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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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貓空地區觀光意象對遊客選擇行為影響之路徑分析 / A Path Analysis for Influence of Destination Image on Tourists' Behavior in Maokong Area

羅明璇, Lo, Ming-Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
近年來觀光產業的快速發展,使相關業者面臨激烈的競爭,旅遊目的地行銷的概念應運而生。隨著產業結構的轉型,地方都市無不透過觀光行銷來吸引投資者或遊客之進入,以增加自身競爭力,因應全球化下的競爭。   觀光意象是遊客對於一旅遊目的地所持的知覺、看法與印象的重組,其傳達遊客腦海中對旅遊目的地遊憩屬性的偏好,具有宣傳與行銷的功能。一般而言,觀光意象在遊客對目的地之選擇行為過程中扮演了重要的角色,具有良好觀光意象的旅遊目的地通常具有較高的吸引力,且正向的觀光意象對都市透過觀光收益來促進都市發展及經濟成長亦有顯著效果。觀光意象包含了遊客的認知與情感面,遊客將據其偏好選擇喜歡的目的地作為旅遊地點。然而,過去研究較少探討遊客主觀感受與其對地方之情感連結等心理層面對選擇行為之影響,據此,本研究以台北市貓空地區為例,以觀光意象作為前因變數,探討其對遊客之地方依附、旅遊品質、滿意度、選擇行為之影響路徑及各變數間之交互影響效果。   本研究以遊客問卷之設計,對非當地居民之遊客作為抽樣調查之對象,並以因素分析與結構方程模式作為資料分析方法,所得主要結果為:觀光意象對地方依附、旅遊品質與選擇行為有直接正向影響,而影響遊客對旅遊目的地選擇行為最重要的因素為地方依附。 / With the change of industry structure, tourism industry has become one of important industries in a city. Facing the competition under the global age, the concept of destination marketing has widely aroused attention because of fast development of tourism industry and keen competition among relative industry proprietors. Destination image is sum of beliefs, ideas and impressions that a person has of a destination. Destination image has been shown to be vital influence on travelers' travel behavior, that is, the urban with a positive and good image perceived by tourists can bring out the urban a significant effect on urban development and economic growth. A tourist's intent to visit a destination is determined by a combination of cognitive and affective image. Tourists usually develop emotional associations with destination where they're lovely to visit. However, very limited research has been conducted personal emotional or meanings tourists attach to the places they visited and experienced. Thus, the study takes Maokong Area of Taipei city for example, and the purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship among destination image, place attachment, trip quality, satisfaction, and traveling behavior. In research method, the survey was quantitative research oriented in order to understand visitors' ideas toward the destination images of Maokong area. Both factor analysis and structural equation modeling were used to analyze for the study. The major results of this research were found that destination image directly has positive influence on place attachment, trip quality, and traveling behavior, and place attachment is the most important cause to influence tourists' behavior.


趙曉南, Chiao, Hsiao-Nan Unknown Date (has links)
廣告創意究竟要怎麼研究呢?本文欲藉由分析廣告的語言文字層面,得到創意背後的運作機制。 過去關於「廣告創意」的研究多從表象著手,只討論廣告的相關要件,例如:要多蒐集市場資訊、注意消費者的反應與效果…等,這些外圍的要件都沒有直指核心問題,就是「廣告創意的運作機制為何?」這也是本研究想要問的第一個問題。第二個問題是,「廣告創意的運作機制如何將創意特質顯現在廣告文本上」我們認為,廣告文本上必然有創意機制的痕跡可循,我們將這個外顯創意的痕跡鎖定在「語言文字」,想要藉由語言文字的分析來發現創告的創意機制。 為了發展廣告創意的理論架構,研究者採用Boden的「概念空間」(1994)的觀念,說明創意的內心運作過程。「概念空間」是創作者學習到領域知識、或經歷過的創作過程,所得到的創作基礎。這個「概念空間」也同時提供了個人創作的材料,同時引導並限制了創意的產生,因為概念空間包含了領域的專業知識,所以引導了個人的創作,也提示了個人各種可能的創作形式。 本研究認為創作者組合概念空間的各種形式,就可能展現了創意。我們據此從廣告的語言文字層面出發,發展出五個概念空間的創意機制,分別為:概念轉移、概念合併、概念斷裂、概念擴張、概念衝突。

