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集團內子公司地主國知識產生與移轉之研究 / Host-Country-Specific Knowledge: Generating and Transferring Among Member Firms in Business Groups范慧宜, Fan,hui yi Unknown Date (has links)
正式機制與非正式機制間是一個連續帶的概念。然而,在移轉過程中,哪些因素會影響到正式與非正式機制搭配的比例呢? 當海外成員自主性高時,採用正式化機制強迫集團海外成員間進行知識分享,亦搭配非正式化機制的社會互動,來緩和彼此間因競爭所產生不願意分享的情形;當知識的情境鑲嵌性程度越高,越需要使用非正式機制來縮小正式機制中知識再利用的可能性;當產品相似性很高,知識來源者與接收者若能搭配少部分(短時間、次數少)的人員互動,便能加快知識再利用的速度;當技術越接近時,知識需求方較可準確地預估需求單上的要項,雙方技術差距越大,越需要仰賴非正式關係使知識來源者願意「多」花時間來教導知識接收者;當集團成員地理距離愈遠時,透過正式化機制,如海外總部(OHQs)進行地主國資料蒐集以避免資訊不對稱造成的知識移轉障礙,以克服因為地理距離所產生的知識移轉障礙。 / Knowledge about host countries and international environment is needed when firms enter international markets. A firm encounters more challenges when it enters a new market with no knowledge. After entry, it then can gain valuable experiential knowledge about the host country (i.e., host-country-specific knowledge) and this knowledge is helpful for further operation in the country and internationalization (Yu, 1990). A firm can gain hands-on knowledge by operating in a host market and then it can filter the information gained into forms it needs for internationalization later on.
The purpose of the study addresses host-country-specific-knowledge generating and accumulating by overseas member firms in business groups by identifying factors that affect how business groups from an emerging economy transfer host-country-specific knowledge among their group members. We have found that formal and informal mechanisms were helpful in facilitating the transferring of host-country-specific knowledge. In the literature, it is often assumed that knowledge can be easily and automatically transferred within business groups. Our study confirms that business groups do transfer knowledge among subsidiaries purposely and has also demonstrated that some mechanisms are needed to realize this intent.
While the business group’s network provides a platform for facilitating flows of host-country-specific knowledge, the mere existence of such a network does not automatically result in knowledge transfer. From managerial viewpoint, both formal and informal mechanisms should be in place to promote and encourage host-country-specific knowledge transfer. Gaining a good understanding of the mechanisms contributing to knowledge transfer is strategically important for knowledge management. Regarding the use of mechanisms, our results indicate that the buildup of internationalization knowledge can go along with a firm’s development in foreign markets and also can allow for accumulation of various types of knowledge. The more significant the difference between the contexts encountered by foreign subsidiaries and headquarters is, the more the quantity of knowledge the former will create regarding the host country. When foreign subsidiaries encounter similar problems within a tight time frame in a host country, the accumulation of knowledge about the host country will be faster.
In the early stages, setting up knowledge transferring system relies more on informal mechanisms. The more mature the system is, the higher the proportion of formal mechanisms is used. However, although informal mechanisms are effective for chief executive officers and senior vice presidents, primary executives and operators rely solely on formal mechanisms in order to clarify responsibilities. With more important strategic position of the host country, the headquarters will establish overseas headquarters in order to quickly respond to the market requirements. In a specific host country, overseas headquarters, established by the HQs, may substitute for the headquarters in transferring host country-specific knowledge among member firms via formal mechanisms. When a business group belongs to federal decentralization, external market mechanisms will be adopted to transfer knowledge among its member firms. The overseas headquarters hardly governs transferring knowledge among overseas member firms and the headquarters. When the overseas headquarters is established, the headquarters adopts auditing connection to prevent the host country from monopolizing host-country-specific knowledge.
