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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

大潭電廠睦鄰回饋金執行成效之研究 / The study of Refund Mechanism of Dan-Tarn power plant

張美蓮 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣自從解嚴後,民主政治邁向多元發展,社會運動因環保意識抬頭,民眾對於爭議性公共設施設置大多持反對態度,以致有抗爭與自力救濟行為的產生,即為「鄰避情結」。而開發業者為求建廠順利興建與永續經營,是以制度性的回饋方式作為解決策略,以消弭當地民眾對於鄰避設置所產生負面外溢效果與環境影響。基於此,台電公司在電源短缺的情況下,為使電力開發順利進行,特別設置「台電公司促進電力開發協助金審議委員會」並訂定執行要點,統籌辦理睦鄰回饋業務,其政策目標在於提昇地方建設外,並增進當地居民的福祉。但是回饋機制是否合理適切?是否能達成睦鄰回饋的政策目標?是本文研究關注的焦點。 本論文的分析分成兩大部分,其一是以開發業者因公共設施興建導致的負面 外溢效果與環境影響,對所在地居民造成的衝擊有彌補之職責;另一部分,回饋金對所在地提供公共建設之規畫興建、維修與營運及促進產業發展等公益活動運用是否能符合多數人的期望。 根據此一電力設施設置為研究對象,並以大潭燃氣火力發電廠於90年間由北部施工處進駐,並自94~98年期間1~6號機興建至開始商轉之睦鄰回饋制度的個案分析作為研究,在此除了相關文獻及回饋金執行制度之回顧外,台電公司為提昇企業形象及善盡社會責任,並就建造大潭發電廠周邊地區之公共建設回饋金建立制度流程,主動積極協助地方建設,期能將協助金真正用於地方,以帶動地方繁榮;並增進當地居民福祉。

台灣股票市場的產業外溢效果 / Spillover of industry effect in Taiwan stock market

張孟溢, Chang, Meng Yi Unknown Date (has links)
We investigate the spillover of industry effect in Taiwan stock market. Using a generalized vector autoregressive where forecast-error variance decompositions are invariant to variable ordering, we objectively propose measures of both total and directional spillovers on return and volatility daily data. In full-sample analysis, there is a heavy spillover effect in the interaction between stock market and industries. The stock market acts as a receiver from the information diffused from the industries, but the industries could not be confirmed as spillover outputer or inputer. The rolling-sample findings also pinpoint the high spillovers during the financial events. Finally, conducting the robustness test, we divide the sample periods into subperiods and switch the daily data toward weekly and monthly data, then obtaining the consistent results with prior inference.

中國大陸的改革開放與經濟成長 / The Structural Reforms and Economic Growth in Mainland China

楊忠城 Unknown Date (has links)
本文利用介入模式分析中共改革開放所造成的經濟結構之轉變,並建構包含軍事、非軍事政府、及私人等三部門的生產函數,來探討其與經濟成長之間的關聯性。實證結果顯示,改革開放使得中國大陸由閉關自守的內向型經濟轉為高貿易依存度的外向型經濟,經濟體制由計劃經濟邁向多元經濟成分共同發展的市場經濟,整體投資環境獲得改善,而軍事支出雖持續增加,但相對於高經濟成長,其軍事支出規模卻是下降的。此外,中共的經濟成長主要來自於積累率的提昇、公部門支出的正面影響和外溢效果、及國際經濟關係的開放,而技術變遷和勞動投入之成長的影響並不顯著。 / This article proposes intervention model to analyze the structural change of China’s transitional economy. We identify the relationship between economic growth and structural change by using the production functions from military, nonmilitary, and private sectors. The results indicate a more market-oriented economy and changing relationship between private and public ownership will continue to drive China toward modernization. In contrast to high economic growth, although military expenditure is still increasing but its relative scale is declining. The main sources of China’s economic growth are from the increase of accumulation rate, the positive and spillover effects of public expenditures, and the liberalization of international economic relations. Especially, much of China’s growth has come from producing goods for foreign trade. While on the other hand, the impacts of technological change and increased labor inputs are not significant in this study.

