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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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尋找夢幻玻璃鞋:網路流行女鞋品牌網站服務品質與顧客知覺價值研究─以流行女鞋品牌Grace gift為例 / A research of the relationship among website Service Quality of on-line fashion ladies’ shoes brand and customer Perceived Value

蘇靖婷, Su, Ching Ting Unknown Date (has links)
根據資策會產業情報研究所與行政院之調查,台灣線上購物市場近年來以每年20%~30%的成長率持續穩健的發展著,2011年年度總產值預計可達2.515億元,至2015年則可望突破新台幣一兆元。而無論網路購物(B2C)或是網路拍賣(C2C)市場,女性消費者都已躍升為最重要的消費主力,其中,又以「流行女裝」、「美容保養」、「流行女鞋」為產值最高之前三大商品類別。 本研究基於研究興趣與相關文獻資料回顧結果,選擇網路流行女鞋品牌Grace gift作為研究主題,並透過「服務品質」、「知覺價值」、「顧客滿意度」,以及「顧客忠誠度」等四個變項,探討其經營內涵;進一步檢視四個變項之間的影響關係,並深入探究顧客對於Grace gift的觀感與評價。 本研究透過量化網路問卷以及質化深度訪談兩種方式進行資料蒐集與調查,研究結果顯示,網路流行女鞋品牌Grace gift之服務品質、知覺價值對於顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度確實有顯著正向的影響,且相較於服務品質,知覺價值對於顧客滿意度、顧客忠誠度具有更強大的影響力。然而,顧客對於品牌所提供的商品與服務雖然普遍感到滿意,但忠誠度仍嫌不足,因此,本研究根據問卷統計分析與訪談結果,提出以下行銷策略建議以供業者及其他網路品牌作為參考與借鏡。 一、強化網頁間的連結度,使商品、服務、推廣三位一體 二、通路差異化經營,建議善用官方網站彰顯品牌形象與精神 三、推出特殊節日限定紀念款塑造品牌特色 四、透過大型團購集殺活動吸引新顧客;藉由季末酬賓感恩活動維繫舊顧客 五、舉辦公關及公益活動與社會大眾建立關係,正面提升品牌形象 / According to the survey by Market Intelligence & Consulting Institute(MIC) and the Executive Yuan, Taiwan's online shopping market in recent years keeps developing with the steady growth rate of 20% to 30%. The annual output value of 2011 is expected to reach 251.5 million NT dollars and till 2015 which will exceed NT $ 1 trillion. Nowadays no matter in B2C or C2C market, female consumers have jumped to the most important main position of consumption and become to the most valuable clients. So this research bases on researcher’s personal interest and the results of past related references, selects the most popular online ladies’ fashion shoes brand “Grace gift” as the theme. By using both quantitative and qualitative research methods, this research tries to explore the connotation of its business management through the four variables including “service quality”, “perceived value", "customer satisfaction" and "customer loyalty” and further examines the relationship among these variables. After analyzing the data of online questionnaires and qualitative interviews with customers, the research result shows that the significant and positive impacting relationship deed exist between service quality, perceived value, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. And compared to service quality, perceived value takes a more obvious, positive and powerful influence in shaping customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Finally, this research provides 5 marketing strategy recommendations as blow: 1.Strengthen the links between the webpages and make the products, services, and promotion to be the trinity. 2.Create difference of management in the two selling channels and use the official website to highlight the brand image and spirit. 3.Provide unique design shoes for special holiday and anniversary to build brand characteristics. 4.Hold large-scale group-buying events to attract new customers and maintain the old customers through thanksgiving activities. 5.Organize PR events and public charity activities to build relationship with the community and positively enhance the brand image.

