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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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幼稚園教師對美術活動教學態度之研究 / A study of the kindergarten teachers’ attitude of teaching art

高如瑩 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討幼稚園教師對美術活動之教學態度,主要目的有三:一、編制「幼稚園教師美術活動教學態度問卷」;二、瞭解幼稚園教師對美術活動教學態度之實際情況;三、探討不同背景變項下幼稚園教師對美術活動教學態度之差異情形;四、根據研究結果提出具體建議,做為改善學前階段美術教育之參考。 本研究以調查研究法,調查與分析幼稚園教師對美術活動之教學態度,依據文獻探討的結果編製「幼稚園教師美術活動教學態度問卷」,並經專家效度檢驗以及問卷預試成立正式問卷及建立問卷的效度與信度(Cronbach’s α係數為 .886)。 本研究以台北縣公、私立幼稚園之教師為研究對象,並以「幼稚園教師美術活動教學態度問卷」為研究工具,共發放340份問卷,回收208份問卷,回收率為61%。調查所得資料以描述統計、卡方考驗、單因子變異數分析方法進行分析。 本研究之研究結果為:一、幼稚園教師對美術活動的教學態度分為四個主要取向,分別為「幼兒本位取向」、「美術本位取向」、「教師本位取向」,以及「較少干涉取向」。二、不同教學年資、年齡、專業領域、公私立園所之幼稚園教師在美術活動教學態度上有所差異。 最後,本研究依據研究結果,分別對幼稚園教師、相關教育單位,以及後續美術活動相關研究提出具體建議,以供參考。 / The purpose of research is to investigate the kindergarten teachers’ attitude of teaching art. Four aims of this research are: 1. To compile the “Kindergarten Teachers’ Attitude of Art Activity Questionnaire” as the research tool. 2. To inquire current kindergarten teachers’ attitude of teaching art. 3. To analysis differences among teachers’ attitudes of teaching art on four distinct dimensions: years of teaching, age, professional knowledge of individual teachers, and the types of kindergarten (public and private). 4. To make suggestions for a teacher teaching art in kindergarten, related associations or departments, and someone interesting this topic. Researcher designed the contents of “Kindergarten Teachers’ Attitude of Teaching Art Questionnaire” by following phrases: compile items of questionnaire from literature, evaluate items by five experts to build validity, and using statistical analysis to establish reliability (Cronbach’s α .886). Researcher randomly sampled 340 subjects from kindergartens in Taipei county and delivered the questionnaire and 208 samples were valid (61%). The data were analyzed using: descriptive statistics, χ2 test, one-way ANOVA, and LSD posterior comparisons. The result was: 1. The mainly approaches of teachers’ attitude of teaching art are children-oriented approach, art-oriented approach, teacher-oriented approach, and little-intervention-oriented approach. 2. Significant differences of teachers’ attitude were found between teachers in different years of teaching, age, professional knowledge of individual teachers, and the type of kindergarten. The researcher made recommendations to kindergarten teachers, education administrations, and further related research based on the conclusions.


郭小真 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在建構並驗證知識分享意願與管道對於知識分享行為之關係。研究對象為台北縣市公私立幼稚園教師。研究方法採問卷調查。問卷資料以結構方程模式與迴歸統計分析,驗證本研究建構之知識分享行為模式的適配性。 本研究結果發現: 一、 知識分享意願與知識分享行為類型皆有顯著正向相關。 二、 知識分享管道中,工作坊顯著正向影響內隱知識分享行為,團隊型管道顯著正向影響共構式分享行為。 三、 中心型-會議與研習有顯著干擾意願與外顯知識分享行為;中心型-工作坊有顯著干擾意願與內隱知識分享行為;團隊型管道有顯著干擾意願與共構式分享行為。 最後綜合上述結果,做成結論,提供各組織規劃環境與安排活動之參考,並對未來研究提出進一步建議。


