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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise dos contaminantes biológicos presentes no material particulado (PM2,5) de amostras da região metropolitana de São Paulo / Analysis of biological contaminants in Particulate Matter (PM2.5) of Sao Paulo

Cristiane Degobbi Coelho 05 August 2009 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A poluição do ar traz diversos efeitos à saúde e, em particular, o material particulado menor do que 2,5 &#956;m (PM2,5), está associado ao aumento das taxas de morbidade e mortalidade devido a doenças cardiorespiratórias. A maioria dos estudos foca apenas na composição química do material, porém os componentes do bioaerossol podem ser responsáveis por aproximadamente 22% da massa total. OBJETIVOS: Nesse estudo, objetivamos determinar a contribuição relativa de fungos e endotoxinas (constituinte da parede celular de bactérias gram-negativas) no PM2,5 e verificar possíveis efeitos inflamatórios locais devido à exposição a fungos e PM2,5 em ratos. MÉTODOS: O estudo foi dividido em três partes: 1) comparação de metodologias de coleta de fungos em amostradores de ar de curta e longa duração realizada em ambiente externo e em ambiente de concentrador de partículas ambientais em Boston, MA. 2) Coleta de 4 tipos de filtros a partir de amostrador de ar de PM2,5 utilizados para análise separadamente de fungos, quantificação de endotoxinas, análise de elementos químicos e extração para instilação em ratos em São Paulo. Dados meteorológicos também foram coletados. 3) Instilação intratraqueal de PM2,5 e fungos originários da atmosfera de São Paulo em ratos machos Wistar divididos em 3 grupos: A (administração de 6,3x102 esporos/&#956;g de PM2.5), B (18x102 esporos/&#956;g de PM2.5) e C (controle - instilação a partir de extração de filtro branco). O sacrifício foi feito após 24 horas da exposição, depois da retirada do lavado broncoalveolar para contagem total e diferencial de leucócitos, além de quantificação de citocinas de respostas TH1 e TH2. RESULTADOS: O estudo de comparação de metodologias mostrou que, entre os amostradores de ar de curta duração, Personal Burkard recuperou maior diversidade e concentração do que Andersen (p<0,05). Entre os amostradores de longa duração, Recording Burkard mostrou-se o melhor em termos de diversidade e concentração de esporos do que filtros MCE (p<0,05). Também observamos que os fungos representaram relevante porção do PM2,5, chegando a concentrações de 2159 esporos/&#956;g em ambiente de Concentrador de Partículas alocado em Boston, MA. A segunda parte do estudo mostrou novamente que os fungos representam porção relevante do PM2.5 alcançando valores médios de até 1345 esporos/&#956;g de PM2,5 a partir de coletas da atmosfera de São Paulo. Da mesma forma, endotoxinas foram obtidas em concentrações médias de 5,52 EU/&#956;g de PM2,5. Os modelos de regressão linear múltipla mostraram que a contagem total de fungos, de basidiósporos hialinos e de Cladosporium sp foi correlacionada positivamente com a presença do fator Ba/Ca/Fe/Zn/K/Si no PM2,5 (p<0,05). Os gêneros Penicillium/Aspergillus foram correlacionados positivamente à concentração de material particulado na atmosfera (p<0,05). Os ascósporos sem pigmentação foram correlacionados positivamente à umidade (p<0,05). As endotoxinas foram correlacionadas apenas à temperatura atmosférica (p<0,05). O modelo de instilação em animais mostrou que a administração de 6,3x102 esporos/&#956;g de PM2,5 foi responsável por um aumento na concentração de TNF e IFN no lavado broncoalveolar (p<0,05). Não foi observado o mesmo efeito quando a concentração de esporos foi de 18x102 esporos/&#956;g de PM2,5. Não foram observadas diferenças sgnificativas contagem total e diferencial de leucócitos. CONCLUSÕES: Fungos e endotoxinas