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顧客權益之前置因素與後果之探討 - 以多層次傳銷業為例

曾瓊妮, Tseng, Chiung-Ni Unknown Date (has links)
品牌權益的相關研究與實務已經做了許多年,但對於一個包涵面更廣的管理概念-「顧客權益」的相關研究,則是一塊比較新穎的研究領域。「顧客權益」的觀念能幫助企業更加了解、管理和維持舊有的顧客,並積極爭取新顧客,而且又將顧客視為一項重要資產,以審慎的觀念與態度加以管理。 根據Rust, Zeithaml和Lemon(2001)提出的顧客權益架構,即價值權益、品牌權益、關係權益三個構面所形成之構念,本研究將其與傳/直銷商五大類活動相結合,即核心表現、對會員貢獻之肯定、會員間相互依賴之加強、傳播組織知識及招攬外部會員之需求,使顧客權益的模式應用到傳/直銷業者舉辦的活動上,藉以了解在傳/直銷業中,顧客權益是如何藉由互動活動來影響組織的顧客經營績效,即顧客取得、連帶銷售及顧客維持。 本研究採便利抽樣法,選取美樂家、安麗、玫琳凱及如新等四家傳/直銷公司之會員為研究對象,共回收有效問卷306份進行LISREL統計分析,得到以下結果﹕ 一、核心表現對社群建立及知識建立的影響效果有顯著差異﹔對會員貢獻之肯定對特別的辨識及對待和認同感的影響效果有顯著差異﹔會員間相互依賴之加強對社群建立的影響效果有顯著差異﹔傳播組織知識對認同感、社群建立和知識建立的影響效果有顯著差異﹔招攬外部會員之需求對品牌知曉度及忠誠度回饋的影響效果有顯著差異。 二、價值權益中的認知價格對顧客取得、品質對顧客維持的影響效果各有顯著差異﹔品牌權益中的對品牌的態度對顧客取得、企業倫理對顧客維持的影響效果有顯著差異﹔關係權益中的忠誠度回饋和社群建立對顧客取得的影響效果皆有顯著差異﹔知識建立對連帶銷售的影響效果有顯著差異﹔社群建立和知識建立對顧客維持的影響效果亦有顯著差異。 三、核心表現會透過影響社群建立,再從社群建立影響顧客取得及顧客維持,亦可透過對知識建立的影響,再從知識建立影響連帶銷售及顧客維持﹔會員間相互依賴之加強會透過影響社群建立,再從社群建立影響顧客取得及顧客維持﹔傳播組織知識可透過知識建立來影響連帶銷售的提升及顧客維持,亦可透過社群建立來影響顧客之取得及顧客之維持﹔招攬外部會員之需求可透過忠誠度回饋進而影響顧客取得。 / Although many researchers have done lots of researches and practices about brand equity for many years, there is a new and scarce researching area called customer equity, which contains wider managing concept more than brand equity. The concept of customer equity could help the company to know, mange, and retain their customers more and to acquire the new customers aggressively as well. Moreover, it helps company to view customers as an important asset and to manage them in a cautious way and attitude. According to the structure of customer equity proposed by Rust, Zeithaml and Lemon in 2001, which is the concept including value equity, brand equity, and retention equity, this study combines it with five major activities between the multi-level marketing operators and companies, which are, core service performance, recognition for contributions, member interdependence enhancement, dissemination of organizational knowledge, and external membership requirements, to know that how does it work to influence the customer acquisition, add-on selling, and customer retention by which kind of activities. This study takes four companies’ members as researching subjects. With collecting 306 valid samples, this study uses LISREL as a tool to analyze the data. The results are as follows: 1. Core service performance has significant influence both on community -building program and knowledge-building program. Recognition for contribution has significant influence both on special recognition and treatment and affinity program. Member interdependence enhancement has significant influence on community-building program. Dissemination of organizational knowledge has significant influence each on affinity program, community-building program, and knowledge-building program. External membership requirement has significant influence both on brand awareness and loyalty program. 2. Price has significant influence on customer acquisition and quality has significant influence on customer retention as well. Attitude toward the brand has significant influence on customer acquisition and corporate ethics has significant influence on customer retention as well. Both loyalty program and community-building program has significant influence on customer acquisition. Knowledge-building program has significant influence on add-on selling. Both community-building program and knowledge-building program has significant influence on customer retention. 3. Core service performance will influence customer acquisition, add-on selling, and customer retention indirectly by community-building program and knowledge-building program. Member interdependence enhancement will influence customer acquisition and retention indirectly by community-building program. Dissemination of organizational knowledge will influence customer acquisition, add-on selling, and customer retention indirectly by community-building program and knowledge-building program. Finally, external membership requirement will influence customer acquisition indirectly by loyalty program.


