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Vinter på ålderns höst : En empirisk studie om övergepp mot äldre i nära relationer / Coldness of Ageing : An empirical study about elderly abuse in intimate relationsRödenhake, Erika January 2011 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att öka förståelsen för hur övergrepp mot äldre i nära relationer kan se ut, skillnader mellan könen och skillnader mellan yngre respektive äldre, samt att diskutera möjliga åtgärder inom området. Svensk forskning har visat att 16 % av kvinnorna och 13 % av männen efter sin 65-årsdag har utsatts för någon form av övergrepp. Det är således ett viktigt ämne. Kvalitativ metod och induktiv ansats utgjorde de övergripande metoderna. Med hjälp av litteratur och informanters kunskap har problemområdet utforskats. I huvudsak svensk, men i viss grad, nordisk litteratur användes. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med tre informanter och tre studier utforskades. Genom dessa genererades resultatet som sammanställdes och analyserades med hjälp av tidigare forskning och teorierna socialkonstruktionism och ålderism. Studien begränsades genom att svensk forskning i huvudsak användes. Anledningen till detta var att studien syftade till att undersöka svenska förhållanden. De övergrepp äldre utsätts för av vård- och omsorgspersonal och de övergrepp äldre utsätter varandra för på särskilda boenden inkluderades inte. Jag valde att titta både äldre mäns och äldre kvinnors utsatthet för övergrepp. Några av slutsatserna var att äldre kvinnor i högre utsträckning än män utsätts för övergrepp i nära relationer och att förövaren oftast är en man. Inom parrelationer var skillnaden mellan könens utsatthet för övergrepp marginell. Genusperspektiv saknas ofta när ämnet diskuteras. Ytterligare en slutsats som drogs var att avsaknad av forskning och statistik inom ämnet utgör ett stort problem.
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Exposition à la violence conjugale et adaptation de l’enfant : analyse des variables médiatrices et examen des profils individuelsDoucet, Martin 04 1900 (has links)
L’exposition à la violence conjugale est une forme répandue de mauvais traitement psychologique envers l’enfant dont les conséquences néfastes sont maintenant bien connues. Les enfants ne sont pas tous affectés de la même manière par la violence conjugale et peuvent présenter différents profils d’adaptation. Des recherches de plus en plus nombreuses suggèrent l’importance de variables médiatrices qui permettent d’établir le lien entre l’exposition à la violence conjugale et l’adaptation de l’enfant. Toutefois, peu d’études permettent encore de préciser les relations entre ces variables, ni de connaître la pertinence de ces variables pour un profil d’adaptation particulier. Cette thèse, comprenant deux études empiriques, visait deux objectifs principaux.
La première étude avait pour objectif d’examiner les liens entre le point de vue de l’enfant sur la violence conjugale et sur ses relations familiales, deux facteurs reconnus comme des médiateurs entre la violence conjugale et l’adaptation de l’enfant. Il était prévu que le point de vue de l’enfant sur la violence, pouvant se refléter par le blâme que l’enfant s’attribue pour la violence, sa perception de menace et sa peur d’être abandonné par ses parents, prédit son point de vue sur ses relations familiales, étudié sous l’angle de la parentification et des conflits de loyauté de l’enfant. Cette étude a été menée auprès de 79 enfants âgés de 8 à 12 ans et vivant avec leur mère dans un refuge pour femmes violentées. Les résultats révèlent que le blâme et la peur d’abandon prédisent la parentification et que la peur d’abandon prédit aussi les conflits de loyauté.
L’objectif de la deuxième étude était de dégager des profils d’adaptation parmi les enfants exposés à la violence conjugale et d’identifier les facteurs qui leur sont associés. Ces facteurs renvoient à l’expérience de violence de l’enfant, à son point de vue sur la violence, à la qualité de la relation mère-enfant et à la parentification. Cette étude a été menée auprès de 116 enfants âgés entre 8 et 12 ans vivant en maison d’hébergement pour femmes victimes de violence conjugale ou fréquentant d’autres organismes offrant des services aux familles confrontées à la violence conjugale. Les résultats révèlent la présence de quatre profils d’adaptation : troubles extériorisés seulement, troubles intériorisés seulement, troubles à la fois extériorisés et intériorisés et absence de problème apparent. Ces quatre profils se distinguent selon la présence d’abus physique envers l’enfant, la qualité de la relation mère-enfant, le point de vue de l’enfant sur la violence et le degré de parentification de l’enfant.