文化創意產業、國家與藝術家:華山創意文化園區的分析 / Cultural & creative industry, the state and artists:analysis for the case of Huashan creative park

李宛真, Li, Wan Chen Unknown Date (has links)
華山創意文化園區的產業化發展受到一個由國家、藝術社群與企業三方構成的社會結構影響,藝術社群、國家與企業三者在不同階段扮演了關鍵的角色。此轉型過程經歷文化創意產業化的價值張力現象和政策磨合,揭示了上述行為者對於空間規劃與產業發展的不同主張,一方面造成其不同的信任與競合關係;另一方面也造成空間功能的轉向-此地區由一個位於前端的藝術創作聚落轉變成為靠近後端的大眾文化消費園地。 本文認為文化創意產業化的過程將引發行為者不同的價值取向,其原因為:一、精緻藝術與通俗文化的特性不同;二、創作前端與市場後端的需求與運作邏輯不同。而為了尋求文化與產業的永續發展,政府必須回應這種特殊的產業特性,扮演彈性的平台角色,一方面能夠觸動行為者的相互交流、理解與信任關係,使其自由溝通並跨界合作,誘發各種創新的可能;另一方面需要釐清空間的角色與功能,讓有效的補助與保護機制連結網絡關係及群聚效應。如此一來,這樣的制度環境能夠鼓勵創新,不因產值思維而壓抑創意,而創作前端與市場後端能夠充分活化與溝通,進一步完整價值鏈機能。 / The industrialized development of Huashan Creative Park was influenced by the social structure, composed of the state, the community of artists and the enterprise. These three factors played crucial roles within different phases. The Industrialization of culture and creativity resulted in tensions between discrepant values as well as policy modification within the transition, which displayed diverse positions toward spatial planning and industrial development from different factors. The tensional phenomenon not only altered the relationships of trust and contention among factors but also brought about functional change of the space-this cluster of art creation near the front end of value chain turned into a pop culture consuming park near the back end. This paper argues that industrialization of culture and creativity will lead to dissimilar value orientations of factors because of two reasons:the first, distinct features of fine art and pop culture;the second, different needs and logic of creating front end and consuming back end of the value chain. In order to build up sustainable development of culture and industry, the government is suggested to deal with this kind of special industrial feature and take a role as a flexible platform. On the one hand, this platform should induce interaction, understanding, and trust between factors as well as generate free communication, synergies among multi-fields, and all possibilities of innovation, on the other hand, it can clarify the significances and functions of spaces as well as connect network and cluster effect to complete the function of value chain by an appropriate protective system and subsidies. As a result, this institutional environment can encourage innovation and interaction between creation and market instead of oppressing creativity due to output value requests.

我國南部選民投票行為之研究-2008年總統選舉分析 / Voting behavior of southern voters in Taiwan:An analysis of presidential election in 2008

