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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La référence à l'Esprit Saint de la réforme grégorienne au XIVe siècle : histoire sociale de la troisième personne de la Trinité. / Refering to the Holy Spirit, from the gregorian reform to the fourteenth century : a social history of the Trinity’s third person

Fontbonne, Alexis 11 April 2016 (has links)
L'Esprit Saint entre dans le champ de la réflexion théologique à la fin du XIe siècle. L'explicitation de son mode de procession fait débat : de Pierre Lombard, qui identifie l'Esprit et la charité humaine aux théologiens scolastiques qui réduisent la spiration à un mouvement ineffable interne à la Trinité. Les réformateurs grégoriens emploient la référence à l'Esprit pour affirmer l'autonomie de l’Église à l'égard du monde comme une théonomie. Chez Urbain II, cette conception se traduit par le soutien apporté aux mouvements apostoliques comme œuvres de l'Esprit. Les mouvements apostoliques décrivent alors l'histoire comme un progrès dans la réforme de l’Église accompli par des hommes spirituels. Cette conception se révèle cependant incompatible avec la bureaucratisation de l'appareil ecclésiastique qui conçoit l'homme spirituel comme un conseiller détaché du monde et non un modèle pour la hiérarchie épiscopale. Certains envisagent alors les laïcs comme de possibles réformateurs mais la proposition qui s'impose est que l'aumône est la seule manière pour les laïcs d'être inspirés par l'Esprit. Ainsi apparaissent des organes laïcs d'assistance placés sous la titulature du Saint-Esprit. Cette appropriation laïque fonde le modèle d'une « notabilité apostolique » et la laïcisation progressive des œuvres de charité. Cette référence laïque décline au XIVe siècle, en lien avec un processus de confiscation de l'Esprit par une Église centralisée : l'Esprit est intégrée au fonctionnement bureaucratique de l'institution. Ce mouvement, qui se retrouve dans le champ scolastique, permet de comprendre les références dissidentes à l'Esprit comme autant de résistances à cette confiscation. / Social history can be linked to theology and ecclesiology by studying how the rules of speech induce social regularities. The Holy Spirit becomes a subject of theological reflection in the end of the eleventh century. There is a debate around the explanation of its procession: from Pierre Lombas, who identifies the Spirit to human charity, to the scholastic theologians for whom spiration is only an unspeakable process within the trinity itself. Gregorian reformers use the reference to the Spirit to explain the Church’s autonomy as a theonomy. For Urban II, this notion allows the support to apostolic movements as works of the Spirit. Those movements then describe history as a progress in the Church’s reform, carried out by spiritual men. However, this notion reveals itself conflicting with the bureaucratization of the ecclesiastic apparel which sees the spiritual man as a counsellor detached from the world and not as a model for episcopal hierarchy.Laymen are then considered by some as possible reformers but the most shared view is that alms are the only way for laymen to be inspired by the Spirit. That’s how lay charities are born and named after the Holy Spirit. This appropriation by the laymen forms the basis of an “apostolic notability” and the progressive secularization of charities. In the fourteenth century, this secular reference declines in relation with a process in which a centralized Church seizes the Spirit and integrates it to the bureaucratic organization of the institution. This movement, which can also be found in the scholastic field, offers a new understanding of dissident references to the Spirit as ways of resisting this seizing.

Eclesiologia Metodista Paulistana e suas implicações Missionárias: do Plano Vida e Missão 1982 ao Século XXI / Eclesiologia Metodista Paulistana e suas implicações Missionárias: do Plano Vida e Missão 1982 ao Século XXI.

