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技術特質與知識創新活動之關連研究---以航太業與化工業為例周光耀 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要是以Leonard-Barton (1995)『知識創新之泉』一書為主軸架構,以個案訪談的方式進行。Leonard-Barton (1995)認為公司未來所需的知識,都係由下列四項主要的學習性活動加以創造及控制。這四項活動分別是(1)有創意地共同解決目前產品所產生的問題(2)採用及整合新方法與工具,以提高內部的作業效能(3)進行正式與非正式的實驗,以建立未來能力(4)從外部尋找專門技術。本研究主要是技術特質對知識創新活動的影響作為探討對象。研究發現如下:
第一章 序論 1-1
第一節 研究動機 1-1
第二節 研究目的 1-2
第三節 研究問題 1-3
第二章 文獻探討 2-2
第一節 知識的內涵與創造 2-2
壹、知識的定義與分類 2-2
一、人力資本 2-3
二、結構資本 2-4
三、顧客資本 2-5
貳、知識的轉換 2-6
參、知識創造過程 2-7
第二節 知識創新活動 2-10
壹、問題解決(Problem Solving) 2-11
一、Leonard-Barton (1995) 2-11
二、Tushman and O’Reilly(1996) 2-12
三、Clark & Wheelwright(1993) 2-13
四、Iansiti & Clark(1994) 2-15
貳、實做與整合(Implementing and Integrating) 2-17
Leonard-Barton(1995) 2-17
參、實驗與原型(Experimenting and Prototyping) 2-20
一、Maidique & Zirger(1985)□『從錯誤中學習』 2-20
二、Leonard-Barton (1995)□『向前失敗』 2-21
三、Tushman and O’Reilly(1996)□『犯錯許可證』 2-23
四、John Kao□『即興創意』 2-24
五、Clark & Wheelwright(1992) 2-24
肆、輸入知識(Importing knowledge) 2-26
一、Leonard-Barton (1995) 2-26
二、李仁芳,黃仁宏(民86) 2-28
三、Tripsas, Mary(1997) 2-29
四、Cohen and Levinthal(1990) 2-31
第三節 技術特質 2-32
一、技術知識的複雜性 2-32
二、技術知識的專屬性 2-32
三、技術知識內隱程度 2-35
四、技術的不確定性 2-37
五、技術知識變動程度 2-41
六、技術路徑相依度 2-42
第三章 研究方法 3-1
第一節 研究架構 3-1
第二節 研究變項說明 3-3
壹、技術知識特質 3-3
一、技術知識的複雜度 3-3
二、技術知識專屬性 3-3
三、技術知識不確定性 3-4
四、技術知識變動快慢 3-5
貳、知識創新活動 3-6
一、共同解決問題 3-6
二、執行與整合新工具 3-6
三、實驗與原型試製 3-7
四、外部輸入知識 3-7
第三節 研究設計與資料蒐集 3-8
壹、研究對象選取 3-8
貳、資料收集方式 3-9
一、初級資料 3-9
二、次級資料 3-11
三、個案撰寫 3-11
第四節 研究限制 3-11
第四章 研究個案彙整 4-1-1
第一節 三通航太 4-1-1
第二節 元富鋁業 4-2-1
第三節 利翔航電 4-3-1
第四節 長興化工 4-4-1
第五節 信通公司 4-5-1
第六節 永光化學 4-6-1
第五章 個案分析與研究發現 5-3
第一節 技術知識複雜度與知識創造活動關連 5-3
【個案驗證1-1】 5-4
【個案驗證1-2】 5-6
【次級個案一】 5-7
【綜合整理】 5-8
【異質性該如何管理】 5-9
第二節 技術知識專屬性與知識創造活動關連 5-11
【個案驗證2-1】 5-13
【個案驗證2-2】 5-15
【次級個案二】 5-16
【綜合整理】 5-16
第三節 技術不確定性與知識創造活動關連 5-18
【個案驗證3-1】 5-20
【個案驗證3-2】 5-22
【綜合整理】 5-24
【個案驗證3-3】 5-26
【綜合整理】 5-28
第四節 技術知識變動快慢與知識創造活動關連 5-29
【個案驗證4-1】 5-31
【個案驗證4-2】 5-32
【綜合整理】 5-33
【個案驗證4-3】 5-35
【個案驗證4-4】 5-36
【綜合整理】 5-37
第五節 其他研究發現 5-38
【個案驗證5-1】 5-39
【次級個案三】 5-48
【個案驗證5-2】 5-50
【個案_三通航太□核心能耐的轉變】 5-50
【個案_元富鋁業□核心能耐的轉變】 5-53
【個案_長興化工□核心能耐的轉變】 5-56
【個案_永光化學□核心能耐的轉變】 5-62
【個案_信通公司□核心能耐的轉變】 5-65
【次級個案四】 5-68
第六章 結論與研究建議 6-1
第一節 研究結論 6-1
第二節 研究建議 6-7
壹、對於廠商的建議 6-7
貳、對於後續研究的建議 6-11
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技術知識特質、產品開發團隊與組織動態能耐關係之研究 / The effects of technological knowledge and product development on organizational dynamic capability涂瑞德, Twu, Ruey-Der Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要透過新產品開發專案﹐探討技術知識特質、產品開發團隊與組織動態能耐之關係。研究範圍以台灣光資訊產業產品創新表現優秀的企業為主﹐深入訪談其產品開發專案負責人與核心成員﹐瞭解其產品開發的歷程﹐與組織動態能耐累積的過程。研究結果顯示技術知識生命週期會影響組織知識吸收,當技術知識生命週期位於初生期時,廠商傾向於從大學或研究機構吸收新的知識; 而當技術知識生命週期位於成熟期時,廠商傾向於從零件供應商吸收新的知識。