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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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邱楓民 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究欲了解有無集團企業背景對本國產險公司經營效率之影響,並透過本國有無集團企業背景產險公司之效率比較,求證關於代理理論之審慎管理假說及費用偏好假說是否成立。本研究運用資料包絡分析法(Data envelopment Analysis, DEA)及cross-frontier analysis評估民國81至90年,17家本國產險公司具集團背景及無集團背景各年度效率情況。另外,採用多元迴歸分析討論產險公司不同經營特性對經營效率的影響。本文亦利用Malmquist生產力指數分析具集團背景及無集團背景產險公司十年來生產力的變動。   本研究之實證研究結果如下: 一、於技術效率,具集團背景及無集團背景產險公司無技術效率差異,表示不論有無集團背景,皆有各自的經營技術優勢,符合審慎管理假說。於成本效率,發現81至85年時具集團背景產險公司之成本結構於生產無集團背景產險公司的產出相對較具成本效率,符合費用偏好假說;但86至90年時,則無集團背景產險公司之成本結構對於自己的產出較具成本效率,不符合費用偏好假說。 二、以多元迴歸分析於81至85年、86至90年,影響無集團背景產險公司效率之因素。本文發現於86至90年,當無集團背景產險公司總資產越小、再保比例越高,其以自己的成本結構進行生產,越顯著較以具集團背景產險公司的成本結構進行生產來得具成本效率。 三、二類產險公司於民國81至90年間生產力皆呈現衰退,且具集團背景產險公司衰退情況較嚴重。二類產險公司生產力衰退主因皆為生產技術的衰退;此外,具集團企業背景產險公司十年來的技術效率有衰退的趨勢,而無集團背景產險公司之技術效率則持續進步。若綜合前面成本效率的結果,則十年來具集團背景產險公司平均效率表現沒有進步跡象;而無集團背景產險公司有改善其效率。 / The purpose of this paper is to examine the effect of“group”background on the property-liability insurance industry in Taiwan. We test the managerial discretion hypothesis and the expense preference hypothesis by comparing the efficiency of the group and independent property-liability insurers. Using the property-liability insurance industry in Taiwan from 1992-2001 as our sample, we use DEA and cross-frontier analysis, and adapt multiple regression analysis to examine the variables which affect the efficiency performance in the property insurance company. We also measure the productivity changes of the group firms and independent firms over ten years. The empirical results are summarized as follow. First, we find that the technical efficiency results are consistent with the managerial discretion hypothesis, in that there is no difference in the technical efficiency between the group firms and independent firms. The results of cost efficiency between 1992 and 1996 show that the group frontier dominates the independent frontier for independent outputs, supporting the expense preference hypothesis. However, the results of cost efficiency between 1997 and 2001 no more support the expense preference hypothesis in that the independent frontier dominates the group frontier for independent outputs. Second, we find that the independent firms tend to have a comparative advantage over the group firms in the independent cost frontier when the independent firm’s size is smaller or when its reinsurance proportion is higher. Finally, the results of the Malmquist productivity analysis show that the productivity of group firms declines in 1992-2001, and the decay is due to their technical efficiency decreases. Conversely, the productivity of the independent firm improves.


