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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

服務系統能力之研究 / A Study on service systems capabilities

游鎮毓, Yu, Cheng Yu Unknown Date (has links)
Service is provided through the application of service systems, which consist of clients and service providers that interact to co-produce value. However, because of the complexity of the management and modeling of people, technologies, knowledge, activities, processes, intentions, organizations, and wide range of types of service systems, formal representation and modeling of service systems is still in its initial stage. There is a need for a clearer understanding of service systems and the capabilities required for excellent service operation and continuous service innovation. The objectives of this study are three-fold: (1) to understand the required capabilities of service systems, (2) to examine service systems using different classifications, and (3) to explore the capabilities of service systems. This study establishes a comprehensive understanding of service systems, service components, different classifications of service systems, and required capabilities of service systems through qualitative media analysis and multiple case studies. The findings of this study are: (1) Service systems components are organized into four major parts: service provider, service client, service controller, and service supporting components. (2) Ten service systems classifications are constructed through the six classifying dimensions of customer participation, communication time, information richness, intimacy, customization, and delivery by ICT (information and communication technology). (3) Five service systems capabilities: integration, customization, technology optimizing, innovation, and learning, are proposed. (4) Six types of service systems are found when exploring the capabilities of service systems. Each type of service systems acts differently to acquire different capabilities. (5) The relationships between classifying dimensions and capabilities are delineated. Capabilities can be influenced by different classifying dimensions This study provides a structural framework for organizing business opportunities, as well as management implications for service systems management.

iBeaGuide導覽服務系統之設計與研發 / The Design and Implementation of iBeaGuide for Guide Service System

鄭嘉鼎, Cheng, Chia Ting Unknown Date (has links)
在博物館或各類型展覽中,導覽是非常普遍的服務。數位科技的進步帶來許多新的導覽互動體驗方式,從早期紙本、錄音機、語音導覽到目前智慧型裝置已成為重要的導覽載具,提供使用者更多便利性與行動應用的擴展。然而以現行的主要的導覽模式,使用者仍須手動操作選擇導覽內容,例如選按數字鍵盤或點選觸控畫面等,影響參觀展覽的流暢性。另外,目前在智慧型裝置上的導覽服務,多為針對展館或單一展覽設計,缺少重複使用性也無法連結使用者每次的參觀行為與經驗。 本研究之目的為加強導覽內容管理效率並透過iBeacon提昇觀眾之展覽導覽服務使用體驗。結合iBeacon實作一包含網頁後台管理系統與前台統一入口app之導覽服務系統,以iBeacon基地台主動推之特性減少導覽使用者需自行操作的頻率,並同時將導覽服務由展覽品內容介紹推廣至觀眾進入展覽前、參觀展覽中、離開展覽後不同階段的服務應用,並讓觀眾能跟展覽場域有更多互動。另一方面,將導覽製作的過程簡化,展覽單位只需要操作網頁即可透過管理系統將內容上架至前端app,且可同時管理多個不同展覽。藉由前後台的配合完成一套完整的導覽服務系統,並根據使用者測試結果歸納出可改進或後續開發設計之功能建議。 / Guide service is common in exhibitions and some museums. The improvement in digital technology has brought us to a new era of guide experience. Visitors used to read guidebook or listen to an audio guide via recorder, but smart devices now play an important role in guide service. However, most of guide devices require user to press buttons or touch screen when they want to access particular exhibits and the application in those devices are designed for one specific exhibition. This research designed and developed a guide service system with iBeacon, in order to make guide content management more efficient and enhance the visitor experience. The system iBeaGuide contains a Web-based content manage system and a portal guide service mobile app for exhibition visitors. With the feature of iBeacon, users no longer need to select the guide of exhibits they are watching. When iBeaGuide app detect iBeacon signal, it will turn to the correspond page automatically, not only when watching masterpieces but also when enter the exhibition venue or close to some facilities like information desk or toilet. iBeacon content manage system is for exhibition administrator. Via this Web system, administrators can easily upload guide content and update immediately.


