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來華觀光旅客需求預測模式建立之研究 / Construction of Forecasting Models for Tourists Coming to R.O.C.時巧煒, Shih, Chiao Wei Unknown Date (has links)
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時間數列的模糊分析和預測 / Fuzzy Analysis and Forecasting in Time Series許嘉元, Sheu, Chia-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
動態資料往往隨著時間區間取法或測量工具的不同而有差異,此種不確定的特質我們稱為模糊性。但是傳統的時間數列仍是以確定的觀察值來記錄具有模糊性的動態資料。為了更完整的表示一個動態過程,我們考慮模糊時間數列(fuzzy time series)以具有不確定性的模糊集合來取代明確的數值,保持原來的模糊性。
本文探討模糊時間數列中模糊自我迴歸模式(fuzzy autoregressive model簡寫為 FAR 模式)的建構過程,並分別利用此模式來預測中央政府總預算和匯率。FAR 模式乃根據Box-Jenkins(1970)所提出的 ARMA 三階段模式建立的流程並推廣Zadeh(1965)所提出的模糊集合理論而來。在這過程中 ,我們考慮人類思維方法,使FAR 模式更具有彈性且適合未來預測時的需要。而對於所討論的動態過程,也不需要任何模式上的假設(例如:線性或穩定 ),因此 FAR 模式的適用範圍極為廣泛,更不會因為模式的誤判而導致預測時的嚴重錯誤。最後,我們將 FAR 模式的預測結果與傳統 ARMA 模式做比較。
文中關於模糊時間數列的一些性質,例如:模糊趨勢(fuzzy trend)和模糊穩定(fuzzy stationary),由於傳統文獻中沒有加以討論,本文亦提出定義和新的看法。 / Representations of dynamic data are always different as the time interval or measuring tool change. We call these characteristics of uncertainty fuzziness. But traditional time series use crisp observations to record a fuzzy dynamic process. To completely represent, we consider fuzzy time series replacing the crisp numbers with fuzzy sets and preserve original fuzziness. In this paper, the fuzzy
autoregressive model (FAR model) of fuzzy time series is studied and used to forecast the Central government expenditure and exchange rates, respectively. The modeling process is according to Box- Jenkins' (1970) method of ARMA model and merged with the fuzzy set theory proposed by Zadeh (1965). Reasonable human judgements and ways of thinking are taken into consideration throughout the modeling process to make the FAR model more elastic and appropriate for forecasting. Unlike certain incorrectly identified models which lead to inaccurate forecasts, the FAR model can be widely applied due to its not having any assumptions on the original time series (e.g., linearity and stationarity). Finally, the performances of the FAR model to Central government expenditure and exchange rates are compared with that of the traditional ARMA model. Additionally, some properties about fuzzy time series, e.g., fuzzy trend and fuzzy stationary, have not been studied in the literature, and we propose definitions and new opinions.
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出國觀光旅客需求預測模式建立之研究李旭煌, Lee, Shiung Hwang Unknown Date (has links)
或以平均絕對百分誤差(MA PE)、根均方百分誤差(RMSPE)、方向變化誤
差(Direction of Change Erro r)以及趨勢變化誤差(Trend Change
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季節性時間序列之預測─類神經網路模式之探討 / Forecasting Seasonal Time Series : A Neural Network Approach賴家瑞, Lia, Chia Jui Unknown Date (has links)
計方法優異,即使此序列受到離群值之干擾。 / We investigate the effectiveness of neural networks for
predicting the future behavior of seasonal time series.
Utilizing the training set constructed properly, we can train
the network who can be used to predict the future of seasonal
time series. A shifting-learning method is also employed in
order to obtained a better forecasting performance. The
quarterly imports of goods and services of Taiwan between the
first quarter of 1968 and the fourth quarter of 1990 are
studied in the research. The series are contaminated with
outliers, which will increase the difficulty of forecasting.
