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中信兄弟隊粉絲經營與球隊管理之策略分析 / The Strategic Analyses of Brother Baseball Club’s Fans and Team Management張家銘, Chang, Chia Ming Unknown Date (has links)
1. 中信兄弟隊現階段是將組織內大部分的運作功能,外包給其他公司合作,以簽訂合作契約的方式來進行。短期能即時發揮綜效,但中長期而言,中信兄弟隊必須還是要擁有自己的營運團隊,否則會仰人鼻息受到箝制。
2. 中信兄弟隊對於台灣職棒圈而言,是相當具有代表性的一支球隊。擁有近三十年的成軍歷史,奪下史上最多半季冠軍和二次三連霸的創舉,在台灣棒壇可說是史無前例;此外在易主之後,更具備相當豐沛的資源可供運用,不僅有資金可以簽下自由球員、與球員談薪資,在主場方面也擁有台中洲際棒球場,並將重心放在推廣區域經濟上。
3. 中信兄弟隊在營運管理方面遇到一些問題,如:與前東家兄弟大飯店之間的權利義務關係尚未完全釐清;供應商贊助的部分則是有中信兄弟自己堅持的想法,導致與供應商之間的關係有待努力;在主場認養上起步較晚,如何能夠順利趕上其他球隊的進度並且成功帶動區域經濟,是一項很重要的課題。 / Brothers Baseball Club is one of the Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL) veteran teams. In order to better understand the detailed cases about team management and how to attract baseball fans, this study used qualitative research methods to design interview outlines, and conducted a ninety-minute interview with Edward Chang, the consultant of Brothers Baseball Club Marketing Planning Department. Based on the results obtained from interviews and the relevant second-hand information used are summarized as follows:
1. Brothers Baseball Club outsourced most of the operational function sectors and signed cooperation contracts with these companies. In fact, short-term synergies can be immediately evaluated; however, when it comes to long term scenarios, Brothers Baseball Club must cultivate their own operational teams; otherwise they would lose their competitive advantages and be threatened by other competitors.
2. Established more than thirty years, Brothers Baseball Club won the most Season Championship Titles and owned the record of two-time Third Consecutive in Taiwan CPBL series; these accomplishments are unique and honorable in Taiwan baseball history. Moreover, abundant resources can be manipulated by the Club such as salary policies and free agents competition. Also, Brothers Baseball Club manages Taichung Intercontinental Baseball Stadium as its home court, and would focus on the promotion of the regional economy.
3. Brothers Baseball Club encountered in several operating issues, such as: the rights and obligations between the former owner, the Brother Hotel, has not been fully clarified; Supplier sponsorship is an another problem Brothers Baseball Club needs to solve, resulting in misunderstandings with suppliers; Home court adoption is a late start, how to catch up with the smooth progress of the other three teams and how to achieve regional economic success are both very important issues.
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有機農業創新策略之建構與執行 -以某個案公司為例 / The Strategy Formation, and Implementation of Balanced Scorecard-A case study in Organic Agriculture Industry洪千惠 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文採用個案研究方式進行,將探討台灣有機微型農業之經營困境與未來機會,並結合「SWOT-Scorecard、藍海策略、藍色經濟」等創新策略之形成工具與相關概念,與個案農場一同討論與研擬形成屬於台灣農業微型企業經營之創新策略。之後再透過「平衡計分卡」導入創新策略,藉由策略地圖之研擬落實策略在四大構面與各項指標。 / When business faceing the organizational transformation or in the stage of inovative strategies forming, the biggest challenges for most of the companies are how to form an innovative strategy and how to effectively implement the strategies to whole organization. However, Balanced Scorecard and SWOT-Scorecard are both serve the functions to help business manager to form new strategy and implement into organization. Not only these two management accounting tools help the company to focus on most important strategies but also company can track the KPI and performance. Previous studies rarely focus on the Implementation of Balace Scorecard in Agriculture industry. Moreover, rarely studies did research on how to help small agriculture business to form a new strategy. The research will implement SWOT-Scorecard, Blue Ocean strategy, Blue economy concept to form the new strategy. Later will use Balanced Scorecard to conduct the strategies into organization.
