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專利訴訟發動與應訴策略之研究—以義隆電子控告禾瑞亞為例 / A Study on Patent Litigation Launching and Responding Strategies – A Case Study on the ELAN vs. EETI林曉玟, Lin, Hsiao Wen Unknown Date (has links)
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以專利衡量研發創新投入之資源錯置問題 -以中國東部沿海地區製造業廠商為例 / Misallocation of R&D Inputs by Using Patent Value Index - A Case of the Manufacturing Companies Located in Eastern China李姵儀 Unknown Date (has links)
專利和創新是近年產業發展極重要的趨勢,但是在過去對於中國產業的資源錯置相關研究中,卻沒有發現以專利來做為衡量產出的標準。因此本研究蒐集了中國2005到2007年的水準以上製造業廠商資料,並將Mtrends專利檢索平台資料庫中之專利資料加以整合,建構出中國水準以上製造業廠商之美國專利資料的資料庫。並依據文獻所提出之資源錯置模型,以資料庫中之專利資料作為創新研發產出之代表,計算出廠商之效率值與資源錯置的程度。根據廠商之專利數量及專利價值指標兩種衡量方式來討論中國東部沿海三大經濟區,環渤海經濟區、長三角經濟區及珠三角經濟區之效率值及資源錯置問題。研究結果發現珠三角經濟區因開放年代較早,在人力及知識累積下,研發效率值相對較高,資源錯置問題亦相對較不嚴重的,而長三角與環渤海經濟區由於產業多集中於高科技產業,部分廠商之技術尚未成熟,因此在研發效率值的表現上較為落後且資源錯置問題亦相對較為嚴重。 / Innovation and patent applications have become the central issue for the industrial development nowadays. In the past, there’s little research to measure the innovation outputs by patents. Thus, in this paper, I collected the data for the manufacturing firms in China from 2005 to 2007 and combine with the patent data in Mtrends database. Based on my misallocation computation, I use patent as the R&D output and measure the innovation efficiency and the misallocation level. Based on my result, the efficiency is higher in Pearl River Delta Economic Zone due to its earlier development and low in Bohai Bay Economic Zone & Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone because of industrial concentration. Thus, the misallocation is much more severe in Bohai Bay Economic Zone & Yangtze River Delta Economic Zone and is much lighter in Pearl River Delta Economic Zone.
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兩岸專利權海關保護之研究 / A Study on Cross-Strait Customs Protection of Patent Rights洪三凱, Hung, San Kai Unknown Date (has links)
本論文區分為六個部分。第一章是緒論,說明研究動機及目的,以及研究方法及範圍。第二章是說明及定義智慧財產權邊境執行之指導原則,以及第一線海關人員依據貨物外觀辨識原則查尋嫌疑貨物。第三章是討論智慧財產權邊境執行之三種方式。第四章是分析與比較兩岸專利權之執行。第五章是闡述司法暫時權利保護與專利權邊境執行之配合。第六章是結論。 / Both Mainland China and Taiwan enacted laws to protect patentees’ exclusive rights to the invention and to prevent the rights from being exploited, without the patentee’s consent, via making, offering for sale, selling, using or importing of the infringed goods. Prior to filing the infringement litigation, the patentee or the exclusive licensee may generally initiate to request its customs authorities to suspend the release of, or to detain, suspect goods that involve the infringement of a patent from entering into the channels of commerce. Generally speaking, goods that involve trademark or copyright can be more easily observed whether it is infringed via its apprearance. However, most of goods that involve patents can not be more easily observed whether it is infringed, and inter alia, for example, there are probably more than 1,000 patent rights in one smart phone, and many goods have the similar situations. So it is difficult to distinguish infringed or non-infringed goods by front line staffs of customs.
Article 52 of Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights defines suspension of release. It provides: “Any right holder initiating the procedures under Article 51 shall be required to provide adequate evidence to satisfy the competent authorities that, under the laws of the country of importation, there is prima facie an infringement of the right holder’s intellectual property right and to supply a sufficiently detailed description of the goods to make them readily recognizable by the customs authorities.” It’s understood that the counterfeit trademark or pirated copyright goods can be generally observed via its appearance by front line staffs of customs, if a right holder supply prima facie evidence of infringement of the right holder’s intellectual property right. On the other hand, it is very difficult for a patentee or a exclusive licensee to supply prima facie evidence of infringement of the patent.
