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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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國際財務報導準則第四號對國內產險公司精算之影響 / The effect of IFRS 4 on domestic insurance company of actuarial

林金淵, Lin, Chin Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
IFRS 的準則,對於未來想國際化的國內保險公司及面對國際投資人,是使用相同一套會計準則,不需再調整財報,有助提升國際競爭力及國際形象,若海外發行有價證券也不需再重編財報,可節省籌資成本。依目前國際發展情勢,IFRS 4 已廣泛為全球保險市場之採用準則,直接採用(adoption)IFRS 4 亦成為國際保險市場之趨勢,我國亦於2011 年1 月1 日公佈IFRS 4 第一階段生效,期與世界接軌,IFRS 4 未來對我國保險業將會有更重大之影響。為未雨綢繆,遂引起本文對此議題研究之動機。壽險業為長年期保險合約,須採用要素衡量法評估。為符合IFRS 4 第二階段規定之要素衡量法及保費分配法之評估,採個案產險公司為研究對象,祈予在IFRS 4 第二階段實施前,台灣產險業能提早做準備,並以充足時間瞭解並完善規劃準備執行配合,以符合未來主管機關之相關規定。 本論文以個案公司為例,評估國際財務報導準則第四號對保險公司精算規範與目前保險局規範保險公司相關精算試算之差異,特選用一般自用汽車財產損失險及傷害險採用保費分配法,工程險採用要素衡量法試算,並分析差異之內容,以了解個案公司未來因IFRS4 實施對該公司財務之影響。 以目前資料推估實施當年採用保費分配法會對盈餘報導較為有利,採用要素衡量法當年度會有對盈餘報導不利的衝擊,整體而言,對個案公司未來營運應無重大影響。 / The principles of IFRS ,which is using the same set of accounting standards, is conducive to enhance the international competitiveness and image for domestic insurance companies who scheme to internationalization and contact with international investors. In addition, companies can also saving the cost of issuance of foreign securities since they do not need to restate the financial statements. Taiwan also announced the IFRS 4 phase I be effective in January 1, 2011, hoping to connect with the world. In the future, IFRS 4 will have a more significant influence on Taiwan's Insurance Industry. In order to thinking ahead, which bring in my motivation to researching on this topic. Life insurance industry is major in long term insurance contracts, has to use the Building Block Approach. To comply the IFRS 4 Phase II which using the Building Block Approach and Premium Allocation Approach, I adopt the case of property Insurance as the research objectives. In order to fit with the relevant provisions of the competent authority in the future, Expecting Taiwan’s property Insurance can prepare in advance, well understanding and scheduling, before the implement of IFRS 4 phase II. In this paper, which use the property insurance case, evaluation the actuarial valuation difference of IFRS 4 and relevant norms of Insurance Bureau. I use Premium Allocation Approach to value the usually own car property damage insurance and casualty Insurance, and use Building Block Approach to evaluate Engineering Insurance. Through analysis of the content, to understanding the influence of IFRS 4 for the study company in the future. Based on the current data, adopting Building Block Approach is beneficial for the study company. Comparatively, Premium Allocation Approach is disadvantage for the study company. In conclusion, the implement of IFRS 4 should have no significant influence to the study company in the future.


黃權興, HUANG, GUAN-XING Unknown Date (has links)
本文共一冊,約三萬五千字,共分為六章。 主 旨:本文主要研究的動機在於利用線型規劃法,將總要素生產力分解為技術進步 率與技術效率的變動率以了解生產力變動的原因。 本文險了第一章緒論外,以下各章依次如下: 第二章:生產力與效率的概念:分別介紹生產力的意義及類別、效率的意義及原則。 第三章:總要素生產力的衡量:首先是文獻回顧,然後就生產函數法、指數法、投入 產出法一一介紹。 第四章:邊界函數估計:本章簡介幾種估計邊界函數的方法ヾ定型無參數邊界法ゝ定 型參數邊界-規劃法與統計法ゞ隨機性邊界法,並比較各法的優缺點。 第五章:總要素生產力、技術進步技術效率:此章為本文重點所在。首先是理論架構 的建立,然後是計量模型的設定,再比較傳統方法與規劃法實證的結果。(附資料來 源及處理)。 第六章:結論。


