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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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臺灣警力投入與犯罪防治效率分析- 資料包絡分析法之應用 / Police Force Investment and Relative Crime Prevention Efficiency in Taiwan :The Application of Data Envelopment Analysis

紀欣儀, Chi, Hsin-yi Unknown Date (has links)
犯罪防治在各縣市警察機關勤務中具有一定的重要性,本研究目的在於評估各縣市警察機關執行治安與犯罪預防之相對效率。因為內政部將各縣市警察機關分成直轄市、甲級與乙級等三級制,故相對警力投入非常不一致,對犯罪預防效率會產生干擾,為將此項外在環境因素所造成的干擾排除,本研究採取三階段資料包絡分析法,針對臺灣23個縣市警察局,在民國93至95年間,建立評估相對效率之實證模型。研究結果發現未排除環境因素干擾前,臺灣地區各縣市警察局的治安與犯罪預防之平均相對規模效率高於純技術效率,顯示治安與犯罪預防之無效率應為生產技術的影響;此外,甲級縣市警察局的總技術效率值最高,反之,直轄市警察局的治安與犯罪防治效率為最低。在排除環境因素干擾後,臺灣地區各縣市警察局平均治安與犯罪預防相對效率有輕微下降現象,其中,乙級縣市警察局的治安與犯罪防治效率,反而上升到為最高。此外,乙級縣市警察局呈現高比例的規模報酬遞減現象,表示乙級縣市警察局應縮減其所分配到的經費規模,反之,甲級縣市警察局呈現高比例的規模報酬遞增現象,表示甲級縣市警察局應相對增加所得到經費;至於,直轄市警察局的治安與犯罪防治效率並不好,並且,在第三階段分析結果顯示應該再增加直轄市警察局的經費投入,方有助於提升其治安與犯罪防治效率,但是目前直轄市警察局所分配到的警力與經費,已高於甲級與乙級縣市警察局很多,可知,目前直轄市警察局的高額警力投入,可能不完全為提升與改善治安與犯罪防治效率,而應還有其它的重要工作項目,如政府維安,交通維護等。 / The role of crime prevention plays an important role for each county’s police department in Taiwan. This study employs three-stage data envelopment analysis to evaluate the relative crime prevention efficiency among 23 counties police departments in Taiwan from 2004 to 2006. National Police Agency classifies these 23 counties police departments by three categories, A, B and C, in terms of the amount of police force investment. Based on the first-stage analysis, it concludes that relative crime prevention inefficiency for each county comes from the inappropriate police force investment. There are no significant different results in the third-stage analysis. A class, Taipei City and Kaohsiung City police departments which have highest police force investment, have relative lower crime prevention efficiency. However, the C class counties’ police departments, such as Yunlin County and Pingtung County, with lowest police force investment have better performance with highest crime prevention efficiency. And, B class counties’ police departments, such as Taipei County, Kaohsiung County, and Taichung City, with relative higher police force investment have second best performance in crime prevention efficiency. Therefore, this study suggests that the budget of police force investment needs reallocation among three different categories of police departments; the police departments of Taipei City and Kaohsiuang City may consider cutting down some non-related crime prevention services.

地下街空間規劃評估準則之研究--以台北市站前及東區地下街為例 / The study on evaluation criteria for spatial planning of underground streets – the cases of Taipei Station Front Metro Mall and East Metro Mall.