王均 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在探討2008年總統大選,我國南部選民個人社會背景特徵、投票抉擇因素及投票行為,並分析影響南部選民投票抉擇的最重要因素。 本文採用二手資料分析法,資料係採自「2005年至2008年選舉與民主化調查三年期研究規劃(Ⅲ):民國九十七年總統大選民調案」(TEDS2008P)(NSC 96-2420-H-004-017),使用的統計方法主要為次數分配、卡方檢定、t檢定、變異數分析及洛基迴歸模型。 經分析後主要研究發現: 一、 南部選民政黨認同傾向泛綠最多;對民進黨籍候選人謝長廷不論能力或形象評價,皆高於國民黨籍候選人馬英九;在統獨態度上,南部選民較傾向維持現狀;南部選民對過去陳水扁總統整體施政滿意度感到並不滿意。 二、 就全體受訪南部選民而言,本研究所提出的省籍、族群意識、政黨認同、候選人評價、統獨態度及總統施政滿意度等變數,個別單獨地與投票行為進行分析時,均達統計上的顯著關聯性,顯示上列變數都有可能影響南部選民的投票行為。將諸多變數一同納入模型比較其相對影響力時,發現「政黨認同」、「候選人形象」及「統獨態度」等三項變數最具影響力。 三、 南部選民的組成以本省閩南人與台灣人自我認同居多,支持泛綠的選民在南部依舊占了多數,且對民進黨的候選人評價也高於國民黨的候選人,因此南部對於民進黨來說,仍是一個具有相對優勢的區域。 四、 南部選民中,政治傾向較偏中立的選民,包括族群雙重認同者、無特別政黨認同的獨立選民及對於統獨態度主張維持現狀者,約有七成在這次選舉中將票投給在野黨的候選人馬英九。由南部選民對陳水扁過去施政滿意度偏向不太滿意可見,理性抉擇讓中立選民對執政的民進黨無法繼續信任,因而將票轉向在野的國民黨「換人做做看」。 五、 過去統獨態度在南部的分布, 1994年至2002年南部選民的統獨態度,支持統一者約占25%,支持獨立者也是約25%,而維持現狀者則約占50%。時至今日,南部選民支持統一者占10%,支持獨立者則是34%,維持現狀則保持在56%。除維持現狀並無明顯變化外,支持獨立的比率明顯增多,而支持統一者減少,是否為民進黨這八年中央與地方執政的影響,值得深入探討。

應用於區域觀光產業之色彩意象化目的地推薦研究 / Color imagery for destination recommendation in regional tourism

楊淳雅, Yang, Chun Ya Unknown Date (has links)
本研究提出一創新的旅遊推薦服務系統,以意象模型作為旅客意象(包含自我意象和情感需求)、景點意象、以及中小企業所提供服務之意象在系統裡的一致性表達。以上所提及之利益關係人的意象會經由數個系統模組進行建立與管理,並演化以反映出意象擁有者在真實世界的狀態。除此之外,本系統為動態運行,強調旅遊產業裡各個利益關係人角色之間的互動關係。每當互動發生,相關意象模型會進行混合,演繹出額外的意象屬性,以進行意象模型之調整。另外,基於顏色與情緒可相互對應的相關研究,我們將色彩理論運用於意象媒合與意象混合模組之中,藉此為旅客推薦符合其情感需求的旅遊景點或服務。本研究所提出一系列基於意象衍伸的系統化方法,可被應用於各種不同的領域。我們相信本研究可以為其它領域之實務應用與學術探討帶來顯著的貢獻。 / This research presents a recommendation service system that considers the image as a uniform representation of tourist images (include self-image and emotional needs), destinations, and local SMEs. Images carried by each stakeholder roles are modeled and managed by several system modules, and they also evolve to reflect the real time situations of each entity. In addition, the system is dynamic in terms of its emphasis on the relationships among these roles. When interactions occur, image mixing will be conducted to derive extra image attributes for the adjustments of the images. Besides, since colors can be mapped onto emotions, we use colors to operate the image matching and mixing process to find good matches of destinations for the recommendation. This image related approach we proposed is domain-independent. We believe our method could contribute to other areas of practical applications and academic studies.

探索美國財務報表的主觀性詞彙與盈餘的關聯性:意見分析之應用 / Exploring the relationships between annual earnings and subjective expressions in US financial statements: opinion analysis applications