黃啟鈞 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以網際網路做為企業行銷溝通之互動性媒介為觀點,以內容分析法進行兩部分之研究。第一部份以分析跨國運動商品企業網站首頁為題;第二部分則測度傳播策略呈現在跨文化運動商品網頁中的標準化程度,以期對跨國運動商品企業建置各國家地區網站與網頁之現況有一概括性的瞭解。 第一部份將運動商品企業網站首頁劃分為「內容」與「設計」兩項架構,分析12家跨國運動商品企業在美國、中國與台灣共計33個首頁樣本,發現中國與台灣併計為大中華地區所列載之內容項目與功能設計,與美國運動商品網站首頁之差異不大;但在線上購物機制上則仍未有成熟的環境與建置,此結果可呼應於其他跨文化行銷傳播研究的相關論述。 第二部分研究植基於傳統廣告內容的分析技術,變項涵括:「資訊內容」、「文化價值」與「創意策略」等三面向,檢測跨國運動商品企業設置於美國、中國與台灣地區共計211個網頁樣本。結果發現運動商品網頁確實是涉入度高、資訊承載量大的互動性媒體,偏向使用「獨立性文化價值」以傳達個體性而非集體性的文化概念。然而大中華區在廣告運用與網路媒體的開放性,複雜紛呈的文化價值表現,亦造成運動商品網頁的跨文化差異化。創意策略則使用商品的論點與細節,結合象徵性聯想與品牌熟悉度的方式,同時傳達品牌名稱、商標符號與名人代言的情境,以行銷每一季推陳出新的運動商品。 / This study regards the Internet as an interactive medium of corporate marketing communication, engages in two parts of studies by content analysis method. The first part analyzes sports-commodity multinational corporations’ home pages; the second part evaluates the degree of standardizations’ online communication strategies across differing cultures. And to comprehend summarized about how the sports-commodity MNCs set up regional websites. Divides into two frames of “content” and “design” categories, the first part analyzes 33 home-page samples in 12 sports-commodity MNCs among USA, China, and Taiwan. So that sports-commodity home pages’ content items and design functions have no remarkable difference. But the systems of online shopping environment are not mature in China and Taiwan. The result is coherent with past cross-cultural studies that compared marketing communications. On the basis of traditional advertising content study techniques, three explanatory variables are conducted, i.e. “information content”, “culture value” and “creative strategies”. Examining the 211 web-page samples in sports-commodity MNCs among USA, China, and Taiwan, the finding suggests that the high involvement nature of interactive medium is closely related to the informative web pages. And the predominant usage of “independent culture value” conveys individualism but collectivism cultural concepts. However, the liberalization of the Internet media and advertising usage; representation of complicated culture values, are the reasons to cause the cross-cultural diversity between localized sports-commodity MNCs’ web pages. To weed through the old to bring forth the new sports commodity every season, the MNCs have adapted their web creative strategies by products’ arguments and specifics, and integrating symbolic association and brand familiarization, with context of brand name, trademark and celebrity endorsers.

台灣有線電視系統業者經營效率之探討 / A Study of Efficiency of Cable System Operators in Taiwan

張美惠, chang , mei-hui Unknown Date (has links)
本研究依據2003年「行政院新聞局廣播電視白皮書」、「公開上市、上櫃資訊觀測網站有線電視系統業者財務報告書」等文獻資料,先以資料包絡分析法評估個別系統業者的技術效率,再應用Tobit截斷迴歸方法,探討影響台灣有線電視系統業者經營效率的因素。 評估結果顯示,造成個別有線電視系統業者經營技術無效率的因素,主要歸咎於浪費資源所造成之無效率,而非因生產規模不適當所造成之無效率,迴歸結果發現,營業收入與技術效率間具正向關係,而頻道數、廣告密集度、經營區面積、集團化及業務集中度對技術效率間具負向關係。 / Based on the information of 2003 “The Broadcasting television paper of Government Information Office of Executive Yuan” and “Finance Statements of The Cable System Operators of Listed Companies and OTC Listed Companies from Market Observation Post System in Taiwan”, this study first uses DEA to assess technical efficiency of cable system operators, and then applies the Tobit censored regression technique to investigate the determinants of technical efficiency. The efficiency-evaluating result shows that the main factor, which causes inefficient management, is an ineffective use of resource; an improper production scale has less impact on it. The regression result also shows that the revenue has a positive impact on technical efficiency, but the number of channels, Area, the density of advertisement, conglomeration, and business focus has negative impacts on technical efficiency.

購屋方案選擇評估指標建立之研究 / The Study on Housing Choice Decision-Making Factors for Home-Buyer---An Empirical Analysis of Taipei-Taoyuan Areas

