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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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李朝褔, Li, Zhao-Fu Unknown Date (has links)
本文之內容以研究獎勵投資條例有關之稅損減免、加速折舊、以及投資扣抵之部份為 主,其他方面則未予討論。 本文計分六章: 第一章緒論, 說明研究的動機和目的。 第二章討論現行稅損減免措施。第一節我國獎勵投資稅損減免措施;第二節我國與東 南亞諸國稅損減免措施之比較;第三節對我國獎勵投資稅損減免措施之改進意見。 第三章分析及評估加速折舊。第一節加速折舊之分析;第二節折舊與虧損之轉期;第 三期加速折舊之會計處理;第四節加速折舊效果之評估;第五節我國與東南亞諸國加 速折舊之比較。 第四章研究投資扣抵。第一節投資扣抵實施之範圍;第二節投資扣抵率及折舊計算; 第三節投資扣抵之退現及轉期;第四節投資扣抵之會計處理;第五節我國與歐美各國 投資扣抵之比較。 第五章比較稅損減免、加速折舊、以及投資扣抵,並說明在何種情況下宜以何種政策 為主。 第六章結論,總結本文重點。


林雅惠, Ya-hui Lin Unknown Date (has links)
在DNA微陣列基因的實驗中資料包括數千個cDNA 序列,為了要篩選出有差異表現基因,同時針對大量基因個數作假設檢定。若無適當地調整個別檢定問題中的誤差率,則將會膨脹整體的誤差率。在多重假設檢定中為了讓整體誤差率(familywise error rate, FWE)控制在設定水準下,必須調整個別假設檢定之個別型一誤差率CWE的檢定準則,此為多重比較方法(multiple comparison procedures:MCP)。然而當多重比較的個數增加時,控制整體誤差率FWE之傳統的多重比較方法會是過於嚴格的標準,不容易推翻虛無假設,使得檢定的結果太過保守。為了解決此現象,Benjamini and Hochberg(1995) 建議另一種錯誤率:錯誤發現率(false discovery rate:FDR)。錯誤發現率定義為在被拒絕之虛無假設中錯誤拒絕的比例之期望值。而Benjamini and Hochberg(1995)也在文中提出一個得以控制錯誤發現率的多重比較方法,稱為BH方法。本篇論文將詳盡地介紹CWE、FWE和FDR三種誤差率,並提出-修正BH的方法,稱為BH( )。我們將透過電腦模擬驗證出新的修正BH方法之表現比原BH方法有較高的檢定力,且從實例的結果中發現BH( )比原BH方法能檢測出更多的顯著個數。 關鍵字:個別型一誤差率(CWE);整體誤差率(FWE);多重比較方法(MCP); 錯誤發現率(FDR)。 / cDNA microarray technology provides tools to study thousands of genes simultaneously. Since a large number of genes are compared, using a conventional significant test leads to the increase of the type I error rate. To avoid the inflation, the adjustment for multiplicity should be considered and a multiple comparison procedure (MCP) that controls the familywise error rate (FWE) is recommended. However, the conservativeness of a MCP that controls FWE becomes more and more severe as the number of comparisons (genes) increases. Instead of FWE, Benjamini and Hochberg (1995) recommended to control the expected proportion of falsely rejecting hypotheses—the false discovery rate (FDR)—and developed a MCP, which has its FDR under control. In this paper, the error rates CWE, FWE and FDR are fully introduced. A new MCP with FDR controlled is developed and its performance is investigated through intensive simulations. KEY WORDS:Comparison-wise error rate (CWE);Familywise error rate (FWE);Multiple comparison procedure (MCP);False discovery rate (FDR).