生產者服務業知識外溢效果-以台北都會區為例 / The spillover effect of R&D on producer services industries in Taipei metropolitan area

劉科汶, Liu, Ke Wen Unknown Date (has links)
隨著知識經濟時代以及全球化的來臨,各國都市面臨全球性的競爭壓力,都市內部業種轉變為以服務業為業種主流,其中的生產者服務業更是成長快速的新興產業,更是適應全球化發展策略的重要產業。因此了解其聚集的成因將更具有時代的意義。產業聚集於都市的現象,傳統聚集經濟多以規模經濟、地方化經濟、都市化經濟為其解釋。近來,由於知識經濟的重要性,衍生出以知識的創新效果以及外溢效果來解釋產業的聚集現象。本研究利用空間距離的影響性來估計產業內知識外溢效果,並利用產業投入產出關聯係數估計產業間知識外溢效果,並採用分量迴歸來進行實證分析,以利於更詳實的解釋各知識外溢效果在於不同公司規模下的影響性。 研究結果發現,投資於R&D要素對於公司的成長並沒有顯著的影響,甚至對於中小型公司為負向影響。產業內知識外溢效果方面,對於各公司規模皆有正向的幫助。產業間知識外溢效果則呈現對大規模公司有正向幫助,對中小規模公司則為負向效果。在知識經濟時代下,兩種知識外溢效果確實有助於大規模公司的成長,為產業聚集的重要成因之ㄧ,但對於中小規模公司則有不同的效果產生。因此在促進產業發展的區位規劃設計上,需要考量不同規模公司與不同知識外溢效果的相互關係,以便有助於生產者服務業的發展,建立更具有國際競爭力的都市型態。 / Facing the developing economics of knowledge and globalization, Taipei metropolitan area has faced the issue of industrial restructuring. The strategy for globalization is to develop the producer services (PS) sector, in order to improve higher competitiveness to the city. The theory of agglomeration economics includes scale economics, localization economics and urbanization economics. Nowadays, spillover effect is considered as the most important reason that industries agglomeration develop in urban areas. This paper analyzes two categories of R&D spillover effect in the PS sector of Taipei metropolitan area by quantile regression. The spatial distance and the Input-Output table are used to calculate the intra-industrial and inter-industrial spillover effect, respectively. The result shows that investment in R&D has a negative effect to firm’s output. Firms with any scale benefit from the intra-industrial spillover effect incomplete. The inter-industrial spillover effect analysis shows that only the bigger scale firms can get the positive benefit, the smaller scale firms get the negative effect. The research analyzes different kinds of R&D spillover effect, and the result show that there are different effects among different conditions. In sum, this research suggests that the disposition of industrial location should consider both the scale of firm and the different spillover effect. As above, utilizing the R&D spillover effect is an important factor to develop the PS sector and to construct the global city.


萬幸真, Wan, Janet H. Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 本研究探討證交所實施盤中撮合取消兩檔限制、盤中瞬間價格穩定措施、收盤改採五分鐘集合競價、揭露未成交五檔的買賣委託價量等措施後,是否對期貨市場的績效指標,包括流動性、波動度與市場效率等產生變化,亦即考量台灣交易制度與市場結構與國外的差異性後,市場間是否存有外溢現象(spillovers);此外,本研究亦檢視期貨對現貨的領先關係是否隨著現貨市場的交易限制減少及市場透明度增加而出現變化,本研究劃分研究期間為五個區段,分別是91年4月1日 ~ 91年6月30日、91年7月1日 ~ 91年7月26日、91年7月29日 ~ 91年9月30日、91年7月1日 ~ 91年9月30日與92年1月1日 ~ 92年4月09日,以探討這些新措施本研究的主要發現與研究結論如下: 1. 市場成交量與波動度均出現先增後減的現象,在假設總體經濟情勢無重大變化的前提下,現貨市場制度改革會對期貨市場造成影響,適度的透明度有助於提高市場一般流動性交易者的交易動機,但當市場的透明度提高到某一種程度時,反而會降低資訊內部人在公開市場的交易意願。 2. 傳統流動比率(ALR)與變異數比率在研究期間不存有顯著差異,顯示現貨市場的制度改革,並未對期貨市場的整體市場效率帶來改變。 3. 在領先落後關係上,期貨市場受現貨市場的影響力逐期減小,主要有以下可能解釋,分別是衝擊市場訊息屬於全面性(market wide),台灣現貨市場有平盤以下不得放空的規定限制現貨市場對壞消息的反應能力、期貨市場自從開市以來就已有揭露最佳未成交五檔買賣價量資訊的措施、以及現貨市場後期由於缺乏這些資訊內部人的參與而使其對新資訊的反應仍然不如期貨市場快速。 4. 現貨市場受期貨市場的影響呈現先增後減,表示投資人在制度實施初期對新制度尚不熟悉,導致現貨市場出現短暫無效率的現象,但在2003年1月的揭示未成交最佳五檔買賣價量制度實施後,現貨市場變的更加透明化,使其對期貨市場前期新資訊的依賴程度已大幅減少。 5. 期交所於2002 / 07 / 29更改盤中之撮合方式,將由原本每十秒集合競價撮合一次之方式改為逐筆撮合,對期貨的市場市場並未造成顯著特殊的影響。 關鍵字:外溢效果、領先落後、交易制度改革、市場績效指標、VECM-GARCH、衝擊反應函數、Granger因果關係檢定、Johansen共整合 / Abstract The Taiwan Stock Exchange adopted four main trading mechanisms. (elimination of the two up/down tick, intra-day volatility interruption, 5-min closing call auction, and disclosure of the best five bid/ask price and volume) This paper investigates the spillover effects on TAIFEX after considering the special market microstructure and trading systems in Taiwan. The major findings are as follows: 1. Trading volume and return volatility increase first and then decrease, under the assumption that ‘ no significant macroeconomic changes ’, spillover effects exists.

