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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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俞洪昭, YU, HONG-ZHAO Unknown Date (has links)
重要性(Materiality )是審計過程中一個極重要但又很模糊不清的觀念。一方面審 計人員必須依據重要性來作專業判斷,但是另一方面又沒有任何準則來指導重要性判 斷。因此,審計判斷的品質經常良莠不齊,而投資大眾對查帳報告的信心也大為降低 。就因為這個綠故,所以研究審計重要性判斷成為一件刻不容緩的事情。 本論文採用Brunswik的透視模型(Lens Model)來研究重要性判斷。研究對象為某大 學會計系四年級的60位學生,研究內容包括:(1)要求這60位學生根據3個線 索(Cue )來判斷一項存貨沖銷事件是否重要(這3個線索分別是該沖銷金額對淨利 百分比、對存貨百分比、以及對總資產百分比);(2)研究這60位學生的重要性 判斷策略(Judgment Policy ,使用統計ANOVA 與ω□)以及判斷的品質(Judgment Quality ,使用Stability 、Self-insight、與Consensus 三個指標);(3)研究 穩定性(Stability )、自我洞查力(Self-insight)、一致性(Consensus )三者 之間的關係。 研究結果顯示學生的穩定性、自我洞查力、一致性均很低(其總平均分別為:.39 97、.2050、.3869),而且個別差異很大(其標準差分別為:.400 8、.7369、.1848)。至於三個指標之間的關係也並不明確(穩定性與自 我洞查力、一致性的相關係數分別為:.0195、.2742,而自我洞查力與一 致性則為.0104)。


翁聰標, Weng, Cong-Biao Unknown Date (has links)
一般在區隔市場所使用的變數可分三類,即也理變數、人口統計變數、心態變數。 在本論文中將前二者合稱為社經變數。 事實上,使用這些區隔變數的目的乃在使行銷機會更易發現與確認。但是並非每一 變數均輕易可得。就心態變數與社經變數而言,消費者之社經資料之獲取應比其心 態資料容易,所費的成本也較節省。因此如果分別以兩組變數來區陽某市場,而有 一致性的效果時,吾人當然以社經變數來發現我們的行銷機會。 本論文以台灣區社會風險市場(人壽保險市場)為例,利用統計學上多變數分析法 來檢定社經與心態變數在區隔市場時,是否有一致性。 #2810567 #2810567


彭興龍, Peng, Sing-Long Unknown Date (has links)
真核生物在遺傳資訊核糖核酸實際轉譯成蛋白質之前,可能受環境、序列上的特定二級結構、特定部分序列樣式……等影響,而製造出目的、功能不同的蛋白質,這項生物機制稱為選擇性接合。目前對於選擇性接合機制的形成原因、根據何項資訊作選擇性調控,尚未有全面性的研究足以判斷。本研究嘗試透過發展適當的資料探勘技術,分析大量核糖核酸序列,找出可能影響選擇性接合的序列樣式。 選擇性接合可分為七種類型,我們針對其中一類稱為跳接式選擇性接合的基因資料,根據分析該資料的特性,提出兩類型的容錯資料探勘方法與流程,分別是全序列樣式探勘與轉化重複結構樣式探勘。前者對發生跳接式選擇性接合的整段intron序列,找出所有容錯頻繁樣式。再利用Kum[18]等人提出的一致性序列樣式的近似探勘方法,找出足以代表同一群聚中所有頻繁容錯樣式的一致性序列樣式。 轉化重複結構樣式探勘的作法則是先找出intron序列的前後部分區段中,可能具有容錯轉化重複樣式的序列集合。再進行容錯頻繁樣式探勘與一致性序列樣式的近似探勘方法。由於轉化重複樣式是生物序列中常見的一種序列結構,可能透過該類型結構,影響跳接式選擇性接合的發生方式。因此利用這樣的探勘方法,我們可以找到可能的具重要決定性轉化重複結構樣式。 最後,我們對兩個選擇性接合資料集合Avatar-120和ISIS-54,進行全序列樣式探勘與轉化重複結構樣式探勘實驗,討論發掘出序列樣式的支持度及平均錯誤率。並進一步與Miriami[24]等人研究發表的兩個樣式比較,利用整體序列最佳並列排比,評估樣式間的差異性,以發掘出“新穎”的樣式。 / Before RNA sequences are translated into proteins, eukaryotes may produce different functional proteins from the same RNA sequences. It is due to influence of environment, second structure, specific substring pattern, etc. This mechanism is named alternative splicing. At present, there are still not enough research to judge causes and critical information of alternative splicing. We try to develop suitable data mining technologies to analyze large number of RNA sequences, and find out possible patterns affecting alternative splicing. Basically, there are seven possible types of alternative splicing. We focus on “exon skipping” type. According to the analysis of exon skipping data, we propose two fault-tolerant data mining methods and procedures: “Full Sequence Pattern Mining (FSPM)” and “Inverted Repeat Pattern Mining (IRPM).” Full sequence pattern mining method can be applied to mine all fault-tolerant frequent substrings in the whole intron sequences, and then get consensus sequential patterns using ApproxMap method proposed by Kum[18]. Inverted repeat pattern mining method can be used to look for consenesus patterns with structure of inverted repeat. Because inverted repeat patterns are often appeared in biological sequences and such structural patterns may result in exon skipping. We could discover some important patterns by this method. Finally, we mined patterns from two alternative splicing databsets “Avatar-120” and “ISIS-54”by above two proposed methods. The support and average fault number of mined patterns were discussed. These patterns were also used global alignment method as compared with two patterns (C / G-rich) discovered by Miriami[24]. Novel patterns measured by discrimination were reported.


