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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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社會網絡網站的價值階層圖 / The Hierarchical Value Maps of the Social Networking Sites

莊恭豪, Chuang,Sage Unknown Date (has links)
隨者社會網絡網站在全球流行的同時,其相關的學術研究也如雨後春筍般地冒出頭來,主要可分為隱私權議題、線上與下線的聯繫、友情聯繫與印象管理、網絡與網絡結構這四大塊領域。目前的文獻缺乏以質性研究深入了解網友偏好哪些社會網絡網站的功能、這些功能帶給網友哪些利益,以及是哪一些價值觀驅使網友追求這些利益。因此本研究以「方法目的鏈理論」為基礎,透過「階梯訪談法」,深入訪談社會網絡網站的使用者,了解其對於社會網絡網站認知的「價值階層圖」(HVM),並將使用者分為大學生和上班族兩群,分析其價值階層圖之異同,並提供社會網絡網站業者對於網站功能改善的建議。 本研究之訪談結果,經內容分析法分析後,繪製成價值階層圖,大學生HVM的要素的連結路徑包括「小遊戲-調整心情」、「微網誌-調整心情」、「微網誌-獲得關懷」、「微網誌-關懷他人」、「完整的網誌-關懷他人」、「完整的網誌-保存回憶」、「影音存取-保存回憶」、「調整心情-樂趣與享受」、「獲得關懷-歸屬感」、「關懷他人-與他人的溫暖關係」、「影音存取-與他人的溫暖關係」;上班族HVM的要素的連結路徑包括「完整的網誌-保存回憶」、「完整的網誌-關懷他人」、「完整的網誌-獲得關懷」、「微網誌-關懷他人」、「微網誌-獲得關懷」、「微網誌-廣告宣傳」、「影音存取-關懷他人」、「影音存取-獲得關懷」、「影音存取-增加話題」、「相片標籤-禮貌」、「關懷他人-與他人的溫暖關係」、「獲得關懷-歸屬感」、「完整的網誌-樂趣與享受」。 本研究為社會網絡網站業者提出的功能改善的建議為:一、提供使用者偏好的網站屬性,二、提高使用者互動的質量,三、提供更簡易操作的隱私分級制度,四、提高娛樂價值,五、不同的社會網絡網站業者應發展自己的特色。 / As the social network sites(SNSs) have became widespread, the relevant research has also increased. These resaerches have focused on privacy issues, online/offline connections, impression management and friendship performance, and networks and network structure. To date, there lacks research that using qualitative methods to analyze which SNSs attributes users prefer, which benefits the attributes bring, and which values motivate users to gain the benefits. This thesis adopts the “Means-End Chain Model(MEC)” as the research methodology, and the researcher interviews survey candidates by laddering method. The goal of the interview is to obtain the hierarchical value maps(HVM) perceived by the survey respondents. The survey respondents are divided into two groups: college students and full-time workers, and their HVMs are compared. In the end, there are suggestions for improving the functions of SNSs. The interview data are analyzed by content analysis method, and then drawn as HVM. The connections between elements in HVM of college students include “Flash game connects to Mood-adjusting”, “Micro blog connects to Mood-adjusting”, “Micro blog connects to Concern-gaining”, “Micro blog connects to Concern-offering”, “Blog connects to Concern-offering”, “Blog connects to Memory-remaining”, “Visual and auditive elements access connects to Memory-remaining”, “Mood-adjusting connects to Fun and enjoyment”, “Concern-gaining connects to Sense of belonging”, “Concerning-offering connects to Warm relationships with others”, and “Visual and auditive elements access connects to Warm relationships with others”. The connections between elements in HVM of full-time workers include “Blog connects to Memory-remaining”, “Blog connects to Concern-offering”, “Blog connects to Concern-gaining”, “Micro blog connects to Concern-offering”, “Micro blog connects to Concern-gaining”, “Micro blog connects to Advertisement”, “Visual and auditive elements access connects to Concern-offering”, “Visual and auditive elements access connects to Concern-gaining”, “Visual and auditive elements access connects to Increasing the topic of conversation”, “Photo tag connects to Manners”, “Concern-offering connects to Warm relationships with others”, “Concern-gaining connects to Sense of belonging”, and “Blog connects to Fun and enjoyment”. The suggestions for improving the functions of SNSs are: 1. Provide the website attributes users prefer; 2. Improve the quality of interaction among users; 3. Provide the simple privacy classification interface; 4. Increase the entertainment value; 5. Different SNSs should develop different characteristics.

