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Análisis predictivo para el cálculo de la valoración del fondo acumulado del afiliado en el Sistema Privado de Pensiones usando técnicas y herramientas de machine learningEspinoza Ladera, Jhonatan Alfredo 01 July 2020 (has links)
El propósito del presente documento es el desarrollo del proyecto académico que tiene como objetivo plantear un modelo de análisis predictivo soportado por una plataforma tecnológica Cloud basada en técnicas de Machine Learning para pronosticar el fondo acumulado de un afiliado que aporte a un sistema privado de pensiones. Esto surge ante el desconocimiento sobre cómo se administran las finanzas personales en los fondos privados de pensiones representan un riesgo en el manejo del futuro de cada individuo. Esta ausencia de control en la administración del fondo de cada afiliado conlleva a no saber en todo momento a lo qué están expuestos.
En la actualidad existen herramientas propias de las entidades administradoras de fondos de pensiones que permiten simular y calcular tanto el fondo como la pensión que recibirá un jubilado, sin embargo, lo que no ofrecen estas herramientas es la posibilidad de proyectar el fondo a partir de factores de crecimiento bajo criterios propios del afiliado que le otorguen la posibilidad de comprar cuál fondo voluntario de pensiones puede ser el más beneficioso al final de la vida laboral. La tecnología ha evolucionado y se aprecia grandes avances con respecto a la captura y almacenamiento de información. Una de estas tecnologías utiliza Cloud Computing, la cual ha crecido en grandes proporciones en diversas industrias y atraen la atención de comunidades de investigación debido a su potencial para implementar soluciones tecnológicas a la medida
El desarrollo de este proyecto se llevará a cabo durante los ciclos académicos 2018-1 y 2018-2, realizando el análisis de tecnologías Cloud que soportan el modelo de análisis predictivo soportado por una plataforma tecnológica cloud basada en machine learning para determinar el fondo acumulado de un afiliado que aporte a un sistema privado de pensiones y el diseño del modelo tecnológico propuesto durante el ciclo 2018-1. La validación del modelo tecnológico mediante el desarrollo de la aplicación móvil, la documentación de los resultados y el plan de continuidad del proyecto en el ciclo 2018-2. / The purpose of this document is the development of the academic project that aims to propose a model of predictive analysis supported by a platform based on the cloud in the automatic learning to determine the accumulated fund in a private pension system. This arises from the lack of knowledge about how to manage personal finances in private pension funds in the management of each individual's future. This lack of control in the administration of the fund of each affiliate entails a lack of knowledge at all times.
Currently, there are own tools of pension fund management entities that allow simulating and calculating both the fund and the pension that a retiree will receive, however, what these tools do not offer is the possibility of projecting the fund from Growth factors under the affiliate's own criteria that give him the possibility of buying which voluntary pension fund can be the most beneficial at the end of working life. The technology has evolved, and great advances can be seen with respect to the capture and storage of information. One of these technologies uses Cloud Computing, which has grown in large proportions in different industries and attracts the attention of research communities due to its potential to implement tailored technological solutions.
