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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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現代共同基金績效評鑑研究--台灣地區開放式股票型基金績效評比 / The modern mutual funds performance research on Taiwan's open - end common stock mutual funds

詹硯彰, Chan, Yen-Chang Unknown Date (has links)
共同基金是未來投資理財約主流!專業法人機構在股市之投資比重日益提高,對國內證券市場生態產生結構性改變。展望未來趨勢,隨著股市發展成熟化、上市上櫃公司遽增與金融市場情勢連動關係複雜化等因素,專業投資理財時代的來臨必將成為事實。「專業、分工理財」投資型態將逐漸取代以往投資人自行下海操作之「自助式理財」型態。故共同基金操作績效正是進行本評鑑研究的最大動機,其中辨認基金經理人操作策略與績效顯現最具代表性的指標--選股能力與擇時能力.乃本研究所欲深入探討的主題。本研究模型之構建乃根據 Lee-Rahman (1990) 所提出之改良評鑑模式,簡言之,該模型的發展歷經早期 Treynor & Mazuy (1966) 的理論雛形,並經過 Jensen 針對評鑑擇時能力方面之改進,然後再經由 Bhattacharya & Pfleiderer (1983) 的進一步修正,產生了較完善的整體架構,最後經由 Lee-Rahman (1990) 針對評鑑過程中評鑑迴歸式之殘餘項異質性問題,作一根本的解決,建構完整的基金選股與市場擇時能力績效之評鑑模式。同時並運用幾個傳統績效評鑑指標 (即 Treynor、 Sharpe 與 Jensen 指標三種),作為基金整體性績效之輔助研究。 實證結果顯示:(一)在基金整體績效評估方面,得到的結果顯示不論研究期間的長短.基金表現擊敗大盤的比例皆高於五成,約介於 60% 至 70% 左右,而在 Treynor、Sharpe 與 Jensen 指標三種不同評鑑模式分析下,基金績效排名有相當顯著的一致性。(二)在選股與市場擇時能力評鑑( Lee-Rahman 修正模型)方面:1.同時兼具選股與市場擇時能力的基金皆有穩定的一致性;2.大多頭時期基金擇時能力普遍提昇、新投信基金績效表現較優異。(三)整合比較結論方面:1.本研究中不同的評鑑模式所得實證結果十分肯定基金績效的持續性與穩定性;2.基金顯著的擇時能力並非基金整體績效脫穎而出的決定性因素,績效傑出與否幾乎決定於選股功力因素:3.台灣股市投資 Bottom-up 的投資邏輯漸漸取代 Top-down ;4.新投信績效已有凌駕老投信的趨勢。 / Mutual Funds Investment will be very popular! While the professional institutionalist's participation being promoted, domestic stock market environment has beenchanged structurally. In the future, accompanied by several reasons such us the_maturationof stock market, dramatic increasing in listed company numbers and more complex correlation in international financial markets, the age stressing on professional financial adversary will come. "Professional financial investment and adversary" will substitute for"Self-adversary" investment. Therefore, measuring the mutual fund's performance is the mailmotivation of my study', and the insight in selectivity ability and market timing ability will bethe subject for further research. The research model is based on the Lee-Rahman's modified model (1990), that is, the model structure was first built by Treynor & Mazuy (1966), improved by Jensen in Timingability measurement, and then revised by Bhattacharya & Pfleiderer (1983), and throughout structured by solving the "heteroscedasticity" in error terms of regressions finally Therefore, the better integral research model on measuring selectivity ability a timing abilityhas been accomplished. Meanwhile, we also use three traditional performance measure(Treynor, Sharpe & Jensen index) to be the general performance research. Empirical results show that (1)By measuring the general performance of mutual funds, we know that about 60%-70% funds managers beat market at each research period, and there exists consistency of fund's performance ranking among those three measures. (2) By using Lee-Rahman modified model (1990), we got three conclusions. First, for those funds consist of selectivity and timing ability, there exists consistency. In bull market period, timing ability of most funds performed better generally, and new funds had better performance. (3) Integral comparative conclusions have four results. First, no matter what measures being used, empirical results confirm stability and consistency in performance ranking. Second, significant timing ability is not the determinate factor of significant performance, significant selectivity ability plays the determinate role. Third, in Taiwan, bottom-up investment strategy gradually substitutes for top-down investment strategy. Finally, new mutual funds investment co. had outperformed old mutual funds investment institutions.