周台龍 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文由三篇獨立的文章所組成,各章摘要如下。 一、第壹章摘要 第壹章主要在論述台灣多層次長期照護財務保障架構的概念與內涵。台灣地區因為人口老化快速,加上婦女總生育率的下降,使得高齡化、少子女化的社會漸次形成,使得長期照護需要日益增加,也弱化了家庭照護資源,降低家庭財務負擔的能力。而且,目前臺灣長期照護所需的費用,大部分由個人及其家庭支應,成為家庭部門沈重的財務負擔。此外,因長期照護制度服務輸送、照護管理及法令規範等不夠完善,照護需要者所接受的服務品質無法獲得保障。 本文首先從公平和效率的角度探討建立長期照護制度的必要性,其次探討長期照護社會保障模式的選擇。長期照護制度宜採社會保險或稅收制?基於稅收制長期照護保障體制,往往因財政負擔考量,設計資產調查的機制,以選取合格的低收入戶做為支付的對象,形成殘補式的長照制度,無法提供所有長照需要者,長照服務基本的滿足;然而,社會保險所提供的長照服務保障代表一種保證的權利,為被保險對象的合法權益。此外,在人口結構以及家戶型態的巨大變遷下,長照需要風險已非個人能力所能對抗,並且關係到整體社會的福祉,已經由個人性風險轉而為社會性風險,故本文主張採用社會保險的方式來提供普遍和基本的長照服務。 接著說明多層次長期照護財務保障架構的內容。第一層為社會保險制度,其功能主要在提供基本的保障水準,支付內容為實物與現金給付,財務來源則為政府、雇主與個人共同分攤的社會保險保費。第二層為商業保險,可以提供補充性的保障水準,採定期定額的現金給付方式,利用家戶所得以及不動產反抵押(reverse mortgage)的融資模式提供購買商業保險的財源。第三層為個人自付額,使用老年年金、個人投資理財以及不動產反抵押作為財源,享受優質的長期照護水準。多層次的財務保障架構可以達成不同層次的保障水準,又可以達成政府、市場以及家庭共同分擔財務的責任,兼顧公平、風險分攤與自我負責的目標。 繼則分析此多層次長期照護財務保障架構的可行性,最後利用財務數字來模擬分析公、私部門在此財務保障架構中適當的分工問題。最後,本文分析此多層次長期照護財務保障架構的可行性,最後利用財務數字來模擬分析公、私部門在此財務保障架構中適當的分工問題。模擬分析結果顯示此一財務保障架構應為可行:(1)以長期照護社會保險制度,提供第一層的基本給付水準保障;(2)在單純考慮家庭可支配所得的情況下,中、高所得家庭有能力購買商業保單來補充保障水準,享受適當或優質的長期照護服務;(3)如果加入不動產反抵押融資的方式,則有助於提高所有家戶長期照護需要者的保障水準。 因此,本文建議政府應積極規劃長期照護社會保險,鼓勵商業保險公司開發合適的保單,並探討不動產反抵押的市場需求潛力和供給面的障礙,研擬相關法律規範,鼓勵銀行提供長期照護所需貸款,進而創造不動產反抵押的市場,活用房地產資源來減輕家庭長期照護的財務壓力。對於金融機構部分,本文建議其可以考量台灣本地經濟社會條件,研發出合適的反抵押商品,在適當的風險管控下,降低所可能發生的金融風險,參考國外推行的經驗,研發適合台灣老人需求的產品內容,平衡供需雙方的利益與風險。另外,制定行銷人員相關作業規範,藉以提高借款人的信賴,並且設計應有的諮商服務作業標準系統,提供借款人進行決策所需要的資訊,以減少發生不適當理財規劃的機率。 二、第貳章摘要 第貳章探討長期看護商業保險市場發展的理論與實務。由相關文獻可以歸納出影響市場發展的因素,主要為供給面高交易成本以及不完全競爭市場。雖然市場存在不完全競爭,但是仍有給付範圍與內容全面性的保單存在,因此文獻上認為主要的問題應與需求面相關。 然而文獻忽略正式照護和非正式照護所提供的照護服務,在財貨特性的數量上的差異。這些特性如情緒支持、熟悉程度、服務品質以及自主性等,故本文繼則在考慮自主性和情緒支持兩特性下,分析該特性與消費者長照服務類型的選擇,發現重視自主性者,偏好正式照護服務,因而比較有動機去購買長期看護險保單,以降低並分散失能事故發生後的財務風險。當消費者有動機去購買保單時,消費者願意支付的保費高低,將影響其實際的購買行為,然而消費者的認知偏誤,對其所願支付保費會產生偏低的影響,以致發生不願購買長期看護險的現象,本文發現消費者願意支付的最高保費的金額,與失能機率和長照總成本的大小成正向關係,因此消費者因為某些訊息的認知錯誤,而發生有限理性的情況,將低估失能機率和長照總成本,最後影響其實際的購買決策。此外,對於台灣長期看護險保單在給付內容的設計,本文建立理論模型,以分析台灣消費者對於商業長期看護險契約的最適需求。 其次,在長看險市場發展的實務上,美國商業保險市場的發展過程,提供許多寶貴的經驗。其長看險保單市場的發展,除了導因於商品內容的發展符合消費者的需要外,政府部門相關法令規範的周延,以及相關監理單位的努力,增加民眾對於保險公司的信賴程度,更是扮演著關鍵的角色。另外,美國保險監理官協會所制訂的長期看護險條款範本,在平衡相關團體利益的前提下,增進消費者對於保險公司的信心。目前台灣長看險市場尚屬於初期發展階段,參與該市場銷售的人壽保險公司仍屬少數,因此存在某種程度的不完全競爭,然而因為目前台灣銷售的保單,實際上存在可以含蓋預期可能發生的照護成本總額。此外,現有保單在條款內容存在的缺失,主要有三項:(1)最高投保年齡只至74歲,相對於國人的需要應有相當改善的空間;(2)保險公司給付條件的差異,使得保單的比較更加複雜,將增加消費者選擇的成本,也可能增加理賠的糾紛。(3)不具有通貨膨脹保障的功能。 若以需求面而言,調查研究文獻顯示,台灣大眾對於長看險的接受程度不高。其次,有多數民眾對於其所擁有的其他保險,在給付範圍上有著錯誤的認知,而且因為保險資訊流通的不完全,阻礙長看險保單的發展。此外,以商業保險在長期照護費用籌措上的補充性立場而言,推估40歲以上的單人家戶與夫妻家戶的潛在的購買能力,本文發現大多數的家戶具有能力購買保單,因此本文認為此市場值得重視與開發。至於業務監理規範部分,在費率計算與調整、契約效力以及業務人員的市場行為上的規範,已有相當完整的內容;然而,許多的險種皆已有示範,用以保障消費者權益,但是在長期看護險部分則尚無示範條款。而政府部門並未訂定相關法規,以明確界定公部門和家庭部門的責任。前述分析,顯示監理單位與政府部門仍有許多努力的空間。 台灣長看險市場,現有保單在給付條件上,對於長期看護狀態的認定標準,各公司間著有相當大的差異,容易造成保險理賠上的糾紛。因此本文建議,儘速制訂長期看護保險單示範條款,規範長期看護狀態在身體功能失能認定最低的標準,以及認知損害的承保內容,進而保護消費者權益。此外,台灣既有法規並無長期照護之專法,現行相關法規見諸於老人福利法、行政院衛生署及內政部訂頒的各式行政命令,完整長期照護制度的建立有賴相關法規修訂。相關法規制訂的功能,除了建構台灣長照制度,並且可以提高一般民眾在長期照護的認知,亦可因為服務水準的界定,明確劃分商業保單的發展空間,發揮補充性的功能。 三、第参章摘要 第参章則探討不動產反抵押制度與在地老化,藉以探討此制度的利益與風險,並建構台灣的訂價理論模型,據以分析台灣引進該制度,對於老年家戶在地老化的意義。面對人口老化帶來的長期照護需要,長照成本主要由家庭負擔。而台灣地區老年家戶(老年單人戶和老年夫妻戶)所占比例2004年已高達12%,大多數老年家戶所得低落以致長照需求未能有效的獲得滿足,產生福利損失。在美國「所得低,房產多」的老年家戶可以經由不動產反抵押融資方式取得資金,補充個人在生活費用和長照費用等財務支出,達成在地老化的願望。 本文使用2006年家庭收支調查原始資料,以及內政部2006年房地產交易價格資料,推估老年家戶自有住宅的價值,藉以估算台灣不動產反抵押市場的潛在規模,進而建構台灣的訂價理論模型,分析台灣老年家戶使用此融資方式補充長期照護費用的受益程度。本文主要發現:(1)台灣不動產反抵押市場的潛在規模(高推估)約為6.1兆元,約占當年度家庭房地產總值24.4兆元的25%。低推估結果亦約有5千4百億元;(2)在長期照護社會保險提供基本服務水準的前提下,台灣老年家戶使用不動產反抵押融資,在長期照護費用的補充水準上對於所設定對象而言,可以適當的協助多數的家戶在地老化,進而提升其福利水準。本文推估結果顯示,台灣地區在市場規模上已俱備發展不動產反抵押的基礎,隨著家戶結構與少子女化的發展趨勢,此市場的需求將日益成形。反抵押市場的建立將有助於老年家戶,提升其滿足照護需求消費選擇的自主性,提高獨立生活的人性尊嚴,最終達成其在地老化的意願。 有關考量台灣本地經濟社會條件,因地制宜的制定出合適的法令規範,防止金融機構舞弊超貸的行為,降低所可能衍生的金融風險,對台灣的此金融商品市場的發展將是重要的關鍵。另外,符合台灣老人需求的產品內容的設計,不動產反抵押商品相關租稅優惠政策的制定,市場供給面的風險分攤機制,以及降低道德危險與逆選擇的商品契約設計,皆為後續研究的重要方向。此外,借款者事前的心理諮商與產品教育,也是提高商品接受程度非常重要的一個環節,經由心理諮商可以釐清借款人的動機,使得借款人可以更加瞭解此產品的正確用途,減少發生不適當理財規劃的機率。產品教育的功能在於協助借款人選擇適合其個人需要的融資給付的方式,以保障其養老資金需求的滿足。最後,政府部門介入供給的示範效果以及提供的產品與私部門產品的區隔亦為重要的研究方向。本文研究的主要限制在於無法取得收支調查原始資料中,擁有自有住宅老年家戶的市鄉鎮區域別資料,因此無法對於在同一縣市不同鄉鎮的房地產價值予以分開估算,此限制對於本文的模擬結果可能有所影響。

