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消費者搜尋行為與政府課稅之研究 / Consumer search and taxation陳君儀, Chen, Chun-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
假若效用函數為 Cobb-Douglas 的型態,價格呈一致分配,則由模擬方析結果發現,課稅後需搜尋財貨預期需求量減少,不需搜尋財貨預期需求量增加,預期效用降低且搜尋次數減少。
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互惠經濟與市場經濟的交易模式--以交易關係及訊息成本的角度觀之 / Reciprocal Economy and Market Economy--Views of Transaction Relationship and Information Cost江彥生, Chiang, Yen-Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
由人類學家所定義的互惠經濟之交易行為與我們所認知的市場交易相較之下有幾個特殊之處,如,強調交易雙方的關係、主觀的價值判斷等,近來經濟學家也嘗試以各種不同的角度(如:訊息經濟學、賽局理論、實驗經濟學、制度經濟學)來探討此一耐人尋味的交易行為, Kranton 的文章就是其中的一個代表。
Kranton 認為互惠經濟與市場經濟制度的差異僅是一些人們的心理偏好如:對財貨多樣性的偏好、對未來消費偏好上的程度大小之選擇問題,另外制度本身有一種「自我延續」的機能,任一種制度越被人們所青睞也就更確認其普行於社會的地位。他認為制度與制度之間存在著一種「競爭」的關係,社會最終只能容許一種制度存留,而結果取決於上述的偏好因素以及某制度開始時的起始值大小。
惟我們認為 Kranton 的模型有許多不完美之處,根據他的缺失,我們有了以下的補充及發揮。首先,從交易關係來瞭解交易行為,可以將兩種制度「互相競爭」的單一思考角度擴充到有「互補」可能性的思考空間。我們認為一項交易的完成不僅是客觀上財貨的交換,其他相關的事項如交易雙方藉由交易互動來達成訊息探測的目的及交易雙方的關係因為一連串的交易所發生的變化等都是值得我們注意的。我們會看見兩種不同的制度(互惠經濟與市場經濟)在同樣一項交易上運作乃是因為這兩種制度所詮釋的功能及範圍有所不同,彼此相互輔助而不一定有衝突發生。
最後我們認為「訊息」是互惠經濟能步入「市場經濟」的一個重要關鍵。一個人面對市場經濟多樣化的選擇時必須擁有充分的訊息作為選擇的依據,惟市場本身能衍生出另一種「訊息市場」來。在訊息提供上不僅要考慮到訊息的「廣度」也要考慮到「深度」,互惠經濟所形成的人際網路能透過「瞭解」的機制來傳遞及過濾「適當」的訊息,但是人際網路一樣會有「遞移成本」及「維護成本」的問題,另外訊息在消費上的不具敵對性會減低訊息市場上供給者的提供誘因,我們將以上的所有考慮因素具體化為一個簡單的模型,並試圖找出在訊息上提供上,互惠經濟與市場經濟之間的「分水嶺」。 / Reciprocal economy , compared to the familiar market economy,is characterized byseveral features such as gift giving,social structure patterns,subjective valuesRecently,economists try to explain such ambigious behavior by means of game theory, experimental methods,and institutional views.Kranton's paper is oneexample. From Kranton's point of view,reciprocal economy differs with market economyonly in poople's preferences such as preferences for diversity of goods,preferences for future consumption. In addition,institution itself has mechanisms of self-sustaining which guarantees its pervasion. That reciprocal economy is competitive with market economy means that only one institution can survivewhich is dependent on social preferences and institution's initial value. Not satisfied with Kranton's model, we try another way to handle the probleminto three parts.
First,in views of transaction relationships,we may say that each institution'ssurvival is dependent on the other's persistence.
Second, "money", "laws", and "transaction knowledge" are all important factors influncing the transition from reciprocal economy to market economy.Third,"information completeness "is a key factor of the market economy and the provision of information is another choice problem between reciprocal economy and market economy.
