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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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林松宏, LIN, SONG-HONG Unknown Date (has links)
本文係以審計抽樣α及β風險為研究範圍,旨在探討我國會計師事務所審計人員對α 及β風險之認知程度。α與β風險係一種相對性的觀念,前者涉及審計效率(Effic- iency ),後者則涉及審計效果(Effectiveness ),兩者在認知上之差距均足以影 響審計人員之專業判斷,從而損及其形象、聲譽。 在本文中,首先探討有關審計風險之定義,並探究其形成原因;其次則將審計風險依 抽樣方法與審計程序之不同加以分類,並提出其數量模型,俾使審計人員對整體審計 風險之控制有深刻的瞭解。再者則提出「古典模式」「貝氏決策理論模式」及「貨幣 單位抽樣模式」等有關α及β的控制模型詳加縷述。 本文實證研究係以國內會計師事務所審計人員(分三大與非三大)及審計學術界人員 為受試對象,問卷分三組採不具名方式寄發,回函問卷經整理後採卡方檢定及單因子 變異數加以分析。其研究目的旨在瞭解上述人員對α及β風險之認知程度;以便對國 內審計實務界之專業訓練及學術界之審計教育提出發展改進的方向,並指引出可行的 途徑。

台灣殯葬用地區位之研究--土地使用競租模型的新制度觀點 / A study of the location of funerary lands in Taiwan: review bid-rent models of land use from the new institutional perspective

楊國柱 Unknown Date (has links)
新古典理論探析土地利用區位之決定,純粹從資源與技術因素探討理性人的經濟行為,而忽略經濟活動中人的受限理性因素,以及制度運行的交易成本因素,致無法圓滿解釋殯葬用地區位之形成。本文將抗爭交易成本當成都市地租理論的自變項,嘗試修正Alonso等人的新古典競租模型,並建構適合殯葬設施用途的競租理論,進而分析陰宅之負擔地租能力提高是否入侵陽宅用地,及抗爭阻力大小與殯葬用地區位距市申心遠近之關係。經實證結果發現,由於高額抗爭交易成本之存在,縱使人們對於陰宅需求增加,陰宅之負擔地租能力提高,亦可能無法入侵陽宅用地,迫使開發者往更遠離市中心之區位設置殯葬設施。高額抗爭交易成本隱含制度供給不足現象,同時阻礙了土地資源利用之合理有效配置。其次,殯葬設施設置之抗爭阻力大小與地點距離並無必然關係,顯示忽略交易成本因素,而純粹以地點距離為區位選擇考量的公共政策之缺陷。上開分析不但能深化新古典都市地租理論之意涵,也將有助於對鄰避型設施設置區位問題之掌握與了解,提供改善鄰避衝突公共政策問題之理論基礎。 經藉由交易成本理論觀點,探析殯葬用地區位管理政策之結果,發現我國之政策設計主要係基於確保公共衛生及避免妨害生活環境,於主要法規規範設置地點及距離,而忽略抗爭交易成本之制度因素存在。至於相關法規規範土地使用分區,其禁止設置的分區較多,容許設置的分區較少,有待調整改進。源於上述政策缺陷,本文研擬改進構想,包括賦予抗爭與反抗爭之間更多自主協商空間;強化殯葬設施規劃之人間性與文化性;改革不合時宜之殯葬禮儀文化;以及地方政府應慎選適當地點劃設專用區,供設置經營殯葬設施使用等,如欲落實至應用層面,有待制定法律將改進構想納入其中。 本文共分七章,第一章為緒論、第二章由文獻評述中獲得啟發,以建立分析架構。第三章從殯葬用地區位選擇之發展歷史中,探究在都市發展的過程中,殯葬用地相對於非殯葬用地的區位變遷情形,及其影響此種變遷的制度或非制度因素。第四章檢視傳統新古典區位理論運用於探究殯葬用地區位之限制,並從新制度主義交易成本理論之修正觀點建立本文之研究假設。第五章依研究假設實證估算抗爭交易成本之存在,並比較分析各殯葬設施設置抗爭案例,以了解抗爭交易成本大小與殯葬設施區位之關係及其隱含的制度、經濟與規劃意義。第六章根據實證分析結果,並配套考量行政管制及文化等其他制度因素,進而嘗試研議提供政府從事殯葬用地規劃與管理之參考決策。第七章為結論與建議。 關鍵字:殯葬用地、區位、交易成本、新古典競租模型、新制度主義 / Neo-classicalism explores the decision of the location of the land use by mainly analyzing the human economic behavior through the factors of resources and techniques. However, the theory is not able to explain the formation of the location of funerary lands well because it neglects people are restricted by the factors of bounded rationality in the economic activities and the transaction costs when the institutions is functioning. The paper tries to amend the Neoclassical Bid-Rent Model of Alonso by defining the factor of resisting transaction costs as the independent variable of the urban land rent theory, and establishes the suitable Bid-Rent theory for firnerary facilities. Furthermore, the paper analyzes if enhancing the ability of affording the rent of the firnerary Land will invade the nonfunerary land, the relationship between the degree of resisting obstruction and the distance from the firnerary land to the CBD. Through the identification, the funerary land won't invade the nonfunerary land due to the high resisting transaction cost even increasing the demand and the ability of affording the rent of the funerary land, thus, it will force the developer to establish the funerary facilities far away CBD. High resisting transaction costs imply the lack of system supply and hinder the reasonable and efficient allocation of the land resource use simultaneously. This expose the defect of the public policy for location decision only considering the site distance but neglect the factor of the transaction cost. The above analysis will not only deeply elaborate the Neo-Classical Urban Land Theory, but will also be helpful to understand the issue of sitting NIMBY facilities and to provide the basis of the theory to improve the public policies of NIMBY conflicts. Exploring the administrative policy of location selection through the transaction costs theory,The paper find out that in order to preserve public health and prevent disorder of living environment, the law regulates the site and distance from populous or water conservation areas without considering the transaction costs. In addition, the zoning system concerning the construction of funerary facilities puts more emphasis on prohibition than permission, which needs to be improved. Owing to the policy limitations, the paper proposes the improvement of the policies as follows. First, leave more spaces for negotiation between resistance parties and developers. Second, design the funerary facilities to meet human and cultural needs. Third, reform the culture of funeral rites. Fourth, choose the suitable site and plan special zones to provide the suitable areas for construction and management of funerary facilities. The relevant laws have to be amended or to be established so that the policies suggestion will be put to practice. Keywords : Funerary Lands, Location, Transaction Costs, Neoclassical Bid-Rent Model, Neoinstitutionalism

