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社會運動中的法意識: 以中科三期的法律動員為中心 / Law in Movement: Legal mobilization in CTSP (3rd Stage) Dispute江可捷, Chiang, Ko Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
為何勝訴判決之後,人民還需走上街頭?本研究的問題意識是:法律/法意識(legal consciousness)在社會運動中扮演何種角色?回顧既有研究,法律人類學、法意識、法律動員(legal mobilization)開展出觀看社會中實際運作法律的視角。本研究則意在探討中科三期運動者的法意識,引入中科三期法律動員的過程,結合理論敘述中科三期的故事,也發展法意識與法律動員理論的對話可能。
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民族發展及其文學史—紐西蘭毛利民族與台灣原住民族的比較 / The Development of Ethnicity and its History of Literature: A Comparison of New Zealand Māori People and Taiwan Indigenous Peoples梁文, Liang, Wen (Lawa Iwan) Unknown Date (has links)
台灣戒嚴看似延宕民族權益的發展,然而實際上台灣原住民族的民族邊界比毛利民族來的清晰。毛利民族比台灣原住民族早於一百餘年歷經同化政策,並發展「認同論」的民族認定。再者,毛利民族語言及部落經驗急速消逝,文學也發展「內部」的創作議題。雖然毛利民族運動走在前端,但是伴隨都市化及疏離其民族文化,驅使毛利民族成為民族性質薄弱的「概念民族」。唯有回到穩定及具有內聚力量的民族語言,才有辦法在時間洪流裡體現民族的主體性。目前,台灣原住民族尚未走到紐國的經驗。但倘若持續未意識到民族語言的重要性,極有可能步上毛利民族的經驗。 / The aim of the thesis, The Development of Ethnicity and its History of Literature: A Comparison of New Zealand Māori People and Taiwan Indigenous Peoples, is to compare the ethnic developments of the New Zealand Maori and Taiwan’s indigenous peoples, and further characterize the history of their literature. Before the New Southbound Policy, researchers have been devoted to contributing abundant Maori research. However, many of them only chose a certain topic to write about, ignoring other perspectives or orientations, which only revealed the tip of the iceberg. For this reason, the thesis ascertained other aspects with a holistic approach. Several similarities exist between the Maori and Taiwan’s indigenous peoples: both were Austronesian peoples, and share similar languages and cultures. In addition, they both undergone colonization and launched ethnic movements to regain their rights.
The thesis is divided into three periods, which are before the ethnic movement, during the ethnic movement, and after the ethnic movement. Each chapter demonstrates its social context and the significant ethnic writers at that time. The thesis first illustrates Maori and Taiwan indigenous peoples’ unawakened ethnic consciousness through their literary writings. During the ethnic movement, both ethnic groups launched the ethnic movement and published their political perspectives during political and economic instability. Afterwards, the Maori and Taiwan’s indigenous peoples share different values in accordance with different social context after their respective ethnic movement. Finally, the thesis examines their social contexts and their literature through three aspects of ethnic literature, which are identity, language, and theme.
The thesis is composed of seven chapters. The introduction reviews the purpose of the study, its motivation, and the background. Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 provide an overview of ethnic certification, the status of ethnic language, and the distribution of Maori and Taiwan’s indigenous peoples. Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 depicts Maori and Taiwan indigenous peoples’ social contexts and literature respectively. By comparing both ethnic groups, Chapter 5 shows their similarities and differences. Conclusions are drawn in Chapter 7. The conclusion offer incentives and disincentives from the Maori’s experience, which could be the inspiration for Taiwan’s indigenous peoples.
