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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Looking at Gender Stereotypes in Language Behaviour: Questions, Compliments, and Interruptions in the Films of Hayao Miyazaki

Meshcheryakova, Arina January 2022 (has links)
The films of Hayao Miyazaki have been praised world-wide for their strong female characters and their wide range of gender representation. While most of previous research has been focusing on narrative, in particular, characters’ social behaviour therein, or their visual appearance, this thesis aims to understand whether these praised films do challenge the usual gender stereotypes associated with contemporary Japanese society and popular fiction also linguistically. Specifically, it focuses on questions, compliments, and interruptions in a quantitative analysis examining the frequency of tagged language behaviour in female and male main characters. The results show that language behaviour associated with gender stereotypes – not only with regard to the Japanese society but the whole world – can be seen in the analysed films Lupin III: Castle of Cagliostro (1979), Kiki’s Delivery Service (1989), Spirited Away (2001) and Howl’s Moving Castle (2004). For a more complex understanding of the linguistic stereotypes in the films, this thesis argues that further research on the Japanese language and Japanese gender norms would be required. / 宮崎駿の映画は、強い女性の登場人物と幅広いジェンダーの象徴として、世界中で称賛されている。 先行研究の多くは、物語、特に登場人物の社会的行動や容姿に焦点を当てているが、本論文の目的は、 これらの映画が、現代日本社会と人気フィクション作品に関連する通常のジェンダー・ステレオタイ プに、言語面においてどのような関連性があるかを理解することにある。具体的には、相手に質問し たり、相手を褒めたり、相手の会話を遮る時における言葉の選択の仕方に焦点を当て、男女の主人公 における「言葉の選び方の違い」と「その言語選択がどのような状況で頻発に使用されるか」といっ た言語行動の頻発性の違いについて適量分析を用いて調べる。結果は、ジェンダーのステレオタイプ に関連する言語行動は、日本社会に特有のものではなく全世界に共通することが、分析対象とした映 画: 『ルパン三世 カリオストロの城(1979)』、『魔女の宅急便(1989)』、『千と千尋の神隠し (2001)』、『ハウルの動く城(2004)』から確認できた。本論文では、これらの映画における言 語的ステレオタイプをより理解するためには、日本語と日本のジェンダー規範をより深く研究すべき であるとの見解に至った。 / Hayao Miyazaki’s filmer har hyllats världen över för deras starka kvinnliga karaktärer och breda inkludering av könsrepresentation. Medan majoriteten av tidigare forskning har fokuserat på narrativet, i synnerlighet karaktärernas sociala beteende, eller deras utseende, syftar den här kandidatuppsatsen till att förstå huruvida dessa hyllade filmer utmanar de vanliga könsstereotyper associerade med nutida Japan och genrelitteratur även lingvistiskt. Specifikt så fokuserar den på frågor, komplimanger, och avbrytande genom en kvantitativ analys som undersöker frekvensen av utvalda språkliga beteenden hos kvinnliga och manliga huvudkaraktärer. Resultatet visar att språkligt beteende associerat med könsstereotyper – inte endast avgränsat till Japan men för hela världen – kan ses i de analyserade filmerna Slottet i Cagliostro (1979), Kikis expressbud (1989), Spirited Away (2001) och Det levande slottet (2004). För en mer komplex förståelse av de lingvistiska stereotyperna i filmerna, menar den här uppsatsen att det japanska språket och japanska könsnormer bör undersökas vidare.

タンザニア、ウングジャ島における人とザンジバルアカコロブスの関係の動態 / Dynamics of Relationship between Human and Zanzibar Red Colobus in Unguja Island, Tanzania

野田, 健太郎 24 July 2023 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(地域研究) / 甲第24855号 / 地博第317号 / 新制||地||124(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科アフリカ地域研究専攻 / (主査)教授 伊谷, 樹一, 教授 山越, 言, 准教授 佐藤, 宏樹, 准教授 安岡, 宏和 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Area Studies / Kyoto University / DGAM