são responsáveis por fração relevante do PM2,5. Esses contaminantes biológicos podem estar associados não apenas a fatores meteorológicos, mas também a elementos químicos presentes no Material Particulado, especialmente a elementos sinalizadores de tráfego de veículos e ressuspensão da crosta. Exposições a diferentes concentrações de fungos associados ao PM2,5 em ratos não sensibilizados podem levar a diferenças em respostas inflamatórias agudas, porém os mecanismos responsáveis por tais resultados devem ser objeto de estudos futuros. / INTRODUCTION: It is well known that air pollution is associated with health effects, particularly, particulate matter (PM) is correlated with increment in morbity and mortality by cardiorespiratory diseases. A lot of studies have focused on chemical characterization of PM, although components of bioaerosols may comprise nearly 22% of the total mass. OBJECTIVES: The aims of this study were to determine the relative contribution of fungi and endotoxin (component of cell wall in gram-negative bacteria) in PM2.5 and verify acute local inflammatory response due to fungi and PM2.5 exposure in rats. METHODS: The study was divided in 3 parts: 1) Comparison among short and long term samplers located outdoor and in Ambient Particle Concentrator located in Boston, MA. 2) Sampling of 4 different filters types analyzed for fungi, endotoxin, chemical composition and extraction for instillation experiments in Sao Paulo. Meteorological data were also collected. 3) Intratracheal instillation of PM2.5 and fungi in male Wistar rats, divided in 3 groups: A (administration of 6.3x102 spores/&#956;g of PM2.5), B (administration of 18x102 spores/&#956;g of PM2.5) and C (control - blank filter). The animals were sacrificed 24 hours after exposure to collect bronchoalveolar lavage. Total and differential counts of leukocytes as TH1 and TH2 cytokines quantification were assessed. RESULTS: Sampling techniques comparisons showed that, the short term sampler Personal Burkard was able to collect more diversity and concentration of spores than Andersen sampler (p<0.05). The long term sampler Recording Burkard was also able to collect more diversity and concentration of spores than MCE filters (p<0.05). We also observed that fungi contribution to PM2.5 was relevant, representing up to 2159 spores/&#956;g of PM2.5 in Ambient Particle Concentrator located in Boston, MA. The second part of the study demonstrated again that fungi represent a relevant portion of PM2.5, reaching average values of 1,345 spores/&#956;g of PM2.5 in Sao Paulo atmosphere. Also, endotoxin concentrations reached averages values of 5.52 EU/&#956;g of PM2.5. Multiple linear regression models showed that total fungi counts, hyaline basidiospores and Cladosporium sp were correlated with factor Ba/Ca/Fe/Zn/K/Si (p<0.05). The genera Penicillium/Aspergillus were correlated with PM2.5 mass (p<0.05). Colorless ascospores were correlated with relative humidity (p<0.05). Endotoxin was correlated only with temperature (p<0.05). Instilattion results showed that administration of 6.3x102 spores/&#956;g of PM2.5 was responsible for an increase in TNF and IFN in bronchoalveolar lavage (p<0.05). The same pattern wasn\'t observed when 18x102 spores/&#956;g of PM2.5 was administered. No significant differences were observed leucocytes total and differential counts. CONCLUSIONS: Fungi and endotoxin represent a relevant fraction of PM2.5. These biological contaminants can be associated not only with meteorological parameters, but with elementary composition, especially elements of traffic and crustal ressuspension. Acute exposure of non sensitized rats to different concentrations of fungi associated to PM2.5 might trigger different inflammatory responses, although the specific mechanisms remain unknown and further research is needed.

