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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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全面品質管理之高階領導透過企業文化以提升顧客滿意度之研究 / Total Quality Management: How Does Top Management Leadership Enhance Customer Satisfaction through Corporate Culture

黃珂, Huang, Ke Unknown Date (has links)
企業文化作為組織內部成員廣泛接納的價值觀和行為準則,潛移默化地控制和改變著企業內部人員的行為方式,從而對組織績效產生影響,因此企業文化的變革對於組織行為的調節有相當重要之作用。在全面品質管理的成功實施因素討論中,往往集中討論科技和資訊等方面的貢獻,卻相對缺乏對於軟性的企業文化的作用之研究。本文利用高績效工廠計劃第三輪蒐集之資料,利用偏最小平方法,分析了205家製造型企業的調查問卷結果,以探討公司高階管理者,應如果調整企業文化,來實施全面品質管理,提升組織的績效和顧客滿意度。本研究的自變量為高階領導的參與和支持,中介變量為企業文化,因變量為顧客滿意度;而其中中介變量又可以分為持續改善與學習、顧客導向、全面參與和團隊合作四個構面。 本研究發現,在公司高階管理者對品質管理有高度支持和參與時,組織內部會形成傾向顧客導向、重視全面參與和團隊合作、以及持續不斷改善與學習的組織文化,而這種組織文化最終都會提升最終顧客的滿意度。本研究之結論表示,在全面品質管理的實施過程中,高階領導者應透過全面變革其組織的文化,形成上下一體、協同合作、不斷關注顧客需求達成、利用經驗不斷改善品質和精益求精的價值觀,才能更好地完成顧客滿意度提升之目的,達成企業的競爭優勢。最後本研究亦提出對應的管理意涵、研究限制和未來研究的方向。 / As widely accepted values and codes of conduct inside of a corporation, the organizational culture controls and changes the way employees behave, influencing the corporate performance and customer satisfaction. Thus, the culture change is vital to regulate organizational behaviors. Total Quality Management is a philosophy that organizations can use to improve their performance but, often there is an over-emphasis on its tools and techniques, which may take precedence over the need to create a culture, that is open to change. This study collected the High Performance Manufacturing Round 3 data that contain 205 cases to analysis how can the top management change corporate culture to fulfill TQM and enhance customer satisfaction by using Partial Least Square. The independent variable would be Top Management Support and the dependent variable would be Customer Satisfaction. Corporate Culture would be mediating variable that contains Continuous Improvement and Learning, Customer Focus, Full Participation and Teamwork and Cooperation. This study suggests that if the top management highly support and commit to TQM, it is better for them to foster a Total Quality Culture that stressed on continuous improvement and teamwork spirit to improve customer satisfaction. Management implications, study limitation and future study suggestion and included in the end.

不同管道之訊息說服效果之研究 – 以金融業為例 / A Comparison of the Persausive Effects of Messages Delievered through Different Channels – The Case of the Financial Industry in Taiwan