黃國保 Unknown Date (has links)
住宅,不只是一個房子,還是一個家的所在。所以購屋,當然是一生中重大的決定。而與住宅相關的價格、環境、交通、品質、交易安全等這些都需要有專門的知識與經驗。另外住宅還涉及了很多風水、信仰、喜好等沒有對、錯的個人價值觀等問題。而且一生中發生的次數不多,不容易累積足夠的知識與經驗,所以要從購屋市場供給的產品中,找到完全符合自身需求住宅,不但一般人不容易做到,即使不動產的專業相關人員,由於購屋過程涉及多樣專業,亦不能面面俱到,作出最佳的購屋決策。本研究藉由文獻回顧與實證分析,就這個即重大又複雜的購屋問題,探討三個主題,其研究結果之結論如下: 一、我國各購屋方案可量化購屋影響因素,所存在的價格差異性 在實證結果部分,不論從地區上的分類,或是從時間上的分類,經自我選擇偏誤問題校正後。其拍賣市場相對於搜尋市場的住宅價格折價百分率確有差異,折價差異大約在1.53% ~3.69%間。實證結果顯示,購屋時機的不同階段呈現價差差異性,在2005~2007年第一季期期間景氣狀況較佳時價差不明顯之外,由不同地區與第一階段購屋時機(2003~2004) 景氣狀況較差時結果都顯示拍賣市場相對於搜尋市場的住宅價格仍有17%~24%明顯的折價現象。然替選方案之購屋影響因素,除了價格因素之價差外,仍有可量化之住宅條件因素與可量化之購屋者條件因素顯示其重要性。 二、不動產從業人員和一般人購屋決策的差異性 在這個主題裡,我們利用AHP(分析層級分析法)探討了與不動產密切的不動產從業人員和一般的購屋者,由不同地區來看,其最大的不同,是在台北縣及桃園縣的「不動產從業人員」購屋者,都最重視「住宅條件」,但在台北市的「不動產從業人員」的選擇上,卻優先考慮的是「價格」。 三、消費者購屋選擇決策的影響因素之評估指標及方案分析 我們利用AHP(分析層級分析法),在台北市、台北縣、桃園縣三個地區,分別進行問卷調查、評估指標分析。發現在最優先考慮購屋方案的問題上,在五個購屋替代方案預售屋、成屋、金拍屋、銀拍屋、法拍屋,消費者最可能的購屋方案都是選擇成屋,權重都是五個替選方案中最高者。從此一結果結果得知,就購屋者認知的效用而言,成屋優於預售屋,且優於各拍賣市場的金拍、銀拍、法拍。 影響消費者選擇購屋決定的四個評估指標為價格、住宅條件、交易制度及購屋者條件四個因素,其中購屋者最重視的是「價格」及「住宅條件」,特別是價格,在台北市不論是「不動產從業人員」及「一般購屋者」、台北縣的「一般購屋者」及桃園縣「一般購屋者」,其權重都是四個評估指標中最高者。「價格」仍是大部分購屋決策中最重要的影響因素。但是不是有坊間所提的:「沒有賣不出去的房子,只有賣不出去的價格」,那般極端強調「價格」就是一切呢?仍值得商榷。 另外,在評估指標之影響因素細準則方面,從「價格」準則中其第三層細準則三個因素價差、交易費用、貸款中都為前三項之首選,可見得在購屋市場中建立「價格」資訊、秩序是很迫切的。在影響房屋住宅條件的因素中內環境、外環境為前三項之首選,而內環境為不論地區或各種購屋著都為重要考慮因素。「不動產從業人員」及「一般購屋者」的受訪者,除了價差為共同考量因素外,其差異性為前者亦考慮貸款,而後者加入交易費用之考量。以地區性來看只有桃園縣之不動產從業人員較重視環境,其他地區仍以價差為首選之考量因素。 / A residence is not just a house but also a place where people set up their homes. Purchasing a house is certainly a very important decision throughout everyone’s lifetime. However, the elements such as pricing, environment, traffic, quality, and transaction security that are closely in connection with such an important choice all take specialized knowledge as well as experiences. Besides, to appraise a residence also involves some personal view of values such as fate, beliefs, and fondness, which are rather difficult to be thought of as good or bad. Moreover, purchasing a house is something that isn’t going to happen frequently throughout one’s life, so there won’t be many chances to accumulate enough knowledge and experiences in this field. Not only is it difficult for common public to choose, among the supply of housing market, a residence that would completely meet their own demand but it is quite a challenge for a professional real estate agent to make a decision on how to purchasing a most suitable residence as the process is often so diversified and specialized. In this study, by means of reviewing related documents and analysis, three main subjects based on this critical and complicated issue of house purchasing have been explored, and the conclusions of the research are given as follows: 1. The price differences among quantifiable and determination factors of each house purchasing alternatives. In practices, it is verified that whether it is classified based on regional divisions or based on timing of purchasing, differences do exist in housing price discount percentage between auctioning market and searching market after correcting the estimate bias of self-selection, and differences of price discount fall roughly between 1.53% and 3.69. It is also verified that, by observing various districts in the first house purchasing stage (2003~2004), a period falling in economical recession, price differences do vary with different purchasing timings in the stage. The price differences of the auctioning market relative to searching market appear significant price discount percentage ranging from 17% to 24%. The only exception to this case might be during each of the first seasons in the years from 2005 to 2007, a period of booming economy, in which price differences didn’t seem so significant. However, when it comes to decisive factors of alternative house purchasing choices, there are still some quantifiable elements of resident condition and quantifiable purchaser elements that can be evaluated in addition to price differences. 