李碧雯 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解幼稚園教師人格特質、組織文化知覺對課程變革關注的影響。首先,瞭解目前幼稚園教師人格特質、教師組織文化知覺與課程變革關注之現況;其次,探討不同背景變項幼稚園教師在人格特質、組織文化知覺與課程變革關注的差異情形;再者,分析幼稚園教師人格特質、組織文化知覺與課程變革關注的相關情形;最後,利用結構方程模式,以教師人格特質、組織文化知覺為外衍變項;課程變革關注為內衍變項,探討各變項間的直間接效果。  本研究以台北縣市公私立幼稚園教師為研究對象,並以「幼稚園教師人格特質問卷」、「組織文化知覺問卷」、「課程變革關注問卷」為研究工具,有效樣本為412份,根據受試者之填達結果分別以平均數、標準差、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關以及結構方程模式(SEM)等統計方法,進行資料處理分析。 本研究獲致之結論如下: 一、幼稚園教師人格特質以「友善性」得分最高,而「開放性」得分最低。 二、組織文化知覺以「創新性文化」得分最高,「支持性文化」與「科層 性文化」並列第二。 三、課程變革關注以「合作落實」得分最高,「執行壓力」得分最低。 四、不同背景幼稚園教師在人格特質、組織文化知覺與課程變革關注等部分 因素上有顯著差異。 五、教師人格特質與課程變革關注呈現正相關。 六、組織文化知覺與課程變革關注呈現正相關。 七、本研究所假設的結構模型在LISREL整體適配度考驗下,為一可接受模 型,並可顯示出各變項之間的直間接效果。尤其,幼稚園教師人格特 質對課程變革關注影響效果大於組織文化知覺對課程變革關注影響的效 果。 最後,根據研究結果提出具體建議,以提供給幼稚園教師、學前機構、有關行政機關與後續研究者做為參考。

幼稚園教師組織文化知覺、創意人格與創意教學之研究 / A Study of the relationship between the Teachers’ awareness of Organizational Culture of Kindergartens, Creative Personalities and Creative Teaching

葉怡伶, Yeh,Yi-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討幼稚園教師組織文化知覺、創意人格對於其創意教學之影響及三者之關係。首先瞭解幼稚園教師組織文化知覺、創意人格與創意教學之現況;其次分析不同園所屬性與教師個人變項在三者之差異情形;第三,分析幼稚園教師組織文化知覺、創意人格與創意教學三者之相關性;最後,以多元迴歸及結構方程模式分析幼稚園教師組織文化知覺與創意人格對其創意教學之預測力,以及三者結構方程模式之適配情形。 本研究透過文獻探討以及問卷調查法來瞭解上述研究目的,利用「診斷組織文化測驗」、改編之「創造性人格量表(Creative Personality Scale)」以及自編之「教師創意教學量表」為研究工具。以台北市公、私立幼稚園教師為研究母群體,並藉由兩階段抽樣方式抽取107所園所,321位教師為主要研究對象。共發出321份問卷,整體回收率有效問卷為63%。問卷回收後,使用SPSS14.0統計軟體及AMOS5.0進行描述性統計、信度分析、初探性與驗證性因素分析、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、Tukey多重比較、皮爾森積差相關、多元迴歸以及結構方程模式來分析資料。本研究主要結論如下: 壹、幼稚園教師所知覺之組織文化類型為「階層型文化」,且教師整體而言具高度創意人格與創意教學,且以「積極靈巧」之特質最為明顯;且能省思自己的教學目標。 貳、教師年齡與年資差異存在於其創意人格及創意教學中,其中,教師年齡越長、越資深,越具有明確的教學目標,在教學方法與評量上也越具創意。學歷程度之差異則存在於其創意教學中,且顯示教育研究所畢業之教師創意教學程度高於一般大學畢業之幼稚園教師。 參、共識型組織文化與創意教學相關程度最高。然,共識型的組織文化雖有助於教師創意教學的產生,但不保證教師能有高度的教學創意。 肆、教師本身之創意人格與創意教學有高度相關,且比幼稚園組織文化更能預測其教學創意程度。 伍、「共識型文化」、「發展型文化」、「理性型文化」三種文化類型與教師創意人格及創意教學之結構方程模式適配度尚可接受。 最後,研究者根據上述研究結論針對幼稚園、幼稚園教師以及未來之研究提出建議,以期對未來學前階段之創造力教育有所助益。 / The main purposes of this study was to: (a) understand the current situation of the teachers’ awareness of organizational culture of kindergartens, creative personalities and creative teaching; (b) explore the data of the teachers’ awareness of organizational culture of kindergartens, creative personalities and creative teaching between different backgrounds and influencing factors; (c) analyze the relationship between these three variables; (d) explore the predictive power of the teachers’ awareness of organizational culture of kindergartens and creative personalities on the creative teaching;(e)use SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) to explore the goodness-of-fit of the model between the teachers’ awareness of organizational culture of kindergartens, creative personalities and creative teaching. To accomplish these purposes, the methods adopted were a comprehensive literature review and a questionnaire. Three scales were used to measure the following constructs: “Creative personality scale”, “Diagnosing Corporate Culture”, and “Creative Teaching Scale for Kindergarten Teachers”. A total of 215 teachers from 107 kindergartens (both public and private schools) participated in this survey in Taipei, and with an effective response rate of 63%. The questionnaire data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Cronbach αcoefficient analysis, explorative factor analysis, confirmative factor analysis, T-test, one way ANOVA, Tukey posteriority comparison, Pearson’s correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis, and Structural Equation Modeling through the use of SPSS14.0 for windows and AMOS5.0.The major results were summarized as follows: 1. The teachers’ awareness of organizational culture of kindergartens is an Internal Process Model (a bureaucratic type). Teachers are smart with high scores on creative personality and high scores on creative teaching, especially in the aspect of teachers’ teaching goals. 2. Teachers with over 21 years of teaching experience are more creative on teaching than the beginning teachers with only 1 year of teaching experience. Furthermore, the young teachers have less creative personalities than the older teachers. Besides, the teachers with a master degree in education are more creative on teaching than teachers with a bachelor degree in other fields than education. 3. A human relations model may contribute to teachers’ creative teaching, but would not necessarily bring about teachers’ high creative teaching. 4. Teachers’ creative personality is more predictable than the organizational culture of kindergartens. 5. The goodness-of-fit of the models between the teachers’ awareness of organizational culture of kindergartens, creative personalities and creative teaching are acceptable, especially in the human relation model, open system model and rational goal model. Keywords: Kindergarten teachers, creative teaching, creative personality, the organizational culture of kindergartens, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)