The research was adopted in case-study method which will cover Taiwan organic agriculture miniature operating difficulties and future opportunities. By using SWOT-Scorecard system combine with Blue Ocean Strategy and Blue Economy concept to develpoe new strategy for the company. The innovative strategies then implement to the company by Balanced Scorecard system, the strategy map will use to help forming KPI wheich relalted to the strategies for the company.
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系統動態在企業投資評估之研究--個案林靜慧, LIN, JING-HUI Unknown Date (has links)
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西藥經銷商之策略規劃許立慶, Xu, Li-Qing Unknown Date (has links)
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文化產業品牌管理模式應用研究初探-以台灣表演藝術產業為例 / The Exploration of Brand Management Model of Culture Industry in Taiwan-- A case study of the Performance Arts Industry鄭智偉, Cheng, Chih-Wei Antonio Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要
研究發現文化產業品牌的建構必須整體性關注四個構面:提高品牌管理決策層級、進行完整品牌策略性分析、建立嚴謹品牌識別系統、整合運用品牌實現系統。此外,必須以長期的觀點來思考與經營品牌,才能累積品牌權益。就台灣的文化產業而言,除了上述層面外,品牌管理專業訓練的加強,卻是台灣文化產業專業經理人的當務之急。證諸個案,更可發現經由完整專業的品牌管理,品牌經營所能延伸的經營成績。 / Abstract
The development of culture industry has been considered as a rising index of economy development and quality-of-life of individual country in the modern world. To firms, branding is not only segmentation to differential, but also the collective of images, commitments, quality, and experience to a firm in consumer minds. Due to the important, and yet, unexplored nature of brand management of culture industry in Taiwan, the purposes of this research is to understand the development of culture industries in various countries, to explore brand management of culture industry in Taiwan, and to propose a workable brand management model for the culture industry in Taiwan.
As an exploratory research by case study method, the scope of exploration consists of four aspects: 1.Organizational aspect, which includes decision maker and organizational flow of execution; 2. Brand strategy aspect, which includes strategic analysis and brand construct; 3. Brand identity system, which includes identity of the brand, brand value and relationship between the brand and consumers; 4. Brand execution system, which includes brand position, the integrated communication of brand, and the evaluation of brand performance.
This study chose performance arts industry as study focus. Through secondary data collection, in-depth interviews, and participant observation, seven performance arts groups are being studies.
In conclusion, except two performance arts companies, the rest of performance arts groups in Taiwan lacks of the professionalism to brand management. Brand decisions are all made by the top management and executed by the whole organization. Most performance arts groups do not have a thorough analysis of the brand nor have the awareness of brand architecture. In terms of brand identity, most observed groups have a clear brand identity, a differentiated brand value and a positive relationship between consumer and the brand. However, most groups lack of the sense of brand position, market communication integration and the importance of brand performance evaluation. Finally, in order to build a long-term perspective of a brand, the key factor still lies with professionalism.Two studied groups have already paid attention to the brand management issue to the continuous development of the brand.
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全球供應鏈實踐過程中柔性能力之研究―以利豐集團為例宋四君 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 利豐集團對其分布於全球40個國家,65個辦事處的龐大組織,進行端對端、面向最寬廣的供應鏈整合,此行為符合Volberda所指:處於動態、複雜、不可預測的超競爭環境,必需建設充分的柔性混合能力。
2. 利豐集團以需求拉動為原動力,致力加長前置期、進行全球分散生產、追求規模經濟效益,並將庫存留置於上游vendor,並將上述作為柔性管理的主要任務,此種作法已具備高度的結構與策略柔性。
3. 利豐集團以客戶為中心,將組織層級予以扁平化,同時賦予業務部門營運自主權,讓員工得以在內部創業,此外還提倡共享價值觀,並建立透明的人資結構,來完善其組織設計。為建立長遠基業,利豐更規劃風險投資為產品線與人才的填補空間,以公司併購的途徑加速供應鏈網的編織。由此可見,利豐集團對組織設計已為柔性混合提供充的潛能,以適應動盪的環境。
4. 利豐集團一方面堅守完整的決策控制權、嚴密監控財務及營運程序,另一方面卻對業務部門廣為授權,並要求以誠信鞏固供應鏈的夥伴關係,可說是以剛柔並濟為本質,並建立因時、因地、因事制宜的剛柔混合策略。
5. 就33項檢視指標對比分析後,本研究指出:利豐供應鏈在技術、結構、文化範疇,具備充分的柔性能力;而學者Volberda所歸納之西方供應鏈柔性理論亦可適用於東方企業之柔性建設。 / In the Late 20th Century, transnational enterprises had re-engineering at value, efficiency, and cooperate of supply chain management (SCM). For example: Using innovation and speed improve the final value of needs, promote efficiency by lean production, replace beat the price down with mutual trust and combine the cooperation of supply chain. However, many enterprises found it’s hard to produce the synergy during re-engineering, because of the huge and stiff organization. The adaptive and change capacity of worldwide supply chain participants became more and more important, and the scope of research was from the flexibility of operation-level to the flexibility of organizational structure, culture and strategy. The scholar and industry attempt to probe into and set up the effective flexible strategy frame as consolidating and strengthening the blueprint of synergy in supply chain.
