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董事會中女性董事之參與與舞弊發生關聯之研究:來自中國之證據張驥 Unknown Date (has links)
實證結果發現,在考慮中國大陸各省區市場發展程度之差異後,女性董事之參與可以降低公司舞弊發生之可能性;同時也發現董事會特性(外部董事之比例和董事長是否兼任總經理)與公司股權結構(國有股比例、法人持股比例、流通股比例、是否存在外國股東和公司最大股東持股比例)皆與公司舞弊之發生有顯著關連性存在。 / My study examines whether female directors’ participation in boardroom have an effect on corporate financial fraud in China. Besides, referring to the past studies, it also examine whether boardroom characteristics, ownership structure and auditors’ quality have an effect on corporate financial fraud. The data come from CSMAR database.
The results from original analysis show that female directors’ participation does not have an effect on corporate financial fraud. But after considering the regional market development differences between the provinces, female directors’ participation in boardroom will deter fraud. The results also demonstrate that boardroom characteristics and ownership structure are important in explaining fraud.
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性別與認同——李清照其人其詞的創作與接受研究葉祝滿 Unknown Date (has links)
最後再從「性別與認同」的角度,從文學接受史中文化規範和預期形塑對李清照「敘述認同」(ipse identity)所產生種種現象作分析,先依歷代詩話品評、筆記摘要、或是序跋評點的紀錄,分析文學接受史中「易安詞的經典化歷程」,再依李清照個人所形成的「召喚主題」,來分析李清照個人接受史上主要被關注的是哪些面向,又是以何種女性形象被接受、塑造。最後再將評論者在敘述上所採取的敘述主題、策略作分析,從評論中關於「再嫁、才女認同、詞之評價」等接受狀況,探討「性別」議題在李清照接受史上的影響為何?
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警察人員處理婚姻暴力事件過程中性別意識之表現及影響-以高雄市為例吳欣倢 Unknown Date (has links)
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從托爾斯泰的兩性觀探討其作品中的悲劇女性丁立容, Ding, Li Jung Unknown Date (has links)
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尼采的女性觀及現代女性主義對尼采女性觀之評論 / Nietzsches Frauenbild und die Kritik des modernen Feminismus daran.潘玉綺, Pan, Yu Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本文從現代女性主義者的觀點出發,針對尼采一生的經歷及其作品中與女性議題相關的重要著作內容加以整理和分析,從而反思尼采論述中對女性觀的真實面目,以及現代女性主義者對他女性觀的評價。 / „Du gehst zu Frauen? Vergiess die Peitsche nicht!“ – wegen dieses Satzes in Friedrich Nietzsches „Also sprach Zarathustra“ veranlasste viele anzunehmen, er sei ein Misogynist. Einige aber versuchen zu ergründen, was genau die Einstellung Nietzsches zu den Frauen ist. Verehrte er sie? Verachtete er sie? Oder beides zugleich?
Die Philosophie Nietzsches beruht hochgradig auf eigenen Erfahrungen und hat hierin seine Kohärenz. Das umfassende und vollständige Verständnis jener Lebenserfahrungen und philosophischen Schriften ist mithin Grundvoraussetzung fuer eine objective Diskussion über Nietzsches Philosophie.
Betrachtet man das Europa des XIX. Jahrhunderts, so stellt man fest, dass Männer gesellschaftlich aktiver waren als Frauen; diese wiederum betracteten Liebe als wichtige Erfahrung im Leben. Zieht man die damalige gesellschaftliche Situation in Betracht, so wird die von Nietzsche an den Frauen geäusserte Kritik verständlich. Auf selbstkritische und selbstspöttische Art und Weise stellte er die Position der Frauen jener Zeit trefflich dar und bezog Stellung, in der Hoffnung, die Frauen würden ihrer misslichen Lage entgegentreten und lernen ihre Vorteile zu nutzen um ihren Selbstwert zu finden und den Existenzwert ihrer selbst letzlich so zu erhoehen, dass sie ins Reich des Übermenschen transzendieren koennen.
Ich versuche im folgenden aus der Perspektive des modernen Feminismus eine Zusammenstellung und Analyse der in seinem Leben gesammelten Erfahrungen und der Teile seines Opus, der sich inhaltlich auf die Frage der Frau bezieht. In Anschluss sollen die tatsächlichen Merkmale des Frauenbildes Nietzschen einem Diskurs unterzogen und der Bewertung seiner Frauensicht durch den modernen Feminismus gegenübergestellt werden.