A headquarters can successfully implement multiple formal and informal mechanisms for knowledge transfer. With respect to knowledge transfer, the higher the level of subsidiary autonomy, the greater the necessity the headquarters rely on formal mechanisms to transfer host-country-specific knowledge among member firms. Encouraging sharing within a business group through some managerial mechanisms can wear down the negative influence caused by opportunism and information asymmetry on the part of the subsidiary and the inter-member competition for the transfer of host-country-specific knowledge. Overseas headquarters accumulates a vast experience and are capable of absorbing, transferring and applying knowledge adequately. They can transcend the geographical limitations and establish good cooperation relations between knowledge originator (the subsidiaries in the host country) and knowledge receiver (other sister firms and the headquarters), warranting the success of the knowledge transfer. Provided that knowledge is tacit, information technology is necessity in transferring knowledge initially documented while social interaction is needed in transferring the rest knowledge embedded in persons. Finally, product and technology similarity are factors affecting how headquarters rely on formal mechanisms in transferring knowledge among member firms.
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以想法為中心的教學設計對大學生在知識建構與知識信念上之影響 / Effects of idea-centered design approach on college students’ knowledge construction and epistemological belief林書平 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的在探究以想法為中心的教學設計對大學生學習歷程與知識信念的影響。本研究透過知識論壇 (Knowledge Forum,KF) —一個以知識翻新(knowledge-building)教育理念為核心所建立的數位學習平台—來記錄學生的學習歷程。研究設計採個案研究法,以一個班級為研究單位,藉由多元資料的蒐集,以深入瞭解知識翻新教學對大學生在學習歷程上的影響。研究對象為某大學修習「生活科技概論」課程之22位學生。
資料來源包括:(1) 知識論壇上的學習筆記(note)—即學生整學期在知識論壇平台上的貼文與對話記錄;(2) 期末科技成品與影音記錄—即課程中學生所設計科技產品的期末發表; (3) 期末反思—即學生的期末學習心得; (4) 知識信念問卷(Chan & Elliott, 2004)的前後測資料。
本研究依據資料分析結果提出以下三點主要結論: (1)協作式的知識共構活動可以幫助學生跳脫傳統以個人為中心的學習方式,並進而以集體想法交流的形式來共構知識;(2) 從學生在科技產品上的創意表現可知,學生已逐漸能體認到知識是可以被創造的,人人都有能力創造知識;(3) 學生經過一學期的知識建構過程後,在知識信念上也有部分轉變,特別是在「天賦能力」的面向上,傾向學習能力並非天賦且不可改變的觀點。
根據上述結論,本研究在教育實務上提出以下三點建議:(1) 教師應多運用想法中心的教學設計,以培養有自主想法的學生,並藉此激勵學生積極參與學習社群中的知識共構活動;(2) 教師應將知識創造的能力視為學生學習的關鍵能力,以培養學生面對未來職場所需的競爭力;(3) 師資培育機構應注重師資培育生在知識信念上的發展,並協助其養成更具建構取向與學生中心的教學信念。
關鍵詞:想法中心、電腦支援協作學習、知識翻新、知識信念、主動學習 / The purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of idea-centered education on college students’ learning progress and change in epistemological beliefs. An online collaborative knowledge-building environment—Knowledge Forum (KF)—was employed in this study to document the process of students’ idea generation and development, as well as their belief change. This study employed a case-study design, using a college class as a unit for investigation, with multiple datasets collected to understand how knowledge building might affect students’ learning process and outcome. Participants were 22 students (16 females and 6 males) who took a course titled “Introduction to Living Technology” in a university, Taiwan.