Les résultats sont discutés en fonction de l’apport respectif des parents et de l’enfant dans le développement de la parentification et des conflits de loyauté chez l’enfant exposé à la violence conjugale. La discussion souligne également la variabilité des manifestations de la détresse des enfants exposés à la violence conjugale. Les facteurs associés aux différents profils d’adaptation laissent entrevoir les besoins des enfants appartenant à un profil particulier et permettent de suggérer des liens entre ces facteurs. / Exposure to domestic violence is a common form of psychological maltreatment that has well-known serious negative effects on children. But children are not all affected in the same way by domestic violence and may present different patterns of adjustment. An increasing number of studies suggest mediating variables play an important role in the association between domestic violence and children’s adjustment. However, few studies have yet identified the relations between these variables or investigated the potential of these variables to discriminate patterns of adjusment of children exposed to domestic violence. The purpose of the present thesis was twofold.
The aim of the first study was to investigate the relation between children’s appraisals of domestic violence and of family relationships, two factors known as mediators between domestic violence and children’s adjustment. It was expected that children’s appraisals of domestic violence, measured by children’s self-blame, perception of threat and fear of abandonment would predict their appraisals of their family relationships as defined by parentification and loyalty conflicts. This first study was carried out with 79 8- to 12-years-old chidren recruited in shelter for battered women. Results revealed that children’s self-blame and fear of abandonment predicted their parentification. In addition, fear of abandonment predicted loyalty conflicts.
The objective of the second study was to identify specific patterns of adjustment among children exposed to domestic violence and to identify factors associated with these profiles. These factors include children’s experience of violence, children’s appraisal of domestic violence, quality of the mother-child relationship and parentification. This second study was carried out with 116 8- to 12-years-old children and their mother recruited in shelter for battered women and other agencies providing services to families living in the context of domestic violence. Results revealed four patterns of adjustment : 1) Externalized problems only, 2) Internalized problems only, 3) Both externalized and internalized problems, and 4) No apparent problems. These four patterns are distinguishable on the basis of the presence of physical abuse toward the child, the quality of the mother-child relationship, the child’s appraisal of domestic violence and their level of parentification.
These results are discussed in terms of the child’s and parents’ respective contribution to the development of parentification and loyalty conflicts among children exposed to domestic violence. The discussion also highlights the variability in the manifestations of children’s distress when exposed to domestic violence. The factors associated with the different patterns of adjustment suggest the existence of specific needs among children who exhibit a specific pattern and may suggest associations between these factors.
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Referential Lives: Literary, Legal, and Colonial Discourses in Audrey Andrews’ Account of the Life and Trials of Dorothy JoudrieALKENBRACK, KALEIGH ELIZABETH 31 July 2012 (has links)
In Be Good, Sweet Maid: The Trials of Dorothy Joudrie (1999), Audrey Andrews recounts the life and trial of Dorothy Joudrie, a so-called wealthy socialite who was arrested in Calgary in 1995 for attempting to murder her estranged husband after decades of domestic abuse. Andrews tells Joudrie’s story in the form of a semi-auto/biographical text that quotes other scholarly and creative literary works in an intertextual dialogue about violence against women, post-World War II gender socialization, and the “battered women syndrome” defence. This thesis takes this highly referential dialogue as its starting point, and then extends Andrews’ cultural work by tracing a genealogy of colonialism in Canadian domestic violence laws with the help of selected intertexts – including Yvonne Johnson’s Stolen Life: Journey of a Cree Woman (1998), the trial of Angelique Lavallee, and Lorena Bobbitt’s infamous case. First, I source the epigraphs that Andrews strategically places at the start of each chapter and discern the layer of meaning that these external texts bring to Joudrie’s story in order to raise questions about how Andrews rearticulates the work of others and the politics of such a rearticulation. Second, I similarly frame Joudrie’s 1995 trial as a referential and intertextual discourse based in precedent established by the Supreme Court in 1990 when it ruled that expert testimony on the “battered woman syndrome” was admissible in the R. v. Lavallee case (Shaffer 1). This allows me to consider a consequence of the ruling often overlooked in feminist literature: due to the fact that the original defendant, Angelique Lavallee, was a Métis woman whose identity was erased in the courtroom and in case law, subsequent trials employing the “battered woman syndrome” defence repeat settler relations entrenched in colonial violence. Third, I expose how representations can fail by thinking through what Stephen Couser calls the auto/bio/ethics of life writing, which reveals the limits of Canadian laws and literatures. Ultimately, this discussion generates questions about who is considered human under the law and how life writing might re-imagine the “reasonable” human in more just and compassionate ways. / Thesis (Master, Gender Studies) -- Queen's University, 2012-07-28 10:28:24.988
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Similarities and Differences between Interpartner Abuse and Criminal Offending: An Examination of Latent Structure and PredictorsMann, Nicholas Stuart January 2011 (has links)