Células dendríticas, expressão da forma induzida da óxido nítrico sintase e padrão de citocinas nas lesões de pitiríase liquenóide / Dendritic cells, inducible nitric oxide synthase and citokines expression in pityriasis lichenoides skin lesions

Gabriella Di Giunta 11 March 2008 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A Pitiríase liquenoide (PL) é doença cutânea de etiologia desconhecida. Foi recentemente classificada no grupo das discrasias linfóides de células T. Excetuando-se os estudos sobre as características fenotípicas e moleculares dos linfócitos T na PL, trabalhos relativos aos demais componentes da resposta tecidual cutânea nesta doença são escassos. MÉTODOS: Biopsias de 34 pacientes com diagnóstico clínico e histopatológico de PL foram classificadas de acordo com características histopatológicas nos grupos de pitiríase liquenóide aguda (PLA) (n = 15) e crônica (PLC) (n = 19), e submetidas a técnica imunoistoquímica para demonstração de células de Langerhans, dendrócitos dérmicos fator XIIIIa+, expressão da forma induzida da óxido nítrico sintase (iNOS), fator de necrose tumoral alfa (TNFalfa), interferon gama (IFNy) e interleucinas (IL) 12 e 10. Fez-se a comparação dos resultados obtidos entre os grupos de PLA e PLC. A expressão de iNOS foi também comparada com grupo controle de pele normal (n = 10). RESULTADOS: A população de células de Langerhans epidérmicas foi menor no grupo de PLA. O número de dendrócitos dérmicos fator XIIIa+ não diferiu entre os grupos. Foi observada expressão epidérmica e dérmica de iNOS em ambos os grupos de PL. Três espécimes do grupo controle de pele normal apresentaram fraca expressão de iNOS epidérmica e dérmica. O grupo de lesões de PLA mostrou maior expressão dérmica de TNFalfa e IFNy. A depleção de células de Langerhans epidérmicas foi acompanhada de maior expressão epidérmica de TNFalfa e IL-10. Houve correlação entre a expressão de iNOS e a população de dendrócitos dérmicos fator XIIIa+. CONCLUSÕES: Na PLA a população de células de Langerhans é menor que na PLC e se correlacionou com maior expressão epidérmica de TNFalfa e IL-10. Não houve diferenças na população de dendrócitos dérmicos fator XIIIa+ nos dois grupos de lesão. Demonstrou-se, pela primeira vez, expressão epidérmica e dérmica de iNOS nas lesões de PL. A expressão de iNOS dérmica correlacionou-se com a população dendrocítica Fator XIIIa+. Houve correlação entre a expressão de TNFalfa e de IFNy com as alterações inflamatórias da PLA. Houve correlação negativa entre a expressão dérmica de IL-12 e IL-10 nas lesões da PL. No espectro da resposta tecidual da PL participam as células dendríticas da pele, em ambiente de padrão imunológico Th1 predominante, com conseqüente indução da expressão de iNOS nos sítios de lesão. / BACKGROUND: Pityriasis lichenoides (PL) is a cutaneous disease of unknown etiology which has been regarded as an immunologically mediated reaction. Recently, it was reclassified in the group of Cutaneous Lymphoid T cell Dyscrasia. There are few reports addressing mainly T cell subsets in PL tissue reaction. METHODS: Skin biopsies taken from 34 patients with confirmed diagnosis of PL where classified as pityriasis lichenoides et varioloformis acuta (PLEVA) (n = 15) and pityriasis lichenoides chronica (PLC) (n = 19) according to histopathological features. The skin biopsies where subjected to immunohistochemical technique to demonstrate Langerhans cells, Factor XIIIa+ dermal dendrocytes, inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression, tumor necrosis factor alfa (TNFalfa), interferon gama (IFNy) and interleukins (IL) 12 and 10. The ensuing results were compared among the two PL groups. The iNOS results in PL group were also compared to a normal skin control group (n = 10). RESULTS: In PLEVA lesions, there was a decrease in Langerhans cells population when compared to PLC lesions. The factor XIIIa+ dermal dendrocytes number did not differ among PL groups. There was a strong epidermal and dermal iNOS expression in both PL groups. A faint iNOS expression was observed in three specimens of the control group. A higher TNFalfa and INFy expression was observed in PLEVA lesions. The Langerhans cells decrease observed in those lesions was accompanied by higher TNFalfa and IL-10 expression. There was a significant correlation between factor XIIIa+ dermal dendrocytes population and dermal iNOS expression. CONCLUSIONS: PLEVA lesions displayed a decrease in Langerhans cells number, accompanied by higher TNFalfa and IL-10 expression. There was no difference in the amount of factor XIIIa+ dermal dendrocytes in PLEVA and PLC lesions. The study demonstrated, for the first time, the iNOS expression in PL lesions. The factor XIIIa+ dermal dendrocytes population correlated to dermal iNOS expression. TNFalfa and INFy expression correlated to inflammatory alterations observed in PLEVA lesions. There was a negative correlation between IL-12 and IL-10 expression in PL lesions. Dendritic cells participate in the PL spectrum of tissue reaction which is characterized by predominant TH1 cytokines milieu that favors iNOS expression.