階級和文化消費關係之探討─以台灣古典音樂文化工業產品消費為例 / The relationship between class and culture consumption: the example of consumption of classical music culture industry's products in Taiwan

蔡雅純, Tsai, Ya Chuen Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣已經成為一個富裕的消費社會。隨著經濟能力的普遍提升,文化產品的消費不再只取決於個人的經濟能力。本研究由質疑三種傳統以經濟特性為主的階級指標談起,並根據P.Bourdieu的階級理論建立起第四種文化的階級指標,認為除了經濟因素的考量外,也必須加上個人文化資本的評估,並將這樣的階級觀討論古典音樂文化產品的消費。   消費高級文化產品向來具有社會區辨的符號性功能;近來受到科技變遷、大眾媒介和市場經濟出現的影響,資本主義商品生產趨勢擴展至文化領域,文化層級呈現模糊的狀態。這種同時來自生產和文化層級的變化影響了階級和文化消費之間的關係,特別是以消費做為階級社會區辨的展示。   針對這種現象,本研究採取政經、歷史分析和深度訪談加以討論,認為有錢並不一定就會有文化,文化消費同時需要購買能力和鑑賞能力,要討論階級和文化消費的關係必須採行文化階級指標的新階級觀;同時類似像古典音樂之流的高級文化仍舊被多數人視為社會區辨的標的,只是不應淪為假意的模仿。

