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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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以零售點銷售數據制定行銷決策 - 以某中國品牌為例

鄭淑蓮, Debbie Jeng Unknown Date (has links)
中國,最近幾年每年都是以9-10%經濟成長在成長著, 經濟學者們對中國的經濟成長,仍然預測未來10-15年,中國仍然將以每年9-10%的持續高成長,則內需市場亦將持續擴大;從行銷上來看,中國正由“世界的工廠”走向到“世界的市場”,因為中國內需市場的高成長率,已經成為世界主要的高成長消費市場之一。 然而在高成長的市場,市場佔有率是品牌發展的著重點,大多數品牌在中國的行銷管理上尤其著重於佈局渠道的發展與管理;而其中渠道管理更是重點中的重點。因而本論文中將探討的是,如何運用渠道銷售數據來制定市場決策,提升及優化市場行銷的效益。 本研究將以某中國品牌為例,透過其零售點的POS數據,分析並與發現其市場議題,協助市場決策的的制定及行銷策略的擬定。在數據分析上將涵蓋:總體銷售(進/銷/存)分析、零售分析、銷售結構分析,零售點價值分析等四大部分,以銷售數據實際列舉其市場議題,瞭解其現況,並探究其可能的行銷解決方案和市場決策。 / China has been enjoying an annual economic growth of 9–10% in recent years. Economists are predicting that China will continue its growth at 9–10 % per year in the next 10–15 years. In addition, domestic demands will also keep growing. Such a prediction can be interpreted in Marketing terms into the fact that China is transforming from "World's Factory" into "World's Market". China's domestic market has become one of the major consumer markets with high growth in the world. In a market of high growth rate, market shares of a brand are the focus of brand marketing. Most brands in China focus its marketing efforts on the development and management of channels. Of the two, management of channels is more important. This thesis, therefore will discuss how to determine marketing strategies for their utmost efficiency with the sales statistics gathered from all channels. This research will be based on the statistics gathered from the POS of a certain brand in China. It will analyze the numbers and discovers points of interests to plan for the strategies for markets. The analysis of the statistics include: Overall Sales Analysis (Purchase/Sales/Inventory), Retail Analysis, the Analysis of sales structures, Analysis of Value at the POS. With these analyses, point of interests, current status can be discovered, marketing solutions and strategies can be made.

以全民健康保險資料庫探討癌症的發生與死亡 / The Study of Cancer Incidence and Mortality via Taiwan National Health Insurance Database

陳昱霈 Unknown Date (has links)
重大傷病是我國全民健保的主要特色之一,民國105年重大傷病領證人數為95萬6626人(約4%人口),但其醫療費用超過全國四分之一,且盛行率有逐年上升的趨勢(資料來源:衛生福利部中央健康保險署)。其中,癌症又為重大傷病的首位,佔了重大傷病發證數的49%,雖然癌症發生率每年僅些微上升,但因罹癌後死亡率也逐年下降,而且癌症發生率隨年齡而增加,預期癌症盛行率將隨人口老化而快速上升,醫療利用與支出亦會愈趨上升,加重健保財務的負擔。有鑑於癌症盛行率的增加,健保署於兩年前提高癌症病患換新卡的資格,於103年停發約1萬7000張癌症領證數,但追根究底的解決之道仍在於及早發現與治療,不僅可提昇國民健康,更可有效率使用醫療資源。 本文使用全民健康保險資料庫,以探討國人罹癌前後的健康狀況為目標。透過資料庫的就醫資料,包括重大傷病證明明細檔(HV)、重大傷病門診處方及治療明細檔(HV_CD)、承保資料檔(ID)、2005年百萬人抽樣檔之門診處方及治療明細檔(CD),套用大數據的資料分析方法,探討國人罹患癌症的相關特性。首先對癌症病患進行基本資料之分析,接著探討不同準則下在判定癌症發生與罹癌死亡人數之間的估算差異,整合HV與HV_CD兩個資料庫,選擇可信度較高的方式作為估算癌症發生率與罹癌死亡率的基礎。研究發現,以退保資訊判斷癌症患者是否死亡,錯誤率優於先前根據就醫記錄。本文研究希冀可供政府擬定癌症相關的醫療策略,提高癌症病患的就醫意願及治癒率,增進國人健康,並且有效控制健保支出。