陳朝煌, Chen, Zhao-Huang Unknown Date (has links)
主要探討液化石油氣採用配管方式供氣和維持現行方式供氣兩者之間成本效益的差異 ,從而引申出適當的建議,以作為國內統銷液化石油氣之管理當局的參考,玆將本文 內容扼要說明如下: 第一章共分為四節,闡釋本文的研究動機與目的、及研究的範圍、研究的架構、和研 究的方法與限制。第二章共有三節,分別說明液化石油氣產業的現況,發掘其中的問 題,和討論本文的研究方向。第三章共含六節,說明成本效益分析的定義、觀念和目 的,而且分別探討成本效益分析的程序面、要素面、技術面和成本面,及說明動態的 成本效益分析之意義。第四章分為兩節,說明液化石油氣的特性和配管的程序,以瞭 解配管系統的構成要件。第五章共有七節,說明及計算配管供氣制度和維持現行制度 兩者所發生的成本和效益,而得出在固定國家效益下最低成本的方案。第六章含兩節 ,為針對研究所得,提出適切的結論和建議。


江永裕, Jiang, Yong-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文的目的在探討不完全競爭情況下之最適關稅理論。首次說明不完全競爭與國 貿理論及政策之關係,並介紹最適關稅理論之發展。在本文之第三章、第四章分別討 論產品市場不完全競爭,要素市場不完全競爭與最適關稅理論之關係。在最後的結果 中,發現最適關稅稅率將受到外國進口需求彈性、本國出口供給彈性、國內不完全競 爭情況及所得分配因素的影響,此一結果擴充了傳統最適關稅理論的討論範圍。


吳孟勳 Unknown Date (has links)
為了處理在願付價格的研究中,極端受訪者對於估計結果所造成的誤差。本文沿用Tsai(2005)所建議採用的三要素混合模型,將受訪者區分為價格再高都願意支付、願意支付合理價格以及價格再低都不願意支付等三種類型。在評估願付價格時,以加速失敗模型(accelerated failure time model,簡稱AFT model)針對願意支付合理價格的受訪者進行估計,並且在考慮不同起價點可能會造成不同程度的起價點偏誤(starting point bias)或是定錨效果(anchoring effect)的情形下,提出一個起價點偏誤調整模型來做探討。我們並以CVDFACTS中的高血壓之願付價格資料進行實證分析。分析結果發現,教育程度越高的男性對於能降低高血壓病患罹患心臟血管相關疾病之新藥願意付較高的金額。此外我們也發現在此筆資料中,不同起價點確實會造成不同程度的偏誤,經由偏誤調整後會得到較高的願付金額。 / A study of willingness-to-pay often suffers from the bias introduced by extreme respondents who are willing to or not willing to pay any price. To overcome the problem, a three-component model proposed by Tsai (2005) is adopted. Under such a circumstance, respondents are classified into three categories, i.e. respondents who are willing to pay any price, unwilling to pay any price, or willing to pay a reasonable price. The willingness-to-pay for those subjects who are willing to pay a reasonable price is again modeled by an accelerated failure time model (AFT model). In this study, we, however, propose an unified model that allows us to look into the issue related to starting point bias and anchoring effect, simultaneously. Willingness-to-pay for cardiovascular disease treatment from a longitudinal follow-up survey- CVDFACTS, is investigated using the new model. Through the use of the model, we are able to detect the effects of starting point biases, and make a proper adjustment accordingly. Our analysis indicates that male respondents with higher education level have an inclination to pay higher price for the new treatment. Besides, we also discover that starting point bias does exist in this dataset.

條件評估法中處理「不知道」回應之研究 / Analysis of contingency valuation survey data with “Don’t Know” responses

王昱博, Wang, Yu Bo Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要著重在處理條件評估法下,「不知道」受訪者的回應。當「不知道」受訪者的產生機制並未符合完全隨機時,考量他們的真實意向就顯得極為重要。 文中使用中央研究院生醫所在其研究計畫「竹東及朴子地區心臟血管疾病長期追蹤研究」(CardioVascular Disease risk FACtor Two-township Study,簡稱CVDFACTS)第五循環中的研究調查資料。   由於以往的文獻對於「不知道」受訪者的處理,皆有不足之處。如Wang (1997)所提出的方法,就只能針對某種特定的「不知道」受訪者來做處理;而Caudill and Groothuis (2005)所提的方法,由於將「不知道」受訪者的差補與願付價格的估計分開,亦使其估計結果不具備一些好的性質。在本文中,我們提出一個能同時處理「不知道」受訪者且估計願付價格的方法。除了使得統計上較有效率外,也保有EM演算法的一個特性:願付價格模型中的估計參數為最大概似估計值。此外,在加入三要素混合模型(Tsai (2005))後,我們也可避免用到極端受訪者的訊息去差補那些「不知道」受訪者的意向。   在分析願付價格的過程中,我們發現此筆資料的「不知道」受訪者,其產生的機制為隨機,而非為完全隨機,這意謂著不考量「不知道」受訪者的分析結果,必定會產生偏差。而在比較有考量「不知道」受訪者與沒有的情況後,其結果確實應證了我們的想法:只要「不知道」受訪者不是完全隨機產生的,那麼不考量他們必定會產生某種程度的偏差。 / This paper investigates how to deal with “Don’t Know” (DK) responses in contingent valuation surveys, which must be taken into consideration when they are not completely at random. The data we use is collected from the fifth cycle of the Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factor Two-township Study (CVDFACTS), which is a series of long-term surveys conducted by the Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica. Previous methods used in dealing with DK responses have not been satisfactory because they only focus on some types of DK respondents (Wang (1997)), or separate the imputation of DK responses from the WTP estimation (Caudill and Groothuis (2005)). However, in this paper, we introduce an integrated method to cope with the incomplete data caused by DK responses. Besides being more efficient, the single-step method guarantees maximum likelihood estimates of the WTP model to be obtained due to the good property that the EM algorithm possesses. Furthermore, by adding the concept of the three-component mixture model (Tsai (2005)), some extreme information are drawn out when imputing the DK inclinations. In this hypertension data, the mechanism of the DK responses is “Don’t know at random”, which means the analysis of DK-dropped results in a bias. By using our method, the difference between DK-dropped and DK-included is actually revealed, which proves our suspicion that a DK-dropped analysis is accompanied by a biased result when DK is not completely at random.