Major data sources include: (1) Students’ online discourse recorded in a KF database; (2) Students’ final presentations about the technology products they designed (the presentations were videotaped); (3) An open-ended survey employed to elicit students’ reflection on what they did and learned from this course; (4) A belief questionnaire, adopted from Chan & Elliott (2004), which was administered in the beginning and at the end of the course. There were three main findings: (1) An idea-centered approach was found helpful for students to move away from individual-based learning to taking more collective responsibility in their knowledge advancement. It was found that with support of KF, students were able to engage in continuous idea exchange and improvement; (2) As evidenced in students’ performance on the design of creative technology products, it was suggested that students have gradually realized that knowledge can be created and that all humans has potential to create knowledge; (3) After doing knowledge-building for a whole semester, the participating students also shifted their’ beliefs to become less inclined to believe in inborn ability as a fixed quality.
Building on the findings, this study made the following suggestions: (1) To foster student capacity for more autonomous learning and collaborative knowledge building, teachers should try to encourage students to work with ideas and to engage them in sustained idea improvement; (2) Teachers should regard knowledge creation as a key ability that students need to acquire in order to face the competitive workplace in the future; (3) Teacher education programs should pay attention to the development of students’ epistemological beliefs, and to help student develop a more constructivist-oriented and student-centered teaching beliefs.
Keywords: idea-centered, CSCL, knowledge building, epistemological beliefs, active learning
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體驗行銷、生活型態與品牌權益之間的關係-以居家用品店為例 / The study of the relationships among experiential marketing, brand equity and life style- taking home furnishing stores as examples劉純婷, Liu, Chun Ting Unknown Date (has links)
顧客逐漸重視感性價值,使得強調感性、氣氛、感官等無形體驗的消費文化興起。「體驗行銷」的具體概念逐漸成形,企業的行銷手法不再單純強調功能性利益,而更強調在顧客體驗上。另外由於生活習慣的改變、週休二日的實施、居家生活美學風氣的興起等等,讓許多人開始注重居家生活品質。現代的居家用品通路提供多樣化的選擇和服務,顧客藉由挑選家居用品與自行佈置的過程,達成一種個人化與自我風格的實現。而體驗行銷在這類通路上尤其為重要的行銷策略,因此本研究欲討論在居家用品零售通路中,體驗行銷與品牌權益間的關係。品牌權益構面之間,彼此又有密切的關係,且會相互影響(Aaker, 1991; Biedenbach and Marell, 2010),因此本研究進一步探討體驗行銷與顧客基礎品牌權益來源─品牌知曉、品牌聯想、品牌忠誠度、知覺品質間的關係。
本研究另外一個重點是生活型態對體驗行銷與品牌權益之間關係的影響研究。個人的生活型態會影響到消費決策與行為,消費者為了表現自己的生活型態,或是向其他人展示生活型態,他們會需要與自己相符的生活型態品牌(Schmitt, 1999)。消費者也會因為自身的生活型態或是追求的目標不同,而對同樣的商店有不同的感覺(Puccinelli, Goodstein, Grewal, Price, Raghubir and Stewart, 2009),因此本研究進一步想要探討體驗行銷與品牌權益間的相關性,會不會受到生活型態的影響。
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命どぅ宝 : 人権を考える : 『「沖縄戦」 : ある母の記録』にみる心の問題(高校2年生 2.各論I)(II 1999年度総合人間科の取り組みと公開授業の実践報告)(<特集>総合人間科の発展的展開)三島, 徹, 加藤, 容子 15 November 2000 (has links)
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合作式標註工具輔助網路探究式學習在資訊素養教育之成效評估研究 / The Effects of Web-based Inquiry-based Learning with Collaborative Reading Annotation Support on Information Literacy Instruction陳毓婷, Chen, Yu-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
最後基於研究結果,提出發揮工具的優勢發展系列推廣課程,以及延伸應用批判性思考學習對教師進行教學的建議,以及未來可深入長時間發展、探究式學習的互動歷程行為、學習遷移等相關探討與研究,希望能作為資訊素養教育推廣下,研究領域探討議題的新方向。 / The past studies have suggested that the lack of basic digital literacy and acuteness has reduced Taiwanese students’ ability to filter information when facing a vast amount of Internet information. As a result, establishing a mechanism for selecting and assessing information, as well as cultivating digital reading ability and information literacy have been the hot topics in recent years. By combing the Reading Knowledge Collaborative Annotation Tool (CAT) with the Web-based inquiry-based learning, this study has developed the “Web-based Inquiry-based Learning Model with the Collaborative Annotation Tool,” hoping to innovate the information literacy instruction and find new ways to effectively improve students’ information search capabilities.