楊傑全, Yang, Chieh Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
台灣金融業競爭日益激烈,在產品同質性高的情況之下,各家金融機構轉而透過服務來創造差異化利基並且盡力與顧客維持長久且深厚的關係,厚植競爭力。對於金融機構行銷人員來說,其透過提供符合期望之產品服務來使既有顧客重複購買使用,並選擇正確的溝通管道與顧客溝通,藉此增加顧客對該行的忠誠度,達到極大化顧客終身價值的顧客關係管理目標。 金融機構與顧客接觸的管道相當多元,從實體分行之臨櫃人員、理財專員、客服中心到虛擬之電子郵件、網路銀行與手機APP等。然而,過去卻少有研究探討金融機構在執行顧客關係管理活動時透過不同「溝通管道」與「溝通內容」對於顧客溝通訊息之說服效果差異。因此,本研究目的在於了解金融機構在執行顧客關係管理活動的訊息傳遞時,透過何種管道以及傳遞何種內容之訊息對於顧客會有最佳之說服效果,進而提升顧客關係管理之成效。本研究主要透過實驗設計與問卷發放來蒐集資訊。 研究結果有以下幾點;首先,顧客對於來自不同管道的「非個人化訊息」所認知之說服效果有差異,又以網路銀行的說服效果最佳。然而「個人化訊息」透過不同溝通管道傳遞,對於顧客卻沒有顯著差異的說服效果。其次,透過「電話」與「電子郵件」傳遞訊息時,搭配「個人化訊息」有顯著較佳的說服效果,其中電話的差異性較大。至於「網路銀行」不論搭配何種內容的訊息,對於說服效果無顯著差異,不過整體來說,使用網路銀行與顧客溝通時,說服效果皆大於其他溝通管道。 / As the competiton among financial industry in Taiwan is getting increasingly fierce, under the high product homogeneity, each financial instutution turns to create differentiation through service and tries hard to maintain a life-long relationship with cistomers. For financial marketers, they make customers purchase the product or use the service again and again not only by providing proucts and services which meets their expectations, but also choosing the right channel to communicate with customers. All the efforts are meant to increase cusomers’ loyalty and attain the goal of customer relationship management – maximize customers’ life-time value. There are multi channels for financial institutions to contact their customers, from physical channels including counter personnels, financial consultants and call center to virtual channels such as email, online bank and APP on mobile phones. However, few studies had discussed the difference of persuasive effects of messages delivered through “different channels” and “different contents” within when financial institutions implementing CRM activities. Therefore, the purpose of the study is to compare and understand by what channel and with what contents may have the best persuasive effects when sending messages to customers, in order to enhance the result of CRM.The main research method is experimental design and collecting data by questionnaires. The study result are shown below. First, the persuasive effect of “non-pesonalized” message delivered through different channels is significantly different, especially through “online bank” has the best persuasive effect. However, the persuasive effect of “pesonalized” message delivered through different channels has no differences. Second, delivering “pesonalized” message by “phone” and “email” has significantly better persuasive effect. Besides, using “online bank” to deliver messages, there is no difference of persuasive effect no matter what content within. But generally speaking, using online bank to communicate with customers, compared to other two channel, it has better persuasive effects.

教育服務業整合行銷策略之探討 / The research of integrated marketing communications for educational service industrythe research of integrated marketing communications for educational service industry

林芳宜, Fang ,Yi Lin Unknown Date (has links)
台灣長久以來的補習文化,偏向於填鴨式的傳統教室學習方法,而近年來由於網際網路的發達,web 2.0的技術精進,使得利用網路互動的機率越加頻繁,線上學習成為未來語言學習的趨勢。此研究中,藉由實體語言學習機構與線上語言學習機構之整合行銷組合的不同,了解整合行銷策略與業績表現是否有絕對性的正面幫助,並探討其所創造的品牌價值、溝通效益、服務品質、與顧客忠誠度之間的關係。 而網際網路亦使傳統行銷方式受到衝擊,網路行銷成為現今行銷策略的趨勢,有別於舊有的傳統行銷方式,網路行銷提供沒有國界的資訊交流,便利即時的回覆機制,以及完整的成效分析。現今企業對於網際網路的運用已漸趨成熟,透過網路與顧客溝通,成為最有效率及效能的互動模式。值得注意的是,網路溝通較難依法管理,對於可能產生的負面效益,需要嚴密監督並控管。 主要研究結論為:兩個個案均顯示整合行銷策略經由市場機制不斷產生變換,並直接影響來客率及簽約率。而網路行銷較傳統行銷成本更低,且更容易追蹤並分析每個來源的投資報酬率,媒體置換時間可依照點擊轉換率的表現而縮短,即時性與有效性都增高。網路行銷的溝通語言可依顧客屬性而客製化,針對個人一對一的溝通模式也容易形成較佳的顧客關係,因此品牌忠誠度高,續約率以及轉介率皆同時提昇。 / In this research, through two separate projects, I will expound on the difference between the integrated marketing strategy employed by location-based language institutes and by web-based language institutes, and their positional marketing strategies versus profit performance. I will also examine the brand value, potential clients’communication channels, and customer loyalty maintenance created by traditional and online marketings, as well as the possible ramifications of ever-changing marketing mediums. Can these marketing models effectively and efficiently increase profit, build customer relations and loyalty, and decisively influence the management of brand image? The world-wide-web has not only impacted traditional marketing, but has become the preferred communications, and unlike the traditional, it provides borderless information exchange and real-time feedback for comprehensive performance evaluation. As companies mature in their use of the world-wide-web, they are able to utilize the internet to communicate with customers to foster an efficient and effectual interaction. Main conclusions are as follows: both projects suggest that integrated marketing communications continue to change with market systems, and directly influence the number of customer visits and the rate of conversion. Online marketing is inexpensive in contrast to the traditional, and is much easier to track for return-on-investment analysis, thereby allowing for more rapid change of advertisement slots according to performance, raising the responsiveness and return. Online marketing communication can be customized to appear more personal and achieve better customer relations, which in turn increases brand loyalty and referral rate.


