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賴冠宇 Unknown Date (has links)
透過知識管理幫助智慧資本之衡量、管理已成為企業不容忽略的管理議題。學者專家建議良好的企業文化是成功推行知識管理的關鍵要素,而企業文化也顯著影響組織效能。因此,企業文化、知識管理、智慧資本與企業績效之關係即為重要的實證議題。本論文主要以國內上市櫃公司為研究對象,採用問卷調查方式,以較完整的架構探討企業文化類型、知識管理類型、智慧資本與財務績效相互間的關聯性。   本研究發現企業文化與知識管理間存在顯著的關聯性,且企業文化類型與知識管理類型,分別對智慧資本各構面及其組成要素的重要程度有顯著的影響。主要實證結果顯示企業文化類型越強烈鮮明,越重視人力資源發展、創新與市場競爭的企業,則知識管理程度相對的越高,且同時重視資訊科技運用與鼓勵組織內成員間知識的交流和衝擊。高效率支持型企業文化相較於低創新官僚型企業文化,更重視人力資本、創新資本以及流程資本組成要素。   彈性式高度知識管理類型相較於其他知識管理類型,在員工專業與自主、創新管理、流程成果以及顧客滿意與忠誠等資本智慧資本組成要素上的重視程度上明顯較高。彈性式高度知識管理類型相較於控制式低度知識管理類型,在人力資本、創新資本、流程資本之各項組成要素以及顧客投資與成果等顧客資本組成要素等的重視程度上明顯較高。人性化中度知識管理類型相較於控制式低度知識管理類型,在員工專業與自主等人力資本組成要素與創新資本各項組成要素的重視程度上明顯較高。   研究結果亦顯示企業文化及人力資本、創新資本均與財務績效有顯著的關聯性。本研究結果所發現企業文化、知識管理、智慧資本以及財務績效四者間的關係,隱喻企業文化是企業推行知識管理及提昇經營效能的關鍵,亦即企業在推行知識管理前應先檢視本身的企業文化。此外,揭露具認知重要性之智慧資本各構面衡量指標似有助於傳遞企業隱藏價值給投資人。 / Measuring and managing intellectual capital through knowledge management (KM) has been perceived the most important issue in knowledge-intensive companies. It has been suggested that a supportive corporate culture cornerstones not only a successful implementation of KM system but also the effectiveness of an organization. It is essential therefore to enhance our knowledge in interrelationships among corporate culture, KM, intellectual capital and operating performance. Using a sample of firms listed in TSE and OTC and a questionnaire as research tool, this thesis explores the typologies of corporate culture and KM, and their impacts on intellectual capital and financial performance.   The empirical evidence indicates that the attributes of corporate culture are significantly associated with the attributes of KM activities. Both corporate culture and KM shed significant impacts on cognitive importance of intellectual capitals. Firms with distinct corporate culture, placing more foci on human resource development, innovation and market competition tend to have more intensive knowledge management activities, information technology utilization, and exchange and lash of knowledge between the members of the organization. Compared to firms with low innovative-bureaucratic culture, firms with high effective-supportive culture concentrate more on all aspects related to human capital and innovation capital.   Compared to other firms in the sample, firms with high flexibility-high degree of knowledge management activities focus more on human capital, innovation capital, and process capital. Compared to firms with high control-low degree knowledge management activities, companies characterized with humanistic-medium degree knowledge management activities emphasize more on innovation capital.   The findings also show that both corporate culture attributes and components of human capital and innovation capital are significantly associated with financial performance. The results thus suggest that corporate culture is important to company success in implementing knowledge management system and business performance. It implies that companies may need to nurture a more supportive corporate culture prior to implementing a knowledge management system. The intellectual capital indicators suggested in the study may also be helpful in disclosing the hidden value of the firm to their investors.