台北市公立幼稚園教師利用資訊資源之研究 / A Study on the use of information resources of kindergarten teachers in Taipei

許修嬋, Hsu, Hsiu Chan Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,我國出生率逐年遞減,少子化的現象普遍存在,家長及社會對於幼兒的教育十分重視,幼教老師在教學實施上備受壓力;而網路與科技媒體的蓬勃發展,更促使幼教老師必須重新思考教學的方式。教師如要運用教學媒體教授幼兒知識,須具備一定的資訊素養,懂得從各種管道尋獲教學資源。 / 本研究針對台北市公立幼稚園教師進行研究,期瞭解幼兒教師的資訊尋求行為概況;探討教師如何利用圖書館和網路資源準備教學;分析教師如何運用資訊資源進行專業成長;並瞭解幼教老師利用Blog的經驗。透過問卷調查和深度訪談來瞭解幼教老師利用資訊資源於教學上之概況。 / 研究發現,台北市公立幼稚園教師仍以女性教師為主,大部分教育程度在大學以上,年齡則以41~50歲居多,教師教學經驗豐富,六成的教師已從事教學達15年以上。高達92.5%的教師會使用網際網路,教師具有中上的資訊素養能力,且學歷較高和新進教師的教師具有較高的資訊素養。教師使用多種管道找尋合適的資源與媒體以支援教學,並將其評估、處理成為教材。在找尋資源時會考量資訊的正確性與方便性。 / 關於利用圖書館資源準備教學方面:教師至圖書館的目的為找尋教學相關資源;使用校內圖書室和台北市立圖書館找尋教學資源;使用繪本和影音資料為主。在利用網路資源協助教學上:教師利用網路資源準備教學;應用網路多媒體協助教學實施;參與網路社群分享教學資源及經驗;藉由網路平台紀錄教學活動;與家長進行親師溝通。而利用資訊資源進行專業成長上教師透過閱讀獲取專業知識;利用網路資源自我學習,並進行個人知識管理。此外,教師亦會運用Blog搜尋教學資源、分享教學經驗、整理學生學習歷程檔案、建置幼稚園網頁、記錄教學與整理教師教學檔案及建置個人Blog。 / 最後建議:(1)教育主管機關應鼓勵教師參與線上讀書會與成長團體,精進個人之專業知識;辦理各式資訊素養研習以提昇教師的資訊素養能力;委託相關單位編製資源示意圖協助教師準備教學;建置幼教專業知識共享平台,便於教師找尋及取得資源、整理個人教學知識,持續進行個人專業成長。(2)幼稚園圖書室應與鄰近圖書館合作並共享資源;協助教師充分利用圖書館資源準備教學。(3)幼稚園教師應充分利用資訊資源支援教學活動、進行終身學習;積極參與網路社群,利用Blog等網路平台與家長共同指導幼兒。 關鍵字:幼稚園教師;資訊尋求行為;教師專業成長;部落格 / This research focused on the utilization of information resources of public kindergarten teachers in Taipei. The purpose is to reveal the information seeking behaviors of kindergarten teachers, such as how the teachers use the library and internet resources to prepare for teaching; how teachers use the information resources to upgrade teachers' professional development; and the use of Blog. The study applies the questionnaire and in-depth interview to find out how the kindergarten teachers use the information resources. / According to this study, most of public kindergarten teachers in Taipei are female, hold bachelor degree, and the majority of them are about forties to fifties. Teachers are well experienced. Ninety two point percent teachers are able to use internet, most teachers are well equipped with information literacy. / Finally, suggestion were made as follows: (1) The Department of Education, Taipei City Government should encourage teachers to participate the online reading club and growth group for enhancing professional development; conducting all kinds of information literacy courses, compiling the pathfinders and setting up professional portal for professional growth. (2) The kindergarten library should cooperate with the neighboring libraries to share resources, and play the important role in assisting teachers using information resources. (3) Kindergarten teachers should learn how to utilize the information resources widely for supporting the teaching and achieve the life-long learning; participating in internet communities to upgrade their professional knowledge and core competences; and use the Blog and other social software to instruct kids with their parents together. Keywords:Kindergarten Teachers;Information Seeking Behavior;Teachers' professional development;Blog

