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Role mitochondriálního energetického metabolismu v buněčné senescenci / The role of mitochondrial energy metabolism in cell senescenceZima, Michal January 2016 (has links)
Cellular senescence represents status, when the cells cease to divide and remain in permanent cell cycle arrest. Senescence is considered to be an active response of the cell to various extrinsic and intrinsic types of stress such as certain oncogene activation, exposing to several cytokines or drugs and damaged and/or uncapped telomeres. Senescent cells are characterised by extensive modification of gene expression, flattened and enlargement of cellular body. Hypothetically, altered gene expression may lead also to increase of certain surface proteins expression. Such protein can be L1 cell adhesive molecule (L1CAM), which is expressed heterogeneously within the population. This Thesis describes current knowledge of cellular senescence, the mechanism, which may result in establishment of senescence phenotype, and also the characteristic markers of senescence. Thesis also puts together the heterogeneity of L1CAM expression in A375 senescent cells with oxygen consumption rate and extracellular acidification rate performed by Seahorse XFe24 metabolic analyser. Therefore, ells were sorted according to their levels of expressing L1CAM onto low and high L1CAM expressing subpopulations. Obtained data show potential correlation between the rate of L1CAM expression in A375 cells and the metabolic rate. Key...
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Studium technologií zpracování biodegradabilních odpadů z trvalých porostů pro energetické účelyMichálek, Milan January 2014 (has links)
The dissertation thesis entitled "Study of technologies for processing biodegradable waste from permanent crops for energy purposes" is about the use of waste wood material generated after the pruning of crops (vineyards and orchards). The processing of waste biomass from these crops can be used machinery, such as shredders, shredders with reservoir and shredders. In this theses were carried out a series of monitoring of times and computing performance of different machine sets in different conditions. Individual monitoring varied by the use of machinery, cultivation of the variety series length, slope of terrain, spacing, etc. The recalculated performance then ranges from 0,41 to 0,77 hectares per hour. From the time measurements and calculations of costs were for each variant of processing of the vine cane determined values of costs from 880 to 1,357 CZK per ton of wood chips and from 941 to 1,184 CZK per tonne of vine cane compressed into the bales. For the processing of waste wood from orchards, the resulting values were 909--1742 per ton of wood chips and 1128--1505 per tonne of bales. As the most economically advantageous technological progress of processing the vince cane seems to be shredding to the trailer attached behind the shredder. For this method, the resulting cost of wood chips range from 880 CZK per tonne. The same technological process is also proven in the orchards, where the resulting costs per ton of wood chips is 909 CZK. These results confirm that testing technologies provide a competitive bioenergy products. Economic evaluation of monitored technologies depending on the deployment shows that these technologies can be implemented effectively in enterprises with horticultural areas over 45 ha. This area corresponds to medium and large wine-growing and fruit growing enterprise
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Vliv skialpinistického vybavení na energetickou náročnost chůze po sněhu / Effect of ski-mountaineering equipment on energy expenditure of skiingSmětáková, Martina January 2013 (has links)
Title of master thesis Effect of ski-mountaineering equipment on energy expenditure of skiing. Work objectives The aim of this study was to determine the effect of weight ski equipment energy performance when walking on snow. Methods The study included 6 skialpinists a mean age of 30 ± 5.5 years. Energy intensity was measured on the basis of breathe oxygen (VO2) and exhaled (VCO2). The measurements were used 3 types of ski-hiking equipment (light - medium x 3160 g - 7754 g x heavy - 9600 g). Each test first completed section in a time of 6 minutes flat terrain (0ř), after which he immediately set out to climb the 360 m long route at an angle (20ř). These two sections (0ř and 20ř) graduated in random order for each type of equipment and at a constant speed of 1 m·s-1 . Results The results show that energy intensity decreases significantly when using ultralight ski equipment. We found that the climb at an angle of 20ř is the difference in oxygen consumption (VO2) between moderate and light equipment 9.6% between heavy and light equipment 17.7% and medium-heavy and heavy equipment 7,4%. The average VO2 test with light equipment was 44.4 ± 3.7 ml·kg-1 ·min-1 , with moderate equipment 48.7 ± 5.6 ml·kg- 1 ·min-1 and heavy equipment 52.2 ± 4.8 ml·kg-1 ·min-1 . At 0ř inclination and moderate use of heavy...