楊靜珩, Yang, Ching Heng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的是希望對形象投票進行更深入的探究;嘗試更進一歩地探討候選人的形象會不會影響?如何去影響?選民的偏好與支持。候選人媒體形象一直是影響投票行為的重要變數。近年來在政治行銷的趨勢下,整合行銷傳播的概念應用於選戰行銷的趨勢也愈發明顯,所強調的成功行銷策略就是訊息的整合,訊息的一致性可以幫助達成最大的行銷效益。另一方面,2005年國民黨黨主席選舉確實有其劃時代的意義,再加上兩位候選人王金平、馬英九媒體形象的突出性和對比性,顯示形象投票的模式的確在此次選戰中發酵,而兩人在此次選戰的媒體形象塑造和過去長期以來相較,似乎王金平是嘗試區隔、馬英九則是企圖延續。本研究因此試圖以此次個案來觀察候選人媒體形象一致性與選民的偏好程度之間的關係。本研究試圖加入行銷學的理論,視候選人為單一商品;視候選人媒體形象訊息的一致性為商品的販售策略;以選民的偏好程度為商品行銷成功與否的標準,探討候選人媒體形象一致性程度所產生的影響;檢驗候選人的媒體形象若一致性愈高,是否愈能提高選民的偏好,如同商品若行銷訊息一致性愈高,愈能提高行銷的效益。 研究結果顯示驗證了本研究的假設:即王金平長期性和短期性的媒體形象較不一致;候選人馬英九較一致;選民對馬英九的偏好度是持續上升的,反觀對王金平的偏好度是緩慢下降。換言之,王金平的媒體形象訊息較不一致,因此可能較難突顯他的個人定位和加深民眾的認知強度;而馬英九則相反,由於形象訊息較具延續性,因此容易強化個人的定位和民眾的認知,而較能增加選民的偏好。 從研究結果可以發現,整合行銷傳播所強調,成功的行銷策略—「訊息的整合」,確實對於競選策略的規劃上有其參考的意義和價值;「訊息的一致性」不僅可以幫助在商業市場中販售商品達到最大的行銷效益,在本研究的結果中或許能夠初步印証,也可以將此概念移植到政治競選領域中,幫助選戰候選人獲得勝選、增加選民的偏好與支持。

嗅覺線索與標的產品一致性對消費者態度及購買意願之影響 - 涉入程度與品牌概念之調節效果 / The Effects of Congruence between Olfactory Cues and Target Product on Consumers’ Attitude and Purchase Intention with the Moderating Effects of Involvement and Brand Concept