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印尼留台學生在促進印台關係中的角色 / The Role of Indonesian Students in Enhancing Indonesia-Taiwan Relations平亞諦, Putri, Ardila Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的主要目的是考察印尼學生在他們的學生組織中如何扮演促進印尼與台灣之間關係的角色。本論文用公共外交的概念與分析框架,以作者在台就學之便親身參與各項印尼學生組織活動的經驗觀察所得,結合相關的文獻分析,最後發現,印尼學生在促進印台關係中扮演三種角色:1. 強化兩國人民的關係;2. 增進彼此的瞭解;3. 提升了兩國彼此在對方民眾與社會中的能見度與形象。而印尼學生之所以可以在台灣非穆斯林社會達到這樣的成果,主要歸功於:1. 印尼社群的互助傳統(gotong-royong)變成他們在台灣推動組織工作的社會資本;2. 在台灣的印尼移工與學生社群對這些服務的需求;3. 駐台北印尼經濟貿易辦公室、台灣政府以及各個大學學務單位的多方的支持與協助。 / The main objective of this study is to examine the role Indonesian students in Indonesian student organizations in Taiwan have played in enhancing the relationship between Indonesia and Taiwan. This thesis explores and details some of the activities of Indonesian students as they study in Taiwan, and examines how these activities have contributed to bridging and increasing the volume of people-to-people relations between the two countries, as well as how the associations and their activities have indirectly enhanced mutual understanding between Taiwanese and Indonesians. This thesis adopts the new public diplomacy and relational public diplomacy framework. Some data were collected during the researcher’s participation in Indonesian student associations and activities. Other data were gathered via discussion with several prominent Indonesian student association leaders. For the document analysis, this research uses Indonesian student organization document reports, Indonesia and Taiwan government reports, statistical data, newspapers, and websites. This thesis suggests that there are three roles Indonesian students play in bridging the relationship between Indonesia and Taiwan: (1) strengthening people-to-people relations (2) bridging mutual understanding (3) increase visibility and positive image. In addition, this thesis shows that there are three factors leading Indonesian students to establish their associations and conduct their activities: (1) their tradition of communal work (gotong-royong) as social capital (2) the demands of Indonesian migrant workers and students (3) support from various institutions, such as the Indonesian government especially IETO, universities, and the Taiwan government. The three factors are important and they are related to each other. Because of the three factors, Indonesian students can carry out their activities.
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時間電價系統的最佳契約容量 / Optimal contract capacities for Time-of-Use electricity pricing systems王家琪, Wang, Jia Qi Unknown Date (has links)
隨著各行各業的飛速發展、科技的不斷進步,一般的公司行號、工廠及現代化的建築對於電力需求大大增加。但是在有限的電力資源下,有時候一到用電高峰時期,很難滿足各行各業的用電需求,因此難免會出現很多地方在用電高峰期跳電的情況。電力公司為了更加有效的分配電力,提出所謂時間電價的概念,和用戶實現簽訂各自的契約容量,將這個契約容量作為每個月分配給各個用戶的最大電量標準。對於用戶來說,若選擇相對較低的契約容量,其所需要負擔的基本電費會較低。然而,當用電量超過契約容量時,用戶可能需要支付非常高額的罰款;若選擇相對較高的契約容量,雖然其支付高額罰款的機率會降低很多,但是所需要負擔的基本電費會增多。因此,對於電力公司和用戶而言,使用時間電價系統,來選擇一個適當的且最佳化的契約容量,已然成為一個非常重要的課題。本文介紹如何用分形布朗運動的模型,來描述用戶用電量趨勢,同時介紹了如何估計分形布朗運動模型中的各個參數。本文也介紹如何建立每月總電費期望值的估計方程式,並利用估計出來的用電量分形布朗運動模型來搜尋最佳化的契約容量。最後,本文以美國密西根州的安娜堡的居民住宅大樓用電量為數據資料作為研究的實例,進一步的提出並論證了選擇最佳化契約容量的方法。 / Over the last few decades, the advances in technology and industry have significantly increased the need of electric power, while the power resource is usually limited. In order to best control the power usage, a so-called Time-of-Use (TOU) pricing system is recently developed so that different rates over different seasons and/or weekly/daily peak periods are charged (this is different from the traditional pricing system with flat rate contracts). An important feature of the TOU system is that the consumers have to pre-select the power contract capacities (i.e. the maximum power demands claimed by consumers over different pricing periods) so that the electricity tariff can be calculated accordingly. This means that risk is transferred from the retailer side to the consumer side -- one has to pay more if a larger contract capacity is selected but can potentially mitigate the penalty charge placed when the maximum demand exceeds the contract level. In this thesis, a general stochastic modeling framework for consumer's power demand based on which the contract capacities of a Time-of-Use pricing system can be best selected so as to minimize the mean electricity price. Due to the observed nature of self-similarity and time dependence, the power demand over a homogeneous peak period is modeled as a constant mean with the noise described by a scaled fractional Brownian motion. However, the underlying optimization problem involves an intricate mathematical formulation, thus requiring techniques such as Monte Carlo simulation and numerical search so as to estimate the solution. Finally, a real data set from Ann Arbor, Michigan along with two pricing systems are used to illustrate our proposed method.