蔡欣惠, Tsai, Hsin-huei Unknown Date (has links)
當您看到此份研究計畫書時,五分鐘內可能您的e-mail郵箱已湧進二十封垃圾郵件(通稱SPAM)。據Ferris Research指出,社會花費在圍堵垃圾郵件的成本開銷上一年高達一百億美元。而根據聯合國國際電信聯盟(International Telecommunication Union,ITU)統計, Spam每年更浪費全球各國250億美元。這個驚人的數據傳達出一個訊息:對多數人而言-聽到「You've Got Mail!」,已經不再是令人愉悅的聲音了。Spamhaus的調查報告顯示 ,台灣及HINET一直是垃圾郵件主要輸出來源,過去AOL曾封鎖由HINET 寄送的郵件,一度造成台灣HINET使用者相當大的困擾。隨著數位匯流(Digital Convergence)時代的來臨,除了Email Spam外,電話行銷、Mobile Spam、SMS簡訊SPAM及VoIP都是數位匯流時代下垃圾郵件客攻掠的戰場,而我國行政院所草擬之「濫發商業電子郵件管理條例」草案明文只規範垃圾「郵件」問題,而未及其它垃圾訊息,法律若未對此議題及早規範,可能草案還沒出立法院大門就已經被時代淘汰。 因此,本文欲針對數位時代下可能興起之垃圾訊息型態作全面性的檢討,以建構一更為完善的垃圾訊息法制已未雨綢繆。本文之研究方法如下: 第一,針對美國之垃圾訊息法制的內容與立法背景,進行比較法研究。台灣的濫發商業電子郵件管制條例草案,內容主要係參考美國法,但在若干立法例仍有所不同,例如於是否需要標示主旨欄(Subject Line Labeling)則有不同選擇。對此,筆者曾於在律師雜誌發表對美國聯邦貿易委員會(FTC)研究報告反對強制行銷業者寄送廣告信必需標示主旨欄的不同意見,且建議台灣的「濫發商業電子郵件管制條例」草案做相反規定 。此外,在處罰對象及門檻之設計亦大相逕庭,例如沒有刑罰規定。而在於規制主體上,我國草案的內容明文只限於垃圾『郵件』之規範,對於日益惡化的的新型態未經邀約的商業訊息,像是透過無線傳輸設備或是行動設備所接收的未經邀約之商業訊息等,草案並無法可管。因此,本文並將針對垃圾電子郵件以外的其它新興垃圾訊息法制進行說明與分析,以供未來立法及執法的參考。 再者,本文將藉由國內外的實務案例研究了解法律實際操作情況。因為台灣法律目尚前無法處理垃圾郵件這個新興法律問題,導致檢察官無法可用,之後通過草案亦可能會面臨到法律不足的問題,因此實有必要針對實際案例操作深入了解。 第三,本文擬就我國之「濫發商業電子郵件管理條例草案」內容進行通盤檢討,提出更符合數位匯流時代之法制架構,以更有效防堵垃圾訊息。美國史丹佛教授Dr. Dan Boneh在「the Difficulties of Tracing Spam Email」 一文中提及垃圾郵件客技術日新月異,防不勝防。可預見SPAM這個議題將隨著科技演進而日益嚴重。隨著數位匯流(Digital Convergence)時代的來臨,除了垃圾郵件外,電話行銷、行動簡訊(Mobile Spam)、簡短訊息服務SMS 及網路語音(Voice over Internet Protocal)、多媒體圖片訊息(MMS)都是數位匯流時代下垃圾郵件客攻掠的戰場,實有必要針對此些新興類型之Spam進行防範。 / Within the five minutes it takes for you to read this essay, your e-mail box may have already received 20 spam mails. Ferris Research has pointed out that the costs incurred to society in blocking spam has reached US$10 billion per year. And according to International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the annual global cost of spam is US$2.5 billion. These startling figures convey a bit of information: for most people, the message “You’ve got mail!” is no longer welcome.. Based on a survey conducted by Spamhaus, Taiwan is a leading source of spam messages. AOL once blocked all e-mail messages coming from Hinet, which at one blow caused huge difficulties for Taiwanese Internet users. With the coming of the Digital Convergence era, besides e-mail spam, new forms are emerging such as mobile spam, telemarketing calls, SMS messaging spam, and VoIP spam. The Digital Convergence era will provide all kinds of opportunities for spammers to attack. However, Taiwan’s draft Anti-UCE Act addresses only e-mail spam. If the law does not address the broader issue early on, it may be outmoded even before it is passed. The US remains the main source of reference for Taiwan in the area of technology law. Long ago, before the US enacted the “Can-Spam Act,” there was “Shiksaa.” I would like to do in-depth research on American cyber and technology law so I can develop a suitable legal solution to Taiwan’s very serious UCE problem, to reduce the losses to society and to business productivity that are caused by spam, to eliminate Taiwan’s bad reputation for being a main spam exporter, and to spur e-commerce development. My research project would be as follows. 1. To examine the inner traits of various SPAM regulation and do interdisciplinary research 2. Deploy case-based and comparative law study to gather practical material 3. Combine the research results from technology and law to contribute to the ultimate resolution of SPAM.