胡釗慈, Hu,Chao-Tzu Unknown Date (has links)
自1984年鐵路地下化以來,地下街漸成為國內普遍的都市設施,至今台北都會區亦已開發了八處地下街。而近年來有關地下街之研究多在強調經營管理面的重要性,將地下街視為重要都市商業空間的延伸,特別是在像台北這樣的商業密集型都市中,更認為經營地下街的目的在於創造巨大的商機,卻反而忽略了地下街規劃設計之原意及功能。鑑於地下街主要係銜接大眾運輸場站的通行空間,在交通功能外,兼具商業及防災等功能的複雜特殊場域。而如何有系統地診斷現況地下街規劃設計面之課題,乃為本文之研究重點。 基此,本研究首先回顧國內外有關人行空間、商業空間以及地下街之文獻研究,採以模糊德爾菲法(Fuzzy Delphi Method,FDM)進行評估因子篩選,整合多位專家學者建議與互動結果,建立包括交通順暢、防災保全與商業環境等三項層面之評估架構;再透過分析網路程序法(Analytic Network Process,ANP),在考量各項評估因子間交互關係的前提下,彙整專家群體決策求取各項評估準則之權重值,完成「地下街空間規劃最適評估架構」之建立,其中發現專家群體首重「交通順暢」與「防災保全」兩層面,反視「商業環境」為地下街發展之附屬功能。 最後則以該評估架構為基礎,實地運用於現況地下街之檢討,針對台北市站前地下街與東區地下街進行實證分析,歸納出目前地下街所面臨之課題並提出相關具體建議。評估結果顯示,站前地下街於交通順暢與商業環境層面之表現皆不如東區地下街,得師法東區地下街之空間規劃設計進行加強;而在權重值較高的防災保全層面,此兩條地下街之因應手段皆有所不足,亟待相關單位進行改善。據此本研究除提出相關規劃、管理手段加以解決交通與商業環境面課題外,更強調透過疏散引導計畫研擬、防災管理系統整合、民眾防救災知識教育等手段改善現況防災保全之欠缺;進而建議相關單位得盡速建立一套專責法規範進行把關,藉以維護地下街建設之品質與安全。 / Since railway started to go underground in 1984, the underground streets have been emerging as popular city facilities in Taipei Megalopolis. Up to now, eight underground streets have been developed. In recent years, most researches about underground streets emphasize the importance of administration, and regard them as the extension of commercial space within cities, especially in the commerce-intensive cities such as Taipei. On the contrary, the underground streets’ original meaning and function of planning and design had been ignored. Owing to the complex and particular characteristics of these places, systematical diagnosis is needed to be discovered in spatial planning. For constructing an evaluation framework, this research reviews references related to pedestrian space, commercial space, and underground streets firstly. And, FDM (Fuzzy Delphi Method) method was utilized to extract proper impact criteria. To the evaluation framework, including three dimensions “traffic function”, “commercial environment”, and “disaster-prevention and security”, etc. Furthermore, ANP (Analytic Network Process) method was used to overcome the inter-correlation of each impact criteria for refining the evaluation framework and also generate the weight values. Both dimensions include “traffic function” and “disaster-prevention show high weight values as expected, contrarily regard “commercial environment” as accidental function of underground streets. Finally, based on this evaluation framework, user questionnaires were designed and surveyed in the Taipei Station Front Metro Mall and the East Metro Mall, for discovering the issues underground streets confront at present. Research results show that the planning of East Metro Mall is better than Taipei Station Front Metro Mall in the dimension of “traffic function” and“ commercial environment”. In the aspect of “disaster-prevention and security”, both these underground streets don’t have enough contingency ability, and should be improved immediately. According to the research findings, this study suggests some solutions for traffic function and commercial environment, and also emphasizes how to improve the planning of “disaster-prevention and security”. Moreover, related standards and guidelines for design and planning should be drawn up in related laws and regulations, in order to keep the quality and safety of underground streets’ space.

化合物半導體產業於無線通訊領域之產業矩陣分析與策略形態分析 / Industrial Matrix and Strategic Posture Analysis of Compound Semi-Conductor Industry in Wireless Communication