中國大陸財政地方分權對其地方政府效率之影響 / The effect of fiscal decentralization on the efficiency of local governments in China

江姵慧, Jiang, Pei Huei Unknown Date (has links)
中國自改革開放以來,財政體系歷經了幾次重大的變革,其中財政分權為一個重要的階段,並且也被認為是促進中國經濟快速發展的關鍵因素之一。但中央將權力下放給地方,是否對地方政府效率造成正面的效益,許多文獻對此議題有著兩面的看法。因此,本文的研究目的主要探討中國財政分權對地方政府效率的影響。 首先,本研究採用DEA衡量中國31個省市的地方政府效率,並以財政收入的自主性衡量財政分權程度。接著,利用中國的省級追蹤資料(panel data),以及Tobit迴歸模型來進行實證分析。其實證結果指出,財政地方分權和地方政府效率之間存在非線性的關係,意即存在一個財政分權的臨界值。而其他解釋變數方面,各省市人口密度和人均實質GDP對地方政府效率為顯著且正面的影響。此外,時間趨勢變數對地方政府效率存在著顯著且負向的效果。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of fiscal decentralization on the efficiency of local governments in China. Fisrst, this study uses the data envelopment analysis to weigh the efficiency of local governments in China, and takes revenue-autonomy to the variable of finance decentralization. Then, by using the panel data in 31 regions during the period of 1996-2008, this study adopts the Tobit model to analyze whether or not the fiscal decentralization provides a non-linear effect on the local government’s efficiency. The empirical result explain why past papers have inconstant conclusions to this problem and provides some important policy implications.

探索性資料分析方法在文本資料中的應用─以「新青年」雜誌為例 / A Study of Exploratory Data Analysis on Text Data ── A Case study based on New Youth Magazine

潘艷艷, Pan, Yan Yan Unknown Date (has links)
隨著經濟繁榮和網絡發展的日新月異,線上線下每時每刻都產生龐大數據,其中約有80%的文字、影像等非結構化數據,如何量化和採取適合的分析方法,成為有效提取有價值信息及對其加以利用的關鍵。針對文字類型的資料,本文提出探索性資料分析方法,並以《新青年》雜誌的語言變化為例,呈現如何選取文本特徵并对其量化及分析的過程。 首先,本文以卷為分析單位,多角度量化《新青年》雜誌各卷的文本結構,包括文本用字、用句、文言和白虛字使用以及常用字詞共用等方面,通過多種圖表相結合的呈現方式,窺探《新青年》雜誌語言變化歷程以及轉變特點。這其中既包括了對文言文到白話文轉變機制的探索,也包括白話語言演化的探索。其次,根據各卷初探的結果,尋找可區隔文言文和白話文兩種語言形式的文本特徵變數,再以《新青年》第一卷和第七卷為訓練樣本,結合主成分和羅吉斯迴歸,對文、白兩種語言形式的文章進行分類訓練,再利用第四卷進行測試。結果證實,所提取的文本變數能夠有效實現對文、白兩種語言形式的文章的區分。此外,本文亦根據前述初探結果以及人文學者經驗,探索《新青年》雜誌後期語言形式的變化,即從五四運動時期的白話文至以「紅色中文」為特徵的白話文(二戰之後中國使用的白話文)的變化。以第七卷和第十一卷為樣本進行訓練,結果證實這兩卷語言形式存在明顯區別;並加入台灣《聯合報》和中國大陸的《人民日報》進行分類預測,發現兩類報刊的語言偏向有明顯差異,值得後續深入研究。 / Tremendous data are produced every day, due to the rapid development of computer technology and economics. Unstructured data, such as text, pictures, videos, etc., account for nearly 80 percent of all data created. Choosing appropriate methods for quantifying and analyzing this kind of data would determine whether or not we can extract useful information. For that, we propose a standard operating process of exploratory data analysis (EDA) and use a case study of language changes in New Youth Magazine as a demonstration. First, we quantify the texts of New Youth magazine from different perspectives, including the uses of words, sentences, function words, and share of common vocabulary. We aim to detect the evolution of modern language itself as well as changes from traditional Chinese to modern Chinese. Then, according to the results of exploratory data analysis, we treat the first and seventh volumes of New Youth magazine for training data to develop classification model and apply the model to fourth volume (i.e., testing data). The results show that the traditional Chinese and modern Chinese can be successfully classified. Next, we intend to verify the changes from modern Chinese of the May 4th Movement to those by advocating Socialism. We treat the seventh volume and eleventh volume of New Youth magazine as training data and again develop a classification model. Then we apply this model to the United Daily News from Taiwan and People’s Daily from Mainland China. We found these two newspapers are very different and the style of United Daily News is closer to that of seventh volume, while the style of People’s Daily is more like that of eleventh volume. This indicates that the People’s Daily is likely to be influenced by the Soviet Union.