The development of this project will be carried out during the 2018-1 and 2018-2 academic cycles, performing the analysis of Cloud technologies that support the predictive analysis model supported by a cloud-based technology platform in machine learning to determine the accumulated fund of an affiliate that contributes to a private pension system and the design of the technological model proposed during the 2018-1 semester. The validation of the technological model through the development of the mobile application, the documentation of the results and the plan of continuity of the project in the 2018-2 semester. / Tesis
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Towards Decentralized Orchestration of Next-generation Cloud InfrastructuresTkachuk, Roman-Valentyn January 2021 (has links)
Cloud Computing helps to efficiently utilize the abundance of computing resources in large data centers. It enables interested parties to deploy their services in data centers while the hardware infrastructure is maintained by the cloud provider. Cloud computing is interesting in particular as it enables automation of service deployment and management processes. However, the more complex the service structure becomes, the more complex deployment and management automation of all its parts can become. To this end, the concept of service orchestration is introduced to streamline service deployment and management processes. Orchestration enables the definition and execution of complex automation workflows targeted to provision computing infrastructure, deploy needed service features, and provide management support. In particular, the orchestration process enables the deployment and enforcement of security and compliance mechanisms in the context of systems where sensitive data is being processed. This thesis investigates the orchestration process as a uniform approach to deploy and manage network services and required security and compliance mechanisms. To this end, we investigate different use-cases where the orchestration process is applied to address specific requirements towards security and compliance. This thesis includes two parts. In the first part, we focus on centralized orchestration mechanisms, where all activities are performed from one trusted server. We explore the use-cases of a security testbed and collaborative AI engineering and investigate the advantages and limitations of orchestration mechanisms application in their context. In the second part, we shift towards the investigation of decentralized orchestration mechanisms. We employ blockchain technology as the main decentralization mechanism, exploring the advantages and limitations of its application in the context of digital marketplaces. We demonstrate that the shift towards blockchain-enabled orchestration enables the deployment and management of decentralized security mechanisms, ensuring compliant behavior of digital marketplace actors.
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Propuesta de una Arquitectura Cloud Computing como soporte a la estrategia de transformación digital en empresas de ingeniería y construcción. Caso de Estudio: GMI S.A.Condor Untiveros, Judith Magali, Segura Ydiáquez, Johny William 13 November 2017 (has links)
GMI S.A. Ingenieros Consultores es una empresa líder en la consultoría de ingeniería en el Perú y actualmente tiene el reto de iniciar su transformación digital con miras a seguir siendo una de las empresas más competitivas dentro del sector de ingeniería y construcción. El presente trabajo titulado “Propuesta de una Arquitectura Cloud Computing como soporte a la estrategia de transformación digital. Caso de estudio: GMI S.A” se basa en Cloud Computing que es uno de los pilares de la transformación digital. En la empresa se presentan dos grandes problemas: Elasticidad de recursos de TI - Almacenamiento y Administración de Servidores: Debido a los contratos existentes poco flexibles y a la infraestructura de TI tradicional, la empresa tiene dificultad para realizar ajustes de forma dinámica de acuerdo con las necesidades de los proyectos, respecto al almacenamiento de archivos (planos y/o entregables). Agilidad y Colaboración en el proceso de aprobación y revisión de entregables: Otro de los principales desafíos de la empresa es hacer que el proceso de aprobación y revisión donde se registran las observaciones de planos y entregables sea ágil y permita un trabajo colaborativo. Este punto es importante ya que actualmente el trabajo se realiza de manera física (impresa) lo cual genera sobretiempos y no permite realizar un adecuado seguimiento del proceso mencionado. En resumen, se busca solucionar los problemas identificados en la empresa mediante una propuesta de arquitectura Cloud Computing y de esta manera facilitar el proceso de transformación digital con el fin de lograr una ventaja competitiva y tener mejores márgenes de ganancia. / “GMI S.A. Ingenieros Consultores” is a leading engineering consulting firm in Peru and has the challenge in the present to start the digital transformation with a