Adverse effects of bone morphogenic protein-2 during osseointegration

Hyzy, Sharon Leigh 21 May 2012 (has links)
Modifications of biomaterial surface properties are employed to increase osteoblast differentiation and bone formation. Microtextured metallic surfaces promote osteoblast differentiation and high surface energy- achieved by controlling surface hydrocarbon contamination- increases osteoblast differentiation and peri-implant bone formation. Recombinant human bone morphogenic protein 2 (BMP2) is approved to induce bone formation in a number of applications. It is used clinically in combination with biomaterials to improve peri-implant bone formation and osseointegration. The amount of BMP2 that is required is large and inflammatory (swelling/seroma) and bone-related (ectopic bone/bone resorption) complications have been reported after BMP2 treatment. The aim of this study was to examine potential deleterious effects of BMP2 on the inflammatory environment and apoptosis of osteoblasts. Surface roughness and energy decreased pro-inflammatory interleukins and increased anti-inflammatory interleukins. In contrast, BMP2 abolished the surface effect, increasing pro-inflammatory interleukin (IL) 6, IL8, and IL17 in a surface roughness-dependent fashion and decreasing anti-inflammatory IL10 on rough surfaces. 5Z-7-Oxozeaenol and Dorsomorphin, but not H-8, blocked the effect of BMP2 on IL1A expression. There was an increase in expression of IL6 when treated with BMP2 for the control and H-8 groups, but both 5Z-7-Oxozeaenol and Dorsomorphin blocked the effect. Both 5Z-7-Oxozeaenol and H-8 blocked the effect of BMP2 on IL10 expression. BMP2 treatment had little effect on apoptosis in human mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). Exogenous BMP2 had no effect on TUNEL. Caspase-3 activity was increased only at 200ng/ml BMP2. BAX/BCL2 decreased in MSCs treated with 50 and 100ng/ml BMP2. In contrast, BMP2 increased caspase-3 activity and TUNEL at all doses in normal human osteoblasts (NHOst). BAX/BCL2 increased in NHOst treated with BMP2 in a dose-dependent manner. Cells treated with 200 ng/ml BMP2 had an 8-fold increase in BAX/BCL2 expression in comparison with untreated cells. Similarly, BMP2 increased DNA fragmentation in NHOst cells. The BMP2-induced increase in DNA fragmentation was eliminated by 5-Z7-Oxozeaenol and Dorsomorphin. The results suggest that while surface features modulate an initial controlled inflammatory response, the addition of BMP2 induces a pro-inflammatory response. The effect of BMP2 on apoptosis depends on cell maturation state, inducing apoptosis in committed osteoblasts. BMP2 together with microtextured orthopaedic and dental implants may increase inflammation and possibly delay bone formation. Dose, location, and delivery strategies are important considerations in BMP2 as a therapeutic and must be optimized to minimize complications.

Interleukin-21 (IL-21), a novel IL-2-related cytokine that modulates pro-mitogenic signaling by the IL-2 receptor /

Habib, Tania J. January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 2003. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 102-112).

Gender and Cocaine Use Influence the Expression of Urinary Markers of Inflammation and Oxidative Stress