ARRUDA, Marcelo 23 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Noeme Timbo (noeme.timbo@metodista.br) on 2017-06-14T20:01:08Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcelo Arruda.pdf: 1074808 bytes, checksum: d735f06d96d102b1aa44256ad47f2962 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-14T20:04:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcelo Arruda.pdf: 1074808 bytes, checksum: d735f06d96d102b1aa44256ad47f2962 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-23 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This research addresses the debate about ecclesiology involving presuppositions that the Methodist paulistana context is not based only on doctrinal emphases of the historical meth-odism, but on an ecclesiology that was consolidated through the preaching of the revealed Word, the social concern of the Methodist movement In England and also on marks of educa-tion as the basis of this ecclesiological identity in the Methodist context. Our general objective is to study and observe Methodist ecclesiology in a missionary perspective in the urban con-text of São Paulo. Our methodology will be given in a comparative way of data subsidized by the chosen churches within their different contexts and ecclesiological proposals. We map data and measure results according to Marconi & Lakatos. We also use periodicals, bulletins and pastoral of bishops of the Methodist Church within the defined period, as well as con-temporary Methodist literature. As a reference of this research trajectory, the starting point for this ecclesiological identity is in the document of the Methodist Church called "Plan for Life and Mission" (PLM), this docu-ment is an orientation for the mission of the Church to be the center of everything that takes place in her community and that "its most important task is to distribute outside the limits of the temple what it has freely received from the Lord" (Canons, 25 art.). It is worth mentioning an ecclesiology that has been prioritized the references of "Gifts and Ministries", which trans-late the marks of a church with representation and voice of the laity, in the construction of a ministerial trajectory. Methodism is committed to the welfare of everyone; Not only spiritual, but also its social aspects. This comprehensive understanding of salvation causes the Method-ists to commit themselves to struggles to eliminate poverty, exploitation and all forms of dis-crimination. Thus, all people - and not just the pastor, the clergy - should develop Church Min-istries (the Universal Priesthood of all Believers). That is why a lay church and its ministerial structure in a missionary perspective. / A pesquisa aqui desenvolvida trata o debate a respeito da eclesiologia, em específico a Eclesiolo-gia Metodista Paulistana, abarcando pressupostos que, no contexto metodista são fundamentados por ênfases não apenas doutrinárias do metodismo histórico, sobretudo, de uma eclesiologia que se consolidou através da pregação da Palavra revelada, da preocupação social oriundo do movi-mento metodista na Inglaterra e também das marcas da educação como base desta identidade eclesiológica no contexto metodista. Nosso objetivo geral é estudar e observar a eclesiologia me-todista numa perspectiva missionária no contexto urbano de São Paulo. Nossa metodologia se dará de forma comparativa de dados subsidiados pelas igrejas escolhidas dentro de seus diferen-tes contextos e propostas eclesiológicas ora praticadas. Mapeamos dados e aferimos resultados conforme referencial de Marconi & Lakatos. Utilizamos também periódicos, boletins e pastorais de Bispos da Igreja Metodista dentro do referido período delimitado, além de literatura metodista contemporânea. Como referencial de uma trajetória de pesquisa, o ponto de partida para essa identidade eclesio-lógica está no documento da Igreja Metodista denominado “Plano para a Vida e Missão” (PVM), este documento é uma orientação para que a missão da Igreja seja o centro de tudo o que ocorre em sua comunidade e que a "sua principal tarefa é repartir fora dos limites do templo o que ela de graça recebe do Senhor" (Cânones, art.25). Há que se destacar, que a Eclesiologia Metodista Pau-listana está primada nos referenciais do projeto “Dons e Ministérios”, que traduzem as marcas de uma igreja com representação e voz dos leigos/as, na construção de uma trajetória ministerial. O metodismo tem compromisso com o bem estar da pessoa total; não só espiritual, mas também seus aspectos sociais. Essa compreensão abrangente da salvação faz com que os Metodistas se comprometam com as lutas que visam eliminar a pobreza, a exploração e toda forma de discrimi-nação. Assim, todas as pessoas - e não somente o pastor ou pastora, o clérigo/a - devem desen-volver os Ministérios da Igreja (Sacerdócio Universal de todos os Crentes). Por isso, uma igreja leiga e sua estruturação ministerial numa perspectiva missionária.