黃世淵, HUANG, SHIH-YUAN Unknown Date (has links)
處方藥品市場是屬於道德產業,藥廠的醫藥行銷人員與醫院醫生之間是一種長期夥伴關係,需要醫藥行銷人員一對一提供產品知識與後續醫療上的服務。今日藥廠行銷人員不僅需面對日趨嚴厲的市場環境,如總額給付所引起的醫院節流方案與藥品議價壓力,亦需遵守來自公司內部及產業的自律道德規範。藥廠行銷人員所面臨的最大挑戰,是如何一方面持續提昇醫藥專業能力以做好關係行銷,一方面運用最新科技協助進行顧客關係管理,以達成公司所設定的目標。本論文將就處方藥品市場下的關係行銷與顧客關係管理進行探討。 關鍵字:關係行銷、顧客關係管理、處方藥品市場、西藥產業 / Prescription market is defined as an ethical industry. The PSR (Pharmaceutical Sales Representative) of pharmaceutical company have to keep the long-term partnership with doctors and hospital. The PSR not only face the drug pricing deduction pressures come from BNHI/Hospital, but also the ethical behavior requested by company internal and pharmaceutical industry. The most challenge of PSR is how to execute the relationship marketing well by enhance their own professional knowledge. Besides, how do they reach sales goal in using the new Internet Technology to accomplish the customer relationship management. The thesis will focus on the probe of relationship marketing and CRM in prescription market. Key words: Relationship Marketing, Customer Relationship Management, and Prescription Market, Pharmaceutical Industry

影響自住型預售屋客戶滿意度因素與策略行銷分析架構關係之探討 / Strategic marketing analyses on the antecedents of customer satisfaction for self-used presale house market

林正立, Lin, Cheng Li Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在分析影響自住型預售屋客戶滿意度的關鍵因素及探討有效提高自住型預售屋客戶滿意度的作法。內容主要分成三個部份:第一、從過去的文獻中探討顧客滿意度的定義,並在房地產市場中找出能夠有效提升顧客滿意度的方式;第二、以需求為導向,藉由H建設公司的問卷調查資料中,分析出能夠有效影響自住型預售屋客戶滿意度的關鍵因素;第三、以策略行銷分析的觀點探討能夠有效提升上述關鍵因素的作法。 研究結果指出,經由因素分析萃取出的「重視外觀與設計」、「重視交易過程的觀感」、「重視基本設備的品質」、「重視事後相關服務承諾的兌現」以及「重視高檔周邊設備」等五個潛在因子中,交易過程的觀感對於四個評估客戶滿意度的影響最為顯著,其次則為事後服務承諾的兌現和外觀與設計。根據邱志聖 (2010)之策略行銷架構,業者若要有效提高現今顧客的滿意度,首先要注重的就是外顯單位效益成本以及道德危機成本的改善。 最後,本研究依據策略行銷分析架構所整理出的研究結論,提出了若干實務操作上之建議,以改善自住型預售屋客戶的外顯單位效益成本與道德危機成本,使得顧客滿意度能夠達到有效的提升。 / This study aims to analyze the impact of the key factors of self-used presale house customer satisfaction and to find out effective ways to improve self-used presale house customer satisfaction. The context would mainly be divided into three parts: first, to discuss the definition of customer satisfaction from the literature from the past, and to find out that the real estate market can effectively improve the way of customer satisfaction; Second, the demand-driven by one construction company in the questionnaire survey data, the analysis can effectively influence the key factors of self-used presale house customer satisfaction; third, use the analysis of strategic marketing point of view to discuss these key factors which can effectively enhance the practice. The study results indicate the following five potential factors which are "pay attention to the appearance and design" extracted by factor analysis, "pay attention to the feeling of the transaction process, "pay attention to the quality of basic equipment", "great importance after the related services promised to honor" and "emphasis on high-end peripherals.". The perception of the transaction process for the four assessment of the impact of customer satisfaction, the most significant, followed by subsequent pledge to honor, as well as appearance and design. According to Pro.Jyh-Shen Chiou (2010), strategic marketing framework, if the industry expects to improve current customer satisfaction, the most two important things are to pay attention to C1(buyer cost/buyer utility)and C3(the cost of moral hazard). Finally, the basis of the research is to use strategic marketing analysis framework to sort out the conclusions of the study. Furthermore, it presents a number of practical operating recommendations to improve the effectiveness of self-used presale house customer's buyer cost/buyer utility and the cost of moral hazard, making customer satisfaction can achieve effective upgrade.

