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間斷型分配之適合度檢定白郁婷, BAI, YU-TING Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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相似性指數與卡方檢定之探討歐陽致平 Unknown Date (has links)
適合度檢定(Goodness-of-fit Test)用於檢測觀察值是否符合某種特質,是統計學應用非常廣泛的檢定,其中卡方檢定(Chi-Squared Test)更是適合度檢定最常用的方法。卡方檢定廣受歡迎的原因之一在於其彈性,通常只要求分組後每一組觀察值的期望個數不少於5,若樣本較少需考慮併組,但如何併組至今仍無定論。本文即針對樣本數不足時,運用計算模擬的方法探討卡方適合度檢定,希冀研究結果可提供卡方適合度檢定併組的參考;另外,相似性指數(Similarity Indices)一般用於比較兩個母體的異同,使用上並不受限於觀察值期望個數的限制,我們也同時探討相似指數是否也可用於適合度檢定。
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以AIC與卡方適合度檢定檢驗關聯結構之探討李鴻明 Unknown Date (has links)
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企業電子採購系統適合度評量之實證研究 / The Assessment of the Business-IT Fit in E-Procurement Systems: An Empirical Study邱京虹, Chiu, chin-hong Unknown Date (has links)
略 / Because of the influence of globalization and updated information technologies (IT), firms face more and more uncertainties when they conduct daily procurement activities. Whether these uncertainties come from internal or external business environment, they retard e-procurement systems (EP) to achieve promised benefits, and therefore firms must align their EP with their business environment for greater performance. To fulfill this need, this research aims to examine the fit of business and IT environment and study its impacts on the system performance. The literature review allows us to propose four major impacting factors and relative measurements. A case study is then taken in the Taiwan PC-Notebook industry to verify the research framework. We find the firms’ external and internal factors do affect the performance of EP. That is, EP usage in the form of high-integrated system may lead to greater performance under higher environment, partnership, or process uncertainty, whereas low-integrated EP lives up to more benefit under lower knowledge skills. We also observe that lack of fit between procurement practices and EP system produces extra burdens and costs which reflected in the performance of both buyer side and supplier side. Therefore, the contribution of this research can be two-folded: first, practitioners who can use this framework to diagnose their environment condition and then align to the appropriate type of EP. Second, researchers who can build upon this model to further examine the fit impact on EP performance.
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卡方適合度檢定檢驗關聯結構之研究-以台灣股票市場日內資料為例官振民 Unknown Date (has links)
在資料變數間的邊際分配不再是常態,變數間的相依性不只是線性關係時,將考慮直接對資料配適關聯結構。爲了瞭解一個二元的關聯結構的配適是否適當,則以卡方適合度檢定的方式來檢驗。首先以蒙地卡羅法做模擬,觀察此方法的以最小卡方估計值的參數估計、顯著水準和檢定力等,藉此瞭解以卡方適合度檢定法檢定後所做的結論是否能相信。最後以台灣股票市場中電子類股、電機機械類股、汽車類股和其他類股這四種類股兩兩間的日內資料分別半點資料、整點資料和兩點資料對Gauss 關聯結構、t 關聯結構、Clayton 關聯結構、Frank 關聯結構和Gumbel 關聯結構等五種關聯結構模型以卡方適合度檢定法檢驗其配適的狀況,最後在這五種單一參數關聯結構的配適中,以t 關聯結構自由度在3和4時表現最好。
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卡方檢定在三維關聯結構下之模擬分析與實證研究─以台股原物料族群股價為例賴宗暘 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著關聯結構方法在1999年開始被應用在財務資料上,對金融市場風險的衡量,可說是一大改革。Dobric & Schmid (2005) Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation, 34,pp.1053-1068,提出利用卡方檢定來檢驗二維資料間關聯結構,本文延伸其方法探討卡方檢定應用於三維關聯結構之表現。