南海緊張情勢:GDELT 時間序列數據之分析 / South China Sea Tensions : State Involvement and Prediction Using GDELT Event Data

錫東岳, Jonathan Spangler Unknown Date (has links)
無 / Discussions of the South China Sea maritime territorial disputes are rife with assertions that certain state actors escalate regional tensions and that it is only a matter of time before provocations trigger armed conflict. However, these claims are based primarily on incomplete evidence, inaccurate comparisons with historical conflicts, and country or individual biases. This dissertation questions these common assertions and uses empirical evidence to assess their validity. Using time-series event data from the Global Database of Events, Language, and Tone (GDELT), it analyzes (1) the relationship between state involvement and South China Sea tensions and (2) which forecast models can most accurately predict South China Sea tensions based on data from earlier time periods. For RQ1, the analyses reveal that the involvement of certain countries corresponds with significantly higher tensions in the South China Sea, that state involvement and tensions are correlated at various positive and negative lags of interest, and that these correlations go in both directions. These findings have important implications for policymakers and researchers in that they offer empirical evidence that confirms or refutes assertions suggesting that certain countries’ actions lead to escalation or deescalation. They also provide a solid foundation for future research, which could take specific countries as individual case studies to further investigate the relationships between state involvement and South China Sea tensions. Moreover, the results indicate that there may be even more interesting phenomena at play that merit attention in future research: evidence suggesting that certain countries may either contribute to lower tensions or avoid becoming involved when there are heightened tensions, and evidence that some countries may not be contributing to but instead reacting to tensions and volatility in the South China Sea. For RQ2, two of the four forecast models perform better than the four benchmark models using both datasets. These findings also have important implications for policy and research. As governments become increasingly interested in using continuously updated global databases to facilitate policy-making, the results suggest that empirical data can help to inform conclusions about trends of escalation and deescalation in the South China Sea and be used to make relevant predictions. As a first cut at the data and a pioneering approach to analyzing South China Sea tensions, the analyses and findings of this dissertation represent a significant contribution to knowledge and a foundation for future research using time-series event data to understand the relationship between state involvement and tensions and the extent to which tensions can be forecasted in the South China Sea and around the world.