澳門非高等教育教師延續培訓政策取向研究 / Study of policy directions of teacher's continuing education for non-tertiary schools in Macao

楊鳳玲 January 1999 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

澳門幼稚園教師工作滿足感之現況研究 / Study on job satisfaction of Macao kindergarten teachers

譚筱娟 January 2001 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

幼稚園教師多元文化人格、經驗與多元文化教學能力之研究 / A study of the relationship between the Kindergarten Teachers’ Multicultural Personality, experience and Multicultural Teaching Competence

李宛霏, Lee, Wan Fei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討不同背景變項(個人背景、園所環境、多元文化人格、多元文化經驗)對幼稚園教師多元文化教學能力之影響。首先了解幼稚園教師不同背景變項與多元文化教學能力之現況;其次分析不同背景變項對多元文化教學能力之差異情形;第三,分析幼稚園教師多元文化人格與多元文化教學能力之間的相關;最後以多元迴歸分析不同背景變項對幼稚園教師多元文化教學能力之預測力。 本研究透過文獻探討以及問卷調查法來探討上述目的,利用改編之「多元文化教學能力量表」、「多元文化人格量表」為研究工具,以新北市344公、私立幼稚園教師為研究母群體,並利用兩階段(預試、正式)抽樣方式,分別抽取136位、309位教師為主要研究對象,共發出445份問卷,整體回收有效問卷為77.75%。問卷回收後,使用SPSS18.0統計軟體進行描述性統計、項目分析、信度分析、因素分析、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、LSD多重比較、皮爾森積差相關以及多元迴歸來分析資料。本研究結論如下: 一、新北市公、私立幼稚園教師之多元文化人格類型以「文化同理心」居多。 二、新北市公、私立幼稚園教師具有高多元文化教學能力。 三、不同背景幼稚園教師在多元文化教學能力上有顯著差異。 四、教師多元文化人格與多元文化教學能力呈現中度正相關。 五、「園所規模」、「多元文化人格」與「有身障好友」能有效預測多元文化教學能力。 最後,研究者根據上述結論針對幼稚園教師、幼稚園以及未來之研究提出建議,以期對未來學前教育階段之多元文化教育有所助益。 / The current study focused on the effect of different backgrounds on multicultural teaching competence. The main purposes of this study were to: (a) understand the current situation of the kindergarten teachers’ different backgrounds and multicultural teaching competence; (b) explore the differences between kindergarten teachers’ different backgrounds and multicultural teaching competence; (c) analyze the relationship between kindergarten teachers’ multicultural personality and multicultural teaching competence; (d) explore the predictive power of the teachers’ different backgrounds on the multicultural teaching competence. To accomplish these purposes, the methods adopted were a comprehensive literature review and a questionnaire. Two scales were used to measure the following constructs: “multicultural teaching competence” and “multicultural personality”. The teachers also provided information about their teaching experience, multicultural experience, demographics and so on. The teachers of 344 kindergartens (both public and private schools) within New Taipei City were surveyed for this study. A total of 346 teachers participated in this survey, and with an effective response rate of 77.75%. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Cronbach’s α coefficient analysis, factor analysis, T-test, one way ANOVA, LSD posteriority comparison, Pearson’s correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. The main results were summarized as follows: 1.The most kindergarten teachers’ multicultural personality type is “Cultural empathy”. 2.With different background variables, kindergarten teachers’ multicultural teaching competence is in parts significantly different. 3.There is a positive correlation between kindergarten teachers’ multicultural personality and multicultural teaching competence. 4.“ Kindergarden’s size”, “multicultural personality”, and “ has disabled friends” can predictive kindergarten teachers’ multicultural teaching competence effectively.