Mídia & religião: das portas da Igreja do castelo de Wittenberg aos processos de midiatização religiosa: desafios teológicos e pastorais diante das novas ambiências da palavra

Sidnei Budke 02 March 2015 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / A religião cristã experimenta um novo cenário, uma nova era, uma transição descrita através de múltiplas formas: a era da globalização, a era da informação, a era do network, a era da mídia. Restringindo-nos a um cenário de globalização, de diluição de fronteiras geográficas e culturais, e de amplo crescimento tecnológico, identifica-se uma nova hermenêutica no pensamento teológico: a midiatização da religiosidade humana. Este processo ainda confuso, difunde-se rapidamente na diversidade cultural, rompe barreiras de crenças particulares e estimula novas concepções de espiritualidade. O objetivo desta dissertação é reunir estudos teológicos e interdisciplinares relacionados ao cristianismo e o seu envolvimento com os diferentes processos de midiatização religiosa. O autor estabelece conexões entre os referenciais teóricos contemporâneos e o pensamento eclesiológico de Martim Lutero ao destacar: é preciso reconhecer a Igreja não apenas na condição de passiva as interferências dos processos de midiatização, mas protagonista de uma variedade de ambiências de comunicação humana e religiosa. / The Christian religion is experiencing a new scenario, a new era, a transition described in multiple ways: the era of globalization, the era of information, the era of the network, the era of the media. Limiting ourselves to a scenario of globalization, of dilution of geographical and cultural boundaries, and of broad technological growth, one can identify a new hermeneutics in theological thinking: the mediatization of human religiosity. This still confused process spreads rapidly in the cultural diversity, breaks barriers of specific beliefs and stimulates new conceptions of spirituality. The goal of this thesis is to gather together theological and interdisciplinary studies related to Christianity and its involvement with the different processes of religious mediatization. The author establishes connections between the contemporary theoretical referentials and the ecclesiological thinking of Martin Luther when he points out that: it is necessary to recognize the Church not only in the condition of being passive regarding the interferences of the mediatization processes, but also as protagonist of a variety of ambiances of human and religious communication.


JAMES LUIZ GIRARDI 25 August 2015 (has links)
[pt] Esta dissertação busca fazer uma leitura da nova consciência eclesial numa mudança de época na reflexão teológica do Magistério da Igreja, especificamente nos capítulos I e II da Lumen Gentium e de alguns teólogos que se ocupam do assunto. Nestas fontes, encontra-se grande parte da reflexão sobre a eclesiologia do Vaticano II. Elas podem oferecer elementos para superar alguns obstáculos que dificultam uma nova consciência eclesial para os tempos atuais. A pesquisa desenvolveu-se pelo método analítico das fontes. O Concílio Vaticano II propiciou uma virada eclesiológica. Ele é Considerado o Concílio da Igreja, pois sua intenção era de preparar a Igreja para os tempos modernos. Pensar uma Igreja inserida na atualidade. O que foi fundamental para a eclesiologia aparece no capítulo II da Lumen Gentium, o Povo de Deus que antecede o capítulo que fala da Hierarquia. A comunhão que une a todos numa mesma vocação cristã. Todos os batizados fazem parte igualmente do povo de Deus. Continuar com o ensino do Concílio Vaticano II e a reflexão teológica que se sucedeu logo após o concílio nos ajudará a aprofundar a nova consciência necessária para hoje. / [en] This dissertation has the intention as a reading of the new ecclesial awareness in a changing of times in theological reflection of the Church s Magisterium, particularly in Chapters I and II of Lumen Gentium and in some theologians that deal with the subject. In these sources we can find most of the reflection about the ecclesiology of Vatican II. They can offer elements to overcome some obstacles to a new ecclesial awareness for the current times. The research was developed by the analytical method of the sources. The council Vatican II provided an ecclesiological transformation. It s considered The Council of the Church because its intention was to prepare the Church for modern times, and to think a Church integrated at the present. The key to ecclesiology appears in Chapter II of Lumen Gentium, the People of God that precedes the chapter about the Hierarchy. It s the communion that brings together everyone in the same Christian vocation. All the baptized are equally part of People of God. To continue with the teaching of Vatican II and theological reflection that followed the council, will help us deepen the new awareness required for today.