台北市師鐸獎教師生涯發展及其影響因素之研究 / Career development & its influencing factors of the excellent teachers in Taipei

張永德, Chang, Yung Te Unknown Date (has links)
教育首重教師,而師資培育也是國內教育科系設立的首要目標,而培養優良教師更是其中最重要的目的,因此如何成為優良教師的知識學問其重要性自不待言。本研究乃環扣此一立意,初衷乃在探究如何成為師鐸獎教師的原因,以提供有志成為優良教師之人努力的方向。 本研究採用訪談法進行研究,研究對象為2010年台北市十位師鐸獎教師。由於師鐸獎教師的故事各有其多元繽紛的色彩,很難用一個固定模式加以齊一,但是從長遠的縱貫發展的觀點來看,仍然透露出各個階段的主要特徵。所以研究者從文獻探討中歸納出教師發展的三個階段:適應與建立能力、專業成長與發展、以及專業成熟,並以此為框架將師鐸獎教師們各自的精彩故事做為內容敘述,使得各階段的理論概念敘述得到生活實例的印證。再者,除了理論性的階段探討與故事敘述的印證外,本研究還以進入教職以後的「教師生涯發展」為主軸,另加入影響教師專業發展六個影響因素的內容為輔,鋪敘出九位師鐸獎教師的生涯發展故事,使得本研究不僅有理論概念的探討,也有具體可親活生生的故事呈現。 另外,師鐸獎教師為何能夠成為師鐸獎教師,本研究從「教師專業發展」的角度著手,藉由文獻探討歸納六個重要的影響因素:「家庭」、「高中以前的求學歷程」、「教育專業訓練」、「學校組織環境」、「在職成長」以及「個人特質」,並且從這六個因素去訪問師鐸獎教師們,並以師鐸獎教師的回答內容為基礎,再進一步的濃縮成概念性的內容。 最後,本研究以整體的角度為「師鐸獎教師的生涯發展」與「生涯發展的重要因素」主題做結論的總結如下: 一、 在六個影響因素當中,最重要的是盡心付出的個人特質; 二、 原生家庭父母親的身教影響深遠; 三、 小時候家庭環境的辛苦不一定有害,也可能成為未來的助益,關鍵乃在於正面的面對方式; 四、 「不反對」是婚姻家庭方面的基本支持; 五、 過去師長的言行態度是從事教職的重要參考; 六、 教育專業訓練對當事人主觀上的教育專業發展似乎意義不大; 七、 學校組織環境是累積能力的良好環境; 八、 教師專業成長從教學開始,進而充分發揮教師的角色功能; 九、 當事人的在職成長皆表現出不同於一般的具體投入行為; 十、 在職成長缺少有系統有組織的整體明確規劃; 十一、 積極正面的做事態度是很重要的個人特質; 最後,根據研究結果與討論提出關於成為優良教師的建議,乃分別從對教師個人、對學校、對教育政策,以及對未來研究四個方面進行條列式的建議。 / Teachers are the most important elements of teaching, and teacher cultivation is the most crucial task in the establishment of departments of education nationwide. The chief objective of all such institutions is to cultivate excellent teachers. Therefore, the importance of knowing how to become an excellent teacher goes without saying. The present study focuses on the above knowledge by exploring the experiences of teachers who have won the Teaching Excellence Award in order to provide examples for others striving to become excellent teachers. This study adopted the interview method and recruited ten teachers who won the Taipei City 2010 Teaching Excellence Award as participants. Due to the diverse nature of the stories of these award-winning teachers, it was hard to unify them into a single framework. However, when viewed from a more distant perspective, we are still able to make out the main features of the phases that these teachers went through. We were also able to identify three phases of teacher development based on a literature review: adaptation and establishment, professional growth and development, and professional maturity. These three main phases were then used as a framework to better understand the helpful stories of these award-winning teachers. The stories can in turn provide real life proof for the concept of each phase. In addition to discussing the theories related to these phases and proving them with actual examples, the current study also used “teaching career development” as a theme and incorporated six influencing factors relating to the professional development of teachers to illustrate the professional development stories of nine award-winning teachers. This research not only contains discussions on the theoretical concepts, but also presents specific, real-life stories. The reasons behind becoming a Teaching Excellence Award winning teacher are viewed from the “teaching professionalism development” perspective, and explored through the six important influencing factors identified via literature review, specifically, “family,” “the course of education prior to high school,” “educational professional training,” “school system and environment,” “professional growth,” and “personal features.” The award-winning teachers were interviewed with the above six factors in mind, and conceptual content was then further extracted through their answers. Lastly, the study used “the teaching career development of the Teaching Excellence Award winning teachers” and “the important factors influencing career development” as the overall perspective themes and concluded the following: 1. The most important factor among the six influencing factors is the personal feature of devoted effort; 2. The family-of-origin parenting effects are profound; 3. Hardships encountered during childhood are not necessarily detrimental and can even become beneficial in the future; the key lies within the way one directly confronts these hardships; 4. “Not objecting” is the most fundamental way of expressing support in married families; 5. The behaviors and attitudes of the teachers in the past are important references for teaching conduct; 6. Educational professional training seems relatively unimportant to the course of education professionalism development from the participants’ point of view; 7. The school system and environment is a good place to acquire and accumulate teaching abilities; 8. A teacher’s professional growth begins with teaching and expands to the full display of the teacher’s function and role; 9. The subjects showed exceptional activity in contributing to their own professional growth when compared to others; 10. Professional growth in general lacks clear overall systematic and organized planning; 11. Proactive and positive attitudes are very important personal features. In conclusion, based on research results and discussions, many helpful suggestions were made regarding the process of becoming an excellent teacher. Itemized suggestions for teachers, schools, education policies, and future research aspects were included. Keywords: Teaching Excellence Awards, teaching career development, teaching professionalism development, interview method