The relationship between interpartner abuse (IPA) and criminal offending has received little scholarly attention, despite its important theoretical and practical implications. Two key questions about this relationship require attention. First, to what extent do IPA, violent offending, and property offending represent empirically distinct behavioural domains? Second, to what extent do these offence types share common predictors? The current study addressed these issues, and several additional issues, in a birth cohort of 950 New Zealand adults. Cohort members were questioned at ages 21, 25, and 30 years about the extent which they had engaged in IPA and criminal offending during the previous year. Information was also obtained from birth to late adolescence on a number of potential predictors of IPA and criminal offending, including socio-economic disadvantage, family dysfunction, childhood abuse, conduct disordered behaviours, deviant peer affiliations, substance abuse, academic ability, the obtainment of a high-school qualification, identification with an ethnic or racial minority, and gender. Confirmatory Factor Analysis results indicated that IPA, violent offending, and property offending represent three empirically distinct, albeit related, behavioural domains. Consistent with this finding were those obtained using Structural Equation Modelling techniques, which indicated that these offence types share many common childhood, adolescent, and demographic predictors. In addition, many predictors, but not all, were found to exert similar effects across these offence types. Analyses also indicated that shared predictors accounted for considerable proportions of the relationships between IPA, violent offending, and property offending. Finally, the vast majority of predictors were found to exert similar effects for males and females on each offence type. The current findings are discussed in relation to previous research and theory, and with respect to their implications for prevention-focused interventions for IPA and criminal offending.
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Kvinnofrid : Polismyndighetens och socialtjänstens samverkan gentemot mäns våld mot kvinnor.Norlund, Teres January 2013 (has links)
Våld i parrelationer är ett globalt hälsoproblem. Mäns våld mot kvinnor är ett av de största hoten mot kvinnors liv och hälsa. Ansvaret att ge stöd och skydd till personer som utsatts för eller riskerar att utsättas för våld, ligger på staten och kommunerna. Samverkan mellan socialtjänst och polismyndigheten är lagstadgat och en viktig komponent i ett hälsofrämjande arbete i syfte att skapa en trygg och säker miljö för utsatta kvinnor. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att öka kunskapen och förståelsen för socialtjänstens och polismyndighetens samverkan i kvinnofridsfrågor. Fokus låg främst på vad som påverkar samverkansarbetet. Studien inriktade sig på semistrukturerade individuella kvalitativa intervjuer genom en kombination av bekvämlighets- och snöbollsurval. Manifest innehållsanalys har i enlighet med Graneheim och Lundman (2004) använts samt samverkansteori för att analysera empirin. Resultatet utföll i två domäner med tillhörande kategorier. Första domänen var individnivå. Bland personal och chefer som var engagerade i samverkan och kvinnofridsbrott och som förkovrade sin kompetens, existerade samverkan mellan specifika personer internt och externt mellan myndigheterna. Andra domänen var organisations- och samhällsnivå. Gemensamma definitioner på samverkan och mäns våld mot kvinnor saknades vilket medförde att myndighetspersonerna hanterade dessa ärenden olika. Medarbetarna inom båda myndigheterna fick inte gemensam information om t.ex. vilka strategierna för samverkan var. Tydligt ledarskap fanns inom båda myndigheterna med det saknades gemensamma flödesscheman, tydliga rollfördelningar och kunskap om varandras ansvarsområde inom och mellan myndigheterna. Alla dessa delar var viktiga komponenter som influerar varandra och samverkans utfall i kvinnofridsfrågor. Förhoppningen är att studien ska synliggöra komplexiteten i samverkan i kvinnofridsfrågor och öka kunskapen om de områden som påverkar samverkans resultat. / Intimate partner violence is a global health problem. Male violence against women is one of the biggest threats against women's life and health. The responsibility to provide support and protection to victims or people at risk of violence is on the state and municipality. The collaboration between social services and the police authority is legal and an important component of a health promotion work in order to create a safe and secure environment for vulnerable women. The purpose with this study was to increase knowledge and understanding of the social services and police authority collaboration in woman’s issues. The focus was primarily on what influence it had on collaborations work. The study focused on semi-structured individual interviews through a combination of convenience and snowball sampling. According to Graneheim and Lundman (2004) manifest content analysis has been used with collaboration theory for analyzing empirical data. The result precipitated in two domains with related categories. The first domain was the Individual level. Among the professionals and managers who were involved in collaboration and women's issue and developed their skills, existence of collaboration between specific people internally and externally between authorities. Other domain was organizational and societal levels. Common definitions of collaboration and men’s violence against women were missing which meant that the authority people handled these issues differently. The employees of both authorities did not share information about e.g. which strategies for collaboration were. Clear leadership existed within both authorities but there were no common flow diagrams, clear allocation of roles and understanding of their responsibility within and between authorities. All these elements were important components that influence each other and collaborative outcomes in women's issues. The hope with this study is that it will highlight the complexity of interactions in women's issues and increase knowledge of the areas that affect collaborative performance.