消費者網路購買經驗品之研究─以服裝為例 / Consumer's Behavior for Online Cloth Shopping

林含諭 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來網路購物市場的發展蓬勃,其營業成長狀況每年有近兩位數字的成長。由於不少研究顯示,網路購物由於本身通路性質,使得網路購物有一定的侷限性,因此,認為網路比較合適像是搜尋品類產品的販賣,而經驗品類的產品較不合適在在網路上販售。然而,實際網路銷售狀況卻有不同的結果。根據許多調查發現,網路消費者購買的品類排名中,以服裝和配件居冠,美容保健產品居次。而十大台灣人氣賣家中,就有三家服飾類賣家和一家美妝美保養類賣家。屬於體驗型產品的服裝類銷售,在網路購物市場中表現十分傑出。 本研究欲針對這樣理論與實際狀況的不同加以研究,探討促成消費者網購服裝的行為原因。本研究把網購行為分為「網路購買服裝頻次」、「平均網購服裝金額」和「平均網購服裝件數」;而影響的因素則從「網路使用經驗」、「網路知覺風險」、「購物導向」、「流行涉入程度」及認知中的「服裝屬性」等五大方面著手。 本研究以問卷方式獲取初級資料,收獲有效問卷共354份,經過統計回歸分析後發現,「節省力氣之便利型購物導向」、「體驗型購物導向」和「流行涉入程度」此三項,最顯著影響消費者網路購買服裝行為。節省力氣之便利型購物導向消費者,傾向具高度方便性的網際網路上購物,其網購頻次高,平均購買件數也高。若是又具備高流行涉入程度,則會增加其在網路上購買服裝的金額。此外,網路使用經驗越久、平常上網時間越長、對服裝有情感性利益及功能性利益的人,都有網路購買服裝的傾向。而還有其他顯著影響因素待於研究中一一闡述。

比較「智慧型手機主導之行動網路購物」與「電腦網路購物」兩者之相對屬性與重要性 / Relative attribute importance of smartphone driven mobile commerce compared to computer based electronic commerce

柯思維, Servio Fernando Kloeth Unknown Date (has links)
現今智慧型手機之網路通路價值與電腦相比仍較低,也使得現今使用智慧型手機網路交易的比例仍低於使用電腦網路交易的比例。本研究採用付出為結構模型及恆等性分析,研究結果顯示,智慧型手機因其有用性及易用性較電腦低,因此使用者以手機網路交易的傾向也偏低。本研究以科技接受模型發現70%至80%的使用者都是因受社會及同儕影響,而較不傾向使用手機進行網路交易。一般認為,手機的便利性相對也使手機網路交易平台的風險提高。然而,研究結果顯示,以電腦從事網路交易的風險與手機網路交易的風險相當,便利性也幾無差異。因此本研究以社會影響為探討方向,認為其為影響現代人以手機從事網路交易的重要關鍵。 / The net channel value of smartphone driven mobile-commerce measured against the alternative of computer based electronic-commerce is at this point in time still low. In an exploratory effort structural modeling and invariance analysis reveals mobile commerce is viewed with a less positive usability disposition in the light of usefulness and effortlessness. An adaptation of the Technology Acceptance model accounting for 70-80% of usage intention indicates social influences experienced from peers to engage the mobile platform is lower. Convenience and perceived risk are usually considered attributes relatively important for the m-commerce platform. However, the analysis reveals little difference of these attributes' salience compared with e-commerce, absolute scores for convenience are similar, and perceived risk seems to have marginal effects on usage in general. Social influences, experienced as lower for mobile commerce is a especially salient concept in determining usability disposition and ultimately intention to use mobile commerce, as is the salience of the usability disposition larger for mobile commerce than for electronic commerce.

