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Predicting termination and continuation status in shelter programs using the Transtheoretical Model with Hispanic battered women.Weisz, Adriana V. 08 1900 (has links)
This study tested the applicability of the Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change in predicting early termination, appropriate termination, and ongoing treatment of Hispanic battered women residing at domestic violence shelters. Self-efficacy, decisional balance, and acculturation were examined in relation to the applicability of this model with the Hispanic women population. One hundred and eight women residing in two shelters for survivors of domestic violence, located in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex, were asked to provide information regarding the problems in their relationships, the pull and the strain of their relationship, their level of temptation to stay in the abusive relationship, and how confident they felt that they would not return to their abuser (The Process of Change in Abused Women Scales- PROCAWS). In addition, the women were asked to complete a questionnaire regarding their level of acculturation. This study confirmed the stage of change profiles found in a population of battered women as well as in other clinical populations and the results suggest that this model is applicable to Hispanic populations. The results indicated that the women in this sample could be meaningfully grouped according to their level of involvement in different stages of change. Furthermore, this study provided support for the validity of this theory by finding significant relationships among the profiles of change and the intervening variables that moderate movement across the stages of change. The women in this study differed with regard to their level of temptation to stay in their relationships and the amount of cons they to making changes. The findings also confirmed that the Transtheoretical Model can be used to predict termination status from domestic violence shelter programs. Although there were no significant differences in termination status among the women with different stage of change profiles, a trend existed that women in earlier stages of change terminated earlier and women in later stages of change terminated appropriately. Overall, the results of this study provide evidence for the applicability of the Transtheoretical Model and the usefulness of the PROCAWS in identifying profiles of change that can potentially guide treatment interventions and predict early termination with the Hispanic population.
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Det besvärliga våldet : Socialtjänstens stöd till kvinnor som utsatts för våld i nära relationer / The troublesome Violence : The Social Services’ Support for Female Victims of Domestic ViolenceEkström, Veronica January 2016 (has links)
I avhandlingen analyseras hur våldsutsatta kvinnors behov tolkas, omförhandlas och anpassas för att kunna hanteras inom socialtjänstens organisation. Avhandlingens övergripande frågeställningar fokuserar på insatser och behov, betydelsen av socialtjänstens organisering och betydelsen av socialarbetarnas handlingsutrymme. Avhandlingen baseras på kvalitativa analyser av statliga propositioner, intervjuer med socialarbetare och med kvinnor som varit utsatta för våld i nära relationer. Det teoretiska ramverket bygger bland annat på Frasers (1989) teoretiska perspektiv som tar sin utgångspunkt i samhällets tolkningar av människors/gruppers behov av stöd, nyinstitutionell teori och teorier om gatubyråkrater. Avhandlingen visar att socialarbetares tolkningar är centrala aspekter av förhandlingen om hur våldsutsatta kvinnors behov och rätt till stöd ska förstås. Ett viktigt resultat i avhandlingen är att stödet till våldsutsatta kvinnor blir så pass olika. Avhandlingen ger inga svar i kvantitativa termer på hur olikheten är fördelad, men den ger exempel på hur olikheten tar sig uttryck. I kommuner där specialiseringen innebär att socialarbetarna på socialkontoret i första hand utreder behov och fattar beslut om insatser, måste det också finnas adekvata insatser att besluta om. Saknas det så erbjuds inte heller något stöd. Stödet till kvinnor som utsatts för våld i nära relationer blir också olika eftersom socialarbetare ställer olika krav eller sätter upp olika trösklar för att kvinnor ska få stöd. Avhandlingen visar att både gemensam kunskap och gemensam syn på sociala problem är centralt för att samarbetet inom den specialiserade socialtjänstens ska fungera och i längden också för vilket stöd människor kommer att erbjudas. / This thesis analyses how the needs of abused women are interpreted, renegotiated and adapted for handling within the social services. The overarching research questions concern support and needs, the significance of the social services organisation, and the role of social workers’ own discretion. The material consists of qualitative analyses of government bills, and interviews with social workers as well as with female victims of domestic violence. The theoretical framework includes Fraser's (1989) perspective on society's interpretations of people/groups in need of support, neo-institutional theory and the theory of street level bureaucracy. The thesis shows that social workers’ interpretations are central for how abused women's needs and their right to support will be understood. An important result is the wide variation in the kinds of support offered, deriving from the fact that there appears to be no uniform approach across the municipal social services; social workers in the different offices set up different requirements/thresholds for women to receive support. No answers are given in quantitative terms of how this diversity is distributed, but examples are presented to illustrate the range manifested. In municipalities where specialisation means that the social workers primarily investigate needs and make formal decisions about measures to be taken, there must also be adequate interventions in place to decide upon and distribute. The thesis shows that both mutual knowledge and mutual understanding of social problems are central for the cooperation within in the specialised social services and ultimately for what kind of support people will be offered.