陳建良, Chen, Chien Liang Unknown Date (has links)
財務報表中的主觀性詞彙往往影響市場中的參與者對於報導公司價值和獲利能力衡量的決策判斷。因此,公司的管理階層往往有高度的動機小心謹慎的選擇用詞以隱藏負面的消息而宣揚正面的消息。然而使用人工方式從文字量極大的財務報表挖掘有用的資訊往往不可行,因此本研究採用人工智慧方法驗證美國財務報表中的主觀性多字詞 (subjective MWEs) 和公司的財務狀況是否具有關聯性。多字詞模型往往比傳統的單字詞模型更能掌握句子中的語意情境,因此本研究應用條件隨機域模型 (conditional random field) 辨識多字詞形式的意見樣式。另外,本研究的實證結果發現一些跡象可以印證一般人對於財務報表的文字揭露往往與真實的財務數字存在有落差的印象;更發現在負向的盈餘變化情況下,公司管理階層通常輕描淡寫當下的短拙卻堅定地承諾璀璨的未來。 / Subjective assertions in financial statements influence the judgments of market participants when they assess the value and profitability of the reporting corporations. Hence, the managements of corporations may attempt to conceal the negative and to accentuate the positive with "prudent" wording. To excavate this accounting phenomenon hidden behind financial statements, we designed an artificial intelligence based strategy to investigate the linkage between financial status measured by annual earnings and subjective multi-word expressions (MWEs). We applied the conditional random field (CRF) models to identify opinion patterns in the form of MWEs, and our approach outperformed previous work employing unigram models. Moreover, our novel algorithms take the lead to discover the evidences that support the common belief that there are inconsistencies between the implications of the written statements and the reality indicated by the figures in the financial statements. Unexpected negative earnings are often accompanied by ambiguous and mild statements and sometimes by promises of glorious future.

14與18個月嬰兒理解他人的溝通意圖 / Fourteen- and Eighteen-Month-Old Infants Understand Others' Communicative Intents

簡嘉慧, Chien, Chia Hui Unknown Date (has links)
理解他人的意圖,指的是理解他人的行為背後蘊含著一個希望達成的具體目標,是嬰兒社會認知發展中一項重要的基礎能力,而此能力的發展應具有跨文化一致性。然而,過去國內外研究結果顯示,台灣與西方嬰兒透過非語言線索理解他人溝通意圖的能力有明顯的落差。因此,本研究為了瞭解台灣嬰兒理解非語言線索的溝通意圖之能力,並找出可能導致上述不同研究結果的作業差異原因,將藉由兩項實驗來探討此議題。實驗一以藏物遊戲為實驗派典,觀察14與18個月的台灣嬰兒,在「眼神注視」、「手指指示」及「意圖性語音」三種非語言線索情境中,是否可藉由對線索溝通意圖的理解而找出隱藏的意圖目標物。結果發現14個月的台灣嬰兒,可理解他人「手指指示」線索的溝通意圖,但無法理解「眼神注視」與「意圖性語音」線索的溝通意圖,而18個月的台灣嬰兒則是可理解他人「眼神注視」線索的溝通意圖,但卻無法理解「手指指示」與「意圖性語音」線索的溝通意圖。為了排除藏物容器設計可能造成的干擾因素,實驗二調整了藏物容器裝置,以同樣的實驗方式觀察台灣嬰兒理解他人非語言線索溝通意圖的能力。結果發現,14個月的台灣嬰兒仍只能藉由「手指指示」線索理解他人的溝通意圖,但18個月的台灣嬰兒則已可透過「眼神注視」、「手指指示」及「意圖性語音」三種非語言線索理解他人的溝通意圖。此結果說明,台灣與西方嬰兒透過非語言線索理解他人溝通意圖的能力大致相同,即嬰兒理解他人溝通意圖的能力確實具有跨文化一致性。 / Understanding the intents of others, to understand the existence of specific goals that people wish to achieve from their behaviors, is one of important basic abilities in the social cognitive development of an infant. The developmental time frames of such ability should be the same across cultures. However, previous domestic and overseas studies proposed that the abilities of infants to understand the communicative intents of others through nonverbal cues are different between Taiwanese and western cultures. Hence, in this study, two controlled experiments were conducted to explore the abilities of Taiwanese infants to understand the communicative intents of others through nonverbal cues and the factors of the tasks that may cause different results between domestic and overseas studies. In the first experiment, an experimenter used the cues of gazing, pointing, and intentional vocalization in a hiding-game task to examine whether fourteen- and eighteen-month-old Taiwanese infants could infer communicative intents expressed in the three nonverbal cues and find the hidden objects. Results showed that 14-month-old Taiwanese infants could only follow the cue of pointing to find the hidden objects, but not gazing or intentional vocalization. And 18-month-old Taiwanese infants could find the hidden objects by following only the cue of gazing. To exclude the possible interferences of the target containers, the experimenter used the same procedures and settings in the second experiment as the first one, but modified the containers to clarify the hiding-game task. Results showed that 14-month-old Taiwanese infants could still follow only the cue of pointing to find the hidden object, but 18-month-old Taiwanese infants successfully followed all three types of cues. Based on these findings, the abilities of infants to understand others’ communicative intents by following nonverbal cues are the same in Taiwanese and western cultures. That is, the developmental time frames of the abilities of infants to understand the communicative intents through nonverbal cues are the same across different cultures.

