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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Late adolescents' parental, peer, and romantic attachments as they relate to affect regulation and risky behaviors.

Ingle, Sarah J. 08 1900 (has links)
The current study examined the relationships among attachment styles to parent, peer, and romantic partner, ability to regulate emotion, as well as engagement in sexual behaviors and substance use. Attachment theory and previous research suggests that an individual learns how to manage emotions through the modeling of appropriate techniques and a stable sense of self-worth. These two aspects develop through a secure attachment bond with an important figure. When an individual does not have a secure attachment bond in which to practice adaptive affect regulation strategies, he/she may attempt to manage emotions through external means, such as sexual behaviors or substance use. Overall, results supported these associations, with some notable exceptions. Across attachment sources a secure attachment style was related to lower levels of psychological distress and less engagement in substance use. In contrast to the findings from earlier studies, affect regulation did not mediate the relationship between attachment and substance use, and engagement in sexual behaviors was not significantly related to either attachment style or affect regulation.

The Role of Attachment in the Intergenerational Transmission of Abuse: From Childhood Victimization to Adult Re-Victimization and Distress

Austin, Aubrey A. 12 1900 (has links)
Research indicates that victims of childhood abuse are at increased risk for transmitting violence in adulthood-a phenomenon known as the intergenerational transmission of abuse (ITA). Adult survivors of childhood victimization (i.e., child abuse or witnessed parental violence) are at increased risk for becoming abusive parents, perpetrators of intimate partner violence, and victims of intimate partner violence. The current study examined the latter form of ITA, in which a survivor of childhood victimization is re-victimized in adulthood by intimate partner violence. Attachment theory has been used to explain the ITA by positing that abuse is transmitted across generations via insecure attachment. The purpose of this study was to use structural equation modeling to test the attachment theory of ITA by examining the role of childhood and adult attachment in predicting re-victimization and symptoms of distress in adulthood. In the hypothesized model, childhood victimization by one's parents was hypothesized to predict adult intimate partner violence victimization through insecure attachment relationships in childhood (with one's parents) and adulthood (with one's partner). Furthermore, adult romantic attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance were hypothesized to predict different symptoms of distress. Self-report measures from 59 adult woman seeking services for intimate partner victimization at a domestic violence clinic were analyzed using a partial least squares path analysis. Results supported a reduced model in which insecure attachments in childhood and adulthood significantly predicted the ITA, but only through father-child attachment and not mother-child attachment. In addition, adult romantic attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance predicted different symptoms of distress. Results supported the attachment theory of the ITA and highlighted the importance of examining outcomes of adult attachment anxiety and avoidance separately. Implications and directions for future research are discussed.

Eating disorders and early attachment difficulties

Dinicola, Jennifer Ann, Pine, Tamara Ann 01 January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

The attachment of children in foster care

Espinoza, Rosalba, Ramirez, Sarah Lopez 01 January 2002 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to examine the association between foster care children and the behaviors they exhibit particularly in attachment outcomes. The study was also an informative tool that addressed the impact of children with attachment issues currently in the foster care system. Examining the relationship between the two variables may be able to help parents and their children, by providing future resources necessary to both parties in case separation and loss occurs.

Potřeby klientů domu na půl cesty v rámci tvorby a realizace vlastních volnočasových aktivit a definování parametrů programu pro jejich podporu / The needs of the halfway house in the creation of their leisure activities and definition of the program for their support

Kholl, Pavel January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with a leisure time of clients of the Halfway House. The aim of the thesis is to map the content and structure of their leisure time. The thesis seeks to define what the representatives of the target group need for better self realization. Based on these findings author of the thesis design a new program supporting their spending of leisure time. The thesis consists of two parts: theoretical part and practical part. The theoretical part presents a halfway house social service and other programs of the civic association DOM. There are described clients' problems with integration into society. This part of the thesis focuses particularly on the origin of these problems, which mainly come from inadequate care in early childhood and bad family environment or life in an institutonal care later. All psychological and physical needs of a child are not fulfill due to poor care in early childhood and it affects his future mental development. Thesis refers to Pesso Boyden System Psychomotor (PBSP) theory created by Albert Pesso and Diane Boyden - Pesso. PBSP define five basic needs which are necessary for healthy mental development in early childhood. The theoretical part also deals with theory of attachment. Attachment is an emotional bond between child and mother, which has major...

Un investissement des plus attachants : la perspective des Québécois(ses) amateurs de la photographie animalière