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新生のイスラエルを視た者 : 祭司エゼキエルと「再活性化運動」 / シンセイ ノ イスラエル オ ミタ モノ : サイシ エゼキエル ト「サイカッセイカ ウンドウ」 / 新生のイスラエルを視た者 : 祭司エゼキエルと再活性化運動 / The seer of new Israel : the priest Ezekiel and revitalization movement北村 徹, Tetsu Kitamura 31 March 2013 (has links)
本研究はテキストと人物像の特徴に注目し、「再活性化運動」のモデルを観点としてエゼキエル解釈を行なった。再活性化運動とは文化の特殊な変化現象であり、「預言者」の体験や活動が核となる。この観点に従えば、エゼキエル書とは捕囚に直面した祭司エゼキエルが預言者の機能を通してその祭司的課題を実現し、祭司的文化ゲシュタルトの新たな創出、換言すれば自らの治癒がもたらされたプロセスを記すものとして理解される。 / In this study, I took notice to the unique characteristics of the text and personality of Ezekiel, and interpreted it from the point of view of "Revitalization Movement." Revitalization Movement is a special kind of cultural change phenomenon and the experience and activity of the "Prophet" plays the crucial role there. From this point of view, the Book of Ezekiel is interpreted as the performance of Priestly tasks against the Exile through the functions of the Prophet and as the process of the creation of the new priestly cultural Gestalt, or giving Ezekiel healing. / 博士(神学) / Doctor of Theology / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University
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生を縁取る言葉の居場所 : 戦後沖縄における「島ぐるみ」土地闘争の再検討 / セイ オ フチドル コトバ ノ イバショ : センゴ オキナワ ニオケル シマグルミ トチ トウソウ ノ サイケントウ / 生を縁取る言葉の居場所 : 戦後沖縄における島ぐるみ土地闘争の再検討岡本 直美, Naomi Okamoto 21 March 2021 (has links)
本論文は、沖縄戦後史研究において、復帰運動や反戦平和運動の前史と位置づけられてきた伊江島土地闘争を研究対象とする。そして、実証性に乏しい伊江島土地闘争の具体像、及び新たな運動像の実証的な考察を目的とした。本研究の特色は二点ある。第一に、従来土着の問題として論じられてきた土地闘争に対して、沖縄住民の流動的な生から再検討したこと。第二に、運動から人びとの「自」を探る視点の再検討として、看過されてきたポスト「島ぐるみ」期の土地闘争を日本本土での学習経験や反戦平和資料館から考察したことである。 / 博士(現代アジア研究) / Doctor of Philosophy in Contemporary Asian Studies / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University
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我國紅十字會從事國際人道救援之研究韓翔 Unknown Date (has links)
本論文分析的重點,包括我國紅十字會與國際紅十字會的關係,我國紅十字會從事國際人道救援的策略,以及我國紅十字會面臨的挑戰。 / The Red Cross Society of the Republic of China is one of the country’s major organizations in charge of international humanitarian assistance. Yet, the Red Cross Society of the Republic of China is not a member of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). After the 921 earthquake in 1999, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies not only offered emergent aid to Taiwan but also helped develop the “Disaster Preparedness Project of the Red Cross Society of the Republic of China.” The recovery program for the Tsunami in South Asia in 2004 is the first time that The Red Cross Society of the Republic of China participated in international humanitarian actions. In recent years, the number of humanitarian NGOs in Taiwan is rising and flourishing. Meanwhile, the Red Cross Society of the Republic of China is facing a lot of challenges.