環境保護資訊內涵之初探 / Tke Market Reaction of environment information

張嘉麟, Chang, Chiang-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
在環保意識逐漸抬頭的今日,不僅環保團體與環保機關致力於環境保護的工作,證管會亦於民國入十一年修訂公佈「證券發行人財務報告編制準則」與「公開發行公司年報應行記載事項」,規定公開發行公司需在年報中揭露公司某些特定的環保資訊。假設投資人在評估公司的經營績效時,會將環保資訊的社會成本與社會利益納入會計盈餘中,得一綜合社會盈餘,再以綜合社會盈餘訂定投資決策。   因此,本研究的目的,是欲藉由媒體揭露的環保資訊,探討環保資訊在股價形成過程中,所扮演的角色,並為公司應否在財務報表中揭露環保資訊,提供一項證據。在本研究中,環保資訊分為三大類:一是,環保署公佈之「五百大製造業環保評鑑」;二是,環保公害糾紛;三是,「水污染防治法」第二次修正案的修訂。   研究結果發現,除了環保署公佈之「五百大製造業環保評鑑」無資訊內涵外,其餘二項環保資訊(環保公害糾紛、水污染防治法第二次修正案)確實具有資訊內涵存在的。   換言之,投資人在訂定投資決策時,環保資訊確實是其考量的重要因素之一,由此也驗證投資人取得環保資訊後,會主動修正報表中所揭露的盈餘,在利用修正後的社會盈餘來訂定投資決策。既然,環保資訊是投資人決定投資決策的重要因素之一,因此,企業除了傳統上在財務報表的應揭露事項外,應再主動於報表中揭露與公司有關的環保資訊,以供社會大眾使用。

教育學門系所評鑑指標體系建構之研究 / Research on the evaluation indicators of educational departments and graduate schools of educational discipline

林筠諺, Lin, Yun Yan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討教育學門系所評鑑的理論和執行相關課題,並建構教育學門系所評鑑指標權重體系,提供執行教育學門系所評鑑之參考。經由文獻分析,初擬教育學門系所評鑑指標,選取系所評鑑委員和系所主管共計16人為研究對象,使用模糊德懷術建構教育學門系所評鑑指標體系架構,再以網絡分析法建立評鑑指標的相對權重體系。研究結果指出,教育學門系所評鑑指標體系包含行政管理、環境設備、課程規劃、教師教學、學生學習、專業表現、經營成效等七個向度和17個次向度與65項評鑑指標。最後,本研究針對主管教育行政機關、辦理教育學門系所評鑑單位、教育學門系所及後續研究者提出具體建議。 / The study explored the relevant theoretical foundation and practical issues about the evaluation for educational departments and graduate schools. The study also proposed an evaluation indicator weighting system for educational departments and graduate schools in higher education. By reviewing relevant academic literature, the preliminary evaluative indicators were proposed. Sixteen experts who are university program evaluators or chairpersons of departments and graduate schools were the testing samples. This study adopted the Fuzzy Delphi method to build a framework of the evaluation indicator system. In addition, the relative weight of each evaluation indicator was assessed by the Analysis Network Process. The results showed that the conceptual framework of the evaluation indicator system containing 7 dimensions, 17 sub-dimensions, and 65 indicators. The seven dimensions are administrative management, environment and equipments, curriculum planning, faculty’s teaching, student’s learning, professional performance, and operative outcomes. Finally, suggestions were proposed to educational authority, institutions of program evaluation, educational departments and graduate schools, and further researchers.