view to keep on being one of the most competitive companies in the engineering and construction sector. The present work entitled Proposal of a Cloud Computing Architecture as a support to the strategy of digital transformation. Case study: GMI S.A. is based on Cloud Computing which is one of the pillars of the digital transformation. The Company presents two major problems: Elasticity of IT resources - Storage and Server Administration: Due to the existing inflexible contracts and the traditional IT infrastructure, the company has difficulty adjusting dynamically according to the needs of the projects, regarding the storage of files (plans and / or deliverables). Agility and collaboration in the process of approval and revision of deliverables: Another of the main challenges in the company is to make that the process of approval and revision of deliverables in which the observations of construction plan and deliverables are made, to be agile and allows a collaborative work. This is an important point given that the work is done in a physical (printed) way, which generates overtime and does not allow an adequate follow-up of the mentioned process. In summary, we seek to solve the problems identified in the company through a proposed Cloud Computing architecture and facilitate the process of digital transformation in order to achieve a competitive advantage and has better profit margins. / Trabajo de investigación
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Intergration of CloudMe to Sonos wireless HiFi speaker systemVelusamy Chandramohan, Pavithra January 2013 (has links)
CloudMe is a cloud computing service used for business and home users. CloudMe facilitates the user to store their personal files like music, video, documents and images. The primary focus of this thesis is on music. The personal music files can be uploaded to CloudMe manually or by using CloudMe sync in any order just like in personal computer. CloudMe offers different services to access the cloud from other devices like smart phones, web browser and the home computer. Sonos wireless HiFi system is a set of Sonos component interconnected with the mesh network with the primary function to play digital audio. The components include subwoofer, speakers and Bridges in order to connect to wireless speakers. Sonos system is connected to internet through Ethernet or via Wi-Fi. Sonos gives access to music libraries stored in computer, free Internet radio stations and additional music services. The controller for the complete system has various choices as iPhone, Android and other specific Sonos controllers. However, with Sonos, a computer is considered necessary to be running all the time in order to access the personal music files from the personal computer. Combining CloudMe to Sonos allow the requirement of an always-on computer to be removed. Instead the selected personal music files can be stored with the user‟s private CloudMe account, and the music can be accessed from the cloud storage through the Internet at anytime. The main objective of this thesis is to build the given APIs from the Sonos that are required in order to access CloudMe from Sonos. Each API handles specific task to present CloudMe through Sonos to the user. For example an API handles user authentication and another API handles the metadata accessing. All the APIs are implemented in the given server from CloudMe. This integration not only provides access roughly the way the music files are stored in the cloud, but also implemented in a way to accesses via categories like artist, albums, genre, composers and also the playlist stored in the cloud. In order to get this menu view of all the music, the metadata of the entire music library from CloudMe is accessed and programmed to differentiate music options in the menu.
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DFCV: A Novel Approach for Message Dissemination in Connected Vehicles Using Dynamic FogParanjothi, Anirudh, Khan, Mohammad S., Atiquzzaman, Mohammed 01 January 2018 (has links)
Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET) has emerged as a promising solution for enhancing road safety. Routing of messages in VANET is challenging due to packet delays arising from high mobility of vehicles, frequently changing topology, and high density of vehicles, leading to frequent route breakages and packet losses. Previous researchers have used either mobility in vehicular fog computing or cloud computing to solve the routing issue, but they suffer from large packet delays and frequent packet losses. We propose Dynamic Fog for Connected Vehicles (DFCV), a fog computing based scheme which dynamically creates, increments and destroys fog nodes depending on the communication needs. The novelty of DFCV lies in providing lower delays and guaranteed message delivery at high vehicular densities. Simulations were conducted using hybrid simulation consisting of ns-2, SUMO, and Cloudsim. Results show that DFCV ensures efficient resource utilization, lower packet delays and losses at high vehicle densities.
