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穩定性與多重性-以二部門體系動態調整方式為例 / Stability and indeterminacy --the dynamic adjustment of two-sector economy連科雄, Lian, Ke-Shaw Unknown Date (has links)
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金融契約與廠商投資之研究-股價資訊、抵押品的實質效果 / The Theoretical Studies of Financial Contracts and Firms' Investment Decisions-The Real Effects of Stock Price Information and Collateral林育秀, Yu Shou Lin Unknown Date (has links)
本論文包含兩篇獨立但主旨相關的文章, 目的均在探討融資契約與廠商投資的關聯,以分析融資契約的實質效果。第一篇文章「股價資訊外部性與新投資之採行」研究權益證券(股票)集訊、揭訊功能的實質效益,我們由股價資訊公開所產生的外部效果,分析股價資訊效率性與廠商投資效率之間的關聯。在1.眾多異質廠商,2.投資具實質選擇權(real options)特性的假設下,內生化廠商與股市交易者的資訊取得決策,發現1. 均衡時廠商的投資與資訊取得決策取決於廠商技術水準與股價效率性之高低:高股價效率性時,無廠商取得新資訊,皆根據股價判斷投資,低股價效率性時,僅較低技術廠商根據股價資訊投資。2. 股價有額外的資訊揭露效果:由於廠商僅能獲得新資訊的部份效益,且廠商利用資訊有機會成本,將投資證券化可提高新資訊被揭露的可能性,使得資訊可被充份利用,提昇投資效率。3. 股價資訊可提增投資效率,增加廠商期望報酬,但當體系平均技術水準落後,新資訊的實質效益低落時,股價資訊公開的外部淨效益亦趨薄弱,故經濟發展初期,股市資訊公開的外部效益相對不重要。
第二篇文章「抵押品、財務槓桿與廠商投資」研究借貸契約中,抵押品舒緩借貸限制的作用,及其可能產生的實質效果。我們採用Williamson(1986,1987)的狀態確認成本模型(costly state verification model),在該訊息不對稱模型,廠商向外融資面臨借貸限制,僅較高自有資金廠商可獲融資。當借貸市場資金相當寬鬆,資金供給恆大於資金需求,資金成本(無風險利率)為一由模型外因素所決定的外生參數時,抵押融資不影響資金成本,此時抵押品具有舒緩借貸限制的作用,體系財務槓桿提高,期望查帳成本下降,投資的期望淨產出增加。若資金相對緊俏,無風險利率須由借貸市場均衡所內生決定時,長期而言,財務槓桿僅受體系資金寬鬆程度的影響,短期間抵押融資雖能提高財務槓桿,但隨槓桿之提高,資金需求增加,無風險利率上揚,在新的均衡,較低自有資金廠商投資的期望報酬下降,借貸利率上漲,反而增加其應負債務,資產狀況惡化,此即本文所欲突顯之抵押融資的潛在成本。
第一章 緒論 3
第一節 研究動機 3
第二節 研究內容與架構 5
第二章 文獻回顧 7
第一節 融資契約的功能 7
第二節 金融結構與實質經濟活動 13
第三節 股價資訊與廠商投資 18
第四節 抵押品與廠商投資 22
第三章 股價資訊外部性與新投資之採行 27
第一節 前言 27
第二節 基本模型 29
第三節 期中股市均衡與股價效率性 35
第四節 股價資訊外部效益 41
第五節 小結 46
附 錄 47
第四章 抵押品、財務槓桿與廠商投資 53
第一節 前言 53
第二節 基本模型 55
第三節 抵押融資模型-資金寬鬆時的抵押品效果 62
第四節 抵押融資模型-資金緊俏時的抵押品效果 66
第五節 小結 70
第五章 結論 72
第一節 研究限制 72
第二節 未來研究方向 77
參考文獻 79 / This dissertation collects two separate but related papers, both study the channel through which financing contracts can affect firms' investment decisions and the corresponding real effects. The first paper " Informational Externality of Stock Prices and Firms' New Investment Decisions" analyzes what real benefits the information acquisition and signaling function of stocks can produce. From the viewpoint of informational externality, stock prices may disclose some valuable information beneficial to firms' investment decisions. Under the assumptions of " heterogeneous technology" and "new investment as a real option", this paper finds 1. Firms' investment and information acquisition decisions are determined both by their own technology level and stock prices efficiency. With high price efficiency, no firms acquire information directly, all make investment decisions based on stock prices. With low price efficiency, most firms acquire information directly, only few low-tech firms make decisions according to stock prices. 2. Stock prices have additional signaling effect. Firms can ony get half benefits of new information, besides they have opportunity costs in using information. As a result, stock prices can enhance the possibility of information disclosure, improving investment efficiency. 3. When the economy is underdeveloped and the real benefit of new information is small, the net benefit produced by informational externality will be tiny. The stock prices externality effect is thus comparatively unimportant at the beginning stage of economy.
