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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


洪國慶 Unknown Date (has links)
個人電腦市場發展趨勢和品牌代工經營形態的改變,對台灣代工企業產生全面性的衝擊。企業間惡性競爭,毛利急速下降,導致經營上面臨極大挑戰。在外部環境無法改變下,若能利用行銷手法讓組織更活化,則企業的競爭力將更穩固。 在企業完整的行銷中,包括內部行銷、互動行銷和外部行銷三個環節,若能有卓越的內部行銷,亦即企業的人力資源策略有良好規劃,則互動行銷自然容易獲致成功。故本論文針對內部行銷的特性,配合個案公司採購事業處內部互動現況,進行實證調查研究。 本研究透過對採購事業處員工全面調查結果,證明內部行銷將影響採購部門員工對於工作的滿意度,同時亦影響員工服務行為。因此,若欲提升員工對內部顧客服務的認知與態度,企業可由內部行銷方面著手,擬訂完善之擇才、育才與用才方案。同時,輔以切合企業需求之績效評估制度,不僅可衡量員工實際績效,亦可了解企業於內部行銷之規劃實施,是否確實反應於企業績效表現,以達外部顧客滿意度提昇之最終目標。


陳文儀 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著時代的演進,今日政府的角色已大大不同於以往,從威權、統御性的角色,轉而強調傾聽人民的聲音、重視人民才是政府的頭家。政府該如何推動並執行政策,挑戰著決策者的智慧。本篇研究欲以政策行銷理論檢視1999臺北市民當家熱線這項政策,自試辦以來所運用的行銷策略及工具為何,執行成效如何,並分析此項政策後續行銷的方向,以作為政府在面對今日嚴苛的挑戰下,運用行銷管理技術的參考。這項政策不僅僅重視市政府對外行銷的能力,同時也考驗市政府內部整合及內部行銷的能力。因此,本研究試圖回答以下問題: 1.瞭解1999臺北市民當家熱線的政策目標、政策行銷策略,及是否達到政策預期效益?執行過程中,遭遇到那些問題,如何克服。 2.瞭解1999臺北市民當家熱線的內部行銷策略,市政府如何對內部進行整合及內部行銷,遭遇到那些問題,如何克服。 3.以政策行銷理論檢視1999臺北市民當家熱線往後努力的方向,以作為政府運用政策行銷理論之參考。 本研究期以政策行銷模型及內部行銷衡量指標所建構出的理論架構,分析1999市民熱線的政策行銷、1999市民熱線的內部行銷及1999未來的行銷策略。最後,提出本文的結論及研究發現,身為公務人員的一份子,見識到政府並非不作事,而是許多辛苦與努力被埋沒在層層的公文程序與機關的本位主義之下,或者未藉由良好且適當的溝通管道讓民眾瞭解並取得政策的相關資訊,導致政策無法獲得民眾的認同與配合。希望藉由此一案例分析,能使政策行銷的運用更為廣泛,並使政府能夠儘量用合作取代脅迫,用共識取代立法,主動出擊,而非被動等待、墨守成規,才能達成今日民眾對政府的期待。

桃園縣國民中學學校內部行銷之研究 / The Research of School Internal Marketing of the Junior High School in Taoyuan County