蔡佩勳 Unknown Date (has links)
Martin Lindstrom (2005a) 指出除了視覺,嗅覺其實才是人類五官中最重要的,然而目前國內嗅覺相關之研究仍相當稀少。本研究由消費者之觀點出發,主要探討嗅覺線索與標的產品之一致性與否對消費者態度與購買意願的影響,並分析在「涉入程度」及「品牌概念」的調節作用下,對上述關係有何影響。 本研究經由前測,選擇手錶與運動鞋兩產品類別進入正式實驗,手錶產品類別中,以Swatch為象徵型品牌,CASIO為功能型品牌;運動鞋產品類別則以Puma為象徵型品牌,New Balance為功能型品牌。並以模擬的8張彩色平面廣告,施測於530位政大大學部之學生,進行2 (產品類別:手錶/運動鞋) x 2 (嗅覺線索:一致/不一致) x 2 (涉入程度:高/低) x 2 (品牌概念:象徵型品牌/功能型品牌) 的正式實驗。 研究結果顯示:一、就嗅覺線索主效果而言,與標的產品不一致的嗅覺線索比一致性之嗅覺線索更能提高消費者對產品的評價。二、在品牌概念的調節作用下,與標的產品不一致的嗅覺線索比一致性的嗅覺線索更能提升消費者對產品的評價,此情況在消費者面對功能型品牌時比象徵型品牌還要明顯。 整體而言,嗅覺線索的確會影響消費者對產品之評價。本研究提供行銷人員未來在採用嗅覺線索時,可考量的更多因素,以選擇合適的嗅覺線索加以應用。 / Martin Lindstrom (2005a) pointed out that other than sight, smell is the most important sense in the human anatomy. However, research on smell is still rare. This research sets out from the consumer perspective to discuss the effects that consistency between olfactory cues and target products have on purchase intention. Moderating effects of involvement and brand concept are also studied for their effects on the study. Watches and sport shoes were selected as the target products for this study. The symbolic brand in the watch category is Swatch, whereas the functional brand is CASIO; in terms of sport shoes, the symbolic brand is Puma, while the functional brand is New Balance. A2 (product category: watch / sport shoes) x 2 (olfactory cues: congruity / incongruity)x 2 (involvement: high / low) x 2 (brand concept: symbolic brand /functional brand) experimental design collected data from 530 Chengchi university students through 8 color printed advertisements. Research findings indicate the following. (1) In terms of the main olfactory cue effect, olfactory cues that are incongruent with the target product can better increase consumers’ evaluation of the product than congruent olfactory cues. (2) In terms of the brand concept moderating effect, olfactory cues that are incongruent with the target product can better increase consumers’ evaluation of the product than congruent olfactory cues. This is more evident when consumers deal with functional brands than when dealing with symbolic brands. To sum up, olfactory cues do in fact influence consumers’ evaluations of products. This study provides marketers with numerous factors that should be considered when selecting the adequate olfactory cues.

品牌來源國效應、日本文化認同程度與廣告中呈現的國家印象一致性對產品評估的影響 / The impact of brand country-of-origin, Japanese cultural identity and country image congruency in advertising on product evaluations

周冠妏 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從日本品牌與日本形象廣告手法在台灣氾濫的社會現實出發,透過對品牌來源國、日本文化認同程度與一致性三個變項的學術理論爬梳,以「表現形式」操弄廣告中呈現的國家印象,而變項間交互作用的分析結果如下: 一、產品的品牌來源國對品牌態度與購買意願有顯著影響;日本品牌較台灣品牌有更好的評價。 二、日本文化認同程度對品牌來源國具有調節作用;日本文化認同程度高的消費者傾向對日本品牌有更多的偏好,對台灣品牌有更負面的態度;而對日本文化認同程度低的消費者,日本品牌與台灣品牌之間的差異則不是那麼明顯。 三、一致性的廣告將導致較正面的品牌態度。 四、日本品牌採用日本形象廣告或台灣形象廣告,都不會對品牌本身有太大的影響;然而,台灣品牌採用一致的台灣形象廣告將使消費者有較正面的品牌態度,不一致的日本形象廣告不但沒有為台灣品牌加分,反而讓消費者產生反感。 本研究的實務意涵則有幾個重點,一是日本品牌不一定是台灣消費市場的萬靈丹,從個人特質來看,日本文化認同程度較低的消費者並不會因為日本品牌的來源國印象改變其產品評估,因此其他的產品或行銷因素可能才是決定消費者意向的關鍵。二是台灣品牌的消費者不一定對日本形象廣告的手法有所偏好,這可以視為對許多台灣品牌以及廣告行銷人員的警訊,因為一般台灣廠商似乎認為若能透過廣告把台灣品牌打造得很日本,就能將廣告中日本的正面形象轉移至消費者對台灣品牌的態度上,因此,近年來浮濫使用日本形象廣告手法的台灣品牌屢見不鮮。但本研究由基模不一致可能導致的負面態度效果切入,研究結果也證實了某些情況之下,台灣品牌若採用了日本形象廣告反而會引起消費者不良的情感評估反應。故實務應用上,日本品牌的定位策略有較多操作空間;台灣品牌則需加強形象管理,不適合採用太過跳躍或多變的形象路線。 / This study is inspired by the social fact that Japanese brands and Japanese image advertising are overflowing in Taiwan. After going through the literature on the three variables of brand country-of-origin, Japanese cultural identity and congruency, this study manipulates country image in advertising with “expression form”, and results of the interactions among variables are as follows: 1.Brand country-of-origin has a significant impact on brand attitude and purchase intention; the evaluation of Japanese brand is better than Taiwanese brand. 2.The degree of Japanese cultural identity has a moderating effect on brand country-of -origin; consumers of high Japanese cultural identity are tend to prefer Japanese brand; however, to consumers of low Japanese cultural identity, the difference between Japanese brand and Taiwanese brand is not obvious. 3.Congruent Advertising leads to a better brand attitude. 4.Whether Japanese brand adopts Japanese image advertising or Taiwanese image advertising, there is no special impact on the brand itself. However, if Taiwanese brand adopts congruent Taiwanese image advertising, it will make consumers have a better brand attitude; incongruent Japanese image advertising won’t bring good to Taiwanese brand but incur consumers’ disfavor of it. Executive implications are also suggested. First, Japanese brands are not always overwhelmingly favored in the market of Taiwan. From the point of personal characteristics, consumers of low Japanese cultural identity won’t change their product evaluations due to the brand country-of-origin image of Japan. Thus, other product or marketing factors might be the keys to consumers’ intentions. Second, consumers of Taiwanese brands do not necessarily prefer Japanese image advertising, and this could be regarded as a warning to Taiwanese brands and practitioners in advertising and marketing, because generally the manufacturers in Taiwan seem to consider that as long as they can build Taiwanese brands Japan-like, the positive image of Japan in advertising would be transferred to consumers’ attitudes on Taiwanese brands. Consequently, Taiwanese brands abusing Japanese image advertising have been prevalent in recent years. The study is based on the negative effects of schema-incongruency on attitude, and the results also prove that under certain circumstances, it would cause consumers’ unfavorable affective responses instead that Taiwanese brand adopts Japanese image advertising. Therefore, in application for practice, positioning strategies of Japanese brands are more flexible to manipulate. Taiwanese brands have to put emphasis on image management and prevent changeful or varied image tactics.