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Exposition à la violence conjugale et adaptation de l’enfant : analyse des variables médiatrices et examen des profils individuelsDoucet, Martin 04 1900 (has links)
L’exposition à la violence conjugale est une forme répandue de mauvais traitement psychologique envers l’enfant dont les conséquences néfastes sont maintenant bien connues. Les enfants ne sont pas tous affectés de la même manière par la violence conjugale et peuvent présenter différents profils d’adaptation. Des recherches de plus en plus nombreuses suggèrent l’importance de variables médiatrices qui permettent d’établir le lien entre l’exposition à la violence conjugale et l’adaptation de l’enfant. Toutefois, peu d’études permettent encore de préciser les relations entre ces variables, ni de connaître la pertinence de ces variables pour un profil d’adaptation particulier. Cette thèse, comprenant deux études empiriques, visait deux objectifs principaux.
La première étude avait pour objectif d’examiner les liens entre le point de vue de l’enfant sur la violence conjugale et sur ses relations familiales, deux facteurs reconnus comme des médiateurs entre la violence conjugale et l’adaptation de l’enfant. Il était prévu que le point de vue de l’enfant sur la violence, pouvant se refléter par le blâme que l’enfant s’attribue pour la violence, sa perception de menace et sa peur d’être abandonné par ses parents, prédit son point de vue sur ses relations familiales, étudié sous l’angle de la parentification et des conflits de loyauté de l’enfant. Cette étude a été menée auprès de 79 enfants âgés de 8 à 12 ans et vivant avec leur mère dans un refuge pour femmes violentées. Les résultats révèlent que le blâme et la peur d’abandon prédisent la parentification et que la peur d’abandon prédit aussi les conflits de loyauté.
L’objectif de la deuxième étude était de dégager des profils d’adaptation parmi les enfants exposés à la violence conjugale et d’identifier les facteurs qui leur sont associés. Ces facteurs renvoient à l’expérience de violence de l’enfant, à son point de vue sur la violence, à la qualité de la relation mère-enfant et à la parentification. Cette étude a été menée auprès de 116 enfants âgés entre 8 et 12 ans vivant en maison d’hébergement pour femmes victimes de violence conjugale ou fréquentant d’autres organismes offrant des services aux familles confrontées à la violence conjugale. Les résultats révèlent la présence de quatre profils d’adaptation : troubles extériorisés seulement, troubles intériorisés seulement, troubles à la fois extériorisés et intériorisés et absence de problème apparent. Ces quatre profils se distinguent selon la présence d’abus physique envers l’enfant, la qualité de la relation mère-enfant, le point de vue de l’enfant sur la violence et le degré de parentification de l’enfant.
Les résultats sont discutés en fonction de l’apport respectif des parents et de l’enfant dans le développement de la parentification et des conflits de loyauté chez l’enfant exposé à la violence conjugale. La discussion souligne également la variabilité des manifestations de la détresse des enfants exposés à la violence conjugale. Les facteurs associés aux différents profils d’adaptation laissent entrevoir les besoins des enfants appartenant à un profil particulier et permettent de suggérer des liens entre ces facteurs. / Exposure to domestic violence is a common form of psychological maltreatment that has well-known serious negative effects on children. But children are not all affected in the same way by domestic violence and may present different patterns of adjustment. An increasing number of studies suggest mediating variables play an important role in the association between domestic violence and children’s adjustment. However, few studies have yet identified the relations between these variables or investigated the potential of these variables to discriminate patterns of adjusment of children exposed to domestic violence. The purpose of the present thesis was twofold.
