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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

智慧資本、中國區域創新能力與分析師預測行為 / Intellectual Capital, Regional Innovation Capability of China, and Analysts' Forecast Behavior

高郁婷, Kao, Yu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
區域技術創新能力是展現區域將知識轉化為經濟的能力,是區域競爭力的重要內容。由於區域創新能力是造成中國各區域經濟發展差距的主要原因之一。本研究採用中國之上市公司為研究對象,探討公司創新活動的揭露與中國各省(自治區、直轄市)創新能力對分析師預測行為及分析師預測跟隨人數之影響。由三個面向檢視區域創新能力:研究與試驗發展全時人員當量增長率(REGTH)、政府研發投入占GDP比例(GIGDP)、每百萬人平均發明專利授權數(AVPAT)。研究結果發現創新活動揭露越多之公司,分析師之預測誤差程度越低、分析師之離散度越高且能吸引越多分析師對公司做預測。區域創新能力指標REGTH越高地區,分析師預測跟隨人數越少;區域創新能力指標GIGDP越高地區,分析師之預測誤差程度越低、分析師之離散度越低、分析師預測跟隨人數越少;區域創新能力指標AVPAT越高地區,分析師之預測誤差程度越低、分析師之離散度越低、分析師預測跟隨人數越多。 / Regional innovation capability is an important competitive ability to improve the economic development in China. Using a sample of Chinese listed companies, this study investigates the extent to which innovation disclosure at the company level and regional innovation capabilities affect analysts’ forecast characteristics in terms of forecast error, and forecast dispersion, and the number of analysts’ following. The indicators of regional innovation capabilities are the growth rate of R&D full-time equivalent personnel (REGTH), regional government's investment in R&D per GDP (GIGDP), and average of innovation patent authorized per millions of people in one region (AVPAT). The results indicate that firms with more innovation disclosures improve analysts’ forecast error, and regions with higher GIGDP and AVPAT also improve analysts’ forecast error. For firms with more innovation disclosures increase analysts’ forecast dispersion, and for regions with lower GIGDP and AVPAT increase analysts’ forecast dispersion. I also find firms with more innovation disclosures attract more analysts’ following, and regions with higher REGTH and GIGDP have less analysts’ following, while regions with higher AVPAT attract more analysts’ following.

以多觀點社群網路模型應用於政府官職繼任評選之探討 / An Investigation on the Application of Multiperspective Social Network Model for Government Post Succession Evaluation

林專耀, Lin, Zhuan Yao Unknown Date (has links)
隨著個人電腦與網際網路科技的逐漸成熟,網路上每日都有巨量資料(Big Data)產生。近年來隨著社群網站的崛起,如何處理這些巨量的社群資料,並有效率地提供出有意義的社群資訊,將是這幾年社群網路領域研究的重點。每當內閣改組消息一出的時候,各政府部門單位的官職繼任官員,都會成為社會公眾關注的議題。本研究將使用中華民國政府官職資料庫,以社群網路分析與連結預測理論為基礎,並透過資料庫中所提供的資料,隨著不同評選時間點以及評選官職建置出網路。擷取網路的資訊,利用本文所提出的多面向模型(Multiperspective Model)產生多種觀點的分數。接著使用評選模型(Evaluation Model)將各個觀點的分數整合,進行某官員繼任某官職可能性計算,然後輸出官職繼任官員的評選清單(Evaluation List)。最後對輸出的評選清單分別對空降繼任狀況、各級上司對於繼任人選決定影響力、單一觀點與多觀點評選方式的評選結果、多觀點評選方式下重視的觀點,以及官職繼任成因五項分析進行探討。 / With the well development of personal PC and the Internet technology, there is a huge amount of data (Big Data) being generated on the Internet every day. Because of the debut and rise of social websites, how to deal with such a huge amount of community information as well as efficiently provide meaningful data to the public has been an explored main issue in the field of social network research in recent years. When the news about cabinet changing was released, the successor of various government departments will become the actively concerned topic for the public. This research applied a government position transaction database as the elements to build the network, which based on Social Network Analysis and Link Prediction theory with different evaluation position and evaluation time. Captured information in the network was used to generate the scores of multiple perspectives according to the Multiperspective Model. Then using the Evaluation Model, which can integrate each observed perspective, and calculate the probability of an official succeeds of a position. Finally the network could output the evaluation list of position successor. In the end, the outcome of the evaluation list was applied to analyze and discuss the following 5 research questions: The situation that the successor isn’t from the unit of successive position, the influence of all levels superiors on the succession decision, result of evaluative methods of a single view and multiple perspective, the important perspective of Multiperspective evaluation, and causal relationship of official successor.