李美萱, Lee, Mei-Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,『自有品牌』一直是熱門的話題。但在同步發展代工業務與品牌業務之時,卻看到許多高科技企業最後面臨代工與品牌必須切割的決定。過去已有宏碁分割代工成立緯創科技,及友訊分割代工業務成立明泰科技。為何代工與品牌不能並存?可並存的原因為何?此為本研究主要探討的問題。 本研究針對國內網路通訊領導大廠—友訊科技&明泰科技,及多媒體軟體產業績優企業—訊連科技,針對品牌與代工可否並行的議題進行探討。個案公司分別代表著硬體及軟體產業,均曾經或正在同步經營代工與品牌業務。代表硬體產業的友訊科技在代工與品牌業務共存七年之後,最後選擇分割代工成立明泰科技,友訊科技則專注於品牌。整理出其代工與品牌的衝突原因如下: 1. 品牌與代工客戶的終端市場客戶相同,產品類似,造成直接衝突 2. 品牌市場的發展造成代工客戶的疑慮 3. 需投入大量資金兼顧品牌和代工 4. 內部資源分配嚴重衝突,造成品牌業務發展遲緩 5. 代工與品牌追求之目標與核心能力不同 而代表軟體產業的訊連科技,目前代工與品牌業務同時進行下,強調無分家的必要,分析出的原因如下: 1. 代工與品牌市場之終端客戶不同,產品不同,無衝突情況產生 2. 代工客戶觀感:對訊連品牌發展不反對 3. 產業特色:軟體產業價值鏈較短,所涉入的環節較少,故資源衝突上較少。且位於價值鏈上游,屬於零組件供應商,為代工客戶的供應商之一。 4. 品牌屬性:軟體產品品牌屬於要素品牌,與代工客戶品牌不易起衝突。 5. 產品特性:軟體產品具不易模仿性及多樣化的特色,且軟體代工產品和自有品牌產品實為同一原始碼所發展出來,產品本身具有不可分割性。 台灣高科技產業的代工與品牌議題,其源由來自代工客戶反對廠商發展自有品牌,因市場上有利益衝突及競爭。以內部組織來看,若此兩種業務處於同一組織架構下,會產生資源分配的衝突。故本研究建議,若高科技廠商的代工客戶市場與自有品牌市場為相互競爭的狀態,最好是將代工與品牌以不同的組織形式分隔,才能解決最終衝突問題。如中小企業因資源有限與營業規模限制,無法做切割分隔。本研究給予的建議是盡量做好『區隔』--可分成市場與資源區隔。此外,若企業為零組件供應商想要發展自有品牌,則可從發展『要素品牌』開始做起。

亞洲生技醫藥產業之生產力與效率分析 / The Productivity and Efficiency Analysis of Biotech Pharmaceutical Industry in Asia