李春芳, Lee, Chung Fang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討桃園縣國民中學學校內部行銷的認知及運作的整體概況,並了解學校內部行銷執行的問題或困難。 本研究採用問卷調查法進行資料蒐集與分析。以研究者根據文獻探討所得編製之「桃園縣國民中學內部行銷調查問卷」實施問卷調查。以桃園縣公立國民中學為研究範圍,於該等學校任職之學校人員為研究對象。本研究抽取桃園縣39所學校,兼任行政人員、一般教師與專任行政人員共628人為樣本,有效樣本數564人,可用率為89.8%。問卷調查結果採用描述性統計、t檢定與單因子變異數分析等統計方法進行分析。 本研究主要發現如下: 一、桃園縣國民中學學校人員普遍肯定學校內部行銷的重要性。 二、桃園縣國民中學學校內部行銷的運作屬於中上程度。 三、兼任行政人員及13-24班之學校人員在學校內部行銷重要性認知上顯著 較高。 四、男性、資深、行政人員、12班以下學校、偏遠地區學校在內部行銷 實際運作符合程度上顯著較高。 五、桃園縣學校內部行銷最主要的困境在於全校性教職員工聯誼活動次數 少、進修研習課務需自理參加意願低落、教職員工不熱衷校內聯誼活動等問題。 根據上述結論,本研究針對教育行政機關、學校單位及未來研究提出建議,作為國民中學實施內部行銷及未來相關研究之參考。 關鍵詞:國民中學、學校人員、內部行銷 / The purposes of this research were to explore the present situation on the perception, operation and difficulties of school internal marketing of the Junior High School in Taoyuan County. This study was conducted with questionnaire survey to collect the data. The researcher applied the questionnaire survey by “The questionnaire of internal marketing of Junior High School in Taoyuan County” which was compiled through literature review. The researcher set the junior high schools in Taoyuan County as the study scope, and the staff in the schools as the subjects. The sample of this study is 628 people including pluralistic-administrative staff, teacher and full time-administrative staff from 39 schools in Taoyuan County. The effective sample size is 564 people. The usable rate for this research is 89.8%. The statistical methods employed in this study were descriptive statistic, t-test, and one-way ANOVA. The analysis of the data revealed the following main conclusions: 1. The school personnel in Taoyuan County generally approve the importance of school internal marketing. 2. The operation of school internal marketing in the Junior High School in Taoyuan is upper level. 3. Pluralistic-administrative staff and the school personnel in which school type of 13-24 classes' size show higher perception on the importance of internal marketing. 4. Male, senior, administrative staff, school type under 12 classes’ size, and remote areas shows higher matching extent on operation of internal marketing. 5. The difficulties of school internal marketing in Taoyuan County are that the school staff doesn’t have enough fellowship activities, teachers has low willing to attend the in-service training programs since they have to deal with their class chores by themselves and the school staff are not fond of fellowship activities. According to the conclusions above, the researcher offers suggestions to educational administration institutes, school department, and future researcher as reference to carry out internal marketing in junior high schools and related researches in the future. Keywords: junior high school, school personnel, internal marketing

電視台「品牌內部行銷」之研究 / The research of internal brand marketing for TV station

張煒珍, Teoh, Hooi Tian Unknown Date (has links)
對電視台來說,擁有讓觀眾易於區分的品牌個性和風格是提高收視率的要素之一。因為,只有突出獨特的風格和打造品牌形象,方能形成影響力。簡而言之,品牌能簡化觀眾選台的決策過程,一旦該台成為觀眾腦海裡的選擇,就能讓他們在不需要花費太多時間與精力的條件下進行收視行為。基本上,品牌的塑造有賴於電視台全體台前幕後的員工,透過每一個環節和時段把品牌訊息和價值傳遞給觀眾,故品牌內部行銷的實施影響了電視台品牌深化和內化的成敗,也是員工能否掌握正確和全面的品牌訊息和理念的先決條件。 本研究旨在探討電視台品牌內部行銷的指標要件,從文獻中發展出八大構面作為評定品牌內部行銷的衡量指標,採用修正式德菲法作為研究方法,結合廣播電視領域、傳播管理與企業管理領域、品牌行銷和公關廣告領域專家學者之豐富意見與專業知識,萃取出適合電視台品牌內部行銷的指標要件,供產學界和後續相關研究作為參考。研究發現,衡量品牌績效作為獎賞依據是電視公司在施行品牌內部行銷時最重要的要件。指標方面,即「訂定出明確、清晰易懂的品牌願景」、「各部門同事間相互共同合作以完成工作」、「鼓勵員工發揮品牌創意和主動性」、「讓員工清楚知道品牌績效衡量項目」、「提供個人獎勵(如財務獎勵、正式場合公開表揚、職務升遷)」和「確保員工真正認可企業品牌的精神與承諾」這六項是品牌內部行銷最重要的項目。 / As a TV station, one of the elements to raising the ratings is to shaping the brand personality and style and allows the audience to distinguish the differences. This is because only the unique brand style and image can form the influence. In short, brand can simplify the decision-making process while audience selecting a TV channel. Once the TV station becomes the first choice in their mind, this can let them spend less time and energy searching the channel for deciding which channel they want to watch. Basically, branding depends on the employees no matter what are their positions, front stage or back stage. The brand message and brand value through every segment and time transmitted to the audience. Therefore, the success of TV station internal branding influenced by the implementation of brand internal marketing. This is a prerequisite for employees to hold the brand message properly and completely. This research aimed to explore the requirements of brand internal marketing. After developed eights dimensions for evaluation indexes from the literature review, this research applied with the Modified Delphi Method, collected the opinion from the experts and scholars from the field of radio and television, media management, business management, branding, public relationship and advertising, extract the indicators based on the result analysis and finally provided the findings to the industry and academia as a reference. The results showed that the most important dimensions of brand internal marketing for TV station is measure the brand performance as a reward basis. For the main indicators, “Set a clear and understandable brand vision”, “Colleagues from various departments work together to complete the task”, “Encourage employees to be creative and initiative in branding”, “Let employees know the measurement indicator of brand performance”, “Provide personal incentives (such as financial incentives, public recognition in formal occasions, job promotion)” and “Ensure employees recognize the brand spirit and brand commitment”, six indicators above are the most important indicators in brand internal marketing for TV station.