The ecclesial polity of the English Calvinistic Baptists, 1640-1660

Birch, Ian J. January 2014 (has links)
The subject treated in this thesis is the doctrine of the church among the English Calvinistic Baptists in the period, circa 1640-1660. This timeframe covers the significant phase of early Calvinistic Baptist emergence in society and literary output. The thesis seeks to explore the development of theological commitments regarding the nature of the church within the turbulent historical context of the time. The background to the emergence of the Calvinistic Baptists was the demise of the Anglican Church of England, the establishment by Act of Parliament of the Westminster Assembly of Divines, and the establishment of a Presbyterian Church of England. The English experiment with Presbyterianism began and ended in the years covered in this work. Ecclesiology was thus one of the most important doctrines under consideration in the phase of English history. This thesis is a contribution to understanding alternative forms of ecclesiology outside of the mainstream National Church settlement. It will be argued in this thesis that the emergence and development of Calvinistic Baptist ecclesiology was a natural development of one stream of Puritan theology of the church. This was the tradition associated with Robert Brown, and the English separatist movement dating from the 1570s. This tradition was refined and made experimental in the work of Henry Jacob. Having developed his ecclesiology in the Netherlands, in 1616 Jacob founded a congregation in Southwark, London from which Calvinistic Baptists would emerge with distinct baptismal convictions by 1638. Central to Jacob's ideology was the belief that a rightly ordered church acknowledged Christ as King over his people. The Christological priority of early Calvinistic Baptist ecclesiology will constitute the primary contribution of this thesis to investigation of dissenting theology in the period.

Missionale kerk-wees en die benutting van die Internet in die plaaslike gemeente met spesifieke verwysing na die webblad (Afrikaans)