保戶行動主義制度及其於兩岸應用之研究-以反思法及制度公民為視角 / A Study on the Policyholder Activism and Its Application in Taiwan and Mainland China –A Perspective from the Reflexive Law and Institutional Citizenship

陳哲斌, Chen, Che Pin Unknown Date (has links)
保戶行動主義,也可以說是保單持有人行動主義,係指為因應保險監理國際化,兩岸監理平台的建立,及長年期保險商品的特殊性,對於積極的保單持有人,經由參與公司治理的方式,保障自身的權利。 保戶行動主義的內涵,為將相互保險公司中,保單持有人參與公司治理的模式引導至股份保險公司之中。其目的為促成保單持有人、監理官及保險公司三贏的局面。對於保單持有人而言,為積極性的權益維護,可分為三個方面:第一,因應投保後所產生的問題;第二,取代現行機制對於保單持有人保障可能的失靈或僅是消極性的事後補救措施;第三,鼓勵保單持有人與公司溝通,符合國際上的治理原則。對於監理官而言,則可降低政府對於保險業的監理成本,也就是,政府為維護保單持有人的權益及維護資金的安全性,對於保險業採用高度監理所衍生的成本。對於保險公司而言,除了經由保戶行動主義,得以降低監理強度,而增加公司的市場競爭力之外,也可藉由與保單持有人的溝通而建立正面形象,設計符合客戶需求的商品,進而創造新業績。 本研究將保戶行動主義的制度設計分為規範與架構兩方面,在制度規範形成上,採用寇恩所倡議的反思法法理;在架構設計上,則採用史特姆所建議的制度公民及觸媒組織的架構。公司治理分為內部治理與外部監理,經由反思法的自反性、同源互生性與原則性,將能加強內部治理的自律性,進而降低外部監理的強制性。然而因自發性或反思性形成規範必須經由多數人的討論,為達對話效率,則輔以電子治理網站為對話平台,並在觸媒組織中提出以「核心專家群」為網站的主導者,且為充分對話後的主要決策者,如此將可有效率的形成與廣大保單持有人的對話機制,並尋求多數人的共識,並可增加資訊揭露的透明度。 保戶行動主義中,保戶公民選任保戶董事作為代表,而對話機制則為整體制度成效的關鍵,總共分為四個層面,第一稱為保戶行動主義與法律的對話,論述保戶董事委任關係的法律性質,以及對核心專家群委任的法律性質;第二為保戶公民間的對話,著重對話品質的管理;第三為為保戶行動主義與監理的對話,藉由監理策略形成監理法規的二元規範;最後以保戶董事與股東董事間的對話機制,作為保戶行動主義與股東行動主義對話的代理行為。 為驗證保戶行動主義的有效性,本研究建構其對於治理效率與治理賽局的實證模型以用於未來的實證研究,最後並以兩岸間的弱體保險公司為個案作為說明保戶行動主義應用上的利益實效,為質性上的說明。 / Policyholder activism is to cope with the globalization of insurance supervision, the establishment of the supervision platform between Taiwan and Mainland China, and the special features of the long term insurance, in order for the active policyholders protecting their rights by participating the corporate governance. The connotation of policyholder activism refers to introduce the role of policyholders in mutual life company into the corporate governance for the stock life insurance company. It is of the all-win purpose among the policyholders, the regulator, and the insurance company. For the policyholders, it is to actively safeguard the interests of policyholders, and could be achieved by three aspects, first of all is to avoid the arguments after issuing policy; secondly is to provide an alternative to current mechanisms for the policyholders which might be failure or just a passive response afterwards; the final is to comply the global governance principle by encouraging policyholders to communicate with the corporate. For the regulator, it is to reduce the supervision costs which mainly maintain the rights of policyholders, and the security of the funds. For the insurance company, it is not only by reducing supervision power, in order to increase the market competitiveness, but also by communicating with the policyholders, in order to create the positive image, to know the needs of customers and then to increase the performance. In this study, the structure of policyholder activism is divided into the aspects of norms and framework. This study adopts the reflexive law proposed by Jean Cohen for the norms strategy, and the concepts of institutional citizenship and catalyst group proposed by Susan Sturm for the framework design. Basically, the corporate governance system can be separated into internal governance and external supervision. By three properties of the reflex law, the reflexive, the co-original and the principled, will strengthen the regulated self-regulation of internal governance into norms, thereby reducing the enforcement of external supervision. However, reflex law requires through the democracy process from people discussion to complete the norms, to improve efficacy of discussion, the platform of electronic governance (e-governance) is supposed to be applied. For this purpose, this study introduces “core expert group” in the organizational catalysts as a manager and the decision maker after fully discussion. Then it will become an efficient dialogue mechanism for the consensus with the majority of policyholders, and for the more transparency of the disclosed information. For policyholder activism, the policyholder-director(s), on behalf of the institutional citizenship of policyholders, is(are) elected, therefore the dialogue mechanism is the key of the all, it can be separated into four levels; the first level is called the “dialogue between policyholder activism and the law” which discourses the issues of the legal nature for policyholder-director who appointed by two parties, and the core expert group; the second level is called the “dialogue among policyholders” which focuses on the management of quality; the third level is called the “dialogue between policyholder activism and supervisors” to build the duality of norms by regulation strategy; and the final level is called the “dialogue between policyholder activism and shareholder activism” which represented by the dialogue mechanism between the policyholder-director and the shareholder-director. To validate the effectiveness of policyholder activism, this study constructs the models of performance and game theory for future empirical study. This study finally selects two cases of the impaired insurance companies each in Taiwan and Mainland China, and then discusses the qualitative benefits for the application of policyholder activism.