2. The difference in making decision on house purchasing between real estate professionals and ordinary buyers. In this theme, we utilize AHP to explore the interaction between real estate professionals who are closely related to this industry and ordinary buyers. From the regional point of view, the most significant variance appears in Taoyuan County and Taipei County where real estate professionals and ordinary buyers both value “resident conditions” as a most important factor while in Taipei City real estate professionals would view the price as the first priority. 3. Evaluation indicators and alternatives analysis of the factors which affect consumer in making decision on house purchasing. Adopting AHP as an analytical method, we carried out questionnaire survey in Taipei City, Taipei County, and Taoyuan County as well as analyze their appraisal indicators. The findings are that, among five purchasing programs, namely newly completed houses, houses ordered before being built, houses auctioned by court, houses auctioned by banks, and houses auctioned by private financial sectors, the most likely case that consumers will choose is that of newly completed houses. The four evaluation indicators that have affected consumers’ decision on buying a house are price, residential conditions, transaction system, and purchasers’ conditions. Among them, price and residential conditions are given more weight by consumers, but price alone possesses the highest weight to which both real estate professionals and ordinary buyers in Taipei City, ordinary buyers in Taipei County, and ordinary buyers in Taoyuan County all have given. Price is still the most influential factor when making a decision on house purchasing. However, is it realistic that price is so decisive as to reach to the extent like many people say “There is not any unmarketable house but an unacceptable level of price” ? The extremely aspect of this view needs be further considering deliberately. As for the influential factors set up under the four evaluation indicators, here are the analyses: The three factors (price difference, transaction fee, and loan) of the first indicator named “housing price” are the first three valued factors either observed based on regional variance or based on purchasers. It can therefore be realized that how important and urgent it is to establish “price” information of the house purchasing market. In the second appraisal indicator named residential conditions, internal/external environment are the first three valued factors. However, internal environment seems to have more priority, and that is quite consistent with the traits of our fellow people, most of whom think only to care about themselves. Such phenomenon is quite common in many residential communities nowadays. The real estate professionals and ordinary buyers both value “price difference” as a most important factor while the former added the factor of transaction fee, and the latter added up loan. From the difference areas point view, only Taoyuan County value “environment” more important than others. The rest of areas value “housing price” is the most important factor than others.