ESSAYS ON EARNINGS RESTATEMENTS / 財務報表重編三項議題:長期股票績效、內部人交易與盈餘管理

鄭淩淇, Cheng, Ling-chi Unknown Date (has links)
本文以三篇論文討論三個與財務報表向下重編盈餘公司有關的議題:(1)宣告財務報表重編後的長期股票績效;(2)重編公司內部人交易行為;(3)重編公司如何操弄盈餘以及操弄動機為何? 本文樣本是從1984年1月至2000年12月,557家因為財務報表違法、舞弊或錯誤而宣告需要重編以前財務報表的公司。 第一篇論文討論公司宣告重編後三年長期股票績效。在不同配對組合下,實證結果顯示,三年長期持有異常報酬(buy-and-hold abnormal return)達-34%。文中也討論公司宣告重編時以及後續分析師預測行為。結果發現,分析師對於重編資訊有反應不足的現象,而且三年的盈餘預測修正與長期異常報酬有顯著正相關。 第二篇論文探討盈餘品質與內部人交易行為。本文假設內部人擁有重編公司盈餘品質不良的私有資訊,內部人會利用此私有資訊從事異常交易。實證結果顯示,內部人早在重編前兩年就已經開始異常出售持股,但是為了避免被發現,愈接近重編期間則交易量愈少,而且內部人異常交易與重編金額成正相關。 第三篇論文採取應計項目分項的方法(disaggregate approach)探討重編項目與特定應計項目的關連性以及重編公司違反一般公認會計原則的動機。實證結果顯示,特定重編項目公司的總應計項目比特定應計項目更顯著。很可能是管理當局為了避免操弄特定項目以致於被發現,所以操弄各種應計項目以達到總金額的目標。尤其在不同盈餘管理動機的成本效益的考量下,如果操弄主要應計項目的效益大於成本,管理當局還是會操弄特定應計項目以達到操弄的目的。因此,應計項目分項的方法可以作為進一步探討盈餘管理的方法。 / This dissertation examines three different aspects of downward earnings restatements in three essays: (1) the long-run stock performance of restatement firms following the announcements of restatements; (2) insider trading activities of earnings restatement firms; and (3) how earnings manipulations of restatement firms are effected and what are the incentives for earnings manipulations? Using extensive keyword (i.e., “restatements,” “restate,” “restated,” “restates,” and “restating”) searches over the period from January 1, 1984 through December 31, 2000, 557 firms are identified as having restated their previously published or filed financial statements due to accounting irregularities, fraud, or errors. The first essay examines the post earnings restatement announcement of long-term stock performance. Using various benchmark portfolio formulation strategies, I document an average buy-and-hold abnormal return of -34% over the 36-month horizon. I then investigate analysts’ forecast behavior around and after the restatement announcements. I find that market underreactions are associated with a sluggish forecast revisions by financial analysts. This study sheds light on how restatement information is transmitted to the capital markets and provides evidence that the market under reacts to externally initiated corporate events. The second essay examines the relationship between earnings quality and insider trading. Using downward earnings restatement firms to identify low-quality earnings, I find that insiders outsell non-earnings restatement firms of their holdings over the period from two years before to one year before the beginning of the restatement period. In addition, the amounts of restatement are positively associated with the excess insider selling. I also provide evidence that excess insider selling predicts excessive earnings manipulations that eventually lead to GAAP violation. In the third essay, I take advantage of the disclosed manipulation of items and approach the earnings manipulation issue by a disaggregate approach. Given that management considers cost/benefits of specific accruals to be manipulated, I examine whether management chooses different items to manipulate under different goals. Overall, the empirical results support the equity offering hypothesis and weakly support the meeting earnings threshold hypothesis. However, the results fail to support the avoidance of debt covenant violation hypothesis, indicating that manipulation under certain monitoring conditions can be conducted in a very subtle manner.

以財務比率、共同比分析和公司治理指標預測 上市公司財務危機之基因演算法與支持向量機的計算模型 / Applying Genetic Algorithms and Support Vector Machines for Predicting Financial Distresses with Financial Ratios and Features for Common-Size Analysis and Corporate Governance

黃珮雯, Huang, Pei-Wen Unknown Date (has links)