Lazenby, Martin John 06 March 2013 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: Om Kerk van Jesus Christus op aarde te wees, vra dat daar altyd van twee werklikhede kennis geneem word naamlik die Bybelse ekklesiologie en die aardse konteks waarin hierdie ekklesiologie elke dag in die mens se lewe moet realiseer. Die werklikheid van die Bybelse ekklesiologie moet as onveranderlike vertrekpunt vir die aardse uitlewing van kerk-wees geld. Hierdie studie toon aan dat die Bybelse ekklesiologie gesien moet word binne die raamwerk van ʼn groter dinamiek naamlik dié van God se koninkryk. Daarom moet eers verstaan word waaroor God se koninkryk gaan voordat verstaan kan word hoe die kerk binne hierdie koninkryk moet funksioneer. Al is Kerk en Koninkryk nie dieselfde nie, staan hulle ook nie los van mekaar nie. Die gestalte van die kerk word mede bepaal deur die gestalte van die koninkryk. In die Ou Testament word vanuit Gen 12:2 as vertrekpunt beklemtoon dat God sy verbondsvolk seën sodat hulle weer ʼn seën kan wees en die hele aarde God as die Almagtige Heerser sal raaksien. Al wat God van hulle verwag, is om aan hom gehoorsaam te wees en nie die gode van die ander nasies te dien nie. So sal die volk van God as gestuurde volk sy liefde in hierdie wêreld sigbaar maak. In die Nuwe Testament val die klem op die feit dat die koninkryk ʼn werklikheid geword het in Jesus Cristus se koms en dat die kerk as gestuurde volk die evangelie van Christus aan die wêreld moet verkondig sodat God se liefde, soos dit in die koms van Jesus Christus gestalte kry, bekend gemaak kan word (Matt 28:19-21 en Luk 24:48). Wanneer dan na die Kerk van Jesus Christus gekyk word vanuit die perspektief van God se koninkryk, kan mens nie anders nie as om raak te sien dat die kerk die roeping het om ook vandag nog aan God as die Almagtige Heerser en Jesus Christus as die liefdevolle Verlosser gestalte te gee in die manier waarop ons in die een en twintigste eeu kerk is. Die probleem wat in hierdie studie aangespreek word, hou verband met die feit dat die NGK nie daarin slaag om die konteks van die tyd waarin die vooruitgang van die elektroniese kommunikasie media hoogty vier tot voordeel van haar missionale roeping benut nie. In die studie word aangetoon wat die veranderende wêreld waarin ons leef behels, en watter eise dit aan kerk-wees stel. In aansluiting daarby word aangetoon hoe die massamedia benut kan word om in diens van missionale kerk-wees te staan. Die massamedia wat kortliks behandel word, is Twitter, Facebook, Podcasts, Linkedin, werfjoernale en die gemeentelike webblad. Die eerste vyf word slegs kortliks bespreek terwyl die gemeente se webblad breedvoerig behandel word. Die rede daarvoor is die verskil in aard tussen die massamedia en die webblad. Eersgenoemde se bedoeling is veral daarop gerig om die bevordering van interaktiewe kommunikasie met beperkte hoeveelheid teks te bevorder terwyl die webblad van die gemeente die geleentheid bied om uitgebreide inligting te verskaf wat oor ʼn wye verskeidenheid van temas gelowiges kan toerus en begelei om missionale kerk van Jesus Christus te wees. Om die relevantheid van die studie en die hipotese te bevestig, is ʼn kwalitatiewe studie gedoen van al die webblaaie (144) wat tans (Nov 2012) by gemeentes in die NGK bestaan. Die resultaat daarvan word interpreteer en aanbevelings in dié verband word gedoen. Aan die einde word tot die volgende konklusies gekom: In hierdie studie is die volgende navorsingsdoelwitte bereik: (1) God se koninkryk is die primêre fokus en rede vir bestaan van die ganse skepping. (2) God se bedoeling met sy Kerk op aarde volgens sy Woord is om gestalte aan God se koninkryk te gee. Daarom het die kerk ʼn missionale roeping. (3) Die konteks waarbinne hierdie roeping vandag uitgeleef moet word, hou verband met die verstaan van die dinamiese veranderende samelewing waarin die postmodernisme ʼn groot rol speel. (4) Benutting van elektroniese massamedia bied ʼn gulde geleentheid aan die kerk om hierdie missionale roeping kommunikatief uit te leef. (5) Die kwalitatiewe navorsing bevestig die hipotese naamlik dat die gemeentes van die NGK nog geensins besef wat die waarde van die Internet is ten opsigte van missionale bediening nie. ENGLISH: Being the Church of Christ on earth requires that two realities must constantly be taken into account namely the ecclesiology of the Bible and the context of the earthly life where this ecclesiology has to be actualised. The reality of the Biblical ecclesiology must be seen as the unchangeable departing point for the church in practice every day. This study is indicates that Biblical ecclesiology always operates within the bigger framework of the kingdom of God. Therefore, it is necessary to first understand the meaning of God’s kingdom before we can understand the relation between the church and the kingdom. Although God’s kingdom and the church of God are not identical, it is also true that the two don’t operate loose from each other. The stature of the church is being co-defined by the stature of the kingdom. In the Old Testament, with Ex 12:2 as point of departure, it is being emphasized that God blessed his covenant people with the presumption that they will also be a blessing to the other nations so that all will recognize God as the only almighty King. God’s only expectation from his people was that they should obey him and worship him alone and not the gods of the other nations. In that way the people of God as his sent people, will reveal God’s love for all. In the New Testament the emphasis falls on the fact that God’s kingdom became a reality through the incarnation of Jesus. The church, as his sent people, must proclaim Christ’s Gospel to the world as it is revealed in the coming of Jesus Christ so that the whole world can become part of his kingdom (Mt 28:19-21 and Lk 24:48). Looking at the church of Jesus Christ from the perspective of God’s kingdom, one can not but recognize the necessity for the church of the twenty first century to obey the calling from God to witness to this world that God is the almighty ruler and that His love for the world became reality in the coming of Jesus Christ into the world. The problem that is being addressed in this study concerns the fact that the Dutch Reformed Church does not seem to succeed in making the most of the context of our time with the explosion of the electronic mass media, in favour of its missional calling. This study explores the impact of the macro changes we experience in the present context of our time and shows what opportunities it provides for the church to be missional in its functioning. The following electronic mass media are being explored: Twitter, Facebook, Podcasts, Linkedin, Blogs and especially the webpage of the congregation. The five first mentioned, are only touched on briefly while the webpage of the congregation is being researched extensively. The reason for this lies in the difference in structure. The first mentioned mass media is meant for interactive communication with restricted volume while the webpage gives opportunity for providing extensive and permanent information concerning a wide variety of relevant articles and issues for the missional ministry of the congregation. To confirm the relevancy of the study and the hipothesis, a qualitative study of the existing webpages (144 on Nov 2012) in congregations of the Dutch Reformed Church is being done. The results of this study are interpreted and recommendations are being made. Finally the following conclusions are being formulated: In this study the following research goals have been achieved: (1) God’s kingdom is the primary focus and reason for existence of the whole creation. (2) God’s purpose for his church on earth, according to His Word, is to give stature to his Kingdom. For this reason the church has a missional calling. (3) The context in which this calling must be exercised, is related to understanding the dynamic changing society where the postmodernism plays a huge role. (4) Utilizing the mass media provides a golden opportunity to the church to fulfill her missional calling communicatively. (5) The qualitative research confirms the hypothesis that the congregations of the DRC do not as yet understand the value of using the Internet in missional ministry. / Thesis (DD)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / Science of Religion and Missiology / unrestricted