諾齊克政治哲學研究 / Political Philosophy of Robert Nozick

沈中皓 Unknown Date (has links)
當代美國哲學家諾齊克(Robert Nozick, 1938-2002)於1974年出版了《《無政府、國家與烏托邦》(Anarchy, State, and Utopia)一書,全書從對個人道德權利的關注出發,論證了一個正當的國家必須建立在保障個人權利的基礎之上,而唯一能夠在道德上被證成的國家,乃是一種最低限度的國家(the minimal state)。本文旨在分析諾齊克於該書中對於個人權利、國家功能、價值選擇等等看法的適切性,並對其論證過程進行檢驗。   本論文主體共分為三個部分:第一個部分論述諾齊克對於個人權利的證成,包括以權利邊際限制的觀點來對康德的道德原則進行詮釋,以及個人權利體現於財產權而產生的賦予權利理論,特別是其根據洛克的但書所建立起來的財產獲取觀點,筆者提出了若干質疑;第二個部分則檢視了諾齊克所主張之最低限度國家如何在道德上得到證成,包括諾齊克對於無政府主義以及功能更多之國家理論的回應;第三個部分探討的是諾齊克所提出,以最低限度國家做為一種烏托邦架構的可行性,此種以國家價值中立論旨為核心的觀點,引發了關於公民認同的爭議,卻也展現了諾齊克對於個人權利至上性的關注。   身為承襲古典自由主義傳統的哲學家,諾齊克的政治哲學展現了對於個人權利的重視,同時也使得當代學界在探討其他議題的同時,不得不正視個人權利的概念。儘管諾齊克放任自由主義的立場實屬光譜之極端,然而對應到當今世界對於人權的普遍重視、以及市場經濟透過全球化所展現的活力,在在都顯示出諾齊克的觀點與當前時代的精神有著相當程度的吻合之處。

俄白聯盟之研究─以新古典現實主義的角度探討 / The Union of Belarus and Russia-From the View of Neoclassical Realism

王大維, Wang, Ta Wei Unknown Date (has links)
於1991年底蘇聯解體後正式獨立的白俄羅斯共和國,其與俄羅斯之間特殊的地緣政治因素、經濟上的依存關係、相近的種族文化與歷史傳統,促使兩國建立相較於獨立國家國協(Содружество Независимых Государств, СНГ/ Commonwealth of Independent States, CIS)更為緊密的政治、經濟、軍事、外交組織,亦即使兩國走向整合的白俄羅斯─俄羅斯聯盟(Союз Беларуси и России/ Union State of Russia and Belarus)。自1996年4月始,時任白俄羅斯總統的盧卡申科(Лукашенко, Александр Григорьевич, Alexander Grigoryevich Lukashenko)與前俄羅斯總統葉爾欽(Ельцин, Борис Николаевич, Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin),就俄白聯盟簽署一系列協議,諸如《俄白共同體組織條約》(Договор об образовании Сообщества Беларуси и России)、《俄白聯盟條約》(Договор о Союзе Беларуси и России)、《關於進一步整合宣言》(Декларация о дальнейшем единении России и Беларуси)、《兩國公民權利平等條約》(Договор между Российской Федерацией и Республикой Беларусь о равных правах граждан)、《建立國家聯盟經濟共同體協議》(Соглашение о создании равных условий субъектам хозяйствования государств-союзников)和《建立聯盟國家條約》(Договор о создании Союзного государства)等,朝俄白整合目標邁進的條約。 然俄白聯盟自成立之初至今,負面批評不斷,且除了在軍事同盟上兩國具有較為成功的碩果外,其他領域均無突破性的進展。此外,俄白雙方兩次的油氣之爭與白俄羅斯兩次經濟危機俄羅斯態度不明的事件,使俄白整合蒙上陰影。另一方面,歐盟與北約的東擴,明顯以白俄羅斯、烏克蘭與喬治亞等前蘇聯衛星國為主要拉攏目標,在此國際因素影響下,如何解釋俄白雙方政府仍決定繼續俄白聯盟,是為此論文關注的焦點,並試圖以新古典現實主義的角度,由個案研究的途徑,分析解釋並預測俄白聯盟的發展。 / After the Soviet Union disintegrated, post-communist countries in East-Central Europe were either divided (the USSR, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia) or were reunited (the German Democratic Republic with Federal Republic of Germany). Meanwhile, these countries developed different patterns of association. Some of the newly independent states joined the European Union and NATO, while others formed the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) at the collapse of the USSR. Six of the former Soviet member states established the Collective Security Organization. Five of them established the Eurasian Economic Community. Four of them—Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Ukraine—formed the Single Economic Space. Among these nations, Belarus and Russia have built the closet relationship, first with a “Community” and then a “Union” in 1997. Belarus sits between Europe and Russia, but history shows its ambiguous leaning towards the latter. The country had been incorporated in the Russian Empire for two hundred years, and later also in the USSR. Belarus was also the Slavic republic that supported the USSR the most its the referendum on a “renewed union” held in March 1991. Furthermore, the referendum in November 1996 reconfirms the Russia-leaned stand of Belarus, which differs from other former Soviet member states in Middle-East Europe. Despite conflicts between the two countries and the political advancement from the West, Belarus and Russia still tend to compose Belarus-Russia Union on international platforms. This research focuses upon several analytic factors from the viewpoint of Neoclassical Realism, including ethnology, culture, geopolitics, economy, security, political interests, international environment, and leadership factors to examine the relationship between Belarus and Russia.