In addition to the above mentioned issues, there is a more severe problem that the patentee or the exclusive licensee needs to solve. It’s that the patentee or the exclusive licensee doesn’t know when and where the goods that involve the infringement of patents will import, if the patentee or the exclusive licensee seek for the goods that involve the infringement of patents without designating spies in rivals. Therefore, this thesis tries to research the issue with respect to how to detect and detain goods that infringe patent rights.
This thesis is divided in six parts. Chapter 1 makes a description of the motive and the purpose of this article. It also includes the method and the range of this research. Chapter 2 explains and defines “The Guidelines of Intellectual Property Rights Border Enforcement” and the suspect of goods could be found by front line staffs of customs in compliance with “The Principle of Goods Appearance Identification”. Chapter 3 discusses three modes of intellectual property rights enforcement. Chapter 4 analyzes and compares Cross-Strait Customs in patent border enforcement. Chapter 5 describes cooperation of provisional measures and patent border enforcement. Finally, Chapter 6 is the conclusion.
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中共專利法研究徐履冰, XU,LYU-BING Unknown Date (has links)
緒 言:研究中共專利法,了解中共如何調和社會主義與資本主義的矛盾,以印證其
第三章:說明中共專利法對發明之定義,以及禁止專利之發明的項目。( 並和我國專
利法之規定比較 )
第四章:說明中共專利法在發明之專利要件,新穎性、創造性、實用性等規。( 著重
在新穎性所採取之立法原則 )
第六章:說明中共專利法之申請與審查。尤其著重其早期公開、延遲審查制度。( 中
共所採為極新的制度有相當特色 )。
第八章:說明中共專利法對發明專利權的期限、無效、及民、刑事的保護規定。( 參
攷中共刑法的有關規定 )
第九章:簡要交待合併在中共專利尖有關新型、新式樣 (中共法稱為實用新型及外觀
設計) 的不同規定。
結 論:由前述各章發現的問題,分析中共調和社會主義與資本主義的問題所在。
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企業併購之相關智慧財產管理策略與法律規劃研究-以併購美國高科技公司時之專利查核評估探微 / The Study on Related Strategy of Intellectual Property Management and Legal Planning in Corporate M&A-Towards the Patent Due Diligence of Merging / Acquiring an U.S. High-Technology Company陳則銘, Chen , Tze-ming Unknown Date (has links)
企業併購(Merger and Acquisition)一詞,並非明確之法律定義,實乃商業管理實務界常用之名詞,因此,與其強加定義,不如從併購之模式加以說明,更為精確。併購模式概可歸納為二大模式:一為「收購」,一為「合併」。收購又可區分為「資產收購」與「股權收購」;而合併則有以吸收合併、新設合併及存續合併為主之「法定合併」類型,與以簡式合併、三角合併、強迫合併及實質合併為主之「特殊合併」類型。
「世上沒有賣不出去的產品,只有賣不出去的價格」。在企業併購的過程中,如何就目標公司之企業價值進行評價往往是決定併購案是否能成功之關鍵。然而,對於企業的營運有重大影響之智慧財產,其「品質」究竟如何,將會對企業未來的營運造成重大的影響。因此,對於高科技產業之併購案,如何透過對於智慧財產進行查核評估(Due Diligence),協助併購交易雙方瞭解目標公司其智慧財產之品質,使雙方得以更正確評估目標公司之價值,並就併購案可能面臨之風險預先進行規劃,即為重要之課題。
為印證本論文所提高科技公司以併購活動取得智慧財產之策略及所進行之查核評估活動,在結論與建議部分將以一家台灣公司之實際經驗為個案,探討其進行跨國併購時所面臨之問題,並就多數高科技公司所忽略之「競業禁止」問題,以美國法下之經驗,作為高科技公司進行跨國(尤其是美國)併購時,在專利查核之外,亦應注意之建議,以避免研發團隊於併購前後離職或被挖角,對買方公司所造成之傷害。 / A recent survey showed that between two and five emerging technology companies are acquired for every one that does an initial public offering (IPO). Acquisitions can provide strategic, operating and financial benefits to both emerging technology companies and the company acquiring it. A strategic acquisition can provide emerging technology companies’ shareholders with earlier liquidity than an IPO, with less risk and dilution. It also can provide emerging technology companies with the immediate leverage of Buy Company's established manufacturing or distribution infrastructure, without the dilution, time and risk of internal development. A strategic acquisition can provide Buy Company with the new products and technologies necessary to maintain its competitive advantage, growth rate and profitability. Ill-conceived or badly done acquisitions, however, can result in expense and disruption to both businesses, the discontinuance of good technologies and products, employee dissatisfaction and defection, and poor operating results by the combined company. By understanding the key factors that lead to a successful acquisition, Target Company and Buy Company can improve the probability of achieving one.