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訊息不對稱下企業薪資結構之探討 / The study about enterprise's wage structure in the asymmetric information鄧英華, Teng, Ying Hung Unknown Date (has links)
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語意在句法處理中的角色:中文關係子句的眼動閱讀研究 / The role of semantics in syntactic processing: eye-tracking experiments of reading chinese relative clauses呂翠屏, Lu, Tsui Ping Unknown Date (has links)
本文以兩個眼動閱讀實驗探討語意訊息 (semantic cues) 和句法訊息 (syntactic cues) 如何在中文關係子句的處理中運作及交互作用。實驗一旨在研究兩種動詞與論元之間的合理性關係 (plausibility) 是否會影響讀者理解不同結構的關係子句。結果顯示,當兩個論元都是合理施事者 (agent) 時,論旨角色的指派 (thematic roles) 有歧義,較難理解;而當只有一個論元是合理的施事者時,讀者趨向指派正確的論旨角色,且較快整合句法上的困難。此外,因中文句法結構特殊,讀者在關係詞之前就處理主語關係子句 (subject relative clauses) 的歧義,在主要動詞上則會遇到賓語關係子句 (object relative clauses) 的理解困難。此發現解決了Hsiao & Gibson (2003) 和 Lin (2006) 的歧見,證明中文讀者在不同位置會遇到不一樣的困難。實驗二所關注的語意訊息為論元的生命性 (animacy),關係子句中的兩個論元分屬有生命的 (animate) 及無生命的 (inanimate) 名詞。結果發現論旨角色的指派和生命性相互關聯,有生命性的論元較傾向當施事者,而無生命的論元傾向當受事者。讀者仍在關係詞之前遇到主語關係子句的理解困難,但在主要動詞,讀者主要依循生命性的引導來指派論旨角色,句法訊息的影響並不顯著。因此語意訊息在中文的語句處理扮演重要的角色,結果大致上與Traxler (2002)的研究相符。讀者同時受到當下的句法訊息以及語意訊息影響,在不同的位置會遇到不一樣的歧義性,而產生花園路徑效果 (garden-path effect)。 / Two eye movement experiments were conducted to investigate how semantic cues and syntactic structural cues function and interact in Mandarin Chinese relative clause (RC) processing. Mandarin Chinese is unique in combining head-final RCs with a VO basic order (Dryer, 1992, 2003) and also in relying solely on word order as structural cues, without case marking or agreement. However, Mandarin Chinese still preserves flexibility in word order that is motivated by pragmatics. Semantic cues, including the plausibility of the argument-verb relation and argument animacy within RCs, may be crucial to sentence processing in Mandarin Chinese.
Experiment 1 aims to examine whether the meaning of the verb allowing only one of the two animate arguments to be a plausible agent may lead to reduction of ORC difficulty (cf. Traxler, 2002). The results showed that the plausibility effects were robust at the head noun and the main verb. A bias of thematic role assignment in the irreversible relation leads readers to correct interpretations, while the reversible relation does not elicit such a bias. The results also solved the discrepancy between the two previous studies (Hsiao and Gibson, 2003 & Lin, 2006) by unveiling a dynamic process in which readers encounter diverse ambiguities at different positions for different structures. Chinese readers disambiguate SRCs earlier due to their non-canonical word order and have trouble integrating the main verb in ORCs owing to perspective shifting. The interaction between plausibility and RC type on re-reading rate suggested that plausibility cues were used to solve syntactic ambiguity.
Experiment 2 manipulated contrastive argument animacy in order to investigate whether thematic role assignment correlates with animacy. The results confirmed the hypothesis that while animate entities bias towards agent roles, inanimate ones incline towards patient roles (c.f., Valin & LaPolla, 1997). Besides, inanimate entities are conceptually less accessible than animate ones. Contrastive animacy shows its impact on syntactic processing with robust interactions at different positions.
The findings of interactions between semantic cues and RC types in two experiments suggest that semantic cues play an important role in Chinese relative clause processing. Semantic plausibility and argument animacy can influence the process of thematic role assignment. The semantic cues that accord with the biases of thematic role assignment then would ease the syntactic ambiguities. Not only syntactic cues but also semantic cues are utilized by readers in sentence comprehension. In this thesis, the eye movement data provide clear evidence indicating that readers solve various temporary ambiguities syntactically and semantically at different positions of the sentence with relative clauses.