由知識管理雷達圖衡量模式觀諸軟體產業推行知識管理之現況 / Knowledge Management Measurement of the Software Industry with the Radar Visual Measurement Model of KM

洪其豪, Hong, Chi Hou Unknown Date (has links)
90年代後,軟體產業善用強大的知識力量建構數位王國,在知識經濟狂潮裡獨據鰲頭,他們如何利用知識征服全球的祕密,一直引發各界好奇。本研究嘗試設計一套「全新且視覺化」的衡量模式以分析、瞭解及解釋軟體產業推行知識管理之情形,取代個案研究無法見林的遺憾,從宏觀角度觀諸整個產業的現況。   透過前測的檢驗,確認此種衡量模式測量變項的問卷內容,將它命名「知識管理雷達圖衡量模式」,藉由「知識管理雷達圖」的視覺呈現,能輕易地辨識軟體公司實踐知識管理的深度與廣度,是屬於「知識管理實踐成效六大類型」的何類;除此之外,本研究更提出5個假設,企圖解開幾個「知識管理雷達圖衡量模式」與軟體產業所衍生的疑竇,例如:軟體公司的特徵(資本額、員工數、上市上櫃情形、年營業額以及業務重心)的不同,知識管理的實踐深度(或廣度)有顯著差異嗎?「知識策略」與「資訊科技」是否顯著相關等等。   在發出447份附上回郵信封的問卷、213份e-mail電子問卷,並持續進行近4個星期的監控及問卷追縱後,最終回收率為21.03%,有效問卷回收率則是19.69%。經過資料分析,發現目前高達9成軟體公司皆從事過知識管理的相關活動,然而實踐知識管理的程度卻僅僅「三顆星」等級,顯示未來努力的空間仍不少;仍有7%左右的軟體業者,在各大要素的努力乏善可陳,這些公司屬於「不知不覺」型,絲毫沒察覺知識時代已經來臨,未來前景堪憂。在假設檢定方面,其結果出乎意料,公司的規模大小、上市上櫃與否、年營業額多寡以及業務範疇的差別,皆不影響知識管理的成敗,似乎在宣告「知識管理」非大企業的專利,無名小卒亦有出頭日的機會。 / Since the 1990s, software industry has been good at building a virtual kingdom by its incredible knowledge power. And now it is a pioneer navigating by the flooding water of knowledge-base economy. Everyone is curious to understand how software firms manipulate their knowledge spells to have the world in hands. Nevertheless, the researches of industrial knowledge management usually focused on case study of best practices and resulted in many myths. Unlike them, one of the purposes of this thesis is trying to develop a new and visual knowledge management measurement model, using it to judge and explain the software industry's implementation of knowledge management and analyzing whole industry in a macro view.   The questionnaire operationalized to measure the variables of the new measurement model was verified after pretesting. Then the new model is framed and named “Radar Visual Measurement Model of KM.” Through a radar graph, to judge the depth and breadth of the software firm's achievements of knowledge management and to position the kind of “The Six Types of Knowledge Management Achievement” are easy to accomplish. Furthermore, five hypotheses are set up to explore some suspicions between software industry and “Radar Visual Measurement Model of KM,” such as “Are the performances (depth and breadth) of knowledge management significant different if one software firm's characteristics (included the capital, the amount of employees, listed or not listed, revenues and major scope of business) differ greatly from the others' ?” or “Is there a significant relationship between ‘knowledge strategy’ and ‘information technology’ ?” and so on.   After sending 447 mails (each one accompanied by a qestionnaire and a self-addressed stamped envelope) and 213 electronic questionnaires by e-mail, monitoring and tracing returns were begun and continued about four weeks. The final response rate is 21.03% but the valid response rate is 19.69%. Then the result of the qualitative data analysis indicates that 1) it's a common phenomenon in the software industry that over 90 per cent of software firms have ever performed knowledge management but the average level of performance depth only belongs to ‘three-star’ class. So all the software firms have to keep on making their extra efforts in the future. 2) There are near 7 percent of software firms doing nothing effort on five dimensions called ‘Unconsciousness’. They are unaware that the knowledge era is coming; therefore, they probably have a dark future. Moreover, two of the five hypotheses are not supported by the facts and surprised us. They point out that the scale of a company, the situation of listed, the total revenues and the scope of business don't affect the performances of knowledge management. In other words, they may proclaim that KM is not a monopoly of a large enterprise and a small firm still has its chance to be strong by knowledge management.