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Application-aware resource management for datacenters / Applikationsmedveten resurshantering för datacenterSouza, Abel Pinto Coelho de January 2018 (has links)
High Performance Computing (HPC) and Cloud Computing datacenters are extensively used to steer and solve complex problems in science, engineering, and business, such as calculating correlations and making predictions. Already in a single datacenter server, there are thousands of hardware and software metrics – Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) – that individually and aggregated can give insight in the performance, robustness, and efficiency of the datacenter and the provisioned applications. At the datacenter level, the number of KPIs is even higher. The fast growing interest on datacenter management from both public and industry together with the rapid expansion in scale and complexity of datacenter resources and the services being provided on them have made monitoring, profiling, controlling, and provisioning compute resources dynamically at runtime into a challenging and complex task. Commonly, correlations of application KPIs, like response time and throughput, with resource capacities show that runtime systems (e.g., containers or virtual machines) that are used to provision these applications do not utilize available resources efficiently. This reduces datacenter efficiency, which in term results in higher operational costs and longer waiting times for results. The goal of this thesis is to develop tools and autonomic techniques for improving datacenter operations, management and utilization, while improving and/or minimizing impacts on applications performance. To this end, we make use of application resource descriptors to create a library that dynamically adjusts the amount of resources used, enabling elasticity for scientific workflows in HPC datacenters. For mission critical applications, high availability is of great concern since these services must be kept running even in the event of system failures. By modeling and correlating specific resource counters, like CPU, memory and network utilization, with the number of runtime synchronizations, we present adaptive mechanisms to dynamically select which fault tolerant mechanism to use. Likewise, for scientific applications we propose a hybrid extensible architecture for dual-level scheduling of data intensive jobs in HPC infrastructures, allowing operational simplification, on-boarding of new types of applications and achieving greater job throughput with higher overall datacenter efficiency.
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Solución tecnológica para alertar la agresión contra la mujer / Technological solution to alert aggression against womenArteaga Gonzales, Pedro Samuel, Jiménez Chacón, Erik Jaime 15 July 2020 (has links)
, / El presente trabajo ofrece una propuesta de solución tecnológica al problema asociado a la violencia contra la mujer en el Perú. El proyecto realizo un diagnóstico del tiempo promedio de atención, en base a un estudio, de los principales canales de prevención y denuncia existentes. Del estudio realizado se pudo determinar que existen elevados tiempos de atención y asimetrías de información entre los diferentes actores del sistema de prevención y protección a la mujer.
La solución propuesta, propone reducir al tiempo mínimo necesario para la atención y detención de un acto de violencia hacia la mujer brindando una reacción inmediata al evento. Complementando el proceso de proceso del proyecto hemos usamos componentes electrónicos de bajo costo y sistemas acordes y existentes en el mercado actual.
La solución agrupa componentes tecnológicos propiamente configurados tanto en hardware como en software para realizar el seguimiento de la violencia, el cual se compone principalmente de la siguiente configuración: 1) Un dispositivo ‘wearable’, alertando a un grupo determinado de personas previamente agregadas, familiares, conocidos o personas dispuestas a ayudar, 2) Un sistema de comunicación, la alerta en tiempo real la cual que por medio de señales a una plataforma Cloud son distribuidos a una aplicación móvil y pagina web. La solución fue validada en un CEM ubicada en una comisaría de la policía nacional en la provincia del Callao, Distrito de Ventanilla. El proyecto busca contribuir con la disminución del tiempo de respuesta de ayuda a las mujeres víctimas y la asimetría de información en las organizaciones públicas que se ven involucradas. / This work offers a proposal for a technological solution to the problem associated with violence against women in Peru. The project made a diagnosis of the average attention time, based on a study, of the main existing prevention and reporting channels. From the study carried out, it was possible to determine that there are high attention times and information asymmetries between the different actors in the prevention and protection system for women.
The proposed solution proposes to reduce to the minimum time necessary for the attention and arrest of an act of violence against women, providing an immediate reaction to the event. Complementing the process of the project process we have used low-cost electronic components and systems that are consistent and existing in the current market.
