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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

美洲開發銀行在海地與其基礎教育協同合作之研究 / IDB Involvement in Basic Education in Haiti: A Case Study on Its Effectiveness and Propositions to Achieve Quality Education

潘景明, Jems Stevenson Pompee Unknown Date (has links)
美洲開發銀行在海地與其基礎教育協同合作之研究 / This paper presents the findings of my researches on the matter of building “Quality education” in Haiti. The study aims to identify whether or not the efforts made to build quality education in the country after the January 2010 earthquake has achieved the results expected and consequently to propose alternative ways to achieve the goals targeted. In this sense, the paper hypothesizes that “Even with the support of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) which was selected as main partner to help in rebuilding the sector after January 2010, the actions implemented in the sector by the Government of Haiti (GOH) lack of effectiveness in building quality education. To evaluate the quality of the results achieved in the sector, the study uses a gap analysis by comparing the state of the sector before and after the earthquake. This analysis is based on a mixt of empirical data and qualitative data that were collected both through online sources and through interviews with stakeholders deeply involved in education in Haiti. The analysis has proven that performances are poor and that they have suffered from the same problems that have hindered the effectiveness of the interventions implemented in the sector even before the earthquake. In this sense, to rebuild the education sector as one major pillar to launch the country’s development process, the paper proposes building on a public-private partnership in education that should help to achieve quality education through the revamp of the following tree pillars: “quality teacher”, “quality tools” and “quality environment”.

彰化縣溪州鄉水田利用多功能性之研究 / A study of multifunctionality of paddy field utilization of Xizhou Township in Changhua

吳宜庭, Wu, Yi Ting Unknown Date (has links)
水源,是水田利用最重要的因素,直接影響了水田所展現的多功能性。多功能性之概念,係表彰農業生產已由經濟功能轉變為兼具其他服務功能,強調農業生產不僅創造商品的價值,亦提供其他產出的非商品價值。並可歸納出具有生產經濟、生態環境與社會文化功能。而倡導多功能性之最終目的,在於農業永續發展。 本研究個案位於彰化縣溪州鄉。此鄉因有莿仔埤圳引入濁水溪灌溉,生產著名的濁水米,且莿仔埤圳亦為溪州鄉農業之命脈。近二十年來,溪州鄉歷經「集集共同引水」工程、中科四期搶水事件、護水行動與水田濕地計畫等,更加強調農業用水的重要性,以及守護土地的決心。而在護水行動落幕後,溪州鄉的水稻栽培方式,轉變成以無毒農法施作的水田濕地。本研究以文獻評析與深度訪談的方式,探討溪州鄉之水田利用歷程,並以護水行動為界,將溪州鄉水田利用方式劃分為慣行與無毒水田利用。並分別比較兩種水田利用方式,所展現出多功能性之差異。研究結果顯示,無毒水田之利用,特別是在生態環境的層面,較能夠為溪州鄉延續土地、動植物與人體健康,進而創造永續價值。 進而,本研究再以Jordan & Warner(2010)所提出的多功能性發展模式,探討模式中產業發展、農業生態夥伴關係與超級系統中,溪州鄉無毒水田利用所面臨之發展困境與課題。研究結果顯示,溪州鄉的無毒水田利用,已具備產業發展層次,並約略形成農業生態夥伴關係,惟超級系統層次尚未成形。此表示溪州鄉無毒水田利用的多功能性推廣,仍有其完備與不足之處。本研究認為,認為若能解決在內部管理、無毒水田的集中化管理,以及政府機關的資源整合、產業輔導、有機資材取得問題,並將有助於凝聚溪州全鄉之永續發展意識,使更多農民投入無毒水田栽培,或能成為傳統慣行農鄉轉變為無毒農鄉之典範。 / Water is the most important factor of paddy field utilization, and affect its multifunctionality directly. The concept of multifunctionality recognizes that the economic function of agricultural production has been transformed into other services, not only creating commodities, but also providing the value of non-commodity outputs. In fact, the goal of multifunctionality is to develop sustainable agriculture. This case study is located in Xizhou Township, Changhua County. Because Chi Tsai Pi furrow irrigation noses Chuo Shui River into Xizhou, this township can produce famous Chuo Shui rice. And for sure, Chi Tsai Pi furrow irrigation is the heart of agriculture in this township. In the past two decades, the township had gone through Chi Chi Conjunctive Diversion Project, grabbing water events of Central Taiwan Science Park’s (CTSP) fourth-phase, defending water action and paddy wetlands plan, people in this township has a great emphasis on the use of water in agriculture, as well as the protection of the land. After the defending water action, the rice cultivation methods in Xizhou has changed into chemical-free farming facilities for paddy wetlands. This research adopts literature and in-depth interviews two ways to explore the use of paddy fields in Xizhou, and compares the use of two separate methods of paddy fields, conventional farming and chemical-free farming, finds out the differences of multifunctionality between these two methods. And the results shows that the chemical-free farming paddy creates the sustainable value. Furthermore, this research explores plights and problems of the chemical-free paddy fields in Xizhou with the multifunctionality development presented by Jordan & Warner (2010),which includes three levels, enterprise development, agroeological partnership and supersystem. The results show that paddy field utilization of Xizhou has formed enterprise development and agroeological partnership, however, supersystem not yet. This represents there are some problems in Xizhou still. This study suggests that if these problems like nternal management, chemical-free paddy centralized management, industry guidance of government agencies, organic materials issues, are solved , will help unite awareness of Xizhou, and made more farmers into chemical-free paddy cultivation.