The second paper " Collateral, Financial Leverage and Firms' Investment"analyzes the constraints-smoothing function of collateral and its real effects. By adopting Williamson's costly state verification model(1986,1987), I find that with this specific asymmetric information structure, there are financing constraints in capital markets, only firms whose own capital inputs are higher above some level can get borrowed capital. The question is " Can offering collateral smooth this kind of financing constraints?" In markets with abundant capital where capital supply always exceeds demand, capital cost(riskless interest rate)will be an exdogenously-determined parameter which won't be affected by collateral financing. In this scenario, collateral can smooth financing constraints, increase financial leverage and improve the net expected return of investment. On the contrary, if capital is not so abnudant that the capital cost should be determined endogenously by capital market equilibrium, then in the long run this economy's financial leverage depends only on the relative abundance of capital. Though collateral financing can increase financial leverage in the short run, as capital demand increases, capital cost will also increase. This will offset the initial smoothing effect of collateral. After full adjustment of capital cost, at the new equilibrium the financial leverage remains unchanged. However, the expected return of firms with lower own capital inputs become smaller, and their borrowing rates become higher which mean they have heavier debt burden and less net worth at the new equilibrium.
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企業社會責任認知及企業志工參與對組織公民行為之影響 / The influence of perceived corporate social responsibility and voluntary participation on employees’ organizational citizenship behavior張妤禎, Chang, Yu Chen Unknown Date (has links)
企業社會責任(corporate social responsibility,簡稱CSR)的概念與實務發展在近年來已成為一門企業永續經營的顯學。本研究認為,有別於一般組織外部利害關係人的觀點,身為內部觀察者的員工身分具有特殊性,不僅較外部利害關係人更接近公司核心,亦有機會參與公司的企業社會責任政策制定與活動。因此,本研究旨在建構一研究模型,以員工觀點了解企業社會責任認知及企業志工參與對組織公民行為之影響過程與結果,包含探究員工對企業社會責任認知與企業志工參與程度是否與組織認同有正向影響?員工企業社會責任認知與組織認同是否為知覺外部聲望所中介?當員工組織認同提高時,是否增進其工作滿足、組織承諾、顧客導向?
本研究以Kim et al.(2010)所提出的企業社會責任影響員工企業認同模型概念為基礎,並拓展員工可能展現的反應及工作態度構念,以便利抽樣法回收有效紙本問卷201份、有效網路問卷115份,共計獲得316份樣本。經由驗證性因素分析與結構方程模式(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)分析後得出研究結論如下:
4.顧客導向、工作滿足和組織承諾皆與組織公民行為有正向的影響關係,其中顧客導向和組織承諾的影響力皆大於工作滿足。 / The increasing development of corporate social responsibility has become a prevalent concern for business sustainability practices. In comparison to the viewpoint of outside stakeholders, employees play unique roles for their company for two reasons: (1) employees are closer to corporate core business (2) employees participate more easily in CSR activities and policy formulation. Therefore, this study aims to establish a model to understand how employees’ perceived CSR and participation in employee volunteer program (EVP) relate to their organizational citizenship behavior. This study also investigates whether perceived CSR and EVP participation has positive effects on organizational identification; whether perceived external prestige mediates the relationship between perceived CSR and organizational identification; and whether organizational identification acts as the antecedent of job satisfaction, organizational commitment and customer orientation.
The model concept is based on the model of CSR and employee-company identification established by Kim et al. (2010), and modified by adding some employees’ attitude constructs. The survey, conducted by convenience sampling, consists of a total of 316 participants whose companies have EVP. Utilizing confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM), the results are as follows:
1.Perceived external prestige is a partial mediator between perceived CSR and organizational identification. Meanwhile, perceived CSR positively affects perceived external prestige, and perceived external prestige has positive relationship with organizational identification.