不同設計元素之遊戲式英文單字學習APP在學習成效、情緒及注意力之影響研究 / Effects of Design Factors of Game-based English Vocabulary Learning APP on Learning Performance, Emotion, and Attention

曹鼎, Cao, Ding Unknown Date (has links)
遊戲式學習已被證實能夠有效提升學習者的學習成效,而遊戲的愉悅度是否設計得越強烈,對學習成效越有幫助,是個值得探索的問題。此外,遊戲過程中,有哪些遊戲設計要素能夠影響學習成效,同時讓學習者在遊戲中亦能夠感到趣味性,進而達到學習目標,值得我們關切。再者,學習的專注力及情緒在學習型遊戲設計中,也是必須納入考量的面向。因此,本研究分別探討兩款在遊戲設計要素上具有顯著差異的英文單字學習APP,對於學習者學習成效、專注力、放鬆度及單字記憶保留上的影響。 本研究以馬祖高中高三的36位學生為研究對象,根據英語字彙前測成績及性別將其隨機分派至兩款在遊戲設計要素上具有顯著差異的英文單字學習APP,進行四週的英語字彙學習。結果顯示遊戲設計要素較低的組別的學習者,在英文單字學習成效、單字記憶保留上的成效均顯著優於遊戲設計要素較高組別學習者,同時放鬆度亦較高,而專注度不如遊戲設計要素較高的組別,且各依變項間彼此有顯著的正相關。此外,本研究亦進一步證實性別差異存在於不同遊戲設計要素的英語字彙學習APP中,在遊戲設計要素較低的英文單字學習APP中,發現女性學習者擁有顯著較優的英語字彙學習成效及記憶保留度。而本研究也發現「符合程度的挑戰性」為設計遊戲式英文單字學習APP時最需要重視的遊戲設計要素。 綜上所述,本研究證實相較於遊戲設計要素較高的高刺激性英文單字學習APP,遊戲設計要素較低的低刺激性英文單字遊戲APP對於學習成效、單字記憶保留上具有較正面的效應。此一結果顯示像英語字彙學習這樣的認知型學習,在遊戲設計上並不適合納入刺激性較高的遊戲設計要素。此外,對遊戲設計者來說,未來設計英文單字遊戲學習APP時,亦應將性別差異納入設計考量,同時儘可能在遊戲娛樂性及教育性中取得平衡。 / Game-based learning has been proved to effectively boost learners’ learning performance, while whether more enjoyment designed in the game brings better learning performance remains unknown. Besides, what game design factors will affect learning performance and simultaneously keep learners interested in the game is also worth investigating. Moreover, attention and emotion are two dimensions which should be taken into account when designing learning games. As a result, this study tries to assess the effects of using two different English vocabulary learning APPs with significantly different game design factors on learners’ performance, sustained attention, meditation, and vocabulary memory retention, respectively. A pilot study was conducted beforehand to examine whether the two considered English vocabulary game APPs differ significantly in game design factors including concentration, feedback, challenges match player skills, control, and immersion. In the formal study, thirty-six Grade 12 students from Matsu senior high school participated in this study. They were randomly divided into two experimental groups based on gender and pretest scores, separately using two English vocabulary game APPs with significantly different game design factors for English vocabulary learning. The study lasted for four weeks. Analytical results show that students using game with lower scores in game design factors generated significantly better vocabulary learning performance, memory retention and meditation level than those using game with higher scores in game design factors, while sustained attention