臺灣永續大學評估指標建構之研究 / A study on the construction of assessment indicators of sustainable university in Taiwan

張家綺 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在建構臺灣永續大學之評估指標,提供大學永續發展之參考。研究方法上,先採以文獻分析歸內出臺灣永續大學之59項評估指標,並以專家問卷進行指標的刪修與確立,建立48項臺灣永續大學評估指標,接者以概念構圖法及集群分析整合高等教育永續發展學者、永續政策行政主管及高等教育永續政策承辦人員對指標的重要性評估與分群以建立構面,最後求取各構面及指標權重,完成臺灣永續大學評估指標體系。根據研究之結果與分析,歸納主要結論如下: (一) 本研究建構之臺灣永續大學評估指標含「永續承諾與完整計畫」、「永續氛圍與營運規劃」、「永續課程與研究發展」、「永續環境與制度平等」及「永續推廣與專業培訓」等五大構面與48項指標。 (二) 五大構面於永續發展政策中所佔之分量與重要性,由高至低為「永續環境與制度平等」(22.51%)、的「永續氛圍與營運規劃」(20.96%)、的「永續課程與研究發展」(20.08%)、的「永續承諾與完整計畫」(18.42%)及「永續推廣與專業培訓」(18.08%)。 (三) 分析高等教育永續發展學者、永續政策行政主管及高等教育永續政策承辦人員的三方之意見。由綜合比較分析後發現: 1. 「永續承諾與完整計畫」構面的重要性具有高度共識。 2. 「永續課程與研究發展」是三方意見較具歧異之構面,於大學校園內工作之高等教育永續發展學者及永續政策行政主管較為重視此構面,而高等教育永續政策承辦人員則較為不重視。 3. 「1-3.永續發展計畫的制定」及「1-5.永續發展計畫的落實執行」受到三方群體皆高度重視的指標。 4. 「2-6.建立公開透明的課責機制」、「1-7.永續發展的刊物或文宣」與「3-1.開設永續發展相關課程」此三項指標則因各方利害關係人在大學永續發展中所扮演之角色不同而具有較大的差異。 本研究針對高等教育永續發展及未來研究方向提出具體建議。 關鍵字:永續大學、評估指標、概念構圖

有機之根: 台灣泰雅族部落替代性食物網路與發展之研究 / Organic Roots: Alternative Food Networks and Development in Atayal Indigenous Communities, Taiwan