同步漲價行為與公平交易法規範關係之研究-以三大乳品公司同步漲價案為例 / A study of relation between concerted action and Fair Trade Law-an example of administrative action for concerted increasing price action in tree leading milk products companies case

王攀傑, Wang, Pan Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
本文以公平交易委員會於2007年8月30日第825次委員會決議,就國內三大乳品公司,即統一企業股份有限公司、味全食品工業股份有限公司及光泉牧場股份有限公司於2006年8月1日同步調漲鮮乳銷售價格一案為例,探討一致性行為與公平交易法規範關係之研究。 本案值得探討之處在於公平會於本案之處分中,係首次依公平交易法第24條、行政罰法第10條,論以被處分人未克盡防止「足以影響交易秩序之顯失公平行為事實發生」義務之行政法上不作為犯。 本文經研析公平會於處分書中所載事證與公平交易法第24條、行政罰法第10條之涵攝及適用情形後,試提出評析意見。另據本案所顯示之事證,本文認為公平會於本案執法上,若採以一致性行為論處似較為妥適,並提出此看法之適用見解。 / The objective of this dissertation is to expound the relation between concerted action and Fair Trade Law by studying administrative action for concerted increasing price action in three leading milk products companies case. This case is wothy studying for it is the very first time for FTC to punish actors’breaching of duty under administrative law for fail to prevent the occurrence of the obviously unfair conduct that is able to affect trading order. By analysising the disclosed evidences and the way FTC applying article 24 of Fair Trade Law and article 10 of Administrative Penalty Act to the case, the auther make a try to present the concerning legal opinions. The study suggests it would be a proper way to deal with the case by applying the concerted action theory. At last, concerning legal opinions are also presented to support the conclusion of the study.

Facebook朋友品牌分享貼文效果:理想自我形象、品牌形象與朋友形象之交互效果探討 / Effects of interactions between ideal self image, brand image and friend image congruence on Facebook shared posts