2.The relationship between EVP participation and organizational identification is positive, which means employees tend to identify with their company when they are mentally satisfied by CSR activities.
3.Organizational identification positively affects variables, such as customer orientation, organizational commitment and job satisfaction.
4.The attitude factors that positively affect employees’ organizational citizenship behavior include customer orientation, organizational commitment and job satisfaction. Further, the impact of customer orientation and organizational commitment are greater than job satisfaction.
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歐洲聯盟移民政策之研究:以歐盟外部邊境巡防協調管理局的角色與功能為例 / Immigration policy of the European Union: A study on the Frontex李美姿, Li, Mei Tzu Unknown Date (has links)
歐洲聯盟共有27個會員國,克羅埃西亞將於2013年成為第28個歐盟會員國,歐洲聯盟自1952年成立後,已替歐洲帶來了半世紀的和平、穩定及發展,並榮獲2012年度諾貝爾和平獎,在第二次世界大戰後的重建工作及在1989年柏林圍牆倒下後,長期擔任團結凝聚歐洲、促進和平、和解、民主及人權的角色,除發行歐洲單一貨幣歐元外,並逐步建立歐洲單一市場,撤除歐盟內部邊界,讓人員、商品、服務和資金能自由流動,卻也導致非法移民可利用其邊境管制的疏忽而進入歐盟境內,造成歐洲各國的社會治安問題。不論是合法移民或非法移民,「移民」對歐洲聯盟各國的社會治安、種族文化及民族融合確實帶來不可小覷的影響,隨著歐盟內部人員可以自由在各國間移動,歐洲聯盟各會員國開始重視移民政策,穩定歐盟內部安全、加強歐盟外部邊界管制及打擊非法移民也日益重要,移民已經不再只是單一國內的問題,它廣泛的牽涉到跨國移民問題的類型,歐盟各國除將移民問題提高到歐盟層次的議題上,共同協商統籌規劃更詳盡的移民政策外,並成立歐盟外部邊境巡防協調管理局,共同管理歐盟外部邊境安全,透過結合各國的警力,提高邊境管制和緝捕的效力,改善非法移民或難民所產生的問題(例如跨國犯罪、毒品、人口販賣等),以達遏止非法移民入境的效果。本文將透過瞭解歐盟移民政策制定的發展過程及因素,藉以窺探歐洲移民政策目前現況,並透過研析其政策內容及成立歐盟外部邊境巡防協調管理局之政策法源,探討歐盟外部邊境巡防協調管理局於歐盟移民政策實際執行面上扮演之角色、功能與其重要性,以了解歐盟外部邊境安全共同管理之成效。 / European Union is composed of 27 member states. Croatia will become the 28th of the Europe Union (EU) member state in 2013. The European Union established in 1952 has brought Europe peace, stability and development for fifty years, and was awarded the 2012 Nobel Peace Prize. During the period of the post-World War II reconstruction and the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989, the EU serves as an important role to bring Europe together and to promote peace, reconciliation, democracy and human rights. The creation of European single currency and the formation of single market develop the free flow of goods, services and capital around the EU. However, it raises security issues while illegal immigrants exploit freedom of movement within the EU. Whether legal immigrants or illegal immigrants do bring underestimated impact on security and cultural and ethical integration issues. With the free movement of people within the EU, the member states have started to focus on the immigration policy in order to stabilize the internal security, to enhance the control of the external border and to fight against illegal immigration. Immigration issues are no longer just single domestic problems, but it is widely involved in the type of transnational migration. The EU member states see immigration issues at the EU level and coordinate the planning of the immigration policy, and establish the European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States of the European Union (Frontex) to co-manage the EU external border security. The support of the national police force to improve the effectiveness of border control and the warrant of arrest ease the problem of illegal immigrants or refugees (such as transnational crime, drugs, human trafficking, etc.) to achieve the effect of curbing illegal immigration. This paper observes the current situation of the European immigration policy based on the study on the development of EU immigration policy-making process and factors. Through the analysis of policy and the law and treaties of founding the Frontex, this paper also examines the role and function of Frontex on the implementation of the EU immigration policy to understand the effectiveness of the co-management of the EU external border security.