兩岸民辦幼教發展及其相關法規之比較研究 / A Comparative Study of the Development and Relevant Law About Minban Sector of Early Childhood Education Between Taiwan and Mainland China

徐千惠, Hsu, Chien-Huei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在比較兩岸民辦幼教發展及其相關法規,透過比較法、文件分析法及實地訪談法,以增進對兩岸幼教環境之瞭解與認識。本研究之目的包括:壹、探究台灣地區與大陸民辦幼教之發展歷程及現況。貳、了解台灣地區與大陸民辦幼教相關法規之歷史源流與規範。參、綜合研究結果增進對兩岸幼教環境之瞭解與認識,並提出建議。 本研究之結論有如下三點:壹、幼兒教育之定位受政治型態影響而有所不同。貳、國家對民辦教育的開放與管理態度影響幼稚園經營方式。參、幼兒教育之工作本質來自於人們就業後之需求,仰賴經濟環境支撐發展。 同時根據研究發現,本研究對於台灣民辦(私立)幼教發展提出建議如下:壹、法規頒佈前可先以試行方式前測,視適應情形再正式頒佈;貳、幼兒教育應設置教育行政專責單位,以促進幼教發展之整體規劃;參、教育與社福機關權責需劃分清楚,幼教相關事務應由教育部主管;肆、對民辦(私立)學校不得營利之限制需酌情調整,提供合理回報及辦學誘因;伍、審思私幼設置財團法人意義,避免因法人資格造成法規適用限制;陸、對幼教相關法規內涵之重新思考> / This study intends to compare the development and relevant law about the minban(i.e. private sector)system in early childhood education through documentary analysis, comparative and interview methodologies in order to comprehend the early childhood education environments between Taiwan and Mainland China. Furthermore, the purpose of the study is to explore the minban system’s progress and current situation, and to understand the origin and regulation of the relevant law for both. It concludes the research results and then to provide the policy recommendations. Based on the findings, the results of the study are as follows. First, the public’s perception of the importance of early childhood education was affected by the political situation of the country. Second, the openness and managerial attitude of the authorities affected the operating mode of the kindergartens. Third, the existence of early childhood education depends on parental demands based on their career needs; it depends on the economic environment to support its development. The study offers some suggestions to Taiwan’s minban system of early childhood educators: (1)Before the enactment of a law, a pretest of its effects should be conducted; (2) Government should provide a responsible and regular regimen for Kindergartens in order to promote their development.; (3) Government should separate the duties of education and social welfare clearly according to their abilities and functions; early childhood education should be managed by the Ministry of Education; (4) Government should offer reasonable opportunities for the minban school investor rather than limit them in school generated profits; (5)Government should redefine the role of consortia in the kindergarten, and avoid the resulting limitations of the relevant law; (6) Generally, we need to re-evaluate the intent of relevant laws about early childhood education.


孫健智, Sun, Kian ti Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以戰後第一代法學期刊為史料,探討1949年至1971年這二十餘年間,民法學的發展與變遷,包括民法學的題材與論證,以及時代背景、司法實務、外國法等等因素的影響。   1950年代至1960年代初期的民法學論文,宛如甚而即是教科書抽印本。法學者主觀的認知及其客觀的功能上,期刊論文的任務與教科書相同,均是交代基礎理論。1960年代中期,民法學論文在取材上有些微的轉變,民法學研究者從外國法繼受諸多議題,如公害、生物科技、醫療糾紛、產品責任。   民法學論著中,法律論證的總體取向,係探求法律文本的原意,即「民法諸條文構成什麼樣的秩序」。詮釋性議題多源自法條文字的語意性問題,哪些文字的語意有待探究,又受到外國法影響。   在方法論上,文義、邏輯,加上比較解釋,幾乎吞沒所有解釋要素。民法學研究者尚無方法論的自覺,對價值與原則的掌握與運用也相當有限。直到1960年代中後期,戰後第二代法學者開始明確指出應保護之利益,惟尚未在所舉案例中,具體衡量當事人的利益。   在國共內戰的時代背景下,法律人以「法秩序至上」的觀點看待世界,他們熱烈地談論政治議題,卻對社會議題冷漠。對於前者,法律人僅重申既存法秩序,但後者要求新秩序的創造,法律人無能為力。法律詮釋對秩序的渴求是此一背景的產物,這樣濃厚的政治意味,也使法學各部門受到的關注與其政治色彩成正比,民法學相對不受重視,甚而被邊緣化。 根據當代的標準,當時民法學界與民事審判實務之間,關連薄弱。回應實務見解本非期刊論文的主要題材,實務見解的引述亦多用於佐證,而非為檢討、批評而引用。當時法學界對司法實務的關切,本非檢衡量其適切性,而在提出法規操作的準則;此外,法學界缺乏溝通的平台,法學者缺乏溝通的意願與能力,加上保守的高等教育政策,使外於實務的法學社群既小且弱,難與實務界平行對話。民法學既已邊緣化,相較於刑事法,其取材更為單調。   比較法觀點在民法學中佔據支配地位,而此觀點之運用,是法律繼受工程的延續。在論著題材上,為求與外國法的架構對應,期刊論文多按體系切割題材;1960年代中後期,議題取向的論著亦是外國法影響的產物。在法律詮釋上,包括比較法解釋在內的比較法觀點,支配著民法學論文的議題與論證。   民法學研究者透過外國法認識本國法,藉由外國法鑑別本國法上的議題,從外國法借來議題,並利用外國法既有的成果,解決本國法各種疑難雜症。但比較法觀點的操作,仍藉助文義與邏輯,價值與理念則退居其次,甚或消失。方法論的貧乏使民法學研究者沒有充分認知本國法,間接致使比較法觀點的誤用。