電視購物與消費者行為之研究 / A study of TV Shopping and Consumer Behavior

廖筱清 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣電視購物產業蓬勃發展,加上「數位匯流」趨勢,主要電視購物業者 紛紛整合電視、網路、手機等通路,使台灣電視購物規模不斷擴大,消費者有何 需求、對於電視購物頻道行銷手法有何感受,乃值得深究的課題。 本研究採用深度訪談法的半結構式訪談,以立意抽樣方式,訪談10 位居住 在大台北地區的電視購物消費者,旨在探討其需求,以及其對於電視購物頻道行 銷手法的感受。 研究發現: 一、受到電視購物便利性吸引,購買日常生活用品、旅遊產品的人很多。 二、儘管消費者常在電視購物消費,但會到實體通路購買物品。 三、由於無法親自看到商品,電視購物消費者感到知覺風險。 四、電視購物消費者喜歡的主持人特質是誠懇、有信用。 五、電視購物消費者對特定頻道較無忠誠度。 六、電視購物消費者在下單時,偏好專人接聽服務。 七、電視購物消費者雖然肯定電視購物便利性與商品便宜價格,但是仍對 品質有疑慮。 八、電視購物消費者認為未來電視購物將繼續蓬勃發展,是時勢所趨。 本研究根據研究結果,提出研究建議如下: 一、政府監督,落實鑑賞制度 二、付款安全,推第三方支付 三、積極管理,盼主持人自制 四、服務取勝,勿用噱頭行銷 五、養忠誠度,可用集點紅利 六、專人接聽,供客製化服務 七、提供試用,通路虛實整合 八、數位匯流,整合不同系統 九、賺親友財,引入推薦制度 十、強化物流,退貨化繁為簡 / The TV shopping industry has been thriving these years. With the trend of digital convergence, major TV shopping enterprises are dedicated to integrating different channels, including TV, the Internet and mobile phones and broaden the size of the industry. What customers need and how they feel about the marketing strategies of the TV shopping channels are issues worthy to research. Adopting semi-structured and depth interview, the study applies purposive sampling and interviews 10 TV shopping consumers living in greater Taipei area, aiming to investigate these consumers’ demands and their feelings about marketing strategies of TV shopping channels in Taiwan. The findings are: 1. Due to the convenience, consumers are attracted to purchase daily necessaries and tourism products. 2. Consumers purchase at brick-and-mortar stores though they often do TV shopping. 3. Consumers feel perceived risk because they can’t see the product themselves. 4. Consumers hope hosts of TV shopping programs to be sincere and honest. 5. Consumers are not loyal to specific TV shopping channel. 6. Consumers prefer to be served by people rather than phonetic system. 7. Consumers worry about quality of goods even though they affirm the convenience of TV shopping and lowers prices of goods. 8. Consumers hold optimistic attitude towards the development of TV shopping in the future. Based on the research conclusion, the suggestions are: 1. The government should supervise the Satisfaction Guarantee & Return Policy of TV shopping channels. 2. Third-Party Payment should be implemented to enhance the safety. 3. The hosts of TV shopping programs should not exaggerate the effects of products. 4. TV shopping channels should put more emphasis on service and avoid tricks meant to deceive. 5. The activity of bonus points should be implemented to make consumers loyal to specific TV shopping channels. 6. More customized services should be provided. 7. TV shopping enterprises should integrate different shopping channels and provide probationary service. 8. Different systems should be integrated to meet the era of digital convergence. 9. Introduction systems should be used to make more consumers shopping with their family members. 10. Logistic systems should be fortified to make it easier for consumers to return their goods.

PCHome 24小時購物之創新技術競爭策略 -以倉儲管理技術之專利分析為基礎 / The competitive strategy of technological innovation of PCHome 24-hour shopping– based on patent analysis of warehouse management technology