郭建華 Unknown Date (has links)
由於無線通訊相關應用持續蓬博發展,使得為關鍵零組件的射頻前端元件及模組相關產業於2006年開始獲利;以及化合物半導體於此領域的元件及模組為矽產業較難取以代,雖其製造流程相似,但其經營環境與矽產業有所不同,故值得深入探討其產業發展是否與矽產業有其不同之處。 本研究乃是針對化合物半導體產業於無訊通訊領域進行描述與分析來達成下列目的:第一、詳細地描述此產業現況及台灣廠商經營模式以提供各界參考;第二、在此產業發展已較為成熟時,檢視和分析此產業是否如矽產業採專業分工,以及找出影響產業垂直整合程度的關鍵因素為何;第三、運用產業矩陣進行產業分析,以供後續研究參考如何運用產業矩陣。 本研究採用司徒達賢教授所提出的產業矩陣分析法進行產業分析與描述,如此將能對此產業能有更系統化、周延且細緻地了解,並透過策略形態分析法深入了解各公司的策略構想為何,來協助釐清此產業較為重要的產業特性為何。 研究結果顯示,化合物半導體於無線通訊產業的IC設計與IC製造是否朝向專業分工,與IDM廠及專業晶圓廠的製程水準有關;以及在手機持續往輕薄短小、高頻率、以及3M(多頻、多模、多媒體)的方向發展下,對各價值單元的影響皆不同。

臺北市公有路邊停車場經營管理機制評選之研究 / Ranking and Selecting the Management of Taipei ,s Public Curb Parking Lot

陳美珍, Chen, Mei Chen Unknown Date (has links)
這篇論文主要是要建構一個在考慮經濟面及效率面下,評估公有路邊停車場經營管理績效的機制。當考慮經濟面及效率面時,包含權利金委外、開單勞務委外及人力派遣與政府自辦的比較,何者較具有經營管理優勢。本文選擇以這四個制度為分析對象的理由,主要是源自於公共選擇理論。另外,評估方法則應用層級分析法來評估這四個經營管理機制。而在考慮經濟與效率為目標下,評估指標分別從投入與產出這二個面向著手,其中投入面向之評估指標有人力、設備及費用,產出面向之評估指標則有每格位開單率及每人每日營收金額等。以臺北市西門地區做為實證分析對象,透過問卷調查24名專家學者對評估指標的權重,再以簡單加權法求算各個替選方案評點,研究結果發現,開單勞務委外為最優方案,其次為權利金委外,而政府自辦在經濟及效率面向,與其他三個方案比較結果,顯示最不具有經營管理優勢。 / This thesis is aimed at construct the scheme of evaluating the management economy and efficiency for public curb parking lot. Those which draw up the parking charge list including of royalty, labor-outsourcing and leased work, are compared with the government manages oneself, when consideration economy and efficiency which alternative has the superiority of operation and management. The rationale to choice these four alternatives as evaluative object is the public choice theory. Moreover, the consideration of performance evaluation has three indicators such as manpower, facility and expenditure under the schema of input, and two indicators such as the rate of draw up the parking charge list for a parking space and each person of daily earning under the schema of output. Further, analysis hierarchy process and SAW are applied for the appraisal method. In empirical study, 24 experts replied our questionnaire survey. The result suggest that the priority alternative is labor outsourcing and the government manages oneself is inferior to other three alternatives. We develop a framework to promote a better understanding of the important of public curb parking lot performance management. Using the review literature and the results an empirical study of Taipei’s curb parking lots, we developed the framework presented herein, in hope that if would stimulate more interest in this area.

廣告量對品牌態度與購買率之影響 / The effects of advertising outlay on consumers’ brand attitude and purchase rate