Rochefort, Véronique 02 1900 (has links)
La relation entre l’être humain et son environnement naturel a été explorée dans une multitude de domaines de recherche qui ont mené à différents courants de pensée. Ce mémoire de recherche qualitative explore cette relation en tenant compte autant de la littérature des sciences sociales que de celle des sciences naturelles afin de mieux comprendre ce qui rattache l’être humain aux éléments de son environnement naturel. J’axe plus spécifiquement cette recherche sur l’activité de la photographie animale et la notion de l’amateur. En utilisant un cadre conceptuel des attachements ainsi que les concepts d’activité de loisir sérieux et d’amateur, cette recherche questionne 13 photographes ayant pour sujet photographique les espèces de la faune. Lors d’entrevues semi-dirigées, leurs réponses permettent d’analyser la façon dont les éléments du cadre des attachements (objet, dispositif, collectif et corps) s’imbriquent les uns dans les autres chez des individus québécois pratiquant la photographie animalière comme activité de loisir sérieux. À la lumière de cette analyse, je présente un cycle d’investissement dans lequel ces photographes s’engagent et qui les mène à s’attacher davantage à la pratique de la photographie animalière. Cet investissement dans la relation d’attachement et la valorisation qu’ils(elles) font du naturel pourrait aussi leur donner le rôle d’amateurs concernés dans un contexte de crise écologique. Enfin, ce mémoire incite à poser un regard attentif entre la frontière du naturel et de l’artificiel qui, malgré une forte appréciation du naturel ici illustré, peut devenir floue lorsqu’il est question des pratiques post-photographiques. / The relationship between human beings and their natural environments has been explored in various research fields using different research traditions. This qualitative research thesis draws on both social science literature and the natural sciences to better understand what connects human beings to elements of their natural environment. It focuses specifically on photography and the notion of the amateur. Using the sociology of attachment as a conceptual framework and the notions or serious leisure and amateurs, I interviewed 13 wildlife photographers in order to explore 1) the role of photography in the attachment relationship between photographers and wildlife species, and 2) how the elements of the framework of attachments (object, device, collective and human body) overlap with each other for these individuals who practise photography as a serious leisure activity. My analysis reveals a cycle of engagement in which the more amateur photographers invest (emotionally and in terms of time and money) the more attached they become to practising wildlife photography. This commitment and the value they attach to the natural allows them to potentially become engaged as concerned citizens in a context of ecological crisis. Finally, despite the amateur photographers’ strong appreciation of nature and the natural, the thesis invites us to reflect on how distinctions between the artificial and the natural may become blurred, particularly where digital photo treatment is concerned.

Psykoterapeuters användande av Anknytningsteorin / Psychotherapists usage of the attachment-theory

Bratt, Sofia January 2021 (has links)
Inledning: Anknytningsteorin ligger till grund för hur vi relaterar till andra människor genom hela livet. Denna studie vilar på hur psykoterapeuter använder sig av anknytningsteorin på olika sätt i sitt kliniska arbete. Studien tillkom utifrån författarens intresse för hur anknytningsteorin kan användas i psykoterapi. Frågeställningar: Hur beskriver psykoterapeuter att de använder sig av anknytningsteorin i mötet med patienter? Vilka konsekvenser av anknytningsbrister ser psykoterapeuterna? Hur tänker psykoterapeuterna kring reparerande av anknytningsbrister? Metod: Denna studie har en kvalitativ ansats. Studien bygger på fyra intervjuer för att få en djupare förståelse för kring hur anknytningsteorin används i det kliniska arbetet. Intervjuerna är semistrukturerade. Resultat: Anknytningsteorin används av psykoterapeuter i det kliniska arbetet åtminstone av de personer som intervjuats i den här studien. Teorin används som ett redskap för att nå en djupare förståelse av personen de möter. Detta både genom att fundera kring hur kvaliteten på mötet är och genom att vara lyhörda för vad som sägs och hur det sägs. Diskussion: Resultaten visar att Anknytningsteorin kan vara ett stöd i arbetet med att förstå och hjälpa människor att komma vidare. Det visar även att en god anknytningsrelation kan fungera som ett skydd för senare eventuella patologier. / Introduction: This study aims to describe psychotherapists usage of the attachment-theory in their clinical work with patients and families engaged inpsychotherapy.Issues: How do psychotherapists describe their usage of the attachment-theory in their work with patients? What is the psychotherapists experience of the consequences of a deficient attachment? What do the psychotherapist think of the possibilities of repairing deficient attachment. Method: This study has a qualitative run-up. The study is based on four interviews to get a deeper understanding of how psychotherapists use theattachment-theory in their clinical work. The interviewer is semi-structured. Results: The attachment-theory is used by psychotherapists in their clinical work, at least by the psychotherapists in this study. The theory is used as an implement to get a deeper understanding of the patient. This by thinking about the quality of the meeting and by being responsive to what the patients says and how they say it. Discussion: The results shows that the attachment-theory can constitute a support in work to understand and help patients in the process to move on. It also shows that a healthy attachment can prevent later psychopathology.

Assessing the role of childhood physical abuse at the hands of a caregiver in the development of sex addiction in adulthood

Brown, Bria L. N. January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Den livsviktiga anknytningen i skuggan av missbruk : En systematisk litteraturstudie om barnets anknytning i förhållande till deras missbrukande mödrar / The Essential Attachment in the Shadow of Abuse : A Systematic Literature Review on Child Attachment in Relation to Their Substance-Abusing Mothers

Cameron, Emma January 2023 (has links)
The objective of this study was to examine how a child's attachment is influenced by having an alcohol- or drug-abusing mother. The importance of secure attachment for a child's positive development, made exploring the issues surrounding substance abuse, and its impact on the child's essential attachment, of great interest. A systematic literature review was conducted to analyze the published research on the topic. The results provide valuable insights into attachment, maternal substance abuse, and related risks and protective factors.  Furthermore, the findings shed light on the increased vulnerability of children whose mothers have engaged in substance abuse before, during, and after pregnancy, indicating a higher likelihood of developing insecure attachment patterns. However, it is important to note that there is no consensus among researchers. Some results suggest that children growing up with substance-abusing mothers do not necessarily exhibit insecure attachment or develop problems later in life due to the substance abuse. The gathered empirical evidence, however, supports the effectiveness of interventions targeting substance-abusing mothers in promoting security in the child's attachment. Nevertheless, it is crucial not to solely focus on interventions for mothers, but also to consider the measures that can be offered to children in unfavorable home environments, with the best interests of the child as a central principle in social work.

Adult Attachment Interview Classification: Comparing Two Coding Systems

Hastings, Patricia M. 14 October 2021 (has links)
No description available.

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