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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


黃泳華 Unknown Date (has links)
在目前台灣股市環境中,一般的散戶投資者在資訊的取得上,相較於外資法人、證券自營商、基金經理人及市場派大戶等投資者,係處於劣勢;另一方面,影響股價的因素有很多(包括經濟外的消息、市場內部消息、公司本身的消息及經濟變動的消息等),使得個別散戶從事專業攸關資訊的蒐集、分析與解釋並不實際,且並非每位投資者均擁有此等分析的專業知識,依據林泉源(民國77年)之研究,投資者吸收知識與資訊之來源最主要為商業報紙,因此本研究選取財訊快報「主筆室」、工商時報所推薦之股票及自營商買進賣出之股票為研究對象,以民國85年3月20日至民國85年8月31日為研究期間,檢定下列四項問題: 1. 分析師推薦之股票與股價的關係,股票在受到分析師推薦後,股價是否會產生異常變動? 2. 財訊快報「主筆室」所推薦之股票,其股價表現是否優於工商時報所推薦之股票? 3. 投資人依據財訊快報「主筆室」或工商時報所推薦之股票進行投資,其投資績效是否優於投資人依據證券自營商買賣超之資訊進行投資所產生之投資績效? 4. 若公司財務預測公告為好消息,分析師是否會因此而特別推薦該公司之股票?分析師推薦股票與公司財務報表之相關性如何? 本研究之結論如下: 1. 財訊快報「主筆室」、工商時報及自營商買賣超資訊之公開,確實會造成股價異常變動,且這些資料的公開,在事件日前均已開始反應,不論原因為何,投資人均無法利用此一資訊獲取超額報酬。 2. 當財務預測公告為號消息時,財訊快報與工商時報所推薦之股票,其績效表現沒有差異。當財務預測公告為壞消息時,只有在多頭市場時期,財訊快報推薦股之績效表現明顯優於工商時報推薦股。 3. 當財務預測公告為好消息時,投資人依分析師於大眾媒體公開推薦股票進行投資之績效表現,與投資人依自營商公布的資料進行投資之績效表現,並無顯著差異。當財務預測公告為壞滿息時,在多頭市場時期,投資人依自營商公布之資料進行投資之投資績效優於投資人依工商時報推薦股進行投資之投資績效。在空頭市場時期,投資人依財訊快報所推薦股票進行投資之績效表現優於投資人依自營商公布之資料進行投資之績效表現。 4. 整體而言,只有在財訊快報「主筆室」於多頭市場時期推薦之股票與財務預測公告具較高的相關性。

台灣社會運動與另類影帶之研究:1986-1992 / Social movement and alternative media in Taiwan:1986-1992

廖素霞, Liaw, Su Shia Unknown Date (has links)

Talent Discovery Incorporation營運企劃書 / Talent Discovery Incorporation Business Plan

林祈均, Lin, Chi Chun Unknown Date (has links)
Talent Discovery Incorporation營運企劃書 / This Business plan illustrates the establish process of a new business of background screening service. Background searching is widely used in the hiring process. In China and Taiwan, almost 90% organizations include background check into their hiring processes. Traditionally, background screening service is a labor-intensive industry, which means that it is time-consuming and costly. Therefore, most organizations are not able to check every job candidates’ background even they know it is very keen to hire the right people. Talent Discovery Incorporation uses an advanced technology platform which enable our customers to understand their job candidates by reports which summarize public information of internet and social media. Meanwhile, Talent Discovery Incorporation provides superior customer service delivered by experts who understand local markets. Combined with these two advantages, Talent Discovery Incorporation will become a new model of Chinese background screening industry.

日本人的南方異己想像:以「新聞」媒體為中心(1870-1920) / The Imagination of Japanese People toward the Southern Otherness: Focus on the "Shimbun" Media (1870-1920)

洪偉傑, Hung, Wei Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
本論文探討十九世紀後期以降,日本人在帝國形成過程中,對南方地域異己的想像與描繪過程。自江戶末期以來,日本被迫面對西方列強的進逼,開啟了原先封閉的國門,更擴大了國人對海外異己的想像空間。明治開國後,日本開始逐步南進,陸續佔領太平洋海域各島嶼,並展開對南方地域族群、人文與自然地貌的認識、討論及分類,而在向外拓展的過程中,更是不斷地累積知識、形塑與重整南方異己論述。日本對臺灣的殖民統治,則透過與原住民的接觸,成為深化這份異己論述的重要經驗,並於二十世紀初期逐漸定型為負面、劣等的族群刻板形象,強化文明與野蠻的二元對立。 本文即整理1870至1920年間日本人對南方異己的想像與知識建構過程,並以新聞報紙為主要分析史料,探討帝國在向南擴展勢力時,如何藉由大眾媒體,將臺灣及南洋地區的接觸經驗轉化成異己想像,定位文明與野蠻,進而從中確立自身族群的文明位階。 由於近代日本的新聞業發展,與帝國興起相輔相成,大眾媒體更對異己想像的形塑扮演了關鍵的傳播角色,因此成為本文的研究重點。結論則指出,在帝國權力的逐步箝制下,新聞媒體依舊展現一定程度的公共性,為形塑多元異己論述提供重要的開放平台。 / This thesis explores the forging of Japanese impression toward the southern otherness since the late 19th century during the rise of the Japanese empire. At the end of Edo period, Japan was forced to confront the Western power, opened their country, and widened its imagination of people abroad. Since Meiji period, Japan started to occupy islands and islets in the Pacific Ocean. It was also the period for the Japanese people to start to acknowledge, discuss, sort, and pile up their understanding of the southern natural and cultural scenery. By advancing to the further south, they continued to shape, reform the discourse of the southern otherness. In the early 20th century, colonizing Taiwan offered the Japanese people a chance to contact with the indigenous, which deepened the discourse of otherness, built discriminative ethnic stereotypes, and reassured the binary opposition of civilization and savagery. By parsing the historical materials, mainly Japanese Shimbun media, this thesis focuses on 1870s to 1920s, illustrates how the Japanese empire forged their impression of southern otherness, how it divided civilization and savagery by using the media-twisted southern imagination, and how it ranked its own civilization at the same time. The development of journalism in modern Japan was deeply in tandem with the rise of the Japanese empire. Also, mass media played an important role with the process of forming impression of otherness, which becomes the key point of research. In conclusion, despite the gradual control of the journalism by the government, mass media still showed its publicness and provided an open platform to develop multiple discourses of otherness.

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