共創共享平台創新行銷模式之研究 / A Research on the New Co-creation Platform of Online Marketing Model

徐凱玲 Unknown Date (has links)
共享經濟、社群媒體,已經是現代人在行銷媒體以及商業管理上密不可分的話題,然而,在這樣一個網際網路頻繁運用的同時,整個大環境的改變,過多的資源讓消費者的身分開始轉變,不再像以往的方式只是單單的接受與接收,而是有強烈的求知慾,這樣的資訊的啃食方式,改變了消費者的身分,消費者直接或間接的轉變成評量者、推薦者甚是購買者變成銷售者,這就是共享經濟下的一個模組。本研究探討目前市面上已經執行且成功擴散的共享經濟經營模式,用這樣的一個方式間接地看台灣市場在品牌行銷上的概況。本研究針對保養品產業,先來探討目前市場上會使用的媒體行銷工具,並運用研究方法,找到網路平台上與實體通路間的一個微妙的組合,這樣的組合行銷方式來自於消費者對基本資訊的強烈需求與擴散,直接與間接地達成共創經濟的模式,讓台灣保養品可以找到一組符合現在消費者與商品之間的行銷模式,並探討出哪些行銷模式是會被消費者有強連結與弱連結的行銷模組。 同時在這樣的研究方式下,測試及比較體驗行銷與信任行銷兩者之間,會因為共創的這樣的一個身分,而改變對品牌的認同感與黏著度。 / Sharing economy and social media are, nowadays, inseparable topics in the realm of media marketing and business management. However, while in an era which WWW is being used with such high frequency, the entire environment is changed, these abundant resources have transformed consumers’ identities, not any longer a one way receiver, but to have a strong desire and curiosity to acquiring more knowledge and information. It is such hunger for information the key consumers’ identities change. Consumers are changed directly or indirectly to an evaluator, they are from being the one that suggests or purchases to a seller, this is the new module developed under “sharing economy.” This study explores the shared economic business models that have been implemented and are now proliferating successfully in the marketplace, and indirectly look at the Taiwanese market in terms of brand marketing. This research aims at the skin care industry, starting at exploring the media marketing tools currently used in the market, and through further research to find out a subtle combination of channel marketing and online sales platforms. Such a combination of marketing methods comes from consumers’ strong demand for basic information and proliferation, directly and indirectly bring out the model of a “ co-creating economy,” in order that Taiwanese skin care product brands can find a suitable marketing model between consumers and products, and further explore which marketing models would be the strongest links and weakest links to these consumers. At the same time in such research approach, the test and comparison between experience marketing and trust marketing will change the brand recognition and attachment due to the presence of co-creation. Key words: Customer value, create economy, service quality, purchase intention, service involved

機器學習在顧客關係管理之應用-以汽車服務個案為例 / A case study on machine learning for customer relationship management in service industry