賴偉文 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著理論與實證方法的發展,人力資本報酬的異質性已被國內外學者所重視,因此,本論文採取將人力資本視為異質性的觀點,首先以分量迴歸模型估計不同工資分配下教育的邊際報酬率,呈現人力資本投資在不同工資水準下的異質性,並進一步探討台灣地區工資不均的成因。實證結果發現,若增加對教育的投資將有助於降低勞動市場的工資不均度,而工作經驗的累積則將會擴大工資的不均度。此外,若增加勞動市場高教育程度與(或)女性工作者的比例,將有助於改善工資的不均度,但若勞動市場上高經驗年數之工作者所占的比例愈高,則對工資不均度將有不利的影響。 而為了避免因選擇橫斷面資料分析時所可能產生的偏誤與不一致,本論文以年群世代的資料進一步描述學校教育品質的時間變化,體現教育的品質與內涵。發現過去較年長世代所接受之教育的效果,乃在於加強個人的能力,深化個人專業能力進而表現在工資水準上。而年輕世代所接受之現代教育的效果,則在於補足個人能力的不足之處,表示在年輕的世代中,教育乃做為培養多元或多樣化能力的途徑,彌補先天能力的異質性,更突顯教育於二十一世紀之人力資本投資的重要性。 另外,本論文並考慮人力資本投資的內生性,以工具變數法呈現特殊群組的異質性教育報酬率,並解決可能產生的內生性偏誤估計。結果發現,以工具變數法所估計教育報酬率,均高於傳統OLS所估計的教育報酬率。且透過不同工具變數的選擇與結合,經由多重判斷標準,可得到對平均教育報酬率較有效的一致性估計。我們發現男性與女性教育報酬率分別為5.97%與14.69%,顯示傳統OLS估計的女性教育報酬率存在嚴重的低估現象。 最後以異質性教育報酬率模型估計個人教育決策的選擇結果所造成之異質性教育報酬率。估計的結果發現,若忽略異質性與選擇偏誤的重要性,將導致估計參數的偏差與不一致。而由邊際處置效果MTE曲線發現,愈有可能進入大學就讀的人,有愈高的教育報酬,顯示勞動市場存在比較利益,而遞減的MTE曲線更進一步指明,樣本在教育選擇過程中存在未觀測到的異質性,也更確切地顯示勞動市場中人力資本的異質性與比較利益原則的存在。