張, 帆 25 March 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(法学) / 甲第21516号 / 法博第233号 / 新制||法||165(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院法学研究科法政理論専攻 / (主査)教授 中西 寛, 教授 奈良岡 聰智, 教授 鈴木 基史 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Laws / Kyoto University / DGAM

Let there be sound : a development of a noninvasive auditory prosthesis using infrared neural stimulation / 聴覚の再建 : 赤外光神経刺激を用いた非侵襲人工内耳の開発 / チョウカク ノ サイケン : セキガイコウ シンケイ シゲキ オ モチイタ ヒシンシュウ ジンコウ ナイジ ノ カイハツ

玉井 湧太, Yuta Tamai 22 March 2021 (has links)
本論文の目的は、外科手術を必要としない、非侵襲人工内耳の開発である。スナネズミを対象とした基礎研究からヒトを対象とした応用研究まで包括的に行うことで、赤外光レーザー刺激を用いて音声知覚を再現する刺激手法の確立を目指した。スナネズミを対象とした実験によりレーザー刺激が生み出す音の「聞こえ」を明らかにし、ヒトを対象とした実験で、レーザー人工内耳で言語知覚を生み出す刺激アルゴリズムを提案した。 / This study aimed to develop a laser auditory prosthesis that can produce intelligible speech perception by stimulating auditory nerves from the outer ear. I investigated laser-evoked auditory perception using Mongolian gerbil. Subsequently, I synthesized a CMS based on animal research using Mongolian gerbils as a simulated sound of the laser auditory prosthesis to propose a speech encoding scheme using laser stimulation. The results showed that all human participants could comprehend the CMS contents by replicating the original sound's formant frequency transition and amplitude envelopes, suggesting that laser auditory prostheses with the CMS could restore speech perception. / 博士(工学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