陳翊甄, Chen, Yi Chen Unknown Date (has links)
近年社群網站Facebook成為品牌宣傳的新渠道,不同地域、年齡、社會階層或消費水準的人都可以不受實體店面的侷限,透過朋友的分享輕鬆接觸到各時尚精品品牌的資訊。於是精品品牌如何在社群人際間的傳遞過程掌握其品牌形象,還有後續構成的品牌效果是本研究欲探討的重點。 本研究以自我一致性、社會比較的角度切入,輔以平衡理論的觀點進一步檢視消費者觀看社群媒體中的朋友分享貼文是否受到品牌、朋友時尚形象與理想自我一致性高低程度不同而影響其品牌態度與購買意願。 本研究以實驗法進行,研究結果如下: 一、消費者在Facebook動態中看到時尚品牌的朋友品牌分享貼文後,品牌形象與消費者理想自我一致高會比一致低,產生更正面的品牌態度,但對購買意願無顯著影響。 二、知覺品質中介「品牌形象與理想自我一致性」對品牌態度的影響; 但對購買意願無中介效果。 三、 「朋友時尚形象與理想自我形象一致性」高低並不會影響品牌與消費者理想自我形象一致性高低對品牌態度。


范傑倫, Fan, Chieh-Lun Unknown Date (has links)


李吉彬, Lee, Chi-ping Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討當消費者的自我形象與產品形象符合一致性時,對真實和虛擬產品之購買意願的影響。在消費者自我形象方面,分為真實我形象與理想我形象,在「依滿足消費者需求之產品分類」(Woods, 1960) 為調節作用下,即將產品分為真實產品與虛擬產品,再各細分為「功能型產品」(Utilitarian Product)、「享樂型產品」(Hedonic Product) 與「象徵型產品」(Symbolic Product),用以衡量真實我形象一致性和理想我形象一致性對不同產品類別的購買意願會有何不同程度的影響。 本研究經由前測選出了各類型產品之代表性產品,對於一般的真實產品與網路上的虛擬產品,分別以牙刷和解毒靈丹代表功能型產品,KTV和虛擬電子情人代表享樂型產品,以及戒指和騎士團徽章代表象徵型產品。透過十五組項目之五點量表語義差異法,衡量消費者自我形象與產品形象,並以「考慮購買」、「購買意願」、「購買該產品是很重要的消費」和「擁有該產品是很重要的」四題來衡量對產品購買意願的強度。分為真實產品與虛擬產品二種問卷,分別發出228份與201份,透過迴歸分析,驗證自我形象一致性對產品購買意願之影響程度。 研究結果顯示:一、在功能型產品方面,不管是一般的真實產品或是網路上的虛擬產品,自我形象一致性對功能型產品的購買意願並無顯著影響。二、享樂型產品之購買意願受真實我形象一致性的影響較大。三、象徵型產品可分為角色定位和自我提昇兩大類,其產品購買意願將分別受到真實我一致性和理想我一致性因素的影響。四、當產品購買決策變成群體決策時,個體自我形象一致性的影響將受到限制。 整體而言,在產品形象定位上,應以目標客群的自我形象為參考依據,而非其人口變數。並依不同的產品類別,塑造不同的屬性,功能型產品應塑造產品功能屬性的品質形象,而享樂型與象徵型產品得依吻合消費者之自我形象來形塑成個性鮮明的產品形象,都將有助於企業對品牌與產品定位之效果。 / The purpose of this study is to discuss the effects of consumers' self-congruency on purchase intentions of real products versus virtual products in terms of functional, hedonic, and symbolic products as moderate effect. Self-image includes actual self and ideal self; as for the moderating effects of “psychological demand character” (Woods, 1960), this study divides both real and virtual products into utilitarian product, hedonic product, and symbolic product to measure the influences of actual-self image congruency and ideal-self image congruency on different product categories. After two pretests to find out the representative product for each category of real and virtual products, this study takes toothbrush and detoxification medicine for functional products; KTV and virtual e-lover for hedonic products; and ring and Knight insignia for symbolic products. Self-image and product-image are measured by the 15-item semantic differential scale. The magnitude of purchase intention is measured with four questions, “consider to buy”,“intend to buy”, “it’s an important consumption”, and “it’s important to ownTwo-hundred-twenty-eight paper-based questionnaires and 201 virtual questionnaires were collected and regressed to verify the effects of consumers' self-congruency on purchase intentions. There are some key findings. 1. For functional products, regardless of real or virtual products, the effect of consumers' self-congruency on purchase intentions is not significant. 2. Actual-self image congruency influences the purchase intention of hedonic product more. 3. Symbolic product can be classified into self-enhancing and role-positioning. These two product purchase intentions are respectively affected by actual-self image congruency and ideal-self image congruency. 4. When product purchasing decision becomes group decision, individual self-congruency will be constrained. To sum up, product image positioning should consider the target customers’ self-images, instead of demography data. Also, according to different product categories, product images should be shaped differently. Functional product should focus on quality image. Hedonic and symbolic products should adopt the images matching consumers’ self images. This will help form better brand and product positioning strategies.

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