梅佳穎, Madeline, Mills Unknown Date (has links)
Taiwan’s Indigenous Peoples, Austronesian speakers with cultural ties to other Pacific Islanders, have encountered waves of outside political, cultural and economic forces. While their political situation has markedly improved with Taiwan’s democratization, their social and economic marginalization remains an issue. Reflecting recent shifts in Taiwan towards more human-centered, post-modern development policies, Atayal People of Jianshi Township have started a movement promoting community values and the transition to organic farming. This paper explores this transition and the work of the Jianshi “Farmers’ Academy.” Their aims are to collectivize organic agricultural production, transportation and marketing, promote and share traditional crops and knowledge as well as connect spread-out villages through shared culture, education and development. Situated in the broader contexts of Alternative Food Networks and Alternative Economic Spaces, which are typically explored in Western contexts, and Alternative Development (typically explored in the developing world), this qualitative research examines these marginalized communities’ efforts to formulate a grassroots model of culturally and environmentally sustainable development. The findings suggest that the people in the research area are choosing organic farming for various economic and non-material factors as many of their livelihood goals are culturally bound, outside the purview of conventional macroeconomic theories and critical of mainstream capitalist practices, thus supporting a more locally informed, pluralistic concept of economic development.


魏大統, Wei, Ta-tung Unknown Date (has links)
近年來失業問題日益嚴重,使得我國中高齡者、低教育程度及其他弱勢族群的勞動力,即使有高的「再就業」意願,但在職場上卻缺乏適當且充足的就業機會,如果是因為整體經濟環境不景氣的影響,而導致私部門的雇用需求的減少,政府(公部門)推動人事精簡政策又不再增加政府直接雇用人力,那麼是否可以尋求其他部門的協助呢?由於非營利組織(第三部門)兼具雙重性質,一方面它代表公共福祉與社會正義的追求,因為它不以市場利益為導向,而以社會公益為目標,彌補政府失靈所造成的困擾,因此,本研究主張透過非營利組織與政府部門協力解決失業問題的途徑,是目前可以選擇的「第三條路」。 本研究的主軸,就是嘗試從對於非營利組織相關文獻的討論,探討非營利組織與政府部門之間各種可能的關係,再進一步討論非營利組織與政府部門協力開創「永續性」就業機會之可行性及國家角色,由於我國非營利組織就業方案是師法歐盟第三部門就業方案的架構及精神,故本研究亦將探討歐盟的「第三部門就業方案」與我國非營利組織就業方案-「永續就業工程計畫」內涵及執行成效,以提出我國非營利組織就業政策上的建議。 本研究探討了我國非營利組織與政府部門協力創造就業機會之可行性,對於我國藉由非營利組織發展就業促進政策提出以下幾點建議: (1)在規劃非營利就業方案時必須增加「區域發展」的視野。 (2)在執行非營利組織就業方案時必須加強可以增加失業者就業能力的職業訓練計畫,而非單僅為了申請「救助」性質的用人津貼補助。 (3)除經費補助外亦可運用其他資源協助非營利組織執行就業方案,例如:設立專責機構提供非營利組織創業諮詢服務。 (4)持續發展具有財務支持機制的「經濟型」就業方案,並修正對於社會勞務價值的「社會型」計畫補助方向,例如建立真正地具有社會勞務價值的方案模式以及輔導機制。 (5)加強政府與非營利組織間、以及非營利組織彼此間的「合作關係」,加強兩部門間親密的溝通及互動往來程度。