公私協力法制下之社會自主管制 / Gesellschaftliche selbstregulierung im rahmen einer public-private-partnership

陳軍志 Unknown Date (has links)
向來公私部門合作參與公共任務,均著眼於給付行政的面向,管制行政中的私人參與似乎離不開行政助手、專家參與及行政受託人等功能民營化的思維或是自治行政的想法。但是,傳統範疇並無法因應介於國家與社會間多元的合作管制型態。納入社會自主管制的觀點一方面能夠掌握私人參與管制任務全貌,他方面能夠從規範面回應傳統管制手段在現實面遭遇的困境。 社會自主管制作為私人參與管制任務的型態,在規範制定與規範執行層次乃跳脫傳統行政助手、專家參與及公權力委託制度的思維,其中最重要的型態係經國家認可單位以行政認證的方式加入管制結構,並與受規範對象經由驗證形成法律關係。由於憲法規範層次上並沒有明確肯定或否定自主管制之運用,在補充性原則、合作原則與效率原則的支持下,得容許社會自主管制的存在。惟管制者利用該制度遂行管制目的時,必須顧慮憲法揭示的基本原則,特別是國家從管制任務的履行責任退出仍必須經受國家保護義務的檢驗,以及隨之而來的擔保責任。由於私人被整合於管制任務中,使得原本存在於國家與受規範對象、受保護對象的三方關係變得更為複雜。面對社會自主管制中私人間多邊利益衝突,行政法律關係之活用係掌握國家、參與管制任務的經認可單位、受規範對象與受保護對象間法律關係之樞紐。 社會自主管制作為管制策略,與傳統管制手段並非擇一關係,而是互補關係。唯有建立對社會自主管制機制的正確認識,方有法政策論上理性評估與策略運用的空間。其策略性運用的準則主要繫諸於系統外部受規範對象的風險程度以及國家自身規範系統內部的複雜度,除此之外,也必須衡酌社會力的發展程度與自主管制失靈風險的回復可能性。經由有效運作的自主管制,能夠讓管制主體在最適化履行管制任務的考量上,更具彈性;在私人自為管制主體參與共通福祉分工實現的過程上,激發社會部門的責任意識。

電子期刊E-Metrics評鑑模式應用於大學圖書館之研究 / E-Metrics Assessment Model for the Study of Electronic Journals in University Libraries