陳怡穆, Chen, Yi Mu Unknown Date (has links)
廣告量的文獻中,一派是以實驗設計為主的研究,多以廣告的展露 (exposure) 次數與時間,以及廣告版面尺寸等替代性指標做為衡量廣告量多寡的依據,並探討其對消費者心理變數的影響;另一派則是以經濟計量模型為主的研究,著重於探討廣告支出與其他行銷投入變數對銷售量或市場佔有率的影響。為了彌補以往廣告量文獻中的計量模型研究未能探討消費者心理變數的缺口,本研究以計量模式,加入消費者對品牌的態度做為中介變數,探討廣告支出對消費者的品牌態度與購買率的影響。 本研究採用資料庫資料針對廣告量對於消費者的品牌態度與購買率的影響進行分析,分別探討廣告量函數的形狀、廣告的階層效果、遞延效果、與競爭效果,並採用panel data分析法進行分析。研究樣本包括三大類的常購品與四大類的選購品,以及連鎖店的品牌。另外,連鎖店品牌的架構中,納入店數為自變數,因為店數愈多表示其在消費者展露的次數也愈多,類似廣告量的效果。 研究結果發現,不論在常購品、選購品、亦或是連鎖店品牌都顯示廣告量佔比的確對於消費者對該品牌的態度與購買率都有正向的影響。在廣告量佔比對購買率的函數形狀部份,常購品中的食品類與飲料類產品呈現向原點凹進的concave函數,而常購品中的家庭用品類、選購品,以及連鎖店品牌皆顯現出線性函數。 採用Baron and Kenny (1986) 三步驟,檢驗消費者對產品的品牌態度為廣告量佔比與購買率關係的中介變數,進而推論廣告的階層效果。結果顯示,食品類、飲料類、與電器機車類產品中,為呈現部份中介效果,而金融產品類的產品,如信用卡、保險、存款等金融服務,因與長期的金錢投入有關,消費者也較為謹慎,此時消費者對於品牌的評估較為完整與週延,呈現出完全中介效果。 另一方面,透過九年的資料分析並以Koyck model探討廣告量的遞延效果,從結果分析中無法得到前期的廣告量效果影響本期消費者的購買率,反而是前期的廣告效果透過影響消費者前期品牌態度或者是前期購買率,進而間接地影響本期的購買率,說明廣告的展露會隨著時間的經過,轉化成為公司的一項無形資產。 相對廣告量的效果與品牌知名度所帶來的競爭效果顯示,品牌之間相對的廣告投入對標的品牌的購買率有正向影響;而知名度高的品牌較不易受到知名度低品牌所進行的廣告活動所影響,唯獨在服飾配件類產品中,品牌知名度所產生的競爭力並無法在本研究中觀察到,可能與服飾的產品特性有關。 最後,依據分析結果建議行銷人員不應只注重廣告帶來的短期或當下的利益,對於廣告的長期與持續的投入,在日常生活中,逐漸改變消費者的態度,使得廣告在長期投資下,發揮其效果。因此,廠商若能規劃長期的廣告投入,便能夠在廣告持續效果消失之際,減緩消費者對廣告印象消退的速度。再者,新加入市場的品牌愈來愈多,再加傳統的大眾傳播媒體已部份被新興媒體所替代,這些現象已侵蝕了以往最有效率的電視廣告,稀釋了廣告的效果。然而,這些新興媒體的績效尚未有一明確的指標或工具予以衡量之,但其對廣告效果的衝擊不容小覷。企業在面臨前有競爭者不斷地進入市場,還得應付後起之新興媒體帶來的更多無法掌握性,建議行銷人員除了建立品牌的權益之外,更應該時時檢視自己與競爭者之間的相對地位,才能保有品牌的競爭力。 / Most experimental literature took advertising exposure time, frequency, and/or size to substitute real advertising amount, and analyzed how the effects of advertising amount on consumers’ psychological variables. But econometric literature focused on the effects of advertising outlay and other marketing mix variables on sales and/or market share. This study is inspired by these two streams of research and trying to mix them together, that is taking consumers’ brand attitude as mediator of the “ad-sales function”; moreover, explores how the advertising outlay affect consumes’ brand attitude and purchase rate. The current research aims to study the relationship between advertising expenditure and consumers’ attitude and purchase rate. In addition, the store number is included in the framework of chain store brands because the larger store number, the more ad exposure. To fulfill the research purposes, three datasets, Rainmaker XKM’s advertising outlay report, Eastern Integrated Consumer Profile (E-ICP), and Taiwan Chain Store Almanac are adopted. After matching these three databases, 76 frequent purchased brands, 81 selective purchase brands, and 21 chain store brands with 10-year period data are generated. Panel data analysis is selected since it can avoid the estimation bias from single cross-sectional or time-series analysis only. The results show that the higher ad share of voice (ad share), the better consumer’s brand attitude and higher purchase rate in all kinds of product categories. The shape of ad share-purchase rate function is concave in food and drink products, but linear in others. In addition, the shape of ad-attitude function is similar to ad share-purchase rate function. Brand attitude is considered a mediator of the relationship between ad shares and purchase rate base on advertising hierarchy models (e.g. AIDA model) that the advertising influences consumers’ attitudes prior to their behaviors. Baron and Kenny’s (1986) three steps of testing mediation effect is adopted to check the role of consumers’ brand attitude. The results reveal partial mediation effect in food, drink, and electronic product, full mediation effect in financial products, such as credit card, insurance, and saving account. The lagged effect of advertising on the consumers’ purchase rate makes the effect of advertising last from four to eight months, or even one year (Dekimpe and Hanssens, 1995; Winer, 1980). Koyck model shows better model fit than prior ad share direct effect model. Therefore, ad investment is transferred into a business reputation and affect consumers’ purchase rate in the long run. Advertising and brand awareness competition effect are also discussed in this research. The business with higher relative advertising outlay, the higher purchase rate it has. Moreover, the purchase rate of brand with higher awareness is not affect by the advertising of brand with lower awareness. But the clothing is an exception. Because the clothing brand has clear segmentation and position, the consumers loyal to certain brand. Thus, the consumers’ purchase rate of target brand might not be affected by the advertising of other competitive brands. Summary of above results, marketers should not only focus on short run advantages, but also long run advertising investment. Through day-to-day advertising exposure to change or transform consumers’ brand attitude. Therefore, the business could plan a long run advertising exposure schedule to lessen the speed of consumers’ advertising attenuation. Suggesting the marketers should build up their brand equity and identify the position among competitors to survive in the uncontrolled environment.