以全民健保資料庫探討國人就醫習性 / Using National Health Insurance Database to Explore Taiwan's Residential Population of Medical Care

簡于閔, Chien, Yu-Min Unknown Date (has links)
我國每十年進行一次人口普查,以取得國人經常活動地區的資訊,作為中央及地方政府政策規劃的參考。然而,十年一次的人口普查無法即時反映各地區人口特質及其活動,隨著普查完訪率逐年下降、個人資料保護法意識抬頭等趨勢,普查的涵蓋率及其資料品質愈加受到質疑,近年各國思考以其他資料蒐集方式取代傳統普查。我國實施全民健康保險制度已逾20年,民眾納保率超過99%,因此本文以全民健保資料庫為研究素材,透過個人就醫行為探討國人經常活動地區,透過剖析各種疾病的就醫行為,可作為政府評估醫療資源規劃的參考。 本文以全民健保資料庫為依據,探討我國國民選擇醫療地點的特性,作為經常活動地區(或是常住地)的輔助參考。過去研究大多利用上呼吸道感染(俗稱感冒)作為估計常住地的依據,但每年平均只有接近70%國人會因感冒而就醫,其中青壯年、老年人因感冒而就醫的比例明顯較低,以此作為常住地的估計基礎恐有涵蓋率不足之虞。本文依據健保資料庫中的2005年百萬人抽樣檔,包括就醫門診處方及治療明細檔(CD)、承保資料檔(ID)等資料,比較數種常住地判斷的參考準則(包括感冒就醫),分析各方法所觀察到資料的特性及限制,評估以這些準則作為判斷常住地的可行性。 結論:本文提出除了感冒就醫之外的三種常住地推估準則,分別為:因為感冒或是消化就醫、單次健保補助金額較低、基層院所就醫。以樣本涵蓋率量而言,三種準則都能改善感冒就醫涵蓋率的不足,其中以單次金額與基層院所就醫的樣本數增加最多。另外,如果與所有門診資料、普查資料的人口資料比較,發現單次金額與基層院所就醫推估的人口年齡結構最為接近,但單次金額的縣市(地區)結構與普查資料的差異較大。 限制:受限於青壯年人口就醫率較低,本文提出的幾種常住地判斷準則在20歲至44歲的涵蓋率仍然偏低,建議未來研究可經由權數調整修正樣本的年齡等人口結構及比例,或是仰賴就醫以外的紀錄推估,但須考量資料串連及品質等問題。 / Many countries conduct population census every 10 years to acquire the information of population structure and its trend, but the information is not likely to updated since the 10-years period is usually too long. Moreover, the low response rate of questionnaire and the enforcement of Personal Information Protection Act further jeopardize the population census and many question its data quality. Thus, quite a lot of countries are seeking alternatives for collecting the information of de jure population, replacing the regular population census. In this study, we explore the possibility of using the data from National Health Insurance (NHI) Research Database for acquiring the information of de jure population in Taiwan. Taiwan started the NHI in 1995 and more than 99% of Taiwan population are covered. Since the medical accessibility created by the NHI, Taiwan’s people tend to visit medical institutions near to where they live, when they have minor diseases. Past studies showed that the upper respiratory tract infection (or cold) is a popular choice of minor diseases. We will evaluate if the cold is a good candidate and propose alternative criteria for the definition of minor diseases. We found that the proportion of populations with upper respiratory tract infection is about 70% and it is age dependent, with the elderly the lowest. On contrary, the records of smaller amounts and the records of physician clinics (or general practice clinics) can cover more than 90% population, much better than the records of upper respiratory tract infection. The records of digestive system diseases and upper respiratory tract infection can also increase the coverage of elderly population. We recommend using the medical records of smaller amounts to acquire the de jure population.