張翔任, Chang, Hsiang Jen Unknown Date (has links)
今日企業經營,無法單單使用易衡量觀測的人口統計變數便可有效區隔顧客,必須再加上心理變數的使用,而調節焦點是一個不錯的選擇。另一方面,伴隨著市場競爭日益激烈,有越來越多的企業採用比較性廣告策略,他們企圖從為數眾多的競爭者中脫穎而出。 因此本研究結合調節焦點與比較性廣告,試圖了解消費者的調節焦點表現在一致性偏好的特質差異,並反應在閱覽比較性廣告後,對目標品牌態度和比較品牌態度的變化,同時觀察調節焦點的配適「正確感」體驗能否延伸至關鍵字搜尋意願。 本研究共分實驗一與實驗二,實驗一結果發現,預防焦點者有較高的一致性偏好,相對來說,促進焦點者有較低的一致性偏好,而表現在比較性廣告中的目標品牌態度和比較品牌態度的關係評價中,預防焦點者呈現負相關性,而促進焦點者呈現無相關性;而當促進焦點者閱覽比較性廣告之比較品牌為虛擬的新品牌時,於正、負框架的比較性廣告中,對比較品牌態度無差異,但在面對比較品牌為市場知名品牌時,促進焦點者在正向框架的比較性廣告,相對負向框架的比較性廣告,有較高的比較品牌態度;當預防焦點者閱覽比較性廣告之比較品牌為虛擬的新品牌時,於負向框架的比較性廣告,相對正向框架的比較性廣告,不見得有顯著最低的比較品牌態度,但在面對比較品牌為市場知名品牌時,預防焦點者於正、負框架的比較性廣告中,對比較品牌態度並無差異。實驗二結果發現,當促進焦點者閱覽正向框架的比較性廣告,且使用促進焦點訴求時,有最好的目標品牌態度,但預防焦點者閱覽負向框架的比較性廣告,且使用預防焦點訴求時,未有最低的比較品牌態度,且促進焦點者在達成調節配適時,未能有最高的關鍵字搜尋意願。


陳怡欣 Unknown Date (has links)

評價未公開發行公司流動性價差之研究-以日本市場為例 / The study of liquidity discount in valuing privately held companies- the case of Japanese market

許淑茵 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之主旨為透過「併購交易比較法」探討日本市場「未公開發行公司」之流動性折價幅度。綜觀現存文獻中,衡量流動性折價的實證研究方法有「首次公開發行比較法」、「限制性股票比較法」與「退場之市場倍數期望值比較法」。由於上述研究方法皆有其缺失之處,因此本研究沿用Koeplin, Sarin, and Shapiro[2000]提出之「併購交易比較法」以併購交易之市場倍數衡量「未公開發行公司」之折價幅度。更進一步藉由建構「參考配對組合」,為併購標的為「未公開發行公司」之交易案尋找一組與其在相同國家、交易年份、產業與類似規模之併購標的為「公開發行公司」交易案,計算各市場倍數之流動性折價幅度。 本研究檢視西元1998年至2007年,共十年間於日本發生之併購交易,並限制為控制性股權交易。最終可得樣本為146個配對組合,平均流動性折價幅度為22%~30%。經由橫斷面迴歸分析發現,所觀察到的流動性價差隨「未公開發行公司」特性與產業不同而有所差異。產業別之研究分析發現,「建築業」為六大產業中各市場倍數所計算的流動性折價幅度最深者;「金融、保險及不動產業」,則為六大產業中各市場倍數所計算的流動性折價幅度最小者。交易年份別之研究發現,各市場倍數計算出的流動性價差所呈現的趨勢與日本市場歷年來併購交易案數量呈現「反向關係」,即當併購交易熱絡期間,「流動性價差」走降;而於併購交易案較為冷卻期間,「流動性價差」則上升。對於若為高成長的大型公司,其流動性折價幅度則將大幅低於其他條件之公司。由本研究之實證結果顯示,投資人爾後於評價「流動性之價差」時,將不宜應用單一折價幅度於所有「未公開發行公司」。 / Little is known about valuation of privately held companies, for which the fact that there is no sufficient information and no ready market. In general, investors will pay less for one there is no ready market compared to one that is readily marketable, ceteris paribus. Then we all accept that a private firm’s value will be reduced for lack of marketability, applying the value of the discount is a difficult matter. To the best of our knowledge, research in the past decades has relied on “IPO Approach”, “Restricted stock approach”, and “Expected exit multiple approach”. Those approaches have inherent drawbacks so this study follows the current approach of Koeplin, Sarin, and Shapiro (2000) to use a matching technique. This study uses “reference portfolio” to construct control portfolios of acquisitions of public companies for each acquisition of private companies. For 146 comparable reference portfolio between 1998 and 2007 in Japan, the average discount is 22%~30%. Our cross-sectional analysis shows, however, that the discount observed varies with the characteristics of the firm and with the industry. This study breaks down the discount by industry, with the highest discount found in construction and the lowest in finance, insurance and real estate. We also found discount decreases during hot M&A years and increases during cold M&A years. For large and growth private firms, the discount tends to be much smaller. Overall, our findings suggest that using constant discount across private firms is wrong.