Redesigning the ‘shape’ of the local church : leaders building with applied timeless ecclesiology in the midst of prevailing culture

Humphreys, Jason 17 August 2012 (has links)
The church is facing a season of challenge in Western Europe and America, areas where once the church was strong and influential. We find, however, that the affluent suburbs in Cape Town are themselves not exempt from the challenge western culture is bringing to the church. Though there are signs of growth in some Christian sectors to inspire hope, there remains a great responsibility on the leaders of the local church today to engage this challenge. A responsibility rests on church leaders to hold firmly to the timeless message of the scriptures, and lightly to the forms of church that no longer engage a culture increasingly unimpressed with the face of modern Christianity. Within this thesis, we will attempt to outline a tenet of the western church’s ecclesiology that has been diluted in many places; this weakness has impacted the church’s ability to engage its community, as well the form and shape of the activities of the local church. Through investigating Jesus’ intention for the local church, we will shown that the church is not defined by the form of its activities, but by people’s response to the demands of the kingdom. We will show that focusing on the church’s response to the demands of the kingdom is able to be a uniting and strengthening force in the church in this season of cultural challenge. The demands of the kingdom are, therefore, to set the agenda for local church leaders, and free those leaders to redesign the form of the church’s activities to engage the local community in culturally appropriate ways. Copyright / Dissertation (MA(Theol))--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Practical Theology / unrestricted

Döpt till ett nytt liv : Om hinder och möjligheter för flyktingars dop i Sverige 2016-2020