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三維關聯結構之卡方檢定探討樣本數與相關係數之研究程士峰 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著全球金融市場的整體化,配適財務資料的模型是依個相當有價值的研究。因此當關連結構方法應用在財務資料上,對金融市場風險的衡量,可說是一大改革。Dobric & Schmid (2005) Communications in Statistics: Simulation and Computation, 34,pp.1053-1068,提出利用卡方檢定來檢驗二維資料間關聯結構,本文延伸其方法探討卡方檢定應用於三維關聯結構之表現。
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多維列聯表離群細格的偵測研究 / Identification of Outlying Cells in Cross-Classified Tables陳佩妘, Chen, Pei-Yun Unknown Date (has links)
在處理列聯表時,適合度檢定的結果如果是顯著的話,則意味著配適的模式並不恰當,這其中一個可能的原因是資料中存在離群細格.因此我們希望能夠針對問題癥結所在,找出離群細格,使得我們的資料可以利用一個比較簡單且容易解釋的模式來做分析.在這篇論文中,我們主要依據施苑玉[1995]所提出的方法作些許的改變,使得改進後的方法可以適用於三維列聯表的所有情形.此外我們也將 Simonoff 在1988年所提出的方法,以及 BMDP 統計軟體的程序 4F ,與我們所提出的方法相比較.由模擬實驗的結果可發現我們的方法比前述兩種方法更具可行性. / When fitting a loglinear model to a contingency table, a significant goodness-of-fit can be resulted because of the existence of a few outlyingcells. Since a simpler model is easier to interpret and conveys more easilyunderstood information about a table than a complicated one, we would liketo identify those outliers so that a simpler model would fit a given data set. In this research, a modification of Shih's [1995] procedure is provided, and the revised method is now applicable to any type of models related tothree-way tables. Some data sets are simulated to compare outliers detectedusing procedures proposed by Simonoff [1988], and BMDP program 4F with our proposed method. Based on the results through simulation, our revised procedure outperforms the other two procedures most
of the time.
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應用AIC法與卡方檢定檢驗二維關聯結構賴耐嘉 Unknown Date (has links)
首先,透過蒙地卡羅(MC)模擬方法來探討Akaike Information Criterion (以下採"AIC"簡稱)法與卡方適合度檢定法檢驗關聯結構是否適合,進行檢驗隨機選取的資料是否服從其相對應的關聯結構。
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列聯表中離群細格偵測探討 / Detecting Outlying Cells in Cross-Classified Tables施苑玉, Shi, Yuan Yu Unknown Date (has links)
在處理列聯表(Contingency table)資料時,一般我們常用卡方適合度檢定(chi-squared goodess-of-fit test)來判定模式配適的好壞。如果這個檢定是顯著的,則意謂著配適的模式並不恰當,我們則希望進一步探討可能的原因何在。這其中的一個可能原因是資料中存在所謂的離群細格(outlying cell),這些細格的觀測次數和其他細格的觀測次數呈現某種不一致的現象。
在以往的文獻中,離群細格的偵測,通常藉由不同定義的殘差(residual)作為工具,進而衍生出各種不同的偵測方法。只是,這些探討基本上僅局限於二維列聯表的情形,對於高維度的列聯表,並沒有作更進一步的詮釋。Brown (1974)提出一個逐步偵測的方法,可依序找出所有可能的離群細格,直到近似獨立(quasi-independence)的模式假設不再顯著為止。但是我們認為他所引介的這個方法所牽涉的計算程序似乎過於繁複,因此藉由簡化修改計算過程,我們提供了另一種離群細格偵測的方法。依據模擬實驗的結果發現,本文所介紹的方法與Brown的方法作比較只有過之而無不及。此外我們也探討了應用此種方法到三維列聯表的可行性和可能遭遇到的困難。 / Chi-squared goodness-of-fit tests are usually employed to test whether a model fits a contingency table well. When the test is significant, we would then like to identify the sources that cause significance. The existence of outlying cells that contribute heavily to the test statistic may be one of the reasons.
Brown (1974) offered a stepwise criteria for detecting outlying cells in two-way con-tingency tables. In attempt to simplify the lengthy calculations that are required in Brown's method, we suggest an alternative procedure in this study. Based on simulation results, we find that the procedure performs reasonably well, it even outperforms Brown's method on several occasions. In addition, some extensions and issues regarding three-way contingency tables are also addressed.
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