海峽兩岸圖書資訊學碩士教育之比較研究 / A comparative study of library and information science education for the master degree programs between Taiwan and the Mainland China

徐雅力, Hsu, Ya Li Unknown Date (has links)
兩岸圖書資訊學碩士教育經過近三十年發展,已各自形成不同的特色,近年來兩岸學術交流頻繁,但鮮少有文獻探討兩岸圖書資訊學碩士教育,因此本研究探討海峽兩岸圖書資訊學碩士教育之概況及目標之差異,並比較入學資格、畢業要求與專業課程設置之異同,最後再對兩岸圖書資訊學碩士教育之評鑑制度做一了解。 / 本研究藉由比較圖書館學研究法及文獻分析法,針對臺灣地區國立臺灣大學、國立政治大學、國立師範大學及國立中興大學,大陸地區武漢大學、北京大學、南京大學及中國人民大學等八所學校為對象進行研究,並且根據研究結果,歸納出兩岸圖書資訊學碩士教育的優勢及異同,以做為臺灣未來發展圖書資訊學碩士教育之參考。 / 綜合本研究的分析結果發現,比較兩岸有以下異同:臺灣地區目前有8所圖書資訊學碩士班,大陸則有42所,大陸將「圖書館、情報與檔案管理」做為一級學科,底下又劃分為圖書館學、情報學與檔案學三個二級學科,與臺灣的教育層級不同。臺灣學位名稱為「圖書資訊學碩士」,大陸則為「管理學碩士」。臺灣學校有合聘教師以提升相關學科領域的專業知識。在教學目標方面各有特色,台灣大學以理論實務並重,師範大學培育數位資訊管理人才,政治大學孕育圖書館及檔案館人員,中興大學以培養圖書資訊管理應用人才為特色,大陸四校則以掌握圖書館學基礎理論和專業知識為要旨。兩岸八校皆採用考試入學及推薦甄試,均要求通過資格考試及論文撰寫。大陸對於碩士生外語能力較臺灣注重。專業課程方面,「資訊科技與應用」相關的課程為兩岸八校數量最多,說明了傳統圖書館學已融入資訊科學。八校必修課程保持圖書資訊學核心內涵,臺灣四校選修課程凸顯其教育特色。臺灣地區評鑑制度由「高等教育評鑑中心」主導,大陸地區則是「教育部學位與研究生教育發展中心」負責,臺灣在2008年12月已公布「圖書資訊學教育指南」,大陸則無此類之標準。 / 本研究為兩岸圖書資訊學碩士教育提出以下建議:(一)提升臺灣圖書資訊學碩士生之外語能力。(二)加強臺灣圖書資訊學碩士班師資。(三)課程規劃應結合實務需求。(四)圖書資訊學碩士畢業生應加強專業繼續教育。(五)保持圖書資訊學核心價值且與新科技結合。(六)鼓勵圖書資訊學碩士生積極參與學術活動。 / For nearly three decades, Library and Information Science Education for the Master Degree Programs in Taiwan and in Mainland China shape their own features. This study investigates the following issues about Library and Information Science Education for the Master Degree Programs in Taiwan and in Mainland China: (1) What is the general condition? (2) How the education goals are different from each other? (3) How the admissions and graduation requirements are distinct from each other? (4) What are the dissimilarities in curriculum design between each other? (5) What education evaluation systems do they possess? / Through comparative librarianship and documentary analysis, this study compares Library and Information Science Education for the Master Degree Programs in Taiwan with that in Mainland China, and explores the advantages, similarities, and differences between them, including National Taiwan University, National Chengchi University, National Taiwan Normal University, and National Chung Hsin University in Taiwan, and National Wuhan University, National Peking University, National Nanjing University, and Renmin University of China in Mainland China. It attempts to be reference resource for future development of Library and Information Science Education for the Master Degree Programs in Taiwan. / The results are as following. In Taiwan there are 8 institutes offering Library and Information Science Education for the Master Degree Programs, and 42 in Mainland China. In Mainland China, Library, Information and Archival Studies belongs to national first-class disciplines, and containing three second-class disciplines, Library Science, Information Studies, and Archival Studies. This kind of demarcation is different from that in Taiwan. The four institutes in Taiwan confer the degree name as “Master of Library and Information Science,” and the four institutes in Mainland China grant “Master of Business Administration.” The four institutes in Taiwan have affiliated faculty to instruct related professional knowledge. Besides, the goals of Library and Information Science Education for the Master Degree Programs in Taiwan and that in Mainland China are diverse. For example, National Taiwan University emphasizes both theory and practicality. National Taiwan Normal University aims at training digital information managers. National Chengchi University intends to cultivate advanced specialities for libraries and archives, and National Chung Hsin University is characterized by fostering experts of Library and Information Science Management. As for the four institutes in Mainland China, their objectives are to equip students with basic theories and expertise on Library Science. / Entrance exams and recommendation screening examinations are both adopted by these 8 institutes, and students have to write thesis and pass the qualifying examination for graduation. However, foreign language requirement in Mainland China is more strict than in Taiwan. In the part of curriculum, at these 8 institutes, the number of courses planned pertaining to the category of “Information Technology and Application” is the most. It reveals the combination of traditional Library Science with Information Science. Obligatory courses at these 8 institutes conform to the core values of Library and Information Science, and elective courses at four institutes in Taiwan demonstrate their distinct education objectives. About the evaluation for Master Degree Programs, in Taiwan it is led by “Higher Education Evaluation & Accreditation Council of Taiwan,” and in China it is dominated by “China Academic Degrees & Graduate Education Development Center.” In addition, “Guidelines for Library and Information Science Educational Programs in Taiwan” was announced in December, 2008. Nevertheless, this kind of sandard is lack in Mainland China. / Based on the finding results, this study proposes six suggestions: (1) Enhance foreign language proficiency of Masters of Library and Information Science in Taiwan. (2) Advance the quality of faculty.(3) Take into account the practical needs when planning curriculum.(4) Enrich professional continuing education for Masters graduating from Library and Information Science. (5) Maintain the core values of Library and Information Science, and also integrate with new technology. (6) Encourage Masters of Library and Information Science to actively participate in academic activities.