陳拎文 Unknown Date (has links)
環保意識抬頭使企業面臨揭露環境資訊之壓力,進而發佈環境報告書。由於環境報告書在國內尚處發展階段,企業對其了解不深,使相關同業之經驗分享,尤其重要。 本研究採個案研究法,以個案公司為例,探討其發佈環境報告書之動機、設計與編製過程、相關內容及發佈後之效益。透過實地訪談、數次電話聯絡與書面文件相互比對後,有下列四點發現: 一、個案公司發佈之動機主要受日本母廠感召,並希望藉此達成對內、外之有效溝通、提升公司競爭力與形象,進而追求永續發展。 二、由事務局搭配相關管理機制,設計與編製出涵蓋產品生命週期之環境報告書。 三、報告書之內容從環境管理開始,進入綠色設計、綠色採購、綠色生產與綠色消費;至於環境資訊,有財務與非財務兩種表達方式。 四、發佈後之效益與動機相呼應,表現在公司形象、競爭力之提升與良好溝通上。 / Due to environmental consciousness, the enterprise is faced with the exposition of environmental information, then issues corporate environmental report (CER). However, CER is still in a developing phase domestically, and the enterprise doesn’t understand about it deeply. Thus, sharing in correlative experience of the profession is quite important. This research adopts case study, and takes the case company as the example to probe into the motive of, the design and the establishment process, the correlation content and the benefit of disclosing CER. After comparing with the penetration on the spot interview, the telephone contact and the written document mutually, there are four findings as below: First, the case company was affected by the Japanese Parent factory, and hoped to get up to communicate with its stakeholders effectively, to raise its competitive power and image, and to pursue its sustainable development. Second, the Affair Bureau introduced some management mechanisms into design and establishment process of the CER which covered a product’s life cycle. Third, the content of the report started from the environment management, then the green design, the green purchase, the green production and the green consumption came after; As for the environment information, could be divided into financial and the non-financial two statements. Finally, the benefit of disclosing CER responded to the motive, and displayed in the company’s image, the competitive power promotion of and the good communication.

臺灣戰後政經環境變遷與國土發展之硏究--台灣經驗分析(1949-2000) / A Study on Taiwan's Post-War .Political-Economical Transformation and National Land Development--Analysis of Taiwan Experience (1949-2000)

梁又文 January 1991 (has links)
No description available.

臺灣永續消費政策綱領之研議 / The study of Taiwan's policy guidelines for sustainable consumption