Empirical results exhibit that neural networks model free
approach have better prediction performance than the classical
Box-Jenkins approach, even the series are contaminated with
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波動度預測與波動度交易—以台灣選擇權市場為實證 / Forecasting volatility and volatility trading—evidence from Taiwan options market林政聲 Unknown Date (has links)
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簡單線性迴歸模式中解釋變數具測量誤差下控制問題之研究張文哲 Unknown Date (has links)
在解釋變數含測量誤差的簡單線性迴歸模式中,欲使第t+1期之產出Y達到某一目標值Y<sup>*</sup>,則必需控制第t+1期投入變數Z,若參數α,β為以知時,可以將其設定為θ=(Y<sup>*</sup>-α)/β。但當參數α,β為未知時,我們利用LSCE控制法則的設定方法,得到第t+1期設定的控制值Z<sub>t+1</sub>,而且在機率為1下,Z<sub>t+1</sub> 收斂至θ=(Y<sup>*</sup>-α)/β。而貝氏最佳控制法則部份則是由第t+1期的預測期望損失,找出使其為最小的Z值即是所應設定的第t+1期控制值Z<sub>t+1</sub>,並利用模擬結果來說明。
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公司治理與盈餘的預測及發布對投資人的影響 / The impact of corporate governance and announcement of earnings forecasts on investors蘇育真 Unknown Date (has links)
有正向關係,散戶則大多報持短線進出的態度。 / This study examines how different types of investors behave when entities with different corporate governances announce earnings forecasts. Using seven corporate governance indicators to categorize all of the samples and analyzing how the abnormal return, the results suggests foreign institutional investors are gaining more abnormal return by buying more stocks after earnings announcements of the entities with better corporate governance, and would not interact right after earnings announcements of the entities with worse corporate governance, when the individual investors are going the opposite way to the foreign institutional investors.
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廣義財務模型於保險公司資產配置與破產成本之研究 / Asset allocation and bankruptcy problems of insurance company in general financial models楊尚穎, Yang, Shang Yin Unknown Date (has links)
這篇論文研究跨國投資與監理寬容下保險公司之破產問題,同時論文的相關內容簡述於論文第一章中。第二章研究考慮匯率可預測下對跨國投資人資產配置的影響,結果顯示匯率可預測性能有效的提升投資人期末財富。第三章考慮監理寬容下保險公司的破產問題,在美國破產保護法第11章的架構下,保險人與被保險人之權利義務關係,可利用巴黎式選擇權描述,同時建構保證給付指標來衡量不同監理干預準則,數值結果顯示過於寬鬆的監理準則將導致被保險人的財務損失。第四章探討監理寬容下保險安定基金保險費率問題,依照美國破產保護法第11章的架構,安定基金保費可簡化成2個巴黎式選擇權,結果顯示,當前台灣保險單定基金費率有偏低的情形,建議主管機關訂定安定基金費率時需更加謹慎小心。 / This thesis focuses on the international portfolio selection and the bankruptcy cost of the insurance company under regulatory forbearance. The main theme of this thesis is outlined in chapter 1, which also serves as an introduction to the three papers (appearing here as Chapter 2, Chapter 3 and Chapter 4) collected in this thesis.
In the theme of the international portfolio selection, Chapter 2 investigates the investment behaviors when learning effect is considered. According to the exchange rate predictability, the investor updates his information and adjusts his portfolio allocation. Finally, the numerical results show that the learning mechanism significantly improves the terminal wealth.
In the theme of the regulatory forbearance, Chapter 3 provides an illustration of the impact on the ruin cost due to regulatory forbearance. The concept of the U.S. Chapter 11 bankruptcy code is employed to determine regulatory forbearance. Throughout the framework of Parisian option, a quantitative index of regulatory forbearance called Guarantee Benefit Index (GBI) is developed. The GBI is used to evaluate the different supervisory intervention criteria i.e., relative and absolute intervention criteria. Finally, numerical analysis is performed to illustrate the influence of different financial factors and the intervention criteria.
Another important issue in bankruptcy problem is discussed in Chapter 4, i.e., the cost of insurance guaranty fund. It is important to determine the cost of bankruptcy when the insolvent insurance company is took over by the government. Under the U.S. Chapter 11 bankruptcy code, the cost of guaranty fund can be determined through Parisian options. Results show that the current premium rates of Taiwan insurance guarantee fund are far from risk sensitive. Hence the results suggest the government should more prudent to face the bankruptcy problem in insurance industry.