吳偉劭 Unknown Date (has links)
預測市場的研究近年來在學界逐漸受到重視,因為它利用價格具有訊息加總的功能,每每創造出良好的預測績效,但一個預測市場的建立在諸多原因下,通常不易吸引大規模的參與者,例如為免觸犯法令規定,以虛擬貨幣代替真錢進行交易,在缺乏真實貨幣的獲利誘因下,很難有效吸引參與者,即便真能以真實貨幣交易,若實驗的議題並非一般大眾感興趣的話題也不易吸引多數人參與,在這種情況下無法避免要面臨市場交易過於淺薄的問題,雖然不少文獻標榜淺薄市場不會影響預測市場的預測精準度,但並不表這是一個可以置之不理的問題。 本文以預測市場預測2006年北高市長選舉為實證基礎,闡明淺薄市場對價格產生的影響,以及這些影響將導致對未來事件的錯誤評價與推論,要避免這種錯誤的評價與推論唯有設法消除淺薄市場引發的干擾,因此我們提出了五種可以消除這些干擾的方法並從中選擇一較佳者。如同一般文獻的讚揚,我們再次從預測市場獲得精確的預測效果,同時證明所謂淺薄市場不影響預測市場的預測精準度前提乃在消除淺薄市場對價格產生的干擾之後才能還原這個真相。


任又慶, Jen, You ching Unknown Date (has links)
這篇研究是依據中國過去十數年空調器成長數量為dependent variables,用回歸分析找出這段期間各項經濟指標中與空調器成長有相關性者為independent factors,所產生的數學模式用來預測中國在2020欲達成小康社會目標時空調器數量。這個分析的應用是依照大陸現行空調器EER值推算2020電力的尖峰負荷,因為空調是造成尖峰負荷主因,所以推論如果將空調器耗能標準提高20%,可以省下3.6個三峽水力發電的裝置容量(18GWx3.6)。也就是大陸供電裝置容量從現在的400GW,增長到2020的900~1000GW時,可節省66GW的裝置容量。 / Chinese market opened to the world since the establishment of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone (SEC) in 1978. Its economic growth starts taking off from 1992 when the 2nd SEC at Shanghai was established. China’s yearly Gross Domestic Products (GDP) growth exceeds 9% on average since then. The trend continued after China entered World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001. Their GDP reached Rmb18.232 trillions in 2005. Behind the magnificent growth, is the enormous amount of energy and nature resource consumption, thus lead to the environment damage. In 2003, China announced its plan to build a harmonious society (or well-off society or xiao-kang in mandarin) by 2020. This plan outlined the standard of living for the future Chinese. It will be a society composed mainly by the middle class, with a projected 1.5 billion total population, of which 60% will live in the urban area. GDP will grow to 4 times of what it was at 2000; which will make China the third largest economic in the world. However, can China sustain the growth? Is the supply of energy and resource unlimited? Can the rest of the world afford a developed country with 1.5 billion populations without the shortage of nature resource shortage elsewhere? This study reviewed China’s residential and light commercial unitary air conditioning market growth trend from 1995 to 2005. This segment represents 85%~90% of the total Chinese market. The study used several business forecasting methods, to develop a model for estimating the room air conditioner (RAC) and package air conditioner (PAC) market growth till 2020, by considering various social and economical factors such as GDP growth, construction of new buildings, disposal income (DPI) and retail price changes. The forecast can be used to estimate the peak time electrical power demand with the Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER: rated Cooling Capacity in Watt / Power Input in Watt) of RAC and PAC required by the code. Our study found that China should impose a much more stringent EER code in order to reduce peak electrical power demand and avoid supply shortage during the summer, since the economy is predicted to continue to outgrow the power supply. The alternative is to build more new power plant only to meet the summer peak load, while most other time of the year the plants may stay idle. According to Asia Pacific Economics Cooperation, Energy Standard Information System (APEC ESIS) current China EER requirement is around 25% below Taiwan, and most developed countries. Japan Air Conditioning Journal (JARN) and Building Services Research and Information Association from UK (BSRIA) reported that the size of China’s air conditioning market size exceeded Japan in 2003 to become the world second largest in the world, after only the United States. China now manufactures more mini split than any other places in the world. There should be no technical difficulty to adopt the more stringent code to help reducing the peak load demand from air conditioning, since most advance technologies are now available to the market and local manufacturers. Some Chinese air conditioning manufacturers already have a capacity surplus. Exporting their products to the developed countries such as the US and Japan, will require them to meet the EER code of the country of destination. This may speed up the introduction of higher EER design products in the local Chinese market.