多層次傳銷服務傳送系統之研究 / A Study of Service Delivery System of Multi-level Marketing

陳立偉, Chen, Lee Wei Unknown Date (has links)
多層次傳銷近年成長快速,目前國內已有200 餘家的傳銷公司,每年銷售額高達百億以上,預期未來將持續快速成長。當有上百萬人加入傳銷公司,成為「直銷商」的今天,對於此種攸關民生發展的新型態服務業,實有必要加以深入研究,以掌握時代脈動,本研究希望能夠從服務傳送系統的角度發覺其實際的運作方式。   本研究希望能達至的目的為:   1.探討多層次傳銷其服務傳送系統的內涵,即傳銷公司、直銷商與顧客之間的互動關係。   2.了解在其服務傳送系統中,哪些環節是其關鍵成功之處。   3.分析在此服務傳送系統中的潛在問題,及其可能的解決之法。   此一研究乃是以個案訪談的探索性實證方式進行,選擇安麗、丞燕、雙鶴作為個案訪問的公司,據此來發展相關命題,及提出結論建議。   文中將服務傳送系統分成前場及後場,前場包含產品、相關服務、服務人員、及顧客,後場則為後勤系統、激勵制度、教育訓練及理念灌輸,以及廣告、形象等八大構面,來分析多層次傳銷的運作方式,把多層次傳銷的產品特色、直銷商角色、獎金制度、榮譽階級等,都做了一個簡單的介紹,盼能夠對於從事相關行業及對多層次傳銷有興趣的人提供些許的幫助。

服務創新與體驗行銷對提升顧客滿意度與忠誠度的探討---以安麗公司為例 / A study of service innovation, experiential marketing on customer satisfaction and loyalty:based on amway taiwan company

