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本國銀行實施新巴塞爾資本協定作業風險管理之研究蔡家鴻, Tsai, Chia-Hong Unknown Date (has links)
隨著金融自由化與國際化、衍生性金融商品盛行,金融服務推陳出新,銀行面臨的風險更加複雜。巴塞爾監理委員會於1988年7月發布「銀行自有資本之計算與自有資本標準之國際通則」(International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards),復於1996年1月發布「資本協定涵蓋市場風險修正案」(Amendment to the Capital Accord to Incorporate Market Risks),藉以提供銀行衡量信用與市場風險資本計提之標準,強化銀行間風險管理並維護國際間金融市場的穩定。為配合金融環境變遷,國際間大型銀行興起合併之風潮,銀行風險管理措施與舊版資本協定已不敷需求,巴塞爾監理委員會遂於1999年4月發布「新巴塞爾資本協定」(The New Basel Capital Accord)第一版諮詢文件(CP1)並徵詢國際間金融機構之意見,歷經數次修正最後拍版定案,並於2004年6月26日正式發布定版BASEL II,從此開啟風險管理之新紀元。
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巴賽爾資本協定(Ⅲ)對臺灣銀行業的影響 / Measuring the impact of basel capital requirement Ⅲ on the banking system of Taiwan游易霖 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究利用臺灣的資料粗略評估新版巴賽爾資本適足率規範對銀行體系的影響,以作為監管單位修正銀行資本規範之參考。實證結果顯示:當資本比率不足時,銀行會藉由提高放款利率、代換成較低風險資產或減少持有高風險資產等方式以降低影響分母的風險性資產類項目;及以增資、發行合格債券、保留盈餘等方式增加分子之資本類項目。臺灣的銀行整體而言在資本適足率規範提高時資本增加幅度大於資產減少幅度,暗示銀行業雖然會依據資金成本決定資本化方式,但可能更重視資產規模及業務市占率。反映了臺灣金融機構家數過多導致過度競爭的事實,銀行寧願使用較貴的增資方式也不願意以減少資產或縮減放貸業務等方式達到目標資本比率。從銀行調整資本項目的程度也可發現,在僅規範自有資本適足率時銀行使用成本較低的第二、三類資本去填充總資本以達目標資本比率,難以達到增加銀行業資本穩固性的效果,需進一步規範核心資本適足率始有效提高銀行吸收損失的能力。這樣的結果提供監理單位在修改法令規範上的依據:銀行有使用低成本之資本的誘因,為達到總體審慎之風險管理目的,應增訂核心資本適足率規範,並對核心資本不足之銀行採取立即糾正措施。 / In this study, we conducted a rough assessment of the impact of new Basel capital adequacy ratio on Taiwanese banking system as a consultation of regulatory amendment. The empirical results show: when the capital ratio is low, the bank will raise lending rates, reduce lending volume and other risk assets, at the same time raise capital by retaining earnings and issuing qualified bonds. Taiwan's banks in general increased capital greater than reducing risk weighted assets, suggesting that although the banks would follow the pecking order theory of the cost of capital when capitalization, but may pay more attention to asset size and market share. Reflects the phenomenon of excessive competition over the banking system in Taiwan‐banks would rather use more expensive capital than cutting loans to achieve target capital ratio. We also found that, the effectiveness of regulatory interventions intended to raise banks’ ability to absorb losses may be somewhat muted unless such capital requirements mandate the type of capital that must be raised, the banks had the incentives to favor adjustments to tiers 2 and 3 capital (or to the deductions that they make from total capital) over adjustments to tier 1 capital in order to achieve the target capital ratio. As the result, to effectively improve the banks’ ability to absorb losses, the supervisory units should add the requirements of core capital adequacy ratio and take prompt corrective actions when banks exhibit progressively deteriorating capital ratios.
