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社會網路結構與消費外部性孫立政, Sun, Li-Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
Phan (2003)等人的研究首先採用網路結構的觀點,來進行在獨占市場下的消費行為分析。本文延伸Phan等人的研究,採用多樣性的不同網路結構,特別是以「無標度網路」(scale-free)作為市場背後的網路結構,藉此來探討網路對於市場需求行為的影響。同時,為了有效地進行量化分析,我們建立了一些數學公式,以便能夠精準地比較不同網路對於需求面的影響程度,其中包含了消費者剩餘、雪崩效果和磁滯效果等。在實驗結果中,我們發現網路結構的確會影響到消費行為的表現,並且當市場規模變大時,仍存在著一些因網路不同而有的差異性。 / The economic implications of network topologies are studied via a monopolist's model of market networks originally proposed by Phan, et al. (2003). By embedding the market into a larger collection of network topologies, in particular, a class of scale-free networks, we extend the early analysis built upon a class of ring networks. To facilitate the study of the impacts of network topologies upon market demand, various measures concerning social welfare (the consumer's surplus), the avalanche effect, and the hysteresis effect, are formally established. Comparisons based on these measures show that network topologies matter, and their implied differences will remain even when the network size becomes large.
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消費者心情對產品屬性偏好及產品態度之影響研究夏康寧, Xia,Kang-Ning Unknown Date (has links)
研究三指出不同的心情意識,可能是心情循不同路徑對態度產生影響的關鍵。研究三的結果顯示,當心情意識是屬於動機式時,人們對於自己心情的來源有所意識和歸因時,心情對於商品態度的影響,是透過認知歷程,也就是屬性重視程度的偏好與廣告訴求之搭配,來達到效果,亦即所謂的間接影響。而心情意識屬於背景式時,心情只是一種背景氛圍式的存在,人們對於自身心情沒有特別的意識與歸因,心情的歡欣與不悅便會直接反應至態度的好壞,也就是所謂的直接影響。 / The purpose of this research is to understand the effect of moods on consumers’ attitudes, purchase intention, and cognition of product attributes. This research included three studies, and all the hypotheses in the three studies were examined by experiments. In the experiments, respondents’ moods were elicited by short films or music, and the cognition of product attributes and attitudes toward the product were measured.
In study one, the relationship between consumers’ moods and their weights on product attributes were probed. The result of study one show that consumers in good mood incline to focus on the extrinsic attributes more than intrinsic attributes; the consumers in bad mood incline to pay more attention to the intrinsic attributes than extrinsic ones. For the neutral mood respondents, there is no difference between the intrinsic and extrinsic attributes in their decision weight. Therefore, this study show that moods indeed influence the cognition of product attributes.
Following study one, study two discussed the effect of consumers’ cognition that biased by moods on their attitudes toward products. The results show that when consumers in some moods and have certain tendencies to emphasize intrinsic or extrinsic product attributes, the advertisement that fits to their concerns can induce better attitude than that doesn’t fit. For example, consumers in good mood favor products appealing extrinsic attributes, such as brand and word-of-mouth. On the other hand, if happy consumers see the intrinsic attributes appealing advertisement, such as function and volume, they won’t appreciate those advertisement and products.
Study one and two discussed the process that mood influence attitude through cognition. However, according to the literature and life experience, there is another process that mood influences attitude directly and isn’t involved any cognition element. Study three tried to establish a framework to delineate these two processes. The results of study three indicated that mood awareness is the critical factor that influences whether mood influence mood directly or via cognition components. When the consumers are under motivational mood and can aware the sources of moods, the mood effect is indirect and involved cognition elements such as study one and study two. On the other hand, when consumers are under backdrop mood and doesn’t aware the source of mood, the mood can reflect to the attitude directly.