台灣之兩岸發展優選策略之研究-應用層級分析法 / Study on the Slection of an Optimal Cross-Strait Development Strategy of Taiwan - Application of Analytic Hierarchy Process

劉豐壽, Liu, Feng-Shou Unknown Date (has links)
兩岸發展競爭力消長,最近數年來尤為明顯。據瑞士洛桑管理學院(IMD)2007年全球競爭力評比,台灣排名自2005年之第11名滑落至2007年之第18名;中國大陸則由31名提升到第15名,首度超越台灣。彼長我消之因素頗多,牽涉問題亦深且不易解。例如兩岸的統獨之爭,國內的內閣更迭波潮不斷,及政局穩定度、政策一致性、社會凝聚力,以及投資誘因力道等表現相對脆弱。相對於中國大陸,則是彼岸發展處於強勢有利時期,正所謂對岸屬「政經和諧」時期,台灣則處於「政熱經冷」時期,而兩岸間亦依舊停留於「政冷經熱」階段。對岸目前所走的路線恰好是台灣三、四十年前以「經濟為導向」的發展途徑,此為兩岸政、經發展消長最明顯的地方。縱使台灣在自由民主、發明專利、通膨水準、高科技產品、科技人才仍占有優勢,亦或政府大力協助廠商布局全球,如果兩岸未能和諧發展,則仍將難於突破當前困境,或競爭力將持續陷入每下愈況的困局。 本論文研究目的主要針對台灣與中國大陸國力發展之消長過程與趨勢,及兩岸互動對台灣是威脅或是機會,探討台灣發展新思維及應採措施,亦即如何趨吉避凶,乃為本論文研究之預期目標。本論文首次引用決策模式──層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP),將兩岸複雜問題系統化,以簡易之結構化思考架構下,由不同層面給予層級分(析)解,讓決策者迅速研判台灣之兩岸發展之優選策略,或據以實施。首先以過去有關兩岸政治、經濟、國防、外交等政策文獻,作為構思研擬台灣當前與未來急需優先採行的重大策略後,隨即親訪產、官、研專家,擬訂AHP層級分析法問卷調查所需問題界定,構建層級結構。即第一層為全方位優選策略,第二層為政治和諧(I1)、經濟發展(I2)、國防安全(I3)與全球化(I4)等四大主題,第三層為各主題內之各子(次要)項(各細分五子項,合計20子(次要)項)。 AHP層級分析法略以總群(組)體(total)、偏經濟專長大於40歲(eco>40)及小於四十歲(eco<40)、偏政策專長大於40歲(pol>40)及小於40歲(pol<40)等五個分類組別,輸入計算軟體結果分析比較得知,不論總群體組或不同各次群組,即不分何種專長、年齡層都以經濟發展(I2)為首選指標,其餘三大主題(項)依次為國防安全、全球化及政治和諧,但彼此權重之高低卻在伯仲之間(詳本論文第四章第三節結果分析)。足見且印證了經濟發展是當前兩岸發展中台灣之首要任務,亦為國內人民、企業界和國外世界級跨國管理大師之共同關注焦點。 本論文採用文獻及當前問題趨勢分析,配合訪談及應用「層級分析法」結果,顯示層級分析法是一種簡易又便捷的優選決策工具。不但可免去一般繁複卷數、人力之累,且其分析結果雖僅具少數專家卓見,卻能充分反映多數人的看法和企求目標,也頗符合「二八法則」管理關鍵原則,值得推廣應用。本論文研究之結論與建議事項,或可提供有關當局施政之參考。 / The rise and fall of competitiveness between China and Taiwan has fluctuated dramatically in recent years. According to the latest IMD World Competitiveness Scoreboard 2007 (published on May 10th 2007), the ranks of Taiwan dropped from 11th in 2005 to 18th in 2007. On the contrary, China’s rank increased from 31st to 15th in the corresponding period of time. This is the first time China’s ranking overtook Taiwan. There are a lot of factors involved of the rise in China and the fall of Taiwan; the problems involved are complicated and hard to solve. There are numerous examples, such as the disputes about Taiwan’s cross strait status, the frequent change of the cabinets in Taiwan, as well as the political instability, policy inconsistency, the social cleavage, and the lack of attraction for investment in Taiwan. These problems have only improved a little when they are compared to China’s progress. China is in the stage of fast development, and both of the political and economical circumstances are in harmony. In contrast, the Taiwan government has focused on political issues rather than how to solve economical problems in the recent years. In addition to this, the cross-strait issues focus more on economical than political issues. Now, the road taken by China, happens to be the road that was taken by Taiwan government, which emphasized “economical-oriented policies” 30 to 40 years ago. This is the most noticeable aspect of the comparison of political and economical development across the strait. Taiwan has the advantage in freedom, patents, the inflation situation, high-tech products, and technology elites. The Taiwan government also spares no effort in assisting companies’ global layout. If the cross-strait situation cannot be improved, the current situation will be difficult to solve. In the end, the competitiveness of Taiwan will worsen. The target of this thesis lies on analysis of the process and tendency of rise and fall of national power across the strait, as well as discussion about whether or not cross-strait cooperation is a threat or an opportunity for Taiwan. It discusses the new thinking and measures of development that Taiwan should take. In other words, how to make good decisions and avoid bad policies is the goal of this thesis. This is the first time the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is adopted to systematize complicated problems cross strait. By using simplified structural thinking, different levels of problems are analyzed by the AHP. This way, policy makers can judge what are strategies are better to take for cross strait development, and may put them into practice in the future. In the beginning of this thesis, documents concerning cross-strait political affairs, economy, national defense, and foreign affairs were used as references to design major strategies that needed to be solved presently and in the future in Taiwan. Later, experts from industries, the government, and the research field were interviewed to design questions in the survey according to the AHP, and to make the structure of different levels. The first level is about policies in priority in every aspect. The second one is about political stability (I1), economical development (I2), national security (I3), and globalization (I4). The third level is about sub-items of each item (five sub-items of each and 20 sub-items in total). The AHP was divided into five groups: total, those with the specialty over 40 years of age (eco>40) and under (eco<40), those with the specialty of policy-making over 40 years of age (pol>40) and under (pol<40). After the five classified data was analyzed by computer software, the result showed that both the total and different sub-groups, people in different ages and with different specialties, all chose economic development (I2) as their choice in priority. The other three selective items in order were national security, globalization, and political stability. However, the differences among them were very slim (Please refer to the results and analysis in Chapter 4.3). This proves that economic development should be the primary mission in current cross-strait development. It is also a common concern by the people, companies, and international masters of management. In this thesis, documents and the current problems according to the AHP were adopted. With the interviews and results from the AHP, it showed that AHP is an easy and convenient tool to make prioritize policies. It not only can save the time and efforts of giving out large numbers of the survey, but the result can truly reflect opinions and goals pursued by the majority, even though only the opinions of a limited number of experts were taken. This also meets the 80/20 principle of the crucial rule of management. Meanwhile, it can also draw conclusion and suggestions in this thesis in providing policy-making references to the government. It shall be promoted and applied with great exertion.