The aim of the first study was to investigate the relation between children’s appraisals of domestic violence and of family relationships, two factors known as mediators between domestic violence and children’s adjustment. It was expected that children’s appraisals of domestic violence, measured by children’s self-blame, perception of threat and fear of abandonment would predict their appraisals of their family relationships as defined by parentification and loyalty conflicts. This first study was carried out with 79 8- to 12-years-old chidren recruited in shelter for battered women. Results revealed that children’s self-blame and fear of abandonment predicted their parentification. In addition, fear of abandonment predicted loyalty conflicts.
The objective of the second study was to identify specific patterns of adjustment among children exposed to domestic violence and to identify factors associated with these profiles. These factors include children’s experience of violence, children’s appraisal of domestic violence, quality of the mother-child relationship and parentification. This second study was carried out with 116 8- to 12-years-old children and their mother recruited in shelter for battered women and other agencies providing services to families living in the context of domestic violence. Results revealed four patterns of adjustment : 1) Externalized problems only, 2) Internalized problems only, 3) Both externalized and internalized problems, and 4) No apparent problems. These four patterns are distinguishable on the basis of the presence of physical abuse toward the child, the quality of the mother-child relationship, the child’s appraisal of domestic violence and their level of parentification.
These results are discussed in terms of the child’s and parents’ respective contribution to the development of parentification and loyalty conflicts among children exposed to domestic violence. The discussion also highlights the variability in the manifestations of children’s distress when exposed to domestic violence. The factors associated with the different patterns of adjustment suggest the existence of specific needs among children who exhibit a specific pattern and may suggest associations between these factors.
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Managing incidents of domestic violence: lay trauma counselors' perspectives on implementing trauma intervention strategiesSmith, Eulinda V. 02 April 2014 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Humanities, 2013. / Domestic violence is rife in South Africa and the negative impact thereof is brought by survivors into their homes, communities and workplace settings. Trauma counsellors often take on the work responsibility of intervening in cases of domestic violence to meet the needs of the survivor. Adopting a qualitative research design, the researcher explored the perceptions of trauma counsellors in their workplace setting regarding intervention strategies used when providing services to survivors of domestic violence. Purposive sampling was used to identify 13 adult lay trauma counsellors, both male and female employed by a non-government institution operating as a 24-7 hour Crisis Hotline in the Johannesburg Metropolitan area. The researcher gathered data by conducting personal, semi-structured interviews with research participants. Data analysis took the form of Thematic Content Analysis. The researcher identified that the participants seemed not to be aware of workplace systems and procedural guidelines, and tended to adopt a personalized approach in dealing with survivors of domestic violence. Most participants managed cases utilising ‘early crisis intervention models’ as a once-off trauma intervention strategy although they did not perceive it as being effective. It is thus recommended that such stand-alone intervention strategies should not be implemented unless further follow-up or after-care support is offered to the survivors of domestic violence.