The solution groups properly configured technological components in both hardware and software to track violence, which mainly consists of the following configuration: 1) A 'wearable' device, alerting a specific group of previously added people, family members , acquaintances or people willing to help, 2) A communication system, the alert in real time which through signals to a Cloud platform are distributed to a mobile application and website. The solution was validated at a CEM located in a national police station in the Callao province, Ventanilla District. The project seeks to contribute to reducing the response time to help women victims and the asymmetry of information in the public organizations that are involved. / Tesis
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The Relationship between Nonprofit Organizations and Cloud Adoption ConcernsHaywood, Dana 01 January 2017 (has links)
Many leaders of nonprofit organizations (NPOs) in the United States do not have plans to adopt cloud computing. However, the factors accounting for their decisions is not known. This correlational study used the extended unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT2) to examine whether performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, hedonic motivation, price value, and habit can predict behavioral intention (BI) and use behavior (UB) of NPO information technology (IT) managers towards adopting cloud computing within the Phoenix metropolitan area of Arizona of the U.S. An existing UTAUT2 survey instrument was used with a sample of IT managers (N = 106) from NPOs. A multiple regression analysis confirmed a positive statistically significant relationship between predictors and the dependent variables of BI and UB. The first model significantly predicted BI, F (7,99) =54.239, p -?¤ .001, R^2=.795. Performance expectancy (β = .295, p = .004), social influence (β = .148, p = .033), facilitating conditions (β = .246, p = .007), and habit (β = .245, p = .002) were statistically significant predictors of BI at the .05 level. The second model significantly predicted UB, F (3,103) = 37.845, p -?¤ .001, R^2 = .527. Habit (β = .430, p = .001) was a statistically significant predictor for UB at a .05 level. Using the study results, NPO IT managers may be able to develop strategies to improve the adoption of cloud computing within their organization. The implication for positive social change is that, by using the study results, NPO leaders may be able to improve their IT infrastructure and services for those in need, while also reducing their organization's carbon footprint through use of shared data centers for processing.
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Strategies for Cloud Services Adoption in Saudi ArabiaMahmoud, Wessam Hussein Abdulghani 01 January 2019 (has links)
The adoption rate of cloud computing is low among business organizations in Saudi Arabia, despite the cost-saving benefits of using cloud services. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore the strategies that information technology (IT) leaders in the manufacturing industry in Saudi Arabia used to adopt cloud computing to reduce IT costs. The target population of this study consisted of 5 IT leaders from 5 different manufacturing companies in Saudi Arabia who successfully adopted cloud computing in their companies to reduce IT costs. Rogers's diffusion of innovation theory was the conceptual framework for this research. Data collected from face-to-face, semistructured interviews and a review of relevant corporate documentation were analyzed using Yin's 5-step data analysis method, which included compiling, disassembling, reassembling, interpreting, and concluding the data. Five themes emerged from the data analysis: identify business needs and requirements, apply value realization metrics, plan for migration, choose the right cloud service provider, and provide adequate training and awareness sessions. The implications of this study for positive social change include the potential to improve the local economy in Saudi Arabia by ensuring the sustainability of firms in the manufacturing industry through the implementation of cost-saving strategies associated with cloud computing adoption.
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Organizational Leadership Challenges in Adopting Cloud Computing: A Systematic Literature ReviewThompson, Norman 01 January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to review systematically the research on the challenges and profound changes cloud computing conveys within organizations especially in cloud security. The cloud-computing phenomenon is an example of a disruptive technology rapidly transforming the Internet, social media, and business practices throughout the world. The research method proposed in this study was a systematic literature review following the protocol outlined by the Guidelines for performing Systematic Literature Reviews from the Campbell Collaboration and the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items from Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses) checklist along with consultation in Software Engineering Systematic Literature Reviews. Databases consulted were ERIC, Elsevier, IEEE, EBSCOhost, and ProQuest Central. The search identified 218 potential studies and after the screening, 33 studies were selected that met the inclusion criteria and formed the basis of this review. The findings revealed the adoption of cloud computing triggered a business transformation initiative within organizations. And, as organizations discovered the transformative benefits of the cloud delivery service, business transformation became the primary reason for cloud implementation and expansion. Cloud security remained one of the most prominent challenge organizations faced in the cloud adoption decision. The evidence shows a yearly decrease in cloud security concerns beginning in 2014, and the trend continued up to the latest assessment in 2016. In addition, the evidence found that chief information officers (CIO) and chief technology officers (CTO) were losing influence in the cloud business transformation process, and to succeed, these leaders were required to develop a digital vision and strategic plans to lead their organizations into the new digital era cloud computing represents.
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