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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

民間政策企業家於政策行銷過程的角色探討-以菸害防制法為例 / The role of grassroot-level social policy entrepreneur in the policy marketing: a case study of the Anti-Tobacco Hazard Law

王佑任 Unknown Date (has links)
菸害防制在近年已是一個相當廣受注目的公共衛生議題。不過,即便菸害防制法在我國業已有十三年的歷史,但我國民眾在環境菸害的暴露上依然未受到政府部門的適當保障。事實上,菸害防制理念的落實不應單從法律條文的訂定或政府的公共權威來著手,民眾的心理認知及自願性順服可能也是政策目標能否確實達成的關鍵要素之一。基此,本研究認為,在推動菸害防制法的政策行銷時,民間或非政府力量之參與或許能某種程度強化該法的政策執行力。 其次,有鑑於政策行銷在我國之研究途徑的分歧,本研究將從社會行銷的角度出發,藉此釐清政策行銷的理論內涵及其相關定義。接著,本研究將進一步析論民間政策企業家參與政策行銷活動的可能性及其角色扮演。有別於組織本位的行銷思維,本研究嘗試透過政策企業家創新、行動導向及社會資源整合的能力來建構後續之菸害防制策略。 基本上,在本研究針對台北縣「無菸健康社區推廣計畫」的個案研究中,民間組織參與政策行銷的意願與其領導者及組織特質、目標確實具有相當的關聯。此外,民間政策企業家不僅可以使政策行銷在最低權威的情形下來推動,他對於政策行銷的整體效果也可能帶來正面之影響。

菸品廣告規範之研究 / A Study on the Regulation of Tobacco Advertising

林承宇, Lin, Cheng-yu Unknown Date (has links)
菸品廣告規範之研究 中文摘要 就傳播法的角度而言,廣告規範可以說是傳播活動中涉及法律層面最廣,也是最為複雜的議題之一;而「菸品」廣告的存在由於具有相當的爭議性,因此亦稱得上是廣告規範中極具代表性的議題。本論文以菸品廣告規範為中心,藉由此項議題探討的「點」,試圖找出廣告規範的脈絡,進一步勾勒出廣告規範體系的「面」。故本論文處理菸品廣告所牽涉的法律層次,從抽象的國際公約及憲法,到具體的法律、法規命令及行政規則等均包含其中。 論文的架構大致將實務上已發生的菸品廣告案例類型化並釐清問題意識,以我國對菸品廣告規範的法理基礎、實務操作等「在地思考」的探討為「經」;加以對國際規範、外國立法例及實務操作等「國際觀點」的掌握為「緯」,完成本項議題的研究。 研究發現,我國現行菸品廣告規範面臨最大的問題在於菸品間接廣告問題、雜誌廣告規範的漏洞,以及法條競合所引發的適用問題。解決這些問題除了可以藉由國內司法體系的運作外,研究結果顯示修正相關法律規定會是解決問題最好的方式。本論文透過對世界衛生組織制定的全球菸草控制架構公約,以及對歐盟、英國、芬蘭、挪威、美國、加拿大、新加坡、泰國、南韓、日本、澳大利亞、紐西蘭等國家有關菸品廣告規範內容作一整理與分析後,提出全面禁止菸品廣告的規範方式不但不會違背我國憲法對人民基本權利的保護,更是符合未來國際趨勢的見解;而此亦與世界銀行公布的《遏止菸草流行─政府與菸草控制經濟學》報告中,指陳全面禁止菸品廣告為減少菸草需求的非價格措施最佳方式有異曲同工之處。 本論文最後針對現行菸品廣告規範主要的具體法律條文,即菸害防制法第九條及第十條提出修法建議;同時為求執法實務與立法目的一致性,文末並提出執法與實務稽查等多項建議提供我國政府相關單位參考,使本論文確實達到理論與實務的充分結合。 / A Study on the Regulation of Tobacco Advertising Abstract There is no doubt that in the area of communications law the regulation of advertising is one of the most complicated and widespread issues. Among them, tobacco advertising is perhaps the most controversial topic. This dissertation focuses on the regulation of tobacco advertising in Taiwan. This dissertation finds that, in recent years, tobacco companies spent huge sum of money in advertising, resulting in an increase in tobacco consumption. Although according to the Tobacco Hazards Control Law of Taiwan, tobacco advertising is strictly restricted; the phenomenon is that tobacco companies tend to use legal loopholes. This dissertation analyzes the situation and discusses legal problems involved in tobacco advertising. Several issues are emphasized. First is the problem of tobacco indirect advertising. By indirect advertising is meant tobacco company advertises a third product the purpose of which is, however, to promote tobacco products. Secondly, the issue of tobacco advertising in magazines is discussed. The law of Taiwan, due to the 1986 U.S.-Taiwan Trade Agreement, allows a certain amount of tobacco advertising in magazines. Nevertheless, the law does not take into consideration certain circumstances, thereby causing loopholes during enforcement. Last but not least, focus is placed on the application of Tobacco Hazard Control Law. Specifically, the problem of concurrent application -- a unique but not uncommon legal issue in Taiwan’s legal system -- is analyzed. Methodologically, this dissertation adopts the comparative law approach. By examining WHO’s FCTC (Framework Convention on Tobacco Control) and comparing the laws of Taiwan with that of the international convention, the laws of European Union, United Kingdom, Finland, Norway, United States, Canada, Singapore, Thailand, South Korea, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand, the author concludes that a comprehensive ban on tobacco advertising is constitutionally sound and compatible with international trend. Lastly, this dissertation tries to provide solutions to Taiwan’s present legislative and enforcement works. In sum, some of the laws need to be amended; while enforcement works may be improved by introducing a systematic change.