When considering an M&A transaction, Target Company first step should be to identify the strategic reasons why it wants to be acquired. For example, while Target Company may seek liquidity for its founders and investors, it also may have concluded that its future success requires the synergies of complementary resources and access to the infrastructure of a major corporation. An IPO could provide Target Company’s shareholders with liquidity, but would not immediately address Target Company’s need for product synergy or provide an established infrastructure. Those needs could be better met by finding a strategic buyer for Target Company. Equally important is to identify Buy Company’s strategic objectives in acquiring Target Company. For example, Buy Company may seek to acquire a product line or key technology, gain creative, technical or management talent, or eliminate a competitor. Ultimately, Buy Company will acquire Target Company because it believes M&A transaction is a more effective means of meeting a strategic need and increasing shareholder value than internal development. If Target Company understands its own and Buy Company’s strategic objectives, it can focus on candidates that are most likely to meet its needs and value the assets that it has to offer. While the objectives of individual companies will vary, the following table identifies common strategic objectives that Target Companies and Buy Companies try to achieve through an M&A activity.
Target Company Reasons to Be Acquired Buy Company Reasons to Make a M&A
Access to complementary products
Access to complementary markets
Access to working capital
Avoid dilution of building own infrastructure
Best and fastest return on investment
Faster access to established infrastructure
Gain critical mass
Improve distribution capacity
More rapid expansion of customer base
Acquire key technology
Acquire a new distribution channel
Assure a source of supply
Eliminate a competitor
Expand or add a product line
Gain creative talent
Gain expertise and entry in a new market
Gain a time-to-market advantage
Increase earnings per share
This study focuses on intellectual property due diligence, especially for the investigation of the benefits and risks associated with the ownership and exploitation of patent right when a company involves in a M&A activity. The increased profile, frequency, and value of intellectual property-related transactions have elevated the need for all legal, financial and managerial professionals and intellectual property owners to have a thorough understanding of the assessment and valuation of these assets and their role in commercial transactions; a detailed assessment of patent right is becoming an increasingly integral part of commercial transactions for the high-technology companies. Acquiring or investing in a business that owns intellectual property assets requires expanding the scope and depth of the due diligence that is usually conducted in such transactions.
The process of gathering information and assessing the merits, issues, and risks associated with a business transaction is called “due diligence.” It is a critical exercise in the acquisition and strategic utilization of intellectual property assets. Due diligence is a necessary precursor to funding a new venture, and is critically important in many other business transactions, including mergers, acquisitions, licenses, initial public offerings, and in some instances litigation. In recent years, the commercial importance of patents and other intellectual property has become highly visible. Courts have imposed large damage awards for intellectual property misuse and infringement. Multi-million dollar judgments are no longer a rarity. Courts have also granted significant injunctions to limit the products which a company can market. For instance, Kodak was virtually eliminated from the instant camera market and subject to an extremely high damage award when it was found to infringe patents owned by Polaroid. As a result of these potential events, and the increasing value of intellectual property assets in today’s high technology society, intellectual property matters have become an important aspect of a traditional due diligence study.
Intellectual property due diligence can be conducted in preparation for a wide variety of transactions. For example, intellectual property assets should be analyzed in the context of a share purchase or asset transfer, or may require assessment in connection with a capital contribution, in a joint venture or security for a loan, or in preparation of disclosure in connection with an offering of securities. Intellectual property due diligence can also facilitate a company’s thorough internal assessment of its own assets. Such a self-audit can prepare the company for an externally conducted due diligence, such as audited by a buyer company involving in a M&A transaction, and can enhance the company’s own intellectual property planning and management.