level was lower. Also, they were significantly correlated to one another. Moreover, this study further confirms that gender differences existed among English vocabulary learning games with different game design factors. Girls were found to have significantly better English vocabulary learning performance and memory retention in the game APP with lower scores in game design factors. Furthermore, “challenge matches players’ skill” was found to be the most important game design factor when designing game-based English vocabulary learning APPs. In conclusion, this study confirms that English vocabulary game APPs with lower exciting elements have more positive learning effects on learning performance, memory retention than those with higher scores in game design factors. The result indicates that when designing games, higher exciting game design factors are not suitable for cognitive learning, such as English vocabulary learning. Finally, this study provides suggestions for future game-design developers to take gender differences into consideration when designing English vocabulary learning game APPs, and meanwhile tries to strike the balance between educational purpose and entertainment of the game APPs.

獨立董事的貞操兼論其未來性 / Chastity of Independent Directors and discuss its Future

姜統掌 Unknown Date (has links)
本文以公司治理作為開場,簡述百餘年來我國公司法的濫觴,以及近十年最大的變革為引入獨立董事制度。更指陳國內相關法條中,已將長期以來的股東會中心改變為董事會中心,而企業營運由追求股東最大利益轉換為公司最大利益。旋而,說明公司治理之定義及原則,進而應用公司治理之概念,作獨立董事必要功能之論述。接著闡述監督公司經營者之方式,整體而言,監督方式可分為內部監督和外部監督,然後依OECD之架構,探討公司內外部監督型態。 由於各界對公司治理實務現狀仍嫌不足,更有殷切期待。值此新政府財經團隊上路之際,財經法條、辦法、規章有待變革,甚而已計劃逕行全面翻修現行公司法。當此之時,由金融監督管理委員會全力推動,代表相當比重社會價值之上市上櫃公司營運監理,業已由傳統董監事之雙軌(二元)制,變更為董事會全面主導營運及監控。國內以公司治理之名,全面單軌(一元)制似已成必然之路。 鑑於獨立董事制度施行必要性,本文說明單軌制的美國獨立董事現狀,並將傳統監董雙軌制的德國作整理。兼而比較鄰近與我國互為影響的日中之獨立董事制度實行現狀和法律規範,期待在台灣未來再定位獨立董事,能有更多思考空間。其間,分別介紹各國獨立董事(或內部監理)制度之發展,包括該國特殊監理之原因和制度。在此加強說明其獨立董事制度之功能、獨立董事制度實踐之情形、獨立董事之重要資格和針對獨立董事制度各界提出可能之問題。 面對我國獨立董事的實務與挑戰,探討我國獨立董事制度現階段發展情形,分析討論我國獨立董事制度之利弊得失,進而指出目前制度應改進之處。於此之時,針對我國獨立董事的缺點提出建議,並針對各國的特色優點作引用,以提高本文建議調整規範之妥當性。更進一步,將董事會興利除弊的天職,提出兼具各利害關係人權益,與國際接軌的理想性公司治理藍圖。 由於本文多項結論建議與現行證券、公司等法規定未盡相同,未來實行將可預期以專章修法為必要。其中側重在提高獨立董事的權利和義務,力求在獨立董事與一般董事間作區別對待,奠定獨立董事制度效能開展之基石。具體內容包括,主張強化外部稽核的獨立董事占董事會比重,由現行不低於五分之一,提高至不低於三分之一。推動董事會治理長(祕書)為常設單位、依陽光透明為最佳殺菌劑原理,增設吹哨者條款、基於股東行動主義,賦與一定投資比重和持股期間之專職投資法人(以下稱機構投資人)定額法定提名權,以吸引長期且穩定的國內外機構法人和基金的加入,提升長期投資法人股東的比重。並課與揭露相關訊息,以突顯其推介客觀獨立價值。 鑑於長期以來,獨立董事不獨立,甚而有之淪為大股東的護航配角。本文希望藉由保護其貞操(忠實義務)之實,進而促建其完整執行功能與例行和不定期權責,並設定歸責條件及規避原則下,得由其他獨立董事及法定訴追機構如投資人保護中心,行使較目前更嚴格的競業禁止、歸入權及有限連帶賠償責任等,以專章立法更進一步推動法治與專業獨立董事的公司治理制度,將可蔚為世界典範。