劉詩平 Unknown Date (has links)
我國經濟發展早期建立於價格低廉且素質高的勞力密集生產,政府的出口導向貿易政策,促使台灣成為製造業為發展重心的經濟型態,台灣經濟成長動力來源遂以製造部門為主,但在面對全球知識經濟發展的競爭壓力下,謀求轉型升級成為亟欲探討的課題。另外,全球化的發展趨勢下,開發中國家擁有大量的廉價勞力,在比較利益的原則之下,使得台灣長期以來依賴製造與出口為經濟重心的發展模式受到了相當程度的影響。因此在製造部門為了維持企業競爭優勢而將工廠外移的隱憂下,台灣如何以知識密集服務業造就下一波經濟成長的動力,此為亟欲探討的課題。 服務業占我國經濟結構比重已超過三分之二,但是我國服務業之整體知識密集度仍有提升的空間。長期以來我們對於創新的認知大多集中於製造業的範圍,忽略了服務業創新與創新過程中服務所扮演的重要角色,因此,我國對於研發與創新的理解也須跳脫硬體和製造的層次。 本研究由服務系統與創新構面的角度切入,探討選取個案中的服務創新因子,並歸類出其創新驅動的形式。研究問題如下: 1.創新服務核心技術應用在服務系統發展的關鍵點為何? 2.知識密集服務業的創新成果與服務創新之間有哪些重要的構面?構面之間的互動對創新成果的影響為何? 3.知識密集服務業的創新驅動可能因子有哪幾種形式? 本研究以個案訪談及蒐集次及資料為主要分析來源,本研究選取對象,以策略性服務業科專計畫中,工研院能資所開發的全溫層保鮮系統服務為主,其中包括工研院能資所開發技術的過程,以及大榮貨運、台灣宅配通、中華郵政三家移轉服務系統的宅配業者。而本研究主要結論如下: 1.知識密集服務業創新服務技術發展的關鍵,在於與服務業者的共同開發合作。 2.服務創新構面中新服務觀念、新交付系統、新顧客介面等三構面會影響服務創新的成果,服務創新構面需互相配合。 3.服務創新構面中技術選擇不具關鍵性,服務決定技術,而非技術決定服務,但技術採用可加速新服務創新的實行。 4.服務創新驅動因子來自供應商、服務業者、客戶端。不同創新驅動因子有不同創新驅動形式,如客戶導向的創新驅動、供應商支配的創新驅動、服務業者的創新驅動與共同合作開發的創新驅動。 5.技術層次與對服務的認知決定服務創新驅動的形式。

中小企業服務創新價值網路模式設計:顧客導向與意象模式方法 / Value network design for cluster SMEs service innovation: a customer- driven and imagery based approach

謝沛宏, Hsieh, Pei Hung Unknown Date (has links)
Evolution of the global economic system has significantly impacted on customer behaviors. The service economy era has accompanied rapid growth of the service industry. This work focuses on service innovation enhancement for cluster SMEs, which play important roles in the global economic system. These SMEs, which have specific knowledge and capabilities, are keys to improving customer service experiences. However, the entire service system has evolved, as have customer behaviors. In addition to understanding how service value is created, interactions between economic, social, and environmental systems during value creation are also crucial for the sustainable development of service industries. For service systems consisting of SMEs, the design of a value network for clustered SMEs still faces huge challenges in finding key value propositions and assessments for value creation. To assess service value, relationships, and customer feedback from both economic and social psychology perspectives, this research proposes a novel service ecosystem for value creation in service dominant logic and customer-driven and imagery-based value network design approach (CIVNDA) grounded in service dominant logic and image theory. The CIVNDA (1) provides a framework for designing and configuring a service value network that can identify the roles and value propositions of each partner; (2) provides a novel service imagery representation to characterize services of businesses from a customer psychological perspective; and (3) generates appropriate partners for specific cooperation goals and service journey designs. Due to the importance of information technology in service innovation, integration, and provision, this research also implements an ICT-based service platform—uVoyage using color image scale and metaphor theory. Tourism is selected as the study industry to evaluate the effects of the CIVNDA and the uVoyage service platform. Interview and focus group results (1) show that four different evolutionary stages of tourism SMEs exist when adapting to the current service economy era; (2) indicate how the CIVNDA and uVoyage platform facilitate value co-creation for tourism SMEs during different evolutionary stages; and (3) demonstrate how the features of service imagery differ from brand images and can be utilized to bridge gaps between product design and customer-driven service design. This research can contribute to our understanding of service system ecology and service value evaluation in service value network designs consisting of SMEs in the tourism, design, cultural, and creativity service industries. The proposed concept of service imagery also guides future innovative research and outcomes of service value network design.