陳桂弦 Unknown Date (has links)
在此網路普及、電子商務發展、全球化經營等趨勢下,倉儲管理要面對的是更有效與精確的處理以及儲存更多的品項,以較低的成本並滿足多樣的顧客需求;為維持企業競爭力,倉儲技術已經成為企業營運在產業競爭中的關鍵議題。 本研究是一個探索性的個案研究,研究對象為PCHome24小時購物事業部,分析基本架構為Chen(1996)所提出的動態競爭理論架構。依據PCHome論述有關倉儲管理的創新技術,透過專利資料分析,先以宏觀的角度來探討類似之倉儲管理技術樣貌,再以微觀的層面,探討其他擁有關聯性技術資源的廠商和PCHome 24小時購物之競爭關係以及策略。 研究結果顯示,擁有與PCHome 24小時購物創新倉儲管理類似技術的專利權人,其所屬於產業有與PCHome 24小時購物相同的電子商務,其他還有製造、健康照護、軟體資訊以及供應鍵自動化系統顧問服務業等,呈現多廣泛多元。依據Chen(1996)的動態競爭理論架構分析發現,擁有與PCHome所論述之創新倉儲管理技術概念類似技術專利的廠商,在不同的產業,依不同的市場共同性與專利技術資源相似程度,產生不同的市場策略與技術專利策略。其中包含PCHome面對相同市場時的優先專利佈局以防堵競爭對手進入策略,或透過專利訴訟發動攻擊性行動;面對已被專利的技術特徵時做回避以及差異化專利佈局以保護市場的防禦性行動;透過不同市場的相關專利技術做交叉授權或直接併購/取得技術專利授權,以強化自身專利技術來確保市場競爭力;以及最後,將其倉儲創新技術專利化商品化來開拓新市場,以及透過專利授權來賺取授權金以增加營收等策略。 / Basing on the popularity of internet, development of e-commerce, and business globalization, enterprises need more efficient and accurate warehouse management technology to meet diverse customer needs. In order to maintain the competitiveness of enterprises, innovative technology has become a key issue of the enterprises operating in industrial competition. This study is an exploratory case study and we select PCHome 24-hour Shopping as the subject. The foundation of this study is basing on the theoretical framework of dynamic competitive proposed by Chen (1996). According to the PCHome discourse on the warehouse management of innovative technologies, we started with the macro perspective to explore the similar appearance of the technologies basing on patent analysis; and then, to the micro level, we investigate the other enterprises which have similar technical resources and discuss their competitive relationship and business strategy of PChome. The results show that, the patentees which have similar technologies patents belong to diverse industries including e-commerce, manufacturing, health care, software information technology and supply chain automation systems consultancy services. Basing on the dynamic competitive framework, PCHome would produce different market strategy and patent strategy to the patentees depending on the market commonality and patented technology resources similarity. These competitive strategies include launching offensive action through patent litigation or attempt to prevent the entry strategies of competitors. Facing to the patentee who has patented similar technology, PCHome should avoid patented technical features and differentiate patent portfolio to protect the market. Further, through cross-licensing patented technology or directly to M & A / access to relate technology patents could strengthens the innovative technology to ensure market competitiveness. And finally, patenting or commercializing the innovative technologies could develop new markets, as well as through patents to earn licensing fees to increase revenues.


賴琦捷 Unknown Date (has links)
觀光產業為現在世界主要產業之一,稱之為「無煙囪產業」,因其汙染少且外部成本相較許多工業產業來的低,許多國家都致力於發展觀光業,投入許多政策吸引觀光客到訪。我國政府近年來也推動許多政策是針對外籍旅客觀光計畫。如民國92年的「觀光客倍增計畫」預期於2008年達成目標,於是在同年於「觀光發展條例」中增訂的「外籍旅客購物退稅」,外籍旅客購物退稅的實施更是發展觀光產業的重要措施之一,觀光產業在觀光較為發達的已開發國家中,都十分重視旅客購物退稅這項措施,臺灣政府於民國92年實施政策至今,經歷了幾次重大改制,本文致力於研究於民國100年7月實施的「現場小額退稅」措施,是否對來臺外籍旅客的消費行為有顯著影響,並對今年實施的新制退稅措施是否再次影響旅客消費意願作出預期。 本研究以外籍旅客國籍及其消費金額之追蹤資料進行迴歸分析,蒐集位於臺北市區的某特定營業人2009年8月至2015年12月的外籍旅客退稅資料,針對來自七個國家及地區的外籍遊客消費行為建立來臺觀光需求模型。以政府實施的「現場小額退稅」措施當作主要的政策變數,並選取幾個影響旅客需求的重要變數為控制變數,建立以旅客總消費量、平均消費量、特定營業人之營業額為因變數的三個模型,觀察政策變數及其他控制變數對於外籍旅客消費行為的影響。 以全體樣本實證結果發現,本政策變動對於旅客總消費量、商店之營業額均有顯著正向影響,對於旅客平均消費量也是正面的影響;本文也將七個國家及地區分別討論,以美國、日本及中國旅客對於政策效果的影響最為顯著且正向,其他國家雖不顯著但多為正向關係。顯見政策的推動確實有助於提升外籍旅客來臺及消費意願,對發展臺灣觀光旅遊產業是一項助益。 / According to UNWTO, tourism industry has experienced continuous growth and become one of the fastest growing economic sectors in the world. Many countries have committed themselves to developing tourism industry nowadays due to lower externality. Taiwanese government also has some implemented plans on tourism industry of which foreigners are allowed to apply for “VAT Refund”, hoping that the increase in international tourist may give the economy a boost. Our study has conducted an empirical analysis on the policy of On-Site Small Amount Tax Refund, which is mainly concentrated in panel data estimation. The purpose of this thesis is to find out the effect of this policy. First, we use Dummy variable as a main variable to capture the influence of the policy. Second, we introduce both the demand factors and the supply factors to explain tourism spending in Taiwan. The span of the data is from August 2009 to December 2015, using Tax Refund data of foreigners from 7 countries and districts. Our empirical analysis show that the Tax Refund policy has had significantly positive effect on both dependent variables, including total consumption and store revenue, especially these from U.S.A., Japan and China. These three countries show the strongest response to the dependent variables. It also shows that implementation of this Tax Refund policy really contributes to our tourism industry by increasing international tourism receipts of Taiwan.