中共人力運用策略之研究 / The Exploration and Reconstruction of Management Idelogy for the State-run Enterprise's in Communist China(1978-1988)

蔡熊山, Cai, Xiong-Shan Unknown Date (has links)
本文主題在研究中共人力運用的策略,即中共如何運用人力?何種因素影響人力運用 ?評估過去人力運用的得失,並預測未來可能之發展。全文共分五章十五節,六萬字 。 第一章結論:一、問題的提出。二、問題的形成背景。三、研究方法。四、研究限制 。 第二章人力運用的理論:一、認識與實踐。二、矛盾與衝突。三、意志強調。 第三章政策的變動:一、人口政策。二、教育政策。三、就業政策。 第四章人力運用的實際:一、群眾動員。二、紅與專。三、集體行動。 第五章結論。

政策體系與政策變遷之研究:停建核四政策個案分析 / Policy Systems and Policy Change: The Case Study of the Fourth Nuclear Power Plant Policy Discontinuity

莊文忠, Wen-Jong Juang Unknown Date (has links)
公共政策是藉由重大公共議題的討論來分析政府活動的一種研究途徑,將公共政策的過程切割成議題設定、政策規劃、政策合法化、政策執行、政策評估及政策終結等階段,雖可以獲致清晰的流程架構,但此一單向的線性思考方式,不但簡化了政策問題解決的複雜性,亦會喪失政策過程的動態本質。再者,公共政策的研究領域日益蓬勃壯大,研究途徑與方法亦漸趨多元發展,理論概念與分析架構的整合自然日趨重要,如此將有助於研究者將研究議題與經驗資料作最佳的組合。是以,本研究採取非線性的政策動態概念,對政策的演變作一有系統性的探索,在融合有關政策變遷的各種觀點後,提出「政策體系」的理論概念,建立「宏觀」的分析架構作為探索政策變遷現象的基礎。 政策體系乃是以政策過程為焦點,所有與政策性質相關的要素,都可視為政策體系的構成要素。首先,政策是在開放的體系中形成、維持、接續與終結,自環境中汲取養分同時受到環境的限制,由此觀之,外在環境因素是政策體系中不可忽略的一環。其次,討論政策體系自然不能遺漏政策本身的因素,政策乃為解決社會問題而生,沒有社會問題的存在,當然就不會有政策制定的需求,另一方面,政策本身的組構方式則是攸關問題的解決與否。再者,在民主體制中,任何的政策形成與改變都必須取得正當性的依據,只有問題的存在並不保證一定會被政府所處理,必須通過政治結構的考驗才可能有政策產出。最後,政策體系是一個互動的體系,政策參與者之間就政策方案的選擇所從事的各種行為與活動,都可能影響最後的政策產出。歸納言之,一個完整的政策體系至少應該包括幾個要素:外在環境的因素、政策本身的特性、結構性因素的作用及政策行動者的互動行為,這些要素的互動作用會導致政策的變遷。 最後,政策是政府選擇目標與工具來解決社會問題的重要活動,它不是在真空中運作,而是不斷與社會進行互動的連續性過程,這也是政策走進歷史之前會出現變遷的原因,本研究雖然提出具有規範意涵的分析政策變遷的理論架構,但是基於「真實個案是檢驗理論效度的最佳途徑」的法則,本研究以民進黨首次執政時期所推動的停建核四政策個案為例,利用文本中所建立的分析架構來詮釋此一政策變遷的過程,並在結論中整合理論與個案的研究發現,就政策體系的各個面向提出幾個有關政策變遷的假設性命題,以供後續研究之參考與檢證,進而促成政策變遷知識的深化。 / Public policy is a research approach to analyze governmental activities by discussing public issues. However, in most articles, the policy process is seen as a logical succession of steps: agenda setting, policy formulation, policy legitimation, policy implementation, policy evaluation, and policy termination. Although this progression of stages provides a clear and useful framework, it often obscures the complexities of public issues. In other words, most policies are not a process of linear development, from agenda setting to policy termination. Policy change is a common phenomenon. In this way, if we want to understand the dynamics of policy, it is helpful to take a nonlinear perspective. Policy change is used by a wide range of authors in public policy and other disciplines, but there is no consensus on what the definition of policy change is. In fact, this question has not been systematically explored until now. Policy change is not