以情境分析法預測台灣行動電視產業之發展 / The Study of Mobile TV Industry Development Trend in Taiwan by Using Scenario Forecasting Methodology

林恆毅, Lin,Heng-I Unknown Date (has links)
全球主要國家正積極推展「行動電視」服務,手持式行動電視將整合無線電視台、手機、電信以及創意與內容產業,被視為新媒體藍海,電視業者與電信業者都有意搶攻行動電視這塊商機。手機結合電視將成為未來行動多媒體影音平台主流,但基於台灣在發展數位廣播技術與相關接收設備產品的時程,遠落後其他已開發國家及開發中國家,因此未來發展的不確定性仍高。本研究主要以SRI情境分析法,對未來五年內台灣行動電視產業的發展進行分析預測,亦進一步探討世界主要國家其行動電視市場發展成功的關鍵因素以及台灣行動電視產業的主要影響因素。針對上述研究問題,本研究之研究結論如下: 1. 在世界各國其行動電視市場發展成功的關鍵因素方面,包括終端設備的多樣性、政府對產業的整體態度、業者策略聯盟的效應、多元或專屬的內容、彈性的營運模式及市場內需需求量。 2. 在台灣行動電視產業發展主要影響因素方面,主要涵蓋政策、技術標準及市場環境等三大構面。 3. 在我國政府與業者在行動電視產業未來的發展策略方面,主要有四大重點策略包括重視軟體研發能力、成立獎勵投資方案、創造產品差異性以及強化進入障礙屏障。 / The world's major countries are actively promoting the "Mobile TV" service, handheld mobile TV will be integrated wireless television stations, cell phones, telecommunications, and the creativity and content industry, as new media’s BlueOcean, the television industry and the telecommunication operators have the intention to grab this business opportunities. Mobile TV will be a multimedia platform for future mainstream, but based on Taiwan in the development of broadcasting technology and related products, far behind other developed countries and developing countries, therefore the future development of the uncertainty is still high. This research is based on SRI scenario forecasting methodology to predict mobile TV industry development trend in Taiwan in the next coming 5 years period, also further explore the key success factors of major countries mobile TV market, and the main influence factors of Taiwan mobile TV industry. The following is the conclusion of this research. 1. The key success factors of major countries mobile TV market, inclusive of the diversity of terminal equipment, government’s attitude, the effects of strategic alliances, Diversity of content, Flexible business model and Market demand for domestic. 2. The main influence factors of Taiwan mobile TV industry, included policies, technical standards and market environment. 3. The future development strategy at mobile TV industry, inclusive of software development capacity, encourage investment program, create product differentiation and strengthen the barrier of entry barriers.