東西方之千禧世代:社會價值, 個人態度與行為之比較 / Millennials in the East and the West: a comparative study of social values and individual attitudes

周睿玲 Unknown Date (has links)
將本論文比較出生於1980年至1997年之東西方社會年輕人的社會價值與態度。 這群年輕人通稱為「千禧世代」。在新千禧長大的他們被視為歷史上平均受教育最多的一群人, 世界的未來也剛好在他們手上。因此,深入瞭解千禧世代的個人態度與行為模式相當重要。本論文與過往研究不同之處在於比較此世代在東方與西方社會中的區別。 本論文聚焦在個人學歷對 其社會價值及態度的影響,並進一步衡量當地不同文化帶來的效果。 / This research compares socials values and attitudes of individuals born in East Asian and Western societies after 1980 to 1997. The aforementioned time frame encompasses a generation that has been labeled Millennial, for it accounts for individuals who came of age in the beginning of the new millennium. It is considered the biggest and best educated generation in history and is the leader of the tomorrow’s economy; hence, it has become an increasingly important topic for research and discussion in order to understand its particular characteristics. This research study differentiates itself from those existent, in that it focuses on comparing Millennials from different geographic origins and cultural zones —East Asian and Western countries. It identifies and analyzes the effect of educational attainment on individuals’ attitudes toward the self and their role in society considering the particular features of their geographic zones of origin. The study shed light on the effect of education and origin on Millennials’ attitudes toward issues of social interest such as: abortion, homosexuality, divorce, sex before marriage and women emancipation; having East Asians, a more conservative approach than Westerns have. Furthermore, contrary to what it was expected, it was observed higher levels of self-centered attitude among East Asians when compared to their counterpart in the West.

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