技術知識路徑相依度會影響組織進行知識創造的團隊類型, 當組織進行新技術的研究發展時﹐組織傾向於使用「自主型團隊」進行組織知識創造; 當組織進行激進式創新﹐組織傾向於使用「重型團隊」進行組織知識創造; 當組織進行平台式創新﹐組織傾向於使用「輕型團隊」進行組織知識創造; 當組織進行改良式創新﹐組織傾向於使用「功能型團隊」進行組織知識創造。技術知識複雜程度會影響組織知識蓄積,當技術知識複雜程度高時﹐組織傾向於透過「文件」來蓄積組織知識,反之,當技術知識複雜程度低時﹐組織傾向於透過「人員」來蓄積組織知識。在團隊特質部份﹐當團隊開放性越高越有利於組織知識吸收﹔當團隊自主性越高越有利於組織知識創造﹔當團隊共事經驗越多越有利於組織知識蓄積。至於台灣光資訊產業組織動態能耐累積的模式依照創新類型與能耐來源﹐可以分為1.自主虛擬模式﹔2.自主內部研發模式﹔3.系統合作模式。另外對組織知識吸收能耐的長期投資將有助於組織動態能耐的累積。而台灣光資訊產業的創新類型﹐依零件與架構層次的學習來看﹐主要展現在「漸增式學習」與「架構式學習」的創新類型。至於台灣光資訊產業的創新特色表現則在對於零件應用能力的優異表現﹐而創新表現較佳的產品開發專案多採用「模組式」產品開發程序來縮短產品開發時間。 / This study inquired how technological knowledge and product development influences organizational dynamic capability. We interviewed some project leader or members who are responsible for new product development in the Taiwanese optoelectronics industry to understand the process of product innovation and accumulation of organizational dynamic capability.Our findings show that the life cycle of technological knowledge will influence knowledge absorption of the firm. When the stage of the life cycle is in embryo, knowledge absorption of the firm.
When the firm is inclined to absorb new knowledge from universities or research institutes. Otherwise, when the stage of the life cycle becomes mature, the firm is inclined to absorb new knowledge from component suppliers. Faced with different path dependence of technological knowledge, the firm will organize different project teams to facilitate organizational knowledge creation. The "Autonomous team" usually focus on researching and developing new technology; the "Heavyweight team" on radical innovation; the "Lightweight team" on platform innovation; and the "Functional team" on incremental innovation.
The complexity of technological knowledge will decide how the firm stores its knowledge. High complexity of technological knowledge will make the firm store its knowledge through documents; otherwise it will be stored through people.
The openness of the project team promotes knowledge absorption and high autonomy of project team is beneficial to knowledge creation within the organization. More redundancy among team members facilitates the storage of organizational knowledge. From the point of innovation pattern and sources of capability, we find three types of grouping the accumulation of organizational dynamic capability: Type I is called "autonomy-virtual"; Type II is called "autonomy-in-house" and Type III is called "system-corporate". Our results also demonstrate that
most product innovation in Taiwanese optoelectronics ndustry
focus on "incremental learning" and "architectural earning". They use the "modular" product development model to shorten product development time and strengthen performance in the application of key components.