知識經濟時代的品質管理 / Quality management of knowledge-based economy era

陳東賢, Chen, Tung Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
「知識經濟」概念開始於90年代初期。「經濟合作開發組織」在「1996年科學技術和科技展望」的報告中,該報告認為以知識為本位的經濟即將改變全球經濟發展型態;知識已成為生產力提升與經濟成長的主要驅動力,隨著資訊通訊科技的快速發展與高度應用,世界各國的產出、就業及投資將明顯轉向知識密集產業,這些「以知識密集產業為基礎的經濟」簡稱為知識經濟。 知識經濟時代是顧客導向時代,以全球化競爭、創新、研發與累積智慧資本的時代。在這樣特質的時代裡,知識管理是知識經濟時代最重要的管理方向。討論知識經濟時代的品質管理時,『知識管理』的精神和作法是探討的主軸。所以如何在全面品質管理中加入知識管理的程序,包含知識的確認、知識的獲得、知識的發展與創造、知識的分享與移轉、知識的具體使用和知識的維持與剔除等重要要素,是知識經濟時代品質管理的重要課題。 品質管理從泰勒的科學管理、專業分工提出後,就一直為產業界所重視。隨著創新和知識經濟的浪潮,品質管理應如何在這波浪潮中繼續其功能,在所謂的新知識經濟時代,品質管理的手法與應用,又會以何創新的面貌,在企業中推行實施,創造出最高的價值,這是非常值得省思的的主題。也是這篇論文主要的研究原因和動機。 本論文由品質管理大師的理論著手,介紹全面品質管理的理論基礎、全面品質管理核心內涵、進而探討在知識經濟中的品質體系和管理模式。由傳統品質要求,進到知識經濟時代的品質系統建構。其中加入企業個案與作法,使實務與理論得以互相對照。 關鍵詞:知識經濟、顧客導向、知識管理、全面品質管理


方文玉 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.

國民小學組織內部行銷、知識管理與學校效能關係之研究 / The Study of Relationship among Organization Internal Marketing, Knowledge Management, and School Effectiveness for Elementary Schools in Taiwan

陳建志, Chen, Chien Chih Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討國民小學組織內部行銷、知識管理與學校效能的關聯性。研究採用調查研究法,以臺灣地區公立國民小學教師為對象,總共發出1154份問卷,回收986份問卷,回收率為85.44%,而有效問卷回收率則為81.72%。正式問卷回收之後,分別以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、逐步多元迴歸以及結構方程模式等統計方法加以分析。 本研究獲得以下七項結論,分述如下: 一、國民小學組織內部行銷在「凝聚溝通」層面的表現最突出。 二、國民小學知識管理中以「科技設施」層面最獲肯定。 三、國民小學學校效能中以「教師教學」層面最獲認同。 四、不同背景變項在國民小學組織內部行銷、知識管理與學校效能之差異有其脈絡因素存在。 五、國民小學組織內部行銷、知識管理與學校效能三者間具有正向關聯。 六、國民小學組織內部行銷及知識管理的分層面能預測學校效能。 七、國民小學組織內部行銷可直接影響學校效能,亦可間接透過知識管理的中介機制,對學校效能產生正向影響。 最後,根據文獻分析、研究結果與討論,分別就教育行政主管機關、學校教育人員以及未來研究提出建議,以供其參酌。 / The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between organization internal marketing, knowledge management, and school effectiveness. To obtain this information, 1154 teachers were selected to complete the questionnaire, where 986 questionnaires were returned. The return rate was 85.44% and the valid rate was 81.72%. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, pearson correlation analysis, stepwise regression, and structural equation modeling. The findings of this study are as followings: 1.Among all of the dimensions of organization internal marketing, “Congregate and communication” is the dominant in the elementary schools. 2.Among all of the dimensions of knowledge management, “Technology facilities” is the dominant in the elementary schools. 3.Among all of the dimensions of school effectiveness, “Teachers’ teaching” is the dominant in the elementary schools. 4.The differences of the background of organization internal marketing, knowledge management, and school effectiveness have the context factors. 5.There are significant correlations among organization internal marketing, knowledge management and school effectiveness. 6.The sub-level of the organization internal marketing and knowledge management can apparently predict the school effectiveness. 7.Organization internal marketing can affect school effectiveness directly, and which can also affect school effectiveness positively through knowledge management. At last, according to the results, this study provides the conclusion and the suggestions particularly for the institution of educational administration, elementary schools, and future research.