顏嘉誼, Yen,Chia-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
從GATT到WTO的發展過程中,WTO延伸GATT既有之架構而逐漸朝向法制化與正式化的路徑演進,形成以「規則導向」(rule- oriented)結合「權力導向」(power- oriented)的運作體系;其建構出制度化的遊戲規則,提供會員國透過協商談判追求貿易利益的機會,也限制了會員國追求自利目標與策略手段採行的合理範圍。政府認為加入WTO可使台灣在國際間享有公平合理的貿易對待,也可透過多邊或雙邊貿易諮商藉以在全球競爭過程中取得有利的位置;相對地,加入WTO後政府卻必須面對國內既有制度、規則如何與WTO基本原則、規範聯結的問題。 我國過去採取菸酒專賣制度,政府透過市場干預將國際貿易者、私有廠商排除在競爭的制度外,掌握米酒價格訂定的絕對主導權;民眾一方面可用低廉的價格滿足對紅標米酒消費的需求,同時政府也可從中挹注大量的稅收。然而,WTO是建立在一個以自由開放為目標的全球貿易體系,反市場機制的菸酒專賣制度卻直接與WTO規範相牴觸,造成米酒議題在入會過程中成為美國與歐盟等會員國要求諮商談判的標的。經過多年的入會諮商,我國承諾廢除既有專賣制度且修訂「菸酒稅法」回歸正常稅制,米酒也自民國九十二年起比照蒸餾酒每公升課稅一八五元;但此同時,米酒價格的高漲卻也引發了全台各地米酒囤積與搶購的熱潮,甚至爆發多起民眾喝假酒致死的案件。此談判結果對國內米酒消費市場造成的激烈動盪,促使米酒課徵稅額的合理性議題於焉浮現。 有鑑於此,本研究主要探討在WTO規則結構下其對我國菸酒稅法中有關米酒課徵稅額結果的影響。在理論基礎中,對全球治理下不同研究途徑的辯證過程後,選擇以「規則演進途徑」的觀點作為WTO制度與我國米酒稅額關係間的分析主軸;此途徑在WTO規則結構與台、美兩國家行動者的互動關係,以及針對我國加入WTO後米酒稅額變動的詮釋上提供了合適的分析架構。此外,將從WTO的規則結構、行動者定位、權力互動與諮商協議結果等四個觀察面向去探討與釐清其與米酒課徵稅額之關聯。準此,主要研究的問題焦點如下: 一、在WTO的基本原則與協定規範的拘束下對我國米酒的課徵稅額有何影響;而WTO的爭端解決機制對於台美兩國在有關米酒界定上有何限制? 二、在WTO的規則結構下,台美兩國對米酒課稅方式與課稅分類上有何利益偏好?彼此的主張與立論理由如何影響最後的談判結果? 三、台美兩國在WTO規則下競逐各別的主張與偏好,然而彼此在資訊掌握、對資源的控制、組織合法性權力、以及相對市場規模等權力基礎上的差異,是否影響最後協議的結果以及米酒稅額的課徵標準? 四、在WTO入會工作小組報告書與台、美雙邊貿易談判中,我國在米酒議題上所作的要求與承諾條件為何?此承諾、條件如何影響我國米酒課稅政策的制定? 當我們持續關注WTO所創造的美好憧憬時,也必須體認到入會背後所須付出的若干代價;在符合WTO的協定規範下,我國制度也必須面臨修正與調整。這就是全球化過程中二律背反的現象,期待與現實之間往往存在著意想不到的落差。菸酒入會諮商中的米酒議題是在WTO「規則」與「權力」的互動架構中進行。其異於過去國際化下的雙邊談判,此全球治理下的雙邊談判結果經由認可與制度化過程將成為多邊治理架構之規範,也藉由國內立法認可使其具有法律效力與正當性。米酒議題不僅是經貿上的議題,其處理的過程更是充滿政治權力折衝、競合的運作;對於米酒是否該界定為蒸餾酒,也反映出不同國家彼此對於飲酒與飲食文化上的個別差異。在米酒稅額爭議的分析過程中,本研究試圖找出我國在WTO規則結構下有關米酒課徵稅額有利的結果,以作為未來進一步爭取合理稅額的可行政策建議。