陳淑敏 Unknown Date (has links)
自2004年開始安麗公司陸續在全台各地成立『體驗中心』,此舉可說是多層次傳銷事業的創舉,不但是全新概念,直銷商與顧客皆可在此體驗中心內試用、體驗與購買安麗公司各項商品,目前也受到許多會員的好評。 本研究以安麗體驗中心最重要的兩項元素『服務創新』與『體驗行銷』,作為研究內涵,以瞭解安麗體驗中心在『服務創新』與『體驗行銷』上對『顧客滿意度』與『顧客忠誠度』之間的關係。本研究以『問卷調查法』進行,並輔以『焦點訪談』。問卷於台北地區直銷商中心進行發放,發放對象為事業型直銷商、一般直銷商與消費型顧客;共發出600份,最後回收510份,整體問卷信度達.974。焦點訪談部分,則訪談安麗事業型直銷商8人,及兩位安麗公司高階主管。研究結果顯示,受訪者認為安麗公司不論在服務創新、體驗行銷、顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度上都具有良好表現。且透過相關分析與迴歸分析也可看出會員認為服務創新程度越高,越能提高滿意度與忠誠度;同樣地,體驗行銷程度越高,滿意度與忠誠度也越高。透過焦點訪談,也看出受訪者對於安麗公司在服務創新與體驗行銷上都具有高滿意度,也建議安麗公司能充分利用體驗中心的場地,舉辦更多讓消費者能實際參與的活動。 / Since 2004, Amway has been implementing a pioneering initiative by establishing the Amway Experience Centers (AEC) around Taiwan, introducing a brand new concept into the multi-level marketing business. Distributors and customers can try, experience and purchase various Amway products at the AEC. So far, the AEC has received many favorable views from Amway members. This study explores the two most important elements of the AEC – service innovation and experiential marketing, in order to gain a picture of the relationship between the service innovation and experiential marketing of the AEC and the customer satisfaction and customer loyalty of Amway. The study was conducted with the method of questionnaire survey, complemented with focus interviews. The questionnaires were delivered at the Distributor Centers in Taipei area, aiming at career-type distributors, general distributors and consumer-type customers. Totally, 600 questionnaires were delivered, among which 510 were collected ultimately, reaching a total questionnaire reliability of .974. In the part of focus interviews, 8 career-type distributors and 2 Amway executives were interviewed. Findings of the study show that all interviewees gave a high opinion of the performance of Amway in terms of service innovation, experiential marketing, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. In addition, through regression analysis and other related analyses, it can be seen that Amway members think that the better the performance of service innovation, the higher the customer satisfaction and loyalty, similarly, the better the performance of experiential marketing, the higher the customer satisfaction and loyalty. Through focus interviews, it can be seen that the interviewees have very high satisfaction with Amway’s performance on service innovation and experiential marketing. They also suggested that Amway make full use of the AEC to hold more activities that are suitable for consumers to participate in.

國民小學教師組織政治知覺、印象管理動機與 組織公民行為之關聯性:多層次模型的分析 / The relationship among teachers’ perception of organizational politics, impression management motives, and organizational citizenship behaviors of elementary school: A multi-level model analysis