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臺灣貨幣需求的研究-Hendry's ECM方法的應用 / Research of Money Demand of Taiwan - apply Hendry's ECM methodology林明聰, Lin, Ming Chung Unknown Date (has links)
本文利用Hendry's ECM Methodology的內容,建立台灣貨幣需求模形,並計算其彈性以與國內相關貨幣需求文獻比較。
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離散型動態回復率模型之建構與應用 / Discrete dynamic recovery rate modeling and its application邵惠敏, Shao, Hui Min Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣生技藥物研發公司創業過程之研究 / A Study on the Entrepreneurial Process of Biomedical R&D Company in Taiwan廖碩文 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的研究架構以Timmons Model做為主軸,以機會、資源、團隊做為主要的研究構面,先對個案公司進行靜態的研究構面探討,然後分析其發展的動態平衡過程。 / Because biotechnology sets a trend and creates great value, Taiwan government tries to develop his own biotechnology industry. However, an industry will bloom if most of companies related to the industry are operated well. The objective of this study is to observe and analyze the entrepreneurial process of biomedical R&D companies in Taiwan.
The research bases on Timmons Model that was developed by Timmons for analyzing an entrepreneurial process of a company and consists of three driving forces, opportunity, resource, and team. Every entrepreneurial process of companies in the thesis is observed first according to the three driving forces. Then it is analyzed by using the idea of constant balancing.
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動態規劃數值解 :退休後資產配置 / Dynamic programming numerical solution: post retirement asset allocation蔡明諺, Tsai, Ming Yen Unknown Date (has links)
動態規劃的問題並不一定都存在封閉解(closed form solution),即使存在,其過程往往也相當繁雜。本研究擬以 Gerrard & Haberman (2004) 的模型為基礎,並使用逼近動態規劃理論解的數值方法來求解,此方法參考自黃迪揚(2009),其研究探討在有無封閉解的動態規劃下,使用此數值方法求解可以得到
逼近解。本篇嘗試延伸其方法,針對不同類型的限制,做更多不同的變化。Gerrard & Haberman (2004)推導出退休後投資於風險性資產與無風險性資產之最適投資策略封閉解, 本研究欲將模型投資之兩資產衍生至三資產,分別投資在高風險資產、中風險資產與無風險資產,實際市場狀況下禁止買空賣空的情況與風險趨避程度限制資產投資比例所造成的影響。並探討兩資產與三資產下的投資結果,並加入不同的目標函數:使用控制變異數的限制式來降低破產機率、控制帳戶差異部位讓投資更具效率性。雖然加入這些限制式會導致目標函
數過於複雜,但是用此數值方法還是可以得出逼近解。 / Dynamic Programming’s solution is not always a closed form. If it do exist, the solution of progress may be too complicated. Our research is based on the investing model in Gerrard & Haberman (2004), using the numerical solution by Huang (2009) to solve the dynamic programming problem. In his research, he found out that whether dynamic programming problem has the closed form, using the numerical solution to solve the problems, which could get similar result. So in our research, we try to use this solution to solve more complicate problems.
Gerrard & Haberman (2004) derived the closed form solution of optimal investing strategy in post retirement investment plan, investing in risky asset and riskless asset. In this research we try to invest in three assets, investing in high risk asset, middle risk asset and riskless asset. Forbidden short buying and short selling, how risk attitude affect investment behavior in risky asset and riskless asset. We also observe the numerical result of 2 asset and 3 asset, using different objective functions : using variance control to avoid ruin risk, consideration the distance between objective account and actual account to improve investment effective. Although using these restricts may increase the complication of objective functions, but we can use this numerical solution to get the approximating solution.
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由訴訟模式探討智慧財產研發公司專利運用 —以記憶體產業Rambus、Tessera公司為例 / Research on the operation of patents of intellectual property development companies from the litigation pattern --Case study on Rambus & Tessera in DRAM industry朱仙莉, Chu ,Hsien Li Unknown Date (has links)
半導體產業於台灣經濟發展之推進中佔有關鍵性之地位,隨著台灣廠商在全球產業鏈中扮演的角色重要性與日俱增,難以避免必須因應半導體產業中由智慧財產所造就的新興商業模式,其中,智慧財產研發公司拋棄舊有以生產製造為主之商業模式,開創以知識為本的競爭場域,並挾其智慧財產進行全球化的授權以及訴訟,扮演著遊戲規則的創造者,尤其記憶體產業之兩大智慧財產研發公司Rambus Inc.以及Tessera Technology Inc.,自2000年起不斷於全球提起專利訴訟,對整體產業乃至於台灣廠商帶來無法忽視之影響。
本研究試圖建立分析智慧財產研發公司之架構,亦即由該等公司之策略演進出發,宏觀的了解其於變動的競爭環境中如何發揮企業優勢;其次,以公司策略定位為基礎,進一步推動資源投入之分配,並形塑商業模式的產生;最後,本研究萃取智慧財產研發公司商業模式中較具特色且影響廣泛之訴訟階段,藉由記憶體產業中之個案分析比較之方式進行深入之實證研究,以管窺該等公司之專利運用模式,期能透過提升對於智慧財產研發公司策略定位、商業模式以及訴訟模式之了解,活化企業智慧財產之管理,並提供台灣廠商面對專利授權與訴訟時因應之基礎。 / The revolution of economic activities of human beings has been the force behind the changing format of competition among industries. In the contemporary 21st century, knowledge has become one of the most valuable forces in economic activities; correspondently, the competition strategy of intellectual property also seized much attention. As of today, intellectual property has already been integrated in each and every industry chains and developed into various enterprises which earn profits by operating it.