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Violence against women in intimate relationships: : Explanations and suggestions for interventions as perceived by health care workers, local leaders and trusted community members in a northern district in VietnamJonzon, Robert January 2006 (has links)
Objectives: The objectives of the study was to describe how people who face partner violence against women, either as volunteers or as professionals in their everyday work, explain violence against women in intimate relationships and their suggestions for preventive activities. Methods: Twenty men and twenty women were strategically selected for five focus-group discussions. The interviews were analysed following the procedure for qualitative thematic content analysis. Findings: The study shows that the participants acknowledged violence against women as a multifaceted phenomenon grounded in the interplay betweenindividual, family-related factors and local community and socio-cultural factors. Men’s level of education, ‘social evils’, women challenging gender role expectations and women’s extensive work load were discussed as factors at individual and family level. Poverty in the local community and ‘feudal ideologies’ were referred to as explanatory factors at structural level. The informants suggested two main ways of preventing violence against women; improved gender equality through information, education and communication, and enforcing policies and law. Examples pertaining to different levels of society were given. Conclusions: This study shows that behind all of the explanations to intimate partner violence laid the culturally constructed messages about the proper roles of men and women mirroring gender inequality and women’s power disadvantage. A hesitation to intervene was found among some of the informants, the medical doctors, while all the others were eager to discuss activities but mainly those they were already undertaking and it seems the local level require further support to better handle this problem. / <p>ISBN 91-7997-161-x</p>
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Patterns of violence in intimate relationships: a critical examination of legal responsesBuckingham, Judith Isabel January 2006 (has links)
In this thesis, red flags for dangerousness/lethality established from domestic violence and homicide research provided the social framework for an examination of legal responses to violence in intimate heterosexual relationships. The research investigated these gendered, structural patterns of violence and the effectiveness of criminal justice interventions in keeping victims safe. Agency interactions with offenders and victims prior to women's deaths were reviewed in selected cases. Criminal law constructions of violence in intimate relationships were evaluated for their recognition and understanding of primary risk factors for dangerousness/lethality. The research found major red flags remain invisible in criminal law stereotypes of violence between intimates. The significance of these risk factors for dangerousness/lethality is therefore overlooked, misunderstood and even misrepresented in defence of violent offenders. Although the aim of the Domestic Violence Act 1995 is to ensure effective protection for victims, the study found a significant number of women (and sometimes other family members and children) experience further sub-lethal and lethal violence following legal interventions with perpetrators. Lacking a principled policy foundation, central focus on victim safety and clear framework for interventions, legal responses are internally incoherent and inconsistent with New Zealand Family Violence Prevention Strategy. The New Zealand government has committed to principled domestic violence intervention and consistency in law and policy. This will require: a) legislative reform; b) public and professional education on the dynamics of violent relationships, including the interrelationship between sublethal and lethal assaults; and c) monitoring of criminal justice interventions to improve accountability. Until this is accomplished, stories of abused women and their children, including informal attempts to seek help and contact with state and community agencies will continue to be dishonoured by a legal system which silences their voices and fails to learn lessons from their injuries and deaths.
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Violence against women effects on health status and inquiry preferences /Grupp, Elizabeth A. January 1996 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Missouri--Columbia, 1996. / Typescript. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 61-73). Also available on the Internet.
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Domácí násilí a jeho řešení ve společnosti / Domestic violence and its solution in societyBUDAŘOVÁ, Ludmila January 2008 (has links)
This dissertation can be viewed as a domestic violence issue guide. Its theoretical part is structured into three sections. The first one clarifies the basic terms used in the domestic violence-related literature and acquaints readers with individual forms, reasons, consequences and the most often myths associated with the domestic violence. Since certain changes have occurred in the attitude towards the domestic violence lately, especially due to the legal system change, the second part makes reference to, among others, the changes the new legislation have brought. This section also features the international institutions and organizations protecting human rights. The third section of the dissertation focuses on the ways of how to solve domestic violence issue to help the victims, and on interdisciplinary cooperation among all units involved, as well as, on the importance of expert aid towards ravishers. The practical part is devoted to the research itself. The goal of the dissertation was to figure out to what extent both sexes are informed on the domestic violence issue and to map the needs of experts dealing with the domestic violence. To achieve the first goal of the thesis, the quantitative public research was conducted. As the data collection technique the questionnaire method was used. The qualitative research was performed to meet the second goal of the dissertation with semi-standardized interviews as the data collection technique. During this phase, the employees of intervention centres or other facilities giving assistance to the domestic violence victims were interviewed. The research findings including comments are included in the ``Results`` and ``Discussion`` chapters. The Annex to this thesis lists main organizations providing aid in the domestic violence events and includes the contact data of all Intervention Centres in the Czech Republic. Also included is the Safety Plan, designed for individuals endangered by the domestic violence. This dissertation can be of use not only for the people affected by the domestic violence, but also for employees working in organizations dealing with this issue, as well as, for other people who are not indifferent to this issue.