顏弘欽 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國民小學教師組織政治知覺、印象管理動機與組織公民行為之關聯性,並分析學校組織政治氣候對教師組織政治知覺、印象管理動機與組織公民行為之間關係的影響。本研究採用調查研究法。在預試階段以新竹縣公立國民小學教師為對象,寄發300份預試問卷,回收有效問卷224份,據以分析測量工具的信效度。在正式施測階段,以臺灣地區公立國民小學教師為對象,寄發1,458份問卷,回收有效問卷1,026份。在資料分析方面,透過描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、相關分析及階層線性模式等方法,檢測本研究問題及假設。依據研究結果,本研究獲致以下結論: 一、教師組織政治知覺、印象管理動機與組織公民行為之現況分析 (一)國民小學教師具有中等程度的組織政治知覺。 (二)國民小學教師具有中高程度的印象管理動機。 (三)國民小學教師具有良好程度的組織公民行為。 二、教師組織政治知覺、印象管理動機與組織公民行為之差異分析 (一)教師的組織政治知覺會因學校規模、學歷及擔任職務之不同而有所差異。 (二)教師印象管理動機會因學校規模、學校地區、性別、學歷及擔任職務之不同 而有所差異。 (三)教師組織行為會因學校規模、學校地區、性別、年齡、服務年資及擔任職務 之不同而有所差異。 三、教師組織政治知覺、印象管理動機與組織公民行為之關聯性分析 (一)教師的組織政治知覺對組織公民行為具有負向的影響。 (二)教師的組織政治知覺對塑造正面印象的動機具有正向的影響。 (三)避免負面印象及塑造正面印象的動機對教師組織公民行為具有正向的影 響。 (四)教師的組織政治知覺會透過塑造正面印象的中介效果,間接對組織公民行為 產生正向的影響。 (五)學校組織政治氣候會調節教師組織政治知覺及組織公民行為的關係。 (六)學校組織政治氣候會調節教師組織政治知覺及塑造正面印象的關係。 依據研究結果,本研究針對學校行、校長及教師三方面提出相關建議: 一、對學校行政的建議 (一)形塑正向組織氣候,避免過多的政治行為。 (二)重視學校運作公平,提升成員的信任感。 (三)暢通溝通管道,避免影響團體的過度操弄。 二、對學校校長的建議 (一)妥善處理學校政治行為,避免產生負面效應。 (二)明辨成員工作行為動機,避免形成惡性競爭。 (三)正向肯定教師組織公民行為,鼓勵教師對教育工作的額外付出。 三、對學校教師的建議 (一)正向看待學校組織政治,調整自我工作心態。 (二)適時善用印象管理策略,提升工作績效表現。 (三)積極從事組織公民行為,創造個人與組織價值。 最後,本研究亦針對未來研究提出在測量工具、研究內容、研究設計及資料分析等方面的建議。 / The study investigated the relationships among the perception of organizational politics, impression management motives, and organizational citizenship behaviors in elementary school teachers. Moreover, this study analyzed the impact of the organizational political climate in schools on the relationships among the perception of organizational politics, impression management motives, and organizational citizenship behaviors. In the pretest administered in this study, a survey was conducted on public elementary school teachers in Hsinchu County. A total of 300 questionnaires were distributed, and 224 were returned. The reliability and validity of the questionnaire were tested. In the formal survey, the subjects were public elementary school teachers from across Taiwan. A total of 1,458 questionnaires were distributed, and 1,026 valid samples were returned. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, analysis of variance, correlation analysis, and hierarchical linear models to validate the research hypotheses. Based on the results, the following conclusions were derived: 1. The perception level of teachers regarding organizational politics, impression management motives, and organizational citizenship behaviors: (1) Elementary school teachers possess a middle-level perception of organizational politics. (2) Elementary school teachers possess middle-high-level impression management motives. (3) Elementary school teachers possess favorable organizational citizenship behaviors. 2. The variance analysis of teachers’ perception of organizational politics, impression management motives, and organizational citizenship behaviors: (1) The perception of organizational politics for teachers varies by school size, educational background, and position in school. (2) The impression management motives of teachers vary by school size, school location, gender, educational background, and position in school. (3) The organizational citizenship behaviors of teachers varies by school size, school location, gender, age, and years of service. 3. The relationships among teachers’ perception of organizational politics, impression management motives, and organizational citizenship behaviors: (1) The perception of organizational politics negatively affects organizational citizenship behaviors. (2) The perception of organizational politics for teachers positively affects the motivation to create a positive impression. (3) The motivation to avoid a negative impression and create a positive impression positively affects the organizational citizenship behaviors of teachers. (4) The creation of a positive impression for teachers mediates the relationship between the perception of organizational politics and organizational citizenship behaviors. (5) The organizational political climate in school moderates the relationship between the perception of organizational politics and the organizational citizenship behaviors of teachers. (6) The organizational political climate moderates the relationship between the perception of organizational politics and the development of a positive impression. According to the research results, the following suggestions are proposed for school practice, principals, and teachers. 1. For school practice: (1) Establish a positive organizational climate and avoid excessive political behavior. (2) Focus on the fairness of school operations and promote the trust of members. (3) Provide unimpeded communication channels and avoid excessive manipulation by the impacting group. 2. For school principals: (1) Appropriately control the political behavior of the school to avoid negative effects. (2) Distinguish working motivation among members to avoid negative competition. (3) Positively affirm teachers’ organizational citizenship behaviors, and encourage teachers to invest additional effort in educating students. 3. For school teachers: (1) Positively address school organizational politics, and adjust one’s self-working attitude. (2) Appropriately use impression management strategies to enhance job performance. (3) Positively engage in organizational citizenship behaviors, and create personal and organizational value. Finally, this paper provides suggestions for future research, which include suggestions for measuring tools, research content, research design, and data analysis.

品牌心理擁有感之前因與結果因素之研究:量表發展與多層次之研究方法 / A study of the antecedent and consequence of brand psychological ownership:Scale development and multilevel approaches