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不同的交易機制對於預測市場運作表現之影響分析:以2009年縣市長選舉為例 / The analysis of different trading mechanisms for prediction market performance: the case of 2009 mayoral elections郭峻宇, Kuo, Chun Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究發現:若交易機制是連續雙向拍賣,則「0-100型」合約價格的預測準確度較高;若交易機制是市場計分法則,則「落點預測型」合約價格的預測準確度較高。連續雙向拍賣機制具有市場流動性不足的問題;市場計分法則機制面臨莊家風險的危機且不適用於市場競爭度高的環境;而上述兩種交易機制皆會出現價格炒作的現象。 / “Prediction market” is a research method based on immediate information collecting and organizing on the internet platform. With future events as the object of transaction, variations of the price of each transaction thus immediately provide the prediction of the development of future events. Therefore, this method has two properties including “appropriate incentives” and “continuous correction”.
In this study, document analysis is first conducted to review the operation modes of different trading mechanisms for prediction markets and the process of price making. Accordingly, differences between trading mechanisms and the factors that affect the operation of prediction market will also be analyzed. Furthermore, comparisons of the price accuracy, market liquidity, price speculation, incentives and maker risks between "continuous double auction" and "market scoring rule" are discussed in case study.
The findings of this study: if the trading mechanism is “continuous double auction”, the price accuracy of “winner-take-all” contract is higher; if the trading mechanism is “market scoring rules”, the price accuracy of “index” contract is higher. There exists insufficient market liquidity in “continuous double auction;” while in “market scoring rule,” there exists maker risks and it is hard to be applied in highly competitive market. The phenomenon of price speculation exits in both trading mechanisms.
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基於概念飄移探勘的社群多媒體之熱門程度預測 / Popularity prediction of social multimedia based on concept drift mining鄭世宏, Jheng, Shih Hong Unknown Date (has links)
近年來社群平台(Social Media)的興起,提供了人與人之間簡便且快速互相交換各式各樣內容的機會。社群多媒體(Social Multimedia)指的就是使用者在社群平台上所互相交換的多媒體內容,相較於單純的多媒體內容而言,社群多媒體多了寶貴的大量社群平台使用者之間分享互動的記錄,以及社群平台使用者在社群網絡(Social Network)中的各項資訊。如此一來為多媒體內容提供了更多面向的資料,讓社群多媒體比起單純的多媒體內容有更多的應用的可能。
隨著時間的前進,若以單一同樣的規則來進行熱門預測,將可能造成預測準確率的下降;再者,即使是在同樣的時間點,不同的多媒體內容會有各自隨著時間在熱門上的變化趨勢,還是會有需要不同的規則來進行熱門預測的可能性,也就是所謂的局部概念飄移現象。在此我們將熱門預測問題轉為資料探勘(Data Mining)中的分類(Classification)問題,並同時將局部概念飄移現象納入考慮,提出一個針對微網誌平台上多媒體內容的熱門預測方法。實驗結果顯示,有考慮局部概念飄移的熱門預測方法,在準確率的表現上明顯的優於GCD方法(平均有4%的提升)與Baseline方法(平均有10%的提升),代表我們的熱門預測方法更適合微網誌平台上的多媒體內容,也代表的確有概念飄移與局部概念飄移的現象存在。 / In recent years, the rise of social media offers an easy and fast way for information exchange. Social multimedia refers to the multimedia content that users share on the social media. Different from traditional multimedia, social multimedia contains both the multimedia and user behavior information on social media.
Microblog is one type of social media. Compared to other social media such as YouTube and Flickr, microblogs provide a more friendly environment for users to propagate social multimedia. The goal of this thesis is to make use of the characteristics and information of propagation on microblogs for popularity prediction of social multimedia.
The popularity prediction method based on concept drift mining is proposed. In particular, the local concept drift mechanism is employed to capture the local characteristics of social multimedia. By taking the local concept drift into consideration, the task of popularity prediction is transformed into the ensemble classification problem. Experiments on social multimedia collected from plurk show that the proposed approach performs well.
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