Westling, Jenny January 2021 (has links)
In 2015, a large number of refugees sought asylum in Sweden. The following year, the churches saw an influx of refugees who wanted to convert from Islam to Christianity. Some congregations baptized many, others baptized few. Some converts were denied baptism. To contribute to a clearer picture of the church’s acting, this essay seeks to examine the possibilities and obstacles which met refugees that wanted to be baptized in a Swedish church tradition between 2016 and 2020. To do so, converts, priests from The Church of Sweden and a pastor from Pingstkyrkan are interviewed. People in an organization like the church have different social positions that creates superiority and subordination between individuals. Therefore, this study is based on both a power ethical and ecclesiological perspectives. The power perspective is analyzed on the basis of the theoretical approach formulated by the authors of the anthology Church in an Age of Global Migration, about whether the church appears as a cross-border and relational body where current order of power is constantly challenged, or not. When it comes to the factors that influence church leaders and converts decisions about baptism, the analysis is based on Sune Fahlgren's Theory of Preachership as an ecclesiological practice that becomes the church DNA, and on Jeff Astelys Theory of Ordinary theology, where people's personal experiences shape perceptions of salvation and a good life. The converts in the study seek fellowship and a God that is distinctly forgiving. They also see baptism as the entrance to a new life. This proves the thesis that people interpret salvation based on what they need. Other factors that affect their relation to baptism are a residence permit, home address, citizen number, age, acceptance of conversion from guardians of minor converts, language and the duration of the baptismal process. Converts genuine will to be baptized is also important. These factors can be obstacles or opportunities, depending on if the converts situation is in line with the church ́s wishes. These wishes seem to be based on certain norms. In the context of the Church of Sweden, there are a number of rules and dogmas. However, it is unclear which should be followed, and where in the organization the power lies. Therefore, the interpretation of the baptismal factors rests on the individual priest. The Pentecostal church lacks written dogmas, but in line with Fahlgren's Preachership theory there are informal norms that are interpreted individually by the pastor. This shows that the converts have the power to propose baptism but lack the power to ensure that they are actually baptized. Based on this, the Church shown in this study is not the mobile, cross-border and power-challenging body as described in the anthology Church in an Age of Global Migration.

Feminist Ecclesiology: A Trinitarian Framework for Transforming the Church's Institutional and Spiritual LIfe

Geere, Stacy 01 July 2019 (has links)
In light of women’s marginal status in church governance and ministry through most of recorded history, feminist trinitarian ecclesiology is needed to transform the church’s institutional and spiritual life. While Vatican II provided the paradigm shift and promising anthropology essential for an egalitarian church, feminist ecclesiology prompts a radical transformation of its hierarchical and patriarchal structures and practices so that it may truly embody the Trinity. Trinitarian life provides practical and radical consequences for Christian life, and provides a model of church marked by relationships of equality, mutuality, unity and reciprocity. It also provides a strong ecclesiological argument for reform of the juridical Catholic nullity of marriage process, which may pave a pathway for the civilly remarried to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist.

In search of an Ecumenical Pentecostal Ecclesiology: a critical analysis of Kӓrkkӓinen’s Ecclesiology

Miti, Bambo January 2020 (has links)
Pentecostalism has always been regarded as a movement that does not have all the ecclesiastical qualities that qualify it to be called a fully-fledged tradition alongside other major streams of Protestantism. Contrary to popular theologies that undermine the great role that the Pentecostal tradition can play in the global church, modern Pentecostal theologies agree that most of the misconceptions and assumption are misplaced because the Pentecostal tradition is a rich tradition with vital elements and symbols necessary to advance the ecumenical goal of unity and reconciliation. Based on this perception that Pentecostal ecclesiology is ecumenical, this research critically analyses Pentecostal ecclesiology as portrayed by Kärkkäinen in order to determine its ecumenicity or relevance to the ecumenical goals of unity, tolerance and reconciliation. This research confronts the paternalistic assumptions and misconception that regard Pentecostalism as simply a superstitious and naive sect which is only relevant to the lower class by bringing out the different elements and symbols within the tradition that are vital for the success and development of the global church in a modern global context. Some of the critical elements and symbols within the Pentecostal tradition that are explored within this study include÷ unity in diversity, the mission nature of the church, experiences of the Spirit as portrayed in its Pneumatological Christology and Soteriology, its rapid adaptation to new global south contexts and critical elements of inclusivity and plurality as portrayed in the foundations of the tradition. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology

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