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Det ekonomiska våldet; En privat angelägenhet? : - En kvalitativ studie om socialtjänstens syn om fenomenetAsmundsson, Ulrika, Lilljegren Hedlund, Maria January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Barn som upplever våld i nära relation: våldets konsekvenser ur ett genusperspektiv : En kvalitativ studie om barnets påverkan av upplevt våld i nära relation / Children’s experiences of domestic violence: the consequenses of violence from a gender perspective : A qualitative study of how experiencing domestic violence affects the childJohansson, Sebastian, Östman, Kataline January 2019 (has links)
En kvalitativ studie som undersöker hur barn kan påverkas av upplevt våld i nära relation och hur våldets orsaker kan förstås och förebyggas. Studien är baserad på fyra intervjuer med yrkesverksamma socionomer som har erfarenhet av arbete inom våld i nära relation. Socionomerna arbetar på ett Barnahus, ett kriscentrum för män, Centrum mot våld samt en verksamhet som bland annat arbetar med familjesamtal. De teoretiska ramar som studien utgörs av är genusperspektivet samt symboliskt interaktionistiskt perspektiv. Resultatet indikerar på att konsekvenserna av våld är desamma oaktat om ett barn har bevittnat eller själv blivit utsatt för våldet. Detta främst vad gäller de psykiska konsekvenserna som vanligen förklaras i form av skuld, skam och självförakt. Konsekvenserna beroende på barnets könstillhörighet visar på olikheter, där identifikation till föräldrar och anpassning efter samhällsnormer tycks ha en inverkan på barnets utveckling till följd av våldet. Många barn har obearbetade känslor vilka presenteras som konsekvenser av våldet, men kan även förstås som orsaker till eget bruk av våld i nära relation senare i livet. För att mildra konsekvenser men också förebygga våldet och dess uppkomst behöver ett större föräldraansvar tas för att minska ett barns konsekvenser samt avlasta barnets känslor av skuld. Ytterligare behöver barn ges möjlighet att resonera kring samhällsnormer och könsspecifika förväntningar.
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Barnets bästa i våld i nära relationer : En kvalitativ studie om hur socialsekreterare förhåller sig till ärenden där barn upplever våld i nära relation / The principle of the best interest of the child in cases with domestic violence : A qualitative study on how social workers in social services relate to cases where children experience domestic violence.Hasselgren Hallberg, Lisa, Nygård, Johanna January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att med utgångspunkt i ett fall där socialtjänsten fått kännedom om att en tidigare våldsutövare skaffat ny familj, undersöka och problematisera socialsekreterares förutsättningar, bedömningar och förhållningssätt i ärenden där barn riskerar att uppleva våld i nära relation. Genom detta ville vi få inblick i hur principen om barnets bästa tillämpas gentemot familjens rätt till privatliv. Detta undersöktes med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer med sex socialsekreterare på några olika socialtjänstenheter för barn och unga. I intervjuerna användes en fallbeskrivning. Studien har en ansats som utgår från grundad teori och analysen gjordes med hjälp av den ständigt jämförande metoden. I resultaten framkom att arbetsbelastningen är ett problem, men att socialsekreterarna i stort menade sig ha tillräckliga kunskaper om våld i nära relation och tillräckligt handlingsutrymme, med några undantag. Brister rörande rutiner gällande våld i nära relationer framkom. Resultatet av studien visar även vissa skillnader mellan socialsekreterare samt en motsägelsefullhet i fråga om anmälningsbenägenhet och syn på våld. Vidare belyses och diskuteras också hur våldsutövaren ofta kommer undan ansvar och konsekvenser, medan den våldsutsatta ofta får hela ansvaret att skydda barnet/barnen från att uppleva mer våld.
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Síndrome de Munchhausen por procuração e o pediatra: contribuições da psicanálise / Munchhausen Syndrome by Proxy and the Pediatrician: Contributions of PsychoanalysisSilva, Heliane Maria 15 April 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho objetiva identificar quais os sentidos e significados atribuídos pelos médicos pediatras à Síndrome de Munchhausen por Procuração (SMP), bem como o manejo que a equipe médica tem diante de sua suspeita, e as possibilidades de encaminhamento frente a esse tipo de violência infantil. Para tanto, foi feito um levantamento bibliográfico nas principais bases de dados, referente ao período de 1977 até 2013, e uma pesquisa de campo. Essa consistiu na realização de entrevistas semi-dirigidas com pediatras de um hospital público de São Paulo. As entrevistas foram transcritas, lidas e categorias foram levantadas. Essas categorias foram refletidas à luz da literatura especializada e analisadas sob o vértice de alguns conceitos psicanalíticos que pudessem enriquecer a discussão. A literatura define a SMP, denuncia as características do perpetrador como indícios a serem observados pelo clínico para sua