simply a label, but is an important part of the policy process. It is worth drawing more attention to this phenomenon. The aim of this study is to construct an analytical framework of policy change. Within this framework, we distinguish between different types of policy change: policy succession and policy termination, firstly. And we can find some cues from policy change, including organization, statutes, budget, personnel, and media. Secondly, we use the concept of policy system to connect with policy change. This concept contains several elements: external environment, policy attributes, institutional factor, and policy networks. These elements interact with each other to produce policy change. We use this framework to analyze policy discontinuity for the fourth nuclear power plant in 2000. Finally, policy is essentially about government. The major activity of government is seen as choosing goals and instruments to solve social problems. Policy does not exist in a vacuum; it is made in a concrete environment. We should see policy as a continuing process of social action and interaction. This is why policy may be changed before it is terminated. Finally, we provide some hypotheses and suggestions for further research at the end of this study.


謝易霖 Unknown Date (has links)
這是本第一人稱敘事的論文,研究者帶著「青少年哲學教學如何可能?如何進行?如何在行動中形構課程?」的研究意圖投身另類教育現場-北市自主學習實驗計畫-由實習教師、兼任教師、專職教師暨導師,歷時凡五年,往來於教學與研究的雙重場域。教育現場提供「微觀」取向的見解與經驗;而教育理論、哲學等理論框架的研究者背景對教學信念與舉措起著指導作用,同時因「敘說」的學習及實驗計畫提供的滋養,提昇教師專業並轉化研究歷程,自我也有所蛻變。   是以進入論文書寫階段便超越原先研究目的,更且涵蓋:課堂如何成為參與者的心智、情意活動的平台?學習者如何超越、跨出課堂?課堂以外的諸般條件此間如何作用?面對師生關係的覺察與種種行動體驗,如何形構由教師發聲的哲學?以上種種且於反思回觀後企圖做「可普遍化」的談論,並公開教師知識,以為意者參照。   研究進路為質性研究方法中的生命傳記敘說取向,文本採集使用Fritz Schütze開展的敘述訪談法,訪談就讀實驗計畫期間參與研究者開設之哲學課與寫作課的兩個案例(其中一人現就讀外轉公立高中,另一仍就讀實驗計畫),並且同時訪談其家長(本研究皆為母親)敘說文本,作為家庭生活與學校生活的參照。資料分析以Rainer Kokemohr的參照推論分析為主軸,輔以 F.Schütze、Moustakas並借用Bruner和Lévi-Strauss的見解。同時研究者的相關研究紀錄與學生作品亦是重要資料。由學生文本、家長文本與教師紀錄、蒐集的現場資料,構成了詮釋現象和形構理論的三角。   研究結果發現敘說可作為課堂「橫向聯繫」的滋養與方法,有助於知識、技能的學習、更且聯繫學習社群的各個參與者;而對參與者的想像因敘說生命故事與家族治療的影響,將個體的「我」看作帶著家庭、文化充滿故事的生命體,而這生命有著「父-母-子」的三角結構。本研究發生的場域-青少年哲學人文的課堂-藉「外化」的作用,透過創作達致思辨,在Logos和Mnemosyne(=memory)兩面向上相輔相成,而敘說可作為創作的幫助,並且也是促成外化作用生發的一種方式。研究建議,青少年哲學、寫作等課堂可觀照討論內容與課題(theme)、進行方式和探究團體的形成。   在互為閱聽的學校課堂中,生命得而賦權,並增加「邂逅」的機會,從而得獲教育,生命因之蛻變。教師便是形構邂逅場域的人,預設邂逅可能條件的關鍵;他的權威用以增進聯結,並在倫理上應自我取消,而形構邂逅場域的重要能力之一,便是造型力。   邂逅場域的形成,正可作為學校存在的特徵、價值和經營方向,而另類教育、另類學校的存在,正是提供不同邂逅的可能條件。正如身為教師的研究者得而開展迥異於體制教育的青少年哲學與寫作課程,適可作為教育典範的競逐參照,另類教育承諾了不同的教育希望,而研究者對自身生命史與論文寫作時的教師角色和研究者角色的選擇與反思,亦可作為進行教師行動研究的參考。