獨立音樂在溫羅汀的發展與限制 / Development and Restrictions of Independent Music in Wen-luo-ting

陳詩珊 Unknown Date (has links)
「溫羅汀」指的是台北市大安區的溫州街、羅斯福路以及汀洲路的區域,在七、八零年代開始,隨著台灣大學為核心的運動氣息和自由氛圍,聚集著人文氣息濃厚的主題書店、獨立音樂及咖啡館所構成的文化地景,擁有著獨立、非主流、自由的精神。「溫羅汀」的獨立音樂場景也由著這樣的文化與歷史脈絡而於此落葉生根。 透過論文的整理與分析溫羅汀在地的獨立音樂的歷史、環境與文化,再以這個為背景,來討論台灣獨立音樂在台北的群聚與社會網絡,並觀察與分析溫羅汀做為台北獨立音樂場景的重要基地其主要的因素。最後,再從外部的政策環境以及內部的獨立音樂發展方向的矛盾,來討論台灣獨立音樂發展的限制。 研究認為,溫羅汀會成為台北獨立音樂的重要音樂場景主因是因為,溫羅汀的音樂人力聚集形成一種「創意型群聚」,而這樣密集的社會網絡提供了經濟機會,而且,這樣的群聚是集合了包含生活圈、社會網絡以及產業鏈的「生態圈」。因此政府在做相關產業政策時,絕對不能忽視獨立音樂場景之中,生活圈以及社會網絡對於獨立音樂發展的重要性。並且,政府在做獨立音樂產業政策時,各部會層級的溝通也都該有「文化」的思維,並且,部會間的橫向與縱向的溝通與協調機制也必須要能夠發揮。