以全民健保資料探討重大傷病患者的醫療利用 / Using National Health Insurance Database to explore medical usage of Catastrophic Disease patients

周立筠 Unknown Date (has links)
政府為促進國人健康,並以社會保險的形式分攤弱勢團體的就醫需求,於民國84年開始實施全民健康保險,實施至今超過20年,而且納保率已高達99%。重大傷病證明是全民健保的主要特色之一,持有重大傷病證明卡的病患就醫時可免除部分負擔,減輕罹患重病患者的醫療負擔。截至106年2月約有4%國人領有重大傷病證明卡,但其醫療費用佔健保支出超過 27%,預期這兩個數值會因人口老化而逐年上升,使得重大傷病的相關議題越來越受到重視。 本文以全民健保資料庫中的重大傷病證明明細檔(HV)為基礎,以2005年百萬人抽樣檔之承保紀錄檔(ID)、門診處方及治療明細檔(CD)及住院醫療費用清單明細檔(DD)輔助,探究罹患重大傷病發生及死亡議題,提出判定發生、死亡的準則,並且依此分析各種疾病發生率與死亡率的關係。另外,本文也使用資料庫內容驗證重大傷病患者與非重大傷病患者之間醫療費用的差異,研究也發現新發生的病患就醫率偏低,並以國際疾病分類代碼驗證重大傷病門診處方及治療明細檔(HV_CD)資料抓取的準確性。 / Taiwan started National Health Insurance (NHI) in 1995, for more than 20 years, and more than 99% people are covered in this social insurance plan. It is believed that the NHI has further enhanced the health of Taiwan’s people.Catastrophic illness(CI)card is one of the key features in the NHI and people with this card can enjoy waiver of copayment and other medical benefits which reduce the financial burden of CI patients. For example, about 4% Taiwan’s population were with the CI card and they spend more than 27% of total medical expenditure of NHI. Since the probability with CI increases with age, the population aging and prolonging life are expected to worsen the financial burden of the NHI. Our goal is to explore the medical need and its trend of CI patients, via the data from the NHI Database, including Registry for catastrophic illness patients(HV), Registry for beneficiaries(ID), Inpatient expenditures by admissions(DD)and HV’s Ambulatory care expenditures by visits(HV_CD). Since the medical records do not cover all the required information, we propose several criteria for data analysis, such as the rules of judging whether the patients incur CI and the CI patients passed away. We found that the incidence rates and mortality rates of CI patients decrease with time. Also, there are questions about the data quality regarding the HV_CD database and more than 50% new CI patients do not have medical records of CI diseases.


陳麗卿, Chen, Li-Qing Unknown Date (has links)
本文章節如次:第一章緒論;包括前言、研究動機、有關文獻概述、問題與假設。 第二章研究設計;包括內容分析對象、選樣、單位、類目及資料處理。第三章結果 分析與解釋。第四章結論與建議。 本文係由報業基本理論對新聞的預期-公平、正確、客觀、完整、平衡等方面探討 我國報紙在政治性新聞的表現,以省議會省政總職詢之新聞為對象。另外依據傳播 學上「守門人理論」研究:新聞報導是否能反應省議員質詢重要論題,公民營報紙 對黨內外省議員質詢論題的報導是否有差異,論題衝突性高低,是否影響媒介報導 多寡……等問題。此外,還引用「議題設定」的理論,探討來源和媒介之間是否也 有議題設定的存在。若有的話,則我們在來源-媒介-閱聽人三者間對資訊的獲得 就較有信心。據此,提出的假設是:來源越強調的論題,媒介對這些論題知曉、強 調程度也越高。 資料分析係以百分比、卡方及等級係數來計算。