國民中學內部行銷策略 工作滿足與教師組織公民行為之關聯 / The relationship among of internal marketing strategies, job satisfaction and teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior in junior high schools

曾貴珍 Unknown Date (has links)
摘要 本研究目的在了解國民中學教師內部行銷策略、工作滿足與教師組織公行為之關聯,依據研究結果,提出結論與建議。本研究以國民中學教師為研究對象,進行調查研究,共抽取83所公立國民中學,發出問卷856份,共回收772份,有效問卷為710份,有效回收率為83.3%。所得資料運用獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、相關分析、迴歸分析等統計方法驗證假設。 本研究主要發現及結論如下: 一、國民中學教師所覺知的學校內部行銷策略屬於中上程度,其中以 「教育訓練」最高。 二、國民中學教師工作滿足屬於中上程度,其中以「人際關係」最為 滿足。 三、國民中學教師組織公民行為屬於中上程度,其中以「恪守工作本 分」得分最高。 四、國中教師內部行銷策略認知對教師工作滿足不論在整體或各構面間皆 具預測力。 伍、國中教師內部行銷策略認知對教師組織公民行為不論在整體或各構面 間皆具預測力。 陸、國中教師工作滿足對教師組織公民行為不論在整體或各構面間皆具預 測力。 柒、國民中學教師內部行銷策略的認知和工作滿足感對教師組織公民 行為具有聯合預測力。 捌、男性、50歲以上、20年以上年資、研究所學歷、教師兼主任教師在 內部行銷策略知覺較高。 玖、男性、50歲以上、教師兼主任以及學校規模在49班以上的教師 工作滿足較高。 拾、男性、50歲以上、20年以上年資、教師兼主任、研究所學歷的教師 展現的組織公民行為較高。 本研究主要結論如下建議 壹、給教育行政機關之建議: 一、規劃學校行銷課程研習,提升校長內部行銷知能。 二、將內部行銷列為校務評鑑相關細目指標。 三、增加免試入學名額,協助小校發展學校特色。 四、教師兼行政授課時數應再降低。 貳、給學校行政運作實務應用之建議 一、校長應重視內部行銷以關懷、善待教師為主。 二、將內部行銷策略放入新進教師研習,強化校本課程特色,以利校務 推動。 三、透過多元化的教育訓練提升教師專業知能。 四、以公開、公平的獎勵管道,激勵教師自我成長。 五、建立多元溝通管道,允許教師有機會參與決策。 六、建立教師擔任行政的輪調制度。 七、善用人力管理資源,創造學校優質效能。 八、加強教師對內部行銷認同,增加學校效能。 參、對未來研究的建議 一、未來研究範圍可擴大至全國,以建立更完整的實證資料。 二、 未來研究可針對研究對象,可進行部分深入訪談,以獲得更詳盡、 更客觀的研究結果。 / Abstract The study aims at exploring the relationship among of Internal Marketing Strategies, Job Satisfaction and Teachers’ Organizational Citizenship Behavior in junior high Schools. The studied population is public junior high school teachers. The studied samples of 856 teachers from 83 public junior high schools They were acquired through random method. They were chosen 856 questionnaires were sent and 772 were retrieved 710 among the latter were efficient. Therefore 83.3% of the questionnaire were valid. The data of the survey were analyzed by SPSS program including descriptive statistics, t-test, one way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and. regression analysis The main research findings and conclusions are as follows: 1. The whole performance of the “ Internal Marketing Strategies of junior high schools” are above the middle-high value. Among the sectional scores, “the educational training” is the highest. 2. The whole performance of “the Teachers’ Job Satisfaction” is middle-high level. Among the sectional scores, “ the dimension of the relationships between colleagues” is the highest. 3. The whole performance of “ the Teacher’s Organization Behavior” is middle-high level. Among the sectional scores “Responsibility and the law-abiding” is the highest. 4. Internal marketing strategies in junior high schools can predicate teachers’ job satisfaction whether in whole or in various dimensions. 5. Internal marketing strategies in junior high schools can predicate teachers’ organization behavior whether in whole or in various dimensions. 6. Teachers’ job satisfaction in junior high schools can predicate teachers’ organization behavior whether in whole or in various dimensions. 7. Internal marketing strategies and teachers’ job satisfaction can predicate teachers’ organization behavior. 8. Among different background variables, teachers who are male, high educated, over 51-year-old, with over 20-year teaching experience, and teaching director position have higher awareness of internal marketing strategies. 9. Among different background variables, teachers who are male, over 51-year-old, and teaching director and work in schools whose scale are over 49 classes have higher awareness of job satisfaction. 10. Among different background variables, teachers who are male, high educated, over 51-year-old, with over 20-year teaching experience, and teaching director position have higher awareness of teachers’ organization behavior. Findings and conclusion in this research could be used as a reference for educational administration agencies, and researchers to promote practice in operation and future research. Keywords: Internal marketing strategies、teachers’ job satisfaction、teachers’ organization behavior㎞.