張慈玲, Chang,Tze-ling Unknown Date (has links)
由於電子資源蓬勃興起,大學圖書館紛紛引進以滿足師生教學研究之需求,然同時預算規模卻未見增加,加以電子資源市場,尤其是電子期刊部份,每年皆以平均7%~10%漲幅成長,使得圖書館對電子期刊使用及其效益,需要有更清楚的了解與掌握,透過衡量網路化服務與資源品質的方法,除可作為圖書館人員決策參考,並能提供有利的理由以尋求經費支援。 本研究目的希能探討電子期刊E-Metrics評鑑相關理論與研究,以ARL E-Metrics計畫為基礎,對大學圖書館電子期刊提出績效評鑑模式芻議與實證分析。採用研究方法為文獻分析法、深度訪談法與電子計量(E-Metrics)分析法,以國立臺灣大學館藏西文電子期刊為對象進行研究。 經訪談與實證資料分析結果,本研究確認了館藏導向電子期刊的績效評鑑的目的、歸納出電子期刊資源與服務評鑑的程序及方法,並建構大學圖書館電子期刊E-Metrics評鑑模式與要件,包含電子期刊資源、使用、成本與績效四大類型,合計14項指標,同時並獲得具體電子期刊績效評鑑結果,確認國內大學圖書館進行電子期刊E-Metrics評鑑模式之可行性。 最後,本研究根據結論,建議可以質化方式進行電子期刊評鑑研究,以獲得對電子期刊資源的全面性瞭解,並對電子期刊E-Metrics評鑑模式與指標、資料蒐集方式等提出建議。而對於未來研究方向,建議可從朝以下四方面努力:(1)進行網路資源與服務導向電子期刊評鑑模式之研究;(2)開發電子期刊使用統計管理軟體;(3)進行電子期刊成本經濟學研究;(4)進行電子期刊使用紀錄分析之評鑑研究。 / Due to the fast growth of electronic resources, it has become a trend for university libraries to acquire such resources to meet the research needs for their users. The expenditures libraries have to spend for electronic resources, especially that for electronic journals have been raised at average rate of 7% to 10% each year. However, the yearly budget for libraries never has been increased as much. It thus has become important for libraries to identify the real usage of and institutional research outcomes from the acquired electronic journals. The assessment of networked information service and resources quality of it is useful for acquisition decision-making. If there is a positive assessment result, then it will also provide justification for seeking budget support. The purpose of this study is to conduct an empirical study so as to enable formulating an assessment model for electronic journals a library has subscribed. The author firstly explores the theories and researches for the application of E-Metrics as assessment model for electronic journals. Taking the ARL E-Metrics project as a referential model, the author combines literature review, in-depth interview, and E-metrics in the research methodology to do researches about the western-language electronic journals subscribed by the National Taiwan University Library. This study has resulted in very useful assessment statistics for electronic journals. From analyzing the data collected from interviews and the related empirical study, the author is able to verify the purpose of assessment for electronic journals under collection development policy, to formulate procedures and methodology for the assessment of electronic journal resource and, the services based on it, to find out necessary components for E-Metrics assessment model for university libraries which comprises of fourteen indicators of four major criteria of (1) e-journal resources (2) its usage (3) its cost and (4) performance from it. The author concludes that the E-Metrics model is good for university libraries to assess their acquired electronic journals. Based on the findings of this study, the author recommends qualitative research to be the more adequate approach for the assessment of electronic journals and proposed the following four areas for future research: (1) investigation of Internet resources and assessment model for electronic journals under the library’s service policy (2) development of statistics and management tools for the subscribed electronic journals (3) cost study of electronic journals from economics point of view (4) analytical study of access logs of electronic journals.

大學圖書館電子資源服務品質評鑑:以國立政治大學為例 / Service Quality Evaluation of Electronic Resources at University Libraries:A Case Study of National Chengchi University