產品服務化對傢俱零售產業供應鏈管理之影響 – 以A公司為例 / The influence of servitization on supply chain management in the furniture retail industry: A case study of Company A

蘇國棟 Unknown Date (has links)
產品服務系統的概念是在八十年代被提出,當時基於國際化導致各國產業日趨競爭,企業因而積極尋求更多的途徑來創造成長,而當時許多企業,如: IBM、Xerox 等,由原本的產品銷售事業逐漸 跨足服務的提供,這帶給這些企業許多市場競爭優勢,進而促使更 多不同產業的企業開始應用類似的策略實施。 有鑑於國內產業目前積極地推廣產品服務系統,以創造各個領域的產業升級,因此本研究以產品服務系統的供應鏈管理做為討論的核心,希望了解企業在產品服務系統的落實中,應如何應對這商 業模式的變化。對此,本研究採用個案研究法,首先透過文獻探討 以整理出研究的分析模型,再配合產品服務系統實施成功的國內傢 俱零售廠商做為研究個案,以進行調查。其中,分析模型主要由三個面向所構成,分別為下游供應網絡、焦點企業與上游供應網絡 , 並且在下游供應網絡的環節重點討論企業與顧客的互動模式,在焦 點企業的部分探討企業內部的管理措施,而在上游供應網絡探究企業與供應商的合作模式。 本研究發現產品服務系統的採行會直接地改變企業與顧客之間的互動關係,這促使企業必須與顧客進行密切的溝通,同時還需要積極獲取顧客的資訊。而由企業內部角度來看,則需要創造服務能力,調整績效管理模式,以及培養服務導向的組織文化。最後,企 業應與供應商應建立作業連結、資訊共享管道與誘因同盟,使彼此促成長期的合作關係,並讓整合方案能夠更效率地傳遞給顧客。 本研究透過實際案例的深入探討,了解到企業在執行產品服務系統的過程中,對於供應鏈採行了何種管理因應,其結果不但擴充 了“產品服務系統供應鏈”的理論探討,同時能夠也提供給未來相關領域的研究者與其他相關企業發展的參考。 / The concept of Product Service System (PPS) has been expanded since 1980s, when the globalization boosted the competition of various industries. Therefore, companies were longed to explore new business model to facilitate their performance within the market and at that period several companies (including IBM, Xerox) successfully obtained outstanding competitive advantages through providing service, which is derived from their product business, and formed the idea of PPS and Servitization. And so, more and more companies involve in PPS, hence PPS have already applied in numerous industries nowadays. Previously, Taiwan’s local market put a lot of emphasis on PPS, in order to promote upgrade in various industries. Therefore, this paper is aim to discover implementational insight of PSS in the perspective of supply chain management (SCM) and realize how should company responds, when facing the change of business model. In this case, this paper utilize case study methodology with analysis model, which is contrived by desk research on PPS supply chain related paper, and execute in-depth analysis on case study of local furniture retailer, which possess successfully experience in PPS. In this research, the analysis model is consisted with three major dimensions, that is upstream supply network, focal company and downstream supply network. In the aspect of upstream supply network will focus on the discussion of customer interaction, but when it comes to the aspect of focal company will put emphasis on inner management and last would be the dimension of downstream supply network with understanding of supplier relationship management in the background of PPS. The research results indicate that the application of PPS would bring direct change on the interrelationship of customer and focal company, this would cause the company to have frequent communication with customer and shall obtain customer information during interaction. And in the viewpoint of focal company, it should alter the performance evaluation model and acquire new ability of service and service-oriented culture. Last but the least, focal company should establish comprehensive operational linkages, information sharing methods and incentive alignment with supplier to deliver integrated solution to the customer efficiently. With in-depth case study, this paper unveils the SCM detail information of Servitization and the result is not only contributive toward the academic research of PPS, but also provides valuable insight for industry with further expansion on PPS.