非營利組織內部行銷、組織認同、組織承諾研究:以兩岸種子人才培訓計劃為例 / The relationship among internal marketing, organizational identification and organizational commitment in Seed Talent Program

吳家銘, Wu, Chia Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的,係透過理論與實務的檢測,探討在種子人才培訓計劃中,內部行銷、組織認同與組織承諾的關係。在內部行銷、組織認同與組織承諾的變項中,哪些構面會影響三者關係的成立?組織認同與組織承諾在不同的個人背景下是否會有差異?台北與上海的種子人才培訓計劃成員,在性別、家鄉、年齡、級別、院所、幹部經驗是否會有差異? 本研究係組織理論的量化分析,量化分析的資料係透過線上問卷與現場發送的方式而得。有鑑於種子人才培訓計劃係一橫跨兩岸的組織,本研究設計兩份問卷,以確保兩地的樣本有一定的數量。本研究使用的統計分析,包含:敘述性統計分析、信度分析、樣本代表性檢定、卡方檢定、獨立樣本T檢定、單因子變異數分析、相關分析、迴歸分析。 本研究的結論如下:上海種子人才培訓計劃的成員,在內部行銷、組織認同、組織承諾的各個變項均較台北種子人才培訓計劃要來得高。內部行銷、組織認同與組織承諾的關係存在,且內部行銷會透過組織認同影響組織承諾。當組織的內部行銷機制完整度越高,成員對組織的認同感會提升,也會越容易對組織做出承諾。此外,當組織成員對組織的認同度越高時,越容易對組織做出承諾。 / The purpose of the study is to find the relationship among internal marketing, organizational identification and organizational commitment in “Seed Talent Program”. In those dimensions, what variables influence the connection? Are the different personal backgrounds influence the organizational identification and organizational commitment? The members in Shanghai and Taipei have difference in sex, hometown, age, level, institutes, guide experience or not? Our survey uses the quantitative analysis. The data was collected through online questionnaire and visit the place in Taipei. In view of the program have foundations in Taipei and Shanghai; we design two questionnaires to make sure get enough samples. The statistical methods used in the survey include: descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, representative rample analysis, t-test, one-way anova, correlation analysis, regression analysis. After testing 252 members in Shanghai and Taipei, we found that the members in Shanghai have higher scores in three dimensions than those in Taipei. The relationship among the internal marketing, organization identification and organization commitment exists. When the internal marketing mechanisms become well, the members have higher identification and easily to make promise in the organization. The relationship is controlled by the hometown variables.