張詩欣 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在建構國民小學校園閒置空間永續發展評估指標及權重體系,作為推動校園閒置空間再利用之參考依據。研究以文獻分析為基礎,初擬校園閒置空間永續發展評估指標,採專家問卷、模糊德爾菲問卷和層級分析法問卷為研究工具進行調查。研究對象共22位專家學者,資料分析首先利用改良「雙三角模糊數」之模糊德爾菲整合專家對指標重要性之看法並篩選評估因子,最後運用Expert Choice 2000軟體進行統計分析以建立各項指標之權重,完成國民小學校園閒置空間永續發展評估指標。 本研究獲得主要結論如下:國民小學校園閒置空間永續發展評估指標,含3大層面、8大指標共30個評估因子,其整體權重高低排序如下: 一、三大層面依權重高低排序為:環境面(41.5%)、經濟面(30.8%)、 社會面(27.7%)。 二、八大指標依權重高低排序為:價值效益(17.4%)、生態保育(15.5%)、健康環境(14.4%)、綠色消費(13.4%)、永續經營(12.4%)、環境規劃(11.6%)、社會教育的功能(11.2%)、社區發展(4.1%)。 三、三十個評估因子依權重高低排序前五名為:校舍動靜分區配置(9.1%)、保水設施(5.6%)、基地開發之干擾及衝擊(5.4%)、生物多樣性(5.4%)、室內物理環境(5.3%)。 最後,本研究依據研究結果提出建議,提供未來行政單位檢視校園閒置空間再利用評估及結果的有效性的參考。 / A Study of Evaluation Indicators on Sustainable Development for Vacant School Space in Elementary Schools Abstract The purpose of this study is to construct the evaluation indicators and their associated priority weights on sustainable development for elementary vacant school space. The results of the study can be the reference for promoting the reuse of vacant school space. At first, the study is based on the analysis of documents to establish relevant evaluation indicators about vacant school space. And this study adopts three research methods: expert survey, Fuzzy Delphi and AHP to survey. The research invites 22 education-related experts to form a team as the study object. First, in order to select the applicable indicators, the individual answers of experts are analyzed by “double triangle fuzzy technique”. By using this technique, opinions about important indicators evaluated by experts are integrated; and meantime, the factors are screened. Finally, Expert Choice 2000 software is used to process statistic analysis to set up priority weights of various indicators. In this way, the evaluation indicators on sustainable development for elementary vacant school space are established. The main conclusion which this study obtained is as follows: The evaluation indicators of sustainable development for elementary vacant school space include three dimensions, eight indicators, and thirty evaluation factors. The priority weights of all evaluation indictors are described in order as follows: 1.The priority weights of three dimensions are environmental dimension(41.5%), economical dimension(30.8%), and social dimension(27.7%) 2.The priority weights of eight indicators are valuing benefit(17.4%), ecological conservation(15.5%), healthy environment(14.4%), green consumption(13.4%), sustainable development management(12.4%), environmental planning(11.6%), the function of social education(11.2%), and community development (4.1%)。 3.The priority weights of thirty evaluation factors are the allocation of noisy and quiet areas of school(9.1%), facilities of water content(5.6%), the disturbance and impact of the development about vacant school space(5.4%), ecological variety(5.4%), and biological surroundings indoors(5.3%). Finally, according to the research results, some suggestions are offered to educational administration to review the effects and evaluation results of reusing vacant school space in the future.