劉維俊 Unknown Date (has links)
不衡量,就無法論成敗(If you don't measure results,you can't tell success from failure),Osborne與Gaebler(1992)一語道出政府再造關鍵所在,在此一新局勢下,各國政府積極引進民間企業「策略管理」與「績效管理」機制,而我國也不例外,行政院自2001年起根據以往績效評核成果,並參考美國之政府績效成果法(Government performance and Results Act,簡稱GPRA)相關報告,融入「顧客導向 」觀念,訂定「施政績效評估計畫」要求所屬各部、會辦理,正式開啟另一波我國「績效管理」導向的政府治理局面。 本研究以國防部為例,藉平衡計分卡(Balance Scorecard,簡稱BSC)及有關績效評估理論作為理論基礎,設計一套有系統研究架構,運用深入訪談法,經訪談結果,計有:缺乏組織願景、缺乏「策略管理」理念、策略目標無法與個人職掌相結合、策略目標無法轉化各部門可用指標 、「績效評估」法制位階不足、與原研考制度待整合、強化「顧客面」之對話評估指標、各面向指標連結不足、指標挑戰不足、衡量標準不明確、指標建立觀念不足、不重視外部因素、評估指標缺乏彈性、特別迎合指標現象、計畫與評估脫節、本位主義心態、教育訓練不足、評估產出結果重視「效率」而不重視「效能」、未獲得主官支持、作業能力不足、績效無法與績效獎金制度相結合等20項,待檢討改進。 本研究將BSC原有財務、顧客、內部流程、學習與成長等四個構面,轉化為合適國防部績效指標的四個構面:利益關係人:我國人民、總統、行政院、立法院等均為國防部利益關係人;內部流程:如何執行各項計畫及作業流程,達成上層利益關係人所關心使命,並為支援策略,應建立或改善那些流程;學習與成長:為支援我們的策略,我們應如何投資人才、技術、基礎建設及照顧官生活起居;資源管理:確保資源源源不絕,是策略地圖的根本。當運用策略性水平與垂直診斷過程中,發覺現有指標構圖中有很多策略性目標不足之缺口,造成各業管單位各自為正,彼此間缺乏縱向及橫向聯繫,資源無法有效整合。因此,本研究調整各構面關係位置並描繪國防部及下轄各部會(國軍醫院為例)層級之策略地圖。但除制度與機制本身的設計必須要周延外,相關的配套措施亦不可或缺,另提出研究建議:「策略管理」理念應納入中程施政計畫、績效評估法制化、強化中程施政及年度施政計畫與年度績效評估計畫之連動、建立層次性個別指標體系、確立金字塔績效目標、施政計畫與預算編列相連結、建立適當績效評估指標數量、建立「顧客面」之衡量指標、高階主管的支持及參與、運用「績效標竿」,將英、美軍列為學習對象、訂定年度績效評估重點、建立國防部各面向重要監控指標、精進委外民意調查功能、績效制度須與激勵制度相結合,以為因應。 關鍵詞︰策略管理、績效評估、平衡計分卡、策略地圖、績效標竿