組織內部行銷、與員工滿意度以及組織承諾之關係研究-以A科技公司為例 / Research of relationship among organization internal marketing, employee satisfactions and organizational commitments

吳明潔, Wu, Ming Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
因2008年9月爆發的全球金融海嘯,全球企業無不面臨到空前之危機,諸多企業不斷在進行組織瘦身,希望汰去一些沉重的負擔。在人力資源政策上 ,企業一方面思考如何精簡人事,在營運成本上壓縮一些資本空間以因應前途未卜之產業環境;二方面也不斷在思考如何讓留下來的人力最大效益的分配。然而,在這個人心惶惶的情境下,企業必須要讓員工重拾對組織的信心,讓深受打擊的士氣能夠為之一振,重新認同組織之價值觀以及信念,進而願意為組織目標而付出,並繼續留任為組織貢獻,為達成此目的,內部行銷是許多公司採行的策略。 換句話說,把員工當作內部顧客,以傳統行銷的哲學以及手法,將組織(或工作)當產品銷售給員工,並透過滿足員工認知之期望程度,達到員工滿意度(或稱工作滿足),進而從滿意度衍生出忠誠度,達到組織承諾。 為驗證三者之關係,並希冀了解在一歷經重大組織變動的企業是否真能有效提升員工滿意度以及組織承諾,因此選定一個案公司,並透過問卷收集以及統計分析,達成以下結論: 1. 人口統計變數在組織內部行銷認知程度、員工滿意度、以及組織承諾並無顯著差異,惟內部年資三至五年之員工員工滿意度以及組織承諾都較其他年資為低。 2. 組織內部行銷行為可以正向地影響員工滿意度,尤其是在管理支持以及人力資源管理活動兩構面。 3. 組織內部行銷行為可以正向地影響組織承諾,尤其是在管理支持以及內部溝通兩構面。 4. 員工滿意度可以正向地影響組織承諾。 5. 組織轉型並未顯著影響內部員工之員工滿意度以及組織承諾。 根據上述結論,給予個案公司內部行銷策略建議如下: 1. 將組織內部行銷責任與主管角色結合,並將主管角色從傳統的業務管理者,延伸為組織內部行銷負責人員。 2. 促進高階主管、中階主管以及基層主管之間的內部溝通,進而提升管理支持。 3. 工作時間彈性制。 4. 強化人才培育機制。 5. 人力資源部門內部應該是內部行銷執行的首要單位。 / For the impact of the global ecomomics crisis occruing in September, 2008, most of the glocal companies have faced the most significant businness recession since World War II. To overcome this challenge and maintain the existence in the global business world, most companies have tried to lessen down the unnecessary operational expence. Labor cost is definitely considerated into the cost-down plan, companies have to think of 2 things: one is how to squeeze some cash from decreasing the employee numbers, but also how to mazximize the human resource vlaues for the rest. Under this risky contingency, the employees who were remaining to be hired are not free from the worry to get fired, and naturally losing the faith to the organization. Companies need to rebuild the faith and recognition from employess in ofer to gain their trust, and willingness of devotion to the company goals. To realize this intention, “Internal Marketing”is considered as one of the most effective approaches, with the extension from Marketing philosophy and methods, treating your comployess as internal customers, and try your best to win customer satisfaction, will will bring customer loyalty and commitment in sequence. To verify the relationship among “Internal Marketing (IM)”, “Employee Satisafactions (ES)”, and “Organizational Commitment (OC)”, a quantitative and qualitative research is conducted, with the hope the reliaze if it works practically within an organization which just faced a major organizational change. A technology company is chosen to be the case as research target, and a questionnaire survey is used to collect employees’ opinions, throught the statistics analysis, certain conclusions are made as the following: 1. Variance of interviewees doesn’t present significant variance in the statistical aspect in any of the three factors. However, on the group with internal scenarity between 3~5 years have shown a significant variance, which the average the score is lower than all the other groups. 2. Organzational internal marketing behaviors can positively influence the levels of employee satisfactions, especially in the aspects of “Management support” and “Human Resource Management Activities” 3. Organzational internal marketing behaviors can positively influence the levels of Organizaitonal Commitment, especially in the aspects of “Management support” and “Internal Communication” 4. Employee Satisfaction can positively influence organizational commitments. 5. The levels of “ES” and “OC” between the two groups: one is the group of senior employees who have encountered the major change, and the other is the group of junior employees who have’t, doesn’t show siginificant variance in statistics. According to the conclusions drawn above, we’ve proposed the following suggstions as reference for the company’s internal marketing strategy: 1. Conbine the role and reasponsibitliy of a internal marketed into the role of managers. 2. Prorvide more mutual communication channels between different levels of managers, so they can have adequate information about the company, then they can play as the internal marketer to effectvively improve employees’ recognition of management support and internal communication. 3. Flexibility of office hours to satisfy employees’needs in the balance of workload and personal life quality. 4. Strenthen and diversify the talent development mechanism. 5. Human resource department should play the role as pioneer and facilitator in the execution of organizational internal marketing plan.

