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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Síndrome de Munchhausen por procuração e o pediatra: contribuições da psicanálise / Munchhausen Syndrome by Proxy and the Pediatrician: Contributions of Psychoanalysis

Heliane Maria Silva 15 April 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho objetiva identificar quais os sentidos e significados atribuídos pelos médicos pediatras à Síndrome de Munchhausen por Procuração (SMP), bem como o manejo que a equipe médica tem diante de sua suspeita, e as possibilidades de encaminhamento frente a esse tipo de violência infantil. Para tanto, foi feito um levantamento bibliográfico nas principais bases de dados, referente ao período de 1977 até 2013, e uma pesquisa de campo. Essa consistiu na realização de entrevistas semi-dirigidas com pediatras de um hospital público de São Paulo. As entrevistas foram transcritas, lidas e categorias foram levantadas. Essas categorias foram refletidas à luz da literatura especializada e analisadas sob o vértice de alguns conceitos psicanalíticos que pudessem enriquecer a discussão. A literatura define a SMP, denuncia as características do perpetrador como indícios a serem observados pelo clínico para sua identificação e revela que esse é um quadro pouco conhecido e subnotificado. A pesquisa de campo mostrou que, mesmo para pediatras dedicados e experientes, a SMP revela-se como um enigma: a noção de que uma mãe possa, deliberadamente, fabricar ou provocar sintomas de doença ou deficiência no filho, é algo difícil de aceitar. Nesse sentido, o exercício de dar um sentido e um significado para a SMP foi atravessado pela manifestação dos impactos desse quadro no pediatra: ele se indaga, se surpreende e se angustia com o fenômeno em si. Eles, também, acreditam que o quadro seja subnotificado. Possibilidades interventivas foram evidenciadas por eles: o reconhecimento precoce, o acompanhamento familiar, o encaminhamento da mãe (na maioria das vezes, quem perpetua a violência) para atendimento psicológico e psiquiátrico, e o acionamento do Conselho Tutelar. Contudo, tais profissionais estão certos de que a precocidade na identificação é algo difícil de alcançar, a adesão do perpetrador ao tratamento psicológico não depende exclusivamente de seu encaminhamento e o acionamento dos agentes de proteção à criança nem sempre resolve a questão. Assim, acabam, na maioria das vezes, experimentando um sentimento de impotência diante da ideia construída (idealizada) sobre o que vem a ser o médico e seu exercício clínico. Nesse sentido, considerando as contribuições da psicanálise, o pediatra precisaria relativizar suas certezas, considerar a transferência, sustentar os ecos que esta complexa condição humana pode causar e prestar atenção na relação mãe-criança, para conseguir que o manejo e o encaminhamento fossem mais rápidos e eficientes. Para que nosso entendimento da SMP pudesse ser ampliado, seria de fundamental relevância que a mãe (perpetradora) pudesse ser escutada por um psicanalista, que teria acesso às suas motivações inconscientes. Essas novas pesquisas poderiam trazer um novo saber acerca dessa complexa condição, favorecendo, então, o desenvolvimento de novas possibilidades de intervenção / This study aims to identify the directions and the meanings assigned by pediatricians to Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy (MSBP or MBP), as well the handling of medical staff before its suspect and referral possibilities before this type of violence against children. Thus, a bibliographic research was done in major databases covering the period from 1977 to 2013, and a field research was conducted. This research consists of conducting semi-structured interviews with pediatricians of a public hospital in São Paulo City. The interviews were transcribed, read and categories were raised. These categories were reflected in the light of the literature and analyzed from the vertex of some psychoanalytic concepts that could enrich the discussion. The literature defines MSBP, reports the characteristics of the perpetrator as the evidences to be observed by the clinician to identify them and revels that this is an hardly known and an underreported medical framework. A field research showed that even to dedicated and experienced pediatricians, the MSBP is revealed as a puzzle: the idea that a mother can deliberately make or cause symptoms of illness or desability in her child is something hard to accept. Accordingly, the exercise of giving directions and meanings to MSBP was crossed by the manifestation of the impacts of this framework in pediatrician: he wonders, get surprised and grieves with the phenomenon itself. They also believe that this framework is underreported. Interventional possibilities were shown by them: early recognition, family monitoring, the referral of the mother (in most cases, who perpetuates violence) to psychological and psychiatric care, and contacting the Child Protective Council. However, such professionals are certain that early identification is a difficult thing to achieve, the acceptance of the perpetrator to the psychological and psychiatric treatment does not depend exclusively on their referral and the activation of the staff of the child protective council, does not always solve the issue. Thus end most of time, experiencing a feeling of powerlessness in the face of the constructed idea (idealized) about what is to be the doctor and his clinical practice. Accordingly in this sense, considering the contributions of the psychoanalysis, pediatricians need to relativize their convictions, consider transfer, sustain the echoes that this complex human condition may cause and watch the mother-child relationship, to achieve a faster and effective handling and referral. To expand our understanding of MSBP, it would be of fundamental relevance that the mother (perpetrator) could be listened by a psychoanalyst, who would have access to her unconscious motivations. These new researchs could bring new knowledge about this complex condition, then favoring the development of new opportunities for intervention