This research is to probe into the flexibility of worldwide supply chain, and use the Li & Fung Group doing a case study report. It includes confirming the research questions, building theory, choosing the case, collecting data, organizing the research structure, verifying data and giving conclusions and suggestions. Compare information such as files of Li & Fung Group in recent 15 years, publications, interviews, speech records etc. to 33 items of flexibility of supply chain examined indicator which Volberda studied, we can obtain the following conclusions:
First, there are 40 countries in the world and 65 offices in the Li & Fung Group, and doing end-to-end and most broad supply chain combination, which accord with Volberda’s view that must build abundant mix of flexibility in dynamic, complicated, unpredictable super-competitive environment.
Second, Li & Fung Group took demand-pull as motivity, and devoted to increasing leading time, carrying on the whole world disperse production, pursuing scale economic benefits and leaving the stocks in upper course. We found Li & Fung Group already had high flexibility in structure and strategy.
Third, Li & Fung Group regards customer as the center, they have a flat-organization, give operational autonomy to sales department, let the staff internal start-up, using sharing the values and open human resources structure to perfect its organizational design. In order to build a long-term corporate, Li & Fung Group use risk investment filling in the space of product line and talent, and use merger to expand supply chain network size. We find the organizational design of Li & Fung Group can adapt to the dynamic environment.
Fourth, on one hand Li & Fung Group stand at intact decision control power, and control tightly to the financial and operational procedure, but authorize sales by a wide margin on the other hand. Honest supply chain partnership is the base of androgyny.
After comparing and analysing through 33 items, this research is pointed out that there is abundant flexible ability in technology, structure, culture in the supply chain of Li & Fung Group. Volberda’s flexible theory of the supply chain which used in eastern enterprises can be used in west too.
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整合行銷傳播在媒體行銷之應用:以《時報周刊》雜誌改版後為例 / The Application of Integrated Marketing Communication in Media Marketing: A Case Study of China Times Weekly Magazine黃挺洲, Huang, Ting Chou Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果發現,《時報周刊》的改版,加強了競爭優勢,主要源自於下列因素:1.資料庫行銷的強化應用。2.縝密的行銷策略組合,將雜誌開本改為市場主流規格、降低紙張成本、衍生改版後的創新形象、直接挑戰競爭對手的零售價格、更好的陳列位置、增強新聞議題的操作強度…等。3.多元化傳播工具的創意表現,做到了整合的策略性、一致性與協調性的綜效。4.在綜效評估部分,做到了讀者喜歡、發行數字成長的綜效。而針對廣告主的廣告服務品質的滿意度來看,最為肯定業務人員的專業能力及服務態度,其次,對於新聞內容品質上也有很高的滿意度。最後,從整合行銷傳播的理論架構來看,《時報周刊》這次的改版從資料庫開始所做的讀者分析、確認讀者的需求到發展最適溝通策略,整合對外傳播訊息及各項傳播工具表現一致的溝通訊息(One Voice, One Look),符合本研究所敘述之整合行銷傳播觀念模式。 / During the last decade the magazine market in Taiwan has been getting more and more competitive. When facing the incoming market, the publishers have to think out issues like how to fulfill readers’ requirements with their best arrangement, deepen and stabilize their market share, and promote persisting growth. In the past marketing strategies didn’t get much attention; however, since the fierce competition goes on and on, inevitably only applying excellent marketing strategy mix, communication tools and resource integration will enhance the advantages of market share and keep the leading position. Besides, when advertising revenue becomes the most important one to the magazine profit, in this study we also focus on how to raise advertisers’ satisfaction and build up long-term and loyal relations with them.