電視購物與消費者行為之研究 / A study of TV Shopping and Consumer Behavior

廖筱清 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣電視購物產業蓬勃發展,加上「數位匯流」趨勢,主要電視購物業者 紛紛整合電視、網路、手機等通路,使台灣電視購物規模不斷擴大,消費者有何 需求、對於電視購物頻道行銷手法有何感受,乃值得深究的課題。 本研究採用深度訪談法的半結構式訪談,以立意抽樣方式,訪談10 位居住 在大台北地區的電視購物消費者,旨在探討其需求,以及其對於電視購物頻道行 銷手法的感受。 研究發現: 一、受到電視購物便利性吸引,購買日常生活用品、旅遊產品的人很多。 二、儘管消費者常在電視購物消費,但會到實體通路購買物品。 三、由於無法親自看到商品,電視購物消費者感到知覺風險。 四、電視購物消費者喜歡的主持人特質是誠懇、有信用。 五、電視購物消費者對特定頻道較無忠誠度。 六、電視購物消費者在下單時,偏好專人接聽服務。 七、電視購物消費者雖然肯定電視購物便利性與商品便宜價格,但是仍對 品質有疑慮。 八、電視購物消費者認為未來電視購物將繼續蓬勃發展,是時勢所趨。 本研究根據研究結果,提出研究建議如下: 一、政府監督,落實鑑賞制度 二、付款安全,推第三方支付 三、積極管理,盼主持人自制 四、服務取勝,勿用噱頭行銷 五、養忠誠度,可用集點紅利 六、專人接聽,供客製化服務 七、提供試用,通路虛實整合 八、數位匯流,整合不同系統 九、賺親友財,引入推薦制度 十、強化物流,退貨化繁為簡 / The TV shopping industry has been thriving these years. With the trend of digital convergence, major TV shopping enterprises are dedicated to integrating different channels, including TV, the Internet and mobile phones and broaden the size of the industry. What customers need and how they feel about the marketing strategies of the TV shopping channels are issues worthy to research. Adopting semi-structured and depth interview, the study applies purposive sampling and interviews 10 TV shopping consumers living in greater Taipei area, aiming to investigate these consumers’ demands and their feelings about marketing strategies of TV shopping channels in Taiwan. The findings are: 1. Due to the convenience, consumers are attracted to purchase daily necessaries and tourism products. 2. Consumers purchase at brick-and-mortar stores though they often do TV shopping. 3. Consumers feel perceived risk because they can’t see the product themselves. 4. Consumers hope hosts of TV shopping programs to be sincere and honest. 5. Consumers are not loyal to specific TV shopping channel. 6. Consumers prefer to be served by people rather than phonetic system. 7. Consumers worry about quality of goods even though they affirm the convenience of TV shopping and lowers prices of goods. 8. Consumers hold optimistic attitude towards the development of TV shopping in the future. Based on the research conclusion, the suggestions are: 1. The government should supervise the Satisfaction Guarantee & Return Policy of TV shopping channels. 2. Third-Party Payment should be implemented to enhance the safety. 3. The hosts of TV shopping programs should not exaggerate the effects of products. 4. TV shopping channels should put more emphasis on service and avoid tricks meant to deceive. 5. The activity of bonus points should be implemented to make consumers loyal to specific TV shopping channels. 6. More customized services should be provided. 7. TV shopping enterprises should integrate different shopping channels and provide probationary service. 8. Different systems should be integrated to meet the era of digital convergence. 9. Introduction systems should be used to make more consumers shopping with their family members. 10. Logistic systems should be fortified to make it easier for consumers to return their goods.

美國法上標售公司義務(Revlon Duty)之內涵─兼論在我國法下適用之可能 / Analyzing the Concept of Revlon Duty

吳亞儒 Unknown Date (has links)
判斷目標公司董事出售公司或控制權的決策是否符合受任人義務是一個困難且重要的問題,因為此種類型的決策董事有可能是出於自身利益也可能是為全體股東利益而為,在此種利益衝突屬於晦暗不明的情況,法院應該要採取怎樣的審查態度一方面可以尊重董事決策的空間,另一方面又可以確保股東的利益被保全,成為本論文最關心的問題。 以我國為例,近年公股銀行民營化或是私募基金收購案例屢見不鮮,共同引發的擔憂就是目標公司董事同意此項併購案到底是因為併購條件有利於全體股東,還是嘉惠特定合作對象而決定?我國企業併購法第5條及第6條要求目標公司董事為併購決議時應盡其注意義務及忠實義務,然董事到底是為「公司」還是「股東」盡其義務似乎仍有疑義;再者,法院似乎亦尚未發展出在個案中判斷董事具體行為是否符合受任人義務的標準,因此本文擬參考美國法上的相關規範,以期解決我國現狀的困境。 德拉瓦州法院在1980年代提出一項標準,當目標公司董事決定要出售公司或控制權時,董事有義務要為股東爭取最好的價格,又稱為「露華濃義務(Revlon Duty)」或「標售公司義務」,有兩個重點值得關注:第一,目標公司董事同意何種併購交易會觸發露華濃義務?此即露華濃適用範圍的討論;第二,目標公司董事一旦觸發露華濃義務,董事應該要採取何種具體措施以符合要求?此即露華濃義務內涵的討論。對應到我國現況,應不應該在特定的併購交易中限縮董事的裁量空間?或提出可供法院參考之指標?

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