蕭雅茹 Unknown Date (has links)
各國視生技產業為未來發展的關鍵產業,並積極推動各項政策,使生技產業能快速成長,而生技醫藥市場是促成全球生技產業成長的主要動力,為了增加我國的競爭力,希望藉由與鄰近國家醫藥產業的比較,能更了解台灣生技醫藥產業經營績效。 本研究採用Battese and Coelli (1995)隨機成本邊界法,針對2002-2007年間,日本、南韓、中國、印度與台灣等五個國家,共61家生技醫藥廠商進行實證分析,研究結果如下:(1)研發密集度增加使成本效率降低,五個國家裡,日本最具成本效率。(2)產業平均成本效率值為0.855,且有逐年惡化的趨勢。(3)整體產業平均處於遞增規模報酬階段。(4)整體而言,總要素生產力(TFP)的提升主要是因為規模成分的貢獻,其次為技術的進步,而技術效率變動率對TFP成長率為負影響。(5)各國間雖然TFP變動率不存在顯著性差異,但在規模成分、技術變動率與技術效率變動率等方面存在著顯著的差異。 / Many countries regard biotechnology as a key industry for the future development. Governments often implement a variety of policies to help it grow rapidly. The biotech pharmaceutical industry is the main momentum for the growth of the global biotech industry. The objective of this paper is to measure the productivity and efficiency of the industry among Asian countries, and investigates the sources of the performance changes, and then hope to give some insight into the enhancement of the industry’s productivity. To pursue our goal, we adopt Battese and Coelli’s (1995) stochastic frontier approach to assess 61 biotech pharmaceutical firms during 2002-2007. The main empirical results can be summarized as follows: (1) The R&D intensity is negatively related to cost efficiency; in five countries, Japan has the highest cost efficiency. (2) On average, the cost efficiency is about 0.86, and has become worsen year after year. (3)Most of time, the industry is characterized with the increasing returns to scale. (4) The growth of total factor productivity (TFP) is mainly attributed to the scale efficiency change, and technical progress accounts for a minor source. However, technical efficiency deteriorates over time. (5) Among countries, the TFP growth rates have no significant differences, but the components show apparent differences.

考量預期損失之台灣商業銀行效率與生產力分析 / The Efficiency and productivity analysis of banking industry in Taiwan considering expected losses

翁祥容 Unknown Date (has links)
本文以資料包絡分析法衡量2004年第一季至2008年第三季台灣商業銀行之效率與生產力,並以其代表銀行之經營績效。不同於過去文獻之處在於本文以前瞻之觀點(沈中華,2005)求出放款預期損失以衡量放款風險,作為放款過程中的非意欲產出。本文並利用Ray and Desli(1997)架構拆解Malmquist總要素生產力指數,探討銀行績效變動之來源,此外,亦將該拆解結果與Färe et al.(1994)拆解方式比較,發現在技術變動部分有明顯不同。本文並探討影響銀行效率之因素以及檢定不同類型銀行之生產力表現是否有顯著差異。 / The purpose of this paper is to examine the efficiency and productivity change of Taiwan’s banks over 2004Q1-2008Q3 using data envelopment analysis. Unlike the literature of the past, this paper uses the forward-looking viewpoint to derive expected losses from loans to measure the credit risk. In addition, the loan expected loss is thought of as an undesirable output in the estimation of efficiency and productivity. On the other hand, this paper uses a VRS frontier benchmark (Ray and Desli, 1997) to analyze the sources of productivity change. This paper also compares this result with that of Färe et al.(1994)decomposition, and finds that the estimated technical changes of two approaches are significantly different. Further, this paper analyzes the factors influencing banks’ efficiency, and investigates the productivity differences between different ownerships.

中國融資租賃業之研究 / The Study of China's Financial Leasing Industry

林其泰, Lin, Chi-Tai Unknown Date (has links)
non / Statistics in the 2008 World Leasing Yearbook showed that China’s leasing volume was only US$5.35 billion for the year 2006, lagging far behind that of other high-GDP countries. However, leasing in China did experience extraordinary high growth rates over the past few years and seems to have ample room for growth in the future. As we know, each industry has its own set of critical success factors (CSFs) and a match between these factors and a firm’s strengths may ensure the firm’s successful performance. Thus, the main purpose of this paper is to explore CSFs for leasing in China and explain the major influences behind these factors. This research is analyzed based on the PEST analysis framework and Porter’s five forces model. The CSFs identified in this study can provide guidelines to develop leasing in China as well as for those planning to enter China’s leasing market. Based on the findings, the business environment for leasing in China, though better than it has ever been, still leaves much to be desired. For leasing to further develop, the following CSFs must be handled with care: Public awareness and understanding; An enabling legal framework; Credit risk management capabilities; Diversified funding sources; Qualified and well-trained staff; A vibrant second-hand equipment market, and Information technology infrastructure and know-how. The identified CSFs also lead to several strong policy recommendations. Among these are the following: Embarking on campaigns promoting leasing; Passing the Financial Leasing Law as soon as possible; Removing tax disincentives to leasing; Establishing a national credit information center; Providing funding support and credit guarantee schemes in favor of SME leasing; and Strengthening information technology infrastructure. Without improvement of these critical elements, the outlook for China’s leasing sector may not be so promising after all.

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