王亭享 Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 台灣地區近日網路購物的人數快速成長,因此,消費者對於網路商品的需求大增,是否能從網路商店購買到價廉物美的商品乃為消費者關心的焦點。且根據資策會的調查,書籍是網路購物者的最愛,基於探討網路商店定價行為的國外文獻大抵僅以美國為研究對象,偏重於簡單的統計與迴歸分析,欠缺較深入的統計方法如單因子變異數分析法及集群分析法,加上國內缺乏針對網路商店定價行為從事分析的實證文獻,於是本研究將以書籍為研究對象,蒐集國內傳統書店和網路書店銷售書籍的價格,綜合了迴歸分析、無母數統計、單因子變異數分析及集群分析四大方法從事書店定價行為的分析。本研究先以複迴歸分析探討不同書店之書籍售價的決定因素;再以無母數統計法比較不同購買數量及不同種類的書籍售價;然後,以單因子變異數分析和Turkey、Scheffe兩兩比較法剖析書籍的售價與書店的關聯性;最後,以策略群組分析法探索書店間經營策略的類似性及差異性。 結果顯示,網路書店彼此之間的價格競爭較實體書店之間激烈。書店的書籍銷售價格和資本額、員工數成正向關係,資本額越大、員工數越多則書籍銷售價格越高,書店歷史、商品種類則和書店書籍銷售價格有負向關係,書店歷史越久、商品種類越多,則書籍銷售價格越便宜。再者,比較不同購買數量的書籍售價後發現消費者只要購買兩本書籍以上,網路書店比實體書店便宜,而若消費者只購買一本書籍,在網路書店購買會較吃虧。還有,在工商企管、健康旅遊及文學類三類書籍的價格比較下,書籍售價排序由低到高為文學類、健康旅遊類、工商企管類。接下來,從書籍與書店的關聯性來看,誠品網路書店的書籍銷售價格最高,華文網和搜主義的書籍最便宜。此外,本研究發現,實體書店所開設的網路分店書籍的售價都較實體書店高,而且純網路書店的書籍銷售價格顯著較實體書店的網路分店便宜。 最後,在策略群組分析法中發現19家書店可分為6個群組:節省開銷,專於本業型 (政大書城、上達書局、聯經出版社、今日書局、搜主義網路書店、三民網路書店及誠品網路書店)、圖書館結合百貨公司型 (誠品書店)、大規模經營型 (金石堂書店、新學友書局、博客來網路書店及新絲路網路書店);第四群小百貨公司型 (建宏書局、三民書局、摩爾書店、金石堂網路書店及華文網路書店);第五群致力服務型 (何嘉仁書店);第六群國際級圖書館型 (紀伊國屋書店)。

跨境網購消費者價值之探討:方法目的鏈理論之應用 / Exploring Consumer Value of Cross-Border Online Shopping: An Application of Means-End Chain Theory and Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