評估俄羅斯菸盒警示圖文之警示效果研究 / Evaluation of Graphical Warnings on Cigarette Packs in Russia

安恩雅, Anna Tamurova Unknown Date (has links)
評估俄羅斯菸盒警示圖文之警示效果研究 / Nowadays tobacco use leads to one of the most common reasons of preventable deaths. According to the Global Adult Tobacco Survey, in 2012 Russia has moved to the first place as a most smoking country in the world. Since 2013 Russian government has implemented a variety of methods to reduce smoking in the country. There is not much research done to analyze one of these methods, graphic warning labels on cigarette packs, which were implemented in Russia more than one year ago. Therefore current study aims to evaluate how college students in Russia react on these warning labels. Using fear appeal theory and Witte’s Extended Parallel Process Model (EPPM), this research explains the advantages and disadvantages of graphic warning labels in Russia. Focus group was conducted to evaluate each of 12 graphic warnings. According to the focus group participants, the paradontosis, stillbirth, oncological diseases, and prematurity were the labels that made them feel concerned. The participants felt that these topics were very important, as the pictures were unpleasant, scary, or disgusting. However, topics, such as impotence, suffering, and emphysema were evaluated as indifferent, irrelevant, and not impressive. Also it has been noted that there is lack of knowledge among Russian college students about the harmful consequences of smoking. Topics, such as early aging and impotence were evaluated as they make no sense and irrelevant to smoking.


陳慧娟, DCHEN, HUI-JUAN Unknown Date (has links)
在現代企業經營理念的衝擊下,如何控制成本以創造利潤,仍然是眾所關心的一個主 題,而半世紀以來,製造成本的降低,已有了顯著的效果,因此焦點便移轉到產品的 儲存分配成本上。本文乃就以台灣省菸酒公賣局為例,針對台灣啤酒這項產品,試圖 透過理論探討,尋求最經濟最迅速的運銷模式,並以此模式與現行作業方式進行比較 ,以顯現其節省運輸倉儲成本的可行性。 首先乃就有關運輸倉儲的文獻作一回顧,以提供本文研究的理論基礎,緊接著就台灣 省菸酒公賣局現行的運銷組織、運銷方式作一詳盡介紹,並對其未來的供需情形進行 統計分析,然後引用作業研究方法,尋求最佳的運銷方式及運銷網路。 接著進行比較分析,就最佳模式與實際作業的倉儲成本,加以比較,以得出其所能節 省的幅度,並就最佳模式的尋求,所能帶來服務水準的提高等無形貢獻,作一全面性 的分析。最後作一結論並提出建議。