台股報酬波動與訊息到達之關係研究 / Relationship between Return Volatility and Information Arrival in the Taiwan Stock Market

王英明, Wang,Ying Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本文以 GJR-GARCH 為分析模型,針對所選八家台灣上市公司股價所計算之每日對數報酬率(daily log returns),對於各種不斷到達的新增訊息所引起的波動反應。所納入條件變異數方程式的訊息到達(解釋變數)分別為:(1)同日成交數量(2)成交量變動率(3)星期一與星期五之日曆效應(4)不同權值規模(size-based)投資組合間的波動外溢效果。研究結果發現(1)同日成交量對於台股權值較低的小公司,有能力捕捉其波動性,但是對於權值偏高的大公司,其解釋能力顯有不足(2)成交量變化普遍會導致公司報酬率的波動(3)臺灣股市波動性並不具有星期五效應,至於星期一效應也只出現在部分的小公司(4)不同規模的投資組合間雖然互有波動外溢現象,但其不對稱性非常明顯, 亦即訊息到達後,先造成大公司股價的波動,此波動再進而影響到小公司,引起小公司股價的波動。 / Applying the GJR-GARCH model to the daily returns of eight selected firms from Taiwan stock market, this paper examines response of variance volatility to various information arrivals which separately include (1) concurrent trading volume (2) change in trading volume (3) calendar effects, especially Modnay and Friday effects, and (4) asymmetric volatility spillover between two sized-based portfolios. The results find that concurrent trading volume as a proxy of information arrival dramatically reduces volatility persistence of the small firm's conditional variance, but has little influence on large firm's, and change in trading volume cause significant change in conditional variance. Although there is a conjecture that the volatility in stock markets may be higher on Monday and Friday, it can't be found in this study. The results also strongly support that the volatility spillover effect from larger to small portfolio is more significant than that from smaller to large portfolio.


汪欣寧 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用亞洲九個國家,自1995至2005年共十一年的資料,以固定效果模型對外人直接投資進入模式的外溢效果進行估計,探討外人直接投資進入模式與國家的勞動生產力之間的關係?另外,本文也研究外人直接投資的進入模式在高低技術及高低收入國家間是否會產生不同的外溢效果?   實證結果發現,跨國併購的行為剛進入時,並不會帶來顯著的外溢效果,然而只要一國的人力資本達到一定的門檻時,跨國併購便會為地主國帶來正向的外溢效果。而外商新建投資,可為當地市場產生正向的外溢效果。而透過技術能力的增進後,外商新建投資會帶來正向且顯著的外溢效果。 其次,在中低收入(技術)國家,外商新建投資透過人力資本的加乘後,也會產生顯著的正向外溢效果。 / The research adopts eleven-year of information from nine different Asian countries to evaluate the impact of spillover effect from the entry mode of foreign direct investment (FDI) on the national labor productivity. That is to construct a fixed-effects model studying, utilizing the information from nine Asian countries on FDI flows from 1995 to 2005. Moreover, the research also test the different spillover effect of entry mode between high-tech/high-incomed and low-tech/low-incomed countries. The empirical result shows that when first initiates a cross-border mergers or acquisitions, it doesn’t obviously result in the spillover effect. Thus, a country will has higher productivity of cross-border mergers and acquisitions, only when it has a minimum threshold stock of human capital. The foreign greenfield investment may have the positive spillover effect over the local market. And the higher the technology ,the higher the positive spillover effect of the foreign greenfield investment Lastly, in a low-tech/low-incomeed country,it will has higher productivity of foreign greenfield investment, also when it has a minimum threshold stock of human capital.