國民小學組織內部行銷、知識管理與學校效能關係之研究 / The Study of Relationship among Organization Internal Marketing, Knowledge Management, and School Effectiveness for Elementary Schools in Taiwan

陳建志, Chen, Chien Chih Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國民小學組織內部行銷、知識管理與學校效能的關聯性。研究採用調查研究法,以臺灣地區公立國民小學教師為對象,總共發出1154份問卷,回收986份問卷,回收率為85.44%,而有效問卷回收率則為81.72%。正式問卷回收之後,分別以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、逐步多元迴歸以及結構方程模式等統計方法加以分析。 本研究獲得以下七項結論,分述如下: 一、國民小學組織內部行銷在「凝聚溝通」層面的表現最突出。 二、國民小學知識管理中以「科技設施」層面最獲肯定。 三、國民小學學校效能中以「教師教學」層面最獲認同。 四、不同背景變項在國民小學組織內部行銷、知識管理與學校效能之差異有其脈絡因素存在。 五、國民小學組織內部行銷、知識管理與學校效能三者間具有正向關聯。 六、國民小學組織內部行銷及知識管理的分層面能預測學校效能。 七、國民小學組織內部行銷可直接影響學校效能,亦可間接透過知識管理的中介機制,對學校效能產生正向影響。 最後,根據文獻分析、研究結果與討論,分別就教育行政主管機關、學校教育人員以及未來研究提出建議,以供其參酌。 / The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between organization internal marketing, knowledge management, and school effectiveness. To obtain this information, 1154 teachers were selected to complete the questionnaire, where 986 questionnaires were returned. The return rate was 85.44% and the valid rate was 81.72%. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, pearson correlation analysis, stepwise regression, and structural equation modeling. The findings of this study are as followings: 1.Among all of the dimensions of organization internal marketing, “Congregate and communication” is the dominant in the elementary schools. 2.Among all of the dimensions of knowledge management, “Technology facilities” is the dominant in the elementary schools. 3.Among all of the dimensions of school effectiveness, “Teachers’ teaching” is the dominant in the elementary schools. 4.The differences of the background of organization internal marketing, knowledge management, and school effectiveness have the context factors. 5.There are significant correlations among organization internal marketing, knowledge management and school effectiveness. 6.The sub-level of the organization internal marketing and knowledge management can apparently predict the school effectiveness. 7.Organization internal marketing can affect school effectiveness directly, and which can also affect school effectiveness positively through knowledge management. At last, according to the results, this study provides the conclusion and the suggestions particularly for the institution of educational administration, elementary schools, and future research.

宜蘭縣國民小學校長服務領導、學校內部行銷與學校創新經營關係之研究 / A Study on the Relationships among Principals’ Servant Leadership, School Internal Marketing, and School’s Innovation For Management in Elementary Schools of Yilan County