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Terapie duše pomocí práce s tělem / Soul therapy during the bodyworkKrálová, Lada January 2012 (has links)
Univerzita Karlova v Praze Husitská teologická fakulta Diplomová práce TERAPIE DUŠE POMOCÍ PRÁCE S TĚLEM BODYTERAPIE Praha, 2012 Bc. Lada Králová Univerzita Karlova v Praze Husitská teologická fakulta Diplomová práce TERAPIE DUŠE POMOCÍ PRÁCE S TĚLEM BODYTERAPIE THERAPY OF THE SOUL BY BODYWORK BODYTHERAPY Vedoucí práce: Autor: PaedDr. Mgr. Hana Žáčková Bc. Lada Králová Praha 2012 Na tomto míst bych ráda pod kovala vedoucí diplomové práce paní PaedDr. Mgr. Haně Žáčkové za cenné připomínky. Prohlášení Prohla uji, e jsem tuto diplomovou práci vypracovala samostatn a výhradn s pou itím citovaných pramen , literatury a dal ích odborných zdroj . v Praze, dne 27. června 2012 Lada Králová Anotace Diplomová práce se zabývá bodyterapií, psychoterapií zaměřenou na tělo. Teoretická část je rozdělena do pěti oddílů, z nichž první část seznamuje s bodyterapií a historií terapeutických přístupů práce s tělem. Druhá ást práce je zaměřena na bioenergetiku a pojetí tělesného konceptu, kterého využívá právě bodyterapie. V další ásti práce se v nujeme rozpoznávání signálů z těla, jako je řeč těla a organismický pohled na osobnost. Ve čtvrté části práce blíže specifikujeme jednotlivé charakterové typy člověka. V posledním oddíle se zabýváme zejména psychoterapeutickou intervencí zaměřenou na tělo. Praktická část mapuje...
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Kvantifikace potenciálu produkce odpadní energeticky využitelné dendromasy buku lesního v podmínkách lesnického hospodařeníValný, Zdeněk January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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MR spektroskopie pacientů s diabetem mellitus / MR spectroscopy in patients with diabetes mellitusŠedivý, Petr January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with in vivo MR spectroscopy. Measurements in this thesis were performed on whole-body MR tomograph at the Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine in Prague. The objective of the thesis was to study differences in the biochemical processes and energy metabolism in the muscle tissue under physical workload between the groups of healthy subjects and patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM1). We used phosphorous spectroscopy in combination with ergometer. The thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter describes theoretical introduction to in vivo 1 H and 31 P MR spectroscopy and muscle metabolism, the second chapter deals with the description of the experimental equipment and measurement, results of the thesis are reported in the third chapter and the fourth chapter is a discussion of results. Main result of this work is summarized in conclusion; we found differences between the metabolism of patients with DM1 and healthy volunteers.
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Odkaz Wilhema Reicha a jeho reflexe v díle zakladatelů bioenergetiky, biosyntézy a biodynamické psychologie / The legacy of Wilhelm Reich and its reflexion in the work of the founders of Bioenergetics, Biosynthesis and Biodynamic PsychologyVaněčková, Marta January 2013 (has links)
The diploma thesis The legacy of Wilhelm Reich and its reflexion in the work of the founders of Bioenergetics, Biosynthesis and Biodynamic psychology is devoted to a comparison of the most important theoretical concepts and therapeutic techniques of Wilhelm Reich with the methods of the founders of selected psychotherapeutic approaches that draw from his work. These are the founder of Bioenergetics Alexander Lowen, founder of the Biosynthesis David Boadella and founder of Biodynamic Psychology Gerda Boyesen. These authors created distinct therapeutic approaches based on Reich's concepts that significantly shaped the field of the Body- Psychotherapy. The first part explains the technique of Character-Analysis and Vegetotherapy, the Orgasm Theory (the role of sexuality in the etiology of neurosis), a typology of Character structures, the Orgonomic Research and principles of the Orgonomic Functionalism, which Reich defined and used in practice. There is briefly introduced the history of the development within the Neoreichian movement (Reich pupils and followers) in the second half of the 20th century. The vast majority of the second part of the thesis is devoted to reflection on Reich's work in the selected body-psychotherapeutic schools and the way they work with his legacy. The Bioenergetics is...