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台灣BASEL II信用風險模型實施現況之探討 / The issues of the Basel II implementation in Taiwan陳思維, Chen, Szu Wei Unknown Date (has links)
台灣已於2007年初正式實施新巴塞爾資本協定(BASEL II)之相關規範,此協定透過三大支柱,強化銀行整體之風險管理,為了使我國金融體系與制度能與國際接軌,金融監理機關已發布相關管理方法與計算方式,以加強其政策面與實務面之配合,而銀行也針對其風險管理制度,進行模型建構與測試,並透過定性及定量等公開揭露,使資本適足率之計算更具風險敏感性,落實市場監督功能。
本論文針對此現象,將分別由銀行與監理機關兩個面向進行探討並提出相關建議,國內各銀行不論其信用風險之資本計提方式是使用標準法或準備邁向基礎與進階之內部評等法,皆應在其成本效益及經濟規模之考量下,建置能判斷授信客戶風險之內部評等模型與整體信用風險控管架構;而金融監理機關也應正視此趨勢,主動並積極建立相關之信用風險資料庫,或與聯徵中心合作,加強我國中小企業之信用評等模型,並應儘速培訓信用風險相關人才,以具備判別各銀行內部信用評等模型差異性之能力。 / Basel II has changed the game of the financial system, and the regime started on 1st January 2007 in Taiwan. The new regulatory capital framework provides incentives for a stronger risk management and makes regulatory capital much closer to economic capital. Furthermore, it relies more on high quality and accurate data, which requires convergence of risk and financial data, information and reporting. However, since the financial crisis began in mid-2007, the majority of losses and most of the build up of leverage occurred not only in the banking but the trading book. An important factor was that the current capital framework for both credit and market risks, a subject whose importance is gaining momentum among the bank these days. The Basel II Accord requires banks to keep capital for Credit risk for banking book exposures and Market risk for trading book exposures. As a result, the bank may be forced to hold more capital than current rules demand to guard against losses on some kind of complex financial products.
Taiwan Financial Supervisory Commission has decided to implement Basel II starting from 2007 and the implementation has resulted in a significant impact in the banking industry in Taiwan. However, two years later, most of the banks in Taiwan are still using the standard method to calculate its Credit Risk. By consulting and investigating the Basel II implementation in some representative local banks in Taiwan, this research find some issues and presents several suggestions of the BASEL II implementation in Taiwan.
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巴塞爾Ⅱ內部評等法對放款定價影響之研究—以個案銀行為例蘇新幼 Unknown Date (has links)
囿於台灣金融市場的過度競爭,銀行在授信時多以削價競爭,以圖擴大市佔率,以致平均放款利差持續縮減。金管會乃於2006年要求銀行訂定放款定價政策,以反應實際承擔之風險。因此,如何發展及善用適合我國市場的評估模型,以精準地從事風險基礎定價,應是金融機構的重要課題之一。我國行政院金融監督管理委員會為讓台灣與國際接軌,於2007年正式實施新巴賽爾資本協定,其中之內部評等法即提供銀行實施風險定價一個很好的基礎。本研究目的即在於探討個案銀行在內部信用評等制度下,企業授信之定價能否充分反映風險成本。透過資料的分析,我們發現實際的企業授信定價仍是深受市場利率水準與決策模式的影響,無法充分反映風險成本。換言之,信用評等所反應的風險高低,對業者而言只是定價的一種參考。 / Taiwan’s financial market is known to be over-banking, most banks can do nothing but to lower price to raise market share. At the same time, credit spreads are decreasing for the recent years. For this reason, Taiwan’s financial regulator asks banks to establish loan pricing polices to make sure they take into account the credit risk of their customers carefully in 2006. Also, it becomes an important topic for Taiwan banks to develop suitable models for risk pricing. Basel II has been implemented in Taiwan in 2007, and the IRB of Basel II has provided solid foundations for risk pricing. Under the internal rating system, we want to know if loan pricing could cover risk cost. After studing one of sample bank in Taiwan, we find loan pricing is mostly affected by market competition and then could not cover risk cost. In other words, the risk scale implied by credit rating is just for reference.
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銀行信用風險管理分析-運用內部評等模型 / Bank credit risk management analysis- The use test of internal rating model許媛媛, Hsu, Irene Unknown Date (has links)
(1) 銀行應加強信用風險衡量能力,落實全面風險管理文化;
(2) 銀行應建立內部信用評等系統定期、持續、獨立驗證機制;
(3) 銀行應強化與業務連結之風險管理機制以及授信組合風險管理;
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違約戶稀少時之估計條件違約機率 / Estimating Conditional PD when Defaults Number is Small唐延新, Tang,yan hsin Unknown Date (has links)
約機率等,來驗證此方法的準確度與穩定度,並且與Van der Burgt (2008)、Tasche(2009)的估計方法比較。 / By the internal rating-based approach of Basel II, banks estimate borrowers' default risks to withdraw reserves independently. Hence, estimating default probability (PD) of borrowers is important. Most of previous studies estimating PD assume that evaluation scores are discrete, In this study, we use curve function to t estimation model in the condition that the evaluation scores are continuous
. We use truncated gamma distribution to t ROC curve function. And we use the ROC curve function to estimate PD of dierent scores. And use two-step method to nd the value of two parameters in gamma distribution. The estimation method in this study doesn't assume the distribution of estimation scores,so we use dierent distributions, parameters, and default probabilities to test the
accuracy and stability of this method. In the end, we also compare our methods with Van der Burgt (2008) and Tasche (2009)' methods.