廖世机, Liao, Shih Chi Unknown Date (has links)
從原始社會以物易物的交換開始,人為了生活需求就已離不開「消費」,也逐漸產生消費者保護的議題。但由於近代人類大量消費和相關的生產活動,大量的截取自然資源,造成自然環境破壞,反而危害人類的生存環境,促使消費者保護關切到環境保護的課題。 由於環境迅速惡化的問題愈來愈獲國際社會重視,為了追求人類社會的永續發展,1992年聯合國環境和發展會議通過《廿一世紀議程(Agenda 21)》,並於其第四章「改變消費模式」中提出「永續消費(sustainable consumption)」理念及相關行動方針;1999年國際消費者保護聯盟(CI)並促請聯合國將1985年訂定的「聯合國消費者保護指導綱領」增加第G章「推動永續消費(Section G. Promotion of sustainable consumption)」,從此「永續消費」成為國際推動消費者保護工作的一個新主題。 台灣由於社會經濟環境的演進,因消費行為而影響環境或反過來影響消費者健康事件也愈趨頻仍,但目前尚無這方面具體的消費者保護政策。為了維護居住環境品質,確保台灣的永續發展,以及身為國際社會的一員,共同分擔國人消費行為對全球環境影響的責任,我國有必要制訂推動「永續消費」的消費者保護政策。行政院消費者保護委員會雖自2009年已依筆者的初步研究,正式開始推動「永續消費」,但缺乏具體的政策架構及推動內容,影響推動進展,有需要加以建立,而這也是本論文主要的研究動機與目的。 本論文先透過對國內外「永續消費」及消費者保護發展資料的蒐集、彙整、探討及分析比較,建立「消費者保護—推動永續消費」的操作性定義、政策原則及目標等政策架構,再依據政策規劃理論研訂出政策綱領(初稿)。為確保此一綱領的具體可行,運用問卷調查及焦點團體法廣泛蒐集消費者及各界學者專家的意見並加以彙整分析、評估及研處後,據以修訂完成綱領“草案”,將提供政府機關參採。 在以上的政策規劃及評估過程中,本論文有很多重要的研究發現,包括:對永續消費意涵的重新界定並建立我國的政策架構;就國際推動永續消費的困難,提出因應對策;「永續消費」應視為消費者應盡的「義務」或延伸責任;台灣應重視中高齡者環保商品和服務的開發、產業的轉型,以及加強因應食品、娛樂教育及文化服務、水資源、交通運輸及通訊、醫療及保健等產業的永續消費課題;透過問卷調查分析,獲知多數的受訪者雖認同「永續消費」的理念,但亦認為自己個人的能力有限...等。 針對以上研究發現,本論文提出的建議主要有:在政策理念發展方面,包括:將「永續消費」理念納入並研修消費者保護法令、基本政策及永續發展行動計畫等重要政策文件;關注國際永續消費及消費者保護的推動進展,積極參與並分擔消費對全球環境影響責任;以「永續消費」作為未來我國消費者保護新時代的推動方針;加強弱勢消費族群的經濟扶助及消費教育;獎助公務人員進行與業務有關的進修及研究並提供行政協助等。在未來政策綱領推動執行方面,包括:加強綱領觀念的推廣與宣導;強化推動組織的職能;參考焦點座談與談者所提涉及未來執行方面的建議,研議執行細節。 另就「永續消費」未來可繼續研究的方向,本論文建議包括:發展「永續消費」的其他政策面向;研究發展本土性的政策工具;及針對特定議題或推動困難進行專案研究。 / From the beginning of people exchange goods in primitive society, people need to consume for living, so there were some issues related consumer protection raised. Because of people had consumed too much and the related production activities in modern society, massive amounts of natural resources were consumed and that result to hurt the environment which human live, compelling the area of consumer protection be expended to environment protection. Due to the problem of environment getting worse be paid attention gradually at global society, for pursuing the sustainable development of human society, the idea of “sustainable consumption” and it’s related action guidelines were addressed in the 4th chapter “Changing consumption patterns” in "Agenda 21" which had passed in United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in 1992. Then after, Consumers International(CI) promoted successfully that “United Nations Guidelines for Consumer Protection” which had passed in 1985 be added the Section G. Promotion of sustainable consumption in 1999, so “sustainable consumption” has become a new subject in consumer protection area from now on. As a result of the evolution of Taiwan’s society and economy, the events that consumer behavior affect the environment and the affected environment affect the consumer health in turn are becoming more often, but there is still not having the related concrete consumer protection policy in Taiwan now. In order to maintain the environmental quality to live and guarantee Taiwan’s sustainable development, being one of members of global society, Taiwan should share the duty of global environment affected by our people’s consumer behavior, so it is necessary to set up the consumer protection policy related sustainable consumption in Taiwan. Although the CPC (Consumer Protection Commission, Executive Yuan) has begun to promote consumer protection affairs related sustainable consumption according to my preliminary study since 2009, its progress is limited because of lacking a concrete policy framework and content, so it is necessary to establish the policy guidelines that is also the main research motivation and purpose of this dissertation. I established a policy framework which include the operational definition, policy principles and goals of the policy guidelines for “Consumer Protection - Promotion of sustainable consumption” through collecting, arranging, exploring, analyzing and comparing domestic and foreign information related sustainable consumption and consumer protection development at first, then draw up the first draft of this guidelines by applying the theory of policy formulation according to the policy framework. In order to guarantee the policy guidelines are indeed practicable, I collected extensively the opinions to this guidelines from consumer, scholars and experts by using questionnaire survey and focus group method afterwards. Finally, I integrated, analyzed, evaluated and studied these opinions to revise the first draft as a protocol which will be provided the government as a reference. There are some important discoveries in the policy formulation and evaluation process in this dissertation, including: redefined the meaning of sustainable consumption and established Taiwan’s policy; to create resolutions to the difficulties of promoting sustainable consumption ; regarding sustainable consumption as consumer’s responsibility or the extensive duty; Taiwan should pay more attention to develop environment friendly product and service for medium-elder people, industry reforming, as well as the issues of sustainable consumption in food, entertainment, education and cultural service, water resources, transportation and communication, medical service and health care, etc; by way of the analysis of questionnaire survey, we realized that most of interviewees not only identify with the idea of sustainable consumption, but also considered that individual ability to improve environmental quality is limited, etc. According to the above discoveries, the main suggestions of this dissertation are: firstly, at the aspect of development of policy idea, including: to revise consumer protection law, consumer protection basic policy, national action plan of sustainable development and other policy documents; to pay attention to the international development of sustainable consumption and consumer protection, and take part in and share positively the duty of impacts of global environment which is caused by consumption; to regard sustainable consumption as a guidelines in the new consumer protection era of Taiwan; to provide the disadvantaged consumer with economy assistance and consumer education; to encourage the servant pursue further education and have a study related their practice, as well as provide the administrative assistance. At the aspect of the execution of the policy guidelines later, including: to propagate and promote the idea of the policy guidelines actively; to intensify the function of promoting and executive organization; to explore the detail of execution, according to experts’ suggestions in the focus group meeting. In addition, at the aspect of the continued study for sustainable consumption in the future, the suggestions of this dissertation are including: to develop other policy aspect than consumer protection; to study and develop policy tools which are fit to Taiwan; and to conduct special research to specific issues or difficulties of promoting.