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台灣上市電子公司外部監控機制、高階管理團隊特性與經營績效關係之研究葉宗仁 Unknown Date (has links)
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健康、人力資本與經濟成長──國際比較研究 / Health, Human Capital and Economic Growth:An International Comparison Study陳美蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來國外探討健康人力資本對經濟成長影響的相關研究雖有漸漸增加的趨勢,但國內對這方面的研究仍然很少。因此,本研究藉由OECD國家與我國經濟快速成長的經驗,採用Cobb- Douglas 生產函數為基本類型,應用 1993至2003 年間追蹤資料進行實證研究,以探討健康人力資本、教育人力資本、及實物資本等生產要素個別在經濟成長中的影響力、貢獻率、及人力資本的外部經濟效果。實證結果顯示,各生產要素中,以人力資本對OECD國家與我國經濟成長的貢獻率最大。人力資本中又以健康人力資本貢獻率最大,其次是教育人力資本,最後是人力資本的外部經濟效果。高所得組國家健康人力資本貢獻率雖然低於低所得組國家,但高所得組國家人力資本存在外部經濟效果,藉由其外部經濟效果可使其教育人力資本及實物資本貢獻率均相對提高,而低所得組國家健康人力資本的貢獻是直接反映在其健康人力資本上,所以並不存在外部經濟效果。 / In recent years, the studies of the relationship between health human capital and economic growth are gradually increasing. However, it is still very few studies in Taiwan. Accordingly, this study adopts Cobb-Douglas production function and uses panel data from 1993 to 2003 of OECD countries as well as Taiwan to conduct an empirical study. The aim of this study is to explore the influence, the contribution rate and the human capital external economy effect of the healthy human capital, the education human capital, and the physical capital grows in the economy respectively.
The results of this study show that the human capital contributes most to the economic growth of OECD country and Taiwan. Especially, the human capital in health human capital is the largest factor, education human capital is the second, and the human capital external economy effect is the next. Although the contribution rate of health human capital of high income country group is lower than the low income country group, the high income country group human capital has the external economy effect. However, the contribution of healthy human capital in low income country group directly reflects in health human capital, therefore the human capital does not have the external economy effect.
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台灣儀器產業經營模式與成長策略關係之探討莊映輝 Unknown Date (has links)
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發行海外可轉換債個案之研究 / Study of European exchangeable bonds吳玲綾, Wu, Doris Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要目的擬以台灣某上市司所發行海外可轉換交換債為例,探討海外可轉換交換債作為我國上市公司財務工具的可行性、作業、管理及其成本效益。海外可轉換交換債,是現代財務衍生的一項籌資工具,在台灣尚不算極普及的財務工具應用。國際企業身處在一個整合和變動的世界經濟活動中,如何利用台灣上市公司的企業利基,運用海外可轉換交換債取得國際資金和資金成本效益。本研究選擇以探討海外可轉換交換債作為我國上市公司財務工具的可行性,並且深入了解其必需具備的各項企業條件及選擇可轉換標的決策考量,探討發行海外可轉換交換債的各項法規限制及發行海外可轉換交換債的國際金融環境,以研究發行海外可轉換交換債的應用及其成本效益,了解組織財務管理及發行海外可轉換交換債的各項作業與決策管理,並透過海外可轉換交換債與其它財務工具的成本效益比較海外可轉換交換債此項財務工具的實質效益。 / The main purpose of this thesis is to discuss the possibilities, operation, management and cost-effectiveness of European Exchangeable Bonds by using a Taiwanese listed company as an example. European Exchangeable Bonds is a modern financing tool that it’s still not a popular application in Taiwan. However, international corporations are in integrated and dynamic world economic activities. We’d like to discuss how to use the advantages of the Taiwanese listed company to make use of European Exchangeable Bonds to get international funds and make profit on cost of capital. The research would choose a company as instance to discuss in deep about the feasibility of European Exchangeable Bonds and the considerations of issuing European Exchangeable Bonds. We will research the restrictions of issuing process and the international financing environment and to discover the application and operation cost effectiveness of European Exchangeable Bonds, and then compare practical benefits between European Exchangeable Bonds and other financing tools.