違約風險下四種新奇選擇權的評價 / Pricing four kinds of the vulnerable exotic options

林殿一, Lin, Tien-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本論文推導違約風險下四種新奇選擇權的評價模型及其避險比率,依序為數據選擇權、寬它選擇權、互換選擇權,極值選擇權。並比較無違約風險與違約風險下的評價模型之差異。假若違約風險不存在時,違約風險下各種類型選擇權的評價模型皆會縮減成為無違約風險下所對應的評價模型。避險比率亦為如此。數值範例則印證違約風險下選擇權的價值較無違約風險選擇權的價值低。本論文完成目前尚無任何學術研究於違約風險下四種新奇選擇權的評價模型及避險比率。這是一個重要貢獻。 關鍵詞:違約風險、新奇選擇權、數據選擇權、寬它選擇權、互換選擇權、極值選擇權。 / This paper presents the analytic pricing formula and the hedging ratio of four kinds of exotic options with correlated credit risk. They are Digital options, Quanto Options, Exchange Options and Extreme-value Options, respectively. Furthermore, compare the discrepancy of the models under the condition whether the default risk exists. Finding that if there is no default risk, all models that we derive will reduce to the corresponding models with no default risks, and so do the hedging ratio. Numerical examples certify that the value of the vulnerable options will be lower than that of the ordinary options. All above that finished has not been done by existing researches and it is a chief contribution in this paper. Keywords: Exotic Options, Credit Risk, Digital Options, Quanto Options, Exchange Options, Extreme-value Options, Default Risk.

語料庫英語教學之研究:以“see, watch, look at”為例 / “See”, “Watch” and “Look at” : Teaching Taiwanese EFL students on a corpora-based approach

謝瑋倫, Hsieh, Wei Lun Unknown Date (has links)
字彙的誤用,是台灣英語學習者易犯的毛病之一。由於中文與英文字詞並非呈現一對一的語意對應,加上國中英語教師多年來習慣要求學生以記誦中文意思的方式學習英文單字,導致學生常有用錯字的狀況發生,並造成語意上的誤解。有鑑於此,本文作者盼能以語料庫英語教學來改善這些現象,並以see, watch ,look三個意義相近字彙的區辨為例,呈現出完整的教學過程,供英語教師教學或學習者自修參考。 在教學前,教師應根據學生英文程度與教學需求,先行篩選並編輯語料,以利學生學習。在課堂上,藉由這些語料的呈現,讓學生觀察其中的規律性;透過問題的解決,用認知的手段讓學生觀察該字彙出現的語境及其易連結的字串;並以測驗的方式檢測學生的理解程度。此外,本文亦詳細歸納這三個單字的使用時機,並提出實用的區辨方式。 作者盼能藉由語料庫英語教學的實施,增強英語學習者的學習意願。透過類似活動的投入及參與,學習者將不再只是訊息接收者,而能藉由觀察來創造自己的知識、增進對英文的掌握度。 / In Taiwan, many EFL students have difficulty using the proper vocabulary at the right time. Due to the fact that Mandarin and English vocabulary are in a one-to-many semantically-corresponding relationship, and that Taiwanese EFL students are often taught to learn English vocabulary by memorizing its Mandarin equivalent, students often have difficulties choosing proper English equivalents in different contexts. Besides, the arrangement of junior high school English curriculum has made it even more difficult for students to learn vocabulary accurately. Because the improper use of vocabulary often brings about confusion or misunderstanding, a practical method is needed to cope with the concerned problems. Nowadays, Computer-assisted Language Learning (CALL) has been a trend. In this study, the researcher will take “see, watch, and look at” as examples to show a corpora-based teaching procedure. Subjects are 8th graders in junior high school. The scope of the research is confined to the prototypical meanings of these verbs; it is believed that students should possess the basic knowledge about these verbs before they continue to learn other extended meanings. Before the class, the conordance lines are selected and carefully edited by the teacher to meet the needs of the course. In class, consciousness-raising tasks, combined with quizzes and complementary materials, provide students with comprehensive knowledge about the three verbs. After the activities, crucial information of the verbs is clearly exhibited, and useful methods are also presented to help distinguish the verbs. With the “context providers”, namely, the corpora, both teachers and students are provided with authentic and plentiful examples, which are often insufficient for Taiwanese EFL learners. Through the participation of these activities, students become participants and create their own knowledge. It is hoped that with the assistance of data-driven learning (DDL), EFL teachers will then be able to provide their students with not only more reliable information, but more constructive and systematic instruction.

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