於行動計算網路上建構一個具有服務品質保障之以代理人為基礎的服務系統以提供用戶及行動代理人的行動能力管理之研究 / A Study on Building A QoS Agent-Based Service System in Managing Client Mobility and Agent Mobility for Mobile Computing Network

黃智賢, Huang, Jyh-Shyan Unknown Date (has links)
本論文研究在於一行動計算網路上建構一個具有服務品質保障之以代理人為基礎的服務系統以提供用戶及行動代理人的行動能力管理。此研究主要的貢獻可分為以下三方面: (1) 提出行動能力管理機制,使行動用戶能以單一用戶ID漫遊於不同的網路上 (2) 提出行動代理人行動能力管理機制,幫助系統搜尋一已派遣出之代理人以加強對代理人的管理 (3) 提出一個「以代理人 (Agent) 為基礎之有服務品質 (QoS) 保障的管理架構」以支援行動代理人及行動用戶之行動能力的管理,並確保服務品質 在本論文中,我們將探討如下的研究課題: (1) 對行動用戶之行動能力的管理 (A) 多個廣域網路管理中心架構 (B) 用戶行動能力與網路通訊時間之分析 (C) 訂定欲註冊之GNMC、LNMC選擇策略 (D) 行動用戶移動時的註冊及註銷策略 (E) 對行動用戶之位置的定位及追蹤 (F) 使用暫存器記錄以提昇用戶位置追蹤的效率 (2) 對行動代理人之管理 (A) 對行動代理人之多種搜尋策略 (B) 於每次搜尋時,移除最多之代理人不可能停留之主機的個數 (C) 預測代理人位於某一特定主機的機率 (D) 動態轉換搜尋策略的機制 (E) 計算搜尋某一代理人所需拜訪之主機的期望個數 (F) 搜尋時配合代理人監聽的機制 (3) 設計及建構一「有服務品質保障之以代理人為基礎的服務系統」 (A) 系統架構 (B) 定義代理人服務系統中每一元件之功用及實作細節 (C) 代理人管理機制 (D) 服務品質表示方法 (E) 有服務品質保障之服務 / In this research, we study the issues of building a QoS agent-based service system in managing client mobility and agent mobility for mobile computing network. Our major contribution is classified into the following three categories: (1) Propose sets of client mobility management strategies to support clients roaming on different networks (2) Propose mobile agent search strategies to manage mobile agent mobility (3) Propose a QoS agent-based management architecture to manage clients and agents mobilities; and provide service to clients with QoS guarantee. The details are elaborated as follows: (1) Mobile client mobility management (A) Multiple GNMCs Architecture (B) Modeling client mobility behavior and network communication time (C) Criteria of choosing GNMC and LNMC for registration (D) Registration and de-registration strategies of mobile clients (E) Location tracking of mobile clients (F) Location tracking with cache policy (2) Mobile agent mobility management (A) Search strategies for mobile agents (B) Maximizing number of excluded servers in each probe (C) Estimating the residing probability that an agent resides in a server (D) Dynamic switching agent search policy (E) Evaluating the expected probing number when searches an agent (F) Agent search with listening agent (3) Design and implement a QoS agent-based service system (A) An proposed agent system architecture (B) Functionalities and implementation details of the system components (C) Agent manager design details (D) User QoS assignment and mapping to system QoS (E) Service with QoS guarantee

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