In this study, a quasi-experimental study method was adopted, and 50 fifth-graders from two classes in a certain elementary school in New Taipei City were selected as the research subjects to conduct the collaborative inquiry-based learning on the theme of “Internet Information Assessment and Judgment.” Among them, 25 students from one class were randomly assigned to the experimental group of adopting the “Web-based Inquiry-based Learning Model with the Collaborative Annotation Tool,” while 25 students from another class were randomly assigned to the control group of adopting the “Web-based Inquiry-based Learning Model with the Discussion Board Tool.” With prior knowledge and cognitive style as background variables, the influences and differences in students’ learning effectiveness, cognitive load, technology acceptance, and learning satisfaction in two different learning models were thoroughly explored.
The research results found that compared to the “Web-based Inquiry-based Learning Model with the Discussion Board Tool,” the “Web-based Inquiry-based Learning Model with the Collaborative Annotation Tool” showed much higher benefits in the learning effectiveness for students with middle and low prior knowledge and with field independence. Both of these two models produce would not produce excessive cognitive load on students during the learning process. As for the assessments on technology acceptance and learning satisfaction, students with low prior knowledge considered that the Web-based Inquiry-based Learning Model with the Collaborative Annotation Tool was more helpful for them than the one with the Discussion Board Tool, and they also showed a higher significant level of learning satisfaction.
Lastly, based on the research results, this study suggests that the advantages of the tool can be used to further develop a series of promotion courses, and the use of critical thinking learning can be extended to the teaching for teachers. Also, this study suggests that the long-term in-depth explorations of the interactive course behavior of inquiry-based learning, transfer of learning, and other relevant studies can be conducted in the future, hoping to provide as new directions of topics for the research field when promoting information literacy instruction.
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パーソナリティと認知的特性からみた異文化間能力中尾, 元 23 July 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(人間・環境学) / 甲第22017号 / 人博第907号 / 2019||人博||907(吉田南総合図書館) / 京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科共生人間学専攻 / (主査)教授 内田 由紀子, 教授 船曳 康子, 教授 齋木 潤 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Human and Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DGAM
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乳幼児における言語獲得と社会的認知の発達的関連についての実証的検討今福, 理博 23 May 2017 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(教育学) / 甲第20544号 / 教博第207号 / 新制||教||169(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院教育学研究科教育科学専攻 / (主査)教授 明和 政子, 准教授 森口 佑介, 教授 齊藤 智 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Education) / Kyoto University / DGAM
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ドイツにおける継続的契約の解消法理の展開佐藤, 史帆 25 March 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(法学) / 甲第21510号 / 法博第227号 / 新制||法||165(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院法学研究科法政理論専攻 / (主査)教授 山本 敬三, 教授 吉政 知広, 教授 橋本 佳幸 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Laws / Kyoto University / DGAM
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認知症介護の社会学―新しい認知症ケア時代を生きる介護家族の経験木下, 衆 25 January 2016 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(文学) / 甲第19390号 / 文博第697号 / 新制||文||625(附属図書館) / 32415 / 京都大学大学院文学研究科行動文化学専攻 / (主査)教授 伊藤 公雄, 教授 松田 素二, 准教授 太郎丸 博 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Letters / Kyoto University / DGAM
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高中公民與社會教科書及教師認知 之人權保障及法治觀念 / High school’s civics and society textbooks and teachers' cognition of human rights and rule of law李美樺 Unknown Date (has links)
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