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VIOLÊNCIA DE GÊNERO E RELIGIÃO: UMA ANÁLISE DA INFLUÊNCIA DO CRISTIANISMO EM RELAÇÕES FAMILIARES VIOLENTAS A PARTIR DE MULHERES ACOLHIDAS NAS CASAS ABRIGO REGIONAL GRANDE ABC E DE HOMENS AUTORES DE VIOLÊNCIA DOMÉSTICA / Gender Violence and Religion: An analysis of the Christianity influence on violent family relationship from women housed in the large ABC regional shelter homes and from aggressors.OSHIRO, CLAUDIA MARIA POLETI 29 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Noeme Timbo (noeme.timbo@metodista.br) on 2017-06-20T17:25:36Z
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CLAUDIA POLETI OSHIRO.pdf: 1972835 bytes, checksum: 78790a21518f5f5bbd86e5b4ed28b36c (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-03-29 / Domestic violence is a worrying phenomenon. In a concrete or symbolic way, it pervades the daily lives of many women who have experienced domestic violence situations. Once socially constructed, man is placed in an unequal position of power, these actions are often trivialized and reinforced by a society that is marked by patriarchy. Gender inequalities reinforce violence against women. My practice shows that many of these women seek help in religion, more specifically with their religious leaders who, in addition to agreeing with the violence that woman has lived, reinforce it through their religious beliefs. The cases seen at Casas Abrigo Regional Grande ABC attest that many women do not break the violence cycle because they belong to some religious institution and hear from their leaders discourses that legitimize submission and violence against women. This research intends to identify and analyze the Christianity influence in the violent family relations of Catholic and Evangelical women hosted in Casas Abrigo Regional Grande ABC and the same religious groups' perpetrators of violence against women. We will try to understand the violence consequences in these women's life, as well as to identify religion's influence in the masculine exercise of aggression and in the subjection of women to aggression. To approach these women, we chose two Reference Centers for Women's Care: “Marcia Dangremon” and “Vem Maria” as a field of this research. In order to approach the perpetrators of violence against women, we chose Centro de Referência Especializado de Assistência Social – CREAS de São Bernardo do Campo. / A violência doméstica é um fenômeno que nos preocupa. De forma concreta ou simbólica, ela perpassa o cotidiano de muitas mulheres que vivenciam situações de violência doméstica. Uma vez que construída socialmente, ao homem é posta uma posição desigual de poder, e estas ações muitas vezes são banalizadas e reforçadas por uma sociedade que é marcada pelo patriarcalismo. As desigualdades de gênero reforçam a violência contra as mulheres. A minha prática demonstra que muitas destas mulheres buscam ajuda na religião, mais especificamente com seus líderes religiosos, que, em sua maioria, além de compactuar com a violência vivida, a reforçam através de suas crenças religiosas. Os casos atendidos nas Casas Abrigo Regional Grande ABC atestam que muitas mulheres não rompem com o ciclo da violência, pelo fato de pertencerem a uma instituição religiosa e ouvirem de seus líderes discursos que legitimam a submissão e a violência contra as mulheres. Esta pesquisa pretende identificar e analisar a influência do cristianismo nas relações familiares violentas de mulheres católicas e evangélicas religiosas acolhidas nas Casas Abrigo Regional Grande ABC e de autores da violência contra as mulheres dos mesmos grupos religiosos. Procuraremos compreender as consequências da violência na vida dessas mulheres, bem como identificar a influência da religião no exercício masculino da agressão e na sujeição feminina à agressão. Como campo desta pesquisa escolhemos dois Centros de Referência de Atendimento à Mulher: “Marcia Dangremon” e “Vem Maria”, para abordagem com as mulheres. E o Centro de Referência Especializado de Assistência Social – CREAS de São Bernardo do Campo, para a abordagem com os autores de violência contra as mulheres.
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