Rota crítica: os (des) caminhos trilhados por mulheres em situação de violência doméstica na busca por ajuda / Critic route: the paths used by woman under domestic violence on their search for help

Miryam Cristina Mazieiro Vergueiro da Silva 06 March 2009 (has links)
Este estudo investiga a permanência das mulheres em situação de violência conjugal e a busca por ajuda. A partir da perspectiva de gênero, das relações intersubjetivas e de questões intrapsíquicas, buscou-se estabelecer os fatores que influem na manutenção do relacionamento abusivo, e as estratégias buscadas para a resolução desse conflito. A opção metodológica foi a da abordagem qualitativa e tal escolha se justificou devido às características do objeto e aos objetivos da pesquisa. Foram colhidas seis entrevistas com mulheres consideradas boas informantes, de camada social baixa, levando-se em conta a quantidade e qualidade do material produzido, como também o acesso às mulheres em tal situação. Os resultados encontrados apontam para a influência das vivências na família de origem e o amor pelo agressor como importante obstáculo para a saída da relação abusiva, bem como a assimetria de poder dentro da relação. A busca por ajuda envolveu principalmente os familiares, a Delegacia de Polícia e a Delegacia de Defesa da Mulher e os serviços de saúde; as respostas foram, por vezes, demovedoras da decisão de transformar a situação. Os familiares, filhos, vizinhos, amigos e o crime organizado, de modo geral, não ofertaram apoio significativo na direção de uma transformação da conjugalidade violenta. Já as instituições formais acessadas pelas entrevistadas, ou seja, a Delegacia de Defesa da Mulher e o serviço de saúde se configuraram em importante rede de suporte. / This study researches the permanence of women in violent marriage condition and the search for help. From the gender perspective, from subjective relations and psychical questions, it tries to establish the factors that influence the maintenance of an abusive relationship, and the strategies sought for the solution of this conflict. The methodology option for this was the qualitative approach; the results obtained lead to love, as the main obstacle to the way out from the abusive relationship, as well as the asymmetry of the power within the relationship. The search for help involved mainly the relatives, the DDM and health care services: sometimes the answers were not persuasive forward the decision to change the situation.

Validação do Subconjunto Terminológico da Classificação Internacional para a Prática de Enfermagem - CIPE® - para o Enfrentamento da Violência Doméstica Infantil / Validation of a Subset of Terms for the International Classification of Nursing Practice ICNP® for Coping with Domestic Violence Against Children