這一頁,我來說教師--國小初任教師專業認同之教育學傳記研究 / A biography research in pedagogy on the first elementary school teacher's professional identity

凃柏章, TU,Bo-Chang Unknown Date (has links)
藉著聆聽教師的敘說,我研究的主要目的在於理解教師專業認同的歷程,及此歷程所彰顯的意義世界。以Mead談論的自我概念作為基礎,我認為教師專業認同的概念是一發展性的歷程,而不將其視為本質、本體或範疇。此外,個人的認同歷程在敘說中展現也是我所強調的另一個重點,也就是說,個人在向聽者敘說裡頭展現其生命經驗,而聽者得以藉著語言的力量理解敘說者的生命經驗。奠基於此,研究者(我)才得以理解教師(受訪者)的敘說。 我採用「教育學傳記研究」作為研究取向,並以德國學者Fritz Schütz發展的「敘述訪談」作為資料採取工具,蒐集而來的資料即是我所謂的「文本」或「故事」。訪談的對象是小卉 -- 一位成為國小教師五年左右、服務兩所學校的初任教師。訪談結果在轉錄成逐字稿後,依據Schütz所提出的文本分析流程進行文本結構描述,並嘗試詮釋以析出故事抽象概念。 經過文本結構描述和分析,逐漸呈現「選擇」、「在比較中了解自己」以及「愛與被愛」的教師故事圖像。然而,我並未只是停留在故事詮釋的階段,而更進一步和其它教師敘說進行對話,其目的在於企圖呈現「我們如何看待教師故事、發聲」的議題。最後,我反思本研究的價值以及教育學傳記研究的意義。 / The purpose of my research is mainly to understand the process of a teacher’s professional identity by listening teacher’s narrative. Also, I attempt to explore the meanings represented by this process. Based on Mead’s concept of self, I argued that the attribute of teacher’s professional identity might be better viewed as a developing process than essences, substances or categories. Furthermore, one’s identity process revealing from narrative is other key point in my study. That is to say, one displays his or her life experiences with a narrative to listener, and then the listener understands the experiences through the power of language. Therefore, according to the above-mentioned methodological basis, I (researcher) could make sense of the teacher’s (interviewee) narrative. I adopt ”Biographic Research in Pedagogy” as my research approach, and collected raw data called “text” or “story” with “Narrative Interview” developed by Fritz Schütz, a Germany sociologist. After interviewing the first teacher, Little-hui, who just has been working about five years in two elementary schools, I followed Schütz’s procedures of text-analysis to describe the structure of the text and attempt to catch abstract concepts in hui’s story. After the process of structure description and interpret, “choosing”,”knowing self by comparing with peers”, and “to love and to be loved” gradually showed up to be images of Little-hui’s story. However, I didn’t stay right in the position of story-interpreting. Moreover, I situated these images a dialogue with another inquires of teachers’ narratives, and attempted to raise the issue of “how have teachers’ stories, voices, or narratives been viewed and treated in the context” for discussion. At the end, I reflected on the value of this research and the meaning of “Biography Research in Pedagogy.”