諶志銘, Chen, Chih Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討宜蘭縣國民小學教師知覺校長服務領導、學校內部行銷與學校創新經營之現況,比較不同背景變項之國小教師在三個變項間之差異情形,並探討國小教師在知覺三個變項間的關係,並進而分析國小教師知覺校長服務領導、學校內部行銷對學校創新經營之預測力。 本研究採用問卷調查法進行研究,以宜蘭縣國小教師為對象,共發出411份問卷,回收332份問卷,有效問卷為311份,回收後之問卷可用率為75.67%。調查所得資料以 SPSS 統計套裝軟體,進行相關統計方法處理分析。本研究獲致以下結果: 一、宜蘭縣國小教師知覺校長服務領導屬於中上程度,在「校長服務領導」八個層面,以「服侍」層面為最高;在知覺學校內部行銷屬於良好程度,在「學校內部行銷」五個層面中,以「參與賦權」層面最高;在知覺學校創新經營屬中上程度,在「學校創新經營」五個層面中,以「學生活動創新」層面最高。 二、不同年齡及不同學校地區之教師在知覺「校長服務領導」的程度上有顯著差異。 三、不同性別、年齡、服務年資、教育程度、擔任職務、學校規模及學校地區之國小教師在學校內部行銷上無顯著差異。 四、不同年齡之國小教師,在學校創新經營分層面「行政管理創新」及 「校園環境創新」有顯著差異;不同服務年資之國小教師,在學校創新經營分層面「行政管理創新」及「校園環境創新」有顯著差異,而在學校創新經營整體也呈現顯著差異;不同學歷之國小教師在學校創新經營分層面「資源運用創新」有顯著差異。 五、不同學校規模之國小教師,在「課程教學創新」層面、「學生活動創新」層面、「資源運用創新」層面及「校園環境創新」層面,均有顯著差異。 六、宜蘭縣國小教師知覺校長服務領導、教師學校內部行銷、學校創新經營整體及各層面,兩兩之間均有顯著相關。 七、宜蘭縣國小校長服務領導對學校創新經營有預測力;宜蘭縣國小學校內部行銷對學校創新經營有預測力;宜蘭縣國小校長服務領導與學校內部行銷對學校創新經營有預測力。 最後,根據研究結果提出建議,供國小校長、國小教師、教育行政機關及未來研究之參考。 關鍵字:校長服務領導、學校內部行銷、學校創新經營 / The purpose of this study is to explore how elementary school teachers in the Yilan district perceive principals’ servant leadership, school internal marketing and school’s innovation management. The thesis not only looks into whether and how teachers’ background matters, but also analyzes how they predict the three variables in question. This study conducted a survey-questionnaire by targeting on elementary school teachers in the Yilan district. A total of 411 questionnaires were distributed and 332 questionnaires were received. Among them, 311 were valid (75.67%). The data was analyzed through SPSS statistics, descriptive statistics, t-test, single factor analysis of variance, Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple stepwise regressions. The findings of the study included: 1.Perceptions of principals’ servant leadership, school internal marketing, and school’s innovation management were respectively “above average”, “average” and “above average” in all aspects. The top priority each was “service”, “participation and empowerment”, and “student activity innovation” in the order. 2.Perception of principals’ servant leadership was found significantly different for teachers with different ages and from different school districts. 3.Perception of school internal marketing was found not significantly different for teachers with different genders, ages, service years, education levels, posts, and from schools with different sizes and districts. 4.Teachers with different service years perceived school’s innovation management significantly differently. More precisely, service year and age both made a significant effect on the perception of administration management innovation and campus environment innovation. Teachers with different education levels perceived resource use innovation significantly differently. 5.School size made a significant effect on the perception of curriculum and teaching innovation, student activity innovation, resource use innovation, and campus environment innovation. 6.Pairwise comparisons among principals’ servant leadership, school internal marketing and school’s innovation management were all significant. 7.Principals’ servant leadership was predictive of school’s innovation management, so was school internal marketing. Principals’ servant leadership plus with school internal marketing also predicted school’s innovation management. The results of this study provide an empirical basis for school principals, teachers and education administrators to make future investigations. Key words: principals’ servant leadership, school internal marketing, School’s innovation management.


孫屏玉 Unknown Date (has links)
由於規模經濟和資源使用的效率性,跨國公司均積極尋找各種有效經營的方法與途徑,並以全球觀點來進行商業活動的考量,在此前提下,相較於資本技術等具像資源在世界潮流下逐漸式微,具有抽象、不易觀察及模仿的特質的人力資源仍成為組織保持長久競爭優勢的重要因素。   然而觀諸過去人員調派暨人力資源管理的研究、通常圍繞在人員的甄選、訓練、工作績效、及其他影響地主國適應程度的要素上,而忽略了人員於跨國企業裡服務的主動性及積極性。此外,由於產業特性不同,跨國企業也需因應產業之競爭勢態擬定策略,並據此規劃符合此策略之人力資源使用戰略,方得能於現今競爭激烈之全球市場得占先機。再者,組織內部的人力資源調派暨總籌機制,亦牽動著內部員工的滿意度,並據此延伸影響員工的績效,在組織績效的提升上扮演著相當程度的角色。   為了瞭解跨國企業所面臨的產業環境、其管理人力資源的調派機制,與該調派機制與內部員工的滿意度等三者之聯結性,在本份論文中採用了環境、事業策略與人力資源管理策略等三維面,據此分析個案公司在現實世界中面對的競爭態勢、所採用的競爭途徑、及相因應的人力資源管理策略,並進一步發展出個案公司之薦派系統,根據該系統進行內部員工之滿意度分析。

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