The subject of this case study in the article is the earliest B4 size magazine, China Times Weekly (CTW), published in Taiwan, which revised in March 2007. On approaching the case, we adopt various methods including data analysis, in-depth interview and questionnaire survey. According to those IMC models from various theories, we apply a fixed IMC model to analyze the implementation within CTW’s revision in order to draw a thorough picture of the integrated marketing strategies as well as to understand how they were delivered in CTW‘s revision. Besides, this paper also aims to set out the model of magazine advertising service quality based on the needs of advertisers, and makes use of this conceptual model to evaluate the performances of CTW’s revision. With deep understanding of advertisers’ evaluation to CTW, it can be figured out efficient ways to raise their satisfaction levels. Through detailed observations on practices and with multiple research methods, we wish to figure out the main issues and key factors to success when thinking of integrated marketing communication strategy and to provide relevant researches on magazine publishers for practicing.
The results show that CTW‘s revision did enhance its competitive advantages, which were mainly from the following factors: 1.Enhanced application of database marketing. 2.Detailed and well-knit marketing strategy mix, including downsizing format to the mainstream scale, reducing the cost of paper, creating innovating images, challenging competitors’ retail prices, better display position and enhancing the strength of news topics, etc. 3.Creative performance of multiple communication tools, achieving the synergy of integrated strategies, coherence, and cooperation. 4.On evaluating synergy, readers show their preference to the new version and the publication grows. Besides, as for the advertisers’ satisfaction on the quality of advertising service, the most positive response is the professionalism and service attitude, and next to that is the quality of news content. Finally, viewing through the structure of IMC theory, the revision of CTW, from the reader analysis of database, confirming readers’ requirements and developing optimal communication strategies, integrating outwardly communication and every communication tool to convey coherent information as one-voice, one-look, fits in the ideal model of IMC.