Intellectual property rights are the product of human thought, born of human needs and aspirations, and manifested by societal values. A thorough intellectual property due diligence also requires consideration of many nonlegal, nonmaterial aspects of the rights involved. The impact of an investment in a specific intellectual property right, and its role and value in a given M&A transaction, can be easily miscalculated if the private and public implications of those rights are not considered. Every intellectual property transaction embodies both individual and societal beliefs and values that can profoundly affect the parties’s strategies and success. The philosophical underpinnings of intellectual property rights are often discussed in academic and philosophical forums. However, these principles deserve reiteration here, in a transaction-specific context. Too often, they are forgotten amidst the binders, cabinets and files full of due diligence documents and analytical reports.
In Chapter 4, Patent Due Diligence, it comprises detailed analyses of the key issues to be assessed in the patent investigation. This chapter presents the steps in the legal review that should be undertaken on patents, and reviews the pertinent law pertaining to patent right. This chapter identifies the relevant documents that should be requested, defines the subject right, and analyzes the following substantive questions:
Whether Target Company owns the patent right(s);
Whether the patent right(s) have been adequately protected;
Whether Target Company’s use of the patent right(s) is dependent on third part rights;
Whether the scope of patent right(s) is sufficient;
Whether the patent right(s) have been properly exploited; and
Whether the patent right(s) present a risk of litigation.
An investigation of Target Company’s patent assets can require analysis of extensive documentation, as well as knowledge of the specific technical field in which Target Company conducts its business, and of patent law. The circumstances of each particular case will dictate whether specialized patent counsel will need to be retained to assist with the patent due diligence. Buyer Company should be aware that proper preparation of patentability opinions and validity / infringement opinions can require substantial lead time and budget, and should accordingly account for these contingencies.
Similarly, a thorough investigation to confirm ownership and assess exploitation of Target Company’s patent portfolio can require discussions regarding contribution of inventive ideas, past and present consultant or employment status of inventors, proper use of assignments, close investigation of the technology, markets, improvement clauses, cross-licenses, and the like. In sum, if Buyer Company specifies Target Company’s patent portfolio as a high priority in the intellectual property due diligence investigation, Buyer Company is well-advised to assign the patent-related investigation tasks to team members and, as applicable, patent experts, early in the due diligence process.
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專利侵權訴訟機制之再建構--審前程序的檢討與改革陳昱奉, Chen, Harris Y. Unknown Date (has links)
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透過專利、學術論文分析技術發展趨勢-以蝕刻技術為例 / Technology Trends Analysis via Patent and Scientific Publication - A Case Study of Etching徐竣祈 Unknown Date (has links)
競爭是現代社會中無所不在的行為,國家或企業透過產業競爭分析、企業競爭分析,乃至市場分析及技術預測(Technological Forecast),才能知己知彼並且擬定正確的決策。對科技產業而言,若企業無法隨時掌握技術發展的趨勢,儘早投入技術研發或調整企業的經營策略。不久之後,市場便會被其他競爭對手所佔據。所幸,沒有一項技術發明是直接由發明者的腦袋直接跳到廣泛應用的境地。其間總是經過好幾個連續階段,每一個階段都使得「實用性」及「有用性」更成熟。因此若能掌握科技發展的脈絡,早期投入研發,便能維持企業的競爭優勢。
過去曾有眾多的研究利用書目計量來分析學術論文或專利資訊,而最近幾年則陸續出現利用文字探勘來分析學術論文或專利資訊,但這樣的分析結果是片段而不完全的。本研究提出整合性的概念,同時結合計量分析(Bibliometrics)與文字探勘(Text Mining)兩種方法,分別對學術論文(Science Citation Index Expanded)與專利資訊(Derwent World Patents Index)這兩種文獻資料作分析,透過互相比較來瞭解技術發展的趨勢。除此之外,也希望透過個案分析,對本研究所提出之方法論本身,探討之間的關聯性。
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台灣生技公司專利授權與技術移轉策略之研究 / The Study on Strategy of Patent Licensing and Technology Transferring of Taiwan Biotechnology Company顏榮毅, Yan, Rong Yih Unknown Date (has links)
1. 「專利授權與技術移轉」必須著重於專利品質,以更貼近產業與市場需求,進而強化技術移轉之成效。
2. 「專利授權與技術移轉」是屬於相當複雜且專業性高的領域,與市場互動至關密切。
3. 任何產業的任何公司當其智慧財產行銷策略之方向目標正確,且手段方法合理,則成功便是可以預期的。
4. 一旦擬定正確的智慧財產行銷策略,則後續的執行力,便成為是否成功之唯一重點。 / The coming of Knowledge-based Economy Era indicates the fact that knowledge had taken the place of labor, land and capital to become the most important production factor. The results of knowledge creation are Intellectual Property (IP). The Intangible Assets are much more important than Tangible Assets for industries in nowadays. It becomes crucial for individuals, industries, and countries to achieve success in the Knowledge-based Economy Era to concentrate on the creation, protection, management and application of intellectual property.