捷運、人口、產業對空氣品質之影響-以台北市為例 / The effect of mass rapid transit, population and industry on air quality: A case study of Taipei city

鄭婷尹, Cheng, Ting Yin Unknown Date (has links)
都市發展固然帶動了經濟成長、生活舒適、交通便利等諸多正面效益,但隨著都市不斷向外發展之成果,卻也帶來了都市內的空間擁擠、交通壅塞、空氣汙染、生活環境惡化等現象,以及都市外的分散、無秩序蔓延發展等環境問題。為解決這些問題,都市規劃者提出大眾運輸導向發展理念。從都市化之觀點來看,發展大眾運輸導向能降低都市蔓延,提昇都市內之使用密度,減少私人運具之使用,進而降低能源消耗、改善空氣品質。然而,運輸建設具有改變土地使用模式與活動區位,進而帶動人口、產業在空間上重新分布的特性;當運輸建設的興建促使周邊都市活動頻繁時,少有研究探討到大眾運輸導向帶來的效益,是否會隨著人口、產業往捷運沿線聚集,反而使交通流量增加,進而造成空氣品質愈加惡化之問題。因此,本研究從捷運營運前後台北市空氣品質變化之觀點,以台北市433個里之1995年至2006年為研究範圍,以懸浮微粒為汙染變數,運用空間分析法和長期追蹤資料實證分析法,探討捷運、人口及產業三者對空氣品質之影響程度。 / 研究結果顯示,人口密度和就業密度對懸浮微粒濃度有顯著正向影響,因此,政府在推廣大眾運輸導向理念,鼓勵人口和產業往捷運沿線發展時,需有完善配套措施,否則將導致反效果-空氣品質的惡化。而有捷運經過之村里對懸浮微粒濃度有顯著正相關;但是分析各年度懸浮微粒可發現,台北市年平均懸浮微粒濃度下降,且隨捷運路網愈加完善,空氣品質愈好。因此,捷運建設雖造成沿線懸浮微粒濃度的上升,但卻降低了整體懸浮微粒濃度,提昇台北市空氣品質。 / Urban development is driven by economic growth, comfortable living, convenient transportation and other positive benefits. However, the results of urban development also brought crowdedness, traffic congestion, air pollution, environment degradation inside the city, and sprawl development out of the city. To solve these problems, urban planners proposed mass transit-oriented development (TOD) concept. From the perspective of urbanization, developing TOD can reduce urban sprawl, enhance the use of space inside the city, and reduce the use of cars. Further, these can decrease energy consumption and improve air quality. However, a transportation system can change the land-use patterns and redistribute the population and industries. Few studies have discussed whether the benefits of TOD will gather people and industries along the mass rapid transit (MRT), where results in the increase in traffic and more deterioration of air quality are inconclusive. Therefore, from the perspective of air quality varies over time in Taipei before and after the operation of MRT, this study uses spatial analysis and panel data analysis to investigate the impact of MRT, population and industry on air quality in 433 villages of Taipei City from 1995 to 2006. / The results show that population density and employment density have significant positive effects on the concentrations of PM10. Thus, when promoting the concept of TOD and encouraging the development of population and industry along the rapid transit, the Government should plan and implement the proper procedure; otherwise they will result in rising air pollution. The villages along the rapid transit have significant positive effects on the concentrations of PM10. However, analysis of the annual PM10 concentration can be found that the annual average has declined in Taipei City; the air quality will be better with a more extensive rapid transit network. Although the construction of transit system will cause the increase in the concentration of PM10 along the rapid transit, it has decreases the overall concentration of PM10 in Taipei City.