Semi-conductor industry played an important role in the process of Taiwan’s economic development. As Taiwanese companies claim more crucial roles in the global industry chain, they are inevitably forced to deal with the new business model established by the creation of intellectual properties. Among them, intellectual property development companies have withdrawn from old business model of production and manufacturing and create a new competition field on the basis of intellectually properties. Intellectual property development companies engage in global wide license and litigation, acting as the rule-maker within the new frame of competition. Rambus Inc. and Tessera Technology Inc. are the two leading intellectual property development companies which brought lawsuits internationally since 2000, creating serious impacts on both the entire industry and Taiwanese companies.
This research aims to establish an analytical framework to observe intellectually property development companies, starting from the progress of strategy, try to understand how to exercise their advantages in the ever-changing competitive business world; furthermore, based on business strategies, this research look further into the distribution of resources and the creation of business models; lastly, this research closely examines the litigation phase of the business model of intellectual property development companies by comparative case studies, in order to conclude the operation pattern of patents of such companies. With further exploration on the strategic positioning, business model and litigation pattern of intellectual property development companies, this research provides not only a deeper understanding on the management of IPRs but also a framework for Taiwanese companies to cope with patent licenses and litigations.
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廣義財務模型於保險公司資產配置與破產成本之研究 / Asset allocation and bankruptcy problems of insurance company in general financial models楊尚穎, Yang, Shang Yin Unknown Date (has links)
這篇論文研究跨國投資與監理寬容下保險公司之破產問題,同時論文的相關內容簡述於論文第一章中。第二章研究考慮匯率可預測下對跨國投資人資產配置的影響,結果顯示匯率可預測性能有效的提升投資人期末財富。第三章考慮監理寬容下保險公司的破產問題,在美國破產保護法第11章的架構下,保險人與被保險人之權利義務關係,可利用巴黎式選擇權描述,同時建構保證給付指標來衡量不同監理干預準則,數值結果顯示過於寬鬆的監理準則將導致被保險人的財務損失。第四章探討監理寬容下保險安定基金保險費率問題,依照美國破產保護法第11章的架構,安定基金保費可簡化成2個巴黎式選擇權,結果顯示,當前台灣保險單定基金費率有偏低的情形,建議主管機關訂定安定基金費率時需更加謹慎小心。 / This thesis focuses on the international portfolio selection and the bankruptcy cost of the insurance company under regulatory forbearance. The main theme of this thesis is outlined in chapter 1, which also serves as an introduction to the three papers (appearing here as Chapter 2, Chapter 3 and Chapter 4) collected in this thesis.
In the theme of the international portfolio selection, Chapter 2 investigates the investment behaviors when learning effect is considered. According to the exchange rate predictability, the investor updates his information and adjusts his portfolio allocation. Finally, the numerical results show that the learning mechanism significantly improves the terminal wealth.
In the theme of the regulatory forbearance, Chapter 3 provides an illustration of the impact on the ruin cost due to regulatory forbearance. The concept of the U.S. Chapter 11 bankruptcy code is employed to determine regulatory forbearance. Throughout the framework of Parisian option, a quantitative index of regulatory forbearance called Guarantee Benefit Index (GBI) is developed. The GBI is used to evaluate the different supervisory intervention criteria i.e., relative and absolute intervention criteria. Finally, numerical analysis is performed to illustrate the influence of different financial factors and the intervention criteria.