李函儒, Lee, Han Ju Unknown Date (has links)
電子資源館藏與服務在目前的大學圖書館佔有重要地位,大量且廣泛使用的對象為教師與研究生。雖然電子資源受到使用者的喜愛,但是也帶來許多複雜問題,因此,有必要從使用者的角度針對大學圖書館電子資源進行服務品質評鑑研究,有助於圖書館管理者未來發展出更符合使用者期待的電子資源服務。本研究之研究目的包含以下幾點:(1)探討大學教師與研究生對於圖書館電子資源服務的認知、重要性及使用現況;(2)探討電子資源服務品質評鑑意涵及可評鑑項目;(3)建構電子資源服務品質評鑑指標與測量工具;(4)實施電子資源服務品質評鑑以改善其服務品質,進而提供最佳電子資源服務。 本研究透過焦點團體法具體建構出大學圖書館電子資源服務品質評鑑指標,共包含三個構面與28項指標,訪談結果亦作為發展問卷之基礎。為確保指標的可行性,研究者實際發放問卷予政治大學的教師與研究生,獲得以下結論:(1)網路使用時間會影響使用者使用圖書館電子資源的頻率;(2)使用者使用圖書館中文資料庫的使用率明顯高於西文資料庫;(3)使用者使用圖書館資料庫的主要目的為「學術研究」與「課業學習」;(4)「圖書館電子資源指南」與「圖書館學術資源探索系統」為使用者查找圖書館電子資源的主要管道;(5)使用者的圖書館資料庫檢索方式以「基本檢索」與「進階檢索」為主;(6)使用者偏好將電子期刊或電子書列印紙本閱讀;(7)使用者肯定圖書館電子資源對於「完成論文計畫書/論文」、「完成作業/報告」、「提升學術研究效益」的價值;(8)沒有圖書館資料庫推廣活動參與經驗的使用者高達六成;(9)使用者認為圖書館最重要的電子資源服務為電子資源的全文提供與權威性;(10)使用者認為圖書館最滿意的電子資源服務為電子資源的權威性;(11)使用者認為圖書館最不重要的電子資源服務為館員回應線上諮詢服務的速度、館員對於使用者電子資源需求的掌握;(12)使用者認為圖書館最需要改進的電子資源服務為電子資源的全文提供、電子資源網站取得全文的易用性;(13)整體滿意度尚待提升,政大圖書館應著重電子資源館藏的提供。 針對所獲得的研究結果,本研究提出幾點建議:(1)圖書館應深入了解教師及研究生的需求,充實電子資源館藏的數量與品質;(2)在電子資源網站上放置清楚的圖示或連結、提供完整的資料庫說明;(3)圖書館與資料庫廠商應定期舉辦使用者滿意度調查;(4)配合課程提供教師相關的資料庫清單與資料庫講習訊息、提前於暑假期間針對碩一生開設電子資源基本搜尋課程。 / Electronic resources collections and services occupy an important position in current university libraries, a large number of teachers and graduate students use them widely. Although electronic resources are popular with users, they also bring a lot of complex issues. Therefore, it is necessary to use point of views of users to conduct service quality evaluation for electronic resources in university libraries. It can help library managers to develop electronic resources services more in line with user expectations in the future. This research has four purposes: (1) to investigate the cognitive, the importance and current use of library electronic resources services for teachers and graduate students ; (2) to explore implications and availability of electronic resources service quality evaluation; (3) to construct indicators and measurement tools of electronic resources service quality evaluation; (4) to implement electronic resources service quality evaluation to improve service quality, then providing the better electronic resources services. This paper had formed focus groups to construct electronic resources service quality evaluation structure which is including three dimensions and 28 indicators. Interview results also use as a basis for the development of questionnaires. In order to ensure the feasibility of indicators, questionnaires have been collected from teachers and graduate students of National Chengchi University, and obtained the following conclusions: (1) Internet usage will influence the use frequency of library electronic resources; (2) the usage of Chinese databases significantly higher than the Western languages databases; (3) the main purpose of the library users to use databases are “academic research” and “learning”; (4) “E-Resource Gateway” and “Discovery Services System” are main channels of users to find the library electronic resources; (5) “Basic Search” and “Advanced Search” are main retrieval methods of library databases of users; (6) users prefer print out electronic journals or e-books to read; (7) users affirm Library electronic resources are good for the value of “complete proposal and thesis”, “finish homework and report”, and “enhance effectiveness of academic research”; (8) users who did not participate in promotional activities of library databases up to 60%; (9) users consider the most important electronic resources services are full text and authority of electronic resources; (10) users consider the most satisfying electronic resource services is authority of electronic resources; (11) users consider the least important electronic resources services are response speed of online consulting services of librarians and grasping of user requirements of electronic resources of librarians; (12 ) users consider provide full-text of electronic resources and the usability to get the full-text in electronic resource websites are electronic resources services that most need to improve; (13) overall satisfaction has yet to improve, National Chengchi University Library should focus on providing electronic resources collections. According to the research results, this paper also proposed several suggestions: (1) the library should understand the needs of teachers and graduate students, and enrich the quantity and quality of electronic resources collections; (2) the library should place a clear icon or link in electronic resource websites, to provide complete descriptions of databases; (3) the library and database vendors should conduct user satisfaction surveys regularly; (4) the library should provide teachers with related databases lists and databases workshops messages, and offer basic search courses of electronic resources during summer vacation for freshmen in master’s program.