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EFEKTI AEROBNOG I ANAEROBNOG VEŽBANjA MAKSIMALNOG INTENZITETA NA BIOMARKERE PERIFERNOG ZAMORA I ĆELIJSKE BIOENERGETIKE KOD MLADIH MUŠKARACA I ŽENA / Effects of exhaustive aerobic and anaerobic exercise on biomarkers of peripheral fatigue and cell bioenergy in young men and womenValdemar Štajer 25 December 2019 (has links)
<p>Primena biomarkera ćelijske energetike, uključujući indikatore metabolizma kreatina u krvi, je relativno novijeg datuma, gde se ovi indikatori koriste kao mogući pokazatelji stanja organizma pri maksimalno intenzivnim fizičkim aktivnostima. Cilj istraživanja je obuhvatao utvrđivanje efekata pojedinačnih epizoda aerobnog i anaerobnog vežbanja maksimalnog intenziteta na biomarkere perifernog zamora i ćelijske bioenergetike kod mladih muškaraca i žena. Istraživanje je dizajnirano tako da obuhvati populaciju fizički aktivnih muškaraca i žena, kao i populaciju aktivnih sportista. U prvom eksperimentalnom tretmanu fizički aktivni ispitanici muškog (n =12) i ženskog pola (n = 11) podvrgnuti su test protokolima aerobnog i anaerobnog opterećenja maksimalnog intenzivnog i kratkog trajanja. Tokom aerobnog test protokola ispitanici su trčali do maksimalnog voljnog otkaza na tredmil traci sa progresivnim povećanjem opterećenja. Pri anaerobnom test protokolu ispitanici su izvršili testiranje snažne izdržljivosti gornjih ekstremiteta do otkaza potiskom sa ravne klupe, uz opterećenje od 25% od njihove telesne težine. Drugi eksperimentalni tretman je sačinjen iz pre-eksperimentalnog testiranja kardiorespiratorne forme i eksperimentalne protokol sesije trčanja do maksimalnog voljnog otkaza na pokretnoj traci, pri konstantnoj individualnoj brzina trčanja na anaerobnom pragu. U ovom eksperimentalnom tretmanu bila je uključena populacija aktivnih sportista (n = 10). Pre, tokom i nakon eksperimentalnih sesija praćena je koncentracija različitih biohemijskih i hematoloških markera: guanidinosirćetna kiselina (GAA); kreatin (Cr); kreatinin (Crn); laktat (Lac); interleukin-6 (IL-6); kreatin kinaza (CK); kortizol (Cor). Rezultati prvog eksperimentalnog tretmana su utvrdili statistički značajne promene u koncentraciji GAA, Cr i Crn u ktvi pre i nakon pojedinačne epizode aerobnog i anaerobnog vežbanja maksimalnim intenzitetom. Utvrđena je i statistički značajna povezanost između vežbanjem-indukovanih promena u cirkulatornim vrednostima GAA, Cr, Crn za vreme pre, tokom i nakon drugog eksperimentalnog tretmana. Uočena je statistički značajna povezanost između promena koncentracije GAA, Cr, Crn u serumu sa tradicionalnim biomarkerima perifernog zamora (IL6, Cor, Lac, CK). Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju na mogućnost primene biomarkera metabolizma kreatina u krvi prilikom praćenja i evaluacije stanja organizma tokom maksimalnih intenzivnih fizičkih aktivnosti kod mladih muškaraca i žena.</p> / <p>The use of biomarkers of cellular bioenergetics in exercise science appears more prevalent in recent years, where these outcomes perhaps describe changes in creatine metabolism during strenuous exercise. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of individual episodes of strenuous aerobic and anaerobic exercise on several biomarkers of peripheral fatigue and cellular bioenergetics in young men and women. The study recruited physically active men and women, and active athletes. In the first experiment, physically active men (n = 12) and women (n = 11) were subjected to strenuous aerobic and anaerobic exercise. During the aerobic test, subjects ran to exhaustion while during the anaerobic test, subjects performed repetitive bench press exercise. The second experimental treatment consisted of a pre-experimental testing of cardiorespiratory fitness, and an experimental protocol of a strenuous running session to exhaustion at constant individual running speed at the anaerobic threshold; active athletes (n = 10) were included in this experimental treatment. The blood levels of various biochemical and hematological markers were monitored before, during and after the experimental sessions, including guanidinoacetic acid (GAA); creatine (Cr); creatinine (Crn); lactate (Lac); interleukin-6 (IL-6); creatine kinase (CK); cortisol (Cor), and plethora of other physiological outcomes. We found statistically significant changes in serum GAA, Cr and Crn before and after a single session of strenuous aerobic and anaerobic exercise. A significant correlation was found between exercise-induced changes in serum GAA, Cr and Crn before, during and after the second experimental intervention. A statistically significant association was observed between changes in serum GAA, Cr, Crn and traditional biomarkers of peripheral fatigue (IL6, Cor, Lac, CK). The results of the present study suggest that biomarkers of creatine metabolism might be used as innovative tools in monitoring strenuous exercise in young men and women.</p>