Karen Namie Sakata So 23 March 2018 (has links)
Introdução: O fenômeno da violência é responsável por diversos agravos e sequelas em milhões de pessoas e vem crescendo entre os grupos mais vulneráveis socialmente, tais como os idosos, as mulheres e as crianças. O objeto de estudo foram os Diagnósticos, Resultados e Intervenções de Enfermagem, e o fenômeno escolhido foi a violência doméstica contra a criança. Objetivo: Construir um Subconjunto Terminológico da Classificação Internacional para a Prática de Enfermagem CIPE® para o Enfrentamento da Violência Doméstica Contra a Criança. Método: O referencial teórico-metodológico foi baseado no materialismo histórico-dialético a partir da Teoria de Intervenção Práxica da Enfermagem em Saúde Coletiva (TIPESC). Para os dados primários, utilizou-se a base terminológica de Albuquerque 2014 e dos Diagnósticos, Resultados e Intervenções avaliados por 32 juízas/especialistas na FASE 1, e por 13 na FASE 2, por meio de questionário eletrônico. A análise dos dados foi baseada no Índice de Validade de Conteúdo (IVC). Foram validados os itens com IVC > 0,79. Dados secundários foram obtidos na revisão integrativa da literatura. O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo, parecer 1.433.634 (CAAEE 52639416.1.0000.5392). Resultados e discussão: Foram validados 14 Diagnósticos/Resultados de Fortalecimentos e Promoção (9 relativos à criança e 5 relativos à família) e 46 de Desgastes, Causas, Manifestações e Consequências (30 relativos à criança e 16 relativos à família). Quanto às Intervenções, foram 19 de Fortalecimentos e Promoção, 63 de Desgastes, Causas, Manifestações e Consequências e 18 aplicáveis a ambos os grupos. Desenvolveu-se uma proposta de utilização do Subconjunto Terminológico com base em um raciocínio crítico em Saúde Coletiva. Dentre as facilidades para a atuação da(o)s enfermeira(o)s, estão reconhecer seu papel, agir em integração com os demais trabalhadores, poder contar com uma rede de serviços integrada e ter suporte da instituição. Dentre as dificuldades, estão falta de clareza sobre o seu papel, receio de invadir a privacidade da família, medo, insegurança, lacunas na formação, falta de uma rede de serviços integrada, deficit de trabalhadores, sobrecarga de trabalho e falta de tempo. Experiências exitosas partiram das visitas domiciliárias que permitiram às(aos) enfermeira(o)s estreitar vínculos com as famílias, fazer atendimentos sem preconceitos e/ou julgamentos e prevenir a negligência contra a criança acompanhando mulheres desde a gestação e nos primeiros anos de vida das crianças. Conclusão: Este Subconjunto, alinhado aos conhecimentos da Saúde Coletiva, não tem foco apenas nos agravos, mas também na prevenção da violência e na promoção de ações emancipatórias dos sujeitos. Acredita-se que ele tem o potencial de sistematizar uma linguagem específica para a Enfermagem e também ser uma linguagem que se comunique com outras áreas e profissionais da rede de proteção às crianças e suas famílias. É dever dos gestores e das instâncias governamentais se comprometerem com ações que têm se mostrado efetivas no enfrentamento da violência doméstica contra a criança. É preciso rever as condições de trabalho da(o)s enfermeira(o)s para que estas possam desenvolver ações que, de fato, tenham real impacto na transformação dos fenômenos sociais e nas respostas às necessidades de saúde das crianças e suas famílias. / Introduction: Violence accounts for various injuries and sequelae among million of people and has grown among the most socially vulnerable groups, such as the elderly, women and children. The object of this study includes Nursing Diagnosis, Outcomes and Interventions, while domestic violence against children was the phenomenon chosen. Objective: To construct a Subset of Terms for the International Classification for Nursing Practice - ICNP® for Coping with Domestic Violence Against Children. Method: The theoreticalmethodological reference was historical-dialectical materialism based on the Theory of Nursing Praxis Intervention in Collective Health (TIPESC). Primary data were composed of the terminological basis by Albuquerque 2014 and the Diagnoses, Outcomes, and Interventions assessed by 32 experts in PHASE 1 and 13 experts in PHASE 2 using an electronic questionnaire. Data analysis was based on the Content Validity Index (CVI). Items with CVI > 0.79 were validated. Secondary data were obtained from an integrative literature review. The study was approved by the Institutional Review Board at the University of São Paulo, School of Nursing, report 1,433,634 (CAAEE 52639416.1.0000.5392). Results and discussion: The following were validated: 14 Diagnoses/Outcomes concerning Strengthening and Promotion (9 concerning children and 5 concerning families) and 46 concerning Weariness, Causes, Manifestations and Consequences (30 concerning children and 16 concerning families). In regard to Interventions, 19 were related to Strengthening and Promotion, 63 were related Weariness, Causes, Manifestations and Consequences and 18 were applicable to both groups. A proposal to use this subset of terms was developed based on critical rationale in Collective Health. The aspects that facilitate the work of nurses include acknowledging their role, working together with the remaining health workers, having an integrated service network and the institutions support. Difficulties include lack of clarity regarding nurses roles, being afraid of invading the familys privacy, fear, insecurity, gaps in education, lack of an integrated service network, understaffing, overwork, and lack of time. Successful experiences took place in home visits, in which nurses were able to establish bonds with families, leaving aside prejudice and/or judgment, and prevent child neglect by monitoring women from pregnancy to the childrens first years of life. Conclusion: This Subset, aligned with Collective Health knowledge, does not focus on health conditions only, but also on preventing violence and promoting individuals emancipatory actions. It is believed that it has the potential to systematize a specific language for Nursing and also be a language that communicates with other fields and workers within the network that protects children and their families. Managers and governmental agencies should engage in actions that have been proven effective to cope with domestic violence against children. The working conditions of nurses should be reconsidered so that they may implement actions that have a real impact on the transformation of social phenomena and respond to the health needs of children and their families.