In the recent years, because of the developments of scientific knowledge and life wisdom, the progress and importance of the biomedical technology which closely related to human life and safety advances rapidly. Besides, the biotechnology industry is also one of the booming industries of Taiwan “Two Millions, Two Stars” projects. However, the Taiwan Biotechnology Industry does not follow the trend well. The biotechnology industry is a typical high value added and knowledge oriented industry, and the importance of IP is much more distinct. Same as other corporation’s property, intellectual property needs to be managed and put to use well to manifest its value. If a corporation owns a lot of IP without effective management and application, none value or benefit will be produced for the corporation from the IP. Therefore, for the IP owner, how to find out the correct application ways of IP will be the most important concern. Since technology familiarity and application is a highly emphasized issue for biotechnology industry, this study will focus on the technology knowledge protection concerning “Patent Licensing and Technology Transferring,” especially on the IP Marketing Management Strategy.
David Ho, a Chinese American scientist and the Man of the year 1996 of “Time” magazine, once said that “we have to bet on biotechnology with talents”. The question is what talents are needed, and how to bet? This study aims to provide some corresponding thoughts and find out the strategy of “Patent Licensing and Technology Transferring” for Taiwan biotechnology corporation through case study. Furthermore, the study will manifest how IP Marketing Management will influence industry development.
Due to the immature company structure and small business size of Taiwan biotechnology corporations, these corporations are unable to create the best profit through IP commercialization or industrization. Thus, the best model for them will be through IP Exchange and the “Patent Licensing and Technology Transferring” will be the most effective and feasible IP Business Model given the conditions of Taiwan biotechnology industry. This thesis will concentrate on this aspect and provide advices for industrial developments.
The purposes of this study include: a. the important factors and the significnace of “Patent Licensing and Technology Transferring” in the promotion of Taiwan biotechnology corporation development; b. the current mechanism of “Patent Licensing and Technology Transferring” of Taiwan biotechnology corporation; c. a case study of Taiwan biotechnology corporation, including the IP Marketing Strategy analysis and the key successful factors as reference for other corporations; d. the core structure of IP Marketing Strategy and IP Marketing Strategy planning; and e. strategy suggestions for “Patent Licensing and Technology Transferring” and the potential problem analysis of the industry to Taiwan biotechnology corporation.
This study proposes that the Taiwan biotechnology corporation must put the 6P factors of IP Marketing into consideration and target to dominate Industry Chain, to control Value Chain, and to allocate Supply Chain. They should also take the correct IP Business Model of “Patent Licensing and Technology Transferring”, and then think in the position of the targeted licensee through the examination of “9 Theories of Strategy” to find out the most suitable IP Marketing strategy. They should also take the characteristics of “Organizational Marketing” into consideration in practice.
This study comes to the conclusions below with case study and qualitative methods:
a. The quality of patents is always important in “Patent Licensing and Technology Transferring” to meet the industry and market demand and thus to reinforce the technology transferring achievement.
b. “Patent Licensing and Technology Transferring” is complicated, highly professional and closely related to the market.
c. The success of any corporation of any industry lies on a correct IP Marketing Strategy and a legitimate method.
d. Once the correct IP Marketing Strategy is settled, the only key factor to success will be how to enforce the strategy.
