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桃園縣新設國民中小學籌建問題之研究許黎琴 Unknown Date (has links)
指導教授:湯志民博士 研究生:許黎琴
本研究採用訪談法,被訪談者頗能侃侃而談,但是無法避免自我期許的效應而避談某些敏感課題。因此,為了降低誤差的存在,有的學校訪談的次數酌予增加。 / STUDY ON THE PROBLEM CONCERNING THE PREPARATION OF THE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BUILDING IN TAOYUAN COUNTY
Advisor: Dr. Chi-Min, Tang
Advisee: Li-Chin Hsu
The major point of this study is to explore the problems concerning personnel organization, allocation of budget, duration of preparation and construction, and the selection of architects in the newly established elementary schools in Taoyuan County. Moreover, the project analyzes the new schools’ characteristics and the students’ degree of satisfaction, for the reference of education administration institutions, administrative personnel at schools, and future researchers. This project regards 7 elementary schools as the target of the study, by means of observation, interview, and questionnaire. Through the design of two research tools “Interview Records concerning the Preparation for Construction of New High and Elementary Schools at Taoyuan County” and “Questionnaire on the Conditions of Students’ Usage in the Newly Established High and Elementary School at Taoyuan County”, the project collected data in related areas. Concerning observation, during the observation process, a digital camera was used to collect data. The project interviewed a total of 9 interviewees, including principals from 7 research schools. Moreover, the project also questioned 698 elementary school students in grades 5 and 6, and 532 junior high school students in grade 7 and 8 from three elementary schools and 3 junior high schools for a total of 6. The research indicates:
1. More than half of Taoyuan County’s new schools were established in the manner of sub-campus, with part-time department heads (principal) responsible for the preparatory work, with only one full time employee – the Head of General Affairs. Most of the principals think that the number of personnel tends to be low and the quality of the personnel engaged in the preparatory remains to be elevated.
2. The major funding sources of the new schools at Taoyuan County come from the subsidization of the Ministry of Education. And the manner of budgeting is conducted through overall planning; meanwhile the budgets are allocated to most of the schools in a yearly manner.
3. The total budget of the new schools in Taoyuan in 80.7279 million NT Dollars; and the average funding for school buildings is 23 million NT Dollars, falls in the reasonable range.
4. The preparation and building of the new schools in Taoyuan are mostly completed within three years. Meanwhile the reasons of delay are difficulties in obtaining land and funding for the new school. Others include land property, amendment of design, water and land conservation plan, etc, Due to the abovementioned reasons the new schools cannot be built on schedule.
5. The architect for designing the new schools in Taoyuan are selected through open screening, with judges of architecture professionals and laypeople, with the major concern on the architect’s practical experience. The service fees the architect charges is about 3.0%-3.4%.
6. The common characteristic of the new schools at Taoyuan County is that: the design is done from partial design to overall allocation. The new schools in Taoyuan County comply with Taoyuan County’s urban development plan, development of local, natural, and social landscape, and the contour of the schools. They also blend education ideals, space allocation, dynamic line planning, form and colors to demonstrate their characteristics and functions, organic architectural form and overall school plan, materials, form, and color.
7. Concerning the principals opinion about the usage of the new schools at Taoyuan County, they think that the planning of the campus should be in accordance to the functions of campus planning, provision of quiet space for students’ and teachers’ use in learning, and classrooms’ decorations for teaching. They also employ technology in teaching, with progressive design, to cope with future needs.
8. Regarding the degree of satisfaction of the students concerning the new schools at Taoyuan County, the audio-visual rooms score the highest and the lowest are the auxiliary equipment. Most of the students are satisfied with the new schools.
In accordance with the research, the project would like to suggest the following:
1. It is more reasonable to allocate 3 to 5 employees in the preparatory administration office. Concerning teachers’ cultivation, it would be helpful to open courses in school construction practice at the in-service and teachers’ training programs, to elevate education personnel’s knowledge regarding school architecture.
2. Concerning County and City Governments’ education funding, The Ministry of Education should maintain stable and long-term subsidization to elevate the quality of education environment, to shorten the gap between towns and cities.
3. The County and City Governments should help new schools in solving problems actively, to expel the difficulties in preparation and construction. Likewise, the construction work can be competed in a short time.
4. The County and City Governments’ percentage of service payment to the architects should take Yilan County as indicator. It is suggested that the payment should be adjusted slightly during the abundant fiscal year, allowing more architects to engage in the design of new schools.
5. Common classrooms are the students’ most essential learning places at school. In addition to a well considered plan, substantial teaching facilities can give more satisfaction to the students.
6. County and City Governments should establish new schools preparation and construction advisory groups to give advice and help solve difficulties.
7. County and City Governments should award personnel engaged in preparatory and construction work handsomely to elevate their morale.
8. Concerning future research, these are the following suggestions:
A. Object of Study
This project targets 7 high and elementary schools in Taoyuan as the object of the study, not including all the new schools in the area, it is difficult to obtain general opinions. Future researchers can regard all the new schools established from 1994 to 1999 for study.
B. Research Contents
In future study, it is possible to try different perspectives, approaching the problems from a different angle. Through the establishment of the three perspectives “administrative”, “technique”, and “usage”, it is possible to extend the dimension of study, rendering the research content more complete.
C. Research Methodology
Concerning interviews, this project mainly employ interview as major methodology, with questionnaires and observation as assistance tools. In future interviews, the process and structure of the interview should be intensified. The research only regards the students of new schools as objects of the questionnaire, if time, human resources, and funding are more sufficient, it should be conducted with the research interview as the auxiliary methodology, to understand the opinions concerning the new schools. Regarding observation, it is better to extend the observation duration in the future to have a fuller understanding.
D. Research Result
The research project employs interviews as the major methodology. The interviewees are able to talk fluently; however, self-expectation effect cannot be avoided; and they avoid talking about sensitive issues. Therefore, in order to minimize fault, it is better increase the frequency of interviews at some schools.
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