Paulo Freire批判意識概念重建及其在社區大學實踐經驗之研究

李天健 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在重建弗雷勒的批判意識概念,重建工作計有四個部份,六項步驟。首先是問題意識之釐析,藉由整理國內外學界關於弗雷勒思想的反省與爭議,指出弗雷勒思想的既有侷限與問題,以說明重建之必要與方向。第二部份則依據「人—世界」關係取向之詮釋框架,將弗雷勒批判意識概念,重建為三個基本向度:1.以批判性的自我覺察為前提,2.對於存在處境的整體性反思,3.超越界限處境以朝向人性化的越界行動。第三部份的兩項步驟,則分別藉助世界現象學、哲學詮釋學和批判理論、女性主義等當代主要哲學、社會、政治思想,來釐清並豐富這個概念架構所涉及的思想內涵,建立起一個更能處理當代核心問題的概念架構。第四部份亦分為兩項步驟,首先以此重建後的概念架構,反思台灣社區大學運動之知識解放理念,並透過一門課程的實踐經驗,詳細解析有助於學習者發展批判意識之課程結構、教材選擇以及教學方法;第二項步驟則是將批判意識概念三個基本向度,及其重建後的概念內涵,融入於「聆聽」這個人與自身以及世界的批判性互動,以提供一個發展批判意識的一般性實踐方案,如此方能從社大辦學整體的層次,探究有哪些重要的學習經驗,有助於學習者與自己以及與世界的關係的連結與深化,以說明就社大辦學的整體而言,其批判意識之實踐的方向與可能性。 / This study is aiming at the reconstruction of Freire’s idea of critical consciousness. There have been four parts and six steps in this reconstruction. In the first part, some fundamental limitations of Freire’s thought have been identified, and the need of this reconstruction work and its orientation are thereby clarified. In the next, Freire’s idea of critical consciousness is reconstructed as three basic dimensions based on the framework of human-world relation as follows: 1. presupposed with critical self-awareness. 2. reflection of the totality of the existing situations. 3. limit-actions to transcend the limit-situations in order toward humanization. In the third part, there are two steps to discuss contemporary philosophical, political and social thought, such as the phenomenology of world, philosophical hermeneutics, critical theory and feminism, for the clarification of the meaning involved in this reconstructed framework of critical consciousness. The last part also has two steps. At first, the dispute regarding the fundamental spirit of Taiwan’s community university movement--emancipation of knowledge, is reviewed and settled via the reconstructed framework of critical consciousness. Based on this review, the practice of a curriculum--“Taiwan’s colonial experiences during Japan period”, is analyzed to demonstrate the principle and method for the design of curriculum, the selection and organization of teaching material, and the teaching method for the learner to develop critical consciousness. At last, the three basic dimensions of critical consciousness are combined into a critical way of human-world interaction—listening, as a general guideline for the practice in the community university. According to this general guideline, there are some learning experiences which are helpful to foster learner’s critical consciousness and can be created in all curriculum and learning activity. Therefore, it is possible for the community university to develop the critical consciousness in all their practices and this reconstruction work has provided clear elucidation.

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