This thesis will first analyze the strategy of the Red Cross Society of the Republic of China in carrying out humanitarian assistance. Then, the effectiveness of this strategy will be evaluated. Finally, the thesis will examine the challenges that have confronted the Red Cross Society of the Republic of China.
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W・ベンヤミンの思考の展開 --内的憧憬と外部空間--小林, 哲也 24 March 2014 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(人間・環境学) / 甲第18371号 / 人博第684号 / 新制||人||164(附属図書館) / 25||人博||684(吉田南総合図書館) / 31229 / 京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科共生文明学専攻 / (主査)教授 道籏 泰三, 教授 大川 勇, 准教授 大黒 弘慈 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Human and Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DGAM
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戦時下日本YMCAの活動と末包敏夫 : 大陸事業を中心に / センジカ ニホン YMCA ノ カツドウ ト スエカネ トシオ : タイリク ジギョウ オ チュウシン ニ遠藤 浩, Hiroshi Endo 13 September 2018 (has links)
日中戦争のさなか、日本YMCA同盟が中国各地で展開した「大陸事業」の主導者、末包敏夫の敗戦までの前半生をたどる。末包は高松に育ち両親の感化のもと日本基督教会で信仰を養われた。同志社大学に学び、社会主義的思想と福音主義的信仰とをともに追究、卒業後YMCAへ投じた。神戸、京都両YMCAでは賀川豊彦や奥村龍三、中島重らの影響を受け「二つのSCM」(学生キリスト教運動と社会的基督教)に関係する。その後戦時下において「大陸事業」を主唱、自らその駐在員として南京、上海で働いた。敗戦直後その事業推進を担った自らの罪責告白的文章において、中国の友へ謝罪した。 / This study is about the life and work of Toshio Suekane, one of the leaders of the "Continental Enterprise" developed and carried out by the Japan YMCA Alliance in various parts of China amid the Sino-Japanese War. Suekane grew up in Takamatsu and was fostered in the Christian Church in Japan under the influence of his parents. He studied at Doshisha University, pursued both socialist thought and evangelical faith, and after graduating, dedicated himself to YMCA. Under the influence of Toyohiko Kagawa, et al., he related to "Two SCMs" (Student Christian Movement and Social Christianity) at Kobe and Kyoto YMCA. After that, he advocated "Continental Enterprise" in wartime and worked in Nanjing and Shanghai as a representative. Right after the defeat of Japan, he apologized to friends in China in his writing confessing the guilty responsible for promoting the business. / 博士(神学) / Doctor of Theology / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University
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大正期における日本の対華政策の展開(1912-1919) : 日中衝突事件を中心に / タイショウキ ニオケル ニホン ノ タイカ セイサク ノ テンカイ 1912 1919 : ニッチュウ ショウトツ ジケン オ チュウシン ニ / 大正期における日本の対華政策の展開19121919 : 日中衝突事件を中心に霍 耀林, Yaolin Huo 21 March 2019 (has links)
本稿は、中華民国初期、すなわち中華民国誕生から福州事件(1912年1月1日−1919年11月16日)の発生までの日中外交関係を検証する。とりわけ、この時期における日本の対華政策の立案とその後の遂行、換言すれば日本の対華政策の展開過程を日中衝突事件の発生から解決にいたるまでのプロセスから解明する。 / This article examines the diplomatic relations between Japan and China from the beginning of the Republic of China to the outbreak of the Fuzhou incident (January 1, 1912 - November 16, 1919). In particular, the plan and the subsequent implementation of Japan's policy against China in this period, and in other words, the process of development of Japan's policy toward the development of the Chinese policy toward the United States from the outbreak of the Japan China incident to the solution. / 博士(現代アジア研究) / Doctor of Philosophy in Contemporary Asian Studies / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University
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