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關係相關多元化與工作相關多元化對團隊歷程與團隊績效之影響 / The Effects of Relation-oriented and job-related Diversity on Team Processes and Team Performance黃櫻美, Huang, Yin-Mei Unknown Date (has links)
團隊多元化(team diversity)指的是團隊成員於人口統計屬性(如性別、年齡與種族)或潛在特性(如人格特質、工作態度或工作價值觀)上之分配情形與差異程度,或可稱之為團隊異質性(team heterogeneity)。過去實證研究雖指出團隊多元化可對團隊結果產生不同方向與程度之影響,但對於不同類型多元化與不同團隊結果間之關係仍缺乏較完整之探討。本研究將團隊多元化區分為關係相關多元化(relation-oriented diversity)與工作相關多元化(job-related diversity),其中,再進一步將關係相關多元化分為表象多元化(surface-level diversity)與深層多元化(deep-level diversity),目的在釐清各種多元化屬性之異同處。同時,本研究另將團隊結果分為團隊歷程與團隊績效。與過去研究不同的,本研究不僅探討團隊內部凝聚力,更將團隊多元化連結至外部歷程-外部活動(external activity),以檢視多元化與外部活動間之關聯性。
研究結果發現,深層多元化與團隊凝聚力呈負相關,且深層多元化對團隊凝聚力之負向影響大於表象多元化。表象多元化與外部活動呈負相關,且表象多元化愈高之團隊,其團隊績效愈低。同時,工作相關多元化對外部活動與團隊績效呈正相關。由此可知,不同類型之團隊多元化可對不同團隊結果造成影響,當團隊之關係相關多元化愈高時,其團隊凝聚力愈低;而當團隊之工作相關多元化愈高時,其團隊績效愈高。因此,在探討團隊多元化與團隊結果之關係時,須仔細地思考關係相關與工作相關多元化是否會對特定類型結果產生影響,方能有助於團隊多元化研究成果之累積。 / Team diversity refers to the differences and heterogeneity of the team members’ attributes that people use to tell themselves that another person is different. Diversity is traditionally conceptualized in terms of visible differences in age and gender. Individuals may also differ on less visible characteristics such as level of education, tenure, personality, and attitude. Past research had investigated the relationship between diversity and team outcomes, however, conclusive findings of the effects of diversity on team processes and outcomes still do not exist. There is a need to develop a theory to explain the complexity of diversity and team outcomes. In this study, we adopted Jackson, May, and Whitney’s (1995) argument, offering a distinction between relation-oriented and job-related diversity, in which the former represents diversity attribute that are easily detectable or underlying and likely to evoke others’ socioemotional responses. Furthermore, relation-oriented diversity is categorized as surface-level and deep-level attribute. The former is defined as biological characteristics that are typically reflected in physical features, the latter is the differences among members’ attitudes, beliefs, and personality. To understand the impact of different types of diversity in team outcomes, this study links diversity to team cohesiveness, performance, and a new outcome, external activity.
According to social categorization and social identity theories, relation-oriented diversity is negatively related to team cohesiveness, external activity and team performance. Whereas the social categorization perspective explains the relationship between relation-oriented diversity and team outcomes, the information/decision-making and cognitive resources perspectives focus more on job-related diversity. The information/decision-making and cognitive resources theories propose that variances in job-related attributes have a positive impact through increase in the skills, abilities, information, knowledge, and confidence that diversity brings, independent of what happens in the group process.
There are 62 team leaders and 280 engineers, totally 62 teams, responding to the survey. We distribute different questionnaires to leaders and engineers. Besides individual characteristics, leaders evaluated the team performance, and engineers answered their perception about their team.
Results show that deep-level diversity is negatively related to cohesiveness. Moreover, the impact of deep-level diversity on cohesiveness is stronger than surface-level diversity. Teams higher in surface-level diversity perform less external activity, and received lower leader rating for team performance. Results also show that job-related diversity is positively related to team performance. Apparently, different type of diversity leads to specific team outcomes. Teams higher in relation-oriented diversity lower cohesiveness, and those higher in job-related diversity lead to higher performance. Implications and future research needs are discussed.