價值共創環境、誘因機制與知識管理對興趣型社群平台營運之影響 / The Methodology for the Operation of Communities of Interest: Value Co-Creation, Incentives, and Knowledge Management

吳岡陵, Wu, Kang Ling Unknown Date (has links)
在傳統的企業思維中,價值乃是由企業創造的,由企業單獨決定其產品和服務提供什麼價值,消費者僅僅代表對公司產品的需求;但隨著產業環境的發展,尤其是網路經濟時代的來臨,生產者與消費者之間的界限開始模糊。在過去資訊單向流通的網路世界中,人們在網路上代表的僅僅是一個創造流量的虛擬人物,然而隨著資訊科技的進步,網路技術的發展,人們在網際網路中開始彼此協作,發揮集體智慧向全世界發聲,即「價值共創」的概念。從Linux開放原始碼成功以來,許多企業已經逐漸了解到使用者參與創新、使用者虛擬社群參與企業產品開發的重要性,企業不再能獨自生產和管理知識,而是需要與它們的使用者共同創造知識;同時,人們也了解到透過結合價值共創的概念,虛擬社群平台可以發揮多大的效用,並且在其他領域也有許多類似概念的應用。 科技的協助讓使用者可依據其個別的興趣、需求等動機組成或進入不同的興趣型虛擬社群平台,此類平台除了結合對某一特定議題或事物有共同喜好的人們、高度人際之間的互動與溝通、經由網站所提供之平台分享交流彼此的心得與看法之外,尚有組織設計正式化程度低與集權化低之特色,以及此類社群對於參與者無特殊專業知識與技能之進入門檻之特色。因上述之特色,興趣型虛擬社群平台需要集眾多使用者之分享,才能在無特殊專業門檻的情況下,以內容累積出具有價值之資料庫。 本研究針對興趣型虛擬社群平台進行探討,透過文獻中得知之社群經營成功關鍵要素:「價值共創的環境」、「誘因機制」、「知識管理」檢視個案興趣型虛擬社群平台,並發現三者之間有順序性之關係。首先透過良好設計的「價值共創」社群平台環境,吸引使用者參與,其結果可以加強社群平台自身之競爭優勢。第二階段興趣型社群平台應該透過明顯且簡易得到之金錢誘因吸引使用者,使其有動機參與進入興趣型社群平台,而在使用者數量提升之後,透過管理機制之設計,產生心理誘因,加強使用者之重複拜訪與投入的行為,即透過正確而有效的「誘因機制」提升興趣型社群平台運作之人流量與忠誠度。於累積足夠的使用者及高度黏著度之後,興趣型社群平台應該透過「知識管理」建立機制,將社群平台上累積之知識形成資料庫,以吸引更多的使用者加入,串聯具互補性質的合作夥伴,同時促進更高的社群平台黏著度,並且進而利用資料庫,創造可能的多樣化獲利來源。 / The research aims to focus on the communities of interest, which is now the mainstream of communities on the Internet. With respect to the lack of related research on the operation of communities of interest, this research will examine three factors that are key to the operation of this kind of communities and research how these three factors work and how business managers plan a strategy for the operation of communities of interest. The research will take iPeen and Fandora, both of which are rising stars communities in Taiwan, as case study communities. The study reveals that there are some factors that are key to the success of communities. By examining the factors, we can see how they work and how they would lead to the victory in the heated online communities war. According to the research, a value co-creation environment, the incentives and knowledge management would be the key to the success of operation of communities of interest. The management team of communities of interest can use these three key factors step by step through strategic planning. In the final conclusion and suggestion, the research aims at the future participants in the industry and provides solutions to the strategic planning regarding previously found key factors and referred cases.