江旭新, Chiang, Hsu Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
此篇論文之目的乃是探討品牌心理擁有感之前因與結果因素,本研究欲探討之三個與品牌相關的構念,包括公司品牌管理、品牌心理擁有感、品牌公民行為。第一個構念為公司品牌管理,代表能改善不同利害關係人對公司品牌認知與態度之組織作法;第二構念為品牌心理擁有感,代表能使員工對公司品牌產生所有權感受的心理狀態;第三個構念為品牌公民行為,代表員工擁有品牌導向之利他行為並將品牌精神活出來。本研究採取了兩個步驟,以探討品牌心理擁有感之前因與結果因素,本研究首先進行了公司品牌管理、品牌心理擁有感與品牌公民行為之量表發展,其次,本研究探索了公司品牌管理、品牌心理擁有感、品牌公民行為與品牌權益之跨層次關係。 本研究根據Hinkin (1998)之準則進行量表發展,在公司品牌管理的部分,本研究從台灣連鎖商店的主管獲得275份樣本。在探索性因素分析與驗證性因素分析後,本研究獲得五項公司品牌管理的因素,包括:公司品牌管理的溝通與評估、公司品牌管理之部門間協調、公司品牌管理之領導與利害關係人互動、公司品牌管理之訓練與徵選、公司品牌管理之文化與願景,結果顯示公司品牌管理量表具有良好的穩定性與效度。 在品牌心理擁有感與品牌公民行為的部分,本研究從台灣連鎖商店的第一線員工獲得361份樣本。在探索性因素分析與驗證性因素分析後,本研究獲得三項品牌心理擁有感的因素,包括:品牌自我效能感、品牌責任感、品牌認同感與歸屬感。同樣地,在探索性因素分析與驗證性因素分析後,本研究獲得三項品牌公民行為的因素,包括:品牌之運動家精神與背書、品牌之幫助行為、品牌之考量與提升,結果顯示品牌心理擁有感與品牌公民行為之量表具有良好的穩定性與效度。 從個人層次的分析結果發現,品牌心理擁有感正向影響品牌公民行為,並且大部分之品牌心理擁有感的因素正向影響品牌公民行為的因素。從跨層次的分析結果發現,公司品牌管理正向影響品牌心理擁有感與品牌公民行為,組織層次的品牌公民行為正向影響品牌權益。本研究亦發現,品牌心理擁有感在公司品牌管理與品牌公民行為之間扮演跨層次的中介角色。從跨層次的細部分析結果發現,許多公司品牌管理之因素正向影響品牌心理擁有感與品牌公民行為之因素。本研究亦探討了研究結果討論、研究貢獻、研究限制與未來研究。 / This thesis aims to investigate the antecedent and consequence of brand psychological ownership. Three major constructs related to branding efforts and results studied and explored by this research include corporate branding, brand psychological ownership, and brand citizenship behavior. The first construct, corporate branding, represents practices that improve brand cognitions and brand attitude of multiple stakeholders. The second construct, brand psychological ownership, represents the psychological state that makes employees produce feeling of ownership toward the corporate brand. The third construct, brand citizenship behavior, shows that employees have brand-oriented altruistic spirit and live the brand. In order to explore the antecedent and consequence of brand psychological ownership, two major steps are conducted by this study. First, this study conducts the scale developments of corporate branding, brand psychological ownership, and brand citizenship behavior. Second, this study explores the multilevel relation between corporate branding, brand psychological ownership, brand citizenship behavior, and brand equity. The guidelines of Hinkin (1998) are followed as the procedures of scale development. As for the scale development of corporate branding, a survey conducted among a sample of 275 managers from the franchise organizations in Taiwan was undertaken. Five factors of corporate branding obtained after EFA and CFA include: communication and evaluation of corporate branding, departmental coordination of corporate branding, leadership and interaction with stakeholders of corporate branding, training and selection of corporate branding, and vision and culture of corporate branding. The results represent a scale of corporate branding with good reliability and validity. As for scale developments of brand psychological ownership and brand citizenship behavior, a survey conducted among a sample of 361 customer-facing employees from the franchise organizations in Taiwan was undertaken. Three factors of brand psychological ownership obtained after EFA and CFA include: brand self-efficacy, brand accountability and identification and belongingness of brand. Three factors of brand citizenship behavior obtained after EFA and CFA include: sportsmanship and endorsement of brand, helping behavior of brand, and consideration and enhancement of brand. The results represent scales of brand psychological ownership and brand citizenship behavior with good reliability and validity. In the individual level analyses, brand psychological ownership has a positive effect on brand citizenship behavior, and most factors of brand psychological ownership have positive effects on factors of brand citizenship behavior. In the multilevel analyses, results demonstrate that corporate branding has positive effects on brand psychological ownership and brand citizenship behavior. Organizational-level brand citizenship behavior positively affects brand equity. It is also found that brand psychological ownership fully mediates the relationship between corporate branding and brand citizenship behavior. Detailed analyses show that many factors of corporate branding have positive effects on different factors of brand psychological ownership and brand citizenship behavior. Most factors of brand psychological ownership positively affect factors of brand citizenship behavior. Discussion, contributions, implication, limitation, and future study are also discussed.

轉型經濟下的中國城市住房改革-以重慶為例 / Transitional urban housing reform in China-the Chongqing case

吳欣純, Wu, Hsin Chun Unknown Date (has links)
中國自第十一屆三中全會朝改革開放發展,住房制度改革前以前蘇聯為目標,透過工作單位制實施福利分房制度,然而實物配給制發展產生諸多問題,如:收租失衡、分配不公、住房存量不足等制度運作結果,因此隨著經濟改革的同時,住房制度也朝向透過商品化與市場化解決住房問題。中國於1998年正式停止福利分房制度,朝市場化轉型過程中,亦同步發展住房保障制度,包括:建設廉租房及經濟適用房等保障性住房、建立多層次保障性住房體系、推廣公積金制度等措施,試圖在市場運作之外保障人民安居權利。在中國住房制度轉型過程中,重慶於2010年以公共租賃住房為核心,建立一套保障性住房體系,整合既有的商品房市場,試圖保障性住房與商品房市場雙軌並行的體制,並在制度運作上以國有資產投入建設、由土地儲備中心提撥建設用地,透過諸多政策手段快速發展住房雙軌制,重慶的住房制度設計亦被稱為住房的「重慶模式」,在政策設計上體現「具有中國特色的社會主義市場經濟」的目標。 重慶的住房模式在短短幾年間引起學界關注,主因在於近年中國城市面臨高房價的困難,雖自1998年即開始推動各種保障性住房,但在各城市的運作中面臨許多困難,對社會弱勢保障效果有限。重慶近年在住房制度設計上形成住房保障與商品住房雙重運作體系,透過各種推動公共租賃住房及其他保障性住房,為中國各城市乃至世界各國面臨居住問題者所關注。有鑑於目前尚未有完整探討重慶住房制度改革的文獻,對住房的重慶模式也未有完整的討論,因此本文以中國住房制度改革做為背景脈絡,探討重慶住房改革歷程,分析重慶保障性住房政策與商品房市場的政策設計,進一步聚焦住房的「重慶模式」運作內容,整理分析重慶住房制度超越其他城市建立雙軌制的因素,並探討重慶住房保障體系能在幾年內快速建設的關鍵,為後續研究中國住房改革及重慶住房雙軌制者提供研究發現。 / As China went through the progress of economic reform during late 1980’s, the housing policy also started to change. It was used to be welfare housing distribution system in the past years, however, many problems raised in practice, such as insufficient charge in rent, unfair distributions, or insufficient housing units. Therefore, the housing policy started to practice commercialization and marketization, in order to resolve the old problems. Chinese government officially stopped the welfare housing policy in 1998. During the transformation to commercialized housing market, the Chinese government also developed indemnificatory apartments with multilayer protections, including the construction of low-rent housing, affordable housing and public housing accumulation fund. The government attempted to provide dual housing system by investing constructions, providing land for housing and other policies. The most well known case is the “Chongqing model” The goal of their policy is to realize “the socialism market economy with Chinese characteristics”. The “Chongqing model” drew a lot of attention in academia in very few years. The main reason is the rising housing price in the cities in China. Although indemnificatory apartments project formed since 1998, the practical operation is problematic with limited protection for people with lower social status. By having public rental housing and other secured housing, the city government of Chongqing has developed a dual system with both secured housing and commercialized housing. Their achievement is known by other Chinese cities and the rest of the world. This thesis will address the background of the reform of Chinese housing policy, the progress of the reform of the housing policy in Chongqing , the analysis of the policy design and the operation of their policy. The reason why the “Chongqing model” is better than other cities in China will be discussed as well. We hope that we will provide the key of the fast and growing development of the Chongqing’s housing system, to people who are interested in reform of Chinese housing policy and the dual housing system in Chongqing.