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Obsah metabolitů ve spermiích ryb za různých fyziologických podmínekFEDOROV, Pavlo January 2017 (has links)
Investigation of creatine- and adenylate phosphates involvement in fish spermatozoa metabolism is of high interest for fish spermatology. These compounds are necessary to support normal physiological state and motility of spermatozoa. The simultaneous changes in content of creatine- and adenylate phosphates in fish spermatozoa prior and during their motility are quite unclear. Therefore, studying and development of new methods for the quantification of creatine- and adenylate phosphates in spermatozoa of different fish species under such physiological conditions as maturation and in vitro manipulation are of high importance. One of the study outputs is the developed LC/HRPS (liquid chromatography coupled with high resolution product scan) method for the analysis of creatine- and adenylate phosphates content in fish spermatozoa (Chapter 2). Its main advantage is the possibility to detect and quantify several compounds (creatine, creatine phosphate (CP), AMP, ADP, ATP, and cAMP) simultaneously to obtain maximum information with minimum analytical effort. The method was validated taking into account such key parameters as limit of quantification, selectivity, recovery and repeatability. It represented an excellent performance allowing determination of target compounds in highly diluted fish sperm samples. Consequently, the method was applied for the quantification of aforementioned substances during sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) spermatozoa maturation and in vitro manipulation with sperm of whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus maraena) and European eel (Anguilla Anguilla). The present study showed that immature sterlet spermatozoa are not able to initiate motility. Significant decrease of CP and stable levels of ATP and ADP content during their maturation were found. The critical importance of ATP regeneration system and oxidative phosphorilation for the maturation process of sterlet sperm as a prerequisite for successful fertilization was assumed (Chapter 3). Further experiments revealed that European eel spermatozoa were not able to initiate motility by activation medium (AM) at the start of the induced spermiation. They acquired the ability to be activated after the dilution with AM at the end of hormonal treatment. This accompanied by the increase of CP and cAMP levels in spermatozoa after activation. That allowed us to assume the involvement of ATP regenerating system and cAMP-dependent regulatory pathways in the process of hormonally induced spermiation (Chapter 4). Current study represents a first successful estimation of cAMP in fish spermatozoa during the motility period using the LC/HRPS. Important issues concerning the short-term storage of European eel sperm were rised. Storage at 4 °C was accompanied by higher marcoergic phosphates content and higher motility in comparison to the storage at 20 °C. It suggests the involvement of macroergic phosphates metabolism in short-term storage. (Chapter 4). Obtained results could contribute to the development of new effective methods for improving of spermiation and short-term sperm storage in European eel aquaculture. Various degrees of energy consumption in response to environment composition were found in whitefish spermatozoa. Energy consumption was significantly higher in motility activating conditions. No effect of osmolality was found on this process. The content of CP and ATP was significantly higher when cells were in motility inhibiting medium comparing to activation medium. No relationship between content of CP, ADP, and ATP and spermatozoa motility parameters in AM of different osmolality was found. Isotonic conditions favor the spermatozoa with longer motility period, higher linearity, and fast velocity without increase in ATP content (Chapter 5). This suggests that whitefish sperm energy management is more efficient after activation in isotonic conditions. Obtained results are of high interest for elaboration of new sperm motility activating media for fisheries practice.
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