服務業創新成功因素之研究-以我國銀行業為例 / A Study of Success Factors of Services Innovation Based on Bank Industry in Taiwan

闕河楠, Chueh, Her Nan Unknown Date (has links)
關於製造業其新產品的成功因素,國內外學者早已做過廣泛的研究,亦提出許多寶貴的結論與建議。反觀服務業創新成功因素這方面的研究,一直到1980年代後期,學者才開始對新型服務採用實證的方法來進行研究。而專門針對「服務業的創新成功因素」來探討的,則是一直到1991年才開始。   本論文主要探討在探討下列問題:   一、了解服務業業者如何衡量新型服務是否成功?其衡量的變數有那些?最主要的衡量指標又是什麼?   二、經由文獻探討與個案訪談的結果,得知新型服務的成功關鍵因素為何?   三、經由個案分析的結果,發展本研究之命題。   本研究係採用個案研究的方法,透過文獻整理與訪問四家銀行所得到的五個個案,歸納出的主要結論有:   一、衡量新型服務績效的方法中以「營業收入與市場佔有率的績效」最常為業者所使用,其次為「競爭性的績效」與「外溢效果」,至於「成本績效」的衡量,則較少為業者所使用。   二、「新型服務的開發過程」的各項活動的執行品質,對新型服務績效的影響甚鉅。因此,在推出新型服務時的業者應力求行銷、技術和上市的活動執行品質之提高。   三、「服務或專案的性質」這個構面來看,其主要的關鍵因素為服務的獨特性和優越性,其次為產品╱市場的配合。而在「服務的特性」這個構面中,只有服務的專業化是影響新型服務成功與否的關鍵因素。

外人直接投資於中國大陸電子業之外溢效果與生產效率分析 / An analysis on foreign direct investment, spill-over effect, and production efficiency of Chinese Electronic Industry

郭芳倩, Guo, Fang Cian Unknown Date (has links)
現今世界趨勢已朝向全球整合的方向邁進,隨著科技日新,世界各國跨越地域隔閡,不論是在政治、經濟、科技、文化等各方面往來接觸愈來愈頻繁,中國大陸近年來與世界經貿關係連結更為緊密,同時亦對外開放直接投資,使跨國企業逐漸擴大進軍中國大陸之版圖,享受中國大陸豐沛之廉價勞動力。 然而,開放外人直接投資(Foreign Direct Investment, FDI)勢必為中國大陸相關之產業或總體經濟帶來某種程度之影響,儘管外人直接投資可帶來充沛之資本及先進之技術,但亦有可能加劇國內市場競爭,不利於本土廠商。 本文運用1998-2006 年「中國工業企業統計數據庫」中之電子業廠商,建構追蹤資料模型(Panel Data),並運用隨機邊界法(stochastic frontier approach)估計中國大陸本資、台港澳資及外資企業生產效率,藉以衡量FDI之外溢效果。根據實證結果我們發現:中國大陸電子業之外人直接投資存在正向外溢效果及正向之技術移轉,顯示FDI之進入將有助於提升中國大陸電子業本土廠商之生產力。此外,我們同時發現FDI集中投資的結果將可能造成外溢效果的減低,除此之外,經濟區位亦是影響外人直接投資所帶來之外溢效果及技術移轉效果之重要因子之一。 / Global integration is the world trend nowadays. With the breakthrough of technology, the geographical barriers no longer exist. It would be much closer with other countries in many fields, such as politics, economics, technology and culture. In recent years, China has a closer economics and trades linkage with the world. As the results of openness to foreign direct investments, more and more multinational enterprises enter to China, expanding their scale and being benefited from the low-cost labor of China. China is benefited from the plentiful capital and advanced technologies of foreign direct investments; however, the openness to FDI might cause the competition which can aggravate in domestic market and hurt the domestic firms. The research uses the data of electronic firms from Chinese Industrial Enterprises Database. We apply panel data model and stochastic frontier approach to estimate the production efficiency of Chinese, Taiwanese, Hong Kong, Macanese and Other foreign enterprises. According to the empirical results, we discover that there are positive spill-over effects and technology transformation from foreign direct investments in Chinese electronic industry. These results indicate the entry of FDI will promote the productivity of Chinese electronic firms. Beside the positive results, we also discover the negative deduction stem in concentrated investments; furthermore, the spill-over effects and the technology transformation effects are affected by the economic location.