文字探勘在學生評鑑教師教學之應用研究 / A Study of Students’ Evaluation on Teacher’s Teaching with Text Mining

彭英錡, Peng, Ying Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解探討北部某C大學實施學生評鑑教師教學之現況,並探討大學生回答開放性問題對該課程的優點與建議,進行文字探勘分析。 本研究利用問卷調查,在期末課程結束前,利用上網方式,對該課程進行填答。問卷所得資料進行敘述統計、因素分析、信度分析、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森相關、多元迴歸與R軟體進行詞彙權重、文字雲、主題模型和群集分析。本研究結論如下: 一、學生評鑑教師教學現況以教學態度感受程度最高。 二、問卷各題項以「教師教學態度認真負責,且授足所需授課之時數」平均分數最高。 三、回饋性建議肯定「教學目標明確」最高,最需改善「彈性調整教學內容」。 四、學生評鑑教師教學因學生年級和課程類別不同而有顯著差異。 五、學生評鑑教師教學成效與學習成績呈低相關,以「教學評量」有預測力。 六、重要詞彙與文字雲發現「教學」、「內容」、「喜歡」及「同學」共同詞彙。 七、各學院主題模型命名,主要有觀察,考試與教學內容。 八、各學院集群分析結果,學生重視教學內容、學習過程與收穫及考試。 根據上述結果提出建議,以供教育行政主管機關、教師及未來研究者之參考。 / The purpose of this study was to explore the current situation of t in the C university of North, and finding the strength and suggestion of the class to opening question used text mining. Before the class will be over , a questionnaire survey, using the internet, was used to gather personal information and the measurement applied in this research. The questionnaire is analyized by descriptive statistics analysis, independent t test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation analysis, multiple regression, vocabulary weight, word cloud, topic model, and cluster analysis in R software. Conclusions obtained in this study are as in the followings: 1. The situation of student ratings of instruction scored over average on the effectiveness of teaching, with “teaching atttitude” the highest. 2.. The highest average scores of the items in the questionnaire were "serious and responsible teachers' teaching attitude and the number of hours required for teaching grants." 3. The feedback of suggestions is “The current of teaching objectives” and need to improve the “filxible adjustment of teaching content”. 4. The student ratings of instruction were vary significant in terms of student grade and course type. 5. Student ratings of instruction effectiveness and academic performance is low correlation, with "Teaching evaluation" predictive. 6. The findings on the important phrases and word clouds were “Teaching”, “Content”, “Likes”, and “Classmates”. 7. The naming of the theme model in each college is “Observation”, “Examination”, and “Teaching content”. 8. The results of cluster analysis each college were focused on “Teaching content”, “Learning process and gain”, and “Examination”. Based on the findings above, suggestions and recommendation were provided as a reference for educational administrators, and teachers, and as a guide for future research.

供應商評鑑及選擇制度之建立 - 個案研究 / Development of supplier evaluation and selection systems - a case study

呂宜欣 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,因中國及新興國家的需求下降,以及歐美國家經濟成長趨緩,使全球航運市場競爭日益激烈,造成海運業損失慘重,2016年9月,世界排名第七的韓進海運宣布破產保護。在台灣,2016年海運業虧損也超過200億元,使得行政院緊急通過海運業600億的紓困貸款。   在如此艱困的經營環境中,企業必須擁有良好的供應商評鑑制度,做出良好的採購決策,才能提供具有競爭性的服務予顧客,因此本研究將探討如何針對航運產業的供應商進行評鑑及選擇。此外,供應鏈管理最重要的部分在於如何管理供應商,因為供應商之好壞攸關整個供應鏈之品質、風險與成本,因此,本研究著重於供應鏈管理之核心,並探討管理供應商之根源,進行供應商評鑑與選擇之探討。   本研究主要為提出並示範個案公司如何建立一個完整的供應商管理系統,因此評選出之指標未必為直接適用之指標,主要以德菲法、層級分析法及文獻探討法,提出該公司如何選出適合的指標,評斷各個指標之權重,再藉由文獻探討法提出下一層級之評鑑項目。在擁有供應商評鑑指標後,於供應商管理系統中,提出公司如何評估何種情況下需要外包、如何組成評鑑小組、如何針對各個指標進行評分,及哪些採購需要使用本研究所建議之系統。 / In recent years, due to the decreasing demand in China and emerging countries and the slower economic growth in Europe and the United States, the competition in the global shipping market has become increasingly intense, resulting in heavy losses in the shipping industry. In September 2016, Hanjin Shipping, which had been the world’s seventh-largest container shipper, filed for bankruptcy protection. In Taiwan, the loss of shipping industry had exceeded NT$ 20 billion dollars in 2016, causing the Executive Yuan of the central government to emergently approve the relief loans of NT$ 60 billion for the shipping industry. In order to provide competitive services for customers in such a difficult business environment, enterprises must have a good supplier evaluation system for them to make good purchasing decisions. On this account, this study intends to explore how to conduct the evaluation and selection of suppliers in the shipping industry. In addition, a good or bad supplier would affect the quality, risk and cost of the entire supply chain, and thus the most important part of supply chain management lies on how to manage the suppliers. Therefore, this study focuses on the core of supply chain management, investigating the root of the management of suppliers, and also exploring the evaluation and selection of suppliers. This study mainly proposes and demonstrates how the subject company of the case study establishes a complete supplier management system, so that the selected indicators may not be directly applicable indicators. This study uses the Delphi Method, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and literature review to analyze how the subject company selects the appropriate indicators and determines the weight of each indicator, and also uses the literature review to determine the evaluation item for the next hierarchy. After having the evaluation indicators for suppliers, this study further proposes that in the supplier management system, how the company evaluates the needs for outsourcing in specific circumstances, how to form an evaluation team, how to score for each indicator, and what purchases need to use the system proposed in this study.