何元君, Ho, Yuanchun Unknown Date (has links)
隨著科技進步,基於機器學習技術的資料分析工具在顧客關係管理領域已被廣為使用。過去的相關研究文獻大多著重於高交易頻次、與客戶互動頻繁的產業,諸如金融、電信、零售業等,但對於具有相反產業特性的服務業等則是缺乏著墨。本研究希望透過案例研究的方式,完整呈現企業如何實際將基於機器學習技術的資料分析工具應用於顧客關係管理業務的過程,以及這些新技術如何幫助企業提升顧客關係管理的成效。本案例使用行動研究方法來歸納、分析、整理整個專案的過程與結果,文末總結本案例於作業、管理以及策略層面的管理意涵與建議。本研究使用的資料來源為台灣一間大型汽車經銷商的資訊部門與其旗下的服務廠,總共包含了約273萬筆資料。利用於微軟Azure平台上的決策樹模型分析資料,產出高購買機率的顧客推薦名單,服務廠的技師可以針對名單上的顧客推銷,不僅能有效提高推銷的成功率,節省第一線技師的時間,還能夠提升技師以及顧客的滿意度。最後本研究的結果顯示,運用機器學習技術產出的推薦顧客名單,確實能夠幫助本案例公司於顧客區隔以及顧客發展,並達成更有效的顧客關係管理。 / Data-mining tools and machine-learning techniques have long been used in customer relationship management (CRM), including for customer retention in the financial, retail, and telecommunications industries. However, research on machine learning for CRM in service industries remains rare. Accordingly, this paper uses action research to arrive at a holistic understanding of the process of applying machine learning-based data mining in a specific service-sector business, and whether, how, and how much these novel techniques can help it improve its customer relationships. Key areas of interest include operational, managerial and strategic decision-making processes. Based on approximately 2.73 million rows of data collected from a large car dealership’s IT department and its vehicle-maintenance plants, Microsoft Azure’s boosted decision-tree model generated lists of recommended customers. Such lists could be used by the company to increase the success rates of its promotional activities and to decrease both the overall duration and frequency of technicians’ involvement with promotion. This in turn could lead to more efficient and effective frontline operations, and increased satisfaction not only among customers but also among technicians. In short, machine learning-based recommended-customer lists helped the company achieve more effective CRM through better customer segmentation and customer development.

金融科技(FinTech)創新策略之形成及執行 —以C企業為例 / The Formation and Execution of Innovative Strategies in FinTech - Case Study of C Company

黃閔珮, Huang, Min-Pei Unknown Date (has links)
FinTech不僅為金融產業熱門之議題,亦為未來金融產業發展之重大方向,因而多數金融機構投入大量資金作為FinTech相關業務之研發,但企業內部卻對策略發展方向毫無頭緒,導致資源應用不當之情況發生,因此本研究結合學術之工具,改善企業盲目投資之問題,使企業能依據顧客之需求提供全方位之解決方案。   本研究採用個案研究法,以我國金融控股公司領導品牌之一為研究對象,藉由與個案公司內部人員會談及其他公開管道蒐集相關資訊並加以分析,探討FinTech對顧客價值主張與金融產業現有業務所帶來之影響,並透過分析企業之自身內部優勢及外部機會形成以FinTech為主軸之創新策略,再進一步深入探討該創新策略之執行及其所衍生出之策略性智慧資本應如何進行管理。 / FinTech is not only a hot issue but also a major direction for the future development of the financial industry. Most financial institutions have invested heavily in FinTech-related research and development, but they have no idea how to develop the strategy. This situation misguided valuable resource to wrong business. So, this research paper applies academic tools to provide a total solution for enterprises on investment based on customer needs.   This research paper adopts case study method. The case company is a financial holding company in Taiwan, which is one of leading financial institution. In this year, discussing with company employees and analyzing related data to gauge the impact of customer value proposition of the existing financial industry. Creating an innovative strategy based on FinTech by evaluating the company’s internal strengths and external opportunities. Further, discussing on the implementation of the innovative strategy and how to manage intellectual capital derived from the innovative strategy.