台灣景氣轉折點預測-Probit模型與組合預測的應用 / Forecasting the Turning Points of Taiwan Business Cycles by using Probit Model and Combined Forecasts

李勁宏 Unknown Date (has links)
本文使用具有事前訊息的領先指標與期間利差作為預測變數,根據不同利差與落後期選擇的 Probit 模型,利用遞迴的方式預測景氣轉折點發生機率,並進一步將個別預測結果進行組合,試圖找出能降低不確定性且優於個別預測結果的方法。實證結果發現,使用 Diebold and Mariano 檢定的預測包容法為其中最優的組合方法,無論是轉折點訊號或預測誤差都能優於半數以上的個別預測。此外,本文亦估計即期景氣轉折點的發生機率,根據模型的估計結果推斷,自 2012 年 2 月至 2015 年 3 月為止,景氣仍處於擴張階段。

策略聯盟與迎合或擊敗分析師盈餘預測之關聯性實證研究 / An Empirical Study of the Association between Strategic Alliances and Meeting or Beating Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts

陳姿云, Chen, Tzu Yun Unknown Date (has links)

審計品質與經理人能力對於分析師盈餘預測之相對有用性 / The Relative Usefulness of Audit Quality and Managerial Ability on Financial Analysts’ Earnings Forecasts

何國豪, Ho, Kuo Hao Unknown Date (has links)
本研究檢測審計品質與經理人能力對於分析師盈餘預測行為之相對有用性。根據Compustat 及 I/B/E/S所蒐集之1996至2011年資料,本研究發現,相對於非四大會計師事務所或非產業專家,當公司被四大會計師事務所或產業專家查核時,分析師預測之準確度較高,且離散度較小。此外,本研究發現當公司經理人能力較高時,分析師預測之準確度亦愈高,而離散度亦愈小。最後,為探討沙賓法案對分析師預測行為之影響,本研究將樣本區分為沙賓法案前及沙賓法案後兩組。實證結果顯示,相對於沙賓法案前,在沙賓法案後,分析師較重視審計品質與經理人能力。整體而言,審計品質與經理人能力皆會為分析師的盈餘預測帶來正面影響,而經理人能力之影響較為顯著。 / This study examines the relative usefulness of audit quality and managerial ability on financial analysts’ earnings forecast behavior. Based on data collected from Compustat and I/B/E/S from 1996 to 2011, the empirical results show that analysts' earnings forecast accuracy is higher and dispersion is smaller when firms are audited by a Big 4 auditor or an industry specialist. Similarly, analysts' earnings forecast accuracy is also higher and dispersion is also smaller when firms employ more capable managers. To investigate whether SOX affects analysts’ behavior, sample is divided into pre-SOX and post-SOX groups. The regression results from both groups show that analysts take audit quality and managerial ability into their earnings forecasts after SOX. Overall, the results suggest that both audit quality and managerial ability are associated with analysts’ earnings forecast properties. Importantly, the effect of managerial ability appears to be larger than the effect of audit quality.

行動電話擴散研究之模型選用及驅動因子分析 / Model selection and driving forces for mobile telephony diffusion