資源基礎、跨組織間知識共同演化行為與創新績效之研究 / The study of Resource Base, Inter-organizational Kowledge Co-evolutionary Behavior and Innovation Performance

方亮淵, Fang,Liang-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
從理論而言,本論文企圖從生態演化的觀點,針對組織與組織間,或事業體與事業體間,觀察組織是否具有同生物物種間共同演化的現象,並從組織知識與學習的觀點,探討組織與組織間知識共同演化的行為機制與其對創新績效的關係。過去的文獻中,針對組織或事業體間之策略與績效間的關係,多數均從多角化的觀點出發,探討組織、市場或產品間的相關度,來預測績效的成果,但從資源基礎的角度觀察實務的現象,組織間的資源基礎,並非均可在組織間自由的流動或轉移,組織亦非只單純依賴於相關度高的其他事業組織才足以創造績效。因此,組織如何與其他的事業體組織進行資源的移轉以創造策略績效,特別是對於創新績效相關的知識資源,在現今的理論及文獻中,並沒有特別的加以探討。本研究針對此一研究的缺口,乃試圖利用生態學說之共同演化的觀點,奠基於Eisenhardt and Galunic(2000)之共同演化策略的文獻作出發點,來探討組織與組織間知識共同演化的行為機制,以及其對組織創新績效的影響。 經由文獻的探討與先導個案的觀察,本研究提出了主要的研究架構,在資源基礎構面上,本研究觀察了自我組織與其他對偶組織間三種資源:實體設備資源、技術知識資源、網絡關係資源;而在知識屬性構面上,本研究提出了領域相似性及功能互補性二個子構面,而在應變數創新績效上,本研究則觀察組織的創新件數、創新件數變動率及創新產業競爭力;創新績效類別上則觀察組織四種創新類型:產品創新、製程創新、技術創新以及市場創新等四個組織績效。而針對調節變數上,本研究則著由文獻歸納及個案觀察發展出組織間知識共同演化的四個行為構面:交互學習吸收、自我學習強化、相關變異適應與共有例規保留。藉由此四個構面所發展出的行為子構面題項問卷,本研究可以觀察組織與組織間知識共同演化行為的強度,以作為影響組織間資源基礎與組織創新績效關係的調節變數。 本研究藉由質性之個案研究法之先導個案─長興化工的觀察,發展出量化之問卷調查法之研究問卷,並針對潤泰企業集團之營建事業體與紡織事業體共十四個事業組織,二十八位受訪者進行實證研究,調查此十四個事業組織間所構成之364個對偶關係之組織關係,一一進行問卷調查及記錄。並依據此十四個事業組織受訪者問卷,進行數值分析及多變量分析工作。本研究係採用SPSS統計分析工具。 經由問卷統計分析的結果,本研究得到研究成果及結論如下: 1. 從資源基礎論的觀點,對於組織的創新績效,除自我組織的實體設備、技術知識及網絡關係資源有正向助益效果外,組織的資源亦可跨越組織疆界的概念,延伸至組織生態系統中其他對偶組織之資源基礎的層次。 2. 組織與其生態系統中其他對偶組織間的知識共同演化行為活動愈強,對偶組織之實體設備資源、技術知識資源及網絡關係資源,愈有助於組織之創新績效表現 2-1.自我組織與其他對偶組織間的交互學習吸收行為愈強,對偶組織之資源基礎愈有助於組織創新績效表現。 2-2.自我組織與其他對偶組織間的自我學習強化行為愈強,對偶組織之資源基礎愈有助於組織創新績效表現。 2-3.自我組織與其他對偶組織間的相關變異適應行為愈強,對偶組織之資源基礎愈有助於組織創新績效表現。 3. 組織與對偶組織間之知識屬性不同,其彼此間之知識共同演化行為的強度亦有所不同。知識領域相似性愈高,功能互補性愈高的組織,其知識共同演化的四個構面(交互學習吸收、自我學習強化、相關變異適應及共有例規保留)行為強度均較強。 4. 具有深度知識共同演化行為的事業部組織,其在創新的件數及創新的產業競爭力上,表現均會較其他中度知識共同演化或低度知識共同演化的事業部組織來得佳,且在新產品創新、新製程創新及新技術創新等方向上,與其他事業部具有深度知識共同演化的事業部組織,其創新績效較佳。 / The research, based on the evolutionary theory, tries to find is there any kind of the co-evolution relationship between organizations or business-units. Starting from the organization knowledge management and organizational learning, the research studies the co-evolution behavior mechanism between dyad organizations and also studies the impact of the knowledge co-evolution behavior on innovation performance. Reviewing the research which study the strategy and performance mechanism between organizations or business units, lot of them use the diversification point of view to propose the market relatedness or the product relatedness are important on estimating the performance of organization, especially the new market that organization will enter. The researcher finds there is a theatrical gap between the resource transferability of dyad organizations and innovation performance creating. However, based on the research of Eisenhardt and Galunic (2000), the research will use the evolutionary theory to study how organization adopting the knowledge resource from another organization to create organization innovation performance. The research concept structure proposed by the