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服務導向架構投資專案的轉換策略:應用實質選擇權 / Switching strategy of service-oriented architecture investment project:applying real option approach馮秉義, Feng, Ping Yi Unknown Date (has links)
More and more enterprises plan to switch their legacy system to service-oriented architecture (SOA). SOA, the focus of recent software-engineering, modulizes the IT components as “services” which could be re-jointed with each other flexibly and reused to avoid building parts repeatedly. This methodology also yields network externalities (Katz and Shapiro 1986; Markus 1987) as a number of services are integrated. An enterprise could increase the number of services to earn network externalities but such benefits come with risks. / This study aims to evaluate the investment of SOA and justifies the switch of current systems to SOA. Since SOA investment is usually a long-term and risky project for most enterprises, uncertainty becomes an important evaluation factor of an SOA project. This research applies the real option approach to evaluate an SOA switching project which majorly justifies the uncertainties, and use Monte-Carlo simulation to do the option pricing work. We consider three components of uncertainty in the model– risk, exercise time and number of connecting services for reusing- and evaluate how the uncertainty relates to the value of an SOA project. Finally, this research deduces the investment strategies under uncertainties, and describes what advantages for real option SOA has which are SOA could reduce the investment friction.
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台灣生技製藥業之新藥開發流程-開放式創新管理觀點劉孝從 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來全球醫藥市場競爭越來越激烈,歐美製藥產業面臨:1.暢銷藥品專利即將到期、2.新藥產品生命週期縮短、3. 研發支出與產出不成比例、4. 健保藥價之削減,過去傳統藥廠以垂直整合方式開發新藥的方式已無法負荷艱困的產業環境。因此,開發新藥方式已從過去垂直整合轉向產業分工的方式,減低風險,提升新藥開發成功機會。因此,吾人可以預測這些廠商必須借用大量的外部資源才能快速地推出新藥。
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論傳媒外部性及其政治:檢視《壹週刊》 / A treatise on media externality and its politics: Assessing the next weekly李郁青, Li, Yu Ching Unknown Date (has links)
外部性是衍生自主流經濟學的概念,其測量無法不涉及量化指標(如貨幣),惟本研究亦闡明:該概念之內涵不可能、亦不應該完全以量化標準來看待;就此檢討後,本研究參照公法學教授Edwin Baker所提之十種傳媒外部性類目,同時酌量採納傳播效果研究的部分成果,提出本研究分析傳媒外部性的類目指標,並試圖使經濟學與傳播研究在對話中,能豐富各自的內涵。
透過相關文獻的檢視與分類,並針對《壹週刊》內容所創生的外部性予以歸納分析,本研究將歷來對於傳媒外部性的回應方式,分做三類八種。第一類是指行政立法部門的「傳播政策」回應,又可略分為宏觀結構管制(傳播哲學、產權與財源的確立)、微觀結構管制(庇古稅及津貼)、經由政府授權以形成三方對傳媒的共管,以及對傳媒內容的規範等;第二類則為民事與刑事等對於特定傳媒內容之「司法仲裁」回應;第三類回應則涉及「市場規則」,又可略分為媒體素養課程之推廣、媒體監督組織的運作、及傳媒與外部性承受者間的私下協商等。由於傳播政策可以是統合或中介前述三類回應的關鍵,本研究最後就公共政策介入以創生優質傳媒環境的作用,提出初步的反省。 / During the production and consumption process of media content, a certain ‘media externality’ is inevitably created that may benefit or harm the third parties who actually are not present in the market exchange relationship between the producers and their audience. Therefore it’s reasonable to conceive ‘media externality’ as one aspect of communication effects, and as a factor that contributes to market failure, as such, this thesis suggests that we employ ‘media externality’ as a conceptual tool bridging ‘communication research’ and ‘media-policy research’ in a way that both disciplines can contribute to each other.