周思伶 Unknown Date (has links)
當政府機關開始大量的透過網路傳遞服務給民眾,政府迫切需要知道民眾對政府網站服務品質的認知評價為何。然而該如何衡量政府網站的服務品質至今仍沒有一個明確的方法。本論文旨在建構一套可以用來衡量政府網站服務品質的指標同時對政府網站服務品質提出相關的政策建議。本研究使用了線上問卷調查法與層級分析法,利用網路問卷線上調查了使用者對政府網站服務品質的評價,然後請專家利用層級分析法分析並計算出這些指標的相對權重。 本研究主要結果如下:(1).建構適合衡量台灣政府的網站服務品質指標,包含「設計性」、「易用性」、「可靠性」、「資訊品質」、「有用性」與「回應性」六大構面,而六大構面下共包含三十項指標;(2).實際調查台灣網路民眾對政府網站服務品質評價,發現民眾對政府網站服務品質的「有用性」相對評價最高,而對政府網站「回應性」的服務品質則是相對最不肯定;(3).請專家透過層級分析法對政府網站服務品質指標做出重要性權重排序,整體而言,專家給予「資訊品質」相對最高的權重,後依序是「有用性」、「回應性」、「可靠性」、「易用性」,而「設計性」則是專家排序中相對最不重視的;(4).比較專家與民眾對政府網站服務品質指標重要性與評價的差異,發現就評估構面而言,「資訊品質」與「回應性」是專家認為相對重要,但民眾基於使用經驗相對不肯定的指標,應該列為政府提昇網站服務品質優先改善的構面 基於上述研究發現,作者提出了隨時檢視資訊更新程度、替使用者重新編寫資訊與強化政府網站的回應能力等三點研究建議,以期待徹底提昇政府網站的服務品質。 / As government organizations have increasingly provided services to the public via Internet, e-government websites have demanded acute understanding of how the users perceived the service quality. However concerning it is not clear how the e-service quality of e-government websites can be measured. This thesis aims to construct the indicators to evaluate e-service quality of e-government websites and propose management suggestions to government. The research methods of this thesis include an online survey and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). A survey was conducted with online users being asked to evaluate the e-service quality of e-government websites. Then AHP was applied to analysis and compute the weights of these indicators from the experts. The key findings are: First, Design, Usability, Reliability, Information Quality, Usefulness, and Responsiveness are key dimensions of e-service quality of e-government in Taiwan. Second, most of the online users are satisfied with the Usefulness of e-government websites in Taiwan, but they are not satisfied with the Responsiveness of e-government websites in Taiwan. Third, for the evaluation aspects, the sequence of importance for the e-service quality of e-government websites in Taiwan is Information Quality, Usefulness, Responsiveness, Reliability, Usability and Design. Among them, the domain experts think Information Quality and Responsiveness are relatively important aspects of e-service quality of e-government websites in Taiwan. However, general online users are not satisfied with these two aspects. So these two aspects should be listed on the top priority for improvement straight away. Based on the research findings, the author proposes three policy suggestions to improve the websites in Taiwan’s government. First, keep the information on the government websites most updated. Second, improve the information readability for online users. Finally enhance the responsiveness of government websites.

