político. Linha é um conceito norteador dessa dissertação, uma definição para a relação, ela descortina-se como um modo de pensar de que maneira ela se manifesta em distintos contextos. A aldeia mura como espaço político e cosmopolítico fornece o panorama do qual acompanharemos o processo de fabricação do corpo e definição da noção de pessoa mura, chave para entender o parentesco e o socius. / This work is a reflection about the mura social organization, from the study of one of the villages that make up the Indigenous Area Cunhã-Sapucaia, situated in the city of Borba (AM). The theme of the community construction and maintenance unfolds to the broader picture of multilocal relations that encompass the universe of other villages in the area, organized around the river Igapó-Açu axis, through lines that outline the political space. Line is a guiding concept of this dissertation, a definition of the relationship, it unfolds as a way of thinking as it expresses itself in different contexts. The mura village as a political and cosmopolitical area, provides the context in which we will accompany the body manufacturing process and the definition of mura personhood, key to the comprehension of the kinship and the socius.

”Allt verkligt liv är möte”. Personcentrerad vårdfilosofi för personer med demenssjukdom

Tagesson, Siv January 2008 (has links)
En vårdfilosofi kan fungera som en grund för hur man ska handla och en förklaring till varför man har handlat som man har. Studien syftar till att beskriva en personcentrerad vårdfilosofi och hur den kommer till uttryck i demensvård. I denna studie har kvalitativa studier av demensvård med ett personcentrerat perspektiv analyserats för att öka förståelsen för hur denna vård upplevs av patienterna och hur den uttrycks i vården.På grund av att patienter med demenssjukdom är extremt sårbara och beroende av andra för sitt välbefinnande är det speciellt viktigt att formulera en vårdfilosofi inom demensvård.Det som är återkommande i resultatet av studien är synen på patienten som en person. Att bli sedd som en person och inte som en sak eller diagnos ger mening åt livet och möjlighet till att uppleva välbefinnande.Personcentrerad vård inom demensvård innebär att bekräfta patienten, vara närvarande i mötet, lyssna till och försöka tolka patientens berättelse, ge patienten frihet och möjlighet att välja och bestämma över sin situation, hjälpa patienten att bevara sina relationer och underlätta eller kompensera för personens förlorade förmågor. / <p>Program: Fristående kurs</p><p>Uppsatsnivå: C</p>

Reimagining Potential Life: A Socialized Right to Reproductive Freedom

Henry, Daniella 01 January 2019 (has links)
A more conservative supreme court will likely have the chance to overrule Roe v. Wade. Many states have passed heartbeat laws that will probably be taken all the way to the supreme court, these cases will ask the supreme court to affirm fetal personhood, giving fetuses a constitutionally recognized right to due process and making abortion illegal. In this thesis, I will defend an expansion of protections for pregnant peoples through a socialized right to abortion.

Inspirations from Potential: Does Human Embryo <em>in vitro </em>Possess Full Moral Status?

Artemenko, Oleg January 2010 (has links)
<p>The paper deals with the problem of the moral status of human embryos <em>in vitro</em> obtained via somatic cell nuclear transfer, <em>in vitro</em> fertilization and similar biotechnologies. The purpose of research is to investigate whether it is possible to ascribe the position of full moral status to the embryo <em>in vitro</em> relying on its intrinsic properties. In particular, the property of totipotency of a human zygote was taken as presupposition in carrying out further moral assessments. To achieve these goals I have examined the applicability of the potentiality argument for evaluating moral status of the embryo within the frameworks of modal logic. The potential of the human embryo to become a person with full-fledged number of moral rights was interpreted using real, dispositional and counterfactual predicates. It was found that the role of potentiality argument is reduced to a precautionary principle and it failed to provide full moral status to the embryo <em>in vitro</em>. The potential of the embryo proper has a strong relational component that assigns it certain instrumental value. The latter implies that biomedical experimentation with the embryos <em>in vitro</em> cannot be considered as morally unacceptable.</p>