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英漢專利文書文句對列與應用 / English and Chinese Sentence Alignment for Statements in Patent Documents and its Applications田侃文 Unknown Date (has links)
綜觀現今全球化的趨勢,世界各國皆進行跨語言的專利文書翻譯工作。在專利文書翻譯及跨語言檢索方面,蒐集大量且正確的專利文書平行語料能夠協助相關研究的進行。利用人工進行平行語料文句的對列工作相當費時,因此,本研究利用斷句、斷詞及英文詞幹還原等前處理技術,搭配中英技術名詞對應表,透過統計詞頻調整對應詞組的權重,並以句子間的餘弦相似度作為輔助,計算中英文句子間的相似度,最後利用動態規劃演算法挑選最佳的對列組合,發展出一套中英文句對列的系統。以精確率及召回率評比對列成效,並將對列後產生的句對作為輔助式機器翻譯系統詞序調動的訓練語料,以2003年國際數學語科學教育成就趨勢調查測驗試題作為翻譯對象,採用BLEU及NIST的評比方式進行評估。實驗結果顯示本系統不僅在1:1對列模式的精確率達到0.995,且利用門檻值篩選出的大量中英文句對,確實能夠提升輔助式機器翻譯系統的翻譯品質。 / The importance of cross-language translation of patent documents has grown substantially as a result of globalization. Accurately aligned parallel corpora help researchers conduct their research projects that depend on bilingual data to develop techniques such as computer-aided translation and cross-language information retrieval. It takes time to collect parallel data manually; therefore, an English-Chinese sentence alignment system was built that will automatically complete this process.
A variety of preprocessing techniques for natural language processing were used, such as the stemming of the English words, to build this system. Two parts of scores were considered to align sentences. The first part considered the number and weight of aligned word pairs in the Chinese and English sentences. The second part came from a special way to compute the cosine value of the Chinese and English sentence pairs. Precision and recall rates were used to evaluate the quality of the aligned results and the 1:1 alignment achieved 0.995 precision. In addition, the aligned sentences were used as training data in a machine translation for the TIMSS test items, experimental results show that the aligned sentences are helpful for the translation system.
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專利侵權損害賠償額之研究 / A Study on the damages award of the patent infringement楊晉佳, Yang, Chin Chia Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:專利侵權、智慧財產、損害賠償、所失利益、合理權利金、智慧財產法院 / This study aims to explore the ambit of the patent infringement compensation and the method to calculate the damages award for the patent infringement. This thesis focuses on Taiwan’s patent law and judicial practice, compared to the regulations and practices of TRIPS , the United States, and the mainland China. Besides, with the establishment of the Intellectual Property Court since July 1, 2008 in Taiwan, did this new Taiwan Intellectual Property Court have made more innovative decisions than the past few decades ? Chapter I is the introduction of this study’s background and motivation, research purpose, research methodology and process. Chapter II refers to the definition of the patent right, types of the patent infringement, steps & principles of the patent infringement identification, and our country's patent infringement relief system. Chapter III is dedicated to the calculation of the damages award in the amount based on the provisions and court’s decision, and to deal with non-property damages, such as the reputation damages, legal fees and other costs. Chapter IV compares the regulations and practices of the TRIPS, the United States and the mainland China, in particular the United States court’s decisions.Whether our patent law should adopt the theory of reasonable royalty, as the law or judicial enforcement in the United States? Should a reasonable royalty be based on two parties under the free wills but not by the threat of litigations.Chapter V analyzes the outcomes of the Intellectual Property Court’s rulings in the past one year. Are their rulings different from the past practices? Whether they can greatly avoid the criticisms of the prior practice;Also, I will advance my personal view in this chapter. The final chapter of this thesis will put forward the proposals for the amendment to the Patent Law in Taiwan in the future.This thesis hopes to make you have a basic understanding of the past practices of the district court rulings in Taiwan, the comparisons of the practical theories in the United States, and the latest court rulings released by the Intellectual Property Court, for future reference of the amendment to the patent law.And hope that the Intellectual Property Court could even more protect the rights of patent holders in the future, so that the inventors may obtain adequate compensation, therefore they will be willing to invest more capital in R & D to create more valuable patents for the benefit of the people.
Key words: patent infringement, intellectual property, compensatory damages, lost profits, reasonable royalty, Intellectual Property Court.
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