非營利組織之社會行銷個案研究-以財團法人董氏基金會為例 / Social marketing for non-profit organization ---John Tung Foundation

姚慕蘭, Yao, Mulan Unknown Date (has links)
世界衛生組織(WHO)於2003年5月第56屆世界衛生大會通過國際「菸草控制框架公約」 (Framework Convention of Tobacco Control, 簡稱FCTC),在「禁止菸品廣告、促銷及贊助行為」、「跨國合作管制非法走私菸品貿易」、「管制銷售菸品予未成年人及對弱勢族群的保護」、「研議並追究菸商之法律責任」等各方面皆訂有突破性規範。目前全世界已有超過150國家或簽署、或批准遞交世界衛生組織「菸草控制框架公約」。顯見「菸害防制」議題已經是不分國界、不分種族,21世紀全球一致最重要的公共衛生政策之一。 社會行銷在國外行之有年,強調:「以行銷之概念及技巧,來達到某種特定行為之改變,並改善社會」,而運用於健康議題之社會行銷,則是:「將行銷觀念及技巧系統化,以達到促進健康及減少傷害之行為改變目的」。「菸害防制」之推動,即為運用社會行銷所常見之議題及案例。在台灣,董氏基金會為國內最早推動菸害防制宣導的非營利組織,致力於國內菸害防制工作規劃、教育宣導,並促成相關政策法案制訂及監督執法。1997年推動「菸害防制法」立法(歷經十年);2000年推動菸品開徵「健康福利捐」、執行「衛生署國民健康局菸害申訴服務中心」、舉辦國際「Quit and Win戒菸就贏」比賽等…董氏基金會推動菸害防制二十餘年,因著社會脈動調整推動策略,其寶貴之實務經驗在在與社會行銷理論相結合。 本研究即希望能收集國內外推動健康議題之社會行銷文獻,以社會行銷之概念,配合個案訪談,分析董氏基金會在推動菸害防制議題上之成效,歸納出活動成果及成功因素,以作為相關組織經營及發展策略之參考方向。 / World Health Organization has adopted the Framework Convention of Tobacco Control (FCTC) in the 56th World Health Assembly in May, 2003. The provisions have breakthrough progress on the fields such as “ban on tobacco advising, promotion and sponsorship”, “cross-country control over tobacco smuggling”, “ban on selling of tobacco to minors”, and “legal liability of the tobacco industry”. Up to date, over 150 countries already signed or ratified the FCTC. This shows that tobacco control is already such an important health policy in 21th century beyond country and race. Social marketing has been popular in other countries for years. The idea is “To change a certain collective behavior and improve the society with the concept and techniques of marketing.” To apply “social marketing” to health issues is to “To change behaviors that promote health and eliminate harm with systematized concept and techniques of marketing.” The promotion of tobacco control is a common topic and case that utilize social marketing theory. In Taiwan, John Tung Foundation (JTF) is the first NGO that advocates tobacco control movement. It has been dedicated to the planning, education and promotion of tobacco control in order to enhance police and legislation and the supervision of law enforcement. In 1997, after ten years of efforts, the Tobacco Hazard Prevention Act was finally passed. In 2000, JTF advocated and successfully lead to the levy of the tobacco health and welfare surcharge, executed the “tobacco complaint center sponsored by Bureau of Health Promotion, Department of health” and sponsored the international Quit & Win cessation campaign. In more than two decades, JTF always modifies its tobacco control strategies with the trend of society. Its invaluable experience is again and again accords with the theory of social marketing. The study aims to collect the literature regarding social marketing of health issues. The author uses the concept of social marketing and case interview to analyze the effects of JTF’s advocacy of tobacco control issues. The performance of its campaign and success factors may be a new guideline for the relevant organizations for their operation and strategy development.