澳門幼稚園教師教學信念與實踐研究 / Study of kindergarten teachers' pedagogical beliefs and practices in Macao

何詠華 January 2004 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education

幼稚園教師學校組織創新氣氛知覺、知識分享行為與創新教學行為之研究-以台北市幼稚園為例 / A study of relationships among organizational innovative climate of kindergartens, teachers’ knowledge sharing and innovative teaching

劉華鈴, Liu, Hua Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解幼稚園教師學校組織創新氣氛知覺、知識分享行為對創新教學行為之影響以及三者之關係。首先瞭解幼稚園教師學校組織創新氣氛知覺、知識分享行為與創新教學行為之現況;其次,探討幼稚園教師學校組織創新氣氛知覺、知識分享行為與創新教學行為之相關性;最後,以多元迴歸分析幼稚園教師學校組織創新氣氛知覺與知識分享行為對創新教學行為之預測力,以及探討學校組織創新氣氛是否透過知識分享行為此中介變項影響教師創新教學行為。 本研究以台北市公私立幼稚園教師為研究對象,以「校園創新氣氛量表」,以及修改之「知識分享行為量表」與「創意教學行為量表」為研究工具,有效樣本為272份,資料回收後分別以描述性統計、皮爾森積差相關分析,以及多元迴歸分析等統計方法進行資料處理。本研究獲致之結論如下: 1. 學校組織創新氣氛知覺與創新教學行為達顯著正相關。 2. 知識分享行為與創新教學行為達顯著正相關。 3. 學校組織創新氣氛知覺與知識分享行為達顯著正相關。 4. 學校組織創新氣氛的「工作條件」跟「學習成長」面向可以有效預測教師的 創新教學行為。 5. 知識分享行為的「行動示範」、「知識共構」可有效預測教師創新教學行為。 6. 就學校組織創新氣氛、知識分享行為對創新教學行為的整體模式而言,學校 組織創新氣氛中的「工作條件」可透過知識分享行為中的「行動示範」與「知識共構」此兩個中介變項預測幼稚園教師的創新教學行為。 最後,研究者根據研究結論針對幼稚園組織與幼稚園教師,以及未來研究提出具體建議,以期對未來幼稚園實行創新教學及相關後續研究有所助益。 / The main purposes of this study were as following: First of all, understand the teachers’ awareness of organizational innovative climate, teachers’ knowledge sharing behavior, and innovative teaching. Second, understand the relationships among these three variables. Third, explore the predictive power of the teachers’ awareness of organizational innovative climate, teachers’ knowledge sharing behavior, and innovative teaching. This study adopts the survey method by questionnaire. This study included 272 kindergarten teachers in Taipei city, Taiwan. The applied analysis methods were Descriptive Statistics, Factor analysis, Cronbach α coefficient analysis, Pearson’s correlation analysis, and Regression through SPSS18.0. The main findings of this study were summarized as follows: 1. It showed positive correlation between teachers’ awareness of organizational innovative climate and creative teaching. 2. The relationships between teachers’ knowledge sharing behavior, and creative teaching were positive. 3. It showed positive correlation between teachers’ awareness of organizational innovative climate and teachers’ knowledge sharing behavior. 4. Job Conditions and Professional Learning can predict teachers’ innovative teaching. 5. Action Demonstration and Knowledge Building can predict teachers’ innovative teaching. 6. It appeared that knowledge sharing plays mediating roles among organizational innovative climate and innovative teaching.

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