醫療資源優先配置決策程序之評估-以全民健保醫療給付協議會議為例 / An Evaluation of Decision Procedure in Health Resource Priority Setting: The Payment Committee of NHI in Taiwan

蔡翔傑, Tsai, Hsiang-Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
全民健保醫療給付範圍的相關決策缺乏資訊公開性與參與性,引發許多醫療給付的糾紛案件,加上醫療資源有限,醫療需求隨國內人口平均餘命提升而增加,醫療資源優先配置的問題更顯其重要性。本研究建立一個合理的醫療資源優先配置決策程序評估架構,以改善目前國內資源優先配置決策程序,使用Daniels & Sabin(1997)所提出的「要求合理性的課則」(Accountability for Reasonableness)作為評估架構的主要構面,採用文獻分析法與層級分析法建構出一個完整的評估架構並且比較指標間的相互權重,接著使用深度訪談法試圖探索評估指標相對權重背後所代表的意涵。研究結果顯示醫事團體代表強調相關性與決策修正機會,政府代表則注重公開性與執行力,兩者對於醫療資源優先配置決策程序的期待有相當大的落差。基於研究發現,本研究主張應該增加協商機會以減少決策成員間的認知落差,帶動社會大眾對於資源優先配置的認識與參與,並針對目前決策程序的公開性、相關性、決策修正機會與執行力進行改善。 / The lack of information publicity and participation in the payment system of National Health Insurance (NHI) in Taiwan has been a critical issue. Besides numerous insurance payment disputations, the limited health resources and increasing health demand all call for an immediate solution to the problem of health resource priority setting in NHI.. This study aims to establish a systemic evaluative framework to improve on the health resources priority settings. In answer to the need, analytical hierarchy process and in-depth interviews have been conducted to develop a framework based on Accountability for Reasonableness. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the surveys indicate some criteria and the meaning of the relative weight of each criterion. The results show a discrepancy between the governmental representatives and the healthcare organization ones on the expectation of health resources priority settings. The former focus on relevance, revision and appeals while the latter emphasize publicity and enforcement. According to the findings, this study suggests that an increase of negotiation is necessary to eliminate the discrepancy between the two groups. The government also need to introduce the public the idea of health resources priority settings and to modify the current procedure based on the four factors in Accountability for Reasonableness.

台灣上市櫃證券商經營效率與生產力變動之分析-隨機距離函數之應用 / Operational efficiency and productivity change of listed securities firms in Taiwan-an application of stochastic distance functions

張佩茹, Chang, Pei Ju Unknown Date (has links)
本文採用一階段隨機邊界分析法(Battese and Coelli, 1995)衡量2004 年第一季至2008 年第三季台灣上市櫃證券商的技術效率,並將Orea(2002)提出的產出導向一般化Malmquist生產力指數改寫成投入導向模式,用來分析台灣上市櫃證券商的生產力變動情形。實證結果顯示,小型券商之經營效率平均而言比大型券商之經營效率高,而大部分的證券商都呈現規模報酬遞增的技術狀態,可見台灣上市櫃證券商整體而言規模不夠大,必須設法再擴大至適當的規模方可發揮規模經濟效果。另外,較多的股本雖然理論上具備較強的競爭優勢,但可能沒有適當的決策支持,造成資源浪費反而降低經營效率;股價指數愈高,在相同的投入之下有較多的產出表現且較有能力調整規模至規模報酬較佳的狀況,因而提高經營效率。 / This paper adopts one-stage stochastic frontier analysis (Battese and Coelli, 1995) to measure technical efficiency of listed securities firms in Taiwan from the first quarter of 2004 to the third quarter of 2008. In addition, inspired by the Orea (2002) output orientated productivity model, this paper derives an input orientated generalized Malmquist productivity index to analyze the productivity change of the firms. The empirical results reveal that smaller securities firms are more efficient than larger securities firms in average. The majority of securities firms are operating with increasing returns to scale, indicating that the scale of listed securities firms in Taiwan are generally not large enough, so firms need to enlarge their scale in order to get the effect of economies of scale. Although more capital stocks possess stronger competitive advantage theoretically, without proper strategy to support the firms may waste resources and result in operational inefficiency. Operational efficiency is positively correlated with stock index.

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