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盈餘管理之特性與審計品質之影響 / Characteristics of Earnings Management and Effects of Audit Quality張文瀞, Chang, Wen Jing Unknown Date (has links)
面對增加所得之裁量性應計數字,審計品質有效阻止投機性盈餘管理。面對顯露私有資訊之盈餘管理,審計品質能夠協助管理者選擇最能彰顯未來現金流量預期之會計方法,以增強裁量性應計數字與未來現金流量變動之關聯性。在高審計品質所賦予之資訊公信力下,盈餘資訊在投資人之決策過程中有一定之重要性,故投資人發現裁量性應計數字增加(減低)盈餘價值攸關性,因而增加(減低)盈餘評價係數。然而對低審計品質所查核的財務報表,較低的資訊公信力,使盈餘未在投資人評價過程中扮演重要角色,因而盈餘管理特性亦不受投資人重視。 / This research examined characteristics of earnings management and effects of audit quality therein. Specifically, the magnitude of earnings management was proxied by the discretionary accruals, which are estimated using a cross-sectional version of the Jones model. Different from prior research, the audit quality was captured by a combined measure of the auditor's market share and client concentration. The market share measured the auditor's competence (industry specialty) and the client concentration measured the auditor's independence. Managers usually exercised discretion to recognize accruals. They could either signal private information to enhance earnings' value relevance, or opportunistically manage earnings to reduce the reliability of earnings as the performance measure of the firm. As a result, it was important to examine earnings management and to identify whether it would increase the informativeness or noise of financial reports. This study was organized according to the characteristics of earnings management: opportunistic earnings management and signaling earnings management. For both parts, the nature of earnings management was identified first, and then the effects of audit quality therein examined. To reduce the impact of measurement errors of proxy variables, the treatment group and controlled group were compared and contrasted to make earnings management pattern of the treatment group more evident.
The results showed that threshold firms managed earnings to sustain last year's earnings level. Discretionary accruals of the threshold firms were not significantly associated with future cash flow changes. Those discretionary accruals were used to hide the current unfavorable performance, or to defer current unusual earnings to the future, so that managers could reduce the volatility of accounting earnings. As a means of information disclosure, voluntary earnings forecasts tended to be optimistic, but we still could observe some voluntary forecasts which decreased earnings. In those situations, we might conclude that managers tried to convey credible signals. However, it was not necessarily credible in the case of voluntary forecasting which increased earnings. Managers would manipulate earnings to reduce the difference between forecasted earnings and reported earnings. In respect of the information signal of changes in directors' share holding percentages, it signaled nothing when directors increased holding percentages because most companies were family businesses in Taiwan. Nonetheless, investors should look out the possibility of earnings manipulation when directors decreased their holding percentages.
Audit quality could effectively deter opportunistic earnings management but not the income-decreasing discretionary accruals. Based on information signaling perspective of earnings management, auditors with higher audit quality tended to assist managers to choose accounting methods that might signal cash flow expectations. Stronger associations between discretionary accruals and future cash flows were observed for firms audited by higher quality auditors. Because higher audit quality might increase information credibility, earnings would play a more important role in the decision process of investors. When discretionary accruals increased (decreased) earnings' value relevance, earnings association coefficients would be increased (decreased). However, for the financial reports audited by lower quality auditors, earnings did not play an important role in the valuation process because of lower information credibility. Therefore, empirical results showed that investors of firms audited by lower quality auditors did not make decisions according to different characteristics of earnings management.
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可訊息回復之免憑證簽章機制之研究 / Certificateless signatures with message recovery詹省三, Chan, Sheng San Unknown Date (has links)
在傳統的簽章機制中,我們需要一個具有公信力的第三方 (Trusted Third Party, TTP) 來核發數位憑證,以驗證公開金鑰確實屬於簽章者所擁有,為了減少TTP的負擔,於是就有學者提出了免憑證簽章 (Certificateless Signature) 機制。另一方面,具有訊息回復 (Message Recovery) 功能的數位簽章是指原始訊息不需要與簽章一起傳送給接收者以簡化訊息及簽章在傳送時的長度。
本論文中我們提出了一個具有訊息回復功能的免憑證簽章機制,和一般簽章方式相比,我們的方法不僅具有免憑證簽章的優點,訊息回復功能也減少了訊息和簽章的總長度,提昇了訊息的傳送效率 (Communication Cost),在效能方面也有不錯的表現,因此非常適用於以頻寬為主要考量的公司組織以及對短訊息作簽章的應用,最後我們也有對我們的簽章方法做完整的安全性證明。 / In traditional digital signature systems, a trusted third party (TTP) is required in order to issue a digital certificate. The certificate is to assure that the public key actually belongs to the person of the signature. In order to reduce the burden of TTP, some scholars proposed the Certificateless Signatures. On the other hand, a digital signature with message recovery is a signature that the message itself is not required to be transmitted together with the signature. It has the advantage of small data size of communication.
In this paper, a certificateless signature with message recovery is proposed. It inherits both the advantages of certificateless signatures and signatures providing message recovery. The performance of our scheme is compared with other schemes which shows that our scheme is quite efficient and the security of the scheme is finally proved in the random oracle model.