法律繼受與轉型期司法機制 — 以大理院民事判決對身分差等的變革為重心

張永鋐 Unknown Date (has links)
法律繼受是近代企求變法圖強國家的典型產物,繼受過程可能產生多元的面貌,然而在多元的面貌背後,往往是以新舊思維的競爭與掙扎為代價,付出難以估量的社會成本。由於繼受過程中的不確定性、持續性,進一步將問題複雜化,如何減少新的法律文化分娩的陣痛,是所有繼受法律體制應該思考的問題。 作為民初最高審判機關的大理院,在政局混沌、立法機制未能正常運作、民事法律不足的情勢下,成為一個重要的轉型期司法機制。大理院做為一個司法機關,卻積極透過判例體系的建構等具有實質立法傾向的方式,為不少民事規範的創設代庖,並不是常態的權力分立作法,但是卻形成了特殊的民事法律整合機制,而這正是法律繼受值得加以探討的課題。 除了大理院的組織、職能、人事素質等課題以外,本文將從實質與形式層面進行大理院民事判決的實證分析。西法東漸後,法律漸將倫理意義上的人格與法律意義上的人格區分開來,從強調身分秩序的差等性轉向近代平權立法。實質面上,本文將焦點內化到大理院的實際運作過程,討論平權理念如何在司法運作中獲得實現,大理院如何因應近代法律體制、憲政架構的要求,求取個人與家族倫理秩序的協調。在形式面上,不能僅將大理院對於近代法學方法與法律原則的引介,視為只是一種形式的操作,事實上這種西方式的司法程序、法律原則、法學方法的引介,往往改變舊有規範的適用情境,促成了平權理念實現。 本文認為法律繼受的核心是一個心理機制的問題。這個問題可以分成兩個層次:第一個層次是研究法律繼受必須透過多層次的分析方法,繼受是長期社會變遷過程,除了對於被繼受法律進行法律辨識工作、從事體系化的立法行為以外,也必須設法對於法律繼受的作用機制加以釐清,才可能達成繼受的社會目的。第二個層次則是從法意識深化的角度加強繼受的實效,真正意義的繼受在於法律意識的「內化」,我們必須區分不同社會成員的不同法意識層次,相應的設計出不同的法意識深化管道。這個過程可以透過某些制度性設計加以催化,司法機制就是一種「議題化」的制度性設計;將爭點「議題化」之後,可以使規範或個案的實質合理性放在一個可檢證的場域中接受檢視,這個過程可能改變了規範的適用情境,且透過社群成員參與的可能性,促進法律意識的深化。 轉型期司法機制常被賦與有效導引社會變革的期待,但轉型期司法機制必須面對特殊的角色困境,某些變革也不一定適合由司法機關來主導,綜合前述的實證分析,本文將嘗試釐清由司法機制導引社會變革會不會淪為一種落空的期待。

教育體制、學習環境與學生成果之研究 / A Study on Education System, Learning Environment and Students' Academic Outcomes

張明宜, Chang, Ming Yi Unknown Date (has links)
This research highlights the importance of considering the degree students’ integration into school classes when estimating school effects. Combining and using two different datasets collected before and after education reform in Taiwan, the study compares school effects under two different education systems in order to answer the question about the efficiency of education reform. I estimate multilevel growth models to assess how school environments affect changes in students’ initial and change rate of their academic performance across junior high school years. Besides, two-part random-effects models are also introduced into the analyses to testify how school environment influence adolescent performance in their high school enrollments. My results support and extend Blau’s structural theory, revealed that school contexts and school networks directly and indirectly influences students’ performance in their school classes and in their high school enrollments, suggesting students’ outcome are conditioning by the local structure, the school environments. However, through making more friends inside and outside school classes, students still have their own power to modify the environmental impacts on themselves. With respect to the comparisons of school effects on individuals’ performance under two different education systems in Taiwan, the decreasing peer influences and the decreasing significance of school networks indicate that the school effects gradually decline after the administration of education reform. One should note that simply a little change on education system might alter students, parents, and teachers’ behaviors. The decreasing peer effects and the decreasing school effects on students’ academic performance suggesting that students might change their behaviors on interacting with their friends and change their behaviors at schools in order to jostle higher education after education reform. The increasing cram schooling and the increasing significance of family SES support the inference that students modify their behaviors to come up against the education reform in Taiwan. These findings suggest the need for more panel datasets collected from the newly cohorts after education reform was administrated for a period and the need for more studies of education reform and school effects, to have more understanding about the mechanisms of school efficiency.