research will have four constructs. The first one, in resource based construct, this research propose three kinds of resource in self-organization and dyad organization: (1) tangible resource and asset in practice facility; (2) intangible resource and asset in technical knowledge; (3) network resource and asset between organizations. The second construct is the knowledge attribute. This research proposes two kind of attribute between organizations, (1)similarity of field knowledge and (2) complementarity of functional knowledge. In the dependent construct, the research proposes innovation performance in innovation success cases, innovation growth and competence of product innovation, technical innovation, process innovation and market innovation. In the final construct of moderator variable, the research propose four dimensions of the knowledge co-evolutionary mechanism: (1) knowledge learning and absorbing; (2) knowledge combining and creating; (3) knowledge adapting on relative variance; (4) practicing on mutual organization routine. The methodologies of the research are case study and questionnaire interview and analyze. We review 14 organizations of textile division and civil engineering divisions of Ruentex Group. After analyzing the questionnaire of 28 interviewers, the research generates four conclusions as below: (1) From the resource-based view, not only the resource of self-organization could have positive benefit on the performance of organization innovation, but also the resource from dyad organization could contribute on innovation performance. The concept of organization resource could break through the organization boundary and extend to the dyad organization in the same organizational environment. (2) The more knowledge co-evolutionary behavior, the more benefit of inter-organizational resource will have on innovation performance. A. The more knowledge learning and absorbing on co-evolutionary behavior, the more benefit of inter-organizational resource will have on innovation performance. B. The more knowledge combining and creating on co-evolutionary behavior, the more benefit of inter-organizational resource will have on innovation performance. C. The more knowledge adapting on relative variance on co-evolutionary behavior, the more benefit of inter-organizational resource will have on innovation performance. (3) The knowledge attribute of the two dyad organizations will effect on the degree of the knowledge co-evolutionary behavior. The higher the similarity of field knowledge and complementarity of functional knowledge, the heavier the inter-organizational knowledge co-evolutionary behavior. (4) The innovation performance of the organization which have heavier knowledge co-evolutionary behavior will better then the ones have medium or lighter knowledge co-evolutionary behavior, especially on the product innovation, process innovation and technical innovation performance.