黃瀚諄, Huang,Han Chun Unknown Date (has links)
1985年開始,台糖公司在不與民爭利的原則下拓展蝴蝶蘭事業的發展,延續台灣社會對於蝴蝶蘭的喜好與優勢,進行花卉產業之商業化;產業的萌生源於隸屬於國營事業體制下的正式化組織,基於組織中制度企業家之社會技能動員組織中的成員且策動策略變革,而讓組織固有的制度優勢得以發揮,也克服了體制僵化的瓶頸,而成就了蝴蝶蘭產業於台灣甚至在世界的發展。 本研究透過田野調查以及非線性之質化比較方法,試圖分析台糖開創蝴蝶蘭產業組織新制度的建構模式。研究時間點的劃分,主要以1985年蝴蝶蘭產業小型試種至2001年組織邁入新紀元為止。事實上,在制度環境的架構上,台糖公司發展新興產業的抉擇,隨時間而有階段性的選擇,凸顯了新制度理論在制度環境變遷上歷史性之偶然的觀點(Mizruchi et al. 2006)。事實上,台糖公司落實蝴蝶蘭產業之發展並使之商業化,必須透過三個面向予以說明,首先,制度環境上,組織透過鬆散式結合之運作邏輯化解正式化組織過於僵化的運作模式,並藉此運用正式化組織之資源,結合組織內外之正向的制度環境,發展領先的蝴蝶蘭經營與栽培能力。另外,能夠如此地善用組織資源與變革制度環境,關鍵在於推展產業時,組織任用具有社會技能的制度企業家,不僅聯繫組織內外之菁英,也創造了獨特的經營模式。最後,制度能夠逐漸形成,必須觀察個體行動對於制度環境日常生活實踐的情形,台糖公司在產業開創之時,因其農業企業公司之特質具備優異的農業知識,又基於台灣民間蝴蝶蘭知識資源深厚,經由非正式的接觸,創造了蝴蝶蘭知識,也透過互動的模式擴散知識的分享。 / Taiwan Sugar Company developed an Orchid industry in 1985. It turns flower planting into business in order to continue the advantage in Taiwan. The industry originated from State-owned enterprises, which is the formal way of organization. The organization succeeded in developing orchid industry in the world. It helps that there are entrepreneurs who have the social skills to mobilize members and alter strategies in the organization; therefore, the organization can expand these useful institutions and resolve the institutional myth. The study used field research and qualitative comparative analysis to analyze the structural model of the organizational institution when Taiwan Sugar Company initiated orchid industry from 1985 to 2001. In fact, choosing the produce for this developing industry depends on different stages. It appears that the viewpoint of new institutional theory is that institutional transformation is historically contingent (Mizruchi et al. 2006). Actually, there are three levels that Taiwan Sugar Company uses to develop orchid industry and turn flower planting into business. First, the organization is loosely coupled with formal organization in order to resolve inconsistencies. Moreover, it uses the resources of formal organization and links institutional environment. There was positive feedback about becoming a pioneer in managing and planting in the orchid industry. Second, because there are entrepreneurs who have social skills, the organization can use the advantage of resources and institutional environment. It not only connects the people who own high capability in orchid, but also creates special business model. Finally, the study surveys individual action in the institutional environment, in order to research and understand how to form an institution. When Taiwan Sugar Company created the orchid industry, it was a state-owned enterprise and had rich knowledge in agriculture; in addition, there is rich knowledge about orchids in Taiwanese society. From interaction between the members in the organization and farmers in society, it has created knowledge in orchids and diffused the knowledge in the field.