臺灣高中英文教科書中語言行為之分析 / An analysis of speech act behavior in senior high school English textbooks in Taiwan

賴思羽, Lai, Sih Yu Unknown Date (has links)
當談到外語教學時,教材具有相當重要性。其中,教科書更被視為重要的一環,是教師教學的主要資源,也是學生學習的重要指引。因此,教科書評鑑自然地受到重視。透過教科書評鑑,教師能對於教科書有適當認知並妥善利用教科書,另一方面,教科書評鑑能作為編撰者和出版商檢討與改進的參考。然而,文獻有許多有關教科書評鑑的研究,卻很少是從語言行為方面檢視臺灣高中生所使用的英文教科書。 本研究之主要目的為分析讚美、拒絕、請求三種語言行為如何呈現在三民、龍騰、遠東三套不同版本高中英文課本內的對話教材中。首先,統計三種語言行為在三套教科書內的對話中出現的頻率。接著,檢視這三種語言行為在三套教科書呈現的方式並判斷他們是否主要以美國觀點呈現。最後,探索三套教科書和教師手冊是否有提供相關語言行為的跨文化解釋。 研究結果顯示,三套教科書皆呈現三種語言行為,但是各版本著墨不一。另外,三種語言行為在三套教科書呈現的方式並不是完全採用美國觀點。更重要的是,三套教科書和教師手冊中幾乎沒有提供跨文化解釋。 本研究的發現能提供給對語言行為教學有興趣的老師和研究人員參考。研究結果希望激勵教科書編撰者、出版商以及教師重視語言行為教學,並期盼能協助教科書編撰者在未來補強三套教科書中對話教材不足之處。 / When it comes to foreign language teaching, teaching materials, without doubt, have been of vital importance. Textbooks, for teachers, serve as the major teaching resources. They are identified as important guidelines for students as well. Therefore, textbook evaluation has naturally received attention. Through textbook evaluation, for one thing, teachers can gain a proper understanding of textbooks, then making good use of them. For another thing, it enables textbook editors and publishers to examine and improve on textbooks. Although there have been many studies regarding textbook evaluation, few of them have been done on speech act behavior in senior high school English textbooks in Taiwan. The main goal of the current study is to analyze how the three speech acts, compliments, refusals, and requests, are presented in the conversation sections of the three series of the senior high school English textbooks, published by San Min, Lung Teng, and Far East. First of all, the frequency of compliments, refusals, and requests in the three series of the textbooks was examined. The next part was to look at how the three speech acts were presented in these textbooks and whether they showed American preference. Lastly, cross-cultural comparisons and contrasts in the textbooks and their corresponding teachers’ manuals were scrutinized. The results revealed that the three series of the textbooks examined presented the three speech acts in different proportion. Additionally, they were not completely presented in American ways. More importantly, there were few cross-cultural explanations found in the textbooks and their corresponding teachers’ manuals. The findings of the present study can work as reference for teachers and researchers interested in the teaching and learning of speech act behavior. They may motivate textbook editors and writers as well as teachers to place great emphasis on how to teach speech acts well. Last but not least, textbook compilers can compensate for the limitations of the conversation sections of senior high school textbooks in Taiwan in future materials development.