兩岸直銷業實行企業社會責任之比較 —以安利中國為例 / A comparative study on the practices of corporate social responsibility in direct selling industry between China and Taiwan — the case of Amway China

陳良志, Chen, Liang Chih Unknown Date (has links)
直銷進入中國近20年,因為中國特殊法規環境,造成多數的中國消費者對直銷抱有一種懷疑的態度。但是近年來不少中國直銷企業,投入相當程度資金與人力在參與慈善公益和社區責任,形成以『參與社會公益為榮』,以『履行社會責任為傲』的行業風氣,進而大幅度提升中國直銷企業的社會形象。如此不僅有利於中國直銷長期持續的發展,並且中國直銷企業在實行企業社會責任作法,對於台灣直銷企業在深耕台灣本土市場或進軍大陸市場,具一定參考作用。 本研究以中國直銷標竿企業作為主要研究分析對象並以世界公認全球永續報告書綱領比較兩岸直銷企業在實行社會責任的差異,以發現標竿企業實行社會責任的特色並歸納其在中國成功實施企業社會責任九個關鍵因素 : 一、提升企業倫理境界,樹立社會責任理念。 二、將企業社會責任納入企業的發展戰略。 三、專職企業社會責任執行單位與企業社會責任發展平臺設置。 四、建立擁有企業獨特優勢與競爭特色的志願者服務隊伍。 五、保證產品與服務品質是最基本的社會責任。 六、制定完善的消費者保障制度。 七、掌握產品與顧客獨特優勢,舉辦適合自身企業文化的公益活動。 八、尊重中國傳統文化和中國政府。 九、積極宣傳企業社會責任或社會慈善履行情況。 / There are almost 20 years after Direct Selling commenced in China, due to complicated and restricted regulatory issues, the image of Direct Selling is always being argued and the perception of consumer is disadvantage for the development of Direct Selling in China. Recently some of Direct Selling companies have heavily involved corporate philanthropy and social responsibility, which are very instrumental for securing the recognition of general public today and enhancing the sustainability of the Direct Selling development in future in China. Furthermore, the experiences on the Corporate Social Responsibility of the Direct Selling in China are the best practice for penetrating the domestic market in Taiwan and new development in the Mainland China. It is applied to compare the planning & execution of Corporate Social Responsibility through Global Reporting Initiative between Taiwan and China : analyze the unique features of benchmark company of Direct Selling in China we select and find its comparison with Direct Selling companies of Taiwan and summary the 9 key success factors of the implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility as following : 1. Elevate the standard of business ethic and build the concept of social responsibility. 2. Select the Corporate Social Responsibility as one of the corporate strategies. 3. Develop the dedicated organization & platform for the execution of Corporate Social Responsibility. 4. Build the unique features and core competences of volunteer taskforce within Distributor/Employee. 5. Ensure the product-guarantee and service-quality are the basic of social responsibility. 6. The establishment of full consumer protection system. 7. Conduct the best corporate philanthropy activity in connection with unique features of product & customer and corporate culture. 8. Respect Chinese culture & custom and China government. 9. Promote the execution & results of Corporate Social Responsibility or Corporate Philanthropy.