Bourgeois, Marie Meagher 19 October 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether or not gender differences may be present in the expression of a number of urinary proteins which may serve as markers of inflammation and oxidative stress. Males and females have different patterns of illness and different life spans, suggesting basic biological traits exert significant control on the incidence of rhabdomyolysis, renal failure, atherosclerosis, myocardial ischemia, myocardial contraction band formation, autoimmune disorders and general inflammatory diseases. Men are at greater risk for cardiovascular disease; however women, particularly elderly women, have higher fatality rates due to heart failure. Renal diseases progress far more quickly in men, possibly due to testosterone. Men also have higher kidney bulk related to androgen expression. Gender disparity may be most obvious in autoimmune disorders; of the estimated 8.5 million people diagnosed with autoimmune disorders, approximately 80% are women. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, the most common form of hypothyroidism, is up to 10 times more common in women. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), an autoimmune disease characterized by acute and chronic inflammation, is 9 times more common in women. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), an autoimmune disease affecting approximately 1.3 million people in the United States, is four times more common in women. Diabetes mellitus (DM), affecting more than 17 million people – the majority of which are women, is linked to microvascular and macrovascular diseases such as kidney failure, strokes and atherosclerosis. These conditions are linked to physiological changes that may alter the expression of certain biomarkers of inflammation and oxidative stress. Over the past several decades, it has become increasingly clear that the role of diet, smoking, and other lifestyle choices clearly influence the etiology and pathophysiology of these diseases. The use of drugs, both licit and illicit, has been clearly linked to many of these diseases. Illicit substances, particularly cocaine, have been demonstrated to produce pathophysiological changes to many systems in the body which can greatly influence the progression of existing and drug-induced disease states leading to systemic damage. A relationship between the expression of markers of inflammation, oxidative stress, cardiac damage, or other systemic injury, gender and cocaine use has not been clearly established. Urine is an important medium for assessment of general health status. It has classically been used to monitor disease states; glucosuria as an indicator of diabetes and renal dysfunction, microorganisms signifying urinary tract or bladder infection, and biomarkers such as human chorionic gonadotropin to confirm pregnancy. Recently urine has been used to assess biomarker expression and disease states. Urine is an ideal clinical tool for toxicological screens; it is readily accessible, non invasive and typically supplied in sufficient quantity to accommodate multiple tests. In this study, urine specimens were collected and analyzed for creatinine, cocaine, total protein, aldosterone, c-reactive protein (hsCRP), myeloperoxidase (MPO), microalbumin (MAB), neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL), heat shock protein 90α (hsp90α), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), myoglobin, pro atrial natriuretic peptide (proANP) and interleukins 1α, 1 β , and 6 using ELISA and colorimetric assays. Urine specimens that tested negative for all illicit substances in the standard National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) 10 panel showed differences in a number of these biomarkers which strongly suggested significant differences between males and females for aldosterone, IL1α and IL1β. In addition, significance is suggested for MPO and CRP. Although sex specific differences in serum expression have been noted for some of the markers in both animal and human models, this has not been previously demonstrated in human urine. This may have implications for what is typically referred to as ‘normal’ values. Gender specific differences were not apparent in urine specimens that tested positive for cocaine. Also, in males only, the levels of myoglobin and aldosterone significantly increased.

Mechanisms of proteoglycan aggregate degradation in cytokine-stimulated cartilage

Durigova, Michaela. January 2009 (has links)
Aggrecan is one of the most important structural components of the extracellular matrix (ECM) of articular cartilage, where it contributes to the hydration of the tissue and its ability to resist compressive loads during joint movement. Increased aggrecan degradation and loss occurs in joint diseases and is thought to be mediated by enzymes such as the matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and aggrecanases (ADAMTS). It has also been proposed that aggrecan release from the cartilage can be mediated by a non-proteolytic mechanism which involves the degradation of hyaluronan (RA) to which the aggrecan is bound. As aggrecan degradation and loss is known to be induced by pro-inflammatory cytokines, IL-1, TNFalpha, IL-6, IL-17 and OSM were used to investigate the mechanisms involved in proteoglycan catabolism in organ cultures of bovine articular cartilage. Irrespective of the cytokine, all aggrecan fragments generated were characteristic of aggrecanase action, and no additional aggrecan-degrading enzymatic activity was detected. In the presence of OSM, more rapid aggrecan release was observed, due to both proteolysis and fragmentation of HA by hyaluronidase activity. Moreover, addition of OSM resulted in the cleavage of aggrecan at a non-canonical aggrecanase site near its carboxy-terminal globular domain. Such cleavage could be reproduced in vitro by the action of either ADAMTS-4 or ADAMTS-5. Gene expression analysis revealed that both aggrecanases were highly induced by the cytokines, and while ADAMTS-4 was the major aggrecanase to be stimulated in all conditions, ADAMTS-5 remains the predominant aggrecanase to be expressed in cartilage. Thus, the present study shows that aggrecanase activity is primarily responsible for aggrecan degradation in the early stages of cytokine stimulation, and that in the presence of OSM, aggrecanase substrate specificity can be differentially modulated and hyaluronidase-mediated RA degradation can be induced.

Inflammation and cortisol response in coronary artery disease /

Nijm, Johnny, January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Linköping : Linköpings universitet, 2008. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.

Maturation of T lymphocytes and monocytes in children in relation to development of atopic disease /

Aniansson Zdolsek, Helena January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Linköping : Univ., 2002. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.

Cytokine responses in human Lyme borreliosis : the role of T helper 1-like immunity and aspects of gender and co-exposure in relation to disease course /

Jarefors, Sara, January 2006 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Linköping : Linköpings universitet, 2006. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

Th1, Th2 and Treg associated factors in relation to allergy /

Janefjord, Camilla, January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Linköping : Linköpings universitet, 2006. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

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