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論公開發行公司財務報告不實之民事責任--以董事責任為中心吳啟順 Unknown Date (has links)
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影響有機零售通路商店的服務創新之研究 -有機產品認知、組織特性與知識取得的觀點 / An Empirical Study of the Influencing Factors on Service Innovations in Organic Retail Stores: Focusing on Organic Product Awareness, Organizing, and External Sourcing of Knowledge吳源博, Wu, Yuan Bo Unknown Date (has links)
(1) 有機零售通路業者共同採取的服務創新是複合式經營餐飲、不定期的講座與活動、網路平台、App互動與購物。
(2) 有機零售通路業者發展服務創新,其有機產品認知包含健康產品的定義、與農友間公平貿易。前者是說明店內產品的選擇,後者是說明其公平採購行為,兩者對於有機零售商店都是新服務概念。
(3) 有機零售通路會同時透過正式化的組織方式與非正式化的提案制度來激發創新。當公司不具備組織創業家精神,新服務發展將難以達成。
(4) 有機零售通路業者發展服務創新時,在外部連結與知識取得上,會以開放式創新的概念積極向外獲取所需之技術知識與市場知識,尤其注重一線員工與顧客的互動與顧客意見。
最後,本研究提出實務建議與後續研究之建議。 / According to the statistics of Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), global output value was 15 billion dollars in 2013 and 25% growth from 2011, which shows that organic industry is a booming industry. Most of the past researches related to organic industry are focused on the “development of organic farming”, “consumer behavior”, “marketing strategy” and very few studies are conducted on the organic store innovation. On the other hand, most of the former studies of service innovation, knowledge management, and organizing focus on general service industry. The past studies of the cases are almost general service industry. Due to the research gap, this study establishes a research framework with four major constructs: organic product awareness, organizing, external sourcing of knowledge and service innovation. I select three organic retail stores and aim to find the relationship among them. Four major preliminary conclusions obtained from this study are as follows:
(1) The observation of organic retail stores jointly take these actions, such as combinative restaurant, occasional lectures/activities, network platform and App interacting with shopping.
(2) As far as organic retail stores for service innovation is concerned, firm’s organic product awareness consists of the definition of health products and fair trade between farmers. Both of them are the new service concepts.
(3) As far as organic retail stores for service innovation is concerned, the firm may use both formal and informal organization. If firms do not acquire entrepreneurship orientation, new service development would not be accomplished.
(4) As far as organic retail stores for service innovation is concerned, the firm will actively acquire both of technical knowledge and market knowledge. Especially stores pay attention to the views of frontline staff and customer feedback.
Finally, this study draws some recommendations for both practitioners and follow-up researchers.
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後冷戰時期北韓存續策略模式之分析:1989~2009 / The analysis on the pattern of DPRK survival straegies during the Post Cold War era:1989~2009施志平, Shih Chih Ping Unknown Date (has links)
援、經濟改革、受限縮的經改 / This paper tries to analyze and modelize the policies of the DPRK which look like complicated and paradoxical. It explores the DPRK puts emphasis on the foreign and economic policies to deal with he risks of her survival, and her policies or strategies can be formulated into a pattern. The pattern of her foreign strtegies shows that the authorities tend to engage in the brinkmanship after the economic risk getting worse, and they also tend to conduct the compromise after the economic risk getting better. Futhermore, the economic policies of the DPRK also shows the pattern. However, the political and economic factors should be considerated in the pattern. It shows that the authorities tend to engage in the package strategies including planned economy, aid-seeking and reform with restriction when the economic risk gets better and political concern exists. On the other hand, they tend to conduct the package strategies including planned economy, aid-seeking and reform without restriction when the economic risk coming worse and political concern diminishes. According to the pattern of foreign and economic strategies, it can be constructed the model and predicts the responses of strategies by the DPRK.
Keywords: North Korea (Democratic Republic of Korea, DPRK); external risk; economic risk; brinkmanship; compromise; planned economy; aid-seeking strategy; economic reform; economic reform without restriction
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刑事訴訟法上之類推適用 / On the Analogy Principle in Criminal Procedure阮愷蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
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II.中学2年生の評価の実際(II「総合人間科」, その評価の実際から)(第二部 評価について)(新教科「総合人間科」の実践研究(第3報))(特別研究 文部省研究開発)鈴木, 一悠 01 November 1997 (has links)
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