國有放租林地發展混農林業之研究-以臺大實驗林契約林地為例 / Agroforestry development in national leased forestland-A case of Experimental Forest of National Taiwan University

薛心淳, Hsueh, Hsin Chun Unknown Date (has links)
租地造林乃緣於日本領台期間林木過度採伐,台灣光復後政府財力及物力不足,林務管理欠周,林地遭濫墾、占用隨處可見,故期能透過引進民間人力、物力以及財力,加速完成造林工作。1990年代,政府為防止天然林的快速消逝對國土保育及環境造成負面影響,而全面禁止砍伐天然林,加上我國加入WTO後,開放進口大陸廉價木材,致國產木材逐漸失去競爭力,林農經營林業入不敷出,而拓展種植果樹之面積,改種高經濟價值作物,如茶葉、咖啡、葡萄、柳丁及檳榔等。然而,在林地上同時存有林業與農業使用,並不能直接類比為永續的「混農林業」經營模式,其特殊條件值得進一步探討。 起源自游耕活動的混農林業具有多功能性且符合土地倫理的概念,包括社會經濟上增加林農收入外,亦可分散經營風險,提升地方生活水準與競爭力,並可使當地文化習俗得以傳承;而在生態環境方面,樹木可供應作物生長所需氮素,增加養分獲取與留存,並可增加碳吸存力,以及維持生物多樣性等,因而在國際間頗受推崇,然在我國則面臨政策以及法規的考驗。 本研究修正Walck & Strong所提出的土地倫理分析架構為永續性混農林業影響模式,並以臺大實驗林契約林地為案例,透過文獻評析、參與觀察、問卷調查以及深度訪談,目的為探求國有放租林地發展混農林業之正當性,以及研擬混農林業之發展對策,獲得以下結論:1.過去混農林業政策多採有條件限制施作;2.林地管理政策與法規範難以戢止林農違規使用行為;3.放租林地改作永續混農林業具有正當性。而本研究之建議包括:1.調整政府租地造林管理制度;2.有條件允許混農林業;3.重視林農土地倫理價值觀;4.以永續農業維持林地健康。 / The government owned forest in Taiwan were overexploited during the Japanese Colonial Period and the poor forestry management after Second War World resulted in deforestation for illegal cultivation, occupying. In order to remedy the negative effects, government speeds up afforestation on national forestlands, and rent them to local tenant. Since 1990s, logging natural forest was prohibited and the cheap timber was imported from Mainland China after 2002 while Taiwan joined WTO, the forest tenants deforested part of the leased forestland and grew fruits, tea, coffee, etc., to fight against low price of forestry products to gain more income. However, growing crops on forestry land is no analogy to agroforestry, some specific conditions have to be investigated. Agroforestry is multifunctional and manipulated based on land ethics. On economic and social aspects, it is not only increase local tenants income, but also disperse the risks of operation, improve local living standard and forestry competitiveness and inherit local culture and customs to the next generation. On ecological aspect, trees provide nitrogen and nutrient, raise carbon sequestration, and sustain biological diversity. Hence, it is highly valued in other countries, but is taken as illegal activity in Taiwan. This study revises the framework of land ethics, power relationships and land use, land health raised by Walck & Strong for sustainable agroforestry analysis, and take the Experimental Forest of National Taiwan University as a case study. Through methods of literature review, participation observations, questionnaire survey, in-depth interviews, the research findings are as follows: 1) the cultivation of agroforestry was confined conditionally; 2) the current forestry policy and laws cannot prevent tenants from illegal land uses; 3) agroforestry in leased forestland is legitimate if it is operated sustainably. Hence, the policy implications are: 1) adjusting the management institution of leased forestland; 2) conditionally permitting agroforestry; 3) respecting tenants’ value of land ethics; 4) maintaining forestland health by sustainable agroforestry.

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