服務業聯合品牌策略與聯合品牌服務成效對於品牌權益影響之研究 / A study of the influence of service brand equity from co-branding strategies and service performance of the co-brand

彭書婷, Peng, Shu-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,企業開始利用聯合品牌策略、以合作的方式有效提升自身的品牌權益;學術界亦有許多關於聯合品牌的研究,但多專注於產品導向品牌應用該策略的效益,少有以服務導向的聯合品牌為研究對象。本研究從消費者的觀點探討服務業進行聯合品牌策略時,其本身與合作夥伴不同層級的品牌權益組合與聯合品牌服務成效對於企業本身、合作夥伴以及聯合品牌品牌權益的影響。   本研究透過4 x 2準實驗設計的方式進行假說驗證。首先,透過前測篩選出消費者心中最熟悉且兩者之間適配度最高的雞排店與手搖飲料店做為研究情境的素材;進一步操弄四種品牌權益組合(高高、高低、低高與低低)以及聯合品牌的服務成效(成功與失敗),形成八種實驗問卷,共回收257份有效樣本;最後以配對樣本T檢定以及雙因子變異數分析做為研究方法進行資料分析,本研究的研究結果證實: 一、品牌權益組合對於聯合品牌的品牌權益具有顯著影響:   當二母品牌皆具高品牌權益時,該聯合品牌品牌權益將低於合作前二母品牌的品牌權益,反之,聯合品牌的品牌權益將比合作前二母品牌都高;當合作前兩母品牌的品牌權益為一高一低時,聯合品牌的品牌權益將介於二者之間。 二、品牌權益組合對於各母品牌有顯著影響:   當企業與具備較高品牌權益的夥伴合作時,該企業的品牌權益將於合作後提升,反之則下降;當兩企業皆具高品牌權益時,合作後二者品牌權益皆會下降,反之,合作後兩者的品牌權益皆會上升。 三、聯合品牌服務成效對於各母品牌與聯合品牌的品牌權益有顯著的正向效果。 四、品牌權益組合與聯合品牌服務成效之間不具備交互效果。 / Recently, the companies start utilizing the co-branding strategy to efficiently enhance their brand equity. This concept also appear on the academic paper, which focus on most product-intention brands but seldom service-intention ones. This research is to clarify the effects of brand equity mixes and service effects to the mother brands and the co-brand after the co-branding strategy in the aspect of consumers. This research examines the hyposises by 4 x 2 quasi-experiment design. First, after executing the pre-test, this research picked fried-chicken and soft drink stores as the matirials of experiment situation. Then, this research designed 8 versions of questionnaire to manipute 4 brand equity mixes and the service performance of the co-brand. The amount of efficient samples is 257 and the research methods are pair-T test and two-way ANOVA. The research results are: 1. Brand equity mixes have significant effects of the co-brand’s brand equity: When two mothers’ brand equity is both high, the co-brand will be lower than its mothers; in contrast, when they are both low, it will higher than them. When one mom is high and the other is low, the brand equity of the son will be between the two. 2. Brand equity mixes have significant effects of the mother brand’s brand equity: When the company co-operate with the one with higher brand equity, its brand equity will rise after co-operating. When both companies are high, they will drop after co-branding; in contrast, when both are low, they will rise. 3. Service performance of the co-brand has significant positive effects to all parties. 4. Brand equity mixes and the service performance of co-brand have no interaction.

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