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銀行資本適足性管理辦法修正實施前後台灣銀行業資產配置之比較與探討梅元貞 Unknown Date (has links)
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巴塞爾資本協定三之流動性風險規範指標對銀行資產負債表結構影響之分析—以臺灣銀行業為例 / The Analysis on the Impacts of Liquidity Regulations under BASEL III on Banks’ Balance Sheet Structures:Evidence from Taiwan官姿伶, Kuan, Tzu Ling Unknown Date (has links)
銀行產業之特性使得其容易遭受流動性風險之影響,且現行的新巴塞爾資本協定(BASEL II)未具備統一的流動性管理制度,導致銀行在金融危機時期,因為流動性短缺招致經營困境,造成金融體系的崩潰。為此巴塞爾銀行監理委員會(BASEL Committee on Banking Supervision, BCBS)在2010年提出巴塞爾資本協定三(BASEL III),除了對於資本要求提出較嚴格定義外,更首度對流動性風險提出量化指標,包含流動性覆蓋比率(Liquidity Coverage Ratio, LCR)以及淨穩定資金比率(Net Stable Funding Ratio, NSFR)。本文將採用個案研究與實證分析,分別探討兩項規範指標實施後將對銀行之資產負債表內外結構產生何種影響。研究結果指出,若銀行選擇增加第二層高品質流動性資產以提升高品質流動性資產總額,將使利息收入高於投資在第一層高品質流動性資產,銀行可同時兼顧監理機關最低監理要求和公司獲利。淨穩定資金比率方面,外商銀行的表現明顯優於公股及民營銀行。而實證結果亦顯示若淨穩定資金比率於研究期間開始執行,將使銀行更加謹慎審視其所面臨之風險,進而減少自身所承擔之風險,以提升資本穩定度。 / After financial crisis, the turmoil in global financial markets raises issues with macroeconomic policies, financial stabilities and regulations. Hence BASEL III has been introduced. BASEL III is a comprehensive set of reform measures, proposed by the BASEL Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS). It builds on the BASEL I and BASEL II documents, and seeks to enhance the banking sector's ability, improve risk management and banks' transparency. Besides, it introduced two required liquidity ratios, i.e. the Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) and the Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR). This paper investigates the impact of new liquidity regulations on banks’ balance sheet structure by two methodologies. First, we study the case of bank in Taiwan to find out how LCR affects bank’s operation. Secondly, we select 18 commercial banks in Taiwan and classify them into three categories based on the type of ultimate controller to tell differences among three samples concerning the components of NSFR. Finally, we applied NEWEY-WEST HAC method with samples of 18 commercial banks in Taiwan to figure out the factors that may affects bank’s risk-taking, we utilize and analysis each bank’s financials during the period from 2010 to 2013. Our results show that the object of the study can reach the minimum requirement of LCR. Besides, BASEL III capital stability requirement, if implemented in the sample period, probably would diminish risk-taking by banks. This research can also provide banks with the information about how the liquidity regulations affect banks’ balance sheet structure.
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導入資料採礦技術於新巴塞爾協定下企業信用模型-以製造業為例陳佳樟, Chen, Chia-Chang Unknown Date (has links)
2006 年新巴塞爾資本協定的施行,台灣各家銀行皆陸續步入實施新協定的軌道,發展以風險評等的觀念來計算法定適足資本,讓銀行採自建信用評等系統來評估違約暴險,並透過信用評等達到早期預警的效果,降低信用風險。而資料採礦則是近年來在應用分析領域中相當熱門的議題。
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應用資料採礦技術建置符合新巴塞爾協定之信用風險模型–以傳統產業為例徐慧玲 Unknown Date (has links)
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