九年一貫英語讀寫能力指標反映至國民中學英語科習作之研究 / A study on reading and writing competence indicators of the grades 1-9 English curriculum in junior high school english workbooks

王羿婷, Wang, Yi Ting Unknown Date (has links)
教育部明訂,九年一貫能力指標應作為教科書編輯者編撰課本、習作之依據。透過教科書,學生可期望習得能力指標所標示的能力。台灣國中英語教學現場中,習作常作為學生的回家作業,所以能力指標如何呈現在習作上可影響學生能力習得的結果;然而,目前相關研究仍顯不足,因此,本研究採用九年一貫國中英語讀寫能力指標,分析目前最為廣用的一套國中英語習作。另外,本研究也針對第一線國中英語教師進行團體訪談,以了解教師對習作和能力指標的看法。 本研究的結果總結如下: 1. 14條指標中,只有3項在習作中有超過10%的練習題目(推論字義文意;了 解文章主旨大意;合併、改寫及造句);然而卻有8項指標在習作中的練 習題少於1.5%。 2. 針對被強調的3項指標,訪談教師同意這些能力的確需要被強調,只不過習 作的練習題仍顯不足。 3. 針對被忽略的8項指標,教師認為有些能力(例:查字典)對學生來說並非最 重要,因此習作缺乏此類練習是可以接受的;不過,某些能力(例:看懂圖 表標示)因為和學生的日常生活息息相關,理應出現在習作裡;而部分難度 較高的指標(例:寫一個段落)可編為自由選擇(optional)的習題,讓程度 較高的學生有更多練習的機會。 根據研究結果,研究者對教育決策者、教科書編輯、及英語教師提出數點 建議。 / The competence indicators (CI) listed in the Grades 1-9 Curriculum Guidelines are regulated as the principles for private publishers to compile teaching materials—textbooks and student workbooks. Through these teaching materials, it is expected that students can acquire the competences stipulated in the curriculum guidelines. Student workbooks, especially in Taiwan’s junior high school English classrooms, are used as a main source for students’ homework. Therefore, how the CIs are incorporated into the workbooks can affect students’ acquirement of the competences. Nonetheless, little research has been done on analysis of English workbooks based on competence indicators. This study, therefore, aimed to analyze a most popular set of junior high school English workbooks based on the Grades 7-9 reading and writing competence indicators. To gain more in-depth insights, a focus group interview with in-service teachers was later conducted to explore teachers’ views on the workbooks and competence indicators. The results of the present study are summarized as follows. 1.Of the 14 CIs, only three were emphasized (to guess meanings of words and reading passages; to understand main ideas; and to combine, change, and make sentences), each taking up more than 10% of the workbook exercises. However, there were up to eight CIs that were neglected, each taking up less than 1.5% of the workbook exercises. 2.As for the three emphasized CIs, the teacher interviewees agreed that the emphasis was necessary, but the practice in the workbooks were still insufficient for their students. 3.As for the eight neglected CIs, the teachers considered that: (1) lack of practice on some CIs, such as to use a dictionary, was acceptable, for these skills were impractical for their students; (2) some practices, such as to fill out forms, should have be included into the workbooks because they were related to students’ daily lives; (3) certain practices, such as to write a simple paragraph, could be designed as optional workbook exercises for high achieving students to master more advanced skills. Finally, some suggestions are provided on the basis of the findings in this study.

華語文學習信念轉變與歷程:在台歐美外籍生之個案研究 / Chinese Language Learner’s Changing Beliefs and Experiences: Case Study on European and American Students in Taiwan