identificação e revela que esse é um quadro pouco conhecido e subnotificado. A pesquisa de campo mostrou que, mesmo para pediatras dedicados e experientes, a SMP revela-se como um enigma: a noção de que uma mãe possa, deliberadamente, fabricar ou provocar sintomas de doença ou deficiência no filho, é algo difícil de aceitar. Nesse sentido, o exercício de dar um sentido e um significado para a SMP foi atravessado pela manifestação dos impactos desse quadro no pediatra: ele se indaga, se surpreende e se angustia com o fenômeno em si. Eles, também, acreditam que o quadro seja subnotificado. Possibilidades interventivas foram evidenciadas por eles: o reconhecimento precoce, o acompanhamento familiar, o encaminhamento da mãe (na maioria das vezes, quem perpetua a violência) para atendimento psicológico e psiquiátrico, e o acionamento do Conselho Tutelar. Contudo, tais profissionais estão certos de que a precocidade na identificação é algo difícil de alcançar, a adesão do perpetrador ao tratamento psicológico não depende exclusivamente de seu encaminhamento e o acionamento dos agentes de proteção à criança nem sempre resolve a questão. Assim, acabam, na maioria das vezes, experimentando um sentimento de impotência diante da ideia construída (idealizada) sobre o que vem a ser o médico e seu exercício clínico. Nesse sentido, considerando as contribuições da psicanálise, o pediatra precisaria relativizar suas certezas, considerar a transferência, sustentar os ecos que esta complexa condição humana pode causar e prestar atenção na relação mãe-criança, para conseguir que o manejo e o encaminhamento fossem mais rápidos e eficientes. Para que nosso entendimento da SMP pudesse ser ampliado, seria de fundamental relevância que a mãe (perpetradora) pudesse ser escutada por um psicanalista, que teria acesso às suas motivações inconscientes. Essas novas pesquisas poderiam trazer um novo saber acerca dessa complexa condição, favorecendo, então, o desenvolvimento de novas possibilidades de intervenção / This study aims to identify the directions and the meanings assigned by pediatricians to Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (MSBP or MBP), as well the handling of medical staff before its suspect and referral possibilities before this type of violence against children. Thus, a bibliographic research was done in major databases covering the period from 1977 to 2013, and a field research was conducted. This research consists of conducting semi-structured interviews with pediatricians of a public hospital in São Paulo City. The interviews were transcribed, read and categories were raised. These categories were reflected in the light of the literature and analyzed from the vertex of some psychoanalytic concepts that could enrich the discussion. The literature defines MSBP, reports the characteristics of the perpetrator as the evidences to be observed by the clinician to identify them and revels that this is an hardly known and an underreported medical framework. A field research showed that even to dedicated and experienced pediatricians, the MSBP is revealed as a puzzle: the idea that a mother can deliberately make or cause symptoms of illness or desability in her child is something hard to accept. Accordingly, the exercise of giving directions and meanings to MSBP was crossed by the manifestation of the impacts of this framework in pediatrician: he wonders, get surprised and grieves with the phenomenon itself. They also believe that this framework is underreported. Interventional possibilities were shown by them: early recognition, family monitoring, the referral of the mother (in most cases, who perpetuates violence) to psychological and psychiatric care, and contacting the Child Protective Council. However, such professionals are certain that early identification is a difficult thing to achieve, the acceptance of the perpetrator to the psychological and psychiatric treatment does not depend exclusively on their referral and the activation of the staff of the child protective council, does not always solve the issue. Thus end most of time, experiencing a feeling of powerlessness in the face of the constructed idea (idealized) about what is to be the doctor and his clinical practice. Accordingly in this sense, considering the contributions of the psychoanalysis, pediatricians need to relativize their convictions, consider transfer, sustain the echoes that this complex human condition may cause and watch the mother-child relationship, to achieve a faster and effective handling and referral. To expand our understanding of MSBP, it would be of fundamental relevance that the mother (perpetrator) could be listened by a psychoanalyst, who would have access to her unconscious motivations. These new researchs could bring new knowledge about this complex condition, then favoring the development of new opportunities for intervention
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Comunicação e feminismo: as possibilidades da era digital / Communication and Feminism: possibilities of digital age.Vieira, Vera de Fatima 19 April 2012 (has links)