由現實主義論國際法律規範 / On International Legal Norms: the Viewpoint of Realism

譚偉恩, Tan,Wei-en Unknown Date (has links)
現實主義的理論特色在於偏好以權力的角度理解國際政治(特別是國家的行為)並且認為在一個處處充滿衝突的無政府狀態體系中,國家是最主要的分析單元。惟類此觀點不僅是一般研究者對於現實主義的誤認,更是現實主義對自我認知的不完備。雖然現實主義將法律或規範置於權力的概念之下,認為國際法只是國家可有可無的一項工具,但事實上國際法律規範與權力卻經常彼此相互影響。 本論文之目的並非要否定現實主義,而是欲對之進行修正及反省。由國際秩序此項議題作為起點,作者處理了下列幾個問題:首先,在國家所組成的國際社中,現實主義維持秩序的策略及其效果為何?其次,若此方法不具成效或有所疏漏,吾人是否有其它的選項可供作為維持國間家往來關係穩定與和平的方法?藉由探索國家創建國際法律規範的原因以及國際法的法源等諸問題,吾人發現國際法律規範之創立往往並沒有一套如同國內法那般正式且專責的機制,但被國家承認為規範或被接受為法律者的方式(例如:國家間的共識),卻不可反駁地存在於國際社會,在這些形成法律規範的方式中,國家(或其他行為者)可以清楚的認知到規範內容中所要求的義務與責任。 因此,儘管現實主義認為國際法不具重要性,但吾人仍應探就國家為何有時願意遵守法律規範的原因。並且設法釐清在現實主義是項研究典範中不同流派的現實主義理論,對於客觀存在的國際法律規範之評價與認知。基於現實主義並非單一的理論而是為一研究典範,故本文在內容上分別從古典現實主義、結構現實主義(包括守勢與攻勢兩種現實主義)、新古典現實主義,以及較為一般人忽略的英國學派等現實主義理論的派別中去探討國際法律規範在國際政治中的地位及功能。文中指出,長期以來人們對於現實主義的理解受限於權力政治這樣的標籤,從而視現實主義與國際制度或國際法為水火而不相容!但事實上,採用現實主義理解國際關係,不意謂著就必須對國際法持以否定的態度。毋寧,在現實主義與國際法律規範之間,存在的不是一種絕對的互斥關係。非結構理論型的現實主義,如古典現實主義,對於國際法即是採取正面肯定其功能的態度。 當瞭解現實主義的秩序觀及其維持秩序策略(權力平衡)的疏漏所在之後,本文解釋了國際法律規範形成的原因以及不同流派現實主義理論對於它的評價和觀點。接著,作者就國際政治的變遷情形做了觀察和檢驗,國際政治自冷戰結束後有了鉅幅轉變,雖然體系的本質依舊如昔,即由主權國家所組成的無政府狀態體系;但是體系內部已有了不同以往的發展和變革。舉例來說,全球化現象已經從經濟領域擴展到政治和文化等其它層面,並向傳統的國家主權及其權力提出挑戰。其它諸如民族分離運動、環境生態等問題也對冷戰後的國際政治造成衝擊,這些影響主要體現在:行為體之間高度的互賴性、行為體之間差異性的擴大,以及對國際法律規範的迫切需要。上述事實使得傳統現實主義以國家作為主體的國際政治體系正朝向一個近似中世紀主義的新政治體系在形成。在此體系中,國家將喪失其原本在體系中的優勢主導性地位,而國際法律規範的發展也將相應的有所提升及調整。 事實上,並非所有行為者的行為皆忠實反映現實主義關於國際法無用論的主張。學者布爾即就國際法律規範所具有的三項政治性功能來解釋國際政治與法律規範間的關係:一、幫助國家認同與瞭解在他們彼此間所形成的「社會」事實;二、在國家和其他行為者間定訂一套基本的互動規則;三、裨益國際社會的成員達成進一步的共識與承諾。結論指出,國際法律規範是國際政治中一項不可獲缺的部分,為了克服傳統現實主義及以結構理論為核心的現實主義在解釋上的不足,「國際社會」的概念必須被深入瞭解和應用在現實主義的理論建構中。同時,吾人應投入心力展開對全球性議題的研究,例如:人權與環保,因為在這些領域中,一項現實主義最為核心的思考—國家主權的獨立與完整,將會遭遇到越來越多的挑戰並使國家藉口主權作為脫逸國際法律規範的可能性大為減低。 / The characteristic feature of Realism is its use of the power concept to explain the course of international politics (especially the behavior of state). The primary unit of analysis is the State which is regarded as operating in an anarchical system dominated by conflict. However, both notions above are misunderstood not only by general students, but the partial of Realism itself as well. Although Realism aligns norms or law with power in so far as international law is considered a tool at the disposal of the most powerful. Yet international legal norms and power also frequently do interact actually. This thesis doesn’t mean to deny the value of Realism, instead, tries to modify and introspect its viewpoints. Starting at the issue of international order, there are several tasks having been done: what is the strategy for Realism to keep order in the society of states and how does it work? Then, if the way for keeping order in Realism wasn’t constructive or in vain, do we have other choices to retain the relationship among the states stable and peaceful? By way of finding out why the states created international law and what the sources of international law are, we can think that the making process of international legal norms and norms itself don’t possess one formal mechanism responsible for law creation like the domestic law, but there are recognized and accepted methods by which legal norms or rules came into existence, for example, the consent of states. In those methods the precise content of legal norms can be identified by states (or other actors). Despite, therefore, the realist perspective deems international law to have no significance in its own right but we still have to seek to ascertain why do the States obey international law sometimes, if not always, but at least. And make it clear to know what the appraisal and perception in different schools under the Realism Paradigm. As we have known the Realism is not a single theory but a research paradigm, the author investigated respectively the different schools of Realism; they are Classical Realism, Structural Realism (including Offensive and Defensive Realism), Neoclassical Realism and Realism in English School. As the content points out, people whose stereotype of Realism has been limited to power politics are used to thinking that international institutions (and regimes) or international law is incompatible with the Realism, usually. However, it’s not absolute for us to consider that Realism turns down international law necessarily. For one instance, Realism without using structural concept, like Classical Realism, takes the positive attitude toward the role and the functions of international legal norms. After realizing the Realism’s conception of order and what the flaw of its strategy (Balance of Power) to maintain order is, this thesis then mentioned about the reasons why international law is created, and how different school under the Realism Paradigm evaluates international law. Following up, the author inspected the change in international politics. In the post Cold War era, though the nature of international system is still like what it used to be, a Anarchical system, the different and new phenomena do really happen. Globalization, for instance, is one momentous challenge to the sovereignty of States and their political power. The rest like separatist movements, environmental problems are also influential to international politics. The central issues of those influences are the interdependence among actors, the dissimilarities among actors and the yearning for international legal norms. Under the perceptions like this, the traditional state-centric international system of Realism has been being toward a Neo-Medieval system. In that system, state actors will lose their predominant and leading stand. On the other hand, the development of international legal norms will adjust itself to the new world and become more important. In fact, the behavior of international actors does not seem to bear out the realist assumption of the impotence of international law. Bull, for example, explains the international law-international politics relationship in terms of three political functions fulfilled by international law: to identify the idea of a society of sovereign States, to state the interactive basic rules of coexistence among States and international actors, and to help mobilize compliance with the rules of international society. As the conclusion in this thesis pointed out, international legal norms is one part of international politics. In order to overcome the inadequacies of the traditional and structural realist interpretation, the concept of ‘International Society’ must be dealt and applied explicitly and deeply in constructing theory of Realism. Meanwhile, people should spend more time researching the global issues, such as human rights and environmental protection, because in these sectors, the most core of realist thinking, independence and integrity of sovereignty, will get into plight and encounter more and more challenges, and the possibility for the States to get rid of international legal norms in the name of sovereignty becomes less and less.