香菸警示圖文面積佔比、廣告訴求及涉入對香菸消費者之廣告效果 / Advertising effectiveness on area of cigarette warning labels, advertising appeals and involvement

李宗祐, Lee, Tsung Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文研究主要針對香菸警示圖文相關政策做消費者廣告效果的衡量,主因為世界反菸相關運動及政策近幾年不斷的在興起,而台灣在政策上雖然也有相同的聲音出現,但在相關研究上卻寥寥可數,並無足夠實證證據去推動相關法案的運行,且在警示圖文的面積及廣告訴求上,台灣目前所推行的警示圖文相對世界而言,不僅單調且在與消費者的溝通效果上也不如預期,因此引發本研究之動機,警示圖文面積對消費者的影響為何?而是否在不同的廣告訴求下,會使警示圖文面積的放大對消費者的影響有加成效果,而面對香菸消費者對香菸的不同涉入程度,警示圖文面積是否仍然有效? 本研究先利用現行實施的警示圖文政策中,面積佔比最大及最小的警示圖文做為本次研究實驗的基準,並取兩者中位數定義為面積佔比中,主要衡量警示圖文面積的改變與廣告效果的關係,並根據文獻推論這三個層次的廣告效果會受到消費者對涉入程度以及警示圖文之廣告訴求的干擾。 理論架構以3*2的實驗設計,利用不同廣告訴求之警示圖文,採用實際菸盒大小比例,設計包含了大、中及小三種層次的警示圖文,研究樣本為有抽菸習慣的人,並將對香菸的涉入程度做為組內設計,隨機抽樣180人進行實驗後填答問卷,以隨機分配的方式至六組,有效問卷為177份,先利用敘述性統計及因素分析檢驗樣本及問卷,再利用變異數分析進行後續的統計分析。 經實證研究後發現以下結果,(一)單純香菸警示圖文面積佔比的改變,對消費者的廣告效果並無顯著的影響,且台灣現行警示圖文已失去該有的警示效果,(二)考慮干擾效果之後可以發現,不同的廣告訴求確實會對香菸警示圖文面積佔比的廣告效果,對態度上有顯著的影響,對理性訴求來說,警示圖文的放大仍然會有影響力,但總體效果並不如感性訴求的警示圖文(三)不同涉入程度水準,也會對香菸警示圖文面積佔比的廣告效果,對購買意願有顯著的影響,對涉入程度較低的香菸使用者而言,警示圖文確實能造成其未來對香菸購買行為的改變,而對香菸涉入程度高的消費者而言,警示圖文可產生的廣告效果並不會對其行為有太大影響。 / The anti-smoking campaign and relative policies is growing around the world in these years. However, there were not much related researches in Taiwan. In addition, our anti-smoking policy really fallen behind which compared to other developed countries. It’s became the motivation of this study. This thesis focuses on cigarette warning label issues, and measure advertising effectiveness of warning label area. In addition, it also considers the disturbance variables, including involvement and advertising appeals. This study conducted experiment method. According to literature review, the Independent variable based on current world warning label policy, we define three levels of different warning label area. This study take the smoker in Taiwan as research objects in order to distribute 180 questionnaires, 177 of which are retrieved and the valid ratio is 98%. As the result of experiment, we found that the advertising effectiveness of cigarette warning area wasn’t distinct, but that would be affected by involvement and advertising appeals. The result of research supported part of fundamental hypothesis. The effectiveness of attitude could be higher when the warning label was emotional appeals. The smoker with lower involvement would have higher effectiveness of purchase intension. Beside of that, this study also found that the current cigarette warning label isn’t work anymore.

貨物稅完全轉嫁之因素探討-以臺灣香菸稅為例 / A Study of Fully Forward-shifted Excise Tax:A case of the Taiwanese cigarette market