Alicerçada no pressuposto da inter-relação entre os campos da comunicação e do feminismo, esta proposta pretende fornecer subsídios ao movimento de mulheres e feminista, comprovando que as Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TIC) -- que têm na internet a sua maior expressão -- não são um fim, mas um instrumento para a transformação social. Com a revolução das TIC, o avanço do trabalho pela equidade das relações sociais de gênero depara-se com o desafio da mudança de mentalidade. Concomitantemente com a revolução tecnológica, ocorrem as revoluções do aprendizado e da expressão pessoal e interpessoal, acarretando outras formas de representação da mulher em função das novas dinâmicas comunicacionais. É pela comunicação a distância que se vislumbra um caminho de reformulação da agenda feminista, com novas estratégias de intervenção política e de atuação. O recorte da pesquisa foca a implementação do uso da internet -- mais especificamente das redes sociais -- para o avanço da luta contra a violência às mulheres, no âmbito doméstico. Considera-se esta cruel realidade como a mais grave expressão das desigualdades de gênero, as quais foram construídas há milênios, colocando a mulher em condição de subordinação ao homem, o que acarreta prejuízos para toda a sociedade. / Based on the assumption of inter-relation between the fields of communication and feminism, this proposal intends to provide subsidies to the women\'s and feminist movement, proving that Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) -- which have in the internet their most significant expression -- are not an end, but rather an instrument for social transformation. With the ICT revolution, the advancement of work for equality in social gender relations faces the challenge of a mentality change. Simultaneously with the technological revolution, the revolutions in the areas of learning and personal and interpersonal expression are occurring, bringing forth new forms of representation of women, made possible by the new communicational dynamics. It is through long-distance communication that it is possible to foresee a path for reformulation of the feminist agenda, with new strategies for political intervention and action. The research focuses on the implementation of the use of the internet for the progression of the specific struggle against violence on women, in the domestic sphere, considering this cruel reality as the gravest expression of gender inequalities, built millennia ago, and which places women in a position of subordination to men, causing damages to society as a whole.
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Rota crítica: os (des) caminhos trilhados por mulheres em situação de violência doméstica na busca por ajuda / Critic route: the paths used by woman under domestic violence on their search for helpSilva, Miryam Cristina Mazieiro Vergueiro da 06 March 2009 (has links)
Este estudo investiga a permanência das mulheres em situação de violência conjugal e a busca por ajuda. A partir da perspectiva de gênero, das relações intersubjetivas e de questões intrapsíquicas, buscou-se estabelecer os fatores que influem na manutenção do relacionamento abusivo, e as estratégias buscadas para a resolução desse conflito. A opção metodológica foi a da abordagem qualitativa e tal escolha se justificou devido às características do objeto e aos objetivos da pesquisa. Foram colhidas seis entrevistas com mulheres consideradas boas informantes, de camada social baixa, levando-se em conta a quantidade e qualidade do material produzido, como também o acesso às mulheres em tal situação. Os resultados encontrados apontam para a influência das vivências na família de origem e o amor pelo agressor como importante obstáculo para a saída da relação abusiva, bem como a assimetria de poder dentro da relação. A busca por ajuda envolveu principalmente os familiares, a Delegacia de Polícia e a Delegacia de Defesa da Mulher e os serviços de saúde; as respostas foram, por vezes, demovedoras da decisão de transformar a situação. Os familiares, filhos, vizinhos, amigos e o crime organizado, de modo geral, não ofertaram apoio significativo na direção de uma transformação da conjugalidade violenta. Já as instituições formais acessadas pelas entrevistadas, ou seja, a Delegacia de Defesa da Mulher e o serviço de saúde se configuraram em importante rede de suporte. / This study researches the permanence of women in violent marriage condition and the search for help. From the gender perspective, from subjective relations and psychical questions, it tries to establish the factors that influence the maintenance of an abusive relationship, and the strategies sought for the solution of this conflict. The methodology option for this was the qualitative approach; the results obtained lead to love, as the main obstacle to the way out from the abusive relationship, as well as the asymmetry of the power within the relationship. The search for help involved mainly the relatives, the DDM and health care services: sometimes the answers were not persuasive forward the decision to change the situation.
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