白玉琪, Peh, Giok Kee Unknown Date (has links)
本質性個案研究旨在從三位歐美外籍留學生的視角了解他們的華語文學習信念,探討他們在台灣留學期間所處的社會文化環境如何改變他們的語言學習信念,以及台灣作為華語文環境所能提供的機會與挑戰。本研究主要透過深入訪談(In-depth Interview),邀請三位來台留學半年至一年的歐美華語文學生敘述自身語言學習歷程,包括他們的個人華語文學習背景、來台緣由與期待、在台華語文學習歷程及信念。歷時半年四次的定期訪談均被錄音,經謄錄為逐字稿、重現(reconstruct)個別故事樣貌後,再依Lieblich等人(1998)提出的敘事分析方法,以整體——內容(Holistic-content)和類別——內容(Categorical-content)之邏輯整理成個別個案,並作為後續跨個案分析的資料依據。結果發現,研究參與者從華語為外語(Chinese as Foreign Language)學習環境,到台灣華語文為第二語言(Chinese as Second Language)學習環境的不同學習階段裡,他們的華語文目標、期待和能力不斷地與社會環境互動,而互動所產生的結果足以鞏固或動搖其舊信念。來台前,研究參與者過往的語言學習經驗和成長環境對於外語學習的觀點,無形中都型塑了他們的華語文學習信念。來台後,他們經歷固有的信念和實際與母語者交際情況之間的落差,衝擊了他們原有的信念,而且覺得自身的華語文使用者身份及所付出的努力難以受當地母語者社交圈之認同。此外,研究參與者的留學經歷也反映出台灣作為華語文學習場域的一些情況,既當他們的華語文能力變強後,才有能力善用台灣華語文環境所提供的學習機會,當他們的華語文能力仍偏弱時,他們一般較難在非正式場域與母語者互動,或從中獲得學習機會,反而需依賴課堂環境為主的學習機會。最後,由於信念會隨著學習歷程波動及變化,面向多元,具動態特質,因此本研究建議未來可選擇某一項議題做更深入的研究,若採取類似BALLI研究信念橫斷面的工具時,還可加入情景及情感面向,探討信念歷時的直斷面。在教學運用上,華語文中心能著手處理外籍華語文學生的行前準備資料,加強對留學生有關語言學習進程的輔導,在師資培訓上也應該注意如何處理初出國留學生在語言學習適應上的調整,以減少留學生因學習期待落差而受到的衝擊。另外也建議常與學習者接觸的當地母語者接受跨文化交際的教育,雙方才能創造合宜的華語文學習環境,促進外籍留學生赴台學習華語文之發展與成效。 / This qualitative case study aims to look into Chinese language learning beliefs from the perspective of three Chinese learners from Europe and America and to explore how the Taiwanese social-cultural environment changes their language learning beliefs, as well as the affordance and challenge Taiwan offers to these international Chinese learners. Three students from Europe and America who have been learning Chinese in Taiwan from six to twelve months respectively are invited to the study and receive four in-depth interviews within six month. Their personal Chinese language learning experiences over the time are narrated and recorded. The data is then analyzed using Holistic-Content and Categorical-Content method proposed by Lieblich et al., (1998). The results shows that, at different learning stages, the interaction of the participants’ Chinese language goals, expectation and proficiency levels with social environment either reaffirms or shakes their beliefs. Before studying in Taiwan, the past language learning experiences as well as the prevailing view of their native community towards foreign language basically constitutes the beliefs of the participants. At the early stage of studying in Taiwan, the gap between their expectations and the actual communication experiences with local native speakers also has critical impacts on their beliefs. The participants would also find that their efforts to make themselves live as Chinese speakers are constantly challenged by the local native community. In this case, Taiwan and its social community as the field for learning Chinese actually provide more opportunities to the learners with higher Chinese proficiency. When proficiency is low, such as at the beginning stages of Chinese proficiency or upon arrival, the participants have great difficulty getting benefits from the target language community; their learning mainly happens in the language learning classroom. It is clear that language learning beliefs is dynamic, multifaceted, and fluctuate from time to time. The study suggests that, specific topic under the multilayered nature of belief should be focused in the future research. Social environments and emotions of students should also be included in BALLI. Finally, to promote the development and effectiveness of foreign students studying in Taiwan, stronger pre-departure briefing, orientation and counseling services are needed to facilitate language development. Teachers also need training on how to reduce the impact of crashed expectations of new foreign students. In addition, local people (i.e., native speakers) who often come into contact with the learners are recommended to develop intercultural communication skills in order to provide the learners with the best possible informal communication experience.