企業購併後產品生命週期管理系統之整合發展影響因子的研究──以I公司為例 / Affecting factors study on the integrating development of the Product Lifecycle Management system of Corporation post-merger ── A case study of I company

魏瑞光, Wei, Jui Kuang Unknown Date (has links)
由於全球化時代的來臨,企業無不善用全球的人才與資源,以提升自我的競爭力,增加企業發展的契機。為了加速企業發展速度,越來越多企業透過購併模式,快速結合不同公司的人才與資源,提升自我的競爭力。但在購併的過程中,如何有效整合不同公司的人才與資源,就變成一個很重要發展課題。 在整合不同的公司過程中,除了外在的人才與資源整合外,內在各公司間核心知識的整合與應用更為重要。透過PLM(Product Lifecycle Management)系統平台,可以實踐整合外在的人才與資源,更可以進一步整合各公司間的核心知識,進而產生各項應用與回饋。 本研究由相關文獻探討,藉由企業購併、知識管理和資訊系統整合之概念,推展出以「組織」、 「流程」和「資料」三個構面的研究架構,透過跨公司 PLM 系統整併實際案例,整理出一PLM系統平台運作方式,探討企業產品生命週期管理系統整合發展之影響因子。 由個案分析與研究發現得出研究結論如下: 研究結論1: 企業間進行產品生命週期管理系統整合前,具有RD 開發和 IT 技術專業背景之A型人才擔任此整合專案規劃和執行者,是導入成功的關鍵考量因素。 研究結論2: 企業間進行產品生命週期管理系統整合時,高層主管在專案中的有力支持與表達、良好的溝通、良好完整的教育訓練與技術轉移計畫,是成功的關鍵做法。 研究結論3: 企業間進行產品生命週期管理系統整合時,做好完整的Legacy Data Migration和以流程再造/創新的態度,將不合理流程一併進行調整與改善,是成功的關鍵做法。 研究結論4:企業間進行產品生命週期管理系統整合後,使用該單一、公開、共用的資訊流程平台,有助於新產品之開發時程縮短和開發成本降低。 關鍵字: 知識管理,產品生命週期,系統整合,PLM / Since the advent of the era of globalization, companies take advantage of are all use of personnel and resources of the world, to enhance its competitiveness and to increase opportunities for enterprise growing up. In order to accelerate the pace of enterprise enlargement, more and more companies are through M&A mode, quickly combining different company's talents and resources to enhance its competitiveness. But in the process of acquisition, how to effectively integrate the talents and resources of different companies becomes a very important studying. In addition to the integration of external talents and resources, the inner core between each company in the integration and application of knowledge is more important, in the process of integrating different companies. It can integrate the external talent and resources via PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) system platform operation. And even to the core knowledge among the companies to reproduce various applications and feedback. Case study analysis & findings conclude as bellows: Conclusions 1: Planning phase, before inter-enterprise PLM systems integration, a high position, both RD engineering and IT professional skill background, A-type talent as this integrated project owner of planning and implementation, is the key to the success of the considerations. Conclusions 2: Execution phase, during inter-enterprise PLM systems integration, the strong support for the project from the executives, a well communication and a comprehensive training & technology transfer programs are the keys to success. Conclusions 3: Execution phase, during inter-enterprise PLM system integration, it is critical to have a full span Legacy data migration and to adjust/improve the unreasonable the process with process reengineering/process innovative attitude. Conclusions 4: Sustaining phase, after inter-enterprise PLM system integration, the use of the unique, opened platform for information sharing, contributes to the shortening of the develoemnt schedule and the reducing materials costs on new products development. Keywords: knowledge management, product life-cycle, systems integration, PLM