To measure ‘externality’, it’s not possible that quantitative indicators such as ‘money’ be not invoked, meanwhile it’s neither desirable nor feasible if economic calculation or consideration exhausts what we mean by ‘media externality’. Having established this methodological principle, and in addition to bringing in relevant communication effect researches, the author builds and expands upon Edwin Baker’s categorization and proposes my own framework for measuring ‘media externality’. It is hoped that communication science and economics can enrich respective tradition via this dialogue.
The ‘Next Weekly’ is then subject to a careful investigation and its externality is subsequently assessed. In all, to deal with media externalities, three models with eight variants can be discerned. To begin with, there is a ‘policy dimension’ comprising macro-structural regulation that attends to communication philosophy, arrangements of media property rights and finances of media production. The second policy element is of a micro-structural regulation nature, including Pigouvian tax or subsidy. Also, the state may stipulate that its regulatory power be shared with the industry and the audience’ alike. The second model indicates civilian or criminal lawsuits. Lastly there is a market response to media externality, be it the promotion of media literacy, operations of media watch groups or individual victim’s compromise with the media. This thesis ends in a reflection, since by its definition communication policy is bound to step in all the other variants, that evaluates the relationship between public policy and a more healthy media ecology.
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從外部顧客的觀點評估國際機場網站之優使性:一個跨國的比較研究 / A usability evaluation of international airport website from the external customers' perspective : a cross-national comparative study周昱丞 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對臺灣桃園國際機場等六座機場之英文版網站進行內容分析及網站優使性測試,發現多數評估對象之網站內容或功能並無顯著之差異,然而,經研究者彙整優使性測試評分、受測人員之優使性測試意見及關鍵參與者之訪談內容,本文建議臺灣桃園國際機場英文版網站應優先改善航班資訊之編排方式及檢索方式,及提升購物、飲食店家資訊之完整性;其次,色彩、字型、字體大小等視覺傳達介面優使性評估指標亦應納入改善項目,並落實各語言版本之一致性及內控機制之建立,以優化使用者對臺灣桃園國際機場英文版網站之使用體驗,進而提升使用者對臺灣桃園國際機場之信賴。此外,本研究期待公部門於推動電子化政府發展過程中,在追求行政效能及便民服務品質的同時,亦能提升對網站優使性的意識,進而協助政府評估網站使用效能,創造良好的網站使用體驗。 / Airports play a decisive role in the supply chain of aviation industry. As a gateway of one country, an international airport manifests a nation’s competitiveness through the service standard of its software and hardware facilities delivering to its external customers. Today, Internet has become a main media for people to pass on, to share and to acquire various pieces of information, which makes the official website of an international airport an important extending platform for the authority to conduct customer relationship management. Therefore, what an international airport website represents is not just the image of a certain airport, but also the facade of one country. Under this circumstance, how to meet the needs of external customers during their first reach of an airport website so as to increase their visit motivations has become a primary issue while webmasters designing webpages.
In this study, the researcher chose English version websites of six international airports, including Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport, to conduct content analysis and website usability. The result shows that there are no significant differences among tested websites; however, after collecting usability test scores, participants’ opinions, and reviewing key actors interview, this thesis concludes and would suggest Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport to firstly improve the layout arrangement of flight information, retrieval method, and elevate the completeness of shop and dining information. Secondly, visual communicate interface, such as color, fonts, font size and so on, and content consistency among different language versions should be enhanced and an internal control mechanism, which aims at maintaining that consistency, should be built to utilize the user experience so as to advance the credibility of Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport. On top of that, this study expects to raise the awareness of website usability among all government sectors, who are developing and promoting e-government policy, to also include website usability into the core concept of webpage design while pursuing administrative efficiency and quality of citizen services and, furthermore, to assist Government to conduct website evaluation in order to create a smooth and customized user experience.
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