A lei nas entrelinhas: a Lei Maria da Penha e o trabalho policial em duas Delegacias de Defesa da Mulher de São Paulo / The law between the lines: Maria da Penha law and the police work in two Womens Police Stations in São Paulo

Beatriz Accioly Lins 03 October 2014 (has links)
Com o advento da Lei nº 11.430/2006 (Lei Maria da Penha), foi alterada substancialmente a tipificação jurídica da criminalização dos casos de violência doméstica no Brasil, sendo modificadas a autuação e o tratamento, nas esferas policiais e jurídicas, desses delitos. O texto da nova lei tipifica e pune de maneira mais rigorosa situações que, até então, encontravam-se em uma alçada de legislações genéricas consideradas, pelos seus críticos, como mais vulneráveis às reproduções das desigualdades de gênero. A partir do acompanhamento do expediente policial de duas Delegacias de Defesa da Mulher (DDM) na cidade de São Paulo, investigo os usos e as mudanças trazidas pela Lei Maria da Penha para a prática policial nas DDMs órgãos especializados da Polícia Civil responsáveis pelo atendimento de mulheres vítimas de violência , e de que maneira tais mudanças se articulam com percepções de gênero, família, conjugalidade e justiça que circulam entre as policiais. Para além de avaliar a aplicação correta da norma jurídica, viso entender a lei como algo dinâmico, plástico, polimorfo e polissêmico, e que ganha sentidos e práticas conforme é manuseada e utilizada na prática de diferentes profissionais; indagando à lei justamente o que ela não diz em texto seu formal: seus significados implícitos, subentendidos e interpretativos, isto é, ler a Lei Maria da Penha em suas entrelinhas. / With the enactment of Law No. 11.430/2006 (Maria da Penha Law), Brazil substantially changed the legal classification of the criminalization of domestic violence cases, modifying the assessment and treatment, in the police and legal spheres, of these offenses. The text of the new law criminalizes and punishes more rigorously situations that, in the past, were subject to a generic scope of legislation considered by its critics as vulnerable to the reproduction of gender inequalities. Through the expedient of two Womens Police Stations (DDMs) in the city of São Paulo, I investigate the changes and uses that the promulgation of the Maria da Penha Law have brought to the police practice inside these specialized organs of the Civil Police (responsible for the care of women victims of violence), and how these changes are linked to perceptions of gender, family, marriage and justice operated by the police. This dissertation does not aim to assess the correct application of the legal norm, but tries to understand the law as dynamic, plastic, polymorphous and polysemous experience, whose meanings and uses may change and transform through the practices of different professionals. It is about questioning the law not in its formal text: but the implicit, implied and interpretive meanings it has, in other words, to read the Maria da Penha Law between the lines.

Upptäckt av barn som lever i våld i nära relationer :  En kvalitativ studie ur lärares perspektiv / Finding children living with domestic violence. : A qualitative interview study from teachers perspective.