朱文伶, Chu, Wen Lin Unknown Date (has links)
全球行動電話用戶數於2002年達到12億,首度超過固定電話用戶數之11億;行動電話用戶數並於2008年達41億,為固定電話用戶數(13億)之3倍以上。行動電話相對於固定電話之主要優勢在於系統之建置成本低及佈建速度快;行動電話之快速普及已成為創新擴散研究之重要題材。 行動電話擴散之研究為選取一成長模型(例如Gompertz、Logistic或Bass模型)並類比該模型以求出擴散之參數(例如成長速率),以進一步(1)了解相關驅動因子(例如技術創新、市場開放等)對擴散參數之影響,及(2)延伸擴散模型曲線以預測未來之成長。 惟成長模型之選取尚無原理原則可供遵循而具隨機性(ad hoc basis)。為找出模型選用之可能規律,以降低模型選用之隨機性並提高成長預測之準確度,本研究以十二個代表性國家(巴、中、法、德、印、日、韓、俄、星、台、英、美)至2007年之資料以比較三個最常用之成長模型之績效,即Gompertz、Logistic及Bass模型。模型績效逐年比較標準係採用rmse值,並輔以Friedman test檢測模型績效差異之顯著性,再對照模型之機制意涵,以進一步了解最適模型之選用原則。 此外,台灣行動電話普及率於2002年為108%居全球之冠,而中國自2001年起取代美國成為全球具最多行動電話用戶數之單一國家,台灣及中國屬行動電話擴散之重要個案,惟目前尚缺此二個案之實證研究。為補足此一缺口,本研究亦對台灣及中國行動電話擴散之驅動因子進行實證研究,以進一步了解擴散之關鍵驅動力。 研究發現由於目前統計軟體之進步,Gompertz、Logistic及Bass三模型均可獲致極佳之匹配度而難分軒輊,惟模型預測力(延伸曲線)則具差異性。12個模型選用樣本國家中之8個國家(巴、中、法、德、日、韓、英、美)係以Gompertz模型具較佳之預測力;依Gompertz模型機制意涵,代表行動電話擴散早期係受網路外部性(口耳相傳)影響,惟至擴散後期(例如過了擴散極大值之一半)則已不相關。此外,若因市場開放等重大變因造成行動電話之快速擴散,則Logistic模型具有較佳之績效,如台灣及俄羅斯屬之。依Logistic模型機制意涵,代表擴散係受網路外部性所影響。Bass模型應用於行動電擴散時,因該模型所算出之創新係數偏低,績效與Logistic模型相近,而Logistic模型為Bass模型之創新係數為0時之特例。 台灣及中國行動電話擴散之驅動因子研究發現(1)價格下降及(2)預付卡之推行對加速擴散具顯著性,兩者均對低階市場之採用具影響力。鑑於高階市場將先飽和,爰未來加速行動電話擴散之關鍵驅動因子應係與推動低階市場採用具密切相關性。以中國為例,未來市場開放競爭造成價格再度大幅下降,將進一步促低階市場採用,加速中國行動電話之普及。 / The number of mobile telephone subscriptions reached 1.2 billion globally in 2002, exceeding fixed-line telephony subscriptions (1.1 billion) for the first time. The number of mobile telephone subscriptions reached 4.1 billion globally in 2008, over three times the number of fixed-line telephone subscriptions (1.3 billion). The main advantages of mobile telephony over fixed-line are low cost and rapid facility deployment. The rapid diffusion of mobile telephony has become an important topic in innovation diffusion. The conventional approach to studying mobile telephony diffusion is to analogize a single growth model, such as the Gompertz, Logistic or Bass model, and calculate the model parameters, for example growth rate. The significance of certain selected driving forces, such as technology innovation or market competition, to the studied parameters, such as growth rate, is then estimated. The diffusion growth can also be forecast by extrapolating the diffusion curve. Utilizing the growth model analogy is the first step in analyzing mobile telephony diffusion. However, no principles or rules exit for selecting a growth model. To identify rules for model selection to reduce randomness and increase forecast accuracy, this work uses 12 sample countries, namely Brazil, China, France, Germany, India, Japan, Korea, Russia, Singapore, Taiwan, the UK and the USA, employing data prior to 2008 to compare the performance of three most commonly used models, namely the Gompertz, Logistic and Bass models. The root mean square error (rmse) is chosen as the criterion for measuring annual model performance. The work uses the Friedman test to examine the significance of differences in performance between models. The implications of model mechanisms are emphasized to investigate the selection rule for the most appropriate model. The penetration of mobile telephony in Taiwan was 108% in 2002, ranking first in the world. Furthermore, in 2001 the number of mobile telephony in China replaced the United States as number one in the world. Both Taiwan and China are important examples for mobile telephony diffusion. However, no empirical investigation has been performed in these two cases. To fill this gap, this work estimated the driving forces for mobile telephony diffusion in Taiwan and China to learn about the critical drivers of the mobile telephony diffusion. Empirical results indicate that due to improvements in statistical software, providing good fitness for all three models, namely the Gompertz, Logistic and Bass models, distinguishing which has the best fitness is difficult. However, the performance of the three models is distinguishable when forecasting based on extrapolating the diffusion curve. In eight of the 12 examples, namely Brazil, China, France, Germany, Japan, Korea, the UK and the USA, the Gompertz model is the most appropriate model for forecasting. The mechanism of the Gompertz model means that during the initial stage the diffusion is correlated with network externalities (namely word of mouth), however, this correlation reduces during the later stages (such as pass one half of the maximum potential). Moreover, the cases of Taiwan and Russia demonstrated that the Logistic model performs well provided some significant driver of the diffusion exists. The mechanism of the Logistic model means that the diffusion is correlated with network externalities throughout the whole diffusion. Furthermore, using Chinese data, when the Bass model is applied, because of its low innovation coefficient, it performs similarly to the Logistic model, which is a special case of the Bass model in which the innovation coefficient equals zero. Empirical results for the critical driving forces of mobile telephony diffusion in Taiwan and China indicate that (1) reducing prices and (2) the launch of pre-paid services are crucial to mobile telephony diffusion. Both factors are essential to mobile telephony adoption in low-end markets. The high-end market is the first to be saturated by mobile telephony adoption, future drivers of the mobile telephony diffusion should be highly correlated with low-end market demand. Taking China as an example, the opening of the market to further reduce tariffs will attract mobile telephony adoption in the low-end market, facilitating the mobile telephony diffusion.

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