Extending Care

Borgwald, Kristin E 11 May 2011 (has links)
In recent years, sentimentalist care ethics has been developed and defended as a normative ethical theory alongside and in opposition to Kantian liberalism. Carol Gilligan introduced the idea of a woman’s moral perspective that emphasizes maintaining relationships and responding to need, and saw it as a different way of framing moral issues. Care ethics is no longer associated only with women, and it is presented as a theory for both men and women that has its own distinctive accounts of ethical notions like justice and autonomy. These accounts have developed from analyses of injustice towards women and uncaring attitudes that they face in patriarchal societies, but ironically, care ethics has failed to discuss women’s anger at their own mistreatment, and their inability to deal with that anger. This notable lacuna in the care ethics literature is of philosophical importance because analyzing the phenomenon of women’s anger uncovers epistemic issues that have not been addressed. I discuss these epistemic issues in order to strengthen care ethics from within and extend it into other areas of ethics. My goal is to make care ethics a real contender among normative ethical theories and a truly feminist ethic.

Inspirations from Potential: Does Human Embryo in vitro Possess Full Moral Status?

Artemenko, Oleg January 2010 (has links)
The paper deals with the problem of the moral status of human embryos in vitro obtained via somatic cell nuclear transfer, in vitro fertilization and similar biotechnologies. The purpose of research is to investigate whether it is possible to ascribe the position of full moral status to the embryo in vitro relying on its intrinsic properties. In particular, the property of totipotency of a human zygote was taken as presupposition in carrying out further moral assessments. To achieve these goals I have examined the applicability of the potentiality argument for evaluating moral status of the embryo within the frameworks of modal logic. The potential of the human embryo to become a person with full-fledged number of moral rights was interpreted using real, dispositional and counterfactual predicates. It was found that the role of potentiality argument is reduced to a precautionary principle and it failed to provide full moral status to the embryo in vitro. The potential of the embryo proper has a strong relational component that assigns it certain instrumental value. The latter implies that biomedical experimentation with the embryos in vitro cannot be considered as morally unacceptable.

Becoming divine : authentic human being

Neufeld, Gladys W. 17 September 2003
This thesis examines the major thoughts on anthropology and selfhood from Plotinus in the third century and the Cappadocians in the fourth, situating the anthropology of the Cappadocians in the much broader context of their culture and their major works. It argues that: i) The inherent unity of all things, intelligible and material, provides the basis for radically intuitive categories such as synchronity, telepathy, and even love. ii) The ontological essence of expressed particularity in the divine or the human is an ekstatic relationship, i.e., it involves the transcending of the boundaries of self, a self identified as hypostasis or person. iii)Truth consists in apprehending that true being alone possesses existence in its own nature, participated in by all without being lessened and knowable only as and in relationship. Human being is participation in existence by an experience of communion. iv) The most essential activity of historical self is to use one's inherent capacity to form one's own identity in relation to the other -- both external and within -- as incarnational and dialogic beings. The findings of this thesis are that the relational notion of authentic human being grounded in open-ended divinity provides both a useful framework and the distinctive characteristics of human beingness for rethinking what it means to be a human being in the twenty-first century.

Becoming divine : authentic human being

Neufeld, Gladys W. 17 September 2003 (has links)
This thesis examines the major thoughts on anthropology and selfhood from Plotinus in the third century and the Cappadocians in the fourth, situating the anthropology of the Cappadocians in the much broader context of their culture and their major works. It argues that: i) The inherent unity of all things, intelligible and material, provides the basis for radically intuitive categories such as synchronity, telepathy, and even love. ii) The ontological essence of expressed particularity in the divine or the human is an ekstatic relationship, i.e., it involves the transcending of the boundaries of self, a self identified as hypostasis or person. iii)Truth consists in apprehending that true being alone possesses existence in its own nature, participated in by all without being lessened and knowable only as and in relationship. Human being is participation in existence by an experience of communion. iv) The most essential activity of historical self is to use one's inherent capacity to form one's own identity in relation to the other -- both external and within -- as incarnational and dialogic beings. The findings of this thesis are that the relational notion of authentic human being grounded in open-ended divinity provides both a useful framework and the distinctive characteristics of human beingness for rethinking what it means to be a human being in the twenty-first century.

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