Karadza, Vildana, Carlsson-Arnberg, Susanna January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study was to highlight teachers awareness of children who are exposed to violence and to create an understanding of the teachers role in finding children living with domestic violence. We chose a qualitative method because our intention was to get the interviewees unique experience about children living with domestic violence and their prerequisites to find those children. Semi-structured interviews provided access to an understanding of how individuals perceived themselves and their experiences and provided a wide range of material. The studys result was based on nine semi-structured interviews with teachers in grades 0-3. An interview guide containing prepared questions created space for the interviewees to respond freely and to openly express their thoughts and experiences. Our result showed that teachers described violence as physical violence, in the form of strokes, shuffles, bruises and hair that have been pulled off and psychological violence, in the form of mines, verbal abuse and exploitation, and sexual violence in the form of sexual assault. The result also showed that the interviewees found it hard to determine whether the pupil felt bad or had difficulties in concentration that depended on circumstances such as sick or divorced parents, violence or any kind of diagnosis. The interviewees lacked a template or tool to help detect a child who was maltreated at home. There was also a lack of education in violence among the interviewees.

Children as weapons: child protection responses to the parenting of men who batter

MacPherson, Colleen 04 October 2017 (has links)
Although there is extensive research on children’s exposure to intimate partner violence and its impacts, there is very little information available with respect to how child protection workers assess the risks posed to children by the negative parenting associated with battering and how these workers intervene to protect children. This case study therefore sought to understand how child protection workers accounted for the parenting of men who batter in their assessments of child safety and in their service plans. It explores in detail how mothers and child protection workers conceptualize and describe the parenting attitudes and behaviours of the men who came to the attention of MCFD due to battering, how protection workers assessed children’s safety in light of the parenting behaviours and examines the types of child welfare responses or interventions that were utilized in order to deal with these challenges. Results show that despite the level of understanding on the part of the child protection workers’ with regard to the links between the perpetration of intimate partner violence and negative parenting approaches, these fathers’ parenting was largely overlooked in the child safety assessment and service delivery plans. Thus, it is recommended that child welfare policies draw robust links between the perpetration of intimate partner violence and negative parenting approaches and provide child protection workers with the safety assessment tools and clear direction to assess the parenting behaviours of fathers who batter their children’s mothers. / Graduate

Vybrané aspekty domácího násilí v soudních spisech a psychologických znaleckých posudcích / Selected aspects of domestic violence described in court files and psychological expert opinions

Kolková, Alžběta January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis titled "Selected aspects of domestic violence described in court files and psychological expert opinions" deals with forensic - psychological issues. The theoretical part defines domestic violence, its forms and types. There is also space for individual aspects of domestic violence, including treatises on victims and perpetrators of domestic violence, related myths and consequences. This chapter also covers the issue of how to help. A separate part deals with the court file, its content and composition. The expert opinion, its assignment and content is then devoted to the conclusion of the theoretical part. The empirical part, focused on the examination of selected aspects of domestic violence, was based on an analysis of court files containing the psychological expert opinion in cases of abuse under §198 and §199 of the Criminal code. Keywords: Domestic violence, Court files, Expert witness psychologist, Expert opinion

Representações sociais e violência contra a mulher: um estudo na Delegacia da Mulher da cidade do Recife - PE