張良碩 Unknown Date (has links)
目前線上購物網站正面臨著削價競爭、低品質競爭的市場困境,而跨境線上購物卻展現出蓬勃的發展態勢。也由於跨境線上購物的複雜性遠高於傳統的境內線上購物,因此了解跨境消費者之價值是跨境線上購物最重要的成功因素。業者欲開發海外新市場,必須了解該地消費者行為與其決策過程後制定出好的商業策略,才能獲得消費者青睞。 因此本研究以方法目的鏈之「屬性-結果-價值」(attribute-consequence-value)階層分析,建構消費者對跨境線上購物的價值階層圖(hierarchical value map),探討並分析其中的內涵,並帶入馬斯洛需求層級(hierarchy of needs),將價值階層元素之重要性加以排序。藉由引取消費者在使用跨境線上購物服務的理由與所帶來的內在價值,預測與分析現在跨境線上購物之的演進與發展、國際貿易之機會等,勾勒線上購物學術界的未來重要研究方向,並供線上購物產業作實務性決策參考。 / While online shopping websites are facing the difficulties of price and low-quality competition, cross-border online shopping is on a vigorous development trend, showing that cross-border online shopping is an important trend of online shopping field. Due to the complexity of cross-border online shopping is much higher than the traditional domestic online shopping, so understanding the value of cross-border online shopping consumers is the most important success factors. Companies want to develop new markets abroad, must understand the local consumer’s behavior and their decision-making process in order to make good business strategies. This study uses means-end chain to construct Taiwanese cross-border online shopping consumers’ hierarchical value map, and also apply to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, then sorting these value elements’ importance by their position in hierarchy of needs. After obtained the reason why consumers use cross-border online shopping service and what values they got in this service. Researcher can predict and analyze the evolution and development of cross-border online shopping, provide reference for future online shopping academic studies and online shopping industry’s decision-making.


洪萱 Unknown Date (has links)
消費者滿意與顧客忠誠一直都是行銷學術研究的重點之一。過去研究指出,如果產品或服務的表現能夠符合顧客的先前期望,顧客便會感到滿意,而滿意的顧客,會提升他們對品牌的忠誠。但在現今科技發達、資訊複雜的市場中,顧客的滿意並不一定會轉變成忠誠。而事實上研究也發現,留住現有顧客所能帶給公司的利潤往往比吸收新顧客來得高。隨著消費者需求不斷提升,對產品的認知也越來越清楚,消費者瞭解如何在成本的考量下,替自己創造最高的效用。因此,光是滿意的顧客顯然是不夠的,可能還是無法保證顧客的再惠顧行為,進而增加公司的利潤。相信不論對行銷學界或是實務應用上,深入瞭解顧客忠誠的形成因素,是非常迫切且值得探討的。   在追求顧客滿意與顧客忠誠之間,滿意度或許是達到忠誠度的必要條件,但並非充分條件,可能還有其他因素會直接影響顧客忠誠。換句話說,提升顧客滿意,進而使得他們在態度與行為上對廠商忠誠,勢必還有一些其他的因素,是廠商必須深入瞭解且努力的目標。本研究以交易成本理論為主,透過以大型百貨/購物中心消費者為假設驗證對象,希望能夠深入探討影響顧客滿意與忠誠的形成因素。   根據實證結果發現,對百貨/購物中心的消費者來說,廠商所提供的產品、服務,以及消費者對該廠商的信任度都會影響消費者的整體滿意度;而整體滿意度、信任度,以及消費者與該廠商所建立的專屬資產會影響消費者在態度上的忠誠;此外,本研究實證結果也說明,除了態度忠誠外,與消費者建立相當的專屬資產,也可以使消費者在行為上忠誠該廠商。   最後,由上述實證結果,以交易成本理論為基礎,提供給百貨/購物中心業者關於如何創造顧客滿意度與忠誠度的建議。

網路交易法律問題之研究–由商品與服務提供者的角度觀察 / Legal Problems of Internet transactions-from the perspective of goods and service providers

鄒順安, Tsou, Shun An Unknown Date (has links)
隨著網路、新聞、報章雜誌等等各種管道的報導與介紹,愈來愈多人期望能在網路開店或投入網路創業。這些在網路提供商品或服務的群體,有哪些該注意的交易糾紛與法律問題?本文將從網路交易中之商品與服務提供者的角度來觀察其法律責任與保障。 首先介紹常見的網路開店模式,例如自行架設購物網站、網路商城(或稱網路商店街)模式以及網路購物中心模式等,分別討論其中可能涉及之法律問題以及當事人之間的法律關係。關於網路交易之金流處理,則以付款機制、付款平台以及網路代幣之發展進行觀察,探討隨著網路金流愈趨便利而產生的風險。尤其是網路金流機制所衍生的信用卡冒用盜刷以及個人資料保護問題,更是不容忽視。至於網路交易中常見的糾紛,以網頁標錯價格、數位商品之猶豫期、信用卡冒用盜刷等案例,就其中的法律問題參照學說、實例之見解,進行討論與評析。最後在結論中整理出商品、服務提供者選擇網路開店應注意之法律相關事項,並對日後網路交易立法的方向提供一些個人之淺見。

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