李丹, LI,DAN Unknown Date (has links)
有關相對價格離散度之研究,最早源於新古典學派二分法則(Dichotomy Paradigm), 認為實質因素的變動,與名目因素二者截然劃分。但自Mills(1927) 起,即發現相對 價格離散度和名目的物價上漲率間並不獨立,而呈現正相關的現象。由於相對價格的 變動引起生產、消費決策的變動,因而名目外生干擾是否造成相對價格離散,並進而 影響實質變數,乃成為總體理論一項重要課題。 在過去的文獻中,Vining & Elwertowski(1976),Parks(1978),Blejer(1981),He- rcowitz(1981),Blejer & Leiderman(1982),及Fischer(1982)的實證研究,與Luca- s(1973),Barro(1976),Hercowitz(1981,1982) 及Cukierman(1982) 的理論分析, 大都發現通貨膨脹或非預期的通貨膨脹皆將導致相對價格離散度增加。而大部分的實 證研究皆利用各市場間的資料進行分析。近年來 Domberger(1987)及Hoomissen(1988 ) 則強調市場內通貨膨脹與價格離散度的關係。 本文第一部分利用民國59年至78年台灣地區躉售商品物價指數中的各項商品物價指數 ,根據 Domberger的方法,分析各市場內與市場間相對價格離散度與通貨膨脹的關係 。全部的商品共分為二十四個市場,計量方法為 Nonlinear Seemingly Unrelated Estimation。另外,再根據Saxonhouse(1977)提出的二階段迴歸分析步驟,探討造成 各個市場相對價格離散度與通貨膨脹二者的關係是否受到各產業市場集中度,以及市 場內產品數影響。 本文第二部分利用Blejer & Leriderman(1982) 模型,分析台灣地區相對價格離散度 與國外 (美國) 相對價格離散度二者之間的關係,並探討國際間通貨膨脹的傳遞。


鄭玉卿, Zheng, Yu-Qing Unknown Date (has links)
第一章為緒論,第一節敘述本文之研究動機與目的,第二節為本文的結構。 第二章為古典判別分析法之概述,共分四節,分別簡介幾種判別分析的基本理論,並 就常態母體導出基判別函數。 第三章為無母數的判別分析法,共分四節,分別敘述四種不同的方法。 第四章為等級判別法特性之探討,是本文重點之一,共分五節,其中並與其他方法加 以比較。 第五章為應用蒙第卡羅方法研究結果,亦是本文探討之重點,從各表格中可看出等級 法、等級轉換法和常態理論判別法之間其精確度各為何,在何種情況下較適合那一種 方法。 第六章為結論,是綜合以上各章所討論的結果,並以個人研討之心得,對這幾種判別 方法作一評述。

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