李政翰 Unknown Date (has links)
臺灣菸品市場之租稅負擔是個很奇特之現象,當臺灣政府對香菸產品課稅時,菸商會將租稅完全轉嫁給消費者,即便消費者之需求是有彈性的。本文為探討此原因,以Milgrom and Roberts之利潤目標模型為基礎,建立一個廠商追求利潤目標之模型來解釋,當菸商面臨政府課稅時,是否會將租稅百分之百轉嫁給消費者。由此模型推論出,若菸商欲維持市場之獨占或寡占地位時,便會追求較低之利潤目標,使潛在競爭者相信菸品市場利潤不大,此時潛在競爭者便不會進入菸品市場中與現有之菸商競爭。 本文設定利潤模型後,便以此利潤模型進行比較靜態分析,本文假設當菸商欲維持在市場之獨占或寡占地位時,於政府課徵從量稅後,會如何轉嫁租稅給消費者,並分別由價格及數量為切入點分析。經過比較分析後的結果可得知,只要菸商之目標為持續保有獨占或寡占之地位,而非追求利潤極大化時,租稅的完全轉嫁即會存在,即使消費者需求是有彈性的,消費者將會面對一個稅額百分之百增加的供給價格。 / The tax burden of cigarette products in the Taiwanese market baffles many researchers in public finance. Despite that the demand of cigarette products is elastic, when the tax rate of cigarette products increases, cigarette manufacturers, with no exception, raise the prices accordingly, and therefore, the increased taxes are entirely shifted to consumers. This is very different from the traditional idea of tax incidence based on elasticity. In order to figure out the reason, this paper uses the framework of the limit pricing model of Milgrom and Roberts (1982) with the assumption of target profit to establish an economic reasoning of why the tax hikes in the cigarette products are one hundred percent shifted to consumers. This model infers that when cigarette manufacturers have entry deterrence in mind, they tend to pursue a lower profit target to keep potential competitors away. Given the framework and basic assumption from above, comparative statics of tax increases are done for both quantity and pricing games. The results suggest that when cigarette manufacturers are facing an increase in the unit tax rate of their products, it is typical that the incidence of the increased tax been no less than one hundred percent forward-shifted to consumers. The traditional theory of tax incidence by elasticity under the profit maximization firms does not apply here. The economic intuition is that in order to thwart entry, existing firms use the complete forward shifting of the tax increase as a bad signal of the profitability of the market to potential competitors.


鄒義強, ZOU, YI-GIANG Unknown Date (has links)
一、研究目的:自從菸酒開放自由進口後,國內市場競爭更加劇烈,而反菸團體的活 動,消費者對健康意識的警悟,以及潛在消費人口結構的改變,都造成業者在經營上 的挑戰,本研究目的在試擬業者行銷策略。 二、文獻:本研究應用消費行為理論,生活型態理論,市場區隔理論,產品定位理論 及相關文獻。 三、研究方式:本研究採用問卷方式來收集初級資料,採用因素分析法,集群分析法 ,多元尺度法,區別分析法,卡方檢定與變異數分析法。 四、研究內容:根據問卷資料萃取生活型態構面,並進行市場區隔,並對不同特徵消 費群在人口統計變項,評估準則,消費行為上加以剖析其差異性。並針對吸菸者對品 牌與屬性的知覺與偏好態度作產品定位分析,以了解競爭態勢,與品牌理想點分析。 五、研究結果:本研究共區隔四個消費群簇,此四群在人口統計變項,消費行為,生 活型態構面與評估準則上均有顯著性的差異。第群訴求重點在於低價格。第二群訴求 重點在於翩翩紳士風度,第群訴求重點在於男子氣概,反抗權威的形象,第四群訴求 重點在於低尼古丁,低焦油含量。