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台灣高中生記敘文主題類型之研究 / A study on theme types in Taiwanese senior high school students' narratives蔡慈娟, Tsai, Tsi Chuen Unknown Date (has links)
根據本研究的發現,我們建議在英語作文課中介紹句子主題的概念,幫助學生熟悉其類型和功能,期使學生能在記敘文文章中正確使用主題來達到語句連貫,文意流暢的溝通目標。 / Theme plays a significant role in guiding the information flow in text. Nonetheless, there is evidence indicating that many EFL learners often fail to make good choices of theme to secure sentential relationship or writing coherence.
Through the observation on the occurrences and distribution of theme types in three levels of student compositions: the high, the middle and the low-rated narratives, the present study aims to investigate the establishment of theme in Taiwanese senior high school students’ narratives in order to gain understanding of theme’s effect on writing coherence and writing quality.
The entire study consists of a pilot study and a formal one. The pilot study helps establish the criteria for the main study. In the main study, 111 student compositions were gathered and two raters were recruited and trained for the rating. Based on the rating system, the student compositions are divided into 3 levels. 10 samples from each level were randomly selected for thematic analysis.
The result shows that the occurrences and distribution of theme types in the three levels of writing are alike. In general, unmarked NP theme is the most favored by all the students and marked theme Non-fi C + NP is the least desirable. Nonetheless, in terms of the establishment of theme, there are major differences between groups. In particular, the high-rated essays tend to establish a theme that is connected to the theme or the rheme in the preceding discourse or provides background information for the development of the event. In contrast, the mid-or low-rated essays are more likely to establish a theme that is unrelated or disruptive to the progression of the current discourse. Based on the findings of the present study, it is suggested that the notion of theme including its features and functions be incorporated into the teaching of English compositions to help Taiwanese senior high school students identify the characteristics of coherent writing and facilitate coherence in their English narratives.
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從證券法內線交易理論論我國內線交易行為主體之規範鄧依仁 Unknown Date (has links)
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市場交易淺薄下之錯誤評價及其校正-以預測市場為實證基礎吳偉劭 Unknown Date (has links)
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關稅訊息的總體效果 / Macroeconomic Effects of News on Tariff劉至誠, Liu, Chih Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
本文建構一個小型開放的經濟體系,價格具有僵固性的 DSGE 模型來探討提早釋出的關稅調降訊息所造成總體經濟面的影響。在政府簽訂貿易協定來降低關稅的訊息藉由媒體釋出時,同時民眾具理性預期的假設下,家計單位會因這樣的訊息而改變對未來的預期,在關稅還未實際調降時便改變行為決策。我們研究在不同的協商可能結果: (1)談判破裂,貿易協定未如預期簽訂。(2)談判成功,但貿易協定簽訂的結果比當初訊息所透露的降得更多或較少。(3)談判成功,並完全實現當初訊息的內容。(4)簽訂的時間高於預期,導致實行的時間延期。從結果中我們發現,提早釋出的關稅訊息會抑制民眾的消費和投資,在短期會立即造成需求面的負向衝擊。而降低關稅所帶來的市場活絡,會等到真正調降的時後才出現。所以越早釋出關稅調降的訊息,會造成經濟體系所需付出“等待政策實行的成本”越大。 / There is global trend of economic integration across the world by removing the trade barrier. While the free trade agreements normally include the tariff reduction, the negotiations of the agreement may take a long time, and in some cases, the negotiation may fail. Therefore, the tariff reduction’s effects on the economy can be different if it is realized as expectation or not. With a small open economy DSGE model, this paper examines the effects of news preannouncement on tariffs. With the assumption of rational expectation, households will change their expectation when the news of tariff decrement is preannounced. However, whether or not the news on tariffs can be realized as expectation will lead to different dynamics. In this study, we consider various plausible scenarios: (1) If negotiation fails, thus the news on tariff reduction is not realized (2) If negotiation succeeds, but the amount of actual decrement is more or less than people originally expected. (3) Negotiation succeeds and the content of news is fully
realized. (4) Negotiation succeeds, but it takes more time than expected to be realized, thus the policy implementation is postponed. Our study reveals that the news preannouncement restrains consumption and investment before the negotiation is completed, and leads to a negative impact on the economy in the short run. The benefits of the tariff decrement appear if the policy is
actually implemented as expected. However, the economy suffers more if the negotiation takes too much time after the news is released.
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