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「新家庭」的想像與型塑: 《臺灣日日新報家庭欄》的分析與討論 / The Imagination and Creation of 「New Family」:the Study of《Taiwan nichinichi shinbou Family Column》陳靜瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
研究並發現「家庭欄」的出現與新政治、經濟社會環境的改變,造成人們對於「家」──與人們生活息息相關的組織──產生了該有如何樣貌的疑慮有關,因此「家庭欄」在《臺灣日日新報》自1903年出刊,1905至1913年中斷刊登, 1914年至1941年均可在《臺灣日日新報》見到「家庭欄」。但「家庭欄」並非均勻分布於各個出版年度,報導文章大量集中於變動快速的大正年間,1914年至1920年,並以保健衛生為最大宗報導,其中原因為至1920年代以後,政府的保健衛生相關機構才大量出現,在此之前「家庭欄」恰巧做為一種宣傳保健衛生知識之媒介工具。
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解嚴後台灣小說瘋狂敘事研究:以舞鶴、陳雪為觀察中心 / The Narrative of Madness in Post-Martial Law Taiwan Fiction: On Wu He and Cheng Syue劉思坊, Liu, Su-Fang Unknown Date (has links)
本研究討論台灣當代小說的瘋狂敘事,以舞鶴和陳雪的小說創作為主要觀察中心。在討論瘋狂敘事之前,首先解釋「現實」概念在不同時代背景、不同文化團體之間所具有的多重指涉,藉著分析不同文化團體與作者間的相互關係,本研究發現在這樣的文化場域內所產生的拉攏和排拒力量,都將影響作家的創作甚鉅。然而,有些作家卻以瘋狂敘事作為一種保持「心靈語言」的方式。本研究主要先找出台灣小說瘋狂敘事的系譜,追溯至六○年代現代主義作家,以王文興為例,他在小說中早已經表現出「理性啟蒙」和「浪漫瘋癲」的雙重意識。在舞鶴的作品中,他藉由瘋癲者被監禁的主題裡繼續「理性」和「瘋狂」相互交纏的雙重結構,並研發出他扭曲的文法,逆轉了「神聖」與「卑賤」的涵意,同時他也自鑄各種新詞,以作為威權時代後的創傷病癥。論文的第二部分討論陳雪的瘋狂敘事,發掘她與前世代女性作家瘋狂敘事的差異之處。不同於奧菲莉亞的浪漫或美杜莎的恐怖形象,陳雪以混亂而不安的精神辯論、循環不已的時間系統表現出創傷的延遲反應。但陳雪的創作不停留於自憐階段,反倒以創傷為媒介,展開集體附魔的發瘋效應。因此,在舞鶴與陳雪的精彩絢麗的文字創作中,我們看見瘋狂敘事多向發展的可能性和差異性。 / The study discusses the narrative of madness in contemporary Taiwan fiction, focusing on the works of Wu He and Cheng Syue. The study starts with an interpretation of the multiple meanings of “reality” in different eras and backgrounds, as well as the diverse understandings of “reality” among different cultural groups. By analyzing the relationships between opposite cultural groups and writers in the Post-Martial Law era, the study finds out that the strengths of both alliance and repulsion inside the cultural field greatly influence literary writings; some writers, however, utilize the narrative of madness to retain “language of the mind.” The main part of the study discovers the genealogy of the narrative of madness in Taiwan by tracing back to the modernist generation in the 1960s, including Wang Wen Hsing, who shows double consciousness of “enlightenment reason” and “romantic madness.” My study then aims at the theme of “confinement” in Wu He’s works, since he extends the dual structure of “reason” and “madness” through the concept of “confinement.” Besides, Wu He develops a distorted grammar to converse the concepts of “sanctity” and “ignobility” and creates new phrases to show the symptoms of trauma after the authoritarian era. The second part of the study is to analyze the narrative of madness of Chen Syue, discussing the differences of expressing madness between her and the female writers of the earlier generation. Unlike the romantic figures of Ophelia and the horrible images of Medusa, Chen Syue’s works show the belated traumatic affects with anxious debates and circulating systems of time. Furthermore, Chen Syue’s writings do not stop at the stage of narcissism, but rather reveal the mediating function of trauma which triggers madness. Therefore, in Wu He and Cheng Syue’s works, verbal extravagance displays diverse possibilities and aspects of the narrative of madness.
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張翎小說中的生育話題研究 =A study on the theme of child-bearing in Zhang Ling's fictions / Study on the theme of child-bearing in Zhang Ling's fictions衛雨檬 January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Arts and Humanities. / Department of Chinese
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我國女性主管的領導風格與決策行為之研究-以民營企業個案為例張馨芸 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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退休調適性別差異之研究 / A Comparative Study of Gender Difference in Retirement Adjustment辜慧瑩, Ku, Hui-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之理論貢獻為:(一)退休調適概念之初步建構;(二)擴大對退休調適影響因素之理解。根據上述發現,本研究提出之實務建議如左:(一)個體因應策略方面:1.從事退休準備,充裕時間累積資源、調整心態。2.維護身體健康,活力迎向休閒人生。3.累積社會支持,學習社會技巧。(二)環境配合調整方面:1.重新檢討強制退休制度,採多元方式增進選擇自主性。2.打破傳統性別分工限制,角色彈性增進適應能力。3.主動關懷退休者,促進社會整合。4.辦理退休準備研習。 / The purpose of this study is to examine the factors associated with retirement adjustment of older people, and compare the difference of factors between men and women. Interview survey was used to collect data. Data was analyzed by frequency distribution, percentage, chi-square test, hierarchical regression, and multiple regression.
The conclusions can be drawn from the findings. Firstly, the retirees tend to have positive attitude forward the lost of work-role, but arrange his/her retirement life passively. In comparison with men, women have more positive attitude, and arrange her retirement life more positively. Secondly, the factors affecting the attitude are gender, social support, retirement reason, and occupation status before retirement. In addition, the factors influencing the behavior are subjective evaluation in health, social support, retirement reason, and occupation status before retirement. Thirdly, the factors affecting men's and women's attitude are the same--retirement reason and occupation status before retirement. Furthermore, the factors influencing women's behavior are income resource, retirement preparation, monthly income, subjective evaluation in health, and retirement reason. And the factors affecting men's behavior are social support, retirement reason, and occupation status before retirement. Finally, practice and policy implications are discussed.
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