Another important issue in bankruptcy problem is discussed in Chapter 4, i.e., the cost of insurance guaranty fund. It is important to determine the cost of bankruptcy when the insolvent insurance company is took over by the government. Under the U.S. Chapter 11 bankruptcy code, the cost of guaranty fund can be determined through Parisian options. Results show that the current premium rates of Taiwan insurance guarantee fund are far from risk sensitive. Hence the results suggest the government should more prudent to face the bankruptcy problem in insurance industry.
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展延心靈觀 / On the extended mind唐孝儀, Tang, Hsiao Yi Unknown Date (has links)
心靈範圍在哪裡?以往我們討論心靈議題時,不外乎都是將心靈視為存在於體表之內的一種實體、一種器官或是一種功能,例如:靈魂、大腦、又或者是指包含大腦與所有在體表之內的神經系統。但是,Andy Clark與David Chalmers告訴我們在某些情況下,心靈是可以超越體表而存在的,心靈的界限不是我們的體表;這個立場被我們稱為「外在論」或是「展延心靈觀」。對照於Clark與Chalmers的立場,以往將體表視為心靈界限的立場就被統稱為「內在論」。
本篇論文以Clark與Chalmers於1998年發表的文章“The Extended Mind”為主,透過介紹展延心靈觀的發展背景聚焦於展延心靈觀的主要論點,並且根據Frederick Adams與Kenneth Aizawa對展延心靈觀的批評及Clark、Richard Menary等人所提出的回應讓我們對於展延心靈觀有更深入的討論與理解。最後,由Clark與Chalmers所提到的「社會性的展延心靈(socially extended mind)」回到語言與心靈的討論,透過Clark曾多次在文章與著作中提到俄國語言及心理學家Lev Semenovich Vygotsky的語言理論,試圖連結Clark與Chalmers的主動外在論與Putnam和Burge的傳統外在論,並且進一步地思考展延心靈觀發展性。
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大台北地區利用文創事業導入都市再生過程之研究 / Research on implementing culture and creative industry into urban regeneration process in Taipei metropolitan area張鈞硯, Chang, Chun Yen Unknown Date (has links)
關於再生空間,國內外均有許多實例以文創產業活化閒置空間的案例,但此類再生空間都是以永續經營發展為目標,對於有時限的空間再利用,則鮮少著墨,因此本研究希望了解(1)空間經營組織該如何以文創事業導入都市再生過程中的閒置土地? (2)以文創事業導入都市再生過程中的閒置土地再生空間樣貌為何? (3)空間經營組織在經營再生空間之後,如何建立核心資源?本研究藉由文獻次級資料與報章雜誌的回顧分析,並以都市再生空間為基礎發展出個案研究的基礎架構。選擇之代表研究對象為尚處初步階段的案例,包括城中藝術街區和127公店,希望透過本研究,能給台北都會區發展轉型實務與學術的發展。
本研究初步結論包括:(1) 各組織在動態網絡中,擷取彼此優勢,互賴繁衍生長。(2) 對於使用有年限的再生空間,文創事業不以一般營利為主要導向,給予產業更多靈感。(3)文創事業體的成長是空間經營組織的核心資源。本論文最後進一步提出實務上待克服之地方及後續研究上的建議。 / Due to poor life function of the old buildings, including shortage of public facilities, incomplete security disaster prevention system, and Taipei metropolitan area is force to face urban regeneration which is encouraged by local government and locals. As to the process of urban regeneration, this does not just demolish the old building or reconstruction on the renovation itself, but to show the form of local unique style and charm, to further promote economic vitality by providing growth competitiveness. Therefore, this study wants to be a base for following research in this topic.
There are lots of examples of reusing vacant spaces among domestic and foreign countries, but the goal of managing these spaces is making them sustainable. As for reusing time-limited space, the discussion is not mentioned a lot. The purpose of this study is to understand (1) how do organizations that run the vacant spaces cooperate with culture creative industries during urban regeneration process? And what are their relations? (2) What are the space characteristics during culture and creative industry into urban regeneration process? (3) What are the benefits for the organization participating in urban regeneration, and how can the organizations build core resource such as core competence? Through reviewing of secondary data such as literature newspapers and magazines, this study derives the research structure. The cases of this study are still in the initial stage, including UrbanCore Arts Block and store no. 127. This study is hoping to give Taipei metropolitan area practical and academic development in urban regeneration process.
The study finds: By cooperation with culture and creative business, companies and organizations learn to develop human resources as the main target. Also, as for time-limited space, cultural and creative business is not lean to consumer-oriented, but to give industry more inspiration. Finally, the growth of cultural creative business is also the core resource for the organizations that run the vacant space. In the end, this paper further proposes difficulties on local practice and recommendations on the follow-up study.
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