許丞芳 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在建構一個符合國內教育現況之國民中小學校長科技領導指標及權重體系,作為校長推動科技領導之參考依據,以提升學校行政效率及教學效能。 本研究以熟悉學校科技領導學理基礎之專家學者、曾撰寫科技領導博碩士論文之研究者及推行學校科技領導之行政人員共計13人做為研究對象。首先依據文獻探討之結果初擬出國民中小學校長科技領導指標並經由兩次德懷術問卷調查建構出國民中小學校長科技領導指標體系,最後再以層級分析法進行相對權重問卷調查,並運用Expert Choice 2000軟體進行統計分析以建立各項指標之權重。 本研究結果所建構出之國民中小學校長科技領導指標及權重體系包含七個層面40項指標。七個層面依其重要性,分別為「科技領導之願景發展與實施」(25.8%)、「學校成員科技知能之訓練與發展」(24.6%)、「支援與管理科技設施」(16.0%)、「整合科技於課程與教學」(13.0%)、「善用人際關係與溝通技巧增進科技使用」(8.6%)、「科技領導之評鑑與研究」(6.4%)、「科技運用之法律與倫理」(5.6%)。最後,依據研究結果,提出具體建議,俾供教育行政機關、國民中小學校長以及後續研究之參考。 / The purpose of this research is to develop performance criteria and their associated priority weights for technology leadership (TL) of elementary and secondary school principals in Taiwan. Following the Delphi method, thirteen experts, including researchers in TL and elementary school administrators who had experience in promoting and implementing technology in education, were selected to answer questionnaires to develop the performance criteria. As a result, seven principal performance criteria for TL were determined, associated with in total forty attributes (subcriteria). Based on the determined performance criteria and attributes, further surveys were conducted, in conjunction with Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), to determine the priority weight for each performance criterion and attribute. The performance criteria, in their order of importance, are (i) long term vision of TL development(25.8%); (ii) quality training for non-technical school staff in using technology(24.6%); (iii) provision of technical support(16.0%); (iv) integration of information technology in education(13.0%); (v)interpersonal communication skill in promoting TL(8.6%); (vi) performance evaluation of school staff in adopting technology for teaching(6.4%); and (vii) addressing law and ethics for technology(5.6%). Based on the findings, the author proposes specific suggestions that can be adopted by school principals and school authorities to promote effective use of technology in education.

以重複事件分析法分析信用評等 / Recurrent Event Analysis of Credit Rating

陳奕如, Chen, Yi Ru Unknown Date (has links)
This thesis surveys the method of extending Cox proportional hazard models (1972) and the general class of semiparametric model (2004) in the upgrades or downgrades of credit ratings by S&P. The two kinds of models can be used to modify the relationship of covariates to a recurrent event data of upgrades or downgrades. The benchmark credit-scoring model with a quintet of financial ratios which is inspired by the Z-Score model is employed. These financial ratios include measures of short-term liquidity, leverage, sales efficiency, historical profitability and productivity. The evidences of empirical results show that the financial ratios of historical profitability, leverage, and sales efficiency are significant factors on the rating transitions of upgrades. For the downgrades data setting, the financial ratios of short-term liquidity, productivity, and leverage are significant factors in the extending Cox models, whereas only the historical profitability is significant in the general class of semiparametric model. The empirical analysis of S&P credit ratings provide evidence supporting that the transitions of credit ratings are related to some determined financial ratios under these new econometrics methods.

台灣跨國併購與非跨國併購績效之研究 / The Efficiency comparison between foreign and domestic acquicisions in Taiwan

林佳蓉, Lin, Chia Jung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係以民國81年1月1日至民國90年12月31日間曾從事併購行為之國內53家上市櫃公司為研究樣本,取其併購前後五年之財務資料,利用資料包落分析法計算其整體技術效率、純技術效率、規模效率值,再依據目標公司是否位於國內為併購類型的分類標準,探討併購活動與併購類型是否影響主併公司績效。 本研究實證結果如下: 一、在不考慮併購類型的情況下,併購前後對於整體技術效率、純技術效率與規模效率呈現不顯著的正向關係,表示併購後效率雖然有提升,但未達顯著水準。 二、在未區別併購前後的情況下,雖然併購類型對於整體技術效率與純技術效率均呈正向關係,與規模效率則呈負向關係,但三種效率值皆未達到統計上顯著水準,表示進行國內併購與跨國併購的主併公司在效率上沒有太大差異。 三、跨國併購後在整體技術效率、純技術效率與規模效率均呈現正向關係,並且在整體技術效率與純技術效率達到統計上顯著水準,表示「國際化網路」假說確實存在。 / In this research, we based on the companies that listed in Taiwan Security Exchange or the OTC which had domestic or foreign acquisitions over the period from 1992 to 2001. Using these firms’ five years financial data before and after acquisitions, we apply Data Envelopment Analysis to measure efficiency and compare the performance of firms following domestic or foreign acquisitions. The major research finding as follows. First, if we do not consider the type of acqusiontion, domestic or foreign, the results denote that there is no efficiency difference before or after acquisitions. Second, after we control before or after acquisitions, the results demonstrate that there is no efference difference between domestic and foreign acquisions. Third, after we control the cross effects between acquisition time and acquisition types, the results show that after foreign acquisitions the merger companies increase efficiency significantly, which confirms “Positive Multinational Network Hypothesis”.

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