林育生 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著台灣民主的多元深化,各種公共政策議題的倡議也愈趨複雜細膩,而利益團體及非營利組織在政策制訂過程的地位也愈趨重要,但實務上,台灣的非營利組織在政策制訂過程中的地位仍屬模糊,特別是在立法過程中的角色扮演與策略選擇,不僅在理論層次的研究中缺少關懷,在實務操作層次上也未獲一般的非營利組織重視,而使得非營利組織在政策立法過程中的未能適切的發揮其應有的功能。因此,本文希望透過非營利組織理論和議題倡導策略分析的結合,建構一個非營利組織在我國立法運作中倡導議題的基本框架,並作為未來相關非營利組織在立法過程中策略選擇的參考依據。 以非營利組織相關理論和公共政策類型區分,可知相關的組織角色和政策類型種類繁多,但本文限於研究範圍,主要將關注於「價值維護者」非營利組織對於「管制性政策」在立法過程中的倡導策略,並選擇以董氏基金會推動「菸害防制法」修訂作為主要的研究個案。本文並以立法過程作為時間的縱面,切割為程序委員會及院會一讀的「立法形成期」、委員會審查的「法案角力期」和黨團協商及院會二三讀的「折衝妥協期」等三個階段,分別分析董氏基金會在不同階段推動「菸害防制法」修訂所採取的各種議題倡導策略,並透過深度訪談等方式蒐集資料,對其所運用的議題倡導策略的利弊得失進行審視評估。 本文研究發現,董氏基金會在歷時兩年半的菸害防制法修法過程中所採取的議題倡導策略,主要有「道德化『困窘策略』的策略主軸」、「結合媒體訴求的行動策略模式」、「單一而執著的直線操作」等幾項特點,而可能忽略了立法院妥協的議事文化、並對於立法院議事技巧不夠熟悉,從而造成菸害防制法修訂的延宕與議題倡導的挫敗。從董氏基金會推動菸害防制法的案例中,本研究認為,有關國內非營利組織進行議題倡導及立法遊說時,最為缺乏而急迫需要的,就是議題倡導及立法遊說的專業化訓練,因此建議我國非營利組織應該加強對於在立法過程中議題倡導策略的專業訓練,使其能夠更為順暢地完成其議題倡導的使命。 關鍵字:非營利組織、議題倡導、立法過程、董氏基金會、菸害防制法 / As the democracy in Taiwan became more intensely diversified, the promotion of various types of bills on public policies turned more complex and more delicate. In addition, the status of both profit-bearing and non-profit organizations in the process of policy establishment also became rather important. However, practically, the status of Taiwan’s non-profit organizations in the process of policy establishment is still blurred especially in the role-play and the strategy selection in the process of the theories of non-profit organizations, bill promotion and strategy analysis, and to use the research findings as a reference for the relevant non-profit organizations in strategy selections in future legislation processes. It is evident that there are various types of relevant organization roles and policies if the categorization is divided into the relevant theories for non-profit organization and the types of public policies. Due to the limitations on the scope of research, this paper mainly focuses on the promotion strategies of the “value guardian”, the non-profit organizations on “control policies” in the legislation processes. Furthermore, the establishment of the “Tobacco Hazard Prevention and Control Act” promoted by John Tung Foundation, is selected as the main case study for the research. This paper then takes the period of legislation process as the timeline and divides the time into 3 stages: the “legislation formation period” for the Procedural Committee and where the 1st Reading is passed by the Legislation Session; the “bill wresting period” where the bills are examined by the Committees; and the “negotiation period” where negotiations take place between the parties and the organizations and the 2nd and 3rd Readings are passed by the Legislation Session. The 3 different stages are used to analyze the various types of bill promotion strategies employed by John Tung Foundation in the promotion for the establishment of the “Tobacco Hazard Prevention and Control Act” in the different stages, where information are collected through in-depth interviews and other methods to undergo examinations and evaluations on the pros and cons in the bill promotion strategies used. It is found in this research that a number of characteristics including the “strategy focus of a moralized ‘impoverished strategy’”, the “mobile strategy model that combines media appeals”, and the “single and persistent linear operation” are the main bill promotion strategies taken by John Tung Foundation in the promotion for the establishment of the “Tobacco Hazard Prevention and Control Act” that took 2.5 years to get through. The bill discussion culture and the compromise of the Legislative Yuan may have been neglected and the unfamiliarity with bill discussion techniques in the Legislative Yuan may have caused the delay and the failure of the bill promotion in the establishment of the Tobacco Hazard Prevention and Control Act. This research feels that from the example of John Tung Foundation’s promotion of the Tobacco Hazard Prevention and Control Act, the most lacking and the most urgently required for local non-profit organizations in bill promotion and legislation persuasion would be the professional training for bill promotion and legislation persuasion. It is therefore recommended that the local non-profit organizations should strengthen their professional training for bill promotion strategies in the legislation processes in order for them to smoothly complete the mission in bill promotion. Keywords: Non-profit Organizations, Bill Promotion, Legislation Processes, John Tung Foundation, Tobacco Hazard Prevention and Control Act.

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