制度變遷、社會資本與政治參與間關係 / The Relationships among Institutional change, Social Capital and Political Participation

張芳華, Jhang, Fang Hua Unknown Date (has links)
台灣民主轉型的成功除執政菁英的主動變革外,公民參與政治和支持改革亦有其重要性。有鑑於逐年下滑的投票率和工具性社團參與率,本研究主要從制度變遷與社會資本論點來進行探討,以縣市層次制度變項為自變項,三類型社會資本為中介變項,投票與競選活動參與為依變項,目的在了解於民主鞏固時期前後,社會資本的分佈狀況和影響社會資本、政治參與的因素,以提升民眾的社會和政治參與。中介變項與依變項資料來自1993年與2005年台灣社會變遷調查資料(TSCS),自變項資料整合自臺灣地區社會意向調查、各縣市社福資訊與政大選研中心資料庫,主要採用多層次迴歸與邏輯迴歸分析模型來分析資料。 在社會資本分布變化上,結合式社會資本與工具性社參未有顯著改變,情感性社參則顯著增加。相較於情感性社團參與,工具性社團參與的比例較高,在兩個年代中,民眾參與工具性社團比例約在22%左右。在社團內異質性資源分佈上,不同社團的年齡異質性與性別異質性隨不同時期而有所變化。相對地,各類社團在成員的教育、收入與族群組成上反而較為穩定。由於在2005年,民眾教育與收入顯著較1993年為高,意謂著在民主鞏固時期,團體參與者可接觸的社團內異質性資源較多。 並非所有社會資本皆受外在制度所影響,研究結果顯示出國家制度較難影響立基於儒家文化的結合式社會資本。在民主鞏固時期前,縣市執政評價氛圍與生活扶助資源如理論所預期,可影響民眾的情感性社會參與,但其影響力似乎亦有減弱情形。一致性社福資源雖對工具性社團參與有跨期影響力,但卻產生資源排擠效果,而非是資源溢注效果。 政治態度論與社會資本論皆能部份說明為何民眾要參與兩類傳統政治活動,但相較於投票,參與競選活動屬於較耗費成本的參與行為,因此個體資源論較能解釋競選活動的參與。以多層次中介分析步驟檢視縣市制度變項對政治參與的作用後,證實了制度論的作用。在制度變項可能透過社會資本影響政治參與的三條中介路徑,僅一條路徑得到實證上支持。在2005年,縣市急難救助資源可透過工具性社團參與進而影響競選活動參與。 制度變遷的觀點能說明不同時期情感性社團參與和投票的變化。傳統文化價值觀的現代化改變了縣市執政評價氛圍對情感性社團參與的作用。隨著非正式制度環境的改變,情感性社團參與對競選活動參與的作用亦可能隨之改變。而隨著社會福利政策綱領的施行,人均生活扶助資源量的提升,則促進個人的投票行為。總言之,中央政府應注意自身的施政效能,並透過社福資源的適度分配,來促進民眾的社會參與與政治參與行為。 / The success of the transition to democracy in Taiwan should attribute not only to the active reform of the ruling party' cadre, but also to citizens’ participation and political support for the political reformer. In view of the gradual declining turnout rate and instrumental group participation rate, the study tends to describe the distribution of social capital, and explore the potential factors influencing social capital and political participation before and after democratic consolidation period. The paper’s framework from the perspective of institutional change and social capital treats institutional change as the independent variable, three kinds of social capital as the mediated variable, and voting and electoral campaign participation as dependent variables. The study mainly applies the multilevel linear regression and logistic regression model to analyze the mediated and dependent variables from the Taiwan Social Change Survey in 1993 and 2005, separately. As for independent variables, the data is integrated from the Social Image Survey, the social welfare report across counties, and online database of election study center in national Chengchi University. As far as the distribution of social capital is concerned, the results show that the distribution of bonding social capital and instrumental group participation do not have significant change between 1993 and 2005. Compared with participation in 1993, in 2005, the increase of this emotional group participation is apparent. In both year, the instrumental group participation rate is about 22% and is higher than the emotional group participation. In the distribution of diverse resources within groups, age diversity and sex diversity change a lot as the time went by. In contrast, education diversity, income diversity and ethnicity diversity stay stable between groups. In comparison with 1993, people in 2005 have higher education and income level, resulting in the increase of group members’ education and income level. It means that in the democratic consolidation period, it is probable for group participators to approach more diverse resources existing within groups . The effect of institutional variables on the three kinds of social capital is not as same as previous literatures report. Bonding social capital based on confucianism is difficult to be enhanced by the national institutions. Before the democratic consolidation, the effect of living assistance resources, and the atmosphere where people are satisfied with the central government performance which is consistent with theoretical prediction affects people’s participation in the emotional group. However, the effect seems to weaken gradually at the later period. Universal social welfare resources influence the instrumental group participation across different periods, but the negative effect belongs to the crowing out effect rather than the crawling back effect. Political attitudes theory and social capital theory both can partly account for why people participate in these two kinds of traditional political activities. Individual resources theory is suitable for explaining the participation of electoral campaign in that it takes people much more time and cost to engage in the electoral campaign participation than in voting. After examing the effect of institutional variables at the county-level on the political participation through the procedure of multilevel mediation analysis, the findings proven the argument of institution theory. Among the three potential mediation paths in which the institutional variables impact on the political participation through social capital, just one path is supported by the data. In 2005, emergent assistant resources can affect the electoral campaign through the instrumental group participation. The perspective of institutional change can explain the change of the emotional group participation and voting between 1993 and 2005. With the modernization of individual’s traditional attitudes, the county-level effect of evaluation of the central government on the participation in the emotional group is abated. It is probable that the effect of the emotional group participation on the electoral campaign participation differs according to the different environment of the informal institution The increase of living assistant resources per capita, because of the execution of the guiding principle of the social welfare policy, promote people’s voting significantly. In sum up, the attention should be paid by the central authority to strengthen the efficiency of the administration and distribute the social welfare resources appropriately based on the contemporary social condition, in order to improve people’s social participation and political participation.

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