COSTA, Silvana do Rosário Menino da 25 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Haroudo Xavier Filho (haroudo.xavierfo@ufpe.br) on 2016-04-19T13:52:15Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Dissertação completa.pdf: 1694356 bytes, checksum: ad95eee23c3ab88af35cbab823e3a837 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-19T13:52:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Dissertação completa.pdf: 1694356 bytes, checksum: ad95eee23c3ab88af35cbab823e3a837 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-25 / FACEPE / A presente pesquisa investigou as Representações Sociais da mulher em situação de violência conjugal de policiais civis. Foi realizada na 1ª Delegacia de polícia de prevenção e repressão aos crimes contra a mulher, localizada na cidade do Recife/PE. Teoricamente se baseou na Teoria das Representações Sociais, desenvolvida por Serge Moscovici (2012), sob a perspectiva da abordagem culturalista de Denise Jodelet (1989). A estratégia metodológica utilizada foi a pesquisa qualitativa e os instrumentos de coleta de dados foram o diário de campo, desenvolvido através da observação não participante, e a entrevista semiestruturada. Para análise dos dados foi utilizada a Análise de Conteúdo Temática (BARDIN, 2009), seguindo as etapas operacionais: constituição do corpus, leitura flutuante, codificação, categorização e inferências. A pesquisa foi aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, pautando-se na resolução 466/12, que orienta a pesquisa com seres humanos. A análise apontou que as mulheres que estão em situação de violência conjugal são representadas principalmente a partir de dois polos: “as vítimas e as verdadeiras vítimas”; apontando para os usos que são feitos da DM e para a forma como os/as policiais se pautavam frente a elas. Tais representações foram ancoradas e objetivadas em concepções ligadas à esfera biológica, social, emocional e de saúde. Foi observado que os/as policiais procuravam agir de forma neutra e imparcial em função deste pensamento, buscando não se envolver emocionalmente com estas mulheres para se proteger do impacto que esta vivência poderia gerar, e para não favorecer no seu atendimento nem às mulheres nem aos homens. Estes dados apontam que novos caminhos precisam ser traçados para que a mulher, ao acionar a DM, encontre acolhimento e possibilidades de uma vivência mais digna, longe da violência. Contudo, para que isto se torne uma realidade, a DM também precisa ser um espaço de realização para os/as policiais que nela atuam, cenário este que não foi percebido em função da precariedade que a DM apresenta e da absorção de demandas que deveriam ser trabalhadas por outros órgãos da rede de atenção à mulher. / The present research investigated the Social Representations (SR) of women in domestic violence situation of active police officers in the woman’s police station (WPS) of Recife. The survey took place in the 1st Police Station Precinct of Prevention and Repression of Crimes against Woman, located in the city of Recife - PE. The search was based on the Theory of Social Representations, developed by Serge Moscovici (2012), from the perspective of culturalist approach of Denise Jodelet (1989). The methodological strategy used was qualitative research and the data collection instruments was the field diary, developed through non-participant observation and semi-structured interview. For data analysis, we used the Thematic Content Analysis (BARDIN, 2009) following the following operating steps: formation of the corpus, floating reading, coding, categorization and inferences. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Pernambuco, and is based on Resolution 466/12 that guides the research with human beings. The analysis showed that women who are victims of violence are represented mainly from two poles "victims and the real victims," pointing to the uses that are made of WPS, and how the police deals with them. These Social Representations were anchored and objectified in concepts the biological sphere, social, emotional and health. It was observed that guided by this thought the police sought acting neutrally and impartially, seeking not to get emotionally involved with these women, to protect against affectation that this experience could generate and not to favor in their treatment neither women nor men. These data point out that new ways need to be plotted for the woman, when contacting the WPS, instead of finding indifference, being welcomed and finding possibilities of a more dignified existence away from violence. However for this to become a reality, the WPS also needs to be a realization space, which was not seen due to the lack of structure that it presents and the absorption of demands that should be worked by other organs of the woman care network.

A South African retrospective study of children’s exposure to domestic violence as a predisposing factor for revictimization in adulthood

Ryan Jill January 2013 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / Domestic violence has reached epidemic proportions worldwide. Every year, 275 million children globally are exposed to domestic violence. Witnessing domestic violence during childhood has been linked to various risks such as potential health risks, unemployment, deviant behavior, susceptibility to other subsets of family violence, various psychopathologies, as well as potential perpetration and revictimization. Boys are twice as likely to become perpetrators of abuse in adulthood if they have witnessed domestic violence in comparison to boys from nonviolent homes. Girls exposed to domestic violence were shown to be more accepting of abusive married life than girls from non-violent homes. The aim of the study was to describe the perceptions of childhood exposure to domestic violence as a predisposing factor for revictimization in adulthood. The study used a quantitative approach with a cross-sectional correlational design. The sample consisted of 77 female participants from shelters across Cape Town, Western Cape. The study employed an adapted version of The Child Exposure to Domestic Violence (CEDV) Scale. The questionnaire was divided into three sections, namely demographic details, types of exposure to domestic violence the adult may have experienced as a child, and lastly current adult experiences of domestic violence. The data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences V21 (SPSS). Results suggest that there is a significant positive relationship between past perceived experiences of domestic violence and present perceived experiences of domestic violence. Limitations and recommendations are stipulated for proposed intervention strategies and further study expansion on this topic

The relationship between early family experience and courtship violence

Weiner, Jodi Lynne 01 January 1992 (has links)
Female college students -- Early parent-child relationship -- Dating violence -- Insecure mother-child or father-child attachments.

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