企業知識管理機制探討─ 以管理顧問公司為例 / A Case study of Knowledge Management of Consulting Firm

黃培祐, Payyo Huang Unknown Date (has links)
20世紀末人類開始進入知識經濟時代,相關書籍如雨後春筍般發表出來,學者們開始研究知識管理的重要。台灣自1980年代經濟起飛後,當時的高階管理人在進入21世紀後亦開始離開原本工作而轉進入顧問產業服務,以延續自己職涯的第二春,然而,如何將顧問的知識轉移到公司內部或產品化,避免「人走茶涼」的情況發生,即是本研究的主要動機。 本研究希望從檢視個案公司目前的管理機制出發,輔以該公司目前執行的知識管理專案成效為討論個案,並以野中郁次郎(Ikujiro Nonaka)(1995)提出的知識螺旋為基礎,探討個案公司公司知識管理機制的現況與挑戰,並給予相關改善建議,並且希望能從知識管理的角度出發來回答以下問題: 1. 個案公司如何將顧問師的知識轉化為內部的知識, 2. 如何將內部知識擴散給公司的其他員工。 3. 針對個案公司的知識管理系統,提出具體建議 本研究採用個案分析的方式,以質化訪談針對個案公司內部人員進行一對一的訪談後,將其資料訪談資料以野中郁次郎(Ikujiro Nonaka)的知識螺旋作為分析工具,了解顧問公司知識流動的模式與知識管理專案成敗的因素。 本研究發現在顧問公司內,研究員與專案經理是公司內部負責知識的主要樞紐,而由於顧問知識的傳遞方式複雜,因此專案經理與研究員的經驗多寡對於知識傳遞的效果有舉局輕重的地位。另外在知識管理專案的成效,要特別注重知識工作者的參與,以及事前的期望管理,對於提升專案成功率有很大的幫助。具體建議如下:提升顧問師對個案公司的黏著度、降低顧問團隊人員的流動率、以及專案人士明確的溝通與參與

銀行業知識管理系統建置之研究-以某銀行為例 / Establishment of banking knowledge management- Acase study of a bank

吳憲明 Unknown Date (has links)
知識是一個非常廣泛、複雜、抽象、甚至模糊的概念,但卻是知識經濟時代最為重要的要素。透過一種持續性、有系統及適時的將知識給予所需要的成員,以幫助成員採取正確的行動,增進組織績效的流程,稱為知識管理(Knowledge Management)。 知識管理是將知識資本視為可管理資產的管理科學,能協助企業、組織或個人,透過資訊科技,將知識經由創造、分類、儲存、分享、更新,並為企業或個人產生實質價值的流程與策略,主要重點管理內容為文件管理、核心專長管理及知識社群管理。 公司的願景及經營策略方針,是企業經營管理的指導原則執行各項營運活動,本研究之文獻探討,從知識管理策略開始,而進行策略管理、競爭優勢、一般策略、五力分析、價值鏈、SWOT分析、產品生命週期、波士頓矩陣、資源基礎觀點、策略定位、及策略的選擇等一系列的探究;並對個案公司透過知識管理的成功轉型之探討,有系統的描繪。 對一個組織龐大的銀行,其單位(部門)為數眾多,惟對大多數單位(部門)任務功能差異不大,建立文化、作業、及技術之共同的標準有其必要。如何將內隱知識轉移至外顯知識,再利於提升組織之競爭力,是為企業共同追求的目標。 企業透過知識管理的有效過程,建立起組織內部的新知識文化,經由經營策略的規範,選定最適知識策略模式結合IT策略,使企業能夠透過知識管理進行流程再造,與組織的解構與重構而讓企業循序轉型。 本研究進行之個案分析,由理論的推導發展組織任務:過程或文件導向任務,及焦點任務,並連接四個知識轉化過程,即內化、外化、共同化、與結合,建立預期合適的知識管理過程模式,引入知識管理上的種種問題試圖提出對策;再利用S-C-P產業結構分析金融產業之結構--行為--與績效;其次運用五力分析及SWOT分析產業之優劣勢及個案之機會與威脅,及其成功導入KM系統之現況與績效,帶動個案公司逐漸成功轉型消費金融領域。

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