日籍學生在台接受全英文授課之學習歷程與其信念之變化:個案研究 / Japanese Student's Language Learning Experience and Transformation of Beliefs in ETP Programs in Taiwan:A Case Study

蔡正文 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在了解日本學生的語言學習信念變化,並找出哪些因素在台灣和日本的TESOL環境中影響學生的學習信念的形成和變化。不同於傳統基於問卷的調查,只針對某些固定的學生的學習信念特徵的研究,最近的研究更注重學習信念的動態變化過程。社會文化理論還強調,社會文化環境在學生的思考過程中具有中介的效果。本研究旨在了解日本學生的學習信念是如何受他們的學習經驗影響,而這些經驗在不同的環境如何影響他們的學習信念。本研究使用深度訪談收集資料,採用半結構式訪談每個月針對學生的學習經歷和信念進行一學期五次的資料蒐集。通過Liblich(1998)的方法整理出訪談資料的整體與分類的內容,本研究希望找出在台灣和日本學習語言的意識形態的不同,這些差異和參與者的語言學習信念之關係,以及在台灣的日本學生面臨何種語言學習機會和挑戰。 這項研究的結果是,三位參與者經歷了不同程度的語言學習信念轉變,同時形成新的學習信念。來台灣之前,參與者對於自己的英文能力的自信心高低不一,但他們都相信能夠透過海外留學加強英文能力。在台灣,由台灣以及西方學生所組成的團體使參與者能夠練習英文並表達自己的意見,無須擔心被批評。ETP課程給他們一個機會可以使用英文來學習並溝通。來到台灣一年後,Yoshi對英文能力變得較有自信,且相信策略運用比天生能力來的重要。Taka變得較不在意自己的發音且把注意力放在文化學習上。Ko了解自己天生語言學習能力的極限並開始發展自己的學習策略。在研究建議方面,當未來的研究採用BALLI(Belief About Language Learning Inventory)(Horwitz,1999)分析時也應將親密團體和社會文化等因素加入。在英語教育方面,台灣的大學英語培訓課程應該包括更多的跨文化差異教學,所以當國際學生參加一般ETP(English taught program)時他們將面臨較少的文化衝擊。由於參與者提到與台灣和國際學生的非正式交流對她們的英語學習大有幫助,在ETP課程中教授應考量國際學生的英語水平,並把他們分配在具有相應英語水平的小組中,使他們能夠更快克服學習困難。期望這項研究的結果提供語言教學方法的調整建議,以滿足國際學生,特別是日本學生的需求。 / This study was aimed to understand the language learning belief change of Japanese students, and to find out what are the factors in the TESOL environments of Taiwan and Japan that lead to these changes. Unlike the traditional questionnaire-based research, which studied student’s learning belief based on certain critical characteristics; recent studies focused more on the changing process of language learning belief. Socio-cultural theories also stressed that the socio-cultural environment has meditational effects on the student’s thinking process (Furberg, 2009). This study tried to understand how Japanese student’s English learning belief was affected by their learning experiences and how these experiences in the different environments affected their learning belief reciprocally. This study adopted in-depth interviews to collect data, using semi-structured interviews per month for six months to discover how Japanese students’ learning experiences and belief changed in the process. By analyzing the interview data using the holistic-content method proposed by Liblich et al (1998), this study focused on how different language learning ideologies in Taiwan and Japan affected the participants’ learning belief, what opportunities and challenges the Japanese students faced in Taiwan in terms of language learning. Based on the result of this study, the three participants experienced different degrees of language learning belief changes and formed new learning beliefs in the process. Before they came to Taiwan, the participants had different levels of self-confidence and all believed that they could improve their English proficiency by studying abroad. In Taiwan, the supportive community formed by Taiwanese and Western students allowed the participants to practice English and express their ideas without being afraid of getting judged. The ETP (English Taught Program) offered them an opportunity to use English to both study and communicate on a daily basis. After one year of staying in Taiwan, Yoshi became more confident in his English proficiency and believed more in strategy use than innate language learning ability. Taka was less anxious about his Japanese accent and put more emphasis on learning cultural factors. Ko realized the limitation of his innate language learning ability and began to develop his own language learning strategies. As for theoretical implication, factors like community and socio-cultural influence should be added to BALLI’s (Belief About Language Learning Inventory)(Horwitz,1999) model in analyzing language learning belief in future studies. In terms of pedagogical implication, English training programs in Taiwan’s university should provide more cross-cultural information so that when international students take English taught classes they will encounter less cultural shock. As the participants mentioned that the informal interaction with Taiwanese and Western students assisted their English learning, professors in the ETP classes should consider international students’ English proficiency and put them within groups of appropriate English levels so they can learn with less difficulty.

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