田原, 慎介 23 March 2021 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(経済学) / 甲第22960号 / 経博第635号 / 新制||経||296(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院経済学研究科経済学専攻 / (主査)教授 若林 直樹, 教授 若林 靖永, 教授 藤井 秀樹 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Economics / Kyoto University / DFAM

領導技能、組織文化、顧客需求知覺、因應金融海嘯策略、顧客滿意、組織競爭力、與績效之相關研究 / The study of leaders' skills, organizational culture, perception of customer need, coping strategies of financial crisis, customer satisfaction, organizational competitiveness, and organizational performance

洪宛廷, Hong, Wan Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係以Sternberg的WICS領導模式出發,探討當領導者具備智慧、實用智力、分析智力、創造力,並將這些技能產生綜效時,是否能形塑組織文化,進而影響組織的顧客需求知覺、因應金融海嘯策略、與顧客滿意等方面的展現,而後對於組織競爭力與組織績效產生影響。此外,本研究亦嘗試發展一整合模式,以提供企業組織做為診斷與發展的重要參考。 本研究首先針對六位在職者進行訪談,以釐清研究架構與變項之內涵,並據以進行量表編製或引用相關量表,且以一般企業員工作為研究母群,採立意取樣方式進行樣本蒐集,總計蒐集到327份有效問卷。信效度及因素分析結果顯示,本研究量表擁有良好之內部一致信度(.90~.98)與效標關聯效度(.41~.74)。階層迴歸與結構方程模式驗證研究假設之結果顯示:1.領導技能對於組織文化、組織績效具有正向且顯著的影響、2.組織文化對於顧客需求知覺具有正向且顯著的影響、3.顧客需求知覺對於因應金融海嘯策略具有正向且顯著的影響、4.因應金融海嘯策略對於顧客滿意、組織競爭力具有正向且顯著的影響、5.顧客滿意對於組織競爭力具有正向且顯著的影響、6.組織競爭力對於組織績效具有正向且顯著的影響、7.標竿企業在上述變項皆顯著優於一般與虧損企業。最後,並將訪談結果來驗證研究之假設與架構。綜合而言,本研究採質化與量化兩者得兼之方式來進行研究架構與假設之驗證。 總而言之,本研究之具體貢獻為:理論整合與創新、實務應用與發展。除了整合「領導技能、競爭力、績效」之研究外,亦提出創新的顧客需求知覺之內涵,可幫助開啟後續相關研究,並以宏觀角度發展出「領導技能、顧客需求知覺、因應金融海嘯策略、顧客滿意」之整合模式,以提供企業組織變革與發展之依據。 / This study starts with Sternberg's WICS leadership model, investigating the effect of leaders' wisdom, practical intelligence, analytic intelligence, creativity, and synthesized on organizational culture, and perception of customer need, coping strategies of financial crisis, customer satisfaction, and ultimately, on organizational competitiveness, organizational performance. In addition, this study tries to construct a macro model, which assists organizations in diagnosing and developing. This study compiles related scales and use survey method to collect data. Moreover, it chooses employees in enterprises as research population and uses convenience sampling. The total number of effective sample is 327. All questionnaires were factor analysis examined, and confirmed to have highly reliability (.90~.98) and validity (.41~.74). The conclusion drawn from result of hierarchical regression analysis and structural equation modeling analysis indicates:1. leaders' skills have positive and significant effect on organizational culture and organizational performance; 2. organizational culture have positive and significant effect on perception of customer need; 3. perception of customer need have positive and significant effect on coping strategies of financial crisis; 4. coping strategies of financial crisis have positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction and organizational competitiveness; 5. customer satisfaction have positive and significant effect on organizational competitiveness; 6. organizational competitiveness have positive and significant effect on organizational performance; 7. above variables in benchmarking enterprises are significant better than normal and deficit enterprises. Furthermore, this study also applied interview with 6 professionals as a method to gather opinions on variables and confirm the model. Finally, the contribution of this study includes "integration and innovation of theories" and " practical applications". This study proposes the model of leadership, perception of customer need, coping strategies of financial crisis and customer satisfaction from macro view point. It not only initiates follow-up academic studies, but also provides an innovative model for enterprises to change and develop.

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