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教育單位導入ITIL之分析與評估-以T學校為例 / The Analysis and Evaluation of Implementing ITIL for Education Institute - A Case Study of T shcool黃世榮 Unknown Date (has links)
「企業電子化」在網路企業時代中成了提高核心競爭力的主要關鍵。學校在全球化浪潮及少子化的衝擊下,也正處於日益競爭的教育市場中。而長久以來,一直存在IT服務品質不佳的問題, 1980年代晚期英國政府因此開發出一套全面性服務管理標準,ITIL。
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海洋環境污染犯罪刑法規制問題研究 :以渤海環境污染為視角 = A study on criminal regulation of marine environmental pollution : from the perspective of environmental pollution in Bohai Sea / Study on criminal regulation of marine environmental pollution : from the perspective of environmental pollution in Bohai Sea;From the perspective of environmental pollution in Bohai Sea劉卓 January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law
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從族群關係看清代臺灣桃竹苗地區義民信仰區域差異──以清代苗栗堡為觀察中心張正田, Zhang, Zhengtian Unknown Date (has links)
一、 苗栗義民廟歷史幾與新竹枋寮義民廟同樣悠久,然今日其祭祀圈卻僅三里大,並未如枋寮義民廟般發展為當地一大區域信仰,其主因與清代苗栗堡境的閩客械鬥風氣不發達有關。清代苗栗堡境西側的「北大肚山系」,與東側的「關刀山山脈」,對於當地族群關係演變的意義,在於「北大肚山系」山勢雖不如「關刀山山脈」般險峻,但該山系卻相對使苗栗堡客、閩兩族群的接觸機會,未如枋寮義民祭祀圈十四大庄,或中港堡、吞霄堡、「南桃園東側」等地區來得多,故不易使苗栗堡的客、閩兩族群,發生大規模接觸與衝突的機會。這也造成清代苗栗客家人的族群意識,在林爽文事變後百餘年間,隨世代交替而逐漸降低。是故苗栗義民信仰並未同於枋寮義民信仰般,有因為閩粵械鬥氛圍較濃厚的歷史背景來發展「區隔粵閩」、「強調粵人忠義精神」之族群認同符號,而成為一大區域信仰。
二、 在清代苗栗義民信仰中,有一重要制度為「苗栗義民祀327位會友」制,其為清代苗栗地方人士,可藉由出資金來加入「苗栗義民祀」會友,且其會友身分不但可世襲,百餘年來又不斷有新會友加入,最終成為清晚期的「苗栗義民祀327位會友」制。又「327會友」制,並沒有歷史需求發展為「區分會友間階級高低」,與重視「神牌位序差異」之模式,「苗栗義民祀327位會友」都在該廟左偏殿,以一面木牌陪祀,即可代表清代苗栗義民廟「327會友」在該廟信仰者心中之歷史貢獻。此外,苗栗義民信仰也主祀真正殉難於林爽文事件的「義士眾姓諸公」、淡水廳幕僚壽同春、與淡水廳同知程峻之模式,也是不同於枋寮義民信仰之處。
三、 清代苗栗堡西境地勢較為高聳的「關刀山山脈」,在清中期時,隘線分佈於此山脈西麓,故當時該山脈尚是非常重要的「區隔漢原」之地理形勢。但約在清中後期之際,因苗栗客家人往東越過該山脈開墾樟腦利益,也使「後龍溪上游區」,即今獅潭鄉與大湖鄉等地,最終成為客庄。而其中較重要的漢人拓殖勢力,有獅潭、南湖等庄的黃南球勢力,與大湖吳定新家族勢力,以及拓出桂竹林一帶的劉緝光等勢力,而「後龍溪上游區」有無義民信仰,也與這三勢力分佈有關。清晚期的黃南球,其前半生經歷較少與苗栗堡有淵源,双與枋寮義民信仰分佈區域較有關係,故黃南球拓殖出獅潭與南湖二庄後,也在二庄各置一間義民廟,其皆分香自枋寮義民廟,以祀奉死於漢原械鬥的骨骸。而清晚期吳定新家族勢力,雖也為大湖庄帶來義民信仰,但其他大湖庄民不見得都信之。故清代大湖庄民初建大湖義民廟時,很可能已被該庄人視為陰廟,而將該廟設在遠離大湖庄市街中心外的「下坪仔」。又該廟石製主神牌,同時書寫「萬姓同歸.褒忠義民」,是雜揉了枋寮義民信仰,與漢人社會常視為「陰廟」的萬善爺性質。大抵而言,「後龍溪上游區」的獅潭、大湖、南湖等三間義民廟,是双應清晚期當地漢原關
四、 枋寮義民信仰乃清代嘉、道以來,竹塹當地「城╱閩」與「郊╱粵」的閩粵械鬥風氣下之產物,「郊區」的枋寮義民祭祀圈內之粵人,係藉此突顯「粵人忠義於朝」精神,期盼朝廷能對當時弱勢的臺灣粵人聲張正義。而約自嘉、道以降,枋寮義民信仰祭祀圈的粵人,又逐漸透過枋寮義民信仰十四大庄制度,讓該區粵人能被組織於各大庄的公號頭家,與枋寮義民廟方各大姓家族之領導下,以凝聚共同的粵人族群共識與力量,來與淡水廳政經中心在的竹塹城閩人相抗衡。而清代北臺灣閩粵械鬥同樣激烈情況者,至少尚含「南桃園東側」與清代中港堡境內之客庄。可是「南桃園東側」與清代中港堡客家人,一開始並未出現特別崇敬義民信仰的氛圍,至少在中港堡的頭份義民廟方面,該廟乃遲至清代光緒11-13年左右,才由當地客家人自枋寮義民廟分香引進。清代頭分庄客家人引進義民信仰的歷史背景因素之一,自與從嘉、道以降的閩客械鬥風氣氛圍有關,然其引進之時間點之所以遲至光緒朝,則是與金廣福勢力拓墾大隘地區成熟畢,使中港堡與竹塹「郊區」兩地粵庄交通風險相對降低有關。
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