應用品質機能展開發展使用者導向之圖書館館藏評鑑系統 / Applying Quality Function Deployment to Develop Library Collection Evaluation System based on User Needs

陳廣宗, Chen, Kuang Chung Unknown Date (has links)
館藏評鑑是圖書館館藏發展中重要的一環,圖書館透過館藏評鑑了解館藏的現況優劣,包括內容品質、使用情形、使用者的需求差異等層面,作為修正採訪策略或讀者服務的參考。然而基於人力、成本等因素,館藏評鑑常成為圖書館的負擔,對於資源不足的中小型、基層圖書館而言,更是艱難的工作,所以尋求一套相對簡易的方法,以節省人力物力的方式進行館藏的評估,是有其需求的。 因此,本研究嘗試以「品質機能展開(Quality function deployment,QFD)」為基礎,發展一套半自動化的「使用需求導向館藏評鑑系統」,希望以系統化和新的不同評鑑模式來輔助館藏評鑑。本系統所應用之資料來源為使用者問卷調查以及圖書館自動化系統的各種紀錄,透過品質機能展開,以量化的方法將兩者做矩陣式的對應和計算並求得結果,作為輔助館藏評鑑時的參考。 本研究以台北市木柵高工圖書館為對象,研究方法及流程依次為:問卷調查、系統實作分析、訪談。首先以問卷調查法訪問學校圖書館使用者,取得使用者之需求;再將這些需求的數值輸入系統中,與圖書館自動化系統的紀錄合併進行品質機能展開計算;最後,將系統運算分析出來的結果,用訪談的方式訪問木柵高工圖書館員,檢視本系統之有效性與館員對本系統之看法。 研究之發現有以下幾點:1.應用品質機能展開所開發之系統,確實可應用於館藏評鑑,但較適合觀察長期趨勢;2. 不同使用者族群對圖書館館藏重視之層面可能有差異,此差異在本系統中會對結果造成影響,影響幅度由需求差異大小決定;3.無法量化計算的質性使用者需求,仍然受到使用者重視,在館藏評鑑中亦相當重要;4.本研究所開發之系統,有助於資源不足之基層圖書館館藏評鑑作業的推動。 / Library collection evaluation is one of important part of collection development, to understand the goodness or weakness of collection. It includes quality of content, analyzing of use, user needs, etc. But because of lake of staff and funds, collection evaluation becomes a burden to many libraries. To small libraries, it is more difficult. So it is necessary to develop a simple method to save the cost and labors for libraries. This study applies the Quality Function Deployment to develop a half-automatic library collection evaluation system, hoping to help collection evaluation works in a systematic, efficient way. The system in this study uses two kinds of data for computing: questionnaire survey of user needs and library automation system records. By applying the Quality Function Deployment, the system can combine above data and records, and generate analysis of collection and user needs in graphics. Finally, it can help decision making according to this information. This study takes Taipei Muzha vocational high school as the object, the method and procedures would be: questionnaire survey, system developing and analyzing, interview with librarians. The study obtains following conclusions: 1.Applying QFD, this system can help collection evaluation in practical, but it is more suitable to observe long-term trends than short-term; 2. Different group of users concern different needs in using library collections, those differences will affect the result of this collection evaluation system; 3. Some user needs can not be quantitated for system progressing, part of those needs are important in users’ opinions, so in a practical collection evaluation work, libraries can not ignore them; 4